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1928 Voter's List


Bonavista Centre District

I hereby certify that the following is the Revised List of Persons entitled to vote in the election of One Member of the House of Assembly for the District of Bonavista Centre 1928.

Revising MagistrateMagistrate's Office,

Qualification: Males 21 Years and Upward;
Females 25 Years and Upward

No. Christian Name &
Surname of Each Elector
Place of Abode


546 Burry, Pierce Ship Island
547 Burry, Martha Ship Island
548 Burton, Emily Ship Island


549 Carter, Peter Ship Island
550 Carter, Robert Ship Island
551 Carter, Caroline S. Ship Island
552 Carter, Minnie Ship Island
553 Carter, Edward Ship Island
554 Carter, Gertrude Ship Island
555 Carter, Ethelred, of W. Ship Island
556 Carter, Ethelred of E. Ship Island
557 Carter, Mary Ship Island
558 Carter, Beatrice Ship Island
559 Carter, Ethelred of Jno. Ship Island
560 Carter, Rachael Ship Island
561 Carter, Allan Ship Island
562 Carter, Norah Ship Island
563 Carter, Walter Ship Island
564 Carter, Emily Ship Island
565 Carter, James of J., Sr. Ship Island
566 Carter, Frances Ship Island
567 Carter, John Ship Island
568 Carter, James of J., Jr. Ship Island
569 Carter, Mary Ship Island


570 Green, Frank L. Ship Island
571 Green, Mary Ship Island
572 Green, Frederick Ship Island
573 Green, John Ship Island
574 Green, Lucy Ship Island


575 Hoskins, Samuel Ship Island
576 Hoskins, Uriah Ship Island
577 Hoskins, Sophia Ship Island
578 Hoskins, Susannah Ship Island
579 Hunt, Noah Ship Island
580 Hunt, Victoria Ship Island


581 Mullett, Stanley Ship Island
582 Mullett, Mary E. Ship Island


583 Osmond, Louise Ship Island
584 Osmond, Albert Ship Island


585 Peckford, Edward of J. Ship Island
586 Peckford, Edward of E. Ship Island
587 Peckford, Hannah Ship Island
588 Peckford, Stephen Ship Island
589 Peckford, Fannie E. Ship Island


590 Wheeler, James Ship Island
591 Wheeler, Frances Ship Island

Transcribed By: Peter Godfrey (January, 2002)

Page Last Modified: Wednesday February 20, 2013 (Don Tate)

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