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Newfoundland's South Coast - BAGGS



This page is for listings of the surname BAGGS, and people with research interest.

Bill Crant

Excerpt from Dr. Seary's, Family Names of the Island of Newfoundland, MUN 1977.

BAGG(S), surnames of England, Bagge of Ireland, from an Old German or Old English personal name, or from Middle Eng-lish bagge - (maker of) bag(s), or for a beggar. (Reaney, MacLysaght).

Guppy traced Bagg in Somerset; Spiegelhalter traced Baggs and Badge in Devon, MacLysaght traced Bagge in Co. Waterford.

In Newfoundland:

Family traditions: The family name wac originally Banks and Captain William Bagg who sailed from Poole (Dorset) about 1685 and settled at Broad Cove (Conception B.) was a descendant of Lady Mary Banks (died 1661), who occupied the family residence Corfe Castle (Dorset) for the royalists at the outbreak of the Civil War and withstood two sieges until 1646 when the castle was betrayed by an officer of the garrison (MUN Folklore, DN5). Joseph, son of Captain William Baggs, moved to Spaniards Bay, died, age . 90 (Tradition). William and Stephen, from Poole (Dorset), of Spaniards Bay, 1775 (MUN Geog.).

Early instances: Robert Baggs, of St. John's, 1705 (CO 194.22); William, of Upper Island Cove, 1775 (CO 199.18); Joseph Bagg, of Broad Cove (North Shore, Conception B.), 1776 (CO 199.18); Joseph, of Adams Cove, 1797 (CO 199.18); Richard Baggs, of Northern Cove (Spaniards B.), 1802 (CO 199.18); Joseph, juror of Green spond, 1804 (D'Alberti 14); Anne, of Harbour Grace Parish, 1806 (Nfld. Archiv es HGRC); Thomas Bag, of Ivers Parish (Co. Wexford), married at St. John's, 1820 (Nfld. Archives BRC); Henry Baggs, of Bonavista, 1825 (Nfld. Archives KCRC) John Bagg, of La Hune Bay, 1830 (DPHW 30); Hugh, of Oar Bay, 1835 (DPHW 30); John Baggs, of Biscayan Cove, 1839 (DPHW 26B); Hugh Bagg, of Deer Island (Burgeo-La Poile district), 1842 (DPHW 101); John, of Channel, 1843 (DPHW 101); H., inspector of pickled fish, La Poile, 1844 (Nfld. ALmanac) ; Joseph Baggs, schoolmaster of Trinity (Trinity B.), 1849 (DPHW 64B); John Bagg, fisherman of Cape La Hune, 1856 (DPHW 102); Joseph, teacher of Pouch Cove, 1857 (Nlfd. Almanac); John, of Bluff Head (Twillingate), 1861 (DPHW 88); Jeremiah Baggs, farmer of Bryants Cove, 1871 (Lovell).

Modern status: Bagg at Dog Cove English babe - infant, young child. (Withycombe, Reaney).

Traced by Spiegelhalter in Devon.

In Newfoundland: Family tradition: Thomas (1813- ), from Devon, settled at Bryants Cove, 1828 (MUN Folklore, MUN Geog.). Early instances: John Bab(b), of St. John's, 1681, 1682 (CO l); Thomas Babb, of Carbonear, 1784 (CO 199.18); John, of Bow Point (Conception B.), 1797 (CO 199.18), Thomas, of Newton Abbot (Devon), landowner at St. John's, 1798 (D'Alberti 8); Anne Babbs, of Harbour Grace Parish, 1806 (Nfld. Archives HGRC); Bridget Babb, of Heart's Content, 1819 (Nfld. Archives KCRC).

Modern status: Especially at Harbour Grace and Bryants Cove.

Early Instances:



The entries have been supplied by various contributors.

[ Alpha Listing]

Page Revised: July 2002 (Don Tate)

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