
Presented by the
Newfoundland's Grand Banks Site
to assist you in researching your Family History

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Stonepics Database Index
Version 5.0
221,470 Entries

NOTE: Stonepics has released their photos for viewing.
Use the link below to access their new image index page.
Follow the instructions on the page and select the CD
where the desired image can be found and open up the image for viewing.

The following is an alphabetical index of the names found on headstones, war memorials,
and monuments photographed in Newfoundland, Canada, from the Stonepics Project.
This listing includes St. Pierre & Miquelon headstones, which can also be
viewed separately under the NGB Foreign Cemeteries Section.

Updates to this file, information about this project, photo CD's, and other information are available at Stonepics. There is also software specifically designed to search a downloadable version of the total file, from Stonepics.

This database was designed to support genealogical and historical research. The project was privately financed and required many thousands of hours of paid labor. You may reproduce small portions of it for inclusion into a new work as long as you reference the source of the information in the new work and the copyright owner does not consider the use abusive. You may not generate cemetery, town, or other lists by category for publication without written permission of the copyright owner. This index and the format for this index were specifically designed for Stonepics and are protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

Additional details are provided at the project website

Select a range of surnames to view from below.
(Note:- These files are large and may be slow to load)

Abbott to Austin
Autin to Barron
Barrott to Billard
Billett to Bradbury
Bradford to Brushett
Bruss to Butler
Butlin to Cash
Cashin to Clelland
Clemens to Connoly
Connor to Criss
Critch to Daw
Dawe to Dooley
Dooling to Dyson
Eadie to Farrow
Farthing to Foote
Foran to Garf
Garland to Gosney
Goss to Guthrie
Guy to Harte
Hartery to Hickling
Hickman to Holloway
Holly to Hutchings
Hutchins to Joncas
Jones to Kennedy
Kennel to Lane
Lanen to Lischynski
Lissague to Mallon
Malone to McCormak
McCormick to Mifflin
Mighton to Morrill
Morris to Murrey
Murrin to Nosal
Noseworthy to Orgain
Organ to Pascoe
Pasha to Penton
Penwell to Pittman
Pitts to Pufpaff
Pugh to Rex
Rexton to Roscoe
Rose to Sanson
Santos to Shirron
Shoart to Smitty
Smurage to Stacey
Stack to Summers
Sumner to Tilly
Tilting to Unknown
Unknown to Wallis
Walsh to Welsh
Welshman to William
Williams to Zvaigzne


Page Last Updated November 10, 2024 (Craig Peterman)

Newfoundland's Grand Banks is a non-profit endeavor.
No part of this project may be reproduced in any form
for any purpose other than personal use.

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