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This page is for listings of the surname BENDEL, and people with research interest.
Bill Crant Excerpt from Dr. Seary's, Family Names of the Island of Newfoundland, MUN 1977. BENDALL, BENDELL, surnames of England, from the English place name Benthall (Shropshire). (Reaney). Guppy traced Bendall in Suffolk and Bentall in Essex. In Newfoundland: Early instances: Paul Bendle, in possession of property and fisherman of Torbay, 1794-5, "40 years in Newfoundland", that is, since 1754 (Census 1794-5); Sarah Anne Bendall, of St. John's, 1834 (DPHW 26D); Thomas Bendel, of Haystack, Long Island (Placentia B.) 1836 (DPHW 30); Henry Bendle, fisherman of Northern Gut (now North River, Conception B.), 1849 (DPHW 39); William B. Bendall, J.P., Labrador, 1857 (Nfld. Almanac) ; Henry Bendell, fisherman of The Scrape (Port de Grave), 1860 (DPHW 38); Thomas, of Harbour Buffett, 1871 (Lovell). Modern status: Rare, especially at Otterbury (Port de Grave). Early Instances:
The entries have been supplied by various contributors.
Page Revised: July 2002 (Don Tate)
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