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1928 Voter's List


Trinity South District
List of Persons Entitled to Vote in the Election
of One Member of the House of Assembly of the
District of Trinity South
No. Surname of each Elector. Christian Name Place of Abode
1 Cumby Alfred Hopeall
2 Cumby Alice Hopeall
3 Cumby Dora Hopeall
4 Cumby Elizabeth Hopeall
5 Cumby Elias Hopeall
6 Cumby Emma Hopeall
7 Cumby George Hopeall
8 Cumby Lemuel Hopeall
9 Cumby Leonard Hopeall
10 Cumby Mary Hopeall
11 Cumby Sarah Hopeall
12 Cumby Thomas Hopeall
13 Dunn Andrew Hopeall
14 Dunn James Hopeall
15 Dunn Maud Hopeall
16 Gilbert Alfred Hopeall
17 Gilbert Archibald Hopeall
18 Gilbert George Hopeall
19 Gilbert Sarah Hopeall
20 Gilbert William Hopeall
21 Hillyard Elizabeth Hopeall
22 Hillyard Sarah Hopeall
23 Hillyard Thomas Hopeall
24 Hillyard William Hopeall
25 Mayne Edith Hopeall
26 Mayne George Hopeall
27 Mayne Henry of Henry Hopeall
28 Mayne Henry of Joseph Hopeall
29 Mayne James Hopeall
30 Mayne Jessie Hopeall
31 Mayne John of Henry Hopeall
32 Mayne Mayne,John of Jos Hopeall
33 Mayne Maria Hopeall
34 Mayne Sarah Hopeall
35 Piercey Elsie Hopeall
36 Piercey Hurbert Hopeall
37 Piercey Ida, Jane Hopeall
38 Piercey Isaac Hopeall
39 Piercey James Hopeall
40 Piercey John Hopeall
41 Piercey Joseph Hopeall
42 Piercey Julia Hopeall
43 Piercey Leah Hopeall
44 Piercey Peter Hopeall
45 Piercey Rose Hopeall
46 Piercey Selby Hopeall
47 Piercey Stephen Hopeall
48 Piercey William of Benj. Hopeall
49 Piercey William of Isaac Hopeall
50 Piercey William of Joseph Hopeall
51 Piercey William J of Wm. Hopeall
52 Penney Mary Ann Hopeall
53 Pitcher Corbett Hopeall
54 Pitcher Charles Hopeall
55 Pitcher Elisha Hopeall
56 Pitcher Joseph Hopeall
57 Pitcher Leah Hopeall
58 Pitcher Leonard Hopeall
59 Pitcher Lily Hopeall
60 Sinyard Elizabeth Hopeall
61 Smith Isabella Hopeall
62 Smith Matthew Hopeall
63 Williams Samuel Hopeall

Transcribed By: Phyllis Reid Amero (November 2001)

Page Last Modified: Wednesday February 20, 2013 (Don Tate)

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