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Holy Apostles parish Renews RC
Baptism Records
Part I (A - F)
(Includes - Fermeuse and Renews to Cape Race.)
In order by Father

Date Child Father Mother Sponsors Town/Priest
1883, Dec 01 ??, Margaret Joseph ??, James ?? Thomas Jackman & Maggie Jackman John Walshe
1888, Oct 25 Johnson, Frank Adopted by Jeremiah Johnson at age 4 yrs Roche, ?   C.M.
1895, Sept 08 Goozney, Robert Henry Adult, age 24 years native of Bay of Islands George Power & Johanna Johnson John Walshe
1878, Sept 02 Cose, Samuel Stephen ADULT, aged about 80 years Native of England John Walsh & Hariet Cose John Walshe
1902, Jan 21 Humberstone, John Joseph ADULT, native of London, England   Charles Redmond & Lizzie Redmond John Walshe
1895, Mar 12 House, James Adult, native of Trinity   Michael O'Neill & Kate O'Neill John Walshe
1885, Sept 05 Evans, Arthur Robert Joseph ADULT, of Br??   John Walsh & Mary Johnson John Walshe
1884, Nov 29 Mercer, Christina Mary ADULT, of Topsail   Pierce Murphy & Mrs. P. Murphy John Walshe
1892, Aug 28 Aylward, James Joseph Aylward, John Shallow, Annie Thomas Power & Kate Kenny John Walshe
1894, May 04 Aylward, Richard Monica Aylward, John Shallow, Anne Michael O'Neil & Anne Shallow John Walshe
1895, Dec 20 Aylward, Mary Margaret Aylward, John Shallow, Anne Pat Aylward & Judith Leary John Walshe
1900, July 05 Aylward, Mary Aylward, John Shallow, Anne Richard Brothers & Jane Brothers John Walshe
1902, May 25 Aylward, Bridget Joseph Aylward, John Shallow, Anne Paul O'Neill & Bessy O'Neill John Walshe
1904, Jan 13 Aylward, John Stanislaus Aylward, John Shallow, Anne Ed Trainor & Margaret Brothers John Walshe
1898, Apr 21 Aylward, Mary Anne Aylward, Pat Brophy, Bridget John Brothers & Ellen Brophy John Walshe
1899, Nov 25 Aylward, John Joseph Aylward, Pat Brophy, Bridget John Brophy & Anne Trainor John Walshe
1901, Oct 18 Aylward, Patrick Joseph Aylward, Patrick Broaphy, Bridget James Aylward & Esther Broaphy John Walshe
1903, Oct 01 Aylward, James Joseph Aylward, Patrick Broaphy, Bridget James Coady & Betsy O'Neill John Walshe
1905, Sept 26 Aylward, Francis Joseph Aylward, Patrick Brophy, Bridget James Brophy & Annie Fennelly John Walshe
1878, July 10 Barren, William Peter Barren, Pierce Dinn, Alice James Foley & Bridget Power John Walshe
1880, Sept 27 Barren, Pierce Barren, Pierce Dinn, Alice John Roche & Mary Lalor John Walshe
1883, Oct 20 Bavis, Elizabeth Bavis, John McCarthy, Catherine Thomas Bavis & Alice McCarthy John Walshe
1886, Jan 05 Bavis, John Bavis, John McCarthy, Kate Joseph Bavis & Mary Bavis John Walshe
1888, Feb 03 Bavis, Joseph Bavis, John McCarthy, Kate Thomas Jackman & Bridget McCarthy John Walshe
1890, July 04 Bavis, Elizabeth Bavis, Joseph Hartery, Margaret Willis Devine & Margaret King John Walshe
1878, Apr 18 Bavis, Margaret Bavis, William Conway, Catherine Edward Conway & Margaret Coady John Walshe
1893, Aug 15 Bennett, Michael Joseph Bennett, John Kane, Emma John Dunne & Annie Kane John Walshe
1898, Aug 03 Bennett, William Joseph Bennett, John Kane, Emma John Conway & Catherine Dunne John Walshe
1887, Jan 18 Berrigan, Edward Joseph Berrigan, Edward Sheehan, Lizzie Ed Berrigan & Bridget Berrigan John Walshe
1888, Oct 22 Berrigan, John Thomas Berrigan, Edward Sheehan, Lizzie Ed Sheehan & Ellen Dooley John Walshe
1890, Sept 15 Berrigan, James Joseph Berrigan, Edward Sheehan, Lizzie Arthur Leary & Teresa Berrigan John Walshe
1892, Oct 28 Berrigan, Anastasia Berrigan, Edward Sheehan, Lizzie William Berrigan & Mary Power John Walshe
1895, Mar 21 Berrigan, Ellen Joseph Berrigan, Edward Sheehan, Elizabeth John Devine & Anastasia Berrigan John Walshe
1897, June 15 Berrigan, Mary Elizabeth Berrigan, Edward Sheehan, Elizabeth Thomas Berrigan & Ellen Heffernan John A. O'Reilly
1900, May 26 Berrigan, Johanna Mary Berrigan, Edward Sheehan, Lizzie Edward Berrigan & Gertie Fowler John Walshe
1878, Mar 23 Berrigan, John Joseph Berrigan, James Lalor, Johanna Thomas Berrigan & Anastasia Berrigan John Walshe
1884, Oct 25 Berrigan, Edward Stanislaus Berrigan, William Lalor, Teresa Thomas Berrigan & Johanna Dutton John Walshe
1886, July 02 Berrigan, Mary Joseph Berrigan, William Lawler, Teresa Michael Berrigan & Ellen Power S. O'Driscoll
1888, Jan 16 Berrigan, Ellen Joseph Berrigan, William Lalor, Teresa Edward Berrigan & Lizzie Berrigan John Walshe
1890, Apr 28 Berrigan, Mary Anne Berrigan, William Lalor, Teresa John Berrigan & Kate Mullowney John Walshe
1892, July 23 Berrigan, Johanna Berrigan, William Lalor, Teresa Frank Jackman & Mary Leary John Walshe
1878, June 11 Bevis, Annie Joseph Bevis, James Keating, Mary Willliam Tobin & Elizabeth Keating John Walshe
1900, Oct 15 Brazil, James Patrick Brazil, John McCarthy, Mary John Walsh & Maria Dunne John Walshe
1902, June 26 Brazil, Mary Teresa Brazil, John McCarthy, Mary E. Pat Dunne & Lizzie Redmond John Walshe
1903, July 28 Brazil, Margaret Mary Martha Brazil, John McCarthy, Mary E. Lawrence Jackman & Margaret Reddy James McNamara
1907, Apr 24 Brazil, Mary Joseph Brazil, John McCarthy, Mary James Quinn & Bessie Bennett John Walshe
1890, July 19 Brenan, John Brenan, John Neil, Anne James Walsh & Mary Squires John Walshe
1891, June 17 Brenan, Mary Catherine Anne Brenan, Thomas Robinson, Mary Patrick Harte & Kate Anne Harte John Walshe
1879, Nov 20 Brennan, Bridget Frances Brennan, Thomas Robinson, Mary James Ryan & Anne Robinson John Walshe
1881, Dec 16 Brennan, Ellen Mary Brennan, Thomas Robinson, Mary John Rogers & Catherine Robinson John Walshe
1884, Jan 02 Brennan, John Joseph Brennan, Thomas Robinson, Mary Peter Ryan & Mary Brennan John Walshe
1886, May 10 Brennan, Mary Jane Brennan, Thomas Robinson, Mary Edward Harte & Mary Jane Walsh John Walshe
1888, July 29 Brennan, Judith Brennan, Thomas Robinson, Mary James Brennan & Mary J. Ryan John Walshe
1893, Nov 27 Brennan, Anne Joseph Brennan, Thomas Robinson, Mary Oliver Neil & Mary Tobin John Walshe
1884, Aug 31 Brien, Mary Catherine Brien, Michael Conway, Emma Michael Walsh & Mary Conway John Walshe
1885, Sept 27 Brien, Martin Joseph Brien, Michael Conway, Emma Thomas Reid & Jane Tobin? John Walshe
1887, June 10 Brien, Bridget Mary Brien, Michael Conway, Emma John Duggan & Jane Neil John Walshe
1887, June 10 Brien, Anne Joseph Brien, Michael Conway, Emma John Connell & Maggie Heffernan John Walshe
1889, July 28 Brien, Anthony Brien, Michael Conway, Emilia James Connell & Hanah Shallow John Walshe
1891, May 01 Brien, Mary Agnes Brien, Michael Conway, Emilia Richard Heffernan & Katie Neil John Walshe
1893, Sept 20 Brien, Michael Brien, Michael Conway, Emma Peter Walsh & Frances Lalor John Walshe
1896, June 21 Brien, James Brien, Michael Conway, Emma Willie Devine & Anne Cahill John Walshe
1898, Nov 14 Brien, John Brien, Michael Conway, Emma John McCarthy & Mary Lalor John Walshe
1900, Nov 16 Brien, Johanna Joseph Brien, Michael Conway, Emma Bernard Roche & Maggie Devine John Walshe
1902, Sept 14 Brien, Joseph Brien, Michael Conway, Emma William Toole & Lucy Keating John Walshe
1879, Mar 21 Brien, John Brien, Tim Bevis, Mary Joseph Coady & Mary Fowler John Walshe
1880, July 04 Brien, Frances Brien, Tim Bavis, Mary Thomas Coady & Mary Anne Coady John Walshe
1882, July 10 Brien, Elizabeth Brien, Tim Bevis, Mary Arthur Johnson & Mary Jackman John Walshe
1885, July 12 Brien, Emma Brien, Tim Bavis, Mary James Berrigan & Frances Bavis John Walshe
1878, Jan 06 Brien, Mary Brien, Timothy Bevis, Mary William Bevis & Jane Coady John Walshe
1883, Dec 07 Brien, Timothy Brien, Timothy Bavis, Mary Thomas Coady & Jane Coady John Walshe
1879, June 22 Broaphy, John Joseph Broaphy, Patrick Fennelly, Annie Andrew Kenny & Anne Kenny John Walshe
1902, June 13 Broaphy, Patrick Broaphy, Stephen O'Neill, Bridget James Broaphy & Bridget Maher John Walshe
1879, Apr 21 Brophy, John Joseph Brophy, James Rossiter, Bridget Mortimer Murphy & Anne Oates John Walshe
1880, May 25 Brophy, Elizabeth Brophy, James Rossiter, Bridget William Reddy & Jane Kenny John Walshe
1882, May 02 Brophy, Mary Margaret Brophy, James Rossiter, Bridget Andrew Kenny & Margaret Hagan John Walshe
1883, Apr 18 Brophy, James Joseph Brophy, James Rossiter, Bridget Robert Kenny & Annie Oates John Walshe
1880, Jan 27 Brophy, Dominick Brophy, Mathew Ryan, Bridget James Dutton & Mary Anne Dutton John Walshe
1881, Apr 17 Brophy, Patrick Joseph Brophy, Patrick Fennelly, Anne Richard Shallow & Teresa Kenny John Walshe
1882, Sept 23 Brophy, James Joseph Brophy, Patrick Fennelly, Anne Robert Kenny & Jane Fennelly John Walshe
1884, Aug 15 Brophy, Mary Esther Brophy, Patrick Fennelly, Anne Richard Kenny & Esther Walshe John Walshe
1886, Oct 25 Brophy, Patrick Brophy, Patrick Fennelly, Anne Jer Fahey & Elizabeth Fahey John Walshe
1888, Dec 23 Brophy, Thomas Joseph Brophy, Patrick Fennelly, Anne Denis Trainor & Bridget Brophy John Walshe
1890, Nov 02 Brophy, Anne Joseph Brophy, Patrick Fennelly, Anne Michael Brophy & Mary Anne Gearin John Walshe
1880, July 25 Brophy, Thomas Joseph Brophy, Philip Reddy, Anne Denis Fennelly & Bridget Fahey John Walshe
1882, Sept 09 Brophy, Philip Brophy, Philip Reddy, Anne Joseph Gatherall & Agnes Meany John Walshe
1884, July 22 Brothers, Jane Joseph Brothers, James Coady, Johanna Robert Coady & Margaret Walsh John Walshe
1886, May 23 Brothers, Richard Joseph Brothers, James Moran, Mary James Neil & Annie Shallow John Walshe
1887, Oct 30 Brothers, John Francis Brothers, James Moran, Mary Peter Ryan & Kate Duggan John Walshe
1888, July 15 Brothers, Catherine Anne Rose Brothers, James Coady, Johanna John Brothers & Kate Harte John Walshe
1890, Mar 09 Brothers, Mary Margaret Brothers, James Moran, Mary John Brothers & Judith Leary John Walshe
1890, Sept 28 Brothers, Mary Margaret Joseph Brothers, James Coady, Johanna Michale Walsh & Kate Walsh John Walshe
1892, May 08 Brothers, Catherine Mary Brothers, James Moran, Mary Thomas Fennelly & Esther Neil John Walshe
1892, May 08 Brothers, Michael Brothers, James Moran, Mary   midwife
1893, Oct 26 Brothers, Martin Brothers, James Moran, Mary   midwife
1895, Oct 16 Brothers, James Mary Brothers, James Moran, Mary James O'Neil & Kate Reddigan John Walshe
1897, Aug 08 Brothers, Michael Anthony Brothers, James Moran, Mary James Fennelly ? & Mary Anne O'Neil John A. O'Reilly
1881, Jan 06 Brothers, Robert Francis Brothers, Jeremiah Walsh, Veronica John Duggan & Margaret Fahey John Walshe
1882, June 18 Brothers, Patrick John Brothers, Jeremiah Walsh, Veronica Patrick Walsh & Anne Walsh John Walshe
1878, Oct 10 Brothers, Ellen Joseph Brothers, John Canning, Ellen James Brothers & Anne Fahey John Walshe
1881, May 26 Brothers, Mary Margaret Joseph Brothers, John Cummins, Ellen John Tobin & Mary Jane Duggan John Walshe
1885, Mar 09 Brothers(?), Martin (illeg) Brothers, Martin Robinson, Anne John Kane & Jane Whelan John Walshe
1902, Oct 08 Brothers, Denis Michael Brothers, Michael Roach, Mary Bernard Roach & Emilia Harding John Walshe
1904, June 15 Brothers, Anne Joseph Brothers, Michael Roche, Mary Thomas McCarthy & Mary Brien John Walshe
1881, Nov 06 Brothers, Mary Joseph Brothers, Peter Neil, Mary James Brothers & Ellen Kane John Walshe
1883, Jan 14 Brothers, John Joseph Brothers, Peter Neil, Mary Michael Neil & Anne Connell John Walshe
1884, Oct 02 Brothers, Owen Francis Brothers, Peter Neil, Mary John Neil & Anastasia Ryan John Walshe
1886, July 29 Brothers, Michael Joseph Brothers, Peter Neil, Mary John Duggan & Ellen Tobin D.J. O'Brien
1888, Feb 12 Brothers, Ellen Joseph Brothers, Peter Neil, Mary Dan Connell & Mary Keeffe John Walshe
1891, June 21 Brothers, Frances Joseph Brothers, Peter O'Neill, Mary James Duggan & Jane Duggan John Walshe
1893, Mar 01 Brothers, Patrick David Brothers, Peter O'Neill, Mary Owen O'Neill & Anne O'Neill John Walshe
1894, May 10 Brothers, James Joseph Brothers, Peter O'Neil, Mary Owen O'Neill & Ellie Brothers John Walshe
1895, May 16 Brothers, Robert Joseph Brothers, Peter Craft, Hariet Michael Brothers & Bridget Walsh John Walshe
1896, June 21 Brothers, Bridget Joseph Brothers, Peter O'Neill, Mary Henry O'Neill & Mary Fennelly John Walshe
1897, Oct 23 Brothers, Mary Esther Brothers, Peter Craft, Hariet Pat O'Neill & Mary Brothers John Walshe
1898, Sept 24 Brothers, Peter Michael Brothers, Peter O'Neill, Mary Pat O'Neill & Elizabeth Ryan John Walshe
1878, Nov 10 Brothers, Catherine Anne Brothers, William Brien, Mary Anne John Brothers & Ellen Brien John Walshe
1880, June 27 Brothers, Michael Joseph Brothers, William Brien, Mary Anne John Fennelly & Johanna Coady John Walshe
1883, Aug 05 Brothers, Paul Brothers, William Brien, Mary Anne James Fennelly & Mary Anne Oates John Walshe
1885, Nov 08 Brothers, Mary Ellen Brothers, William Brien, Mary Anne Patrick Walsh & Mary Agnes Fahey John Walshe
1882, Nov 26 Byrne, Mary Byrne, Jeremiah Murphy, Anne Pierce Murphy & Johanna Jackman John Walshe
1885, June 02 Byrne, Annie Byrne, Jeremiah Murphy, Anne Joseph Coady & Elizabeth Jackman John Walshe
1887, Aug 06 Byrne, Catherine Helen Byrne, Jeremiah Murphy, Anne Lawrence Lalor & Frances Lalor John Walshe
1878, Aug 31 Cahill, Teresa Cahill, Patrick McCarthy, Esther John Pender & Mary Mahony John Walshe
1900, Apr 07 Cahill, Edward Peter Cahill, Sam Keeffe, Elizabeth James Devine & Mary Power John Walshe
1884, Dec 31 Cahill, Patrick Cahill, Samuel Keeffe, Eliza Edward Hoffman & Mary Squires John Walshe
1901, Feb 24 Chidley, Patrick Chidley, Chris Cahill, Lizzie Martin Wickens & Teresa Cahill John Walshe
1902, Aug 15 Chidley, Mary Chidley, Chris Cahill, Lizzie Richard Chidley & Annie McCarthy John Walshe
1899, Sept 05 Chidley, Lawrence Chidley, Christopher Cahill, Elizabeth Henry Chidley & Mary Chidley John Walshe
1904, Apr 20 Chidley, Peter Joseph Chidley, Christopher Cahill, Lizzie Thomas Conway & Kate Brien John Walshe
1887, Dec 13 Chidley (?), Benedict (illeg) Chidley, John Keating, Mary John Bavis & Elizabeth McCarthy John Walshe
1905, Aug 20 Chidley, John Joseph Chidley, John Hoffman ?, Ellen Henry Chidley & Agnes J? John Walshe
1879, Apr 12 Chidley, Thomas Chidley, Joseph Lovett, Ellen Philip Kane & Lizzie Jackman John Walshe
1878, Nov 06 Chidley, John Joseph Chidley, Lawrence Kane, Mary Thomas Sheehan & Margaret Devine John Walshe
1881, May 17 Chidley, Lawrence Chidley, Lawrence Kane, Mary William Squires & Johanna Lalor John Walshe
1886, July 31 Chidley, Anne Chidley, Lawrence Keane, Mary Gerald Jackman & Elizabeth Beavis D.J. O'Brien
1890, June 03 Chidley, Richard Chidley, Lawrence Kane, Mary John Devine & Maggie Devine John Walshe
1894, Sept 15 Chidley, Thomas Joseph Chidley, Lawrence   James Walsh & Elizabeth ? John Walshe
1878, July 09 Chidley, George Joseph Chidley, Thomas Power, Mary Edward Berrigan & Maggie Chidley John Walshe
1881, Feb 07 Chidley, Joseph Chidley, Thomas Power, Mary Thomas Berrigan & Jane Power John Walshe
1882, Oct 05 Coady, William Francis Coady, Andrew Dinn, Kate Frank McCarthy & Mary Jane Coady John Walshe
1884, Sept 29 Coady, Richard Patrick Coady, Andrew Dinn, Kate Garrett Jackman & Mary McCarthy John Walshe
1894, June 06 Coady, William Coady, Edward Power, Jane Michael Murphy & Mary Power John Walshe
1895, Sept 23 Coady, Anne Coady, Edward Power, Jane Thomas Coady & Alice Murphy John Walshe
1897, Jan 22 Coady, Richard Coady, Edward Power, Mary John Power & Mary Quinn John Walshe
1899, Apr 16 Coady, Edward Coady, Edward Power, Jane John Coady & Anne Power John Walshe
1900, Oct 26 Coady, John Joseph Coady, Edward Power, Jane Peter Murphy & Helena Fowler John Walshe
1903, June 23 Coady, Mary Jane Coady, Edward Power, Jane Thomas Murphy & Annie McKnight James McNamara
1893, Aug 02 Coady ?, Thomas Coady, James ? Fahey, Mary Anne ?   John Walshe
1900, June 29 Coady, Peter Coady, Joe Foley, Margaret John Coady & Alice Murphy John Walshe
1881, June 30 Coady, John James Coady, John Dinn, Margaret William Coady & Elizabeth Coady John Walshe
1882, Feb 22 Coady, John Coady, John Coady, Margaret Thomas Coady & Jane Coady John Walshe
1888, Nov 09 Coady, Thomas Coady, Joseph Foley, Margaret Thomas Devine & Mary Anne Roche John Walshe
1892, Mar 19 Coady, Mary Anne Coady, Joseph Foley, Margaret Thomas Coady & Jane Coady John Walshe
1896, Dec 21 Coady, Ellen Joseph Coady, Joseph Foley, Margaret David Foley & Margaret Devine John Walshe
1882, May 18 Coady, James Joseph Coady, Michael Prendergrast, Ann John Fennelly & Katie Anne Duggan John Walshe
1885, Feb 21 Coady, Denis Joseph Coady, Michael Maher, Catherine Robert Coady & Margaret Harte John Walshe
1886, Dec 12 Coady, John Thomas Coady, Michael Maher, Kate James Flaherty & Mary Hagan John Walshe
1889, Nov 17 Coady, Michael John Coady, Michael Maher, Catherine John Coady & Mary Coady John Walshe
1898, Feb 08 Coady, Elizabeth Coady, Thomas Harte, Kate James Quinn & Elizabeth Quinn John Walshe
1902, Oct 25 Coady, Maggie Anne Coady, Thomas Power, Mary private baptism(died) John Walshe
1887, Dec 14 Colbert, Samuel Francis Colbert, George Fowler, Emma John Cahill & Elizabeth Cahill John Walshe
1889, Sept 12 Colbert, Mary Elizabeth Colbert, George Fowler, Emma Thomas Fowler & Maggie Murphy John Walshe
1891, Aug 29 Colbert, Margaret Colbert, George Fowler, Emma Patrick Fowler & Jane Power John Walshe
1879, Dec 14 Connell, Bridget Connell, Patrick Lales(Lawless), Johanna Thomas Murphy & Ellen Kane John Walshe
1881, Nov 13 Connell, William Francis Connell, Patrick Lalos, Johanna James Connell & Kate Connell John Walshe
1883, Sept 09 Connell, Anne Connell, Patrick Lawles (Lawlor), Johanna John Harte & Johanna Harte John Walshe
1892, Feb 26 Connelly, Josephine Connelly, Nicholas Power, Bridget Arthur Johnson & Ellen Power John Walshe
1893, Sept 16 Connelly, Mary Philomena Connelly, Nicholas Power, Bridget Stephen Power & Mary Ita Corbett John Walshe
1895, Aug 10 Connelly, John James Connelly, Nicholas Power, Bridget Patrick Corbett & Mary Anne Fowler John Walshe
1900, May 18 Connelly, James Mary Connelly, Nicholas Power, Bridget Thomas Devine & Anastasia Lalor John Walshe
1897, Feb 14 Connolly, Michael Francis Connolly, Nicholas Power, Bridget Lar Kane & Elizabeth Roche John Walshe
1897, Feb 14 Connolly, James Joseph Connolly, Nicholas Power, Bridget James Devine & Gertrude Fowler John Walshe
1903, June 15 Connolly, Rachel Ita Connolly, Nicholas Power, Bridget Arthur Jackman & Mary O'Leary James McNamara
1878, Nov 14 Conway, Nicholas Conway, James Hayden, Rose Philip Jackman & Kate Gearin John Walshe
1879, Nov 08 Conway, Denis James Conway, James Hayden, Rose Richard Shallow & Kate Berrigan John Walshe
1891, Oct 10 Conway, Bridget Mary Conway, John Foley, Maggie Michael Keating & Mary Squires John Walshe
1886, July 30 Corbatt (?), Michael? (illeg) Corbatt, George Lawlor, Ellen Samuel Fowler & Mary Squires D.J. O'Brien
1886, July 29 Corbatt, Michael Corbatt, George Fowler, Emma Sam Fowler & Mary Squires D.J. O'Brien
1885, July 17 Corbett, Margaret Mary Corbett, Joseph Morrissey, Kate Thomas Corbett & Maggie Devine John Walshe
1887, July 30 Corbett, William Corbett, Joseph Morrissey, Catherine James Edstrom & Kate Lalor John Walshe
1888, Oct 26 Corbett, Catherine Mary Joseph Corbett, Joseph Morrissey, Catherine Patrick Devine & Margaret Devine John Walshe
1903, Jan 30 Curran, Esther Mary Curran, Ed Kenny, Agnes John Kenny & Esther Broaphy John Walshe
1904, Sept 18 Curran, Margaret Joseph Curran, Ed Kenny, Mary Agnes Willliam Kenny & Maggie Kenny John Walshe
1898, Apr 15 Curran, James Joseph Curran, Edward Kenny, Agnes Michael Kenny & Hanah Kenny John Walshe
1899, June 22 Curran, Richard John Curran, Edward Kenny, Agnes Richard Kenny & Ellie Brophy John Walshe
1894, Oct 25 Devine, Anne Maria Devine, John Berrigan, Bridget William Berrigan & Maggie Devine John Walshe
1896, Sept 01 Devine, William Joseph Devine, John Berrigan, Bridget James Fowler & Teresa Devine John Walshe
1898, Oct 26 Devine, Patrick Mary Devine, John O'Neill, Mary Peter McCarthy & Maggie Devine John Walshe
1903, Jan 08 Devine, John Michael Devine, John Spearins, Catherine Michael Devine & Mary Reddy John Walshe
1905, Mar 30 Devine, Margaret Anne Devine, John Spearins, Kate James Kenny & Esther Jackman John Walshe
1879, Nov 11 Devine, William Devine, Patrick Brien, Margaret John Power & Mary Brien John Walshe
1882, Feb 17 Devine, James Devine, Patrick Brien, Margaret Patrick Leary & Margaret Coady John Walshe
1884, Mar 21 Devine, Michael Joseph Devine, Patrick Brien, Margaret Peter McCarthy & Esther Brien John Walshe
1878, Apr 17 Dinn, Anastasia Dinn, Denis Power, Mary Anne Michael Kane & Elizabeth Devine John Walshe
1880, Apr 12 Dinn, John Joseph Dinn, Denis Power, Mary John Power & Mary Maher John Walshe
1881, Nov 15 Dinn, Willliam Joseph Dinn, Denis Power, Mary Anne Andrew Coady & Bridget Power John Walshe
1884, Aug 29 Dinn, Mary Dinn, Denis Power, Mary Anne James Dutton & Elizabeth Jackman John Walshe
1886, June 04 Dinn, Richard Alphonsus Dinn, Denis Power, Mary Anne Adam Hoffman & Mary Joseph Power John Walshe
1889, Oct 20 Dinn, Elizabeth Anne Dinn, Denis Power, Mary Anne George Power & Johanna Jackman John Walshe
1889, Sept 19 Dinn, William Joseph Dinn, John Coady, Mary John Coady & Mary Power John Walshe
1892, Sept 13 Dinn, Elizabeth Dinn, John Coady, Mary James Fowler & Maggie Coady John Walshe
1894, Oct 25 Dinn, James Joseph Dinn, John Coady, Mary Peter Power & Elizabeth Power John Walshe
1896, Oct 19 Dinn, Ellen Frances Dinn, John Coady, Mary Thomas Coady & Kate Coady John Walshe
1898, Sept 08 Dinn, Mary Agnes Dinn, John Coady, Mary John Fowler & Mary Power John Walshe
1900, May 21 Dinn, Lucy Dinn, John Coady, Mary Stephen Power & Ellen F. Barron John Walshe
1878, Aug 03 Dinn, Richard Dinn, Thomas Walsh, Mary Joseph Neil & Mary McCarthy John Walshe
1888, June 21 Dinn, Mary Aloysius Dinn, Thomas Quinlan, Johanna Lawrence Quinlan & Johanna Shanahan John Walshe
1892, July 27 Dinn, Edward Joseph Dinn, Thomas Quinlan, Johanna James Quinlan & Mary Shanahan John Walshe
1881, Nov 07 Dooley, Ellen Joseph Dooley, Michael Dunphy, Catherine Thomas Dunphy & Elizabeth McCarthy John Walshe
1881, Nov 07 Dooley, Mary Dooley, Michael Dunphy, Catherine Edward Quinlan & Johanna Quinlan John Walshe
1883, Feb 26 Dooley, Patrick Joseph Dooley, Michael Dunphy, Kate Edward Hoffman & Kate Dunphy John Walshe
1885, Mar 20 Dooley, Thomas Joseph Dooley, Michael Dunphy, Kate William Jackman & Mary Anne Roche John Walshe
1886, Aug 10 Dooley, Martin Joseph Dooley, Michael Dunphy, Kate Gerald Shanahan & Kate Dumphy D.J. O'Brien
1888, Jan 09 Dooley, Mary Frances Dooley, Michael Dunphy, Kate Joseph Roche & Mary Dunphy John Walshe
1890, Apr 14 Dooley, Catherine Anne Dooley, Michael Dunphy, Kate Lawrence Quinlan & Mary Quinlan John Walshe
1892, Apr 05 Dooley, Margaret Joseph Dooley, Michael Dunphy, Kate Thomas McCarthy & Maggie Murphy John Walshe
1878, Feb 15 Doyle, Mary Margaret Doyle, John Whelan, Esther John Sullivan & Emilia Doyle John Walshe
1879, Oct 19 Doyle, Esther Doyle, John (deceased) Whelan, Esther James Tobin & Alice McCarthy John Walshe
1880, Feb 01 Doyle, Elizabeth Anne Doyle, Pat Lalor, Kate John Sullivan & Kate McCarthy John Walshe
1878, Feb 09 Doyle, Edward Joseph Doyle, Patrick Lalor, Catherine John Lalor & Agnes Lalor John Walshe
1881, Dec 30 Doyle, Catherine Doyle, Patrick Lalor, Catherine John Mullowney & Ellen Lalor John Walshe
1885, Feb 02 Doyle, Michael Doyle, Patrick Lalor, Kate Michael McCarthy & Johanna McCarthy John Walshe
1880, July 25 Duggan, Owen Terence Duggan, Robert Neil, Anne James Walsh & Catherine Anne Madigan John Walshe
1881, Dec 25 Duggan, Thomas Joseph Duggan, Robert Neil, Anne John Duggan & Mary Jane Duggan John Walshe
1885, Mar 29 Duggan, Mary Anne Duggan, Robert Neil, Anne Denis Trainor & Mary Anne Neil John Walshe
1878, Apr 14 Duggan, Margaret Joseph Duggan, Thomas Walsh, Margaret Robert Brothers & Mary Anne Aylward John Walshe
1883, Aug 18 Dunn, John James Dunn, Patrick Hayden, Catherine Michael Hoffman & Ellen Mahony John Walshe
1878, May 09 Dunne, Nicholas Joseph Dunne, Patrick Hayden, Catherine Thomas Shallow & Sarah Shallow John Walshe
1880, Jan 09 Dunne, Patrick Dunne, Patrick Hayden, Catherine Edward Hoffman & Anne Kane John Walshe
1887, Feb 21 Dunne, Rose Dunne, Patrick Hayden, Catherine William Johnson & Eliza Johnson John Walshe
1904, Feb 07 Dunne, Patrick Joseph Dunne, Patrick Lalor, Anastasia William Gearin & Louisa Lalor John Walshe
1905, Nov 13 Dunne, Anne Stanislaus Dunne, Patrick Lalor, Anastasia William Devine & Matilda Lalor John Walshe
1895, Oct 12 Dunphy, Mary Ellen Dunphy, James Coady, Betsy Florence McCarthy & Anne Coady John Walshe
1902, July 09 Dunphy, William Joseph Dunphy, James Coady, Lizzie Patrick King & Mary Dooley John Walshe
1900, Dec 30 Dunphy, Catherine Teresa Dunphy, Joe Coady, Betsy James Berrigan & Ellen Hoffman John Walshe
1897, Oct 21 Dunphy, Susan Dunphy, Joseph Coady, Betsy Robert Goosney & Rose Chidley John Walshe
1896, Sept 03 Dutton, James Mary Dutton, James Lalor, Kate John Walsh & Mary A. Jackman John Walshe
1898, Jan 14 Dutton, Thomas Charles Dutton, James Lalor, Kate Thomas Devine & Maggie Devine John Walshe
1901, Oct 18 Dutton, Lawrence Dutton, James Lalor, Kate Michael Power & Kate Power John Walshe
1903, July 22 Dutton, Bernard Dutton, James Dunne, Maria Patrick Dunne & Hannah Walsh James McNamara
1905, Jan 28 Dutton, Philomena Dutton, James Lalor, Kate Arthur O'Leary & Kate Hart John Walshe
1905, Nov 07 Dutton, Patrick Joseph Dutton, James Dunne, Maria Peter Roche & Nora Roche John Walshe
1899, June 10 Edstrom, Mary Margaret Edstrom, James Carroll, Emma Albert Morry & Mary Ryan John Walshe
1901, Feb 17 Edstrom, William Carroll Joseph Edstrom, James Carroll, Emma James Fowler & Johanna Johnson John Walshe
1903, June 30 Edstrom, Thomas Paul Edstrom, James Carroll, Emma John Flynn & Mary Flynn James McNamara
1905, May 17 Edstrom, Henry Stanislaus Edstrom, James Carroll, Emma William Carroll & Flossie Flynn John Walshe
1897, Aug 06 Elward, Joanna Joseph Elward (Aylward ?), John Shallow, Anne Owen O'Neil & Bridget Elward John A. O'Reilly
1880, Sept 05 Fahey, Mary Joseph Fahey, Denis Coady, Mary John Neil & Anne Shallow John Walshe
1883, Apr 08 Fahey, Mary Irene Fahey, Denis Coady, Mary John Fennelly & Kate Aylward John Walshe
1885, Mar 22 Fahey, Michael Joseph Fahey, Denis Coady, Mary Patrick Aylward & Rose Shallow John Walshe
1886, Aug 29 Fahey, Mary Fahey, Denis Coady, Mary James Neil & Mary Shallow D.J. O'Brien
1888, Aug 05 Fahey, Anne Fahey, Denis Coady, Mary John Aylward & Kate Duggan John Walshe
1890. May 17 Fahey, Mary Bridget Fahey, Jeremiah Kenny, Elizabeth Stephen Brophy & Anne Rossiter John Walshe
1892, June 28 Fahey, Matthew Joseph Fahey, Jeremiah Kenny, Elizabeth Richard Kenny & Mary Ryan John Walshe
1895, Nov 17 Fahey, Mary Joseph Fahey, Jeremiah Kenny, Elizabeth Edward Flaherty & Catherine Flaherty John Walshe
1900, July 20 Fahey, Jeremiah Fahey, Jeremiah Kenny, Elizabeth Robert Kenny & Judith Morry John Walshe
1879, Nov 29 Fennelly, Richard Francis Fennelly, Patrick Brothers, Jane John Moran & Lizzie Brothers John Walshe
1883, July 06 Fennelly, Michael Bernard Fennelly, Patrick Brothers, Jane Thomas Hayden & Mary Anne Shallow John Walshe
1885, Oct 25 Fennelly, Anne Joseph Fennelly, Patrick Brothers, Jane John Walsh & Katie Anne Duggan John Walshe
1888, July 29 Fennelly, Elizabeth Joseph Fennelly, Patrick Brothers, Jane Thomas Fennelly & Mary Jane Duggan John Walshe
1891, May 08 Fennelly, John Joseph Fennelly, Patrick Brothers, Jane James Fennelly & Ellen Duggan John Walshe
1904, Jan 16 Fennelly, Patrick Joseph Fennelly, Thomas Brothers, Jane Robert Walsh & Anne Fennelly John Walshe
1905, Aug 07 Fennelly, Johanna Mary Fennelly, Thomas Brothers, Jane John Fennelly & Katie Brothers John Walshe
1882, July 06 Fennelly, John Joseph Fennelly, William Kenny, Jane John Trainor & Mary Fennelly John Walshe
1883, Sept 30 Fennelly, William Joseph Fennelly, William Kenny, Jane Frank Fennelly & Mary Fennelly John Walshe
1884, Nov 16 Fennelly, Patrick Thomas Fennelly, William Kenny, Jane John Walsh & Catherine Murphy John Walshe
1887, Sept 25 Fennelly, Andrew Thomas Fennelly, William Kenny, Jane Andrew Kenny & Mary Reddy John Walshe
1889, Jan 20 Fennelly, Denis Francis Fennelly, William Kenny, Jane James Neil & Fanny Reddy John Walshe
1890, July 06 Fennelly, Mary Elizabeth Fennelly, William Kenny, Jane John Shaughnessy & Mary Anne Neil John Walshe
1894. Apr 18 Fennelly, James Fennelly, William Kenny, Jane (stillborn)  
1897, June 08 Field (?), John Joseph (illeg) Field, Willliam Keane, Anne Patrick Dunne & Mary Tobin John A. O'Reilly
1884, Aug 23 Finny, William Finny, James Wickens, Mary John Cahill & Elizabeth Wickens John Walshe
1887, Jan 18 Finny, James Finny, John Mercer, Mary Christina William Tobin & Jane Finny John Walshe
1888, Dec 15 Finny, John Finny, John Mercer, Mary Sam Fowler & Mary Anne Cahill John Walshe
1890, Sept 23 Finny, William Francis Finny, John Mercer, Christina Willie McCarthy & Maria Dunne John Walshe
1892, May 27 Finny, Catherine Anne Finny, John Mercer, Christina James Devine & Frances Lalor John Walshe
1894, May 20 Finny, Henry Joseph Finny, John Mercer, Christina John Johnson & Bridget Toole John Walshe
1896, Apr 20 Finny, Clara Jane Finny, John Mercer, Christina Laurence Chidley & Alice Murphy John Walshe
1900, Apr 15 Finny, Edward Finny, John Mercer, Christina James Murphy & Margaret Murphy John Walshe
1900. Apr 15 Finny, Albert Finny, John Mercer, Christina John Brien & Anne Murphy John Walshe
1901, Sept 14 Finny, Clara Mary Finny, John Mercer, Christina Martin Brien & Victoria Jackman John Walshe
1904, Dec 15 Finny, Jeanie Finny, John Mercer, Christina Thomas Coady & Jane Coady John Walshe
1878, May 19 Flaherty, Edward Francis Flaherty, Edward Power, Catherine Robert Neil & Mary Anne Oates John Walshe
1879, Sept 16 Fleming, Michael Edmond Fleming, Edmond Kelly, Alice James Kelly & Agnes Lalor John Walshe
1878, Aug 27 Fleming, John Fleming, Edward Kelly, Alice Richard Bevis & Emilia Fowler John Walshe
1878, Nov 25 Fleming, William Fleming, Nicholas Whelan, Alice Patrick Mullowney & Mary Dooley John Walshe
1885, June 26 Fleming, John Stanislaus Fleming, Richard McCarthy, Mary James Mullowney & Maggie Fowler John Walshe
1886, Sept 13 Fleming, Patrick Joseph Fleming, Richard McCarthy, Mary Anne James Dutton & Elizabeth McCarthy D.J. O'Brien
1887, Nov 13 Fleming, Catherine Fleming, Richard McCarthy, Mary Anne Michael Myrick & Johanna McCarthy W. Born
1888, Oct 30 Flinn, Alice Mary Flinn, John Kane, Mary Michael Kane & Esther Kane John Walshe
1904, Nov 22 Flinn, Mary Rozella Flinn, John Kane, Mary Denis Conway & Mary Anne Fowler John Walshe
1878, Apr 11 Flinn, Thomas Joseph Flinn, Patrick Devine, Teresa John Power & Johanna Jackman John Walshe
1880, May 05 Flinn, Patrick Mary Flinn, Patrick Devine, Teresa Edward Hoffman & Honorah Walsh John Walshe
1898, Oct 15 Flinn, Mary Madeline Teresa Fllinn, John Kane, Mary Edwarad Hoffman & Bertha Flinn John Walshe
1886, July 28 Finney, Emmily Anne Finney, James Mercer, Jane John Joseph Lawlor & Anastasia Coady D.J. O'Brien
1880, May 14 Foley, Michael Foley , James Barren, Catherine Pat Roche & Maggie Roche John Walshe
1879, May 22 Foley, William Joseph Foley, Garrett Power, Anne John Roche & Frances Dunphy John Walshe
1908, June 04 Foley, Ellen Mary Foley, James Shannahan, Clara Thomas Conway & Josephine Dooley John Walshe
1878, June 15 Foster, Thomas Joseph Foster, Thomas Morrissey, Mary John Fowler & Kate Berrigan John Walshe
1880, June 27 Foster, Mary Ellen Foster, Thomas Morrissy, Mary Edward Berrigan & Bridget Leary John Walshe
1878, May 16 Fowler, James Joseph Fowler, James Lacy, Bridget John Mullowney & Alice Gardner John Walshe
1881, June 16 Fowler, Delina Fowler, James Lacey, Margaret Sam Barens & Mary Fowler John Walshe
1884, Mar 04 Fowler, Katie Anne Fowler, James Lacey, Bridget George Fowler & Maggie Fowler John Walshe
1886, Dec 24 Fowler, Mary Margaret Fowler, James Lacey, Bridget Thomas Cahill & Alice Fleming John Walshe
1878, Jan 16 Fowler, Catherine Joseph Fowler, John Dinn, Anne Thomas Berrigan & Esther Kane John Walshe
1880, Feb 26 Fowler, Frances Fowler, John Dinn, Anne Edward Berrigan & Margaret Coady John Walshe
1882, Mar 12 Fowler, Elizabeth Fowler, John Dinn, Anne James Jackman & Agnes Leary John Walshe
1884, Apr 15 Fowler, Gertrude Fowler, John Dinn, Anne John Dinn & Elizabeth Fowler John Walshe
1879, Oct 22 Fowler, Samuel Fowler, Michael Gardner, Alice Thomas Fowler & Maggie Gardiner John Walshe
1881, May 24 Fowler, Thomas Joseph Fowler, Michael Gardner, Alice William Coady & Teresa Coady John Walshe
1883, May 21 Fowler, Michael Fowler, Michael Gardiner, Alice George Colbert & Emma Fowler John Walshe
1894, Nov 13 Fowler, Mary Stanislaus Fowler, Richard Power, Mary J. Richard Kane & Kate Fowler John Walshe
1896, July 13 Fowler, James Patrick Fowler, Richard Power, Mary George Power & Mary A. Fowler John Walshe
1902, July 31 Fowler, Robert Alphonsus Fowler, Richard Power, Minnie Lawrence Doyle & Agnes Jackman John Walshe
1903, Apr 10 Fowler, Bridget Fowler, Sam White, Mary James Fowler & Ellen Lalor John Walshe
1904, Apr 26 Fowler, Katie Margaret Fowler, Sam St. Croix, Esther John Sheehan & Lena Fowler John Walshe
1904, Nov 19 Fowler, Peter James Fowler, Sam White, Mary Christopher Wickens & Helina Fowler John Walshe
1905, Aug 01 Fowler, Michael Fowler, Sam St. Croix, Esther Bernard Sheehan & Kate Sheehan John Walshe
1886, Jan 03 Fowler, Margaret Anne Fowler, Thomas Dwyer, Mary Edward Sheehan & Emma Fowler John Walshe
1887. June 04 Fowler, William Francis Fowler, Thomas Dwyer, Mary George Fowler & Mary Fowler John Walshe
1895, Nov 12 Furlong, Mary Esther Furlong, Joe Brophy, Bridget John Brophy & Anne Rossiter John Walshe

Contributed by Jane Dowd, Roberta Sullivan and Blanche McCarthy (November 2000)

Page Revised: September 2002 (Don Tate)

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