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Ship Manifest for "Rosalind" | ||||
NAME | GENDER | AGE | Married | Place of Residence |
Rowe, Alexander | M | 35y | M | HrtsContent |
Palmer, Roland | M | 35y | M | St John's |
Newhook, Helen | F | 25y | S | St John's |
Davis, Catherine | F | 20y | S | St Mary's |
Winter, Thomas | M | 75y | M | St John's |
Winter, Florence | F | 18y | S | St John's |
Butland, Louisa | F | 38y | M | Bricketts |
Butland, Gerald | M | 3y | S | Bricketts |
Butland, Thomas | M | 2y | S | Bricketts |
Butland, Vivian | F | 4m | S | Bricketts |
Farrell, Nan | F | 22y | S | St John's |
Smith, Mary | F | 38y | S | St John's |
Kennedy, Mary | F | 28y | S | St John's |
Raynes, Lilly | F | 23y | S | St John's |
Pearcey, Charles | M | 25y | S | St John's |
Taaffe, Marie | F | 22y | S | St John's |
White, Harriett | F | 62y | M | St John's |
Campos, Juan | M | 22y | S | Lisbon, Port |
Legee, Gertrude | F | 26y | S | New York |
Williams, Gerard | M | 19y | S | Carbonear |
Rideout, Elsie | F | 24y | M | Bridgeport,CT |
Bourne, Cecil | M | 22y | S | St John's |
Murphy, Clement | M | 18y | S | St John's |
O'Conner, Anthony | M | 18y | S | St John's |
Pittman, Peter | M | 18y | S | St John's |
Hogan, Edward | F | 17y | S | St Kyran's |
Lahey, Fred | M | 17y | S | St John's |
English, Edward | M | 17y | S | St John's |
Russell, Edward | M | 17y | S | St John's |
McGrath, James J | M | 61y | M | Bell Island |
Fewer, Bernard | M | 21y | S | Harbour Main |
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