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FerrylandA List of Persons entitled to vote in the Election of a Member
This information was obtained from the Ferryland District Court Records in each respective year, available at the Provincial Archive in St John's. It was transcribed by Richard & Roberta Sullivan in August 1999. Updates and 1841 voter information was added by Kevin Reddigan in 2014. Please contact NGB if any errors are found, or if you have any questions. |
The original list was compiled in alphabetical order for the entire district division, with a voter number assigned to each eligible voter. For the purpose of presentation on this site, voters have been grouped together under their respective "Place of Abode". Items enclosed in [square brackets] have also been added to clarify information, or to assist researchers quickly identify the year they are viewing while scrolling. |
Ferryland Voting List - 1840 | ||||
No. | Christian Name and Surname of each Voter at full length. |
Street, Lane, Road or other local Description. |
[Year] | Place of Abode and Qualification. |
12 | Brazil Maurice | Pool | [1840] | Ferryland |
13 | Brennan Robert | Fox Hill | [1840] | Ferryland |
17 | Brown Gregory | North Side | [1840] | Ferryland |
22 | Bryan John [this entry likely for Aquaforte?] | Flat Rock | [1840] | Ferryland |
24 | Bryan Timothy | Barkhouse | [1840] | Ferryland |
35 | Butler James | Beach | [1840] | Ferryland |
36 | Boon Charles | Freshwater | [1840] | Ferryland |
37 | Butler John | South Side | [1840] | Ferryland |
38 | Boon John | South Side | [1840] | Ferryland |
39 | Barnable James | South Side | [1840] | Ferryland |
43 | Cain Martin | North Side | [1840] | Ferryland |
44 | Cannon Thomas | Freshwater | [1840] | Ferryland |
45 | Carroll John | Morrisons | [1840] | Ferryland |
48 | Carter James Howe | South Side | [1840] | Ferryland |
62 | Costelloe William | Alley | [1840] | Ferryland |
64 | Conway Martin | South Side | [1840] | Ferryland |
67 | Coulman William | Chapel | [1840] | Ferryland |
68 | Cummin John | South Side | [1840] | Ferryland |
70 | Cullotton Martin | North Side | [1840] | Ferryland |
75 | Daulton Garrett | Freshwater | [1840] | Ferryland |
76 | Deveraux Michael | North Side | [1840] | Ferryland |
78 | Donovan Daniel | Alley | [1840] | Ferryland |
80 | Dunn Bryan | [not given] | [1840] | Ferryland |
82 | Dullanty Richard | Freshwater | [1840] | Ferryland |
83 | DullantyJohn | Alley | [1840] | Ferryland |
89 | Evans John | Freshwater | [1840] | Ferryland |
103 | Furlong James | Court House | [1840] | Ferryland |
134 | Healy Edmund | Fox Hill | [1840] | Ferryland |
140 | Hinchy John | [not given] | [1840] | Ferryland |
147 | Hagarthy Charles | Horse Nap | [1840] | Ferryland |
157 | Jillard John | Downs | [1840] | Ferryland |
158 | Kearney Lawrence | [not given] | [1840] | Ferryland |
159 | Keefe Valentine | Alley | [1840] | Ferryland |
161 | Kehoe Sylvester | North Side | [1840] | Ferryland |
163 | Kelley James | North Side | [1840] | Ferryland |
171 | Kinsula John | South Side | [1840] | Ferryland |
172 | Kinsula Richard | Alley | [1840] | Ferryland |
175 | Lackey Thomas | Ryans Cove | [1840] | Ferryland |
176 | LeMasseney Thomas | Alley | [1840] | Ferryland |
188 | Lynch Lewis | Court House | [1840] | Ferryland |
199 | Mackay Thomas | Fox Hill | [1840] | Ferryland |
203 | Meaney Francis | North Side | [1840] | Ferryland |
214 | Mountain James | Alley | [1840] | Ferryland |
216 | Mullally John | Alley | [1840] | Ferryland |
222 | Murphy Nicholas | North Side | [1840] | Ferryland |
233 | Norris Thomas | Court House | [1840] | Ferryland |
241 | Pitt Robert | Court House | [1840] | Ferryland |
261 | Quirk Edmund | Cornfield | [1840] | Ferryland |
282 | Sanders John | North Side | [1840] | Ferryland |
283 | Sanders William | Pool | [1840] | Ferryland |
286 | Sisk John | Alley | [1840] | Ferryland |
287 | Shanahan John Junr. | Alley | [1840] | Ferryland |
291 | Sheehan William | North Side | [1840] | Ferryland |
295 | Sinnott Michael | North Side | [1840] | Ferryland |
297 | Sliney Michael | Alley | [1840] | Ferryland |
299 | Stafford Martin | North Side | [1840] | Ferryland |
301 | Sullivan Richard | South Side | [1840] | Ferryland |
303 | Sweeney Soloman | Alley | [1840] | Ferryland |
305 | Tobin Patrick | Cornfield | [1840] | Ferryland |
316 | Wall John | Alley | [1840] | Ferryland |
330 | Walsh Patrick | Alley | [1840] | Ferryland |
331 | Whealan John | South Side | [1840] | Ferryland |
332 | Whealan Maurice | North Side | [1840] | Ferryland |
344 | White John | South Side | [1840] | Ferryland |
Ferryland Voting List - 1841 | ||||
No. | Christian Name and Surname of each Voter at full length. |
Street, Lane, Road or other local Description. |
[Year] | Place of Abode and Qualification. |
17 | Boon Charles | Freshwater | [1841] | Ferryland |
18 | Barnable James | Alley | [1841] | Ferryland |
19 | Brazill Maurice | Poole | [1841] | Ferryland |
20 | Bryand Lambert | Poole | [1841] | Ferryland |
21 | Boon John | South Side | [1841] | Ferryland |
22 | Bowman William Rev'd. | North Side | [1841] | Ferryland |
23 | Brown Gregory | North Side | [1841] | Ferryland |
24 | Brennan Robert | North Side | [1841] | Ferryland |
25 | Bryan Timothy | Fresh Water | [1841] | Ferryland |
26 | Brown Timothy Rev'd. | Scoggins | [1841] | Ferryland |
59 | Cannon Thomas | Fresh Water | [1841] | Ferryland |
60 | Conway Martin | Alley | [1841] | Ferryland |
61 | Costelloe John | Horse Nap | [1841] | Ferryland |
62 | Coleman William | South Side | [1841] | Ferryland |
63 | Cahill William | South Side | [1841] | Ferryland |
64 | Carter James H | South Side | [1841] | Ferryland |
65 | Cummins John | South Side | [1841] | Ferryland |
66 | Clow Henry G. | North Side | [1841] | Ferryland |
67 | Crossman Aaron | North Side | [1841] | Ferryland |
68 | Cullotton Martin | North Side | [1841] | Ferryland |
69 | Curran Martin | Sunny Hill | [1841] | Ferryland |
70 | Cain Martin | Fresh Water | [1841] | Ferryland |
87 | Dalton Garrett | Fresh Water | [1841] | Ferryland |
88 | Dullanty Richard | Fresh Water | [1841] | Ferryland |
89 | Dullanty Peter | Fresh Water | [1841] | Ferryland |
90 | Donovan Daniel | Horse Nap | [1841] | Ferryland |
91 | Devereaux Michael | North Side | [1841] | Ferryland |
101 | Evans John | Fresh Water | [1841] | Ferryland |
110 | Furlong James | North Side | [1841] | Ferryland |
138 | Gregory John | Fresh Water | [1841] | Ferryland |
149 | Hegarthy Charles | Horse Nap | [1841] | Ferryland |
150 | Healey Edward | North Side | [1841] | Ferryland |
151 | Hynes John | Fresh Water | [1841] | Ferryland |
173 | Jillard John | Downs | [1841] | Ferryland |
179 | Keeffe Valentine | Alley | [1841] | Ferryland |
180 | Kinchella Richard | Alley | [1841] | Ferryland |
181 | Kinchella John | South Side | [1841] | Ferryland |
182 | Kelley James | Sunny Hill | [1841] | Ferryland |
183 | Keough Sylvester | Sunny Hill | [1841] | Ferryland |
184 | Kearney Lawrence | Alley | [1841] | Ferryland |
201 | Lynch Lewis | South Side | [1841] | Ferryland |
202 | Lackey Thomas | North Side | [1841] | Ferryland |
203 | Locum Thomas | Fresh Water | [1841] | Ferryland |
222 | Mollolly John | Alley | [1841] | Ferryland |
223 | Mihar Robert | Alley | [1841] | Ferryland |
224 | Mountain James | Horse Nap | [1841] | Ferryland |
225 | Mackay Thomas | Fox Hill | [1841] | Ferryland |
226 | Murphy Nicholas | Sunny Hill | [1841] | Ferryland |
248 | Norris Thomas | South Side | [1841] | Ferryland |
274 | Pitt Robert | South Side | [1841] | Ferryland |
307 | Sweeny Soloman | Fresh Water | [1841] | Ferryland |
308 | Sliney Michael | Alley | [1841] | Ferryland |
309 | Shanahan John | Alley | [1841] | Ferryland |
310 | Sisk John | Alley | [1841] | Ferryland |
311 | Shanahan John | Horse Nap | [1841] | Ferryland |
312 | Sullivan Richard | South Side | [1841] | Ferryland |
313 | Saunders William | Poole | [1841] | Ferryland |
314 | Stafford Martin | North Side | [1841] | Ferryland |
315 | Saunders John | North Side | [1841] | Ferryland |
316 | Shean William | North Side | [1841] | Ferryland |
317 | Sinnott Michael | Sunny Hill | [1841] | Ferryland |
335 | Tobin Patrick | Sunny Hill | [1841] | Ferryland |
351 | Wall John | Fresh Water | [1841] | Ferryland |
352 | Whealan John | Fresh Water | [1841] | Ferryland |
353 | White John | South Side | [1841] | Ferryland |
354 | Whealan Maurice | North Side | [1841] | Ferryland |
[Although voting lists were compiled in 1840 and 1841, this updated list was completed less that two months before the December 1842 election. Like the previous two lists, initially all voters were assigned numbers however, on this list, it appears that 17 unnumbered voters in total were added during the final updating process.] | ||||
Thursday 20 October 1842 | ||||
Ferryland Voting List - 1842 | ||||
No. | Christian Name and Surname of each Voter at full length. | Street, Lane, Road or other local Description. |
[Year] | Place of Abode and Qualification. |
5 | Boon Charles | North Side | [1842] | Ferryland |
6 | Brazill Maurice | Pool | [1842] | Ferryland |
7 | Bowman William [Rev'd] | Rectory | [1842] | Ferryland |
8 | Brown Gregory | North Side | [1842] | Ferryland |
9 | Brown Luke | Scoggins | [1842] | Ferryland |
10 | Bryan Timothy | Bark House | [1842] | Ferryland |
11 | Butler James | Pool | [1842] | Ferryland |
34 | Cannon Thomas | Fresh Water | [1842] | Ferryland |
35 | Conway Martin | Alley | [1842] | Ferryland |
36 | Costelloe John | Horse Nap | [1842] | Ferryland |
37 | Coulman William | Goose Well | [1842] | Ferryland |
38 | Cahill William | Pond | [1842] | Ferryland |
39 | Carter James How | South Side | [1842] | Ferryland |
40 | Carter Robert | North Side | [1842] | Ferryland |
41 | Cummins John | South Side | [1842] | Ferryland |
42 | Clow Henry Garlick | North Side | [1842] | Ferryland |
43 | Crossman Aaron | North Side | [1842] | Ferryland |
44 | Culleten Martin | North Side | [1842] | Ferryland |
45 | Curren Martin | Sunny Hill | [1842] | Ferryland |
46 | Cain Martin | Fresh Water | [1842] | Ferryland |
47 | Carroll John | Morrisons | [1842] | Ferryland |
70 | Dalton Garrett | Alley | [1842] | Ferryland |
71 | Dullanty Richard | Fresh Water | [1842] | Ferryland |
72 | Donovan Daniel | Horse Nap | [1842] | Ferryland |
73 | Devereaux Michael | North Side | [1842] | Ferryland |
83 | Evans John | Look Out | [1842] | Ferryland |
86 | Flanagan Thomas | Sun Hill | [1842] | Ferryland |
87 | Flood James | South Side | [1842] | Ferryland |
103 | Gregory John | Fresh Water | [1842] | Ferryland |
120 | Healey Edward | Fox Hill | [1842] | Ferryland |
121 | Hynes John | Fresh Water | [1842] | Ferryland |
122 | Hopkins William | North Side | [1842] | Ferryland |
137 | Jillard John | Downs | [1842] | Ferryland |
149 | Keeffe Valentine | Alley | [1842] | Ferryland |
150 | Kinseloe Richard | Alley | [1842] | Ferryland |
151 | Kinseloe John | Chapel House | [1842] | Ferryland |
152 | Kelley James | Sun Hill | [1842] | Ferryland |
153 | Keough Sylvester | Sun Hill | [1842] | Ferryland |
154 | Kearney Lawrence | Alley | [1842] | Ferryland |
172 | Lackey Thomas | North Side | [1842] | Ferryland |
173 | Locom Thomas | Fresh Water | [1842] | Ferryland |
187 | Lemasne Thomas | Baby House | [1842] | Ferryland |
188 | Mullolly John | Alley | [1842] | Ferryland |
189 | Millar Robert | Alley | [1842] | Ferryland |
190 | Mountain James Junr. | Horse Nap | [1842] | Ferryland |
191 | Mackay Thomas | Fox Hill | [1842] | Ferryland |
215 | Norris Thomas | Hill House | [1842] | Ferryland |
225 | Pitt Robert | MacDonalds | [1842] | Ferryland |
246 | Quirk Edmond | North Side | [1842] | Ferryland |
266 | Sliney Thomas | South Side | [1842] | Ferryland |
267 | Sweeney Solomon | Fresh Water | [1842] | Ferryland |
268 | Sliney Michael | Alley | [1842] | Ferryland |
269 | Shanahan John | Horse Nap | [1842] | Ferryland |
270 | Sullivan Richard | Pond | [1842] | Ferryland |
271 | Sanders William | Pool | [1842] | Ferryland |
272 | Stafford Martin | Fox Hill | [1842] | Ferryland |
273 | Saunders John | Cold East | [1842] | Ferryland |
274 | Sinnott Michael | Sun Hill | [1842] | Ferryland |
297 | Wall John | Fresh Water | [1842] | Ferryland |
298 | Whealan John | Fresh Water | [1842] | Ferryland |
299 | White John | Pond | [1842] | Ferryland |
300 | Whealan Maurice | Cornfield | [1842] | Ferryland |
301 | Williams William | Horse Nap | [1842] | Ferryland |
302 | Walsh Patrick | Alley | [1842] | Ferryland |
327 | Yettman William | South Side | [1842] | Ferryland |
[At the top of the first page of the list is written "Monday 21 October 1844" and at the end of the list it states "Three hundred and Forty seven Voters /Ferryland October 1844 /(Signed) Robert Carter J.P."] | ||||
Ferryland Voting List - 1844 | ||||
No. | Christian Name and Surname of each Voter at full length. | Street, Lane, Road or other local Description. |
[Year] | Place of Abode and Qualification. |
6 | Brazill Maurice | Pool | [1844] | Ferryland |
7 | Brown Gregory (left 1845) | North Side | [1844] | Ferryland |
8 | Brown Luke | Scoggins | [1844] | Ferryland |
9 | Brennan Robert | Fox Hill | [1844] | Ferryland |
10 | Bryan Timothy | Bark House | [1844] | Ferryland |
11 | Bolan John | Bark House | [1844] | Ferryland |
37 | Byrne William | North Side | [1844] | Ferryland |
38 | Cannon Thomas | Fresh Water | [1844] | Ferryland |
39 | Conway Martin | Alley | [1844] | Ferryland |
40 | Costelloe John | Pool | [1844] | Ferryland |
41 | Coulman William | Grave Yard | [1844] | Ferryland |
42 | Cahill William | Pond | [1844] | Ferryland |
43 | Carter James Howe | South Side | [1844] | Ferryland |
44 | Carter Robert | North Side | [1844] | Ferryland |
45 | Cummins John | South Side | [1844] | Ferryland |
46 | Clow Henry Garlick | Trees | [1844] | Ferryland |
47 | Culloton Martin | North Side | [1844] | Ferryland |
48 | Curren Martin | Sun Hill | [1844] | Ferryland |
49 | Cain Martin | Fresh Water | [1844] | Ferryland |
50 | Carroll John | Morrisons | [1844] | Ferryland |
75 | Dullanty Richard | Fresh Water | [1844] | Ferryland |
76 | Donovan Daniel | Horse Nap | [1844] | Ferryland |
77 | Devereaux Michael | North Side | [1844] | Ferryland |
90 | Evans John | Look Out | [1844] | Ferryland |
93 | Flanagan Thomas | Sun Hill | [1844] | Ferryland |
94 | Farrell Thomas | North Side | [1844] | Ferryland |
110 | Gregory John | Fresh Water | [1844] | Ferryland |
111 | Geary Francis | Court House | [1844] | Ferryland |
127 | Hynes John | Fresh Water | [1844] | Ferryland |
144 | Jillard John (left 1845) | Downs | [1844] | Ferryland |
148 | Johnstone James | North Side | [1844] | Ferryland |
155 | Keeffe Valentine | Alley | [1844] | Ferryland |
156 | Kinsiloe Richard | Alley | [1844] | Ferryland |
157 | Kinsiloe John | Chapel House | [1844] | Ferryland |
158 | Kelley James | Sun Hill | [1844] | Ferryland |
159 | Keough Sylvester | Sun Hill | [1844] | Ferryland |
178 | Lackey Thomas | North Side | [1844] | Ferryland |
179 | Locom Thomas | North Side | [1844] | Ferryland |
192 | Le Masne Thomas | Baby House | [1844] | Ferryland |
193 | Mullolly John | Alley | [1844] | Ferryland |
194 | Millar Robert | Alley | [1844] | Ferryland |
195 | Mountain James Junr. | Quarry | [1844] | Ferryland |
196 | Mackay Thomas | Fox Hill | [1844] | Ferryland |
228 | Norris Thomas | Hill House | [1844] | Ferryland |
257 | Quirk Edmund | Sun Hill | [1844] | Ferryland |
279 | Sliney Thomas | South Side | [1844] | Ferryland |
280 | Sweeney Solomon | Fresh Water | [1844] | Ferryland |
281 | Shanahan John | Horse Nap | [1844] | Ferryland |
282 | Sullivan Richard | Pond | [1844] | Ferryland |
283 | Stafford Martin | Fox Hill | [1844] | Ferryland |
284 | Sanders John (died 1845) | Cold East | [1844] | Ferryland |
285 | Sinnott Michael | Taylors Mount | [1844] | Ferryland |
307 | Tobin Patrick | Cornfield | [1844] | Ferryland |
308 | Wall John | Fresh Water | [1844] | Ferryland |
309 | Whealan John | Fresh Water | [1844] | Ferryland |
310 | White John | Pond | [1844] | Ferryland |
311 | Whealan Maurice | Cornfield | [1844] | Ferryland |
312 | Williams William | Horse Nap | [1844] | Ferryland |
313 | Walsh Patrick | Noonans | [1844] | Ferryland |
Monday 20 October 1845 | ||||
Ferryland Voting List - 1845 | ||||
No. | Christian Name and Surname of each Voter at full length. |
Street, Lane, Road or other local Description. |
[Year] | Place of Abode and Qualification. |
6 | Brazil Maurice | Pool | [1845] | Ferryland |
7 | Brown Luke | Scoggings | [1845] | Ferryland |
8 | Bolan John | Freshwater | [1845] | Ferryland |
9 | Bryan Timothy | Bark House | [1845] | Ferryland |
10 | Brennan Robert | Fox Hill | [1845] | Ferryland |
34 | Cain Martin | Freshater North | [1845] | Ferryland |
35 | Curran Martin | Sun Hill | [1845] | Ferryland |
36 | Culloton Martin | North Side | [1845] | Ferryland |
37 | Carter Robert Esquire | North Side | [1845] | Ferryland |
38 | Clow Henry Garlick | North Side | [1845] | Ferryland |
39 | Carroll John | North Side | [1845] | Ferryland |
40 | Cannon Thomas | Freshwater South | [1845] | Ferryland |
41 | Conway Martin | Alley | [1845] | Ferryland |
42 | Cannon Michael | South Side | [1845] | Ferryland |
43 | Cahill William | Pond | [1845] | Ferryland |
44 | Carter James Howe | South Side | [1845] | Ferryland |
45 | Costelloe John | Pool | [1845] | Ferryland |
46 | Coleman William | Pool | [1845] | Ferryland |
47 | Cummins John | South Side | [1845] | Ferryland |
83 | Deveraux Michael | North Side | [1845] | Ferryland |
84 | Dullanty Patrick | South Side | [1845] | Ferryland |
85 | Dullanty Richard | Freshwater South | [1845] | Ferryland |
86 | Donovan Daniel | Horse Nap | [1845] | Ferryland |
87 | Dullanty John | South Side | [1845] | Ferryland |
88 | Evans John | Freshwater South | [1845] | Ferryland |
110 | Farrell Thomas | Sun Hill | [1845] | Ferryland |
111 | Flanagan Thomas | Cornfield | [1845] | Ferryland |
112 | Gregory John | Freshwater South | [1845] | Ferryland |
143 | Hynes John | North Side - Freshwater | [1845] | Ferryland |
144 | Johnstone James | North Side | [1845] | Ferryland |
165 | Keough Sylvester | Sun Hill | [1845] | Ferryland |
166 | Kelley James | Sun Hill | [1845] | Ferryland |
167 | Keefe Valentine | Alley | [1845] | Ferryland |
168 | Kinshella Richard | South Side | [1845] | Ferryland |
169 | Kinshella John | South Side | [1845] | Ferryland |
170 | Luckham (sic) Thomas [for LeCombe, Lucombe or Luscombe?] |
Freshwater North | [1845] | Ferryland |
171 | Lackay Thomas | North Side | [1845] | Ferryland |
172 | Le Messurier Peter | North Side | [1845] | Ferryland |
173 | Le Masny Thomas | Baby House | [1845] | Ferryland |
174 | Lynch M Lewis | South Side | [1845] | Ferryland |
219 | Mackay Thomas | Fox Hill | [1845] | Ferryland |
220 | Mountain James | Quarry Pond | [1845] | Ferryland |
221 | Mills Robert | Alley | [1845] | Ferryland |
222 | Mullally John | Alley | [1845] | Ferryland |
223 | Norris Thomas | Hill House | [1845] | Ferryland |
235 | O'Donnell John | North Side | [1845] | Ferryland |
236 | Paul Joseph | Freshwater South | [1845] | Ferryland |
254 | Quirk Edward | Sun Hill | [1845] | Ferryland |
255 | Ryan Mathew | Freshwater South | [1845] | Ferryland |
291 | Sinnot Michael | Cornfield | [1845] | Ferryland |
292 | Stafford Martin | Fox Hill | [1845] | Ferryland |
293 | Sliney Thomas | South Side | [1845] | Ferryland |
294 | Shanahan John | Baby House | [1845] | Ferryland |
295 | Sweeney Solomon | Freshwater - South Side | [1845] | Ferryland |
296 | Shanahan John | Horse Nap | [1845] | Ferryland |
297 | Sullivan Richard | Pond | [1845] | Ferryland |
298 | Tobin Patrick | North Side | [1845] | Ferryland |
333 | Whealan Maurice | Cornfield | [1845] | Ferryland |
334 | Walsh John M.D. | South Side | [1845] | Ferryland |
335 | Wall John | Freshwater South | [1845] | Ferryland |
336 | Whealan John | Freshwater South | [1845] | Ferryland |
337 | Williams William | South Side | [1845] | Ferryland |
338 | White John | Pond | [1845] | Ferryland |
339 | Walsh Patrick | South Side | [1845] | Ferryland |
340 | Yetman William | Horse Nap | [1845] | Ferryland |
Ferryland Voting List - 1846 | |||
Bolan John | Freshwater No | 1846 | Ferryland |
Brazil Maurice | Pool | 1846 | Ferryland |
Brennan Robert | Fox Hill | 1846 | Ferryland |
Brown Luke | Scoggins | 1846 | Ferryland |
Bryan Timothy | Bark House | 1846 | Ferryland |
Cahill William | Pond | 1846 | Ferryland |
Cain Martin | Freshwater | 1846 | Ferryland |
Cannon Michael | Alley | 1846 | Ferryland |
Cannon Thomas | Freshwater So | 1846 | Ferryland |
Carroll John | North Side | 1846 | Ferryland |
Carter James Howe | Pond | 1846 | Ferryland |
Carter Robert Esq | North Side | 1846 | Ferryland |
Clow Henry Garlick | Downs | 1846 | Ferryland |
Coleman William | Pool | 1846 | Ferryland |
Conway Martin | Alley | 1846 | Ferryland |
Costelloe john | Pool | 1846 | Ferryland |
Culloton Martin | North Side | 1846 | Ferryland |
Cummings John | South Side | 1846 | Ferryland |
Curran Martin | North Side | 1846 | Ferryland |
Deveraux Michale | North Side | 1846 | Ferryland |
Donovan Daniel | Horse Nap | 1846 | Ferryland |
Dullanty John | South Side | 1846 | Ferryland |
Dullanty Patrick | South Side | 1846 | Ferryland |
Dullanty Richard | Freshwater So | 1846 | Ferryland |
Evans John | Freshwater So | 1846 | Ferryland |
Farrell Thomas | North Side | 1846 | Ferryland |
Flanagan Thomas | Cornfields | 1846 | Ferryland |
Geary Francis | North Side | 1846 | Ferryland |
Gregory John | So side | 1846 | Ferryland |
Hynes John | Freshwater so | 1846 | Ferryland |
Johnston James | North Side | 1846 | Ferryland |
Keefe Valentine | Alley | 1846 | Ferryland |
Kelley James | North Side | 1846 | Ferryland |
Keough Sylvester | Sunny Hill | 1846 | Ferryland |
Kinsella Richard | Alley | 1846 | Ferryland |
Lemessuer Peter | North Side | 1846 | Ferryland |
Lockay Thomas | North Side | 1846 | Ferryland |
Locum Thomas | Freshwater No | 1846 | Ferryland |
Lomaseny Thomas | Baby House | 1846 | Ferryland |
Luckus Thomas | Fox Hill | 1846 | Ferryland |
Lynch Lewis M. | South Side | 1846 | Ferryland |
Mackay thomas | No side | 1846 | Ferryland |
Mills Robert | Alley | 1846 | Ferryland |
Mollolly John | Alley | 1846 | Ferryland |
Mountain James | Quarry Pond | 1846 | Ferryland |
Norris Thomas | South Side | 1846 | Ferryland |
O'Donnell John | South Side | 1846 | Ferryland |
O'Dwyer John | So side | 1846 | Ferryland |
Paul Joseph | Freshwater so | 1846 | Ferryland |
Quirk Edmund | Sunny Hill | 1846 | Ferryland |
Ryan Matt | Freshwater so | 1846 | Ferryland |
Shanahan John | Baby House | 1846 | Ferryland |
Shananhan John | Horse Nap | 1846 | Ferryland |
Sinnot Michael | Cornfields | 1846 | Ferryland |
Sliney Thomas | South Side | 1846 | Ferryland |
Stafford Martin | Fox Hill | 1846 | Ferryland |
Sullivan Richard | Pond | 1846 | Ferryland |
Sweeney Soloman | Freshwater So | 1846 | Ferryland |
Tobin Patrick | North Side | 1846 | Ferryland |
Walsh Patrick | South Side | 1846 | Ferryland |
Whalen John | Freshwater So | 1846 | Ferryland |
Whealan Maurice | Cornfields | 1846 | Ferryland |
White John | Pond | 1846 | Ferryland |
Williams William | Alley | 1846 | Ferryland |
Yetman William | Horse Nap | 1846 | Ferryland |
Ferryland Voting List - 1847 | |||
Bolan John | Freshwater No | 1847 | Ferryland |
Brazil Maurice | South Side | 1847 | Ferryland |
Brennan Patrick | Fox Hill | 1847 | Ferryland |
Brennan Robert | Fox Hill | 1847 | Ferryland |
Brine Thaddeus | Bark house | 1847 | Ferryland |
Brown Luke | Scoggins | 1847 | Ferryland |
Cahill William | So. Side | 1847 | Ferryland |
Cain Martin | South Side | 1847 | Ferryland |
Cannon Michael | South Side | 1847 | Ferryland |
Cannon Michael | South Side | 1847 | Ferryland |
Cannon Thomas | Freshwater So | 1847 | Ferryland |
Carter James Howe | So. Side | 1847 | Ferryland |
Carter Robert Esq | North Side | 1847 | Ferryland |
Clow Henry Garlick | Downs House | 1847 | Ferryland |
Conway Martin | Alley | 1847 | Ferryland |
Costelloe john | Pool | 1847 | Ferryland |
Culloton Martin | North Side | 1847 | Ferryland |
Cummings John | South Side | 1847 | Ferryland |
Curran Martin | Sunny Hill | 1847 | Ferryland |
Deveraux Michael | North Side | 1847 | Ferryland |
Donovan Daniel | Horse Nap | 1847 | Ferryland |
Dullandty Patrick | South Side | 1847 | Ferryland |
Dullanty John | Chaple Lane | 1847 | Ferryland |
Dullanty Richard | Freshwater | 1847 | Ferryland |
Evans John | Freshwater | 1847 | Ferryland |
Farrell Thomas | Sunny Hill | 1847 | Ferryland |
Flanagan Thomas | Cornfield | 1847 | Ferryland |
Frampton William | Downs | 1847 | Ferryland |
Geary Francis | North Side | 1847 | Ferryland |
Gregory John | Freshwater So | 1847 | Ferryland |
Hynes John | Freshwater No | 1847 | Ferryland |
Johnston James | North Side | 1847 | Ferryland |
Kearney Michael | Freshwater | 1847 | Ferryland |
Keefe Valentine | Freshwater | 1847 | Ferryland |
Kelley James | Sunny Hill | 1847 | Ferryland |
Keough Sylvester | Sunny Hill | 1847 | Ferryland |
Kinsella Richard | South Side | 1847 | Ferryland |
Lemessure Peter | North Side | 1847 | Ferryland |
Lockay Thomas | North Side | 1847 | Ferryland |
Locum Thomas | Freshwater | 1847 | Ferryland |
Lomaseney Thomas | Baby House | 1847 | Ferryland |
Lynch Lewis M. | Pool | 1847 | Ferryland |
Mackay thomas | Fox Hill | 1847 | Ferryland |
Mills Robert | Freshwater | 1847 | Ferryland |
Molloy John | Alley | 1847 | Ferryland |
Mountain James | Quarry Pond | 1847 | Ferryland |
Murphy Michael | North Side | 1847 | Ferryland |
Norris Thomas | So side | 1847 | Ferryland |
O'Donnell John | Downs | 1847 | Ferryland |
O'Dwyer John | South Side | 1847 | Ferryland |
Paul Joseph | Freshwater | 1847 | Ferryland |
Quirk Edward | Sunny Hill | 1847 | Ferryland |
Ryan Matthew | Freshwater | 1847 | Ferryland |
Shanahan John | Baby House | 1847 | Ferryland |
Sinnot Michael | Cornfield | 1847 | Ferryland |
Sliney Thomas | South Side | 1847 | Ferryland |
Stafford Martin | Fox Hill | 1847 | Ferryland |
Sullivan Richard | Pond | 1847 | Ferryland |
Sweeney Soloman | Freshwater | 1847 | Ferryland |
Tobin Patrick | North Side | 1847 | Ferryland |
Wall Michael | Freshwater | 1847 | Ferryland |
Walsh Patrick | Baby House | 1847 | Ferryland |
Whealan Maurice | Cornfield | 1847 | Ferryland |
White John | South Side | 1847 | Ferryland |
Williams William | South Side | 1847 | Ferryland |
Yetman William | Alley | 1847 | Ferryland |
Ferryland Voting List - 1849 | |||
Bolan John | Freshwater | 1849 | Ferryland |
Brennan Patrick | Fox Hill | 1849 | Ferryland |
Brennan Robert | Fox Hill | 1849 | Ferryland |
Brine Theodore | Bark house | 1849 | Ferryland |
Brown Luke | Scoggins | 1849 | Ferryland |
Cahill William | So. Side | 1849 | Ferryland |
Cannon Michael | South Side | 1849 | Ferryland |
Cannon Thomas | Freshwater South | 1849 | Ferryland |
Carter James Howe | So. Side | 1849 | Ferryland |
Carter Robert Esq | North Side | 1849 | Ferryland |
Carter Robert Jr. | North Side | 1849 | Ferryland |
Clow Henry Garlick | Downs | 1849 | Ferryland |
Conway Martin | Alley | 1849 | Ferryland |
Costelloe john | Pool | 1849 | Ferryland |
Culloton Martin | North Side | 1849 | Ferryland |
Curran Martin | Sunny Hill | 1849 | Ferryland |
Deveraux Michael | North Side | 1849 | Ferryland |
Donovan Daniel | Alley | 1849 | Ferryland |
Dullanty Patrick | Freshwater | 1849 | Ferryland |
Dullanty John | South Side | 1849 | Ferryland |
Dullanty Peter | Alley | 1849 | Ferryland |
Dullanty Richard | Freshwater | 1849 | Ferryland |
Evans John | Freshwater | 1849 | Ferryland |
Farrell Thomas | North Side | 1849 | Ferryland |
Flanagan Thomas | Freshwater | 1849 | Ferryland |
Geary Francis | North Side | 1849 | Ferryland |
Gregory John | So side | 1849 | Ferryland |
Hamilton Rev Henry | Parsonage | 1849 | Ferryland |
Hynes John | Freshwater | 1849 | Ferryland |
Johnston James | North Side | 1849 | Ferryland |
Kearney Michael | Freshwater | 1849 | Ferryland |
Keefe Valentine | So side | 1849 | Ferryland |
Kelley James | Sunny Hill | 1849 | Ferryland |
Kennedy John | No side | 1849 | Ferryland |
Keough Sylvester | Sunny Hill | 1849 | Ferryland |
Kinsella Richard | South Side | 1849 | Ferryland |
Kinsella Richard Jr. | So side | 1849 | Ferryland |
Kinsella William | South Side | 1849 | Ferryland |
Lockay Thomas | North Side | 1849 | Ferryland |
Locum Thomas | Freshwater | 1849 | Ferryland |
Lynch Lewis | Pool | 1849 | Ferryland |
Mackay thomas | No side | 1849 | Ferryland |
Mahon William | North Side | 1849 | Ferryland |
Mills Robert | Freshwater | 1849 | Ferryland |
Mollolly John | So side | 1849 | Ferryland |
Molloy (John) James | So side | 1849 | Ferryland |
Morgan James | North Side | 1849 | Ferryland |
Morry John | North Side | 1849 | Ferryland |
Mountain James | Woods | 1849 | Ferryland |
Murphy Edward | Woods | 1849 | Ferryland |
Murphy Nicholas | North Side | 1849 | Ferryland |
Norris Thomas | South Side | 1849 | Ferryland |
Norris William | North Side | 1849 | Ferryland |
O'Donnell John | North Side | 1849 | Ferryland |
O'Dwyer John | So side | 1849 | Ferryland |
O'Shaunessy John | So side | 1849 | Ferryland |
Quirk Edward | Sunny Hill | 1849 | Ferryland |
Ryan Matt | Freshwater | 1849 | Ferryland |
Sanders Richard | No side | 1849 | Ferryland |
Shanahan John | Baby House | 1849 | Ferryland |
Sliney Thomas | South Side | 1849 | Ferryland |
Stafford Martin | North Side | 1849 | Ferryland |
Stevenson John Esq | South Side | 1849 | Ferryland |
Sullivan Richard | South Side | 1849 | Ferryland |
Sweeney Soloman | Freshwater | 1849 | Ferryland |
Tobin Patrick | North Side | 1849 | Ferryland |
Wall Michael | Freshwater | 1849 | Ferryland |
Walsh Patrick | South Side | 1849 | Ferryland |
Walsh Peter | North Side | 1849 | Ferryland |
Whealan Maurice | North Side | 1849 | Ferryland |
White John | So side | 1849 | Ferryland |
Williams Thomas | Pool | 1849 | Ferryland |
Yetman William | Freshwater | 1849 | Ferryland |
Ferryland Voting List - 1852 | |||
Barnable James | So side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Barnable Peter | So side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Bennett John Hibbs | South Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Bolan John | North Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Brennan Patrick | Fox Hill | 1852 | Ferryland |
Brennan Robert | Fox Hill | 1852 | Ferryland |
Brown Luke | Scoggins | 1852 | Ferryland |
Bryan Edward | South Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Bryan Timothy | North Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Cahill William | So. Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Cain Martin | North Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Cannon Michael | South Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Cannon Thomas | So side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Carter James Howe | So. Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Carter Robert Esq | North Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Carter Robert Jr. | North Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Clow Henry Garlick | Downs | 1852 | Ferryland |
Coleman William | Pool | 1852 | Ferryland |
Conway Martin | So side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Costelloe john | Pool | 1852 | Ferryland |
Culloton Martin | North Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Cummings John | North Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Curran Martin | Sunny Hill | 1852 | Ferryland |
Deveraux Michael | North Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Donovan Daniel | Alley | 1852 | Ferryland |
Dullanty Peter | So side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Dullanty Patrick | So side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Dullanty John | So side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Evans John | Freshwater | 1852 | Ferryland |
Farrell Thomas | North Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Flanagan Thomas | Freshwater | 1852 | Ferryland |
Foran Matt | South Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Geary Francis | Gaol | 1852 | Ferryland |
Gregory John | So side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Hamilton Rev Henry | North Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Hynes John | North Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Johnston James | North Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Jordan John | South Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Jordan Robert | South Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Kearney Michael | Freshwater | 1852 | Ferryland |
Keefe Valentine | So side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Kelley James | Sunny Hill | 1852 | Ferryland |
Kennedy John | No side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Keough Sylvester | Sunny Hill | 1852 | Ferryland |
Kinsella Richard | South Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Kinsella Richard Jr. | So side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Kinsella William | South Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Lockay Thomas | North Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Locum Thomas | Freshwater | 1852 | Ferryland |
Lomaseney Thomas | South Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Lynch Lewis | Pool | 1852 | Ferryland |
Mahon William | North Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
McGrath Thomas | South Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Mead George | Downs | 1852 | Ferryland |
Mills Robert | Freshwater | 1852 | Ferryland |
Mollolly John | So side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Molloy (John) James | So side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Moore James | North Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Morgan James | So side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Morry John | North Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Mountain James | So side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Murphy Edward | Woods | 1852 | Ferryland |
Murphy Nicholas | North Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Norris Thomas | South Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Norris William | North Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
O'Dwyer John | So side | 1852 | Ferryland |
PaulRobert | South Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Quirk Edward | Sunny Hill | 1852 | Ferryland |
Ryan William | North Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Ryan Matt | Freshwater | 1852 | Ferryland |
Sanders Richard | North Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Shanahan John | South Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Shanahan John | Baby House | 1852 | Ferryland |
Sliney Thomas | Pool | 1852 | Ferryland |
Stafford Martin | North Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Stevenson John Esq | North Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Sullivan Richard | South Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Sweeney Soloman | Freshwater | 1852 | Ferryland |
Tobin Patrick | North Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Walsh Peter | North Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Walsh Pat | North Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Walsh Patrick | South Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Whealan Maurice | North Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
White John | So side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Williams Thomas | Pool | 1852 | Ferryland |
Williams William | South Side | 1852 | Ferryland |
Yetman William | Freshwater | 1852 | Ferryland |
Ferryland Voting List - 1855 | |||
Barnable Peter | South Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Barnable James | South Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Bennett John Hibbs | North Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Bolan John | North Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Brennan Patrick | Fox Hill | 1855 | Ferryland |
Brown Luke | North Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Bryan Edward | Horse Nap | 1855 | Ferryland |
Bryan Timothy | North Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Cannon Michael | South Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Cannon Patrick | South Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Cannon Thomas | South Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Carter James Howe | South Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Carter Arthur PB | South Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Carter Robert | North Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Coleman William | Pool | 1855 | Ferryland |
Conway Martin | South Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Costello Patrick | South Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Costelloe john | Pool | 1855 | Ferryland |
Culloton Martin | North Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Cummings Richard John | South Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
CummingsJohn | North Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Curran Martin | North Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Deveraux Michale | North Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Donovan Daniel | Alley | 1855 | Ferryland |
Dullandty Patrick | Freshwater | 1855 | Ferryland |
Dullanty John | South Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Dullanty Joseph | Freshwater | 1855 | Ferryland |
Dullanty Peter | South Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Evans John | South Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Farrell Thomas | North Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Flanagan Thomas | North Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Foran Matthew | South Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Geary Francis | Pool | 1855 | Ferryland |
Gregory John | So side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Hamilton Rev Wm | North Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Hare Felix | So side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Hunt Samuel | Pool | 1855 | Ferryland |
Hynes John | Freshwater | 1855 | Ferryland |
Johnston James | North Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Johnston Nicholas | South Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Jordan John | South Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Jordan Morris | South Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Jordan Robert | South Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Kearney Michael | South Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Keefe Daniel | Pool | 1855 | Ferryland |
Keefe Valentine | So side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Kelley James | North Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Kelley Michael | South Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Kelly Peter | North Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Kennedy John | No side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Keough Sylvester | North Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Kerrivan James | North Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Kinsella Richard | South Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Kinsella Richard Jr. | So side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Kinsella William | South Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Lockay Thomas | North Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Locum Thomas | North Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Lomaseney Thomas | South Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Lynch Lewis | South Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Mahon William | North Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
McGrath Thomas | South Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Mills Robert | South Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Molloy (John) James | So side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Moore James | North Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Morgan James | So side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Morry Henry | South Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Morry John | North Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Mountain James | South Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Murphy Edward | South Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Murphy Nicholas | North Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Norris Thomas | South Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
O'Dwyer John | So side | 1855 | Ferryland |
O'Shaunessy John | So side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Powle Robert | South Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Quirk Edward | North Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Reed John | South Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Ryan Matt | South Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Sanders Richard | No side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Shanahan John | Baby House | 1855 | Ferryland |
Shanahan John | South Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Shanahan William | Horse Nap | 1855 | Ferryland |
Sisk John | South Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Sliney Thomas | Pool | 1855 | Ferryland |
Sliney Thomas | South Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Stafford Martin | North Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Stevenson John Esq | South Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Sulliavn Richard | South Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Sweeney Soloman | Freshwater | 1855 | Ferryland |
Tobin Patrick | North Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Walsh Pat | North Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Walsh Patrick | South Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Walsh Peter | North Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Whealan Maurice | North Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
White John | So side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Williams Thomas | South Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Williams William | South Side | 1855 | Ferryland |
Yetman William | Freshwater | 1855 | Ferryland |
Ferryland Voting List - 1859 | |||
Barnable James | So side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Barnable John | South Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Barnable Peter | So side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Bayley Rev. Charles Augustus | 1859 | Ferryland | |
Bolan John | No side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Brennan James | No side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Brennan Patrick | No side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Brian Timothy | North Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Brown Luke (Esq. JP) | No side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Bryan William | South Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Cannon Michael | No side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Cannon Patrick (dead-son John has vote) | No side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Cannon Thomas | North Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Carter B.B. Arthur | No side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Carter James Howe | North Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Carter Robert (left) | So. Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Chambers Nicholas | So side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Clow James | No side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Coleman William (left) | Pool | 1859 | Ferryland |
Conway Martin | No side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Costelloe john | No side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Culleton Martin | No side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Cummins John (dead) | North Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Curran Martin | No side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Deveraux John | No side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Deveraux Michael (Michael has the vote) | No side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Dullanty John | So side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Dullanty Joseph | So side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Dullanty Patrick | South Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Dullanty Peter | So side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Evans John | South Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Farrell Thomas | No side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Flanagan Thomas (dead) | North Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Foley Michael (left see Renews list) | North Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Foran Matthew (dead)? | No side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Geary Francis | No side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Gregory John | So side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Headen Thomas | No side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Heare Felix | No side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Heynes John | No side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Hound Samuel | So side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Johnston James | No side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Jordan John | North Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Jordan Maurice | South Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Keefe Daniel | South Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Keefe Edward | Deep Cove | 1859 | Ferryland |
Keefe Valentine (John & Val have each a vote) | So side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Kelley James | No side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Kelley Michael (left) | So side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Kelly Peter | No side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Kennedy John | No side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Kinsella Richard | South Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Kinsella Thomas | South Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Kinsella William | So side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Korwan James | No side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Lackay Thomas (dead)? | North Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Locum Thomas | North Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Lomaseney Thomas | South Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Lynch Lewis | South Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Mahon William | North Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
McGrath Thomas | North Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Mead George | South Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Meany James | Downs | 1859 | Ferryland |
Mills Robert | South Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Molloy James | South Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Moore James | North Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Morgan James | South Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Morry Arthur | North Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Morry Henry | South Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Morry John | North Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Mountain James (dead- Michael son will vote | South Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Mountain William | South Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Murphy Edward (new vote) | South Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Murphy Nicholas | North Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Murphy Nicholas (next to Ed) | North Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Murphy Rev James | 1859 | Ferryland | |
Norris Thomas | 1859 | Ferryland | |
Powel Robert | North Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Powel Robert Jun | 1859 | Ferryland | |
Quirk Edward | 1859 | Ferryland | |
Reed James (dead-Wm has vote) | South Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Reed John | South Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Ryan Matthew | South Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Sesk John | 1859 | Ferryland | |
Shanahan John | 1859 | Ferryland | |
Shanahan John (1859 dead) | South Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Shanahan William | Baby House | 1859 | Ferryland |
Sinnot Edward | 1859 | Ferryland | |
Sliney David son of Bridget | 1859 | Ferryland | |
Sliney Michael | 1859 | Ferryland | |
Sliney Thomas | South Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Sliney Thomas (new one) | Pool | 1859 | Ferryland |
Stafford Martin | Pool | 1859 | Ferryland |
Stephenson John (Sherriff) | North Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Sullivan John Sen constable | South Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Sullivan Richard Jun | South Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Sullivan Richard Sen he signed this document | Constable | 1859 | Ferryland |
Sweeney James (dead) | South Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Sweeney John (Solo) | South Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Sweeney Soloman(Solo Jr & Miles Sweeney have a vote both the sons of Soloman Sr.) | So side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Tobin Patrick | No side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Walsh Peter | North Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Welsh Patrick | North Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
White John (jr) | South Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Williams Thomas | So side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Williams William | South Side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Windsor Henry Capt. | No side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Yetman William (Wm son of Wm has a vote so has Michael) | No side | 1859 | Ferryland |
Yetman Michael | No side | 1859 | Ferryland |
signed by Richard Sullivan head constable Oct 5 1859 |
Recorded by Richard & Roberta Sullivan in August 1999
Page Last Modified: Saturday May 13, 2017 (Kevin Reddigan)
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