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Fisherman of Notre Dame Bay Part - 2

1700 - 1900



                                Twillingate                     1860
George Hawkins                  Change Islands                  1871
John Hawkins                    Change Islands                  1871
John Hayter                     Fogo/Twill/Tilton               1771
Charles Hayter                  Herring Neck                    1850
                                Gut Arm                         1851
                                Stone Harbour                   1856
Thomas Heath                    Fogo                            1803
                                Hare Bay,Fogo                   1840
Edward Hillyer                  Battle Harbour,Labrador         1787
                                Caribou Tickle                  1789 - 95
Edward Hillier                  Twillingate                     1823
Charles Hillier & othrs         Muddy Hole,Fogo                 1871
Charles Hellings                Fogo                            1803
Robert Hellings                 Eastern Tickle,Fogo             1857
William Henstritch              Twillingate                     1854
Hezekiah Hewitt                 Joe Bats Arm                    1842
John Hewitt                     Shoe Cove,Twillingate           1846
        Higgins                 Joe Bats Arm                    1811 - 16
Micheal Higgins                 Fogo                            1824
Joseph Bessant                  Fogo                            1855    CofE Sch Board
William Hill                    Black Isld,Twillingate          1852
Thomas Hinds                    Joe Bats Arm                    1819
Betsy Hinds                     Twillingate                     1822
Richard Hinds                   Leading Tickles                 1855
William Hiscock                 Fogo                            1803
William Hodder                  Dog Bay,Fogo'd                  1821
John Hodder                     Gander Bay                      1850
                                Bonivesta                       1851
John Hoddnett                   Seldom Come By                  1828
Thomas Hoddinott                Exploits Burnt Island           1844
Thomas Hodge                    Fogo                            1871    Trader
Thomas D. Hodge                 Fogo                            1880
Joseph Hoffe                    Gander Bay                      1851
John Hoffe                      Change Islands                  1871
Philip Hoffe                    Change Islands                  1871
Mary Hollett                    Seldom Come By                  1858
Richard Hood                    Lewis Bay,Labrador              1787
                                Fogo                            1789
                                Battle Harbour                  1795
Henry Hood                      Herring Neck                    1871
Moses Hooper                    Twillingate                     1768
William Hooper                  Bay of Exploits                 1797
                                Northern Bay,Hd of The Exploits
Robert Hopkins                  Twillingate                     1871
John Horwood                    Exploits Burnt Island           1871
Henry Horwood                   Twillingate                     1871
Rev. John Hoskins               Twillingate                     1811    minster
Robert House                    New Bay Hd,Twillingate          1851
                                Back Harbour,Twill'd            1861
James Howlett                   Round Hbr,Fogo                  1871
George Hoyles                   Twillingate                     1871
Hugh Hughes                     Joe Bats Arm                    1818
                                Fogo                            1819
George Hull                     Twillingate                     1871
        Humber                  Twillingate                     1768
John Humpy                      Fogo                            1787
                                Guys Cove,Labrador              1789
Mary Humphies                   Change Islands                  1821
Thomas Humphreys                Fogo                            1881
Charles Hunt                    Change Islands                  1787
                                Western Head                    1789
William Hunt                    Joe Bats Arm                    1825
Elizabeth Hurley                Herring Neck                    1855
George Hurley                   Green Cove,Twillingate          1857
James Hustin                    New Bay,Exploits'd              1886
James Hutchings                 Exploits Burnt Island           1844
                                Mobile                          1871
John Hutchings                  Northern Hbr,Twill'd            1871
Racheal Hutchings               Wild Cove                       1859 bir,1883 mar
Steven Huxter                   Herring Neck                    1857
Stephen Huxter                  Seldom Come By                  1871
Ruben Hynes                     Indian Islands,Fogo             1861
John Irish                      Fogo                            1803 - 5
James Jacobs                    Joe Bats Arm                    1821
Joseph Jacobs                   Change Islands                  1849
John Jacobs                     Herring Neck                    1871
James Jeans                     Twillingate                     1818
John Jeans                      Change Islands                  1841
William Jenkins                 Twillingate                     1768
Samuel Jennings                 Western Hd,Twillingate          1861
J. Jennings                     Twillingate                     1871
Martin Jennings                 Twillingate                     1871
Peter John                      Fogo                            1823,1828

n.b.    possible son of James John ,Labrador Mountian Indian.

William Johnson                 Little Sedom Come By            1871
James Joliffe                   Joe Bats Arm                    1882
George Jones                    Exploits Burnt Island           1850
Silas Jones                     Western Hd.,Twill.              1861
Hezekiah Joy                    Fogo/Twill/Tilton               1771
Bryon Kavanagh                  Fogo                            1815
Alice Kavanagh                  Twillingate                     1829
James Kearley                   Herring Neck                    1871
Joseph Kearley                  Herring Neck                    1871
Robert Keates                   Twillingate                     1813    Missionary
Ann Kates                       Herring Neck                    1857
Maria Keefe                     Twillingate                     1867
George Kelland                  St Johns                        1806    cobler
Mary Kelly                      Fogo Island                     1812
Edward Kennedy                  Fogo                            1804
Elizabeth Kennedy               Joe Bats Arm                    1817
Jane Kennedy                    Hare Bay,Fogo'd                 1847
Mary Kenney                     Twillingate                     1846
Micheal Karwan                  St. Johns                       1871    Blacksmith
Micheal Keys                    Caplin Cove,Fogo'd              1871
Thomas Keys                     Caplin Cove,Fogo'd              1871
Messers King                    Twillingate                     1768
John King                       Twillingate                     1837    married
Jonathon Knight                 Black Island,Exploits'd         1859
                                Jackson Hbr.,Exploits'd         1861
Daniel Lacey                    Herring Neck                    1871
Thomas Andrew Leyte             Twillingate                     1837    death
Thomas Leit (Leyte)             Fogo                            1852
                                Eastern Tickle,fogo             1844 - 61
Mary Londrigan                  Fogo                            1814    alias Keelson
William Lane                    Fogo/Twill/Tilton            	1771
Patience Langford               Herring Neck                    1850
George Lannan                   Exploits Burnt Island           1854
Henry Law                       Indian Burial Place             1871
Stephen Lawler                  Fogo                            1843
Patrick Lawrence                Joe Bats Arm                    1818
George Lawrence                 Exploits Burnt Island           1871
Thomas Layman                   Fogo                            1851
Tobias Ledrow                   Change Islands                  1841
Rev. John Leigh                 Twillingate                     1816
Newall Lewis                    Fogo                            1810
John Lewis                      Herring Neck                    1856
                                Stone Harbour                   1859
Thomas Lewis                    Fogo                            1810
James Lilly                     Bay Of Exploits                 1797
William Lilly                   Exploits Burnt Island           1871
Samuel Liscom                   Fogo                            1803
Honnor Liscom                   Herring Neck                    1821
Levi Liscom                     Clarks Cove,Twill.              1854
Thomas Locke                    Fogo/Twill                      1771
Solomon Loder                   Fogo                            1846
                                Green Cove,Twill.               1857
                                Fogo                            1871
Henry Loveridge                 Twillingate                     1871
James Ludlow                    Fogo                            1881
Jane Ludlow                     Fogo                            1857 bir,1881 mar
George Luff                     Exploits Burnt Island           1815
Alice Lukeman (Luckman)         Fogo                            1830
John Lukeman                    Loins Den,Fogo                  1871
William Lunnen                  Twillingate                     1871
John Luscomb                    Thrump Island,Twill.            1871
Job Luther                      Twillingate                     1871    Police
Micheal Mcarthy                 Joe Bats Arm                    1817
Margaret Macdonald              Herring Neck                    1833
Edward Macey                    Shoe Cove,Twill.                1846
Toby McGrath                    Fogo Island                     1805
Edward Mackey                   Shoe Cove,Tilt Cove             1849,1854
Mary Mackey (Muckey)            Beaver Cove ,Twill'd            1860
John Mcnamara                   Fogo                            1821
                                Herring Neck                    1828
John Maddick                    Twillingate                     1832
                                Fogo                            1833
Samuel Maidment                 French Beach,Twill.             1880
Andrew Malone                   Fogo                            1830
Abigale Maning (Mangin)         Twillingate                     1832
                                Fortune Harbour                 1833
William Manuel                  Twillingate                     1755
Joseph Manuel                   Exploits Burnt Island           1841
Titus Manuel                    Loon Bay,NDB                    1871
Abraham Eli March               Philips Hd,Exploits Bay         1853,1922
George Marsh                    Herring Neck                    1857
Micheal Martin                  Fogo                            1819
Richard Martin                  Black Island                    1841
William Martin                  Herring Neck                    1850
Thomas Mason                    Fogo                            1851
William Mason                   Hare Bay                        1879
Emma Mason                      Hare Bay                        1855 bir,1879 mar
John May                        Indian Burial Place             1843
George Meadon                   Exploits Burnt Island           1822
John Meadus                     Fogo                            1845
                                Twillingate                     1858
James Meehan                    Fogo Island                     1805
Rev. Christopher Meek           Fogo                            1871 - 84
William Melley                  Three Arms,Twill.               1871
William Melvin                  Caplin Cove,Twill.              1871
William Menchinton              Exploits Burnt Island           1857
William Merser                  Joe Bats Arm                    1857
Joseph Mew                      Fogo                            1810
Honnor Mew                      Change Islands                  1821
James Mew                       Joe Bats Arm                    1849
                                Barr'd Islands                  1861
Stephen Miles                   Herring Neck                    1842
                                Salt Harbour                    1851
Thomas Miles                    Fogo                            1846    Blacksmith
Andrew Miles                    Stone Harbour                   1857    Schoolteacher
Samuel Miller jr.               Fogo/Twill.                     1771
Thomas Miller                   Fogo/Twill.                     1771
        Miller                  Exploits                        1786
John Miller                     Joe Bats Arm                    1819
Francis Milley                  Exploits Burnt Island           1843
John Mills                      Western Hd.,                    1846
George Mitchell                 Herring Neck            b4      1850
                                Shoe Cove                       1851
                                Green Bay                       1851
John Molloy                     Purcells Cove,Twill'd           1871
        Moore                   Back Harbour,Twill.             1700's
Christopher Moore               Fogo                            1780    Agent
Issac   Moore                   Twillingate                     1808
William Moore                   Change Islands                  1861
James Morey                     Twillingate                     1768
William Morgan                  Wild Cove,Fogo'd                1835
Eli Morgan                      Wild Cove                       1860 bir,1883 mar
Thomas Morrissey                Fogo                            1823
James Morry                     Fogo/Twill/Tilton               1771
William Mosdel                  Exploits Burnt Island           1822
John Moyles                     Fogo                            1843
John Mudford                    Twillingate                     1871
Richard Mullins                 Tilton Hbr.                     1819
                                Fogo                            1824
                                Herring Neck                    1829
William Mullin                  Hare Bay,Fogo                   1871
Joseph Munden                   Twillingate                     1811-
John Mundy                      Fogo                            1803
J. Munn                         Twillingate                     1768
William Mursell                 Herring Neck                    1854 - 1871
Charles Mursell                 Herring Neck                    1854 - 1871
Patrick Murray                  Fogo Island                     1805
Rev. F.R. Murray                Twillingate                     1873 - 77
Thomas Neppard                  Fogo                            1842
James Neppard                   Hare Bay                        1857
Martin Neppard                  Little Seldom Come By           1871
Thomas Neppard                  Little Seldom Come By           1871,1882
Thomas William Neppard          Hare Bay                        1868 bir,1892 mar
James Neppard                   Little Seldom Come By           1850 bir,1882 mar
John Neppard                    Hare Bay                        1892
Elias Newbury                   Caribou Tickle,Labrador         1787
                                Fogo                            1789
Richard Newbury                 Shoe Cove                       1846
William Newbury                 Joe Bats Arm                    1821
Richard Newbury                 Twillingate                     1823
William Newbury                 Barr'd Island                   1842
George Newbury                  Dark Tickle,NDB.                1865
Phillip Newell                  Fogo                            1882
Thomas Noble                    Stocking Hbr.,Twill.            1853
                                Kirys Island,Twill.             1854
Ann Noble                       Herring Neck                    1860
Giles   Normore                 Cutwell Arm,Twill.              1851
James Norris                    Three Arms,Twill.               1871
James Noseworthy                Leading Tickles                 1844
Joseph Oake     sr.             Fogo                            1803
Joseph Oake jr.                 Fogo                            1803
John Oake                       Change Islands                  1821
William Oake                    Change Islands                  1821
James Oake                      Loins Den,Fogo                  1845
Charles Oake                    Eastern Tickle,Fogo             1854
Robert Oake                     Round Hbr.,Twillingate          1856
Hannah Oake                     Fogo                            1881
Rev. Alfred M. Oakley           Fogo                            1871
Robert Oakley                   Twillingate                     1900
Honora O'Brian                  oe Bats Arm                     1833
Wadham Osborne                  Barr'd Island                   1821
Dinah   Osborne (Osmond)        Joe Bats Arm                    1821
James Osmond                    Barr'd Island                   1842
Nathaniel Osmond                Shoal Bay,Fogo                  1857 bir,1883 mar
Alice Osmond                    Shoal Bay,Fogo                  1861 bir,1883 mar
James Osmond                    Shoal Bay,Fogo                  1883
Charles Owen                    Fogo                            1832
George Owen                     Eastern Tickle,Twill'd          1871
Maria Oxford                    Herring Neck                    1852
Henry Oxford                    Stone Harbour,Twill.            1857
Joseph Oxford                   Little Bay Islands              1857
John Oxford                     Twillingate                     1871
George Packwood                 Round Hbr.                      1852
James Pardy                     Twillingate                     1855
                                Little Hbr.,Twillingate         1861
James Parsons                   Leading Tickles                 1847
Noel Paul                       Exploits River                  1871
Abraham Paul                    Exploits River                  1900 - 6
Noel Paul                       Exploits River                  1900 - 6
Nickolas Pain                   Fogo/Twill/Tilting              1771
William Pain                    Fogo                            1803,5
Joseph Payne                    Eastern Tickle,Fogo             1894
Thomas Paynter                  Hare Bay,Fogo                   1871
John Pearce                     Twillingate                     1768
Andrew W. Pearce                Fogo                            1800

n.b.    From Piddletown,Dorset.Collecter of Customs Tax .b1770,d1841

Mary Pearce                     Joe Bats Arm                    1817
William Pearce                  Black Island,Twill.             1843
Thomas Peckford                 Fogo                            1803
John Peckford                   Fogo                            1803
Thomas Peckford                 Change Islands                  1832
Elias Peckham                   Twillingate                     1861
William Paddle                  Leading Tickles                 1849
George Paddle                   Pearce Hbr.Twill.               1871
        Pilly                   Twillingate                     1800's
George Pelley                   Fogo                            1842
Joseph Pelley                   Shoal Bay,Fogo                  1858
Josiah Pelley                   Black Hbr.,Exploits'd           1859
John Pelley                     Change Islands                  1871
George Pelley                   Eastern Tickle,Fogo             1871
Joseph Pelley                   Eastern Tickle,Fogo             1871
Charles Pelley                  Twillingate                     1871
Charles Penney                  Indian Islands,Fogo'd           1858
Henry Penney                    Seldom Come By                  1855
        Perry                   Fogo                    late    1700's
Charles Perry                   Exploits Burnt Island           1843
Nickolas Perry                  Seldom Come By                  1851
                                Indian Islands                  1856
William Perry                   Indian Islands,Fogo'd   b4      1848
        Peyton                  Joe Bats Arm                    1869 - 84
Ann Peyton                      Joe Bats Arm                    1823
John Peyton sr.                 Fogo,Exploits                   1812
John Peyton jr.                 Exploits,Twillingate            1818,1841
John Peyton                     Fogo                            1837
Thomas Peyton                   Barr'd Island                   1871
                                Seldom Come By                  1871
George Philips                  Twillingate                     1823
John Philips                    Round Hbr,Twillingate           1849
                                Indian Burial Place             1851
Richard Philpott                Herring Neck                    1851
John Philpott                   Stone Hbr,Twillingate           1854
                                Indian Arm (Bon Bay)            1855
Thomas Pickett                  Fogo                            1803
Brigett Pickett                 Loins Den,Herr'g Neck           1833,1833
Elizabeth Mary Pike             London England at Fogo          1853 bir,1880 mar
George Pilly                    Exploits Burnt Island           1871
John Pilly                      Exploits Burnt Island           1871
John Pippey                     Fogo                            1871
Ellen Penelope Pollard          Twill   (from P.E.I.)           1850    married
Fawlon Pollard                  Black Isl ,Exploits'd           1859
William Pomeroy                 Fogo                            1843
Adam Pond                       Twillingate                     1871
George Pond                     Twillingate                     1871
Abel Pope                       Shoal Bay,Fogo                  1882
Emma Pope                       Shoal Bay,Fogo                  1862 bir,1882 mar
Susannah Mary Pope              Shoal Bay,Fogo                  1859 bir,1881 mar
George Porter                   Fogo                            1843
William Potter                  Black Isl,Twill'd               1842
Benjamin Powell                 Fogo                            1805
DR.     Power                   Fogo                            1825
Robert Power                    Joe Bats Arm                    1826
Micheal Power                   Twillingate                     1829
Ambrose Power                   Shoe Cove,Twillingate           1844
James Preston                   Twillingate             b4      1845d
James Price                     Back Cove,Twillingate           1871
Phillip Pride                   Twillingate                     1781
Thomas Pride                    Twillingate                     1781
James Proule                    Indian Burial Place             1843
Samuel Prouse                   Twillingate                     1843    Customs
Joshua Purchase                 Joe Bats Arm                    1817
                                Fogo                            1819
John Purchase                   Exploits Burnt Island           1845
Edward Purchase                 Fogo                            1880
James Radford                   Hare Bay,Fogo                   1844
William Randell                 Fogo                            1803
Madeline Randell                Eastern Tickle,Fogo             1894
Eli Randle                      Halls Bay,Twillingate           1854
John Reid                       Fogo                            1803
James Reid                      Change Islands                  1852
George Record                   Fogo                    b4      1890's
                                Victoria Cove,Gander Bay        1890
Elias Rendell                   Green Cove,Twillingate          1851
Joseph Rendell                  Herring Neck                    1860
R. Rex                          Fogo                            1803
George Rex                      Round Hbr.,Fogo                 1871
John Rice                       Little Hbr.,Twillingate         1820
James Rice                      Twillingate                     1823
John Rice                       Friday's Bay,Twill.             1845
Arundel Rice                    Herring Neck                    1856
Thomas Richards                 Seldom Come By                  1842
William James Richards          Herring Neck                    1850
                                Clarks Cove,Twill.              1851    Schoolmaster
Peter Richards                  Round Hbr,                      1856
William Rideout                 Round Hbr.                      1847
Joseph Rideout                  Rogue Harbour,Twill.            1849
Ann Rideout                     Herring Neck                    1855
Jonathon Rideout                Exploits Burnt Island           1859
William Rideout                 Beaver Cove,Twill'd             1860
Thomas Riggs                    Twillingate                     1768
Joseph Roberts                  Fogo                            1827
John Roberts                    Herr'g Nk.,Stone Hbr.           1852,1856
Hugh Roberts                    Donier,Triton Hbr.              1854,1856
Fredrick Roberts                Seal Bay Hd,Twillingate         1856
John Roberts                    Lushs Bight,Exploits'd          1861
Andrew Roberts                  Twillingate                     1861
John Robinson                   Aspey Cove,Twill'd              1871
N. Rogers                       Twillingate                     1768
Joanna Ronan                    Joe Bats Arm                    1823
Mary Ann Row                    Seldom Come By                  1855
Thomas Russell                  Bay of Exploits                 1797
Elizabeth Russell               Twillingate                     1822
Thomas Rousell                  Change Islands                  1822
John Rousell                    Exploits Bay Island             1846
Henry Rousell                   Leading Tickles                 1843
John Rousell                    Exploits,Round Hbr.             1846,1847
James Rutford                   Fogo                            1871
Alice Ryan                      Herring Neck                    1829    married
Elizabeth Ryan                  Bobby's Cove,Twill'd            1844
William Rhine                   New Bay Hd,Twillingate          1844
Thomas Sacary                   Leading Tickles                 1850
                                Black Island                    1851
Thomas Sampson                  Twillingate                     1768    fishing admiral
George Samson                   Exploits Burnt Island           1848
        Samson                  Twillingate                     1826
                                Black Island,NDB.               1830
                                Seal Cove (Hillgrade)           1844
Edward Sanders                  Change Islands                  1841
John Sanders                    Beaver Cove                     1844
Henry Sanders                   Herring Neck                    1858
                                Clarks Cove,Twillingate         1860
Joseph Sanders                  Caplin Cove,Exploits'd          1860
John Sergeant                   Twillingate                     1768
                                Fogo                            1815
Francis Sergeant                Back Cove,Twillingate           1871
F. Scammel                      Fogo                            1803
Susannah Scammel                Change Islands                  1821
Joseph Sceviour                 Exploits Burnt Island           1858
James Seabright                 Waldrons Cove,Fogo              1871
John Sarrell                    Twillingate                     1816    
Missionary                      Moretons Harbour                1819
                                Port de Grave                   1829
John Sealey                     Herring Neck,Salt Hbr.          1850,1852
John Selley                     Fogo                            1883
Isacc Seymore                   Exploits                        1859
Thomas Seymore                  Shoal Bay,Fogo                  1871
Ellen Seymore                   Shoal Bay,Fogo                  1883
John Shannon                    Herring Neck                    1833
James Sharpe                    Twillingate                     1871
Steven Sherron                  New Bay Hd                      1846
William Sharron                 New Bay ,NDB.                   1871
James Sharron                   Three Arms ,Twillingate         1871
Nickolas Shea                   Joe Bats Arm                    1824
Patrick Shea                    Twillingate                     1822
John Sheehan                    Joe Bats Arm                    1824
George Shelley                  Stocking Hbr,Twill'd            1853
                                Jacksons Arm,Fogo               1871
George Sheppard                 Leading Tickles                 1856
Absalom Sheppard                Muddy Hole,Fogo                 1858
                                Indian Islands                  1862
Levi Shiner                     Kirys Hbr,Twillingate           1854
John Short                      Conche,Battle Hbr.,Fogo         1787,1789 - 95,1808
Rebecca Short                   Twillingate                     1860
Peter Sibley                    Fogo Island                     1860's
Thomas Simmons                  Joe Bats Arm                    1815
John Symes                      Fogo,Twill,Tilton               1771
Henry Symes                     Fogo                            1803
James Simms                     Twillingate                     1812
George Syms                     Donier Harbour                  1848
John Skannes                    Round Harbour                   1846
James Skinner                   Fogo                            1805
John Skinner                    Twillingate                     1861
John Slade                      Fogo,Twill,Tilton               1771
Israel Small                    Fogo                            1855
Robert Smart                    Herring Neck                    1857
Edward Smart                    Little Bay Islands              1871
Calib Smith                     Twillingate                     1811
Jane Smith                      Herring Neck                    1833
George Smith                    Little Hbr.,Twillingate         1861
Moses Snellgrove                Exploits Burnt Island           1871
James Snow                      Fogo                            1803
William Snow                    Herring Neck,Stone Hbr.         1842,1852
James Snow              `       Black Isl,Twillingate           1844
William Snow                    Exploits                        1860
Azariah Snow                    Gander Bay                      1894
Jenny Sparke                    Fogo                            1821
Thomas Sparke                   Fogo                            1821
Anastasia Sparks                Joe Bats Arm                    1826
Eliakim Spencer                 Seal Bay Hd,Twillingate         1856
John Squire                     Fogo                            1803
Simon Squire                    Herring Neck                    1850
                                Canister Cove,Twill.            1855
                                Pikes Arm,Twill.                1859
Thomas Squire                   Seldom Come By                  1852
John Squires                    Salt Hbr.,Twillingate           1856
Thomas Squires                  Leading Tickles                 1856
James Squires                   Stone Hbr.,Twillingate          1857
Thomas Stacey                   Battle Hbr.,Labrador            1787
Charles Stanley                 Barr'd Island                   1856
Charles Steel                   Change Islands                  1849
John Steel                      Herring Neck                    1855
                                Salt Harbour                    1856
                                Pikes Arm                       1858
John Stevenson                  Halls Bay,NDB.                  1871
Georgeina Stirling              Twillingate                     1867 - 1935
Rev. A.B.S. Stirling            Twillingate                     1905 - 10
Henry Stone                     Pikes Arm,Herring Neck          1851
Hannibal Stowe                  Twillingate                     1871
William Strickland              Joe Bats Arm                    1815
                                Fogo                            1819
                                Tilton Hbr.                     1822
John Strickland                 Twillingate                     1871
George Strickland               Waldrons Cove,Fogo              1871
Henry Stride                    Exploits Burnt Island           1843
George Stride                   Northern Harbour                1871
Solomon Strong                  Three Arm Island,Twill.         1846
George Strong                   Twillingate                     1871
Joseph Stuckley                 Herring Neck                    1821
Richard Stuckley                Joe Bats Arm                    1856
Isaac   Stuckless               Twillingate(born)               1837 - 1902
                                Point Leamington                1860
Lydia Stuckless                 Twillingate                     1821
Richard Stuckless               Joe Bats Arm                    1853
Isacc   Stuckless               New Bay                         1859
Joseph Stuckless                Exploits Burnt Island           1861
Pheobe Styles                   Wild Cove ,Twillingate          1860
Mary Sweeney                    Joe Bats Arm                    1823
Daniel Sweet                    Twillingate                     1811
Thomas Swyers                   Little Seldom Come By           1871
Robert Tarrant                  Black Island                    1840
William Tarrant                 Fogo,Shoal Bay                  1840,1871
Richard Tarrant                 Fogo                            1881
Andrew Tarrant                  Shoal Bay,Fogo                  1859 bir,1882 mar
Thomas Taylor                   Bay Of Exploits                 1797
William Taylor                  Cupids (planter)
                                Change Islands                  1823
Thomas Taylor                   Western Hd Twillingate          1847
Sarah B. Taylor                 Twillingate                     1886 - 93
Rev. Canon Robt Temple          Twillingate                     1877 - 1905
Silas Thomson                   Herring Neck,Salt Hbr.          1850,1854
Elias Thombs                    Joe Bats Arm                    1856
John Tilly                      Round Harbour                   1857
Thomas Tizzard                  Twillingate                     1822
        Tizzard                 Twillingate                     1768
George Tizzard                  Fogo                            1857
Susannah Mary Tizzard           Fogo                            1880
Joseph Torraville               Herring Neck                    1821
Benjamin Torraville             Fogo                            1843
Jeremiah Torraville             Stone Harbour                   1856
Thomas Torraville               Clarks Cove                     1858
George Torraville               Change Islands                  1871
Thomas Torraville               Change Islands                  1871
Louisa Lucretia Torraville      Change Islands                  1879
Robert Tremlett                 Twillingate                     1823
George Tucker                   Fogo,Indian Burial Pl.          1824,1848
William Tuffin                  Battle Hbr.,Labrador            1795
Naomi   Turner                  Seldom Come By,Fogo             1855
Charles Turner                  Black Isl,Exploits Bay          1871
George Twine                    Black Isl,Exploits Bay          1871
Eli Vatcher & others            Twillingate                     1871
William Vincent                 Three Arms,Herring Neck 1841,1857
        Vincent                 Black Isl,Exploits Bay          1859
William Vivian                  Twillingate                     1841
John Wadden                     Change Islands                  1877
John Wagg                       Fogo                            1855
John Wagg                       Fogo                            1880
Angelina Wagg                   Fogo                            1863 bir,1880 mar
Patrick Ward                    Fogo                            1764
Simon Ward                      Leading Tickles                 1842
William Warford                 Fogo                            1856
Charles Warr                    Little Hbr.,Twillingate         1845
Francis Warr & others           Twillingate                     1871
John Warrick                    Fogo                            1803 - 5
Sarah Warrick                   Herring Neck                    1858
David Waterman                  Hare Bay                        1871
Olivia Waterman                 Fogo                            1863 bir,1883 mar
John Waterman                   Fogo                            1883
Henry Watkins                   Little Hbr.,Twillingate         1814
Elizabeth Watkins               Barr'd Island                   1821
William Watkins                 Herring Neck                    1871
William Watts                   Clarks Cove,Twillingate         1858
John Way                        Herring Neck,Stone Hbr.         1850,1853
Robert Wellon                   Herring Neck,S.C.B.             1843,1855
John Wells                      Three Arms,                     1841
                                Eastern Tickle,Fogo             1854 bir,1894 mar
Henry Wells                     Exploits Burnt Island           1844
William Wells                   Shoal Bay,Fogo                  1858
Eli Wells                       Eastern Tickle,Fogo             1894
Lydia Wells widow               Joe Bats Arm                    1853 bir,1882 mar
John Welshman                   Shoe Cove,Fogo                  1843
Robert Wheadon                  Noggin Cove,Twillingate         1871
George Whetham                  Fogo                            1871
William Whetham                 Fogo                            1871
William Wheeler                 Twillingate                     1796
Eleazer Wheeler                 Loon Bay                        1871
Elijah Wheeler                  Trump Island                    1871
William White                   Conche,Fogo                     1787,1789
James White                     Indian Burial PLace             1844
Charles White                   Herring Neck                    1854
John White                      Salt Harbour                    1857
James White                     Three Arms                      1860
Rev Charles White               Fogo                            1892
James Whitehorn                 Twillingate                     1871
James Whiteaway                 Change Islands                  1849
Nickolas Whiteaway              Muddy Hole,Fogo                 1858
Samuel Whiteaway                Herring Neck                    1871
William Wicher                  Shoe Cove,Twillingate           1871
Thomas Willer                   Shoe Cove                       1854
Bernard Willis                  Fogo                            1871
Charles Willis                  Fogo                            1871
Solomon Windsor                 Tilt Cove,Round Hbr.            1849,1849
James Winter                    Fogo                            1842
John Wiseman                    Fogo                            1803 - 5
John Witcher                    Barr'd Island                   1847
William Woodford                Stone Hbr.,Twillingate          1853
William Woodford                Gut Arm,                        1856
Thomas Woolridge                Fogo                            1853
Mary Woolridge                  Wild Cove                       1883
Joseph Woolfreys                Exploits, NDB.                  1859
Edward Wotten                   Battle Hbr.,Labrador            1787
Edward Wotten                   Twillingate                     1789
Thomas Wyatt                    Twillingate                     1871
William Wyatt                   Twillingate                     1871
        Young                   Twillingate,S.S.
William Young                   Round Hbr.,Twillingate          1843

Possible sources.....

        Hutchinson's Nfld. Directory                            1864-5
        Lovell directory                                        1871
        Might's Directory of Nfld.                              1890
        Mcalpine Nfld. Directory                                1898
        Nfld. Directory                                         1928
        Nfld. Directory                                         1936

        Lowell directory of Nfld..Printed by
        Lowell Printing and Publishing Co. Montreal.            1877

        D'Alberti Transcripts, Memorial University              1780 - 1825




Transcription by Angus Elliot (Posted May 7, 1999)

Page Revised: July 2002 (Don Tate)

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