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Holy Apostles parish Renews RC
Baptism Records
Part III (O - Z
(Includes - Fermeuse and Renews to Cape Race.)
In order by Father

Date Child Father Mother Sponsors Town/Priest
1880, Nov 6 Oates, Esther Oates, Bobby Heffernan, Gertrude James Flaherty & Ellen Oates John Walshe
1882, July 09 Oates, Bridget Joseph Oates, Robert Heffernan, Gertrude Richard Heffernan & Anne Rossiter John Walshe
1884, July 13 Oates, Mary Anne Oates, Robert Heffernan, Gertrude Joseph Rossiter & Mary Anne Oates John Walshe
1886, July 25 Oates, Andrew Joseph Oates, Robert Heffernan, Gertrude Michael MacDonald & Esther Oates D.J. O'Brien
1888. Dec 09 Oates, Margaret Anne Oates, Robert Heffernan, Gertrude Mir Ryan & Margaret Heffernan John Walshe
1891, Apr 19 Oates, Thomas Joseph Oates, Robert Heffernan, Gertrude William Tobin & Mary Heffernan John Walshe
1893, Feb 13 Oates, Robert Valentine Oates, Robert Heffernan, Gertrude Michael Rossiter & Anne Rossiter John Walshe
1894, May 10 Oates, John Joseph Oates, Robert Heffernan, Gertrude Dave Reid & Kate Flaherty John Walshe
1898, Mar 26 O'Connell, Mary Margaret O'Connell, John O'Neill, Mary Anne James O'Connell & Anne Walsh John Walshe
1899, Sept 10 O'Connell, Catherine Anne O'Connell, John O'Neill, Mary A. Michael O'Neill & Kate O'Neill John Walshe
1900, Dec 06 O'Connell, Annie Joseph O'Connell, John O'Neill, Mary Anne Ed O'Neill & Esther O'Neill John Walshe
1902, Feb 22 O'Connell, James Joseph O'Connell, John O'Neill, Mary A. John Jackman & Julia O'Neill John Walshe
1904, May 08 O'Connell, William Joseph O'Connell, John O'Neill, Mary Anne James O'Neill & Mary Brothers John Walshe
1878, Jan 13 O'Neil, John O'Neil, Henry Miller, Mary Anne Owen O'Neil & Margaret Walsh John Walshe
1881, May 21 O'Neil, Michael O'Neil, Paul Keeffe, Mary James Fennelly & Mary Shallow John Walshe
1897, Aug 08 O'Neil, Mary Ellen O'Neil, William Brennan, Mary Thomas O'Toole & Elizabeth McCarthy John A. O'Reilly
1894, Sept 05 O'Neill, Edward O'Neill, James Walsh, Mary Anne Joe Walsh & Bridget Walsh John Walshe
1898. Oct 29 O'Neill, John Joseph O'Neill, James Walsh, Mary Anne Edward O'Neill & Esther O'Neill John Walshe
1901, Apr 19 O'Neill, William Joseph O'Neill, James McAlister, Julia Pat O'Neill & Katie O'Neill John Walshe
1902, Dec 15 O'Neill, John Joseph O'Neill, James McAlister, Julia Ambrose O'Neill & Jane Brothers John Walshe
1904, Apr 29 O'Neill, Michael James O'Neill, James MacAllister, Julia Ed O'Neill, & Mary Ellen O'Neill John Walshe
1905, Aug 23 O'Neill, Patrick Joseph O'Neill, James MacAllister, Julia Ed O'Neill & Elizabeth Brophy ? John Walshe
1907, Feb 02 O'Neill, Mary Catherine O'Neill, James McAlister, Julia Paul O'Neill & Elizabeth Fennelly John Walshe
1903, Feb 10 O'Neill, Mary Bridget Joseph O'Neill, John Hart, Kate Pat O'Neill & Kate O'Neill John Walshe
1904, Sept 22 O'Neill, Janie Anne O'Neill, John Hart, Kate Anne James O'Neill & Annie Hart John Walshe
1905, Nov 18 O'Neill, Michael Joseph O'Neill, John Hart, Katie James O'Connell & Anne Power John Walshe
1894, Nov 07 O'Neill, Edward Francis O'Neill, Michael Harte, Kate Edward Harte & Mary A. O'Neill John Walshe
1895, Jan 23 O'Neil, Johanna Mary O'Neill, Michael Shallow, Mary Joe O'Neil & Mary Murphy John Walshe
1896, May 01 O'Neill, Con Joseph O'Neill, Michael Shallow, Mary Robert Walsh & Mary Walsh John Walshe
1897. May 06 O'Neill, John Francis O'Neill, Michael Hart, Kate Nicholas Finn & Mary Reddy John Walshe
1898, Feb 17 O'Neill, Johanna Joseph O'Neill, Michael Shallow, Anne Henry O'Neill & Annie Walsh John Walshe
1900, July 13 O'Neill, Mary Anne O'Neill, Michael Shallow, Mary Owen O'Neill & Louisa Fahey John Walshe
1901, Jan 06 O'Neill, Michael Andrew O'Neill, Michael Harte, Kate John Harte & Kate Harte John Walshe
1902, Sept 14 O'Neill, Catherine Joseph O'Neill, Michael Shallow, Mary Nicholas O'Neill & Jane English John Walshe
1902, Nov 17 O'Neill, Constantine James O'Neill, Michael Hart, Kate James Hart & Esther Jackman John Walshe
1908. June 17 O'Neill, Leo Stanislaus O'Neill, Michael Hart, Kate Ed O'Neill & Kate Walsh John Walshe
1901, Nov 10 O'Neill, Mary Bridget O'Neill, Oliver Boland, Anastasia Ed Hart & Annie Hagan John Walshe
1904, June 21 O'Neill, Richard O'Neill, Oliver Boland, Anastasia Con O'Neill & Elizabeth Boland John Walshe
1905, Nov 14 O'Neill, William Stanislaus O'Neill, Patrick Brophy, Esther Ed O'Neill, & Annie Brophy John Walshe
1894, June 17 O'Neill, Joseph O'Neill, William Brennan, Mary Arthur Leary & Elizabeth Johnson John Walshe
1901, Aug 30 O'Neill, Katie Anne O'Neill, William Brennan, Mary Thomas McCarthy & Kate Wickens John Walshe
1883, Nov 13 McCarthy, Bernard (illeg) Pane, William McCarthy, Ellen Florence McCarthy & Margaret Keating John Walshe
1878, May 29 Power, Stephen Joseph Power, Edward Conway, Mary Peter Power & Elizabeth Power John Walshe
1878, July 13 Power, Anne Power, Edward Power, Anne Thomas Coady & Elizabeth Coady John Walshe
1880, Dec 28 Power, Michael James Power, Edward Power, Anne John Coady & Mary Frances Coady John Walshe
1890, Oct 16 Power, Thomas Power, John Jackman, Maggie Arthur Jackman & Bridget Connell John Walshe
1882, Oct 14 Power, Stephen Power, Peter Dinn, Elizabeth John Dinn & Mary Maher John Walshe
1885, Mar 14 Power, Ellen Frances Power, Peter Dinn, Elizabeth Stephen Power & Mary E. Johnson John Walshe
1879, June 08 Prendergast, Bridget Joseph Prendergast, Thomas Gatherall, Kate Richard Walsh & Bridget Kenny John Walshe
1895, Jan 06 Quinlan, Edward Joseph Quinlan, Laurence Lalor, Johanna Edward Quinlan & Johanna Shanahan John Walshe
1896, Nov 09 Quinlan, Catherine Mary Quinlan, Laurence Lalor, Johanna Edward Quinlan & Bridget Quinlan John Walshe
1899, May 16 Quinlan, James Joseph Quinlan, Lawrence Lalor, Johanna James Lalor & Clare Shanahan John Walshe
1880, Jan 20 Quinlan, Winofred Quinlan, Richard Kane, Anne John Lalor & Ellen Shanahan John Walshe
1882, Feb 02 Quinlan, Richard Joseph Quinlan, Richard Kane, Anne Edward Power & Mary Coady John Walshe
1883, May 21 Quinlan, Johanna Joseph Quinlan, Richard Kane, Anne Mat Shanahan & Elizabeth Coady John Walshe
1885, Aug 11 Quinlan, John Joseph Quinlan, Richard Kane, Anne Michael Butler & Kate Lalor John Walshe
1887, Sept 12 Quinlan, Anne Joseph Quinlan, Richard Kane, Anne James Dutton & Mary Tobin John Walshe
1878, Dec 12 Quinlan, John Joseph Quinlan, Robert Murphy, Mary Lawrence Quinlan & Bridget Quinlan John Walshe
1880, Nov 7 Quinlan, Bridget Quinlan, Robert Murphy, Mary Joseph Coady & Jane Coady John Walshe
1883, May 20 Quinlan, James Joseph Quinlan, Robert Murphy, Mary Edward Quinlan & Mary Shanahan John Walshe
1887, June 28 Quinlan, Robert Quinlan, Robert Murphy, Mary Arthur Johnson & Maggie Murphy John Walshe
1888, June 14 Quinn, James Joseph Quinn, Ambrose Co--, Elizabeth Thomas Berrigan & Mary Dinn John Walshe
1905, Mar 20 Reddy, Mary Josephine Reddy, Edward Kenny, Hannah John Ryan & Mary Reddy John Walshe
1908. July 10 Reddy, Esther Anne Reddy, Edward Kenny, Hannah Paul O'Neill & Hannah Reddy John Walshe
1878, Jan 16 Reddy, William Joseph Reddy, Jeremiah Kenny, Mary Andrew Kenny & Johanna Reddy John Walshe
1880, July 25 Reddy, Margaret Anne Reddy, Jeremiah Kenny, Mary Robert Kenny & Jane Shaughnessy John Walshe
1882, June 22 Reddy, Jeremiah John Reddy, Jeremiah Kenny, Mary Nicholas Murphy & Anne Kenny John Walshe
1884, Mar 25 Reddy, Mary Ellen Reddy, Jeremiah Kenny, Mary Nicholas Kenny & Agnes Kenny John Walshe
1886, Nov 14 Reddy, Jane Elizabeth Reddy, Jeremiah Kenny, Mary Patrick Walsh & Kate Murphy John Walshe
1878, Sept 01 Reddy, James Reddy, Thomas Harte, Mary Anne John Brennan & Anne Brophy John Walshe
1879, Nov 05 Reddy, Frances Reddy, Thomas Harte, Mary Peter Ryan & Johanna Harte John Walshe
1880, Oct 30 Reddy, Edward Joseph Reddy, Thomas Harte, Mary James Harte & Mary Frances Walsh John Walshe
1884, Aug 09 Reddy, Johanna Mary Reddy, Thomas Harte, Mary John Walsh & Catherine Harte John Walshe
1885, Nov 29 Reddy, Thomas Joseph Reddy, Thomas Harte, Mary Anne John Harte & Johanna Reddy John Walshe
1887, Aug 27 Reddy, Catherine Anne Reddy, Thomas Harte, Mary Anne Thomas Neil & Mary Conway John Walshe
1889, Sept 01 Reddy, Margaret Reddy, Thomas Harte, Mary A. John Shaughnessy & Anne Kane John Walshe
1891, Sept 06 Reddy, Anglea Mary Reddy, Thomas Harte, Mary Anne Nicholas Fennelly & Mary Anne Neil John Walshe
1893, Jan 21 Reddy, Sarah Anne Reddy, Thomas Harte, Mary Anne John Harte & Anastasia Martin John Walshe
1896, Nov 11 Reddy, Patrick Joseph Reddy, Thomas Hart, Mary Michael O'Neill & Kate Dutton John Walshe
1880, June 20 Reddy, Frances Reddy, William Kelly, Mary Patrick Kenny & Anne Oates John Walshe
1882, June 08 Reddy, Mary Joseph Reddy, William Kelly, Mary James Flaherty & Lizzie Walsh John Walshe
1884, May 12 Reddy, Catherine Mary Reddy, William Kelly, Mary John Duggan & Ellen Oates John Walshe
1886, June 03 Reddy, Mary Ellen Reddy, William Kelly, Frances John Shaughnessy & Teresa Kenny John Walshe
1888, June 10 Reddy, Thomas Joseph Reddy, William Kelly, Mary John Duggan & Kate Connell John Walshe
1890, June 15 Reddy, Mary Esther Reddy, William Kelly, Mary James Walsh & Maggie Heffernan John Walshe
1879, Sept 04 Reid, Thomas Joseph Reid, Thomas Heffernan, Mary Richard Heffernan & Mary Fennelly John Walshe
1890, ?? 16 Reid, Mary Ellen Reid, Thomas Kenny, Teresa Mat Shallow & Mary Anne Oates John Walshe
1893, Jan 13 Reid, Matthew Reid, Thomas Kenny, Teresa Jeremiah Fahey & Ellizabeth Fahey John Walshe
1894, Dec 14 Reid, Catherine Anne Reid, Thomas Kenny, Teresa John Brophy & Agnes Kenny John Walshe
1897, Mar 15 Reid, Richard Patrick Reid, Thomas Kenny, Teresa William Fennelly & Maggie Heffernan John Walshe
1899, June 10 Reid, Bridget Mary Reid, Thomas Kenny, Teresa Richard Heffernan & Anastasia Kenny John Walshe
1901, Apr 22 Reid, Thomas Joseph Reid, Thomas Kenny, Teresa James Brophy & Maggie Kenny John Walshe
1879, June 29 Reneuf, Matthew Reneuf, Andrew Hayden, Ellen Thomas Hagan & Mary Kenny John Walshe
1904, Oct 11 Roche, Patrick Joseph Roche, James Devine, Margaret Thomas Devine & Mary Leary John Walshe
1907, Jan 30 Roche, Alphonsus Leo Roche, James Devine, Maggie William Devine & Katie Conway John Walshe
1878, July 09 Roche, Mary Joseph Roche, John McCarthy, Anne Garrett Jackman & Bridget McCarthy John Walshe
1884, Dec 09 Roche, Gerald Mary Roche, John Walsh, Nora John Walshe & Maggie Roche John Walshe
1886, Nov 18 Roche, John Roche, John Walsh, Nora Michael Roche & Lizzie Roche John Walshe
1888, June 09 Roche, Kate Margaret Roche, John Walsh, Nora Thomas Roche & Elizabeth Roche John Walshe
1890, Apr 25 Roche, Mary Angela Roche, John Walsh, Nora Peter Roche & Kate Roche John Walshe
1892, June 06 Roche, Nora Frances Roche, John Walsh, Nora James Squires & Mary Anne Roche John Walshe
1895, Apr 18 Roche, Selina Roche, John Walsh, Nora Peter Roche & Mary F. Lalor John Walshe
1902, Mar 03 Roche, Patrick Roche, John Meade, Margaret Stephen Foley & Mary Anne Roche John Walshe
1903, Sept 11 Roche, Margaret Mary Roche, John Meade, Margaret Peter Lalor & Matilda Lalor John Walshe
1891, Oct 05 Roche, Kate Margaret Roche, Peter Murphy, Kate James Dutton & Mary Jane Murphy John Walshe
1893, Mar 14 Roche, Annie Patrick Roche, Peter Murphy, Kate James Murphy & Mary Whelan John Walshe
1896, July 18 Roche, John Roche, Peter Murphy, Kate John Roche & Johanna Johnson John Walshe
1898, Apr 02 Roche, Peter Roche, Peter Murphy, Kate William Roche & Elizabeth Murphy John Walshe
1900, June 15 Roche, James Patrick Roche, Peter Murphy, Kate John Murphy & Emily Murphy John Walshe
1901, Feb 01 Roche, John Bridget Roche, Peter Murphy, Mary Jane James Murphy & Kate Roche John Walshe
1901, Aug 18 Roche, Mary Elizabeth Roche, Peter Murphy, Kate John Foley & Nora Roche John Walshe
1903, Dec 01 Roche, Gerald Andrew Roche, Peter Murphy, Mary J. John Roche & Johanna Johnson John Walshe
1905, Feb 18 Roche, Peter Leo Roche, Peter Murphy, Mary Jane James Lalor & Katie Roche John Walshe
1905, June 08 Roche, Joseph Roche, Peter Murphy, Kate Joseph Roche & Hannah Murphy John Walshe
1896, July 07 Roche, Eliza Mary Roche, Phil Gearin, Kate Phil Jackman & Lizzie McCarthy John Walshe
1901, Oct 04 Roche, Francis Roche, Phil Gearin, Kate William Roche & Mary McCarthy John Walshe
1893, June 02 Roche, Thomas Albert Roche, Philip Gearin, Kate Gerald Jackman & Lizzie Jackman John Walshe
1905, July 27 Roche, Philip Roche, Philip Gearin, Kate Peter McCarthy & Lucy Keating John Walshe
1878, May 27 Roche, Catherine Joseph Roche, Thomas Rose, Kate William Kane & Johanna Lalor John Walshe
1880, Apr 07 Roche, Thomas Joseph Roche, Thomas Rose, Kate John Tobin & Johanna Lalor John Walshe
1889, Oct 14 Roche, Richard Joseph Roche, Thomas Conway, Mary William Tobin & Johanna Mullowney John Walshe
1891, Aug 15 Rogers, Mary Joseph Rogers, James Tobin, Ellen James Harte & Lizzie Brothers John Walshe
1893, Sept 01 Rogers, John Joseph Rogers, James Tobin, Ellen William Rogers & Kate Kenny John Walshe
1895, Sept 06 Rogers, Richard Michael Rogers, James Tobin, Ellen John Greene & Bridget O'Neil John Walshe
1898, Sept 23 Rogers, James Joseph Rogers, James Tobin, Ellen Michael Brenan & Betsy Boland John Walshe
1888, Dec 31 Rogers, John Joseph Rogers, John Bavis, Fanny Tim Mullowney & Mary Bavis John Walshe
1884, Dec 14 Rogers, John Joseph Rogers, Stephen Chidley, Anastasia William Rogers & Mary Jane Rogers John Walshe
1886, Dec 22 Rogers, Louisa Mary Rogers, Stephen Chidley, Anastasia James Rogers & Bridget Walsh John Walshe
1889, July 12 Rogers, Julia Anne Rogers, Stephen Chidley, Anne James Ryan & Ellen Rogers John Walshe
1902, Nov 02 Rogers, John Joseph Rogers, William Butler, Mary Michael Brennan & Elizabeth Brothers John Walshe
1904, Mar 14 Rogers, Patrick Joseph Rogers, William Butler, Mary Ed Hart & Ellen Rogers John Walshe
1908. July 11 Rogers, Joseph Rogers, William Butler, Mary James Hart & Anastasia O'Neill John Walshe
1900, Nov 02 Rossiter, Patrick Joseph Rossiter, Michael Whelan, Bridget Peter Ryan & Bridget O'Neill John Walshe
1902, Oct 17 Rossiter, Nicholas Michael Rossiter, Michael Whelan, Bridget William Ryan & Esther Oates John Walshe
1905, Sept 19 Rossiter, Lucy Anne Rossiter, Michael Whelan, Bridget John Moore & Bridget Kenny John Walshe
1878, Nov 17 Rossiter, Mary Joseph Rossiter, Patrick Oates, Kate Joseph Rossiter & Anne Oates John Walshe
1900, May 16 Ryan, James Mary Joseph Ryan, Denis Walsh, Bridget John Brothers & Mary Rose Hart John Walshe
1902, June 22 Ryan, Ellen Joseph Ryan, Denis Walsh, Bridget James Ryan & Mary A. O'Neill John Walshe
1904, Mar 31 Ryan, Mary Joseph Ryan, Denis Walsh, Bridget Nicholas Walsh & Mary Joseph Ryan John Walshe
1905, Sept 22 Ryan, Ellen Mary Joseph Ryan, Denis Walsh, Bridget James Ryan & Mary Hart John Walshe
1905, Sept 22 Ryan, Johanna Mary Ryan, Denis Walsh, Bridget John Hart & Fanny Walsh John Walshe
1903, Feb 15 Ryan, James Joseph Ryan, James Meany, Bridget John Jackman & Mary Walsh John Walshe
1908, June 15 Ryan, Bridget Frances Ryan, James Walsh, Kate John Jackman & Mary Joe Ryan John Walshe
1878, Sept 28 Ryan, William Ryan, Michael Fowler, Margaret John Roche & Anne Quinlan John Walshe
1881, Jan 26 Ryan, Michael Ryan, Michael Fowler, Margaret Arthur Kane & Elizabeth Roche John Walshe
1882, Dec 17 Ryan, Alfred Joseph Ryan, Michael Fowler, Margaret Patrick Roche & Margaret Roche John Walshe
1885, Apr 24 Ryan, Philip Joseph Ryan, Michael Fowler, Margaret Wat Walsh & Elizabeth Roche John Walshe
1887, Apr 16 Ryan, Catherine Joseph Ryan, Michael Fowler, Margaret James Dutton & Bridget Quinlan John Walshe
1890, Aug 20 Ryan, Margaret Anne Ryan, Michael Fowler, Margaret Patrick Dunne & Nora Roche John Walshe
1905, Oct 17 Ryan, Mary Ellen Ryan, Michael ??, Veronica Michael Rossiter & Anastasia ?? John Walshe
1889, Jan 13 Ryan, Anastatia Frances Ryan, Mir Ryan, Mary A. Richard Heffernan & Bridget King John Walshe
1886, July 11 Ryan, Mathew Joseph Ryan, Nic Ryan, Mary Anne Robert Kenney & Catherine Kelly S. O'Driscoll
1879. June 29 Ryan, Thomas Joseph Ryan, Nicholas Ryan, Mary Anne James Maher & Gertrude Heffernan John Walshe
1881, Aug 14 Ryan, William Joseph Ryan, Nicholas Ryan, Mary A. Michael McDonald & Mary Anne Oates John Walshe
1884, Feb 03 Ryan, Bridget Julia Ryan, Nicholas Ryan, Mary James Neil & Anne Rossiter John Walshe
1885, July 01 Ryan, Mary Elizabeth Ryan, Nicholas Robinson, Bridget John Rogers & Frances Bavis John Walshe
1887, Apr 22 Ryan, James Joseph Ryan, Nicholas Robinson, Bridget William Finn & Elizabeth Ryan John Walshe
1889, July 21 Ryan, Nicholas Joseph Ryan, Nicholas Robinson, Bridget John Walsh & Mary Jane Walsh John Walshe
1891, Aug 23 Ryan, Bridget Joseph Ryan, Nicholas Robinson, Bridget Peter Ryan & Anastatia Martin John Walshe
1891, Sept 20 Ryan, Mary Anne Ryan, Nicholas Ryan, Mary A. Michael Brien & Esther Oates John Walshe
1893, July 21 Ryan, John Joseph Ryan, Nicholas Robinson, Bridget ?? John Walshe
1896, July 01 Ryan, Paul Nicholas Ryan, Nicholas Ryan, Mary Peter Ryan & Bridget O'Neill John Walshe
1900, Sept 19 Ryan, John Joseph Ryan, Nicholas Robinson, Bridget James Hagan & Bessy Boland John Walshe
1903, Aug 08 Ryan, Denis Joseph Ryan, Nicholas Robinson, Bridget John Brennan & Mary Anne Ryan James McNamara
1896, July 17 Ryan, Mary Irene Ryan, Nix Robinson, Bridget John Jackman & Bridget Ryan John Walshe
1894, Feb 06 Ryan, Bridget Ryan, Peter Gearin, Mary Anne (stillborn)  
1895, Feb 01 Ryan, James Mary Joseph Ryan, Peter Gearin, Mary Anne Denis Ryan & Mary Jane Ryan John Walshe
1896, Nov 05 Ryan, John William Ryan, Peter Gearin, Mary A. William Gearin & Bridget Ryan John Walshe
1898, Sept 01 Ryan, Peter Joseph Ryan, Peter Gearin, Mary Anne James Ryan & Anne Shallow John Walshe
1903, June 19 Ryan, William Joseph Ryan, Peter Maddigan, Mary Michael Rossiter & Bridget Rossiter James McNamara
1904, May 23 Ryan, Michael Patrick Ryan, Peter Maddigan, Mary William Ryan & Bridget Oats John Walshe
1905, Sept 04 Ryan, Peter Joseph Ryan, Peter Maddigan, Mary Thomas Ghaney & Mary Ryan John Walshe
1878, Dec 13 Ryan, Mary Ellen Ryan, William Rossiter, Ellen Robert Neil & Mary McDonald John Walshe
1881, Jan 16 Ryan, Michael Joseph Ryan, William Rossiter, Ellen Robert Kenny & Mary Fennelly John Walshe
1883, Apr 04 Ryan, Anastasia Ryan, William Rossiter, Ellen Richard Tobin & Bridget Heffernan John Walshe
1885, July 25 Ryan, Thomas Joseph Ryan, William Rossiter, Ellen Nicholas Ryan & Mary Anne Oates John Walshe
1887, Oct 16 Ryan, Patrick Joseph Ryan, William Rossiter, Ellen Patrick Ryan & Ellen Oates John Walshe
1891, Sept 06 Ryan, Elizabeth Anne Ryan, William Rossiter, Ellen William Neil & Anne Rossiter John Walshe
1893, June 03 Ryan, Nicholas Joseph Ryan, William Rossiter, Ellen Henry Antle & Mary Moore John Walshe
1905, Oct 13 Shallow, Matthew Joseph Shallow, Ed Oliver, Anne Frank O'Neill & Catherine Walsh John Walshe
1885, Dec 06 Shallow, Mary Ellen Shallow, Richard Raftus, Anne Andrew Kenny & Ellen Shallow John Walshe
1886, Oct 31 Shallow, Margaret Frances Shallow, Richard Etridge, Jane Denis Trainor & Catherine Murphy John Walshe
1879, Feb 16 Shallow, Mary Cecilia Shallow, Samuel Keough, Ellen Richard Shallow & Mary Shallow John Walshe
1881, Aug 08 Shallow, Samuel Joseph Shallow, Samuel Kehoe, Ellen Con Neil & Anne Shallow John Walshe
1878, Mar 13 Shanahan, Hariet Anne Shanahan, Michael Power, Catherine John Shallow & Mary Jane Dunphy John Walshe
1879, Sept 22 Shanahan, Edward Joseph Shanahan, Michael Power, Kate Timothy Lalor & Johanna Dunphy John Walshe
1881, June 06 Shanahan, Emily Francis Shanahan, Michael Devine, Elizabeth Lawrence Conway & Frances Dunphy John Walshe
1883, July 09 Shanahan, James Peter Shanahan, Michael Power, Catherine Michael Shanahan & Bridget Roche John Walshe
1880, Apr 13 Shanahan, Peter James Shanahan, Peter Murphy, Mary Gerald Shanahan & Catherine Shanahan John Walshe
1905, May 25 Shannahan, Ellen Mary Shannahan, Mat Lalor, Frances Edward Shannahan & Clara Shannahan John Walshe
1894, Jan 10 Shaughnessy, John Francis Shaughnessy, John Madix, Mary Anne Denis Ryan & Jane Reddy John Walshe
1895, Dec 20 Shaughnessy, Mary Jane Shaughnessy, John Maddocks, Mary A Nicholas Walsh & Bridget Walsh John Walshe
1899, July 17 Shaughnessy, William Joseph Shaughnessy, John Maddix, Mary Ann John Jackman & Ellen Walsh L.K. Vereker
1901, Oct 29 Shaughnessy, Anne Joseph Shaughnessy, John Maddix, Mary A. Murt Murphy & Anastasia Walsh John Walshe
1903, Sept 26 Shaughnessy, Augustine Shaughnessy, John Maddix, Mary A. William Jackman & Mary E. Reddy John Walshe
1895, Feb 08 Sheehan, Annie Joseph Sheehan, Ed Lalor, Kate Bernard Sheehan & Frances Lalor John Walshe
1897, Oct 05 Sheehan, John Joseph Sheehan, Ed Lalor, Kate Ed Sheehan & Elizabeth Cahill John Walshe
1900, July 06 Sheehan, Michael Joseph Sheehan, Ed Lalor, Kate Michael Lalor & Mary Fowler John Walshe
1903, May 10 Sheehan, Mary Frances Sheehan, Ed Lalor, Kate Mat Shanahan & Magdalene Sheehan John Walshe
1891, Feb 03 Sheehan, Edward Joseph Sheehan, Edward Lalor, Kate Lawrence Lalor & Johanna Sheehan John Walshe
1884, Nov 20 Sheehan, Edward Francis Sheehan, James Lalor, Agnes Edward Sheehan & Lizzie Sheehan John Walshe
1886, May 24 Sheehan, Mary Sheehan, James Lalor, Agnes Edward Murphy & Ellen Jackman John Walshe
1888, Mar 13 Sheehan, Michael Sheehan, James Lalor, Agnes John Sheehan & Mary Lalor John Walshe
1890, Jan 04 Sheehan, James Francis Sheehan, James Lalor, Agnes William Berrigan & Johanna Sheehan John Walshe
1891, Dec 22 Sheehan, Annie Joseph Sheehan, James Lalor, Agnes Bernard Sheehan & Minnie Lalor John Walshe
1898, July 17 Sheehan, Margaret Sheehan, James Lalor, Agnes Michael Lalor & Margaret Murphy John Walshe
1879, Sept 26 Sheehan, John Stanislaus Sheehan, John Neil, Bridget Denis Trainor & Ellen Dooley John Walshe
1881, Oct 29 Sheehan, Mary Magdelene Sheehan, John Neil, Bridget Edward Sheehan & Kate Shallow John Walshe
1884, May 01 Sheehan, Thomas Sheehan, John Neil, Bridget Patrick Sheehan & Mary Anne Neil John Walshe
1887, May 03 Sheehan, Anastasia Mary Sheehan, John Neil, Bridget Michael Lalor & Maggie Fowler John Walshe
1891, June 10 Sheehan, Cornelius Sheehan, John Neil, Bridget Michael Lalor & Jane Murphy John Walshe
1893, Oct 08 Sheehan, Bernard Sheehan, John Neil, Bridget   midwife
1893, Oct 08 Sheehan, Michael James Sheehan, John Neil, Bridget Bernard Sheehan & Elizabeth Trainor John Walshe
1897, Jan 01 Sheehan, Alfred Joseph Sheehan, John O'Neill, Bridget Edward Shanahan & Bridget Fowler John Walshe
1894, Dec 03 Sheehan, Anastasia Mary Joseph Sheehan, Michael Foley, Agnes James Murphy & Mary Jane Murphy John Walshe
1896, Dec 07 Sheehan, Mary Ellen Joseph Sheehan, Michael Foley, Agnes Laurence Lalor & Mary Sheehan John Walshe
1899, Sept 15 Sheehan, Edward Sheehan, Michael Foley, Agnes John Sheehan & Mary Lalor John Walshe
1901, Apr 01 Sheehan, David Joseph Sheehan, Michael Foley, Agnes John Lalor & Kate Sheehan John Walshe
1903, Dec 05 Sheehan, Michael Sheehan, Michael Foley, Agnes Michael Lalor & Elizabeth Murphy John Walshe
1905, Nov 25 Sheehan, Mary Margaret Sheehan, Michael Foley, Agnes John Murphy & Ellen Lalor John Walshe
1907, Feb 03 Sheehan, Mary Margaret Sheehan, Michael Foley, Agnes Ed Sheehan & Delina Fowler John Walshe
1900, July 15 Squires, Catherine Mary Squires, James Jackman, Elizabeth John Berrigan & Mary Johnson John Walshe
1902, June 30 Squires, John Squires, James Jackman, Elizabeth John Chidley & Maggie Jackman John Walshe
1893, July 12 Squires, Catherine Squires, William Lalor, Kate John Squires & Mary Fowler? John Walshe
1894, July 15 Squires, Elizabeth Joseph Squires, William Lalor, Kate Peter Lalor & Mary Anne Lalor John Walshe
1896, Feb 13 Squires, Mary Joseph Squires, William Lalor, Kate John Dunne & Mary Squires John Walshe
1897, Dec 16 Squires, Joseph Squires, William Lalor, Kate James Devine & Anastasia Lalor John Walshe
1899, Dec 07 Squires, Johanna Squires, William Lalor, Kate Richard Dinn & Bessie Fowler John Walshe
1901, Sept 10 Squires, Mortimer Squires, William Lalor, Kate Mortimer Lalor & Matilda Lalor John Walshe
1903, Dec 25 Squires, Gertrude Squires, William Lalor, Kate Thomas Johnson & Lizzie Dinn John Walshe
1882, June 04 Sullivan, John Sullivan, Patrick Neil, Bridget John Sullivan & Alice McCarthy John Walshe
1883, Sept 02 Sullivan, Lawrence Sullivan, Patrick Neil, Bridget William Squires & Bridget McCarthy John Walshe
1884, Dec 08 Sullivan, Patrick Sullivan, Patrick Neil, Bridget William Neil & Anne Neil John Walshe
1886, Oct 12 Sullivan, Mary Agnes Sullivan, Patrick Neil, Bridget Richard Sullivan & Elizabeth Jackman John Walshe
1888, July 28 Sullivan, Richard Benedict Sullivan, Patrick Neil, Bridget Gerald Jackman & Johanna Jackman John Walshe
1883, Jan 28 Sullivan, Bridget Sullivan, Richard Coady, Mary Anne Joseph Coady & Jane Coady John Walshe
1884, Sept 20 Sullivan, Thomas Sullivan, Richard Coady, Mary Anne John Sullivan & Bridget McCarthy John Walshe
1887. Dec 10 Sullivan, Richard Sullivan, Richard Coady, Mary Anne Patrick McCarthy & Elizabeth Jackman John Walshe
1879, May 11 Tobin, John Joseph Tobin, James Reddy, Margaret John Connell & Mary Neil John Walshe
1880, Dec 17 Tobin, James Joseph Tobin, James Reddy, Margaret Thomas Neil & Kate Connell John Walshe
1883, Nov 18 Tobin, Anne Frances Tobin, James Reddy, Margaret James Tobin & Mary Anne Walsh John Walshe
1885, May 10 Tobin, Alice Tobin, James Reddy, Margaret James Harte & Margaret Heffernan John Walshe
1889, Jan 27 Tobin, Michael Joseph Tobin, James Reddy, Margaret Owen Neil & Kate Harte John Walshe
1896, Sept 01 Tobin, Michael Joseph Tobin, James Kenny, Agnes Michael Brothers & Mary O'Neill John Walshe
1898, Sept 01 Tobin, Matthew Joseph Tobin, James Kenny, Agnes James O'Neill & Katie O'Neill John Walshe
1901, June 10 Tobin, Robert Tobin, James Kenny, Agnes James Tobin & Annie Tobin John Walshe
1881, July 21 Tobin, James Tobin, Laurence Chidley, Mary James Tobin & Mary Hoffman John Walshe
1878, Oct 31 Tobin, Elizabeth Anne Tobin, Lawrence Chidley, Mary Ann John Hoffman & Bridget Hoffman John Walshe
1879, Sept 05 Tobin, Elizabeth Anne Tobin, Lawrence Chidley, Mary John Chidley & Margaret Chidley John Walshe
1884, May 17 Tobin, Elizabeth Anne Tobin, Richard Kane, Mary Jeremiah King & Mary Brennan John Walshe
1885, June 29 Tobin, John Stanislaus Tobin, Richard Kane, Mary William Rogers & Kate Tobin John Walshe
1887, June 26 Tobin, Michael Joseph Tobin, Richard Kane, Mary Peter Brothers & Frances Bavis John Walshe
1889, Aug 04 Tobin, James Joseph Tobin, Richard Kane, Mary Thomas Neil & Kate Robinson John Walshe
1891, July 04 Tobin, Mary Joseph Tobin, Richard Kane, Mary Joe Hagan & Anne Tobin John Walshe
1893, Sept 07 Tobin, Richard Tobin, Richard Kane, Mary James Tobin & Mary J. Ryan John Walshe
1895, July 11 Tobin, William Joseph Tobin, Richard Kane, Mary James O'Neill & Ellen Brennan John Walshe
1898, July 10 Tobin, Thomas Tobin, Richard Kane, Mary Edward O'Neill & Rose Hart John Walshe
1902, Apt 18 Tobin, Bridget Anne Tobin, Richard Kane, Mary Michael Walsh & Lizzie Cahill John Walshe
1878, May 17 Tobin, Henry Joseph Tobin, William Kane, Winifred Lawrence Jackman & Agnes Leary John Walshe
1880, Oct 06 Tobin, Francis Joseph Tobin, William Kane, Winofred Tim Kane & Anastasia Ryan John Walshe
1883, Jan 19 Tobin, Jane Joseph Tobin, William Kane, Winofred John Power & Mary Power John Walshe
1885, Mar 21 Tobin, James Joseph Tobin, William Kane, Winofred George Jackman & Margaret Coady John Walshe
1888, May 29 Tobin, William Tobin, William Kane, Winnie Thomas Devine & Ellen Dunphy John Walshe
1892, May 30 Tobin, Aidan Tobin, William Kane, Winofred Denis Conway & Mary Leary John Walshe
1892, June 30 Tobin, James Tobin, William Oates, Esther Richard Kenny & Agnes Kenny John Walshe
1893, June 12 Tobin, Andew Joseph Tobin, William Oates, Esther Edward Flaherty & Rosanna Kenny John Walshe
1895, Apr 27 Tobin, Bridget Joseph Tobin, William Oates, Esther Michael Rossiter & Anne Rossiter John Walshe
1897, June 13 Tobin, Margaret Joseph Tobin, William Oates, Esther James Tobin & Bridget O'Neil John A. O'Reilly
1899, Nov 04 Tobin, Robert Tobin, William Oates, Esther Michael Ryan & Esther Oates John Walshe
1901, Oct 02 Tobin, Annie Mary Tobin, William Oates, Esther William Ryan & Bridget Rossiter John Walshe
1905, Oct 03 Tobin, William Joseph Tobin, William Oates, Esther William Fennelly & Bridget Fennelly John Walshe
1878, Dec 13 Toole, Anne Toole, Jeremiah Whelan, Anastasia Richard Quinlan & Margaret Ryan John Walshe
1902, May 18 Toole, Maggie May Toole, Michael? Power, Mary James Lalor & Matilda Lalor John Walshe
1879, Sept 19 Toole, Michael Joseph Toole, Thomas Conway, Catherine William Johnson & Ellen Mahony John Walshe
1883, Apr 29 Toole, Thomas Toole, Thomas Conway, Kate John Conway & Bridget Quinlan John Walshe
1884, May 12 Toole, William Francis Toole, Thomas Conway, Catherine Edward Power & Lizzie Roche John Walshe
1887, Jan 18 Toole, Peter Joseph Toole, Thomas Conway, Catherine Antony Conway & Jane Quinlan John Walshe
1889, July 24 Toole, Catherine Anne Toole, Thomas Conway, Catherine Gerald Jackman & Ellen Toole John Walshe
1892, Oct 10 Toole, Anastasia Toole, Thomas Conway, Kate James Johnson & Anne Tobin John Walshe
1891, Oct 25 Trainor, Mary Elizabeth Trainor, Denis Walsh, Annie James Walsh & Mary Murphy John Walshe
1892, Oct 26 Trainor, William Joseph Trainor, Denis Walsh, Annie James Trainor & Kate Walsh John Walshe
1893, Oct 23 Trainor, Mary Ellen Joseph Trainor, Denis Walsh, Anne John Walsh & Jane Trainor John Walshe
1894, Nov ? Trainor, Richard ? Michael Trainor, Denis Walsh, Anne Peter Brothers & Mary Jane Kenny John Walshe
1896, Jan 18 Trainor, Mary Magdalene Trainor, Denis Walsh, Annie John Walsh & Annie Shallow John Walshe
1898, Jan 01 Trainor, James Sylvester Trainor, Denis Walsh, Anne Joseph Hepditch & Esther O'Neill John Walshe
1899, Feb 06 Trainor, Catherine Anne Trainor, Denis Walsh, Anne Mat Shallow & Mary Walsh John Walshe
1900, Nov 22 Trainor, Denis John Trainor, Denis Walsh, Anne Owen O'Neill & Bessie O'Neill John Walshe
1902, Jan 15 Trainor, Albert John Trainor, Denis Walsh, Anne Ambrose O'Neill & Mary Margaret Brothers John Walshe
1880, Jan 11 Trainor, Mary Elizabeth Trainor, William Sheehan, Anastasia Robert Brothers & Lizzie Sheehan John Walshe
1881, May 22 Trainor, Anastasia Mary Trainor, William Sheehan, Anastasia Patrick Sheehan & Catherine Walsh John Walshe
1882, Dec 10 Trainor, Denis Francis Trainor, William Sheehan, Anastasia Richard Shallow & Annie Raftus John Walshe
1884, Oct 19 Trainor, Mary Frances Trainor, William Sheehan, Anastasia John Fennelly & Kate Shallow John Walshe
1886, July 18 Trainor, Esther Margaret Trainor, William Sheehan, Anastasia John Walshe & Mary Jane Duggan D.J. O'Brien
1887, June 19 Trainor, Esther Margaret Trainor, William Sheehan, Anastasia William Trainor & Ellen Duggan John Walshe
1889, July 28 Trainor, Catherine Anne Trainor, William Sheehan, Anastasia John Duggan & Anne Shallow John Walshe
1891, Oct 04 Trainor, Edward Francis Trainor, William Sheehan, Anastasia John Brothers & Jane Trainor John Walshe
1893, Dec 11 Trainor, Mary Gertrude Trainor, William Sheehan, Anastasia James Walsh & Mary Murphy John Walshe
1899, Sept 21 Trainor, Florence Mary Trainor, William Sheehan, Anastasia James O'Neill & Annie Walsh John Walshe
1878, Apr 07 Turner, Mary Anne Turner, Philip Neil, Mary Margaret Michael Coady & Bridget Deacon John Walshe
1880, May 16 Turner, Patrick Turner, Philip Neil, Mary Michael Moran & Bridget Neil John Walshe
1879, Aug 17 Walsh, Nicholas Joseph Walsh, James Ryan, Mary Nicholas Harte & Mary Fennelly John Walshe
1881, Dec 04 Walsh, Mary Agnes Walsh, James Ryan, Mary John Walsh & Ellen Oates John Walshe
1883, Aug 11 Walsh, James Joseph Walsh, James Ryan, Mary Michael Walsh & Maggie Morrissey John Walshe
1886, Jan 17 Walsh, Michael Francis Walsh, James Ryan, Mary James Walshe & Ellen Fennelly John Walshe
1897, Oct 13 Walsh, Mary Catherine Walsh, James Trainor, Jane John Walsh & Bessie O'Niell John Walshe
1899, Jun 21 Walsh, William John Walsh, James Trainor, Jane James Trainor & Mary M. Sheehan John Walshe
1900, Aug 01 Walsh, William Michael Walsh, James Trainor, Jane Michael Brothers & Jane O'Neill John Walshe
1901, Nov 29 Walsh, John Joseph Walsh, James Flaherty, Kate Ed Flaherty & Mary A. Walsh John Walshe
1905, Oct 03 Walsh, James Joseph Walsh, James Trainor, Jane Denis Trainor & Mary Trainor John Walshe
1902, Dec 01 Walsh, Patrick Joseph Walsh, Joe(?) Quinn, Mary James Walsh & Betsy Quinn John Walshe
1901, Jan 30 Walsh, Ellen Louisa Bridget Walsh, John Murphy, Mary Michael Murphy & Mary Ryan John Walshe
1902, Oct 06 Walsh, James Richard Walsh, John Murphy, Mary Denis Ryan & Ellie Walsh John Walshe
1904, Sept 12 Walsh, Bridget Mary Walsh, John Murphy, Mary John Hart & Mary Anne Ryan John Walshe
1903, Aug 16 Walsh, James Walsh, Joseph Flaherty, Catherine John Brothers & Kate Walsh James McNamara
1879, Dec 21 Walsh, Catherine Mary Walsh, Martin Coady, Kate James Brothers & Bridget Shallow John Walshe
1881, Nov 13 Walsh, Alfonsus Francis Walsh, Martin Coady, Kate Michael Neil & Elizabeth Brothers John Walshe
1882, Jan 31 Walsh, Johanna Bridget Walsh, Martin Dooley, Anastasia Richard Raftus & Margaret Walsh John Walshe
1883, Dec 25 Walsh, Ellen Walsh, Martin Dooley, Anastasia Nicholas Ryan & Johanna Walsh John Walshe
1887, Oct 31 Walsh, Nicholas Joseph Walsh, Martin Dooley, Anastasia John Walsh & Mary Anne Walsh John Walshe
1889, Nov 06 Walsh, Mary Margaret Walsh, Martin Dooley, Anastasia John Walsh & Jane Shaughnessy John Walshe
1892, July 09 Walsh, Bridget Joseph Walsh, Martin Dooley, Anastasia John Shaughnessy & Bridget Murphy John Walshe
1895, May 20 Walsh, Michael John Walsh, Martin Dooley, Anastasia William Finn & Mary A Shaughnessy John Walshe
1886, Aug 07 Walsh (?), John (illeg) Walsh, Michael McCarthy, Mary John Tobin & Mary Frances Roche D.J. O'Brien
1903, Feb 27 Walsh, Mary Joseph Walsh, Michael Kane, Anne Thomas Devine & Jane Keating John Walshe
1904, July 14 Walsh, Patrick Walsh, Michael Kane, Anne Wat Keating & Mary McCarthy John Walshe
1904, Dec 30 Walsh, Mary Esther Walsh, Michael Hart, Mary Walter Kenny & Mary Kenny John Walshe
1889, Dec 03 Walsh, Richard Walsh, Michael McCarthy, Mary Thomas Lawes & Mary Kane John Walshe
1892, May 21 Walsh, Denis Joseph Walsh, Michael McCarthy, Mary William McCarthy & Betsy Coady John Walshe
1893, May 23 Walsh, Denis Joseph Walsh, Michael McCarthy, Mary Florence McCarthy & Mary E. McCarthy John Walshe
1895, July 02 Walsh, Michael Joseph Walsh, Michael McCarthy, Mary William McCarthy & Nancy Roche John Walshe
1902, Nov 22 Walsh, Patrick Joseph Walsh, Michael (?) Hart, Rose May James Walsh & Fanny Connors John Walshe
1888, May 01 Walsh, Mary Catherine Walsh, Michael G McCarthy, Mary John McCarthy & Agnes Hayes John Walshe
1899, Aug 05 Walsh, Ellen Mary Walsh, Nicholas Reddy, Frances Denis Ryan & Maggie Reddy John Walshe
1900, Dec 19 Walsh, Patrick Joseph Walsh, Nicholas Brophy, Ellen Joe Rossiter & Polly Ryan John Walshe
1901, June 14 Walsh, Mary Stanislaus Walsh, Nicholas Reddy, Frances John Walsh & Janie Reddy John Walshe
1901, Nov 26 Walsh, Mary Bridget Walsh, Nicholas Broaphy, Ellen James Broaphy & Mary Agnes Curran John Walshe
1903, Apr 01 Walsh, James Walsh, Nicholas Brophy, Ellie Pat Brophy & Mary Brophy John Walshe
1903, Nov 17 Walsh, Johanna Mary Walsh, Nicholas Reddy, Fanny Thomas Reddy & Ellie Walsh John Walshe
1905, Aug 02 Walsh, Mary Esther Walsh, Nicholas Brophy, Ellen Thomas Brophy & Fanny Connors John Walshe
1893. Aug 03 Walsh, Mary Esther Walsh, Pat Shallow, Jane   midwife
1899, May 05 Walsh, Mary Esther Walsh, Pat Shallow, Jane James Walsh & Fanny Connors John Walshe
1899, May 05 Walsh, Mary Bridget Walsh, Pat Shallow, Jane Robert Coady & Elizabeth Brothers John Walshe
1879, Sept 07 Walsh, Nicholas Joseph Walsh, Patrick Reddy, Esther Jeremiah Brothers & Mary Walsh John Walshe
1894, July 29 Walsh, Patrick Joseph Walsh, Patrick Shallow, Jane Michael Walsh & Margaret Kenny John Walshe
1895, Dec 06 Walsh, Matthew Walsh, Patrick Shallow, Jane James Walsh & Kate O'Neill John Walshe
1897, June 19 Walsh, Michael John Francis Walsh, Patrick Shallow, Jane Thomas Coady & Jane Brothers L.K. Vereker
1902, Apr 24 Walsh, James Joseph Walsh, Patrick Broaphy, Lizzie James O'Neill & Katie Walsh John Walshe
1903, Sept 26 Walsh, Nicholas Joseph Walsh, Patrick Brophy, Elizabeth William Flaherty & Anne Coady John Walshe
1905, May 18 Walsh, John Joseph Walsh, Patrick Brophy, Elizabeth William Walsh & Bridget Walsh John Walshe
1907. Mar 21 Walsh, Nicholas Joseph Walsh, Patrick Brophy, Elizabeth Denis Coady & Fanny Connors John Walshe
1900, Nov 14 Walsh, William Walsh, Richard Chidley, Rose Ed Power & ? Chidley ??
1904, Sept 24 Walsh, Mary Frances Walsh, Thomas Roach, Mary E. John Johnson & Lizzie Johnson John Walshe
1903, May 28 Walshe, John Joseph Walshe, James Trainer, Jane Owen Brothers & Mary Keating James McNamara
1903, May 19 Walshe, Laurence Walshe, Richard Chidley, Roseanna private baptism(died)  
1880, Jan 14 Whelan, Nicholas Whelan, George Kane, Mary Thomas McCarthy & Kate Hoffman John Walshe
1882, June 28 Whelan, John Joseph Whelan, George Kane, Mary James Dutton & Bridget Hoffman John Walshe
1885, Feb 02 Whelan, George Whelan, George Kane, Mary William Conway & Mary Maher John Walshe
1887, May 27 Whelan, Mary Joseph Whelan, George Kane, Mary Thomas Kane & Kate Dunne John Walshe
1878, June 26 Whelan, Mary Anne Whelan, Nicholas Robinson, Jane Richard Ryan & Anne Kane John Walshe
1880, July 21 Whelan, Nicholas Joseph Whelan, Nicholas Robinson, Jane William Kane & Catherine Robinson John Walshe
1882, May 22 Whelan, Andrew Whelan, Nicholas Robinson, Jane Walter Walsh & Ellen Walsh John Walshe
1885, Oct 19 Whelan, Jane Whelan, Nicholas Robinson, Jane Edward Power & Nancy Tobin John Walshe
1887, June 04 Wickens, Mary Wickens, Chris Rose, Fan Thomas Cahill & Anne Guiney John Walshe
1888, Dec 27 Wickens, Frances Wickens, Chris Rose, Fanny Martin Wickens & Anne Wickens John Walshe
1905, Sept 09 Wickens, Richard Wickens, Martin Cahill, Teresa John Guiney & Mary Chidley John Walshe
1881, Oct 06 Wickens, Martin Joseph Wickens, Patrick Mercer, Jane Richard King & Anne Wickens John Walshe
1880, Mar 04 Wickens, Bridget Wickens, Richard Neil, Catherine Richard King & Bridget Neil John Walshe
1882, Dec 25 Wickens, Christopher Wickens, Richard Neil, Catherine James Murphy & Anne Guiney John Walshe
1884, Aug 17 Woods, George Joseph Woods, Frank Kenny, Anne Patrick Walsh & Anne Kenny John Walshe

Contributed by Jane Dowd, Roberta Sullivan and Blanche McCarthy (November 2000)

Page Revised: October 2002 (Don Tate)

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