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As always, confirm these, as you would any other source material.
Names | Days | Names | Days |
John Kehoe | 8 | James Butler | 9 |
Michael Hall | 8 | William Delaney | 7 |
James Phelan | 8 | Thomas Jeffers | 9 |
Patrick Conigan | 37 | John Grealy | 7 |
James Phelan | 16 | Michael Boggin | 9 |
John Phelan | 16 | John Boggin | 9 |
Richard Travers | 16 | Jacob Noseworthy | 7 |
Rohert Phelan | 16 | Nathan Porter | 8 |
Martin Lawler | 16 | William Porter | 7 |
Robert Lawler | 16 | Samuel Porter | 5 |
Thomas Stapleton | 16 | Richard Perrin | 9 |
Michael Stapleton | 16 | William Boggin | 3 |
William Stapleton | 16 | George Daw | 9 |
Patrick Stapleton | 16 | George Daw, sen'r. | 10 |
Thomas Gillins | 12 | Edward Pettan | 7 |
Elias Picco | 16 | James Noseworthy | 11 |
Philip Picco | 16 | William Noseworthy | 7 |
Philip Neary | 14 | Jacob Noseworthy, sen'r. | 10 |
James Barron | 16 | George Norseworthy | 10 |
George Squires | 6 | Joseph Taylor | 9 |
Benjamin Squires | 6 | John Perrin | 9 |
James Squires | 6 | Michael Feagan | 4 |
Joseph Squires | 6 | William Feagan | 7 |
Solomon Squires | 6 | Abraham Anthony | 8 |
Joseph Squires | 5 | Moses Anthony | 8 |
John Squires | 5 | Henry Anthony | 9 |
Apollo Squires | 5 | George Allen | 8 |
William Squires | 5 | Thomas Summers | 13 |
James Allen | 13 | John Pettin | 12 |
James Neville | 13 | Michael Feagan | 5 |
Edward Hally | 12 | Jacob Taylor | 5 |
Gregory Neville | 10 | Caliph Taylor | 5 |
James Hally | 11 | George Taylor | 2 |
John Squires | 5 | Anthony Taylor | 2 |
George Allen | 11 | William Taylor | 3 |
William Allen | 11 | Jacob Feagan | 3 |
Solomon Taylor | 9 | Charles Pettin | 5 |
Henry Daw | 9 | Henry Hepburn | 2 |
Solomon Porter | 8 | Jacob Porter | 4 |
John Grealy | 9 | William Williams, Jr. | 4 |
James Grealy | 8 | John Williams | 4 |
William Williams | 7 | James Williams | 4 |
Robert Williams | 7 | Edmund Pettin | 3 |
Richard Taylor | 9 | Elias Delaney | 5 |
Samuel Butler | 2 | Charles Perrin | 5 |
John Tucker | 2 | Edmund Aid | 4 |
William Taylor | 2 | Samuel Lear | 5 |
Charles Stanly | 5 | John Lear | 5 |
John Stanly | 5 | William Cabb | 3 |
John Widdicombe | 4 | Henry Lear | 2 |
Samuel Serl | 4 | Jonathan Daw | 1 |
William Esons | 4 | Charles Bishop | 3 |
John Bishop | 5 | William Greenslade | 3 |
Job Elliott | 5 | Henry Greenslade | 3 |
Charles Feagan | 3 | Thomas Greenslade | 1 |
James Pettin | 5 | Thomas Hibbs | 3 |
James Feagan | 5 | John Hibbs | 3 |
John Butler | 4 | Samuel Churchill | 3 |
Henry Butler | 4 | John Jarmiter | 3 |
John Sweetman | 4 | Robert Smith | 3 |
Charles Butler | 5 | William Smith | 3 |
James Butler | 3 | Robert Smith | 3 |
John Hickey | 5 | Robert Mercer | 1 |
James Aid | 4 | William Mercer | 1 |
Elija Roberts | 5 | ||
Nicholas Sweetman | 5 | ||
Days | 941 | ||
941 day's at 1s. 6d...........................£70 11 6 | |||
(Signed) PETER McBRIDE. |
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