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List of Electors, 1948
Electoral District of
Placentia and St. Mary's West
Isle Valen
Placentia Bay

No. Name Address P.D. NO. Sex
1 Bennett, Abraham Isle Valen 23 M
2 Bennett, Ambrose Isle Valen 23 M
3 Bennett, Ann Isle Valen 23 F
4 Bennett, Ellen Isle Valen 23 F
5 Bennett, Francis Isle Valen 23 M
6 Bennett, Joachim Isle Valen 23 M
7 Bennett, John Isle Valen 23 M
8 Bennett, Leo Isle Valen 23 M
9 Bennett, Margaret Isle Valen 23 F
10 Bennett, Michael Isle Valen 23 M
11 Bennett, Michael Jr. Isle Valen 23 M
12 Bennett, Pius Isle Valen 23 M
13 Bennett, Simon Isle Valen 23 M
14 Bennett, Veronica Isle Valen 23 F
15 Bennett, William Isle Valen 23 M
16 Caul, Betty Isle Valen 23 F
17 Caul, James Isle Valen 23 M
18 Caul, John Isle Valen 23 M
19 Caul, Vincent Isle Valen 23 M
20 Gaulton, John Isle Valen 23 M
21 Gaulton, Julie Isle Valen 23 F
22 Gaulton, Katherine Isle Valen 23 F
23 Gaulton, Martin Isle Valen 23 M
24 Gaulton, Martin Jr. Isle Valen 23 M
25 Gaulton, Veronica Isle Valen 23 F
26 Gaulton, William Isle Valen 23 M
27 Hamilton, Alexander Isle Valen 23 M
28 Hamilton, Arthur Isle Valen 23 M
29 Hamilton, Chesley Isle Valen 23 M
30 Hamilton, John Isle Valen 23 M
31 Hamilton, Lillian Isle Valen 23 F
32 Hamilton, William Isle Valen 23 M
33 Hamilton, Winifred Isle Valen 23 F
34 Hapgood, Bertha Isle Valen 23 F
35 Hapgood, Bertha Isle Valen 23 F
36 Hapgood, Norman Isle Valen 23 M
37 Leonard, Bridget Isle Valen 23 F
38 Leonard, Donetius Isle Valen 23 M
39 Leonard, Herbert Isle Valen 23 M
40 Leonard, James Isle Valen 23 M
41 Leonard, James Isle Valen 23 M
42 Leonard, John Isle Valen 23 M
43 Leonard, John Sr. Isle Valen 23 M
44 Leonard, Lucy Isle Valen 23 F
45 Leonard, Mary Isle Valen 23 F
46 Leonard, Mary Isle Valen 23 F
47 Leonard, Patrick Isle Valen 23 M
48 Leonard, Paul Isle Valen 23 M
49 Leonard, Theresa Isle Valen 23 F
50 Leonard, Vincent Isle Valen 23 M
51 Lockyer, Alphonsius Isle Valen 23 M
52 Lockyer, Benjamin Isle Valen 23 M
53 Lockyer, Cecil Isle Valen 23 M
54 Lockyer, Edgar Isle Valen 23 M
55 Lockyer, Ethel Isle Valen 23 F
56 Lockyer, Francis Isle Valen 23 M
57 Lockyer, George Isle Valen 23 M
58 Lockyer, Herman Isle Valen 23 M
59 Lockyer, Ida Isle Valen 23 F
60 Lockyer, John, Albert Isle Valen 23 M
61 Lockyer, John Isle Valen 23 M
62 Lockyer, John Jr Isle Valen 23 M
63 Lockyer, Joseph Isle Valen 23 M
64 Lockyer, Joseph Isle Valen 23 M
65 Lockyer, Julia Isle Valen 23 F
66 Lockyer, Mary Isle Valen 23 F
67 Lockyer, Mathilda Isle Valen 23 F
68 Lockyer, Myrtle Isle Valen 23 F
69 Lockyer, Olga Isle Valen 23 F
70 Lockyer, Pearl Isle Valen 23 F
71 Lockyer, Phoebe Isle Valen 23 F
72 Lockyer, Phoebe Isle Valen 23 F
73 Lockyer, Ronald Isle Valen 23 M
74 Lockyer, Samuel Isle Valen 23 M
75 Lockyer, Susanna Isle Valen 23 F
76 Lockyer, Violet Isle Valen 23 F
77 Lockyer, William Isle Valen 23 M
78 Lockyer, Wilson Isle Valen 23 M
79 Power, Anastatia Isle Valen 23 F
80 Power, Ann Isle Valen 23 F
81 Power, Anne K. Isle Valen 23 F
82 Power, Mathilda Isle Valen 23 F
83 Power, Michael Isle Valen 23 M
84 Rodgers, James Isle Valen 23 M
85 Rodgers, Mary Isle Valen 23 F
86 Sebley, Arnold J. Isle Valen 23 M
87 Warren, John Isle Valen 23 M
88 Warren, Mathilda Isle Valen 23 F
89 Williams, Bertha Isle Valen 23 F
90 Williams, Caroline Isle Valen 23 F
91 Williams, Ena Isle Valen 23 F
92 Williams, George Isle Valen 23 M
93 Williams, James Isle Valen 23 M
94 Williams, Jethro Isle Valen 23 M
95 Williams, John Isle Valen 23 M
96 Williams, John Jr. Isle Valen 23 M
97 Williams, John Isle Valen 23 M
98 Williams, Julia Isle Valen 23 F
99 Williams, Katherine Isle Valen 23 F
100 Williams, Nelson Isle Valen 23 M
101 Williams, Stewart Isle Valen 23 M
102 Williams, Violet Isle Valen 23 F
103 Williams, Walter Isle Valen 23 M

Contributed and Transcribed by Yvonne Hepditch (May 2008)

Page Last Modified: Sunday May 11, 2008 (Don Tate)

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