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1928 Voter's List

Green's Harbour

Trinity Bay South District
List of Persons Entitled to Vote in the Election
of One Member of the House of Assembly of the
District of Trinity South
64 Bennett Arthur Green's Harbour
65 Bennett Hettie Green's Harbour
66 Bennett Johanna Green's Harbour
67 Bennett Mary Hannah Green's Harbour
68 Bennett Maxwell Green's Harbour
69 Bennett Raymond Green's Harbour
70 Bennett Susie Green's Harbour
71 Bennett William Green's Harbour
72 Brace Albertha Green's Harbour
73 Brace Amelia Green's Harbour
74 Brace Elizabeth Green's Harbour
75 Brace Hayward Green's Harbour
76 Brace Jemima Green's Harbour
77 Brace John Green's Harbour
78 Brace Joseph Green's Harbour
79 Brace Leonard Green's Harbour
80 Brace Lily,Jane Green's Harbour
81 Brace Mahalla Green's Harbour
82 Brace Prisceilla Green's Harbour
83 Brace Samuel Green's Harbour
84 Brace William of Heber Green's Harbour
85 Brace William of James Green's Harbour
86 Broderick George Allan Green's Harbour
87 Broderick Lily Green's Harbour
88 Brookings Herbert Green's Harbour
89 Brookings John Green's Harbour
90 Brookings Tryphena Green's Harbour
91 Burt Cecilia Green's Harbour
92 Burt Ebenezer Green's Harbour
93 Burt Elizabeth Green's Harbour
94 Burt Selby Green's Harbour
95 Butt Jane Green's Harbour
96 Butt Samuel Green's Harbour
97 Coish Douglas Green's Harbour
98 Coish James Green's Harbour
99 Coish Sophia Green's Harbour
100 Coish Violet Green's Harbour
101 Coish William,Thos Green's Harbour
102 Cooper Cecilia Green's Harbour
103 Cooper Charles Green's Harbour
104 Cooper George Green's Harbour
105 Cooper Ida Green's Harbour
106 Cooper Jessie Green's Harbour
107 Cooper Munden Green's Harbour
108 Cooper Samuel Green's Harbour
109 Cooper Victor Green's Harbour
110 Cramm Ebenezer.J Green's Harbour
111 Cramm Sarah,Susanna Green's Harbour
112 Cramm Stephen Green's Harbour
113 Crocker Cecil Green's Harbour
114 Crocker Charles Green's Harbour
115 Crocker Eda Green's Harbour
116 Crocker Elizaz Green's Harbour
117 Crocker Elizabeth Green's Harbour
118 Crocker Frank Green's Harbour
119 Crocker Harriet Green's Harbour
120 Crocker Heber Green's Harbour
121 Crocker Henry Green's Harbour
122 Crocker James Green's Harbour
123 Crocker Jane Green's Harbour
124 Crocker Jessie Green's Harbour
125 Crocker Joseph Green's Harbour
126 Crocker Joshua Green's Harbour
127 Crocker Lucy Green's Harbour
128 Crocker May Green's Harbour
129 Crocker Mary Green's Harbour
130 Crocker Mathilda Green's Harbour
131 Crocker Minnie Green's Harbour
132 Crocker Peter Green's Harbour
133 Crocker Richard Green's Harbour
134 Crocker Robert Green's Harbour
135 Crocker Rosanna Green's Harbour
136 Crocker Sarah Green's Harbour
137 Crocker Simon Green's Harbour
138 Crocker Solomon Green's Harbour
139 Crocker Stephen Green's Harbour
140 Crocker Violet Green's Harbour
141 Dawe Harvey Green's Harbour
142 Day Mahalla Green's Harbour
143 Day William Green's Harbour
144 Drover Harold Green's Harbour
145 Drover Thomas,l? Green's Harbour
146 Ethridge Charles Green's Harbour
147 Ethridge Gordon Green's Harbour
148 Ethridge Julia Green's Harbour
149 Ethridge Melinda Green's Harbour
150 Green Cephas Green's Harbour
151 Green Freeman Green's Harbour
152 Green Eli Green's Harbour
153 Green Elizabeth Green's Harbour
154 Green Elizabeth Ann Green's Harbour
155 Green George Green's Harbour
156 Green Herbert Green's Harbour
157 Green James Green's Harbour
158 Green John Green's Harbour
159 Green Joseph Green's Harbour
160 Green Mary, Jane Green's Harbour
161 Green Rosanna Green's Harbour
162 Green Sarah Ann Green's Harbour
163 Green Selina Green's Harbour
164 Green Simeon Green's Harbour
165 Green Walter Green's Harbour
166 Harnum Arthur Green's Harbour
167 Harnum Charles Green's Harbour
168 Harnum Edmund Green's Harbour
169 Harnum Christina Green's Harbour
170 Harnum Eliza Jane Green's Harbour
171 Harnum Eliezer Green's Harbour
172 Harnum Florence Green's Harbour
173 Harnum George Green's Harbour
174 Harnum Jasper Green's Harbour
175 Harnum Julia Green's Harbour
176 Harnum Mary Ann Green's Harbour
177 Harnum Mary Jane Green's Harbour
178 Harnum Philemon Green's Harbour
179 Harnum Samuel Green's Harbour
180 Harnum Sara Elizabeth Green's Harbour
181 Harnum Stephen Green's Harbour
182 Harnum Susanna Green's Harbour
183 Harnum Walter Green's Harbour
184 Harnum Willis Green's Harbour
185 Higdon Martha Green's Harbour
186 Hillyard Aaron Green's Harbour
187 Hillyard Elizabeth Green's Harbour
188 Hillyard Noah Green's Harbour
189 Hillyard Harrison Green's Harbour
190 Hillyard Sarah Green's Harbour
191 Hopkins Albert Green's Harbour
192 Hopkins Archibald Green's Harbour
193 Hopkins John Green's Harbour
194 Hopkins Maria Green's Harbour
195 Howell Allison Green's Harbour
196 Howell Douglas Green's Harbour
197 Howell Emma Green's Harbour
198 Howell Frederick of F Green's Harbour
199 Howell Frederick of Fred Green's Harbour
200 Howell Heater Green's Harbour
201 Howell Jael Green's Harbour
202 Howell Louisa Green's Harbour
203 Howell Louisa, J Green's Harbour
204 Howell Mary Jane Green's Harbour
205 Howell Nathaniel Green's Harbour
206 Howell Rhoda Green's Harbour
207 Howell Walter Green's Harbour
208 Jackson Emma Green's Harbour
209 Jackson Samuel Green's Harbour
210 Lawlor Mary, E Green's Harbour
211 March Abraha Green's Harbour
212 March Albert Green's Harbour
213 March Amelia Green's Harbour
214 March Ananias Green's Harbour
215 March Baxter Green's Harbour
216 March Bertha Green's Harbour
217 March Bertram Green's Harbour
218 March David Green's Harbour
219 March Ebenezer Green's Harbour
220 March Elizabeth of James Green's Harbour
221 March Elizabeth of H.M. Green's Harbour
222 March Emma Green's Harbour
223 March Emma Jane Green's Harbour
224 March Esau Green's Harbour
225 March Frances Green's Harbour
226 March Frederick Green's Harbour
227 March Gertrude Green's Harbour
228 March Henry Green's Harbour
229 March Herbert Green's Harbour
230 March James of Absalom Green's Harbour
231 March James of Israel Green's Harbour
232 March Jane Green's Harbour
233 March Jesse Green's Harbour
234 March Jessie Green's Harbour
235 March Jethro Green's Harbour
236 March Julia Green's Harbour
237 March Laura Green's Harbour
238 March Mary Green's Harbour
239 March Mary Ann Green's Harbour
240 March Maud Green's Harbour
241 March Newman, J Green's Harbour
242 March Sarah Ann Green's Harbour
243 March Sarah , J Green's Harbour
244 March Stephen Green's Harbour
245 March Vicor E. Green's Harbour
246 March William of Edgar Green's Harbour
247 March William of John Green's Harbour
248 March William of m Green's Harbour
249 March Wilson Green's Harbour
250 Parrott Winnie Green's Harbour
251 Patten George Green's Harbour
252 Patten Virtue Green's Harbour
253 Penney Adelaide Green's Harbour
254 Penney Ambrose Green's Harbour
255 Penney Ebenezer Green's Harbour
256 Penney Edward Green's Harbour
257 Penney Elizabeth Green's Harbour
258 Penney Fannie Green's Harbour
259 Penney James Green's Harbour
260 Penney Leah Green's Harbour
261 Penney Lavinia Green's Harbour
262 Penney Silas Green's Harbour
263 Penney Willis Green's Harbour
264 Pitcher Celeb Green's Harbour
265 Pitcher James Green's Harbour
266 Pitcher Laura Green's Harbour
267 Pitcher Minnie Green's Harbour
268 Reid Alfred
Green's harbour
269 Reid Annie Green's Harbour
270 Reid Archibald of Samuel Green's Harbour
271 Reid Archibald of Simeon Green's Harbour
272 Reid Asenath Green's Harbour
273 Reid Bertha Green's Harbour
274 Reid Enos Green's Harbour
275 Reid Eva Green's Harbour
276 Reid George Green's Harbour
277 Reid John, Levi Green's Harbour
278 Reid Joshua Green's Harbour
279 Reid Regina Green's Harbour
280 Reid Robert Green's Harbour
281 Reid Samuel of Levi Green's Harbour
282 Reid Samuel of Wm Green's Harbour
283 Reid Sarah Green's Harbour
284 Reid Tryphena Green's Harbour
285 Reid Violet Green's Harbour
286 Reid William Green's Harbour
287 Rodgers Elizabeth Green's Harbour
288 Rodgers John, Levi Green's Harbour
289 Rodgers Lilian Green's Harbour
290 Rodgers Peninnah Green's Harbour
291 Rodgers Robert Green's Harbour
292 Rodgers Theophilus Green's Harbour
293 Rowe Albert Green's Harbour
294 Rowe Annie Green's Harbour
295 Rowe Charles Green's Harbour
296 Rowe Doreas Green's Harbour
297 Rowe Frederick Green's Harbour
298 Rowe James Green's Harbour
299 Rowe John Green's Harbour
300 Rowe Lucy Green's Harbour
301 Rowe Martha Green's Harbour
302 Rowe Martin S of John, Jr. Green's Harbour
303 Rowe Martin S of John,Sr. Green's Harbour
304 Rowe Orestes Green's Harbour
305 Rowe Sarah, Jane Green's Harbour
306 Rowe Winnie Green's Harbour
307 Seward Levinia Green's Harbour
308 Seward Richard Green's Harbour
309 Sharp James Green's Harbour
310 Simmons Alfred Green's Harbour
311 Simmons Ambrose Green's Harbour
312 Simmons Caroline, A Green's Harbour
313 Simmons Daniel Green's Harbour
314 Simmons Harriet Green's Harbour
315 Simmons Hubert Green's Harbour
316 Simmons Janet Green's Harbour
317 Simmons Lorenzo Green's Harbour
318 Simmons Mary Green's Harbour
319 Simmons Mary, Ann Green's Harbour
320 Simmons Margaret Green's Harbour
321 Simmons William Green's Harbour
322 Smith Emma Green's Harbour
323 Smith John Green's Harbour
324 Smith Theophilus Green's Harbour
325 Smith William Green's Harbour
326 Taylor Graham Green's Harbour
327 Taylor Naomi Green's Harbour
328 Taylor Joshua Green's Harbour
329 White Dorcas Green's Harbour
330 White Ernest Green's Harbour
331 Whiteway George Green's Harbour
332 Whiteway Lillian Green's Harbour
333 Worthman Caroline Green's Harbour
334 Worthman Emma Green's Harbour
335 Worthman Samuel Green's Harbour
336 Worthman Thomas Green's Harbour

Transcribed By: Phyllis Reid Amero (November 2001)

Page Last Modified: Wednesday February 20, 2013 (Don Tate)

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