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1895 - 1909:
Green Bay, Notre Dame Bay. (PANL)
Nov 15 1895 not given William WELSHMAN, 25, Shoe Cove Ellen BATH, 20, Horse Islands Isaac Welshman, Mary Susan Saunders Son of James WELSHMAN & Harriet CRUMP.
Nov 15 1895 not given Mark STOODLEY, 21, Indian Burying Place Harriet GRAY, 18, Shoe Cove Stephen Joseph Foss, Mary Welshman Son of Henry & Eliza STOODLEY
Oct 25 1895 not given Henry James TUCKER, 23, Button Hole Cove, son of James John TUCKER Lydia RIDEOUT, 19, Tilt Cove, dau of Joseph RIDEOUT Arthur William Tucker, Jane Taylor Mother of Henry James Tucker was Emma MAY.
Aug 3 1895 not given John BARTLETT, Tilt Cove Emily ANSTEY?, Little Bay Mr. & Mrs. Albert King? In an alternate version of this marriage, Emily ?Anstey was from Tilt Cove, & the witnesses were given as Albert King & Emma King.
Nov 8 1895 not given William Henry SANDERS (SAUNDERS), Caplin Cove Emily DICKS, Caplin Cove Joseph Sanders, Jane Sanders He was the son of William & Caroline SAUNDERS
Dec 9 1895 not given John Thomas STUDLEY (STOODLEY), ?25, Indian Burying Place Lucy WHITE, 28, Indian Burying Place George Studley, Emma Jane Studley Son of Henry & Eliza STOODLEY; dau of James WHITE & Mary BOWERS
Feb 22 1896 not given William Henry GILES, 21, Tilt Cove Mary Elizabeth EVELEY, 17, Tilt Cove Joseph P. Ludlow, Mary Bartlett Son of Henry GILES & Mary Ann WINSOR
Jan 2 1896 Nippers Harbour Arthur BARTLETT, 25, Noddy Bay, French Shore Hannah Elizabeth OSBORN, Birchy Cove, Green Bay A. Smart?, ? Osmond  
Jan 8 1896 Rogues Harbour Albert GILES, 37, Rogues Harbour Eliza HOUNSELL, 25, Stocking Harbour George Hounsell, Thomas Hounsell, David Giles Son of Solomon & Martha GILES; dau of George Crocker HOUNSELL & Charlotte STOODLEY
June 21/20* 1896 Tilt Cove Lemuel BURTON, 23, bach, Wards Harbour/Gull Island Mary GRAHAM, 22, spin, Tilt Cove/Gull Island Moses Noseworthy, Emma Rowsell *date was overwritten. She was the dau of Thomas GRAHAM & Matilda GILES
Nov 16 1896 not given Robert UPWARD, 33, Harrys Harbour Isabella STARKS, 32, Nippers Harbour Angus King, Edward Upward George Robert Ford Upward, son of Nehemiah & Elizabeth Upward; she was the dau of William STARKS & Jane LANGDOWN.
not given not given Theophilus GILES, 25, Tilt Cove Eliza Ann RICHARDS, 23, Tilt Cove Lemuel Pardy, Dorothy Saunders Son of Isaac & Sarah GILES; she was orig from Bareneed CB per 1921 Census
Jan 6 1897 not given Corbett BATSTONE, 23, Three Arms Fanny Elizabeth WELLS, 20, Three Arms J.R. Batstone, Rebecca Jane Wells Son of John Charles BATSTONE & Elizabeth Marion WELLS; dau of Henry Wallace WELLS & Charlotte LANGDOWN.
Jan 4 1897 not given Jno. Charles PENNEY, 26, Harrys Harbour Hannah HIGGINS, 22, La Scie Angus King, Mary Ann Penney  
Dec 16 1896 not given Henry MOREY, 28, La Scie Hannah MORGAN, 22, La Scie Robert Burton, John F. Bishop Son of George MOREY & Caroline ROWSELL, he was widowed, prev md 1888 to Prudence Butler
Oct 20 1896 not given Samuel Jno. ANDREWS, 22, La Scie Harriet CAIRNER, 23, La Scie John Toms, Fannie Batstone He is believed to be the son of Henry & Susanna ANDREWS
Nov 23 1896 not given Oliver NEWBURY, 33?, Shoe Cove Bight Emma BUDGILL (BUDGELL), 28, Shoe Cove Brook James Robinson, Lucy Newbury John Oliver NEWBURY, son of William NEWBURY & Rachel TOMS; widower, prev md to Rosanna Wimbleton.
Nov 25 1896 not given Isaac WELSHMAN, 24, Shoe Cove Brook Susan Mary SAUNDERS, 18, Shoe Cove Brook George Robert Saunders, Mary Welshman Son of John WELSHMAN & Jane GRAY; dau of Thomas SAUNDERS Jr & Emeline GRAY
Dec 21 1896 not given Thomas William PENNY, 26, Tilt Cove Emily Jane ADAMS, 27, Shoe Cove Bight Edward Young, Bertha Winsor She was the dau of Solomon ADAMS & Jane NEWBURY
May 15 1897 not given James AUSTIN, 22, Snooks Arm Lea FOOTE, 19, Venoms Bight Peter Young, Eliza Foss She was originally from Western Bay CB
May 22 1897 not given James DAWE, 26, Tilt Cove Caroline SMART, 21, Tilt Cove Ernest Day, Martha Smart She was the dau of John SMART & Mary Ann BOWERS
Apr 5 1897 not given Joseph P. LUDLOW, 32, Tilt Cove Rahab GILLARD, 19, Tilt Cove Edward Young, Emmelina? Burt He was the son of John LUDLOW & Patience SKINNER, prev md to Annie UNK.
July 17 1897 not given Henry MITCHELL, 36, Caplin Cove Susanna SAUNDERS, 23, Caplin Cove Samuel Saunders, Jane Saunders She was the dau of William & Caroline SAUNDERS
July 21 1897 not given Abraham Jno. HOUSE, 23, Tilt Cove Miriam FARTHING, 21, Herring Neck Fred. House, Irene House He was the son of Robert & Phoebe HOUSE; she the dau of Isaac FARTHING & Jane BATT.
July 28 1897 not given William MOORES, 47, Jacksons Cove Rache WHITE, 42, Harrys Harbour Edward Osmond, Loretta Osmond  
Oct 6 1897 not given William George ADAMS, 20, Tilt Cove Gussila Jane WEBBER, 20, Tilt Cove J.A. Colbourne, Emma Adams Son of Abel ADAMs & Catherine Elizabeth BANKS: dau of Robert Lush WEBBER & Fanny Augusta WELLS
Oct 7 1897 not given Jeremiah SQUIRES, 40, Stocking Harbour Jane NOBLE, 24, Stocking Harbour Peter Noble, Martha Perry Son of Thomas & Jane SQUIRES
Oct 12 1897 not given Nicholas PERRY, 57, North West Arm Mary Ann JAMES, 47, North West Arm John Dwyer?, Agnes Robbins  
Oct 26 1897 not given John FOSTER, 26, Caplin Cove Lavina BOUNS (BOWNS/BOUNDS), 18, Shoe Cove Thomas Bowns, Esther Dicks  
Nov 8 1897 not given William CHIPP, 22, Shoe Cove Brook Mary Ann WELSHMAN, 17, Shoe Cove Brook John Henry Gray, Naomi Susan Gray He is believed to be the son of Isaac CHIPP & Elizabeth ROSE; she was the dau of John WELSHMAN Jr & Jemima Jane RANDELL
Nov 18 1897 not given Jacob DICKS, 59, Stage Cove Lydia GAYHOUSE (?GATEHOUSE), 54, Stage Cove James Giles, Esther Dicks He was prev md to Martha Foster in 1859 & is believed to be the son of George & Susannah DICKS; she was originally from Moretons Hr per 1921 Census
Nov 25 1897 not given James Robert BATSTONE, Nippers Harbour Eunice NOBLE, Nippers Harbour Jesse? Pollard, Mary Noble Son of Thomas Knight BATSTONE & Mary Ann LANGDOWN; dau of James NOBLE & Mary NEWBURY.
Dec 6 189?* (?1897?) not given Richard NEWBURY, 22, Shoe Cove Bight Eleanor Jane WIMBLETON, 23, Shoe Cove Leander Martin, Fanny Ann Richards *last yr of date n/g, presumed to be 1897. He was the son of Charles NEWBURY & Mary FOWLER; she was the dau of Charles WIMBLETON & Hannah TILLEY.
Dec 6 1897 not given James ROBINSON, 20, Shoe Cove Bight Fanny Jane THOMPSON, 19, Shoe Cove Bight (Bay Roberts crossed out) Samuel Newbury, Lucy Newbury  
Dec 9 1897 not given John KNIGHT, 26, Jacksons Cove Gussele BATSTONE (Gussilia Mary), 21, Three Arms Catherine A. Knight (one wit only) She was the dau of John Charles BATSTONE & Elizabeth Marion WELLS
Dec 14 1897 not given Frederick BOWDITCH, Harrys Harbour Lydia Jane STRONG, Harrys Harbour ? King, ? White. She was the dau of Job STRONG & Mary Jane UPWARD
Dec 21 1897 not given Leander UPWARD, 23, Harrys Harbour Elizabeth MILLS, 22, North West Arm Elizabeth J. Upward, John J. Norris? He is believed to be the son of William Pullen UPWARD & Lavenia STRONG; she was the dau of Ambrose MILLS & Ann WOOLFREY.
Dec 31 1897 not given John William WHITE, 29, Harrys Harbour Elizabeth Jane UPWARD, 24, Harrys Harbour Emmeline Strong, Edward Upward She was the dau of William Pullen UPWARD & Lavenia STRONG
Dec 31 1897 not given Henry WARFORD, 44, Tilt Cove Matilda HAWKINS, 40, Twillingate Theophilus Rice, Rachel Pickford  
Jan 3 189? (?1898) not given Stephen Hy. BATSTONE, 25, Jacksons Cove Selina Amelia BOON (BOONE), 22, Tilt Cove Robert Leander Peach, Theresa? Batstone Last digit of yr not given, presumed to be 1898. He was the son of James Henry D.R. BATSTONE & Jane KNIGHT.
Jan 10 1898 not given Peter YOUNG, 22, Snooks Arm Virtue Eliza FOSS, 29, Snooks Arm William Foss, Emma Jane Stoodley He was the son of Samson YOUNG & Charlotte ADAMS; she was the dau of James FOSS & Eunice WINSOR
Jan 18 1898 not given John FITZGERALD, 36, Tilt Cove Anne FOOTE, 21, Tilt Cove James Hoskins, Julia Ann Randell  
Feb 28 1898 not given Kenneth MOORES, 25, Tilt Cove Mary Ann MATHEWS (MATTHEWS), 27, Tilt Cove Edward Moores, Alice Ridout Son of George & Elizabeth MOORES.
Mar 2 1898 not given James Edward DOWER?, 27, South West Arm Emmeline STRONG, 20, Three Arms Jonas Newhook, Phoebe Strong Dau of Henry J. STRONG & Mary Ann WHITE
June 2 1898 not given Angus KING, 25, Harrys Harbour Violena Phebe DOREY, 22, Harrys Harbour Ephraim King, Cecilia Dorey Son of John KNIGHT & Jane ANSTEY; candidates for her parents are James Dorey & Ellen White.
June 22 1898 not given Alfred Francis COLBOURNE, 24, Tilt Cove Bertha Jane WINSOR, 17, Tilt Cove J.A. Colbourne, Jessie Ambrose, Minnie Winsor Son of Alfred John COLBOURNE & Emily Adelaide HOSKINS; dau of Peter WINSOr & Eliza DICKS
Sept 24 1898 Tilt Cove Samuel Louis MACKEY, 21, bach, Beaver Cove Emily NEWMAN, 20, spin, Tilt Cove Jessie Ambrose, Laura Newman, Philip Dawe? Son of John & Jemima MACKEY
Oct 20 1898 Shoe Cove George Albert FOSS, 25, bach, fish, Shoe Cove Esther Ann DICKS, 18, spin, Shoe Cove Charles Wimbleton, Lucy Newbury Son of James FOSS & Eunice WINSOR; dau of William & Elizabeth DICKS
Oct 20 1898 Shoe Cove George William DICKS, 27, bach, fish, Shoe Cove Mary Maria MARTIN, 18, spin, Shoe Cove Leander Martin, Fanny Richards Son of William DICKS & Emily FRECKER; dau of Samuel & Mary Ann MARTIN
Oct 27 1898 Nippers Harbour Albert RANDELL, widower, fish, Nippers Harbour Rebecca TAYLOR, widow, domestic servant, Nippers Hr Thomas G? Batstone, Minnie Noble Son of Samuel & Mary Ann MARTIN; she was orig from Change Islands, per 1921 Census
Nov 9 1898 Tilt Cove John Albert PYNN, 21, bach, miner, Tilt Cove Kate RIDEOUT, 21, spin, domestic servant, Tilt Cove Beatrice Pynn, Enos Short Son of Thomas PYNN & Fanny WINSOR; dau of John & Luschia? RIDEOUT of Rogues Hr
Nov 15 1898 not given Walter MILLEY, 23, bach, fish, Nippers Harbour Mary NOBLE, 23, spin, Nippers Harbour ?Arthur Noble, A.M. Shave Son of William MILLEY & Sophia WELLS; dau of James NOBLE & Mary NEWBURY
Dec 12 1898 North West Arm Eli JENNINGS, 21, bach, fish, North West Arm Linda MILLS, 19, spin, North West Arm George Jennings, Sarah Mills Son of James & Sarah Ann JENNINGS; dau of Nathaniel & Hannah MILLS
Dec 31 1898 Nippers Harbour Ishmael STARKS, 28, bach, fish, Nippers Harbour Mary RIDOUT (RIDEOUT), 29, spin, Twillingate William T. Noble, M. Fannie Tilley Son of John STARKS & Amy Ann POLLARD; dau of Henry RIDEOUT & Eliza WELLS
Jan 21 1899 North West Arm John Thomas LUSH, bach, fish, North West Arm Cornelia SQUIRES, spin, North West Arm Lorenzo Mills, Alberta Martin She is believed to be the dau of Francis & Lavinia SQUIRES; he was orig from St Johns per 1921 Census.
Feb 18 1899 Tilt Cove George CHANT, 23, bach, miner, Tilt Cove Mary BARTLETT, 24, spin, Tilt Cove Fred. House, Effie Chant Possibly the son of John CHANT & Louisa KENDALL
Feb 25 1899 Tilt Cove William WINSOR, 23, bach, miner, Tilt Cove Fanny KNIGHT, 25, spin, Tilt Cove Frederick Winsor, Daisy Winsor Son of William Winsor Sr & Elizabeth Ann UNK; dau of Jesse KNIGHT & Sarah BARTLETT
Mar 29 1899 Tilt Cove Robert MOREY, 25, bach, miner, Tilt Cove Louisa RICE, 25, spin, Tilt Cove Allan Morey, Dorcas Willar? Dau of Thomas & Rebecca RICE
Apr 28 1899 La Scie James LACEY, 23, bach, fish, La Scie Emma Jane CHIPP, 22, spin, La Scie James Budgell, Livinia Jane Newbury Son of William Charles & Lavinia LACEY; dau of Solomon CHIPP & Eunice NEWBURY
Oct 9 1899 not given John BISHOP, 25, bach, fish, La Scie Lavinia J. NEWBURY, 20, spin, La Scie (Shoe Cove Brook) James Budgell (other witness not visible) Lavinia Jane was the dau of Alexander NEWBURY & Mary WIMBLETON
Dec 9 1899 Nippers Harbour Selby WHITE, 23, bach, fish, Leading Tickles Minnie WISEMAN, 18/19?, spin, domestic servant, Leading Tickles William White, Asenath Rowsell Son of Thomas WHITE & Emily HAGGETT
Dec 21 1899 Nippers Harbour Leander James NOBLE, 23, bach, fish, Nippers Harbour Carrie Batstone, 23, spin, Nippers Harbour Herbert Batstone, Fannie Batstone Son of James NOBLE & Mary NEWBURY; dau of Thomas Knight BATSTONE & Mary Ann LANGDOWN
Dec 27 1899 South West Arm George Albert FOSTER, 22, bach, fish, South West Arm Thurza BURT, 18, spin, South West Arm Philip Carr?, Sarah Ann Whelan Dau of Thomas BURT & Elizabeth CARD
Nov 27 1899 Caplin Cove Samuel SAUNDERS, 22, bach, fish, Caplin Cove, son of WILLIAM Rosanna BOWNS, 23, spin, Caplin Cove, dau of JAMES Stanley Saunders, Susanna Mitchell Son of William & Caroline SAUNDERS; dau of James & ?Hannah BOWNS
Dec 14 1899 Tilt Cove James BUDGELL, 39, bach, fish, La Scie Eunice NEWBURY, 24, spin, Shoe Cove Bight Samuel Newbury, Mary Ellen Budgell Son of Giles & Hannah BUDGELL; dau of Alexander NEWBURY & Mary WIMBLETON
Mar 1 1900 Nippers Harbour Dorman GILES, 22, bach, fish, Rogues Harbour Rebecca STARKS, 23, spin, Nippers Harbour George Hounsell, Cisely Starks Son of William & Phoebe GILES; dau of George STARKS & Charlotte ROWSELL
May 3 1900 Nippers Harbour Warwick KING, 24, bach, fish, Harrys Harbour Rebecca COOPER, 21, spin, Harrys Harbour Lot King, Alice King Son of James KING & Harriett ANDREWS
May 13 1900 Nippers Harbour Stanley George MAIDMENT, 28/26?, bach, shopman, Nippers Harbour Minnie Madora NOBLE, 21, spin, Nippers Harbour Benjamin C? Bailey, A.M. Shave Dau of Alfred & Ellen NOBLE
May 12 1900 Tilt Cove Archibald CLARKE, 21, bach, miner, Tilt Cove Bessie HEAD, 20, spin, Tilt Cove Theophilus Saunders, Amelia Wall Dau of William & Phoebe HEAD
Mar 17 1900 Shoe Cove John Henry GRAY, 21, bach, fish, Shoe Cove Fanny RICHARDS, 19, spin, Shoe Cove Joseph Harding, Jessie Welshman Son of George & Elizabeth GRAY (?nee Welshman).
May 26 1900 La Scie Samuel CRAMM, 24, bach, fish, Moretons Harbour Miriam ROWSELL, 26, spin, La Scie William J. Loder, Emily A. Perry Son of William CRAMM & Rosanna (ANDERS?/?Andrews); dau of Albert & Dorcas ROWSELL
July 10 1900 Shoe Cove Thomas SAUNDERS, 45, widower, fish, Shoe Cove Sophia GRAY, 37, widow, Shoe Cove George Saunders, Nellie Ross Son of Thomas & Mary SAUNDERS; she was the widow of James Robert Major GRAY
Nov 17 1900 Nippers Harbour John Charles BALL, 23, bach, fish, Nippers Harbour Alice NOBLE, 25, spin, Nippers Harbour Enos Starks, Laura Noble Son of Noah James & Maria BALL; she possibly the dau of James NOBLE & Elizabeth RANDELL
Dec 1 1900 Nippers Harbour William Henry ANDREWS, 46, widower, fish, Nippers Harbour Fanny NOBLE, 24, spin, Nippers Harbour George Crabbe? (?Cramm), Eliza Randell Son of William ANDREWS & Ada MITCHELL; she believed to be the dau of Gilbert & Emma Noble
Dec 5 1900 Nippers Harbour Lemuel NOBLE, 24, bach, fish, Nippers Harbour Matilda Margaret OSBORNE, 24, spin, Nippers Harbour Aaron Noble, Laura Noble Son of William James NOBLE & Elizabeth RANDELL; she was orig from Seal Cove, White Bay
Oct 4 1900 Tilt Cove Frederick HOUSE, 25, bach, miner, Tilt Cove Effie CHANT, 19, spin, Tilt Cove John Diamond, Irene House Son of Robert & Phoebe HOUSE; dau of John CHANT & Louisa KENDALL
Oct 5 1900 Shoe Cove Charles Henry WIMBLETON, 24, bach, fish, Shoe Cove Margaret Ann BOWNS, 28, spin, Shoe Cove William Bowns, Charlotte Dicks Son of Charles WIMBLETON & Hannah TILLEY; dau of William & Lydia BOWNS
Oct 6 1900 La Scie William John LODER, 24, bach, fish, La Scie Lily MILLER, 20, spin, La Scie John Thomas Welshman, Emily A. Perry Son of William LODER & Elizabeth CLARKE; dau of Mark & Rebecca MILLER
Oct 8 1900 Shoe Cove George Robert DICKS, 40, widower, fish, Stage Cove Rebecca MITCHELL, 35, widow, Stage Cove Samuel Newbury, Charlotte Dicks Son of John DICKS & Charlotte TOMS
Oct 8 1900 Shoe Cove Thomas BOWNDS (BOWNS/BOUNDS), 25, bach, fish, Shoe Cove Maggie NOSEWORTHY, 18, spin, Shoe Cove Leander Martin, Louisa Newbury  
Nov 5 1900 Shoe Cove Leander MARTIN, 23, bach, fish, Shoe Cove Jessie WELSHMAN, 20, spin, Shoe Cove Samuel Newbury, Julia Welshman Dau of Charles Henry WELSHMAN & Martha Ann ANDREWS
Nov 17 1900 Tilt Cove Herbert CHANT, 23, bach, miner, Tilt Cove Dorcas SAUNDERS, 23, spin, Tilt Cove Thomas Luscombe, Martha Smart Son of John CHANT & Louisa KENDALL
Dec 20 1900 Indian Burying Place Arthur William TUCKER, 24, bach, fish, Button Hole Cove Susan PRIDE, 23, widow, Tilt Cove James May, Janette Freeman Son of James John TUCKER & Emma MAY
Dec 21 1900 Indian Burying Place Adam STOODLEY, 43, bach, fish, Button Hole Cove Rachel PECKHAM, 26, spin, Button Hole Cove John R. Stoodley, Nelly Fosse Son of Joseph STOODLEY & Elizabeth (Betsy) PROLE
Jan 1 1901 Indian Burying Place James Robert GILES, 28, bach, miner, Indian Burying Place Lavinia PAINE, 27, spin, Tilt Cove William Bowers, Dora Giles Believed to be the son of William GILES & Victoria BOWNS; dau of James & Caroline PAYNE
Jan 2 1901 Tilt Cove John DIAMOND, 29, bach, driver, Tilt Cove Irene HOUSE, 23, spin, Tilt Cove Robert Leander Peach, Elfrida House Dau of Robert & Phoebe HOUSE; Irene died May 26 1906 Tilt Cove age 28; John Diamond died Dec 18 1905 age 36. Buried Beaver Cove Pond Cemetery, Tilt Cove.
Jan 14 1901 North West Arm Lot KING, 24, bach, fish, Smiths Harbour Tryphena GREEN, 22, spin, North West Arm Herman? Kelly, Alice King Son of William KING & Mary Ann ANDREWS
May 4 1901 Nippers Harbour William Henry MILLEY, 26, bach, miner, Betts Cove/Nippers Harbour Laura KNIGHT, 28, spin, Betts Cove/Nippers Harbour Walter B. Milley, Susie Noble Son of William MILLEY & Sophia WELLS; dau of Jonathan M KNIGHT & Familo POLLARD
June 1 1901 North West Arm Philip PERRY, 25, bach, fish, North West Arm Alberta MARTIN, 27, spin, North West Arm Nicholas Perry, Maria E. Robbins Son of Nicholas & Mary PERRY; dau of Frederick & Ann MARTIN.
June 13 1901 Nippers Harbour James GILES, 27, bach, engineer, Betts Cove Lucy RANDELL, 22, spin, Nippers Harbour Dorman? Noble, Rebecca Rachel Dolland Dau of Albert & Mary RANDELL.
Sep 8 1901 South West Arm Stephen RICHARDS, 26, bach, fish, South West Arm Louisa SHINAR, 35, spin, South West Arm Matthew Warford, Drusilla Card Dau of Levi & Jane SHINER (aka SHINAR)
Nov 20 1901 Nippers Harbour Ernest George STARKS, 28, bach, fish, Nippers Harbour Alice NOBLE, 22, spin, domestic servant, Nippers Harbour Robert M. Batstone, Cicely Starks Son of George STARKS & Charlotte ROWSELL; she was orig of Smiths Harbour
Dec 5 1901 South West Arm Jesse NEWHOOK, 37, widower, fish, South West Arm Annie HULL, 19, spin, South West Arm Walter Strong, Susannah Hulett Son of Jonas Newell NEWHOOK & Rachel KNIGHT; dau of William HULL & Sophia ANSTEY
Dec 8 1901 North West Arm Lot OAKE, 29, bach, fish, Wards Harbour Lenora Isabella DWYER, 24, spin, North West Arm George Dwyer, Martha J. Mercer? Son of Henry & Rachel OAKE; dau of John & Caroline DWYER
Dec 31 1901 Smiths Harbour James SQUIRES, 33, bach, fish, Smiths Harbour Emily SHINAR, 24, spin, Smiths Harbour Jacob Hounsell, Louisa Shiner Son of Silas SQUIRES & Sarah NOBLE; dau of Thomas SHINER & Mary SHELLEY
Feb 15 1902 North West Arm Lystras? (Lyster) David GILES, 26, bach, fish, Rogues Harbour Sarah MILLS, 20, spin, North West Arm Lorenzo Mills, Caroline Giles Son of William & Phoebe GILES; likely dau of Nathaniel & Hannah MILLS
May 18 1902 South West Arm Philip CARD, 24, bach, fish, South West Arm Laura Jane FOSTER, 16, spin, South West Arm Samuel Foster, Drusilla Card Son of William CARD & Hannah VATCHER; dau of Richard FOSTER & Ann Eliza (?nee Rowsell)
Oct 28 1902 South West Arm Samuel FOSTER, bach, 22, fish, South West Arm Drusilla CARD, 26, spin, South West Arm John Card?, Janet Toms Son of Richard FOSTER & Ann Eliza (?nee Rowsell); possibly dau of William Card & Hannah Vatcher
Nov 16 1902 North West Arm William ROBERTS, 35, widower, North West Arm Dinah BARTLETT, 28, widow, Twillingate George Jennings, G? Maria E. Robbins Both born Twillingate per 1921 Census
Dec 1 1902 Nippers Harbour Samuel DOLLAND, bach, fish, Nippers Harbour Elizabeth CRAMP? (CRAMM), spin, domestic servant, Moretons Hr Warwick Tilley, Sarah Noble Son of Samuel DOLLAND Sr & Phoebe LANGDOWN; dau of George CRAMM & Rachel WILLIAMS
Dec 11 1902 Jacksons Cove Elias ROBERTS, widower, 34, millhand, Jacksons Cove Theresa BATSTONE, spin, 31, Jacksons Cove James G? Batstone, Harriet Batstone Son of Elias ROBERTS Sr & Phoebe SKINNER; dau of James Henry D.R. BATSTONE & Jane KNIGHT
Dec 17? 1902 Jacksons Cove Frederick THISTLE, widower, 36, lumberman, South West Arm Fannie Elizabeth STRONG, spin, 32, Three Arms William? Guy?, ? Strong? Likely son of Frederick & Elizabeth THISTLE, bc 1866 Seal Island, Labrador; dau of Job STRONG & Mary Jane UPWARD
Aug 13 1903 not given Josiah BARTLETT, bach, 27, miner, Tilt Cove Lydia WARFORD, spin, 21, domestic servant, (South West Arm crossed out) Florence Bartlett, Raymond Rendell Son of William & Jane BARTLETT; dau of Henry WARFORD & Sarah PUDDECOMBE
Dec 11 1903 not given Ambrose SHINER, bach, 23, fish, Stocking Harbour Louisa PENNEY, spin, 19, Stocking Harbour Joseph Pencon?, Sarah Shiner Son of Thomas SHINER & Mary SHELLEY; dau of Henry PENNEY & Elizabeth HOUNSELL
Dec 24 1903 not given Edgar John CARD, South West Arm Janet THOMS, South West Arm Joseph Whelar, Alfreda Burt Son of William CARD & Hannah VATCHER; dau of Esau TOMS & Mary Ann ANSTEY
Dec 24 1903 not given Henry BUDGELL, South West Arm Alice WHEELER, South West Arm Jessie Thistle, Walter Strong  
Mar 22 1904 Stocking Harbour Jacob James SQUIRES, Stocking Harbour Annie TILLEY, Stocking Harbour Israel Hounsell, Roberta? Tilley She was Mary ANN, dau of James & Marina TILLEY.
Feb 8 1904 North West Arm Edwin MARTIN, North West Arm Rebekah FREKER (FRECKER), Tilt Cove Kenneth Mills, Dora M. Bradbury Presumed to be the son of Frederick & Ann MARTIN, remarrying.
Oct 18 1904 Kings Point, South West Arm Thomas MATTHEWS, South West Arm Alfreda Jane BURT, South West Arm Daniel Cake, Prudence Jenkins Dau of Thomas BURT & Elizabeth CARD
Aug 14 1904 Rattling Brook, South West Arm Robert NOBLE, South Weset Arm Maud BUDGILL (BUDGELL), Rattling Brook, South West Arm John Card, Richard Foster Dau of William & Emily BUDGELL; acc to the family she is the same daughter that was bapt as Mary Elizabeth. Granddau of Elizabeth STRONG & Mr. BUDGELL.
Jan 17 1905 Smiths Harbour, Green Bay Herman KELLY, Smiths Harbour Alice KING, Harrys Harbour Lorenzo Mills, Walter Squires Dau of William KING & Mary Ann ANDREWS
Dec 7 1904 Nippers Harbour James Albert STARKS, Nippers Harbour Emmalina NOBLE, Smiths Harbour Albert Noble, Albert Edward Starks Son of David STARKS & Miriam WHITE
Oct 5 1905 North West Arm James Albert RIDEOUT, 40, widower, North West Arm Julia Burton, 34, widow, North West Arm Edward Rideout, Elijah Howse Son of Joseph RIDEOUT & Amelia/Emily WHITE; she reportedly also nee BURTON, and likely dau of George & Mary BURTON
Apr 21 1905 North West Arm George JENNINGS, North West Arm Maria E. ROBBINS, North West Arm George Robbins, George Green Possibly son of James & Sarah Ann JENNINGS; dau of Noah ROBBINS & Eliza Ann BLUNDON
Nov 29 1905 Nippers Harbour Edwin STARKS, 30, Nippers Harbour Bella TAYLOR, 22, Jacksons Cove Cicely Starks, Enos Starks Son of George STARKS & Charlotte ROWSELL; dau of Jesse TAYLOR & Sarah WHITE
Nov 15 1905 Kings Point, South West Arm Frank JENKINS, 27, South West Arm Mary PITMAN, 21, South West Arm Willis J. Toms, Robert M. Batstone  
Feb 4 1906 North West Arm John Thomas SQUIRES, 33, North West Arm Martha SQUIRES, 32, North West Arm Kenneth Mills, Maggie Mills Son of Francis & Lavinia SQUIRES; dau of John SQUIRES & Sarah SHELLEY
Jan 23 1906 Stocking Harbour Stanley PENNY, 24, Stocking Harbour Rose SHINAR, 18, Stocking Harbour Walter Squires, Charles Penny Son of Henry PENNY & Elizabeth HOUNSELL; dau of Oliver SHINER & Lavinia (?nee Rideout)
May 15 1906 North West Arm Edwin MARTIN, 37, North West Arm Caroline LUSH, 23, North West Arm W.G. Lush, Joseph Perry Presumed to be the son of Frederick & Ann MARTIN, remarrying; dau of William & Mary Ann Lush.
Aug 30 1906 Betts Cove Thomas FOWLER, bach, 39, Brigus Elizabeth WHITE, 50, widow, Harbour Grace Alan Shearing, Lydia Martin  
Nov 9 1906 Nippers Harbour Theodore NOBLE, 26, South West Arm Cecily STARKES, 25, Nippers Harbour Susie Starks, Eneas Starks Son of George NOBLE & Mary Jane TOMS; dau of George STARKS & Charlotte ROWSELL
Mar 2 1907 North West Arm Lorenzo MILLS, 30, North West Arm Martha Jane MERCER, 28, North West Arm Fannie S? Mercer, John Mercer Son of Nathaniel & Hannah MILLS.
Nov 28 1907 Nippers Harbour Aaron NOBLE, 35, Nippers Harbour Wilhelmina OSBORNE, 30, Seal Cove, White Bay Leslie? Noble, Eneas Starks  
Dec 21 1907 Stocking Harbour Joseph Henry PENNY, 28 Sarah NOBLE, 23 Charles Penny, Rowena Noble  
Dec 23 1907 North West Arm Leander George GREEN, 26, North West Arm Mary Margaret ROBERTS, 23, North West Arm Hettie? Roberts, Kenneth Mills Son of Josiah & Sarah Jane GREEN; dau of Andrew ROBERTS & Elizabeth CLARKE
Jan 10 1908 Nippers Harbour Abel PENNY, 23, Nippers Harbour Laura NOBLE, 25, Nippers Harbour Tamar Starks, Abner Noble Possibly the son of Moses & Janet PENNY.
Jan 29 1908 Nippers Harbour Archibald RENDALL, 21, Nippers Harbour Maggie RUSSELL, 19, Nippers Harbour Tamar Starks, Abner Noble Son of Albert & Mary RENDALL; dau of Alice RUSSELL
June 6 1908 Nippers Harbour Edgar NOBLE, 21?, Nippers Harbour Susan-Anna OSBORNE, 23, Seal Cove, White Bay Aaron Noble, Blanche Noble Son of Alfred & Ellen NOBLE.
Dec 5 1908 North West Arm Jonathan VOKEY, 24, North West Arm, Green Bay Elizabeth PERRY, 25, North West Arm, Green Bay Joseph Perry, Tryphena Robbins Son of John Robert & Lenora VOKEY; dau of Nicholas & Mary PERRY
Oct 19 1909 North West Arm Kenneth Hedley? MILLS, 29, North West Arm Dora M. BRADBURY, 26, Harbour Grace George Robbins, Tryphena Robbins Son of George MILLS & Olive RIDEOUT.
Oct 24 1909 North West Arm* Edwin MARTIN, 39 Harriet Elizabeth ROBERTS, 50 Joseph Martin, Eliza Roberts *at the house of Mr. Martin. Presumed to be the son of Frederick & Ann MARTIN, remarrying.
Dec 2 1909 not given Samuel RENDALL, 33, Nippers Harbour Mary WHEELER, 25, Greenspond, Bonavista Bay Susie Starks, William Randell Son of Albert & Mary RENDALL.
Dec 29 1909 not given William RENDALL, Nippers Harbour Gertrude May BOWERS, Nippers Harbour Susie Starks, Albert Randell Son of Albert & Mary RENDALL

Contributed by Jill Marshall (August 2002)

Page Revised: August 2002 (Don Tate)

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