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Southwestern Bay Division 1839 Voter's List Bay de Verde District |
# | Christian Name and Surname of each Voter at full length | Place of Abode and Qualifications | Street, Lane, Road and other local Description |
1 | Adams John | Adams Cove | |
2 | Adams Philip | Adams Cove | |
3 | Butt John Junior | Perrys Cove | |
4 | Butt John Senior | Perrys Cove | |
5 | Butt John of Henry | Perrys Cove | |
6 | Button William | Perrys Cove | North Side |
7 | Baggs John | Broad Cove | South Side |
8 | Baggs Joseph | Broad Cove | South Side |
9 | Butt Moses Senior | Broad Cove | |
10 | Butt Thomas Senior | Black Head | North Side |
11 | Butt William Senior | Black Head | |
12 | Butt Jonathan | Bradly’s Cove | |
13 | Butt Thomas | Bradly’s Cove | |
14 | Butt Jacob | Western Bay | South Side |
15 | Butt Henry | Western Bay | South Side |
16 | Butt William Junior | Western Bay | South Side |
17 | Baggs Robert | Adams Cove | |
18 | Baggs William | Adams Cove | |
19 | Baggs Hugh | Adams Cove | |
20 | Bunden Richard | Broad Cove | North Side |
21 | Banville Nicholas | Gussetts Cove | |
22 | Barren Michael | Gussetts Cove | |
23 | Biggs Joseph | Adams Cove | |
24 | Boyce Samuel | Western Bay | Riverhead |
25 | Bransfield David | Western Bay | South Side |
26 | Bosant Thomas | Western Bay | North Side |
27 | Bolan Samuel | Ochrepit Cove | |
28 | Bolan John | Ochrepit Cove | |
29 | Cake Ananias | Salmon Cove | North Side |
30 | Connell John | Broad Cove | South Side |
31 | Cahill Michael | Adams Cove | |
32 | Crocker William Senior | Bradly’s Cove | |
33 | Crocker John | Bradly’s Cove | |
34 | Crocker William Junior | Bradly’s Cove | |
35 | Crummey James | Western Bay | Riverhead |
36 | Crummey William Senior | Western Bay | Riverhead |
37 | Crummey Joseph Senior | Western Bay | Riverhead |
38 | Crummey William Junior | Western Bay | Riverhead |
39 | Crowley William | Western Bay | South Side |
40 | Crowley James | Western Bay | South Side |
41 | Curtis William | Western Bay | North Side |
42 | Curtis Thomas | Western Bay | North Side |
43 | Cosh Richard | Ochrepit Cove | |
44 | Cosh William | Ochrepit Cove | |
45 | Cosh Samuel | Ochrepit Cove | |
46 | Carnall Thomas | Ochrepit Cove | |
47 | Carnall Richard | Ochrepit Cove | |
48 | Carnall John Senior | Ochrepit Cove | |
49 | Cooper George | Black Head | |
50 | Dean Richard | Salmon Cove | North Side |
51 | Dean Abraham | Salmon Cove | North Side |
52 | Dunn Denis | Broad Cove | South Side |
53 | Dunn William | Broad Cove | South Side |
54 | Dunn Patrick | Broad Cove | South Side |
55 | Dunn John | Broad Cove | South Side |
56 | Dunn Edward | Broad Cove | South Side |
57 | Diamond John Junior | Adams Cove | |
58 | Diamond John Senior | Adams Cove | |
59 | Diamond Robert | Adams Cove | |
60 | Diamond Peter | Adams Cove | |
61 | Diamond William Senior | Adams Cove | |
62 | Delany William | Western Bay | Riverhead |
63 | Delany Nicholas Junior | Western Bay | Riverhead |
64 | Delany Joseph | Western Bay | Riverhead |
65 | Delany Nicholas Senior | Western Bay | South Side |
66 | Dalton George Senior | Western Bay | South Side |
67 | Dalton Joseph | Western Bay | South Side |
68 | Dalton Thomas | Western Bay | South Side |
69 | Dalton Philip | Western Bay | South Side |
70 | Dalton Matthew | Western Bay | North Side |
71 | Dwyre John | Western Bay | South Side |
72 | Doyle Lawrence | Western Bay | North Side |
73 | Evans Robert | Adams Cove | |
74 | Evans James | Adams Cove | |
75 | Evans John Junior | Western Bay | Riverhead |
76 | Evans Robert of John | Western Bay | Riverhead |
77 | Ellworth Benjamin | Western Bay | North Side |
78 | Ellworth James | Western Bay | North Side |
79 | Edgecomb John | Ochrepit Cove | |
80 | Edgecomb Thomas? | Ochrepit Cove | |
81 | Ellidge Reverend George | Black Head | |
82 | Flight James Senior | Lower Small Point | |
83 | Flight William | Lower Small Point | |
84 | Flight James Junior | Lower Small Point | |
85 | Forrestal John | Gussetts Cove | |
86 | Forrestal Michael | Gussetts Cove | |
87 | Farrell Martin | Gussetts Cove | |
88 | Fitzgerald Patrick Senior | Western Bay | Riverhead |
89 | Fitzgerald William | Western Bay | North Side |
90 | Fitzgerald Maurice | Western Bay | North Side |
91 | Fitzgerald John | Western Bay | South Side |
92 | Foster John | Western Bay | North Side |
93 | Follett Michael | Western Bay | South Side |
94 | Fahey Philip | Western Bay | North Side |
95 | Fahey James | Western Bay | South Side |
96 | Fahey Edward | Western Bay | South Side |
97 | Fudge Emanuel | Western Bay | North Side |
98 | Ford Jeremiah | Western Bay | North Side |
99 | Finn Patrick | Ochrepit Cove | |
100 | Francis William | Broad Cove | South Side |
101 | Gear Alexander | Perrys Cove | |
102 | Gear Thomas | Perrys Cove | |
103 | Gill Henry | Salmon Cove | South Side |
104 | Gill William Senior | Adams Cove | |
105 | Gill William Junior | Adams Cove | |
106 | Green William | Western Bay | North Side |
107 | Holt James | Salmon Cove | North Side |
108 | Hurley Maurice | Upper Small Point | |
109 | Hurley John | Upper Small Point | |
110 | Hayden Richard | Upper Small Point | |
111 | Hinchy Patrick | Broad Cove | South Side |
112 | Hudson John | Black Head | |
113 | Hudson Thomas | Black Head | |
114 | Hudson John of Rachel | Adams Cove | |
115 | Hudson John Senior | Adams Cove | |
116 | Hudson Robert of Peter | Adams Cove | |
117 | Hudson George Senior | Adams Cove | |
118 | Hudson Clement | Adams Cove | |
119 | Hudson Hugh | Adams Cove | |
120 | Hudson John (Holms) | Adams Cove | |
121 | Hudson Peter | Black Head | |
122 | Hollett Thomas | Black Head | |
123 | Hollett Samuel | Adams Cove | |
124 | Hollett Henry | Western Bay | South Side |
125 | Hanrahan Pierce | Western Bay | South Side |
126 | Howell Richard Junior | Western Bay | South Side |
127 | Horn Robert | Western Bay | South Side |
128 | Harty John | Western Bay | Riverhead |
129 | Hearn William | Western Bay | North Side |
130 | Halfyard Samuel | Ochrepit Cove | |
131 | Halfyard Stephen | Ochrepit Cove | |
132 | Hussey John | Ochrepit Cove | |
133 | Janes George of John | Broad Cove | North Side |
134 | Janes George Senior | Broad Cove | North Side |
135 | Janes William | Broad Cove | North Side |
136 | Janes John of Henry | Broad Cove | North Side |
137 | Janes Edward | Broad Cove | North Side |
138 | Janes Henry Senior | Broad Cove | North Side |
139 | Jenking William | Western Bay | North Side |
140 | King James | Perrys Cove | |
141 | King Richard | Perrys Cove | |
142 | King William Senior | Perrys Cove | |
143 | King William Junior | Perrys Cove | |
144 | King John | Upper Small Point | |
145 | King Henry Junior | Broad Cove | South Side |
146 | King James | Upper Small Point | |
147 | King Edward Senior | Broad Cove | South Side |
148 | King William of Thomas | Broad Cove | South Side |
149 | King Noah | Broad Cove | South Side |
150 | King James of James | Broad Cove | South Side |
151 | King William of James | Broad Cove | South Side |
152 | King Aaron | Broad Cove | South Side |
153 | King John of John | Broad Cove | South Side |
154 | King Joseph | Broad Cove | South Side |
155 | King William of William | Broad Cove | South Side |
156 | King Edward of William | Broad Cove | South Side |
157 | King William Senior | Bradly’s Cove | |
158 | King John | Bradly’s Cove | |
159 | King John Senior | Broad Cove | South Side |
160 | King James | Western Bay | South Side |
161 | King John of Thomas | Broad Cove | South Side |
162 | Kelly Michael | Gussetts Cove | |
163 | Kellaway John Senior | Perrys Cove | |
164 | Kellaway John Junior | Perrys Cove | |
165 | Kellaway Robert | Perrys Cove | |
166 | Kennell John | Western Bay | Riverhead |
167 | Kennedy James | Western Bay | Riverhead |
168 | Kennedy John | Western Bay | Riverhead |
169 | Leary Jeremiah | Upper Small Point | |
170 | Lockyer Joseph | Lower Small Point | |
171 | Lacy Robert | Mully’s Cove | |
172 | Le Groe Peter | Broad Cove | South Side |
173 | Le Groe Michael | Broad Cove | South Side |
174 | Le Groe John Senior | Broad Cove | South Side |
175 | Le Groe Thomas | Broad Cove | South Side |
176 | Le Groe Jonathan | Broad Cove | South Side |
177 | Le Groe William | Broad Cove | North Side |
178 | Le Groe John Junior | Broad Cove | North Side |
179 | Lawrence Henry | Black Head | |
180 | Luther Thomas | Adams Cove | |
181 | Luther Stephen | Adams Cove | |
182 | Lynch John | Western Bay | Riverhead |
183 | Loveys Anthony | Western Bay | South Side |
184 | Loveys Thomas | Western Bay | South Side |
185 | Loveys James | Western Bay | South Side |
186 | Lundergan William | Western Bay | South Side |
187 | Mully William | Mully’s Cove | |
188 | Mully Richard Junior | Black Head | |
189 | Mully Benjamin | Black Head | |
190 | Moors Thomas | Mully’s Cove | |
191 | Moors William | Mully’s Cove | |
192 | Moores Thomas Senior | Black Head | |
193 | Moores Thomas Junior | Black Head | |
194 | Moores William Senior | Black Head | |
195 | Moores John | Black Head | |
196 | Moores William Junior | Black Head | |
197 | Moores Henry Junior | Black Head | |
198 | Moores Jonathan Senior | Black Head | |
199 | Moores Jonathan Junior | Black Head | |
200 | Moores Thomas of Robert | Adams Cove | |
201 | Moores James | Adams Cove | |
202 | Moores John Senior | Adams Cove | |
203 | Murphy John | Broad Cove | South Side |
204 | Moran Joseph | Black Head | |
205 | Milley William | Black Head | |
206 | Milley Thomas | Adams Cove | |
207 | Milley Edward Senior | Western Bay | South Side |
208 | Milley Peter Senior | Western Bay | South Side |
209 | Milley John Senior | Western Bay | South Side |
210 | Milley Philip | Western Bay | South Side |
211 | Milley Peter Junior | Western Bay | South Side |
212 | Milley Thomas of Edward | Western Bay | South Side |
213 | Milley John Junior | Western Bay | South Side |
214 | Milley Thomas Junior | Western Bay | South Side |
215 | Milley Francis | Western Bay | South Side |
216 | Mcgee Patrick | Gussetts Cove | |
217 | Murphy Michael | Gussetts Cove | |
218 | Murphy Patrick | Gussetts Cove | |
219 | Murphy Stephen | Gussetts Cove | |
220 | Murphy Denis | Gussetts Cove | |
221 | Murphy James | Western Bay | North Side |
222 | Mahany John | Gussetts Cove | |
223 | Martin James | Adams Cove | |
224 | Murray Henry | Adams Cove | |
225 | Murray Abraham | Adams Cove | |
226 | Murray William | Adams Cove | |
227 | McCarthy Bartholemew | Western Bay | North Side |
228 | McCarthy Richard | Western Bay | North Side |
229 | McDonald James | Western Bay | North Side |
230 | Maghar Thomas | Western Bay | North Side |
231 | Noftel William | Mully’s Cove | |
232 | Noftel James | Broad Cove | North Side |
233 | Noftel Henry | Broad Cove | North Side |
234 | Noftel Nathanael | Broad Cove | North Side |
235 | Noftel Thomas | Broad Cove | North Side |
236 | Noftel Edward | Broad Cove | North Side |
237 | Noftel Moses | Broad Cove | |
238 | Nicholl Edward | Black Head | |
239 | Parsons John | Hangmans Cove | Beach |
240 | Parsons Robert | Perrys Cove | |
241 | Parsons Joseph | Perrys Cove | |
242 | Parsons Nicholas | Ochrepit Cove | |
243 | Parsons William | Ochrepit Cove | |
244 | Parsons Samuel | Ochrepit Cove | |
245 | Parfit? Samuel | Smooth Cove | |
246 | Pitman John | Spout Cove | |
247 | Pippey Joseph | Broad Cove | South Side |
248 | Pippey Charles | Broad Cove | South Side |
249 | Pippey Peter | Black Head | |
250 | Power Thomas | Black Head | North Side |
251 | Power John | Western Bay | South Side |
252 | Pearcey Joseph | Western Bay | South Side |
253 | Penny James | Western Bay | South Side |
254 | Penny John | Western Bay | North Side |
255 | Plucknell William | Western Bay | North Side |
256 | Pennell Thomas | Western Bay | North Side |
257 | Pennell John | Ochrepit Cove | |
258 | Perry George | Western Bay | North Side |
259 | Perry Noah | Western Bay | North Side |
260 | Perry John | Western Bay | North Side |
261 | Pinsent William Senior | Ochrepit Cove | |
262 | Pinsent William Junior | Ochrepit Cove | |
263 | Pinsent Thomas | Ochrepit Cove | |
264 | Peckham Henry | Ochrepit Cove | |
265 | Reardon William | Perrys Cove | |
266 | Rose John Senior | Marshalls Folly | |
267 | Rose John Junior | Marshalls Folly | |
268 | Rose James | Salmon Cove | Sands |
269 | Riddle Thomas | Lower Small Point | |
270 | Reynolds Giles | Mully’s Cove | |
271 | Reynolds Lot | Mully’s Cove | |
272 | Rumsey Charles Senior | Broad Cove | North Side |
273 | Rumsey Francis | Broad Cove | North Side |
274 | Reed John | Adams Cove | |
275 | Rorke John | Adams Cove | |
276 | Ryan Israel | Adams Cove | |
277 | Ronan Thomas | Adams Cove | |
278 | Rose Herekiah | Western Bay | South Side |
279 | Rose William | Western Bay | South Side |
280 | Rose James | Western Bay | South Side |
281 | Rose George | Western Bay | South Side |
282 | Rose John | Western Bay | South Side |
283 | Slade William | Marshalls Folly | |
284 | Slade John | Marshalls Folly | |
285 | Stone Thomas | Salmon Cove | North Side |
286 | Squires William | Broad Cove | North Side |
287 | Squires John | Broad Cove | North Side |
288 | Short William | Upper Small Point | |
289 | Skinner Edward | Ochrepit Cove | |
290 | Sullivan Thomas | Western Bay | North Side |
291 | Skeans John | Broad Cove | North Side |
292 | Tricket John | Spout Cove | |
293 | Thistle John Senior | Mully’s Cove | |
294 | Thistle Jonathan of John | Mully’s Cove | |
295 | Thistle Peter of Michael | Mully’s Cove | |
296 | Thistle Henry of Michael | Mully’s Cove | |
297 | Thistle Solomon | Mully’s Cove | |
298 | Thistle William of Michael | Mully’s Cove | |
299 | Thistle Michael | Mully’s Cove | |
300 | Thistle Absalom | Mully’s Cove | |
301 | Thistle Jonathan of William | Mully’s Cove | |
302 | Thistle Samuel of William | Mully’s Cove | |
303 | Thistle William of William | Mully’s Cove | |
304 | Toole Morgan | Broad Cove | North Side |
305 | Tippett James | Western Bay | South Side |
306 | Tacker William | Western Bay | South Side |
307 | Tacker Robert | Western Bay | South Side |
308 | Tuff William | Western Bay | North Side |
309 | Vaughn George | Lower Small Point | |
310 | WHITE MICHAEL | Perrys Cove | |
311 | White Roger | Salmon Cove | North Side |
312 | White James | Salmon Cove | North Side |
313 | White William | Salmon Cove | North Side |
314 | White George | Salmon Cove | North Side |
315 | White John | Salmon Cove | North Side |
316 | White John | Broad Cove | North Side |
317 | Wright John | Adams Cove | |
318 | Whelan Edward Junior | Bradly’s Cove | |
319 | Whelan William Senior | Bradly’s Cove | |
320 | Whelan Thomas Senior | Bradly’s Cove | |
321 | Whelan Jacob Senior | Bradly’s Cove | |
322 | Williams William Junior | Bradly’s Cove | |
323 | Whelan John Senior | Bradly’s Cove | |
324 | Whelan James Senior | Bradly’s Cove | |
325 | Whelan John Junior | Bradly’s Cove | |
326 | Whiteway Nicholas | Western Bay | North Side |
327 | Whiteway James | Western Bay | North Side |
328 | Walsh William | Western Bay | North Side |
329 | Walsh David | Ochrepit Cove | |
330 | Walsh Thomas | Ochrepit Cove | |
331 | Wilcocks Samuel | Western Bay | North Side |
332 | Webster Charles | Ochrepit Cove | |
333 | White George | Ochrepit Cove | |
334 | Wright John | Broad Cove | North Side |
335 | Walsh Michael | Western Bay | North Side |
336 | Butt John | Gull Island | |
337 | Buckler John | Northern Bay | |
338 | Buckler James | Northern Bay | |
339 | Butler James | Northern Bay | |
340 | Butler Thomas | Northern Bay | |
341 | Butler William | Northern Bay | |
342 | Cummins John | Northern Bay | |
343 | Coole Henry | Northern Bay | |
344 | Dooly William | Gull Island | |
345 | Doyle John | Gull Island | |
346 | Doyle Michael | Gull Island | |
347 | Donahue Jeremiah | Northern Bay | |
348 | Duggan John | Northern Bay | |
349 | English William | Gull Island | |
350 | Furlong John | Gull Island | |
351 | Fogarty Thomas | Northern Bay | |
352 | Flinn Patrick | Northern Bay | |
353 | Flemming Patrick | Long Beach | |
354 | Harriss Robert | Northern Bay | |
355 | Hogan William | Northern Bay | |
356 | Hogan Patrick | Northern Bay | |
357 | Hogan Richard | Northern Bay | |
358 | Hogan James Senior | Northern Bay | |
359 | Hogan James Junior | Northern Bay | |
360 | Hogan James (McNamara) | Northern Bay | |
361 | Hogan John | Northern Bay | |
362 | Hogan Joseph | Northern Bay | |
363 | Hinchy Morgan | Northern Bay | |
364 | Johnson John | Northern Bay | |
365 | Johnson Robert | Northern Bay | |
366 | Jacobs Joseph | Northern Bay | |
367 | Kitty Richard | Northern Bay | |
368 | Layman Gregory | Gull Island | |
369 | McNamara William | Northern Bay | |
370 | McKan Neil | Gull Island | |
371 | MelGinlay Denis | Gull Island | |
372 | Milley John | Burnt Point | |
373 | Milley Thomas | Northern Bay | |
374 | Moors George Senior | Northern Bay | |
375 | Moors John | Northern Bay | |
376 | Moors James | Northern Bay | |
377 | Oliver Robert | Gull Island | |
378 | Oliver Henry | Gull Island | |
379 | Oliver Joseph | Gull Island | |
380 | Puddister Clement | Northern Bay | |
381 | Puddister George | Northern Bay | |
382 | Puddister John | Northern Bay | |
383 | Rogers James | Burnt Point | |
384 | Rogers William | Burnt Point | |
385 | Rogers Stephen | Burnt Point | |
386 | Riggs James | Northern Bay | |
387 | Skinner John | Northern Bay | |
388 | Steele Morgan | Long Beach | |
389 | Spry Christopher | Gull Island | |
390 | Tucker Thomas | Burnt Point | |
391 | Trim Moses | Northern Bay | |
392 | Tobin James | Northern Bay | |
393 | Tobin Richard | Northern Bay | |
394 | Weeks James | Burnt Point | |
395 | Woodfine Richard | Long Beach | |
396 | Woodfine William | Long Beach | |
397 | Colbert James | Jobs Cove | |
398 | Colbert Stephen | Jobs Cove | |
399 | Colbert Patrick | Red Lands | |
400 | Dwyer James | Red Lands | |
401 | English William | Jobs Cove | |
402 | English John | Jobs Cove | |
403 | English Edward of Richard | Jobs Cove | |
404 | English Thomas Junior | Jobs Cove | |
405 | English James | Jobs Cove | |
406 | English Edward of William | Jobs Cove | |
407 | Hamiltin Martin | Jobs Cove | |
408 | Johnson William Junior | Jobs Cove | |
409 | Johnson John Senior | Jobs Cove | |
410 | Johnson John Junior | Jobs Cove | |
411 | Johnson William Senior | Jobs Cove | |
412 | Kelly Patrick | Jobs Cove | |
413 | Murphy Edward | Jobs Cove | |
414 | Murphy Joseph | Jobs Cove | |
415 | Murphy Nicholas | Jobs Cove | |
416 | Murphy Thomas | Jobs Cove | |
417 | Murphy Denis | Jobs Cove | |
418 | Pottle John | Jobs Cove | |
419 | Pearson Robert | Jobs Cove | |
420 | Ryall James | Jobs Cove | |
421 | Rixon John | Jobs Cove | |
422 | Rixon William | Jobs Cove | |
423 | Landy’s Samuel | Jobs Cove | |
424 | Whiteway Thomas | Jobs Cove | |
425 | Austin John | Lower Island Cove | |
426 | Bussey John Senior | Lower Island Cove | |
427 | Bussey Joseph | Lower Island Cove | |
428 | Bussey Robert | Lower Island Cove | |
429 | Bussey William | Lower Island Cove | |
430 | Blunden Stephen | Lower Island Cove | |
431 | Broderick William | Lower Island Cove | |
432 | Bown Isaac | Lower Island Cove | |
433 | Cooper William Senior | Lower Island Cove | |
434 | Cooper Henry | Lower Island Cove | |
435 | Cummins George | Lower Island Cove | |
436 | Champion William | Lower Island Cove | |
437 | Cooke John | Lower Island Cove | |
438 | Cullimore John | Lower Island Cove | |
439 | Diamond John | Lower Island Cove | |
440 | Driscol John | Lower Island Cove | |
441 | Fagner John | Lower Island Cove | |
442 | Green James | Lower Island Cove | |
443 | Garland James | Lower Island Cove | |
444 | Garland Nathanael | Lower Island Cove | |
445 | Garland Thomas of William | Lower Island Cove | |
446 | Garland John of William | Lower Island Cove | |
447 | Garland John of Dorothy | Lower Island Cove | |
448 | Garland John (Sailor) | Lower Island Cove | |
449 | Garland Henry Lilly | Lower Island Cove | |
450 | Garland Henry of Dorothy | Lower Island Cove | |
451 | Garland David | Lower Island Cove | |
452 | Garland William Senior | Lower Island Cove | |
453 | Garland William Junior | Lower Island Cove | |
454 | Grant William | Lower Island Cove | |
455 | Goudin Elias | Lower Island Cove | |
456 | Goudin William | Lower Island Cove | |
457 | Johnson George | Lower Island Cove | |
458 | Johnson Joseph | Lower Island Cove | |
459 | Jackman Henry | Lower Island Cove | |
460 | Keef Patrick | Lower Island Cove | |
461 | King Richard | Lower Island Cove | |
462 | Louis Abraham | Lower Island Cove | |
463 | Louis John Cooper | Lower Island Cove | |
464 | Louis John | Lower Island Cove | |
465 | Louis Moses | Lower Island Cove | |
466 | Louis Edward | Lower Island Cove | |
467 | Louis Peter | Lower Island Cove | |
468 | Louis Philip Senior | Lower Island Cove | |
469 | Louis Philip Junior | Lower Island Cove | |
470 | Morris James | Lower Island Cove | |
471 | Morris William Senior | Lower Island Cove | |
472 | Morris William Junior | Lower Island Cove | |
473 | Manuel John | Lower Island Cove | |
474 | Norman Robert | Lower Island Cove | |
475 | Rankin Richard Esquire | Lower Island Cove | |
476 | Reed Thomas | Lower Island Cove | |
477 | Rhian Maurice | Lower Island Cove | |
478 | Robins Joseph | Lower Island Cove | |
479 | Rogers Samuel | Lower Island Cove | |
480 | Snelgrove James | Lower Island Cove | |
481 | Snelgrove Abraham Senior | Lower Island Cove | |
482 | Snelgrove Abraham Junior | Lower Island Cove | |
483 | Snelgrove John | Lower Island Cove | |
484 | Shane Charles | Lower Island Cove | |
485 | Shane John | Lower Island Cove | |
486 | Sparks Augustine | Lower Island Cove | |
487 | Sparks John | Lower Island Cove | |
488 | Sparks Thomas | Lower Island Cove | |
489 | Sparks William | Lower Island Cove | |
490 | Simmons James | Lower Island Cove | |
491 | Thorne John | Lower Island Cove | |
492 | Trenchen Benjamin | Lower Island Cove | |
493 | Vail Thomas | Lower Island Cove | |
494 | Wheeler John | Lower Island Cove | |
495 | Wheeler Edward | Lower Island Cove | |
496 | Wheeler William Senior | Lower Island Cove | |
497 | Wheeler William Junior | Lower Island Cove | |
498 | Wiltshire William | Lower Island Cove | |
499 | White Richard | Lower Island Cove | |
500 | Brine John | Low Point | |
501 | Bussey John Junior | Kettle Cove | |
502 | Bussey Thomas | Kettle Cove | |
503 | Cahill Michael | Sealing Point | |
504 | Cullen Michael | Low Point | |
505 | Garland Thomas | Kettle Cove | |
506 | Hanrahan John | Low Point | |
507 | Hearn Maurice | Low Point | |
508 | Henneddy Michael | Low Point | |
509 | Henneddy Patrick | Low Point | |
510 | Murphy David | Low Point | |
511 | Power John | Kettle Cove | |
512 | Power John | Low Point | |
513 | Power Thomas | Low Point | |
514 | Stafford John | Low Point | |
515 | Street Thomas | Kettle Cove | |
516 | Walsh Thomas | Low Point | |
517 | White Thomas | Sealing Point | |
518 | Brady John | Bay de verde | |
519 | Broders John | Bay de verde | |
520 | Bailey John | Bay de verde | |
521 | Barter William | Bay de verde | |
522 | Blunden James Senior | Bay de verde | |
523 | Blunden William | Bay de verde | |
524 | Critch Thomas | Bay de verde | |
525 | Critch Nathanael | Bay de verde | |
526 | Duffett George | Bay de verde | |
527 | Duffett James | Bay de verde | |
528 | Duffett John | Bay de verde | |
529 | Emberley John | Bay de verde | |
530 | Emberley Thomas | Bay de verde | |
531 | Emberley William | Bay de verde | |
532 | Eady William | Bay de verde | |
533 | Flemming Michael | Bay de verde | |
534 | Freud William | Bay de verde | |
535 | Fling Dominick | Bay de verde | |
536 | Green Walter? | Bay de verde | |
537 | Harly Michael | Bay de verde | |
538 | Hyde Thomas Senior | Bay de verde | |
539 | Hickey Denis | Bay de verde | |
540 | Jacobs Job | Bay de verde | |
541 | Jacobs James | Bay de verde | |
542 | Jacobs John | Bay de verde | |
543 | Jacobs Henry | Bay de verde | |
544 | Key Laurence | Bay de verde | |
545 | Lockyer John | Bay de verde | |
546 | Lockyer William | Bay de verde | |
547 | Linehan Thomas | Bay de verde | |
548 | Murphy John | Bay de verde | |
549 | Moores Edward | Bay de verde | |
550 | Manning John | Bay de verde | |
551 | McCarthy John | Bay de verde | |
552 | Norris James | Bay de verde | |
553 | North Thomas | Bay de verde | |
554 | Riggs Thomas | Bay de verde | |
555 | Riggs Stephen | Bay de verde | |
556 | Stephens Henry | Bay de verde | |
557 | Stephens Henry | Bay de verde | |
558 | Sutton Edward | Bay de verde | |
559 | Sutton John | Bay de verde | |
560 | Vincent Thomas | Bay de verde | |
561 | Walsh Edward | Bay de verde | |
562 | Whelan Martin Senior | Bay de verde | |
563 | Whelan Martin Junior | Bay de verde | |
564 | Whelan Michael | Bay de verde |
Contributed and Transcribed by Bill White (2003)
Page Revised: June 2003 (Don Tate)
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