
Presented by the
Newfoundland's Grand Banks Site
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Churches Within the Trinity Bay Regional Area

On this page we hope to provide a list of all the churches within the Trinity Bay District, together with a short history of that church. We would appreciate it if individuals would provide this information to one of the coordinators so that is may be presented here.

Church Histories, Trinity Bay, NL


Church of Holy Martyrs Anglican Church, Port Union, NL

St. Andrew's United Church, Hodge's Cove, NL

St. Barnabas Anglican Church, Blaketown, NL

St. Mary's Anglican Church, Elliston, NL

St. Peter's Anglican Church, Catalina, NL

1st Anglican Church, Ireland's Eye, NL

Addresses for some of the Churches in Trinity Bay District

Transcribed by Jim Butler, November 2001
Revised by Jim Butler, 2003



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