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Street | Amount expended |
Balance remaining |
Hodge's to Kelligrews | Grant .... 13 0 0 | |
1 Contract, 51 perches | 13 0 0 | |
Lance Cove, South Shore | Grant .... 10 0 0 | |
1 Contract, 75 perches | 10 0 0 | |
School House Road | Grant .... 7 0 0 | |
Crawley's Road | Grant .... 10 0 0 | |
1 Contract, 45 ¼ perches | 9 19 4 | 0 0 8 |
Holyrood to Indian Pond | Grant .... 35 0 0 | |
2 Contracts, 119 perches | 34 16 0 | 0 4 0 |
Grant's Marsh | Grant .... 20 0 0 | |
1 Contract, 161 perches | 13 1 4 | |
Compensation for land to two persons | 6 18 8-----20 0 0 | |
Red Rock Road | Grant .... 20 0 0 | |
1 Contract, 142 perches | 20 0 0 | |
Street South-side Holyrood | Grant .... 30 0 0 | |
4 Contracts, 94 ½ perches, repairing Bridge | 27 18 2 | 2 1 10 |
Harbor Main Street | Grant .... 30 0 0 | |
4 Contracts and portion of another, 93 ⅝ perches and repairs on Street | 29 11 6 | 0 8 6 |
Castors Road | Grant .... 25 0 0 | |
1 Contract, 203 perches | 24 18 6 | 0 1 6 |
£9 15 6 |
Street | Amount expended |
Balance remaining |
Holyrood to Salmonier Cove | Grant .... 142 10 0 | |
2 Contracts, 223 perches | 108 8 7 | |
Compensation for Land | 6 18 8-----115 7 3 | 2? 2 9 |
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