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A collection of books published by and about Trinity Bay people, places and events. In the future these titles will be grouped for easier viewing, but, in the meantime, they are listed in alphabetical order by the author's surname. If you know of a book that has been missed, or would like to correct any of the information here, please forward the appropriate information to the coordinator so that the changes can be made. And in that regard, our first big thanks goes to Clarence Dewling of Trouty, NF, who has a large collection of published books for the Trinity Bay area. Assiniwi, Bernard (Translated by Wayne Grady)
A historical novel, originally published in French, which tells the story of the Newfoundland aboriginal peoples, with references to the presence of John August in Catalina and the alleged massacre near Hant's Harbour, Trinity Bay. ISBN 0-7710-0798-1 McClelland & Stewart Ltd., Toronto, ON, 1996 (translation, 2000) Balbo, Italo
Stories of early air travel with Air Marshall Balbo's stopover at Shoal Harbour Hurst and Blackett Ltd., London, 1934 Balsom, Jean
an anthology of prose and verse ISBN 0-9694225-0-4 1989. Batstone, Hazel
Poetry with an inspirational lean of a retired teacher ISBN 1-895607-10-8 Glovertown Literary Creations Inc., Glovertown, NF, 1998. Beamish, Peter
ISBN 1-895387-28-0 Creative Printers, St. John's, 1993 Benson, Gerald E., Editor
ISBN 0-9696482-0-0 Good News Publication Inc., St. John's, NF, 1992 Benson, Gerald E., Editor
ISBN 0-9211426-24-0 Canadian Bible Society, St. John's, 1998 Brennan, Beverly, Gerry Hollahan, Sandra Quinton, Jocelyn White
[a post tags project sponsored by the local service district of Summerville, Princeton and Southern Bay 1999. Choyce, Leslie
A well-written history of Nova Scotia. On page 228 the author claims that Jack Randell was from Lunenburg, NS. Although "cousin" Jack sailed out of Lunenburg, he was born in Ship Cove (now Port Rexton), NF. A brief summary of Randell's rum-running days and the loss of I'M Alone is included in the book ISBN 0-14-025132-4 A Penguin Book, Toronto, 1996. Cholock, Geneva K
Reprints of column printed in Clarenville Packet. Clayton, Howard
The story of transatlantic communications with reference to the role of The Great Eastern and Heart's Content, Newfoundland. ISBN 900391-11-1 The Garnstone Press Ltd., London, 1968 Cole, Douglas
A genealogical study of the families of Elliston, Trinity Bay, and their relationships to one another. published by the author, November 1991. Cole, Doug
A collection of historical data pertaining to the community of Elliston, Trinity Bay, Newfoundland ISBN 0-9681156-3-2 ESPress, Portugal Cove, NF, 1997 Cook, Clayton D.
ISBN 0-921191-39-1 Harry Cuff Publications Ltd., St. John's, 1989 Cooper, Georgiana
[65 pages of poetry and paintings, forward by Leslie Harris. Post script by R.A. Parsons, Edited by Harry A. Cuff and Everett H. King] Harry Cuff Publications Ltd., St. John's, NF, 1979. Cooper, Georgiana
[and other Newfoundland poems]. Cooper, S.R. (Bert)
Poems and black and white art work by author ISBN 0-919095-25-9 Harry Cuff Publications Ltd., St. John's, NF, 1982. Cooper, S. Robert
poetry and art work ISBN 0-88651-46-5 Bonavista, NF, 1984. Commissioner for Finance
1948 Cormack, W. E.
A diary of a walk through the interior of Newfoundland from Trinity Bay to Bay St. George in the early 1800s. Longmans, Green & Company, Ltd., London, England, 1928. Cranford, Garry
History of the last of the banking schooners. ISBN 0-9698767-0-X Flanker Press, St. John's, NF, 1994. Cranford, Garry & Ed Janes
The history of Hant's Harbour, NF, and folk tales of the area. ISBN 0-9698767-1-8 Flanker Press, St. John's, NF, 1995. Cranford, Garry, & Raymond Hillier
A folk history of New Harbour, Trinity Bay, Newfoundland ISBN 0-9698767-2-6 Flanker Press, St. John's, NF, 1995 Cross Foundation
Reminiscences of Newfoundland and Labrador. The Cross Memorial Health Care Foundation, Clarenville, NF, 1998 Cuff, Harry
A collection of stories, photographs and poems centered on the early residents of Inglewood Forest, Trinity Bay, Newfoundland, and in particular Georgiana Cooper ISBN 0-921191-58-8 Harry Cuff Publications Ltd., St. John's, NF, 1990 Dewling, Clarence Brown
Reminisces of past years in the community of Trouty, Trinity Bay. Brown's Cove Productions, Mount Pearl, NF, 1996. Dewling, Clarence Brown
"A tiny harbour whose history is recorded since late 1600s.That harbour is Trouty." Brown's Cove Productions, Mount Pearl, NF, 1997. Dewling, Clarence Brown
"A booklet of poems noting the place of the outport in the life of the province and the struggle of the outport to maintain its rural place in a modern age." Brown's Cove Productions, Trouty, NF, 1998. Dewling, Clarence Brown
Words, phrases and idioms of the Newfoundland outport. Brown's Cove Productions, Trouty, NF, 1999. Dibner, Bern
Blaisdell Publishing Co., New York, NY, 1964. Drodge, Eldon
This account of the Trinity Bay disaster of February 27th, 1892 is written in the form of a novel. The author remains true to the salient facts of the tragedy. An excellent read. ISBN 1-894377-04-4 Jesperson Publishing, St. John's, NL, 2003. Handcock, W. Gordon
A reconstruction and explanation of the patterns of early migration from the southwest regions of England to Newfoundland. ISBN 0-920911-80-3 (bound); 0-920911-55-2 (paper) Breakwater Books, St. John's, NF, 1989 Handcock, Gordon
A concise and informative history of " ... the best and largest Harbour in all the Land" Published by the Trinity Historical Society, Trinity, NF, 1997 Hayley-Bath, Linda
Work Along the Discovery Trail - ISBN 0-9699912-7-4 Dwelling Houses on the Discovery Trail - ISBN 0-9699912-5-8 Poetry and Songs of the Discovery Trail - ISBN 0-9699912-6-6 Three booklets plus Maps of New Founde Land Bonavista South Regional Development Association for the Bonavista, King's Cove, and Trinity Historical Societies, 1998 Hiller, J.K.
ISBN 0-919095-08-9 Newfoundland Historic Society, St. John's, 1981 Horwood, Joan
A social studies textbook for elementary grades. ISBN 0-88902-126-0 Fitzhenry & Whitesite, Vancouver, BC, 1974 Howley, James P.
Reprint of the compilation of the history of the aboriginal peoples of Newfoundland originally published in 1915 and previously published by Coles Book in 1980. Recounts encounters with Beothucks in the Trinity Bay area as well as other centres. ISBN 1-55267-139-9 Prospero Books, Toronto, ON, 2000 Hunt, Rev. Edmund
A personal history of Trinity in the early 1900s. Harry Cuff Publications, St. John's, NF, 1981 Janes, L. W. (editor)
A collection of stories, true and fictional, written by Newfoundlanders. Some are stories of Trinity Bay communities. Maple Leaf Mills Limited, St. John's, NF, undated (1961). King, C. Rupert
1973. Marshall, Ingeborg
Part 1 is a documentation of the history of the Beothuk from the first European encounters in the 1500s, including the encounters in the Trinity Bay area. Part 2 is a comprehensive review of Beothuk culture. ISBN 0-7735-1390-61973. McGill-Queen's University Press, 1996 Martin, Steve
Fully illustrated with colour photography of the Matthew's trip and arrival in Bonavista ISBN 1-55081-134-7 Breakwater, St. John's, 1997 Martin, Wendy
A history of mining on the island of Newfoundland, with reference to the slate quarries and brickmaking operations of Trinity Bay. ISBN 0-919086-03-9 Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Special Volume 26, 1983 Martin, Lillian May
A biographical sketch and a collection of her poems. ISBN 0-920021-60-3 Creative Publishers, St. John's, NF, 1988 Martin, Wilfred B. W.
An analysis of the place names, population, industry and people of Random Island from 1836 to 1981. ISBN 0-920021-72-7 Creative Publishers, St. John's, NF, 1990 Martin, Wilfred B. W.
Creative Publishers, St. John's, NF, 1991 Martin, Wilfred B. W.
Creative Publishers, St. John's, NF, 1993 Mills, David B.
Dept. of Culture, Recreation and Youth, St. John's, 1982 Mowat, Farley
This original work on the tenth century Norse voyages of discovery and piracy includes interpretation of Leif Eriksson over wintering in Trinity Bay in 995-996. Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 65-20746 McClelland and Stewart Ltd., Toronto, 1965 NF & Lab. Genealogical Society
ISBN 0-921086-19-9 Newfoundland and Labrador Genealogical Society, Inc., 1995 NF & Lab. Genealogical Society
ISBN 0-921086-20-2 Newfoundland and Labrador Genealogical Society, Inc., 1996 Newfoundland Historic Trust
Drawings by J.M. Ball of architecture around Newfoundland. Each drawing is accompanied by a one page description and background. Maps are included, ISBN 0-919962-03-3 Newfoundland Historic Trust, St. John's, 1978 Newhook, Cle
An anthology of verse and prose about growing up in Norman's Cove ISBN 0-919095-72-0 Harry Cuff Publications Ltd., St. John's, NF, 1985. Noseworthy, Randy
The book recalls the days when a travelling school brought basic education services to isolated locations along Newfoundland's rail lines. R.P.N. Publishing, P. O. Box 23, Whitbourne, NF, A0B 3K0, 1997. Parsons, Robert
Stories of shipwrecks in Newfoundland waters including the Cento; Revenue; Albert J. Lutz; Effie M.; Sperry; Marion Rogers; Edward VII; Catherine B; E.B. Phillips; C. A. Hubley; and President Coaker from the Trinity Bay area. ISBN 1-895387-96-5 Creative Publishers, St. John's, NF, 1998 Patton, Janis
[Stories from the Pierre Berton Show] ISBN 0-7710-1377-9 McClelland & Stewart Ltd., Toronto, 1973 Penney, A.R.
ISBN 0-921191-32-4 Harry Cuff Publications Ltd., St. John's, 1988 Penney, A.R., with Fabian Kennedy
ISBN 0-921191-57-X Harry Cuff Publications Ltd., St. John's, 1990 Pittman, Henry Herbert
1930. Pretty, Lloyd
ISBN 0-9690041-6-8 Four East Publications Ltd., Tantallon, NS, 1982 Randell, Jack
A sage of 44 years at sea, beginning in 1885, as mate, captain, salvager and rum-runner. Newnes, London, 1930 Randell, Violet Bennett
The story of a young girl growing up in a Newfoundland outport (Port Rexton) and moving away to the city (New York). ISBN 0-8062-0095-2 Carlton Press, Inc., New York, 1975 Rendell, Charles William
The poetry of a Newfoundland bayman. ISBN 0-920021-05-0 Creative Printers & Publishers Ltd., St. John's, NF, 1984. Rendell, Charles William
More poetry of a Newfoundland bayman. ISBN 0-920021-29-8 Creative Printers, St. John's, NF, 1986. Rowe, Melvin
A narrative of Heart's Content from the first recorded visit by John Guy in 1612; to the arrival of The Great Eastern; to the opening of the historic site museum. A project of the Heart's Content Retired Citizen's Club, published by Town Crier Publishing Company, St. John's, NF, 1976 Seary, E. R.
A comprehensive compilation of family names and their origins, revised and corrected from the 1977 edition by William Kirwin. ISBN 0-7735-1782-0 McGill-Queen's University Press, 1998 Simmons, Lillian
Reprints from her columns in the Robinson Blackmore Newspapers ISBN 0-9698767-6-9 Flanker Press Ltd., St. John's, NF, 1998. Smallwood, J. R.
A re-issue of an earlier work to commemorate the anniversary of the founding of the Fisherman's Protective Union. ISBN 0-9684470-0-7 Advocate Press, Coaker Heritage Foundation, Port Union, 1998. Stagg, Bruce
ISBN 0-920502-43-1 Jesperson Press, St. John's, NF, 1985. Stringer, Eric
A "homemade" guide to a number of historical aspects of Hodge's Cove, including church histories, teachers, businesses, resident surnames, etc. Approx 125 pages 1999. Thorne, Robert
An article in the "Tales of the Northern Sea" series from Downhomer magazine pp. 61 - 63; October, 2001. Toope, Eugene
A history of Ireland's Eye and surrounding area, with an abundance of genealogical information. ISBN 0-9682171-0-9 E & Eye Enterprises, Grand Falls, NF, 1997 Town of Heart's Delight - Islington
Traces early settlement from 1800s to 1972. Includes excellent census materials and statistics of the early days with good historical development of the economic, social and religious changes during that period. Full Circle Printing Tucker, Otto
Essays on Newfoundland life from Scilly Cove to Poole. ISBN 0-919095-57-7 Creative Printers & Publishers, St. John's, NF, 1984 Vey, Les
[random humour and cartoons] S. Feltham Assoc. Inc., Clarenville, NF, 1995. Vey, Les
A collection of stories from around the Southwest Arm of Trinity Bay. Included are lists of service people from the area who took part in the wars; residents who lived in the area in the late 1800's; the schooners used in Southwest Arm and their skippers. Vey, Les
A novel based on the story of the Rice/Vey family, the reasons they left Ireland and travelled to the New World to settle in Grates Cove and Long Beach of Southwest Arm of Trinity Bay. ISBN 0-9685693-0-7 publisher by author, 1999. Compiled by James Butler, 1999
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