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A Collection of Road Reports
List of Men
Working on the Road From
Topsail to Broad Cove

Names Days Names Days
John Kehoe8James Butler9
Michael Hall8William Delaney7
James Phelan8Thomas Jeffers9
Patrick Conigan37John Grealy7
James Phelan16Michael Boggin9
John Phelan16John Boggin9
Richard Travers16Jacob Noseworthy7
Rohert Phelan16Nathan Porter8
Martin Lawler16William Porter7
Robert Lawler16Samuel Porter5
Thomas Stapleton16Richard Perrin9
Michael Stapleton16William Boggin3
William Stapleton16George Daw9
Patrick Stapleton16George Daw, sen'r.10
Thomas Gillins12Edward Pettan7
Elias Picco16James Noseworthy11
Philip Picco16William Noseworthy7
Philip Neary14Jacob Noseworthy, sen'r.10
James Barron16George Norseworthy10
George Squires6Joseph Taylor9
Benjamin Squires6John Perrin9
James Squires6Michael Feagan4
Joseph Squires6William Feagan7
Solomon Squires6Abraham Anthony8
Joseph Squires5Moses Anthony8
John Squires5Henry Anthony9
Apollo Squires5George Allen8
William Squires5Thomas Summers13
James Allen13John Pettin12
James Neville13Michael Feagan5
Edward Hally12Jacob Taylor5
Gregory Neville10Caliph Taylor5
James Hally11George Taylor2
John Squires5Anthony Taylor2
George Allen11William Taylor3
William Allen11Jacob Feagan3
Solomon Taylor9Charles Pettin5
Henry Daw9Henry Hepburn2
Solomon Porter8Jacob Porter4
John Grealy9William Williams, Jr.4
James Grealy8John Williams4
William Williams7James Williams4
Robert Williams7Edmund Pettin3
Richard Taylor9Elias Delaney5
Samuel Butler2Charles Perrin5
John Tucker2Edmund Aid4
William Taylor2Samuel Lear5
Charles Stanly5John Lear5
John Stanly5William Cabb3
John Widdicombe4Henry Lear2
Samuel Serl4Jonathan Daw1
William Esons4Charles Bishop3
John Bishop5William Greenslade3
Job Elliott5Henry Greenslade3
Charles Feagan3Thomas Greenslade1
James Pettin5Thomas Hibbs3
James Feagan5John Hibbs3
John Butler4Samuel Churchill3
Henry Butler4John Jarmiter3
John Sweetman4Robert Smith3
Charles Butler5William Smith3
James Butler3Robert Smith3
John Hickey5Robert Mercer1
James Aid4William Mercer1
Elija Roberts5  
Nicholas Sweetman5  
941 day's at 1s. 6d...........................£70 11 6
(Signed)    PETER McBRIDE.

Page Contributed by Barbara McGrath
Page Transcribed by Ivy F. Benoit (April 28, 2002)
Page Revised by Craig Peterman (September 2002)

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