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Volume 108/108A (Selected Entries)
Rock Harbour & Mortier Bay (Hodder, Hooper, Cox families)
Burin District (Far(e)well & Ro(d)gers families)

Methodist Births
Burin Parish
1834 - 1891

Date of Birth Place of Birth Name of Parents Given Name(s) Gender Baptized By Date of Baptism Religion Father's Occupation
May 25, 1834 Rock Harbour James and Jane HODDER William M William Faulkner Aug. 10, 1834 Methodist Planter
Mar. 24, 1834 Rock Harbour James and Mary HOOPER Margaret F William Faulkner Aug. 10, 1834 Methodist Planter
Feb. 24, 1835 Rock Harbour James and Margaret HOOPER Elizabeth F William Faulkner Aug. 10, 1835 Methodist Planter
Jan. 28, 1836 Rock Harbour James and Jane HODDER Robert M James G. Hennigar Mar. 25, 1836 Methodist Planter
May 20, 1836 Rock Harbour Charles and Frances HODDER Elizabeth F James G. Hennigar Aug. 8, 1836 Methodist Planter
Sept. 14, 1837 Rock Harbour Charles and Frances HODDER Ann F James G. Hennigar Nov. 6, 1837 Methodist Planter
June 30, 1837 Rock Harbour John and Bridget HODDER William M James G. Hennigar Nov. 6, 1837 Methodist Planter
Oct. 3, 1837 Rock Harbour Robert and Susannah HODDER James M James G. Hennigar Nov. 6, 1837 Methodist Planter
July 5, 1838 Rock Harbour James and Jane HODDER George M Thomas Angwin Nov. 3, 1838 Methodist Planter
Feb. 3, 1839 Rock Harbour Charles and Frances HODDER Isabella F Thomas Angwin Nov. 17, 1839 Methodist Planter
May 13, 1840 Rock Harbour John and Bridget HODDER Thomas M Thomas Angwin Aug. 9, 1840 Methodist Planter
Sept. 1, 1842 Kirby's Cove Henry and Caroline ROGERS James M James England Oct. 9, 1842 Methodist Planter
May 22, 1842 Rock Harbour John and Bridget HODDER Bridget Henniger F James England June 27, 1843 Methodist Planter
Dec. 9, 1844 Rock Harbour James and Johanna HODDER John M J. S. M. Sprague June 14, 1845 Methodist Planter
Dec. 5, 1844 Burin Henry and Caroline ROGERS John M J. S. M. Sprague Nov. 9, 1845 Methodist Planter
July 20, 1846 Bull's Gut John and Frances FAREWELL Mary Anne F J. S. M. Sprague Sept. 20, 1846 Methodist Planter
Aug. 3, 1846 Rock Harbour James and Johanna HODDER Thomas M S. Sprague Dec. 3, 1846 Methodist Planter
May 3, 1847 Rock Harbour Robert and Susanna HODDER Robert M S. Sprague Sept. 26, 1847 Methodist Planter
July 26, 1848 Rock Harbour James and Jane Mahala HODDER Elizabeth Ann F John Brewster Dec. 3, 1848 Methodist Fisherman
Nov. 5, 1848 Foot's Cove John and Frances FAREWELL Thomas M John Brewster May 13, 1849 Methodist Fisherman
May 8, 1851 Pardy's Island John and Frances FAREWELL William Henry M John S. Peach Aug. 3, 1851 Methodist Planter
Feb. 16, 1854 Pardy's Island William and Ellen FAREWELL Henry John M John S. Peach May 14, 1854 Methodist Fisherman
Sept. 3, 1854 Pardy's Island John and Frances FAREWELL Elizabeth Charlotte F Elias Brettle Dec. 10, 1854 Methodist Planter
Feb. 14, 1856 Pardy's Island William and Ellen FAREWELL George Thomas M Elias Brettle June 15, 1856 Methodist Planter
Oct. 24, 1856 Pardy's Island John and Frances FAREWELL Maria Foot F Elias Brettle Dec. 21, 1856 Methodist Planter
Mar. 31, 1858 Burin Bay William and Elizabeth FAIRWELL Sarah Ann F James Dove May 9, 1858 Methodist Fisherman
May 8, 1859 Foot's Cove John and Frances FAREWELL John Samuel M John S. Phinney Aug. 21, 1859 Methodist Fisherman
Feb. 26, 1863 Burin Bay William and Eleanor FAREWELL William M John S. Phinney Apr. 28, 1863 Methodist Fisherman
May 29, 1864 Mortier Bay Thomas and Sarah HODDER John Cyrus M S. T. Teed Apr. 2, 1865 Methodist Fisherman
July 11, 1865 Mortier Bay Thomas and Sarah HODDER Rebecca F S. T. Teed Mar. 11, 1866 Methodist Fisherman
Oct. 22, 1866 Burin Bay William and Eleanor FAREWELL Gabriel M Thomas Harris Nov. 20, 1866 Methodist Planter
Aug. 20, 1867 Great Burin James and Ann Elizabeth ROGERS Richard George M Thomas Harris Oct. 20, 1867 Methodist Fisherman
May 1, 1869 Burin Bay James and Elizabeth ROGERS James Joseph M James A. Duke Aug. 1, 1869 Methodist Fisherman
July 18, 1869 Foot's Cove Thomas and Ruth FAREWELL Frances F James A. Duke Aug. 27, 1869 Methodist Fisherman
Oct. 5, 1869 Burin Bay William and Eleanor FAREWELL Selina F James A. Duke Dec. 20, 1869 Methodist Fisherman
Dec. 7, 1870 Burin James and Elizabeth ROGERS William Parsons Churchill M James A. Duke Feb. 26, 1871 Methodist Fisherman
Feb. 19, 1871 Burin Thomas and Ruth FAREWELL William Mayo M James A. Duke Apr. 2, 1871 Methodist Fisherman
June 30, 1871 Mortier Bay William and Mahala HODDER Frances Jane F James A. Duke Oct. 17, 1871 Methodist Fisherman
July 5, 1872 Great Burin James and Elizabeth ROGERS Edward Moulton M G. Forsey Oct. 6, 1872 Methodist Fisherman
July 5, 1872 Great Burin James and Elizabeth ROGERS Stephen Robert M G. Forsey Oct. 6, 1872 Methodist Fisherman
Oct. 18, 1872 - William and Eleanor FAREWELL Susannah F G. Forsey Nov. 26, 1872 Methodist Fisherman
Jan. 7, 1873 Pardy's Island Thomas and Ruth FAREWELL John M G. Forsey Mar. 9, 1873 Methodist Fisherman
July 15, 1874 Great Burin James and Elizabeth ROGERS Janet Loretta F G. Forsey Oct. 4, 1874 Methodist Fisherman
Apr. 7, 1875 Foot's Cove Thomas and Ruth FAREWELL Josiah M William Harding July 11, 1875 Methodist Fisherman
Nov. 13, 1876 Foot's Cove Thomas and Ruth FAREWELL Martha F Joseph Pascoe Jan. 7, 1877 Methodist Fisherman
May 15, 1877 Great Burin James and Elizabeth ROGERS Samuel Hollett M Joseph Pascoe July 23, 1877 Methodist Fisherman
Aug. 10, 1878 Mortier Bay Thomas and Jane HODDER James M Solomon Matthews Oct. 6, 1878 Methodist Fisherman
Mar. 1, 1879 Foot's Cove Thomas and Ruth FAREWELL Mary B. F Solomon Matthews Apr. 20, 1879 Methodist Fisherman
June 8, 1880 Mortier Bay Thomas and Maria ?? John M Solomon Matthews Aug. 15, 1880 Methodist Fisherman
May 20, 1880 Mortier Bay Thomas and Jane HODDER Frederick William M Solomon Matthews Aug. 15, 1880 Methodist Fisherman
Sept. 19, 1880 Great Burin James and Elizabeth ROGERS Henry A. H. M Solomon Matthews Nov. 3, 1880 Methodist Fisherman
Oct. 19, 1880 Mortier Bay William and Charlotte HODDER William R. M Solomon Matthews Dec. 20, 1880 Methodist Fisherman
Dec. 29, 1880 Mortier Bay Albert and Caroline HODDER John C. M Solomon Matthews Mar. 13, 1881 Methodist Fisherman
Feb. 16, 1881 Foot's Cove John and Caroline FAREWELL Elizabeth K. F Solomon Matthews May 15, 1881 Methodist Fisherman
Feb. 9, 1881 Foot's Cove Thomas and Ruth FAREWELL Mahalah M. F Solomon Matthews May 15, 1881 Methodist Fisherman
May 15, 1882 Mortier Bay Albert and Caroline HODDER George Wilson M W. Kendall June 7, 1882 Methodist Fisherman
Apr. 17, 1882 Mortier Bay William and Charlotte HODDER Frederick Stephen M W. Kendall June 7, 1882 Methodist Fisherman
Nov. 19, 1882 Great Burin James and Elizabeth ROGERS Winifred Ella F W. Kendall Mar. 20, 1883 Methodist Fisherman
Apr. 7, 1883 Mortier Bay Thomas and Jane HODDER William M W. Kendall Apr. 22, 1883 Methodist Fisherman
May 9, 1883 Pardy's Island John and Caroline FAREWELL Selina F W. Kendall May 29, 1883 Methodist Fisherman
Feb. 13, 1883 Pardy's Island Thomas and Ruth FAREWELL Josiah M W. Kendall July 23, 1883 Methodist Fisherman
Apr. 3, 1886 Pat's Cove Henry and Amelia FAREWELL Thomas Wagg M James Nurse July 30, 1886 Methodist Fisherman
Nov. 8, 1887 Pat's Cove William and Ruth FAREWELL Susannah Roberts F J. J. Wheatley Dec. 23, 1887 Methodist Fisherman
Sept. 24, 1888 Foot's Cove Josiah and Elizabeth FAREWELL William Henry M J. J. Wheatley June 7, 1888 Methodist Fisherman
Oct. 6, 1889 Mortier Bay Albert and Martha HODDER Martha Eliza F Thomas A. Atkinson Nov. 3, 1889 Methodist Fisherman
Oct. 29, 1889 Pardy's Island Josiah and Elizabeth FAREWELL Samuel Foot M Thomas A. Atkinson May 27, 1890 Methodist Fisherman
Jan. 2, 1889 Mortier Bay Thomas and Ruth FAREWELL Hannah Eliza F Thomas A. Atkinson June 3, 1890 Methodist Fisherman
Feb. 25, 1890 Mortier Thomas and Jane HODDER Harriet Odelaide F John Lewis Sept. 16, 1890 Methodist Fisherman
Jan. 14, 1891 Mortier Bay Frederick and Selina HODDER Elizabeth Caroline F John Lewis Mar. 24, 1891 Methodist Fisherman
Apr. 11, 1891 Pardy's Island John and Caroline FAREWELL Benjamin Lewis Foot M William Swann Aug. 13, 1891 Methodist Fisherman
Apr. 15, 1891 Mortier Bay Thomas and Jane HODDER George Robert M W. H. Dotchon Aug. 10, 1891 Methodist Fisherman
July 20, 1891 Pat's Cove Henry and Amelia FAREWELL Dinah Winter F William Swann Aug. 27, 1891 Methodist Fisherman
Mar. 1, 1891 Mortier Bay William and Charlotte HODDER Andrew James M W. H. Dotchon Sept. 14, 1891 Methodist Fisherman

Transcribed and Contributed by Allan Farewell (March 2003)

Page Revised by Craig Peterman (March 2003)

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