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PART 2 (F - M)

Information in [square brackets] added by NGB District Coordinator to provide additional information, to suggest or clarify addresses,
or correct errors in the initial transcription.

Wife   Address Husband   Address Date of Marriage Witnesses Remarks
Farrel Bridget Waterford Roche Richard Ferryland May 23, 1816 Patrick Maher
Farrell Mary Not Stated McCarthy Charles Renews December 27, 1813 George Jackman
Amelia Dawson
Farrell Mary St. John's Tobin John Renewse November 9, 1825 John Gardiner
Bridget Doyle
Fennelly Bridget Dunarnagin, Kilkenny Bryan Jerry Bay Bulls November 16, 1839 Nicholas Coady
Margaret Bryan
[possibly Dunnamaggan, Kilkenny]
Fitzgerald Anty Not Stated Foren Thomas Ferryland November 15, 1818 Michael Fitzgerald
Alice Fitzgerald
Fitzpatrick Bridgit Not Stated Driscoll Cornelius Toad's Cove January 12, 1852 Patrick Fitzpatrick
Johanna McAuliff
Fitzpatrick (alias Martin) Ellen Not Stated Delaney Nicholas Bay Bulls October 2, 1839 Michael Dillon
Mary Burns
Fleming Margaret St. John's Mackkey William Ferryland November 24, 1823 Patrick Boleyn
Bartholemew Fleming
Catherine Fleming
Fleming Ellen Not Stated Fowler Lawrence Renews November 2, 1834 Joseph Squires
Margaret Stetin
Flood Mary Not Stated Powell John Ferryland May 1, 1860 George Thomas
Catherine Coffy
Flynn Catherine Not Stated Winsor Peter Aquafort November 19, 1861 Matthew Harney
Foran Mary Ferryland Callaghan Jeremiah Formoose December 28, 1813 John Callaghan
Bridget Bryan
Foran (alias Morrissey) Alice Not Stated McGrath Thomas Witless Bay November 26, 1859 James Reid
Julia Bray
Fortune Ellen Witless Bay Blackler Matthew Mobile January 7, 1868 Michael Dillon
Mary Murphy
Fowler Mary Renews Flemming John Renews November 1, 1830 Edward Berrigan
Mary Berrigan
Furlong Esther Not Stated Phelan John Cape Broil April 30, 1841 Robert Bell
Eliza Phelan
Furlong Mary Not Stated Scott Philip Bay Bulls November 26, 1856 Michael Furlong
Margaret Ryan
Furlong Anastasia Not Stated Williams Philip Bay Bulls October 17, 1869 Joseph Furlong
Anastasia Power
Gallaher Anne Bay Bulls Evans Joseph Oporto, Portugal January 11, 1861 James Cassidy
Margaret Gallaher
Gamburgh Bridget Not Stated Powell Robert Ferryland November 30, 1860 Patrick Marshall
Mary Power
Gardner Catherine Renews Hunt Martin Sutton's, Wexford November 22, 1828 James Nowlan
Catherine Jennings
Gardner Mary Ann Renews Robenson Richard Halifax, Yorkshire, England September 18, 1874 John Doyle
Ellen Butler
Anastasia Lognes
James o'Donnell
Garner Fanny Not Stated Rose Thomas Renews November 11, 1837 John WalaceJ
ohana Sheehan
Gatheral Margaret Not Stated Williams Martin Married at Baleen September 25, 1818 John Gatherall
John Ryan
Gearin Catherine Renews Delahunty Richard Ferryland January 19, 1885 William Fitzpatrick
Agness Skinner
Geran Ann Not Stated Walsh James Brigus (maybe C.Bay) November, 1849 William Earle
Catherine Ennis
Glavin Margaret Ferryland Keaton James Carlow November 23, 1805 Michael Fowler
George Stevens
Gleeson Margaret Not Stated Doltan Garret Ferryland May 23, 1830 Patrick Gleeson
James Moloy
Glenn Anne Bay Bulls Joy John Princes Street St. John's June 25, 1881 Edward Loughlan
Katie Condon
Glenn Jane Bay Bulls Williams Richard Bay Bulls January 23, 1883 William Nugent
Mary Nugent
Glin Dorah Bay Bulls Butler Thomas Knocktopher Parish, Kilkenny October 22, 1811 Doctor Rowe
Bridget Doolin
Glin Hanna Bay Bulls Monihan Michael Bay Bulls November 22, 1839 Honora Brine
Glinn Mary Bay Bulls Kennedy Patrick Bay Bulls October 30, 1805 Hugh Kennedy
Robert Hutton
Dorothy Armstrong
Glinn Mary Bay Bulls Kennedy James Bay Bulls September 20, 1813 William Mockler
Mary Green
Glyn Elizabeth Bay Bulls Butler John Waterford November 3, 1820 Michael Brien
Thomas Mockler
Gordin Jane Witless Bay Madigan John Witless Bay December 19, 1820 George Yard
Michael Bermingham
Gordon Phillis Witless Bay Butler Richard Mullinavar Parish, Kilkenny August 9, 1808 John Green
Mary Dalton
[likely Mullinvat Parish, Kilkenny]
Gordon Nancy Wickles Bay Wall William Rossbercon Parish, Kilkenny November 1, 1810 William Hyans
Mary Gordon
Gordon Bridget Witless Bay Armstrong Thomas Witless Bay November 13, 1824 Mary Houlahan
Patrick Pendergast
Gordon Mary Witless Bay Shortall Robert Not Stated November 9, 1863 John Gordon
Elizabeth Howlet
Gorman Margaret Ferryland Gardner Corp. James Not Stated March 2, 1824 By Permission of
Major Fitzgerald
Martin Howard
Honora Ivey
[Research indicates that Margaret was likely the dau. of Richard Gorman, Clerk of the Peace]
Gorman Ellen Harbour Maine Getherall William Bay Bulls December 1, 1871 Pierce Murphy
Honora Cotton
Grace Anty Fermeuse Maddigan John Fermeuse November 17, 1866 Denis Fahey
Mary Grace
Grace Margaret St. John's Saunders Daniel Aquafort January 7, 1880 John Mullowney
Martha Grace
Grant Margaret Not Stated Green John Brigus-by-South October 25, 1836 Joseph ????
Mary Flynn
Grant Anastasia Not Stated Doyle Robert Brigus April 27, 1853 Robert Walsh
Ann Grant
Grant Mary Fermeuse Mulloy Thomas Sutton Parish, Wexford November 9, 1856 Martin Forristal
Mary Ann Cave
[usually recorded as Sutton's Parish, Wexford]
Grant Mary Caplin Bay Johnston John Ferryland November 25, 1883 Joseph Rossiter
Frances Kieley
Green Mary Whitless Bay Dinn William Whitless Bay November 16, 1804 James Dinn
Anastasia Dooling
Green Mary Parish of Tullaher, Co. Kilkenny Qurk (sic) Dan'l Burristown, Co. Tipperary Jul. 13, 1817 John Cluny
James Qurk
[Research indicates that Dan'l Quirk(e) and Mary Green settled at Toads (Tors) Cove. Added 02-Aug-2014.]
Green Elizabeth St. John's Nielle William Fermeuse November 30, 1866 Thomas Eagen
Bridget Fogarty
Green (alias Tucker) Mary Not Stated Grant William Island Cove May 24, 1824 Michael McLoughlin
Bridget Burke
Green Mary Anne Not Stated Whelan Matthew Not Stated Jan. 13, 1872 James Quirk
Mary Anne North
[Although no hometowns were recorded, research indicates that Mary Anne was from Witless Bay and Matthew was from Caplin Bay. Added 01-Aug-2015.]
Gregory Mary Anne Brigus South Stacke Peter Petty Harbour November 22, 1883 Lawrence Stacke
Jane Stacke
Hacket Margaret Not Stated Mernile Joseph Renews November 19, 1836 Patrick Ready
Alice Conway
Hailey Anna Witless Bay Carter Samuel St. Brides, London October 10, 1822 Francis Nagle
Betsy Ca????
Haly (alias Sexton) Mary St. John's Dunphy Edmund Briguass December 4, 1804 Michael Dolohunty
Patrick Sexton
Joanna Sexton
Hanlon Margaret St. John's Ryan Matthew Ferryland October 17, 1875 John Hanlon
Ellen Chamberlain
Hart Sarah Anne Fermeuse Clarke Henry Petty Harbour November 16, 1864 Patrick Walsh
Catherine Hart
Harve Sarah Jane Bay Bulls Croucher Levi Not Stated November 4, 1863 John Croucher
Mary Ann Hale
Healy Margaret Witless Bay Harrington Michael Bentry (Bantry) January 12, 1827 Thomas Manning
Sally Healy
[appears to refer to Bantry, (West) Cork]
Healy Mary Witless Bay Tobin Lawrence Witless Bay December 2, 1828 Patrick Mullowney
Ally Yard
Healy Bridget Not Stated Tobin John Ferryland November 7, 1857 Walter Grant
Mary Healy
Healy Johana Aquafort Funckeon John Not Stated June 4, 1860 Patrick Hickey
Mary Malone
Hearn Mary Bay Bulls Cody Michael Bay Bulls December 28, 1826 Matthew Driscol
Andrew Ryan
Hearn Catherine Bay Bulls Williams William Bay Bulls August 8, 1830 Andrew Armstrong
Mary Williams
Hearn Ann Not Stated Phelan Matthew Toad's Cove November, 1850 Edward Thomison
Bridget Phelan
Hearn Margaret Bay Bulls Scott George Bay Bulls November 24, 1850 John Keily
Ellen Scott
Hearne Ellen Not Stated Phelan David Toad's Cove March 17, 1865 Edward Thompson
Bridget Ryan
Heart Catherine Fermeuse Brennock Richard Trinity Bay December 17, 1826 Richard Cantwell
Elizabeth Dunphy
Hely (sic)* Bridget Not Stated Dinn James Wickes [Witless] Bay Nov. 16, 1830 Moris Dinn
Frances Geran
[*A closer look at this marriage record and subsequent baptisms of their children at Witless Bay identified this couple as James Dinn and Bridget Healy. Updated 01-Aug-2014.]
Henesey Catherine St.John's Conway Joseph Renews November 20, 1840 Patrick Haligan
Mary Diss???
Henesy Mary Ferryland Moody John Greenock June 19, 1809 Thomas Bulger
Mary Peppy
Henesy Sarah Ferryland Dooley Garret Harbour Grace November 2, 1813 Edmund Foley
Margaret Power
Henissy Margaret Ferryland Woods Richard T. Bay June 17, 1822 Garret Dooley
Esther Dooley
Heron Mary Dungarvon, Waterford Quinlan John Bricus (maybe Conception Bay) November 23, 1822 John Clancy
Margaret Quinlan
Hide Jane Bay Bulls Leahy James Waterford May 27, 1806 Peter Wyse
Mrs. Wyse
Higgins Johannah Not Stated Badcock Peter Brigus South November 21, 1858 Thomas Higgins
Julia Mealy
Hogan Mary Not Stated Howlett Thomas Brigus South October 31, 1860 Joseph Whelan
Johannah Hogan
Hollihan Elizabeth Goulds Crockwell William Bay Bulls January 15, 1865 Samuel Hollihan
Elizabeth Crockwell
Hollohan Mary Not Stated Mackey Michael Ferryland November, 1850 Matthew Power
Eliza Fitzpatrick
Horan Elinor Tipperary McCarthy Patrick Bay Bulls February 21, 1803 Michael Currin
Margaret Squires
Howlett Margaret Not Stated Aylward Thomas Cape Broyle May 31, 1868 John Richards
Mary Power
Huffman Margaret Not Stated Leary Thomas Renews December 14, 1836 Thomas Denn
Margaret Huffman
Hull Mary Not Stated Colbert Michael Ferryland November 24, 1856 John Cl???
Ann Waters
Hunt Catherine Not Stated Kean Edward Ferryland May 8, 1853 Charles McCarthy
Catherine Fowler
Hunt Eliza Not Stated Murray Patrick Cape Broil November 7, 1858 Michael Mulcahy
Mary Brien
Hutchinton Esther Mobile Hartwell James Mobile November 21, 1865 William Denine
Ellen McGrath
[surname at Mobile was usually spelled Hutchenson]
Hyde Eliza Bay Bulls Deuman Frederick England May 29, 1856 James Perry
Margaret Walsh
Hynes Margaret Petty Harbour Gatherall Thomas Bay Bulls January 26, 1863 John Williams
Mary Ryan
Jackman Catherine Renewse Gearan Lawrence Renewse January 8, 1825 Thomas Devine
John Duggan
Jackman Mary Not Stated O'Naile Owen Fermeuse October 25, 1844 John Jackman
Mary Hayes
Jackman Mary Renews Ayward Michael Kilkenny October 2, 1853 Ann GeranJ
ames Forristal
Jackman Anne Fermeuse Conway Anthony Fermeuse October 22, 1857 Edward Conway
Johanna Jackman
Jackman Johanna Not Stated Johnson Edward Renews November 28, 1863 William Johnson
Mary Jackman
Jenkins Mary Formuse Lynch Thomas Castletown Parish, Limerick February 17, 1806 John Power
William Scanlon
Jane Prim
Jones Sarah Emily Aquafort Condon Robert Not Stated April 24, 1864 Luke Brown
Mary Kearney
[Robert was also from Aquaforte, son of Edward and Anne (Saunders) Condon]
Jordan Judith Brickess Gibb John Faha Parish, Waterford October 9, 1799 Mary Jordan
Joseph Powe
Mary Power
[Fahagh church was part of the RC parish of Stradbally]
Jordan Mary Brigus-by-South Dunphy Bartholomew Kilmenshal, Wexford October 30, 1813 Matthew Tool
Catherine Ryan
[likely Kilmeashal, Wexford]
Jordan Mary Bay Bulls Doyle Patrick Gordan, Kilkenny November 6, 1822 John Jordan
Anna Watkins
Jordan Sarah Bay Bulls Mackey Thomas Wexford November 16, 1825 John Baldwin
Eliza Jordan
Jordan Eliza Bay Bulls Baldwin John Killbarcy, Waterford November 22, 1825 John Nugent
Eliza Meaney
[likely Kilbarry, Waterford]
Jordan Bridget Brigus Sage James Not Stated August 13, 1861 Patrick Power
Catherine Power
Jordan Catherine Not Stated Kelly Edward Brigus August 20, 1865 William Douhey
Anne Grant
Jordin Catherine Ferryland Smith John Capoquin, Waterford December 21, 1820 Robert Power
Mary Meaney
Jordin Elizabeth Bay Bulls Glinn John Bay Bulls May, 1831 Laurence Moriarity
Anastasia Kennedy
Jurdin Elenor Brickess Phelan Edmund Balinnanimg, Waterford November 20, 1808 John Sheady
Simon Jurdin
Sarah Vinicum
Jurdin Catherine Brickus-by-South Bolan Walter Dunhill, Waterford January 5, 1823 Nicholas Power
Ann Watkins
Kavanagh Harriet St. John's Neil Owen Fermeuse April 28, 1831 John Mara
Stephen Ryan
Kavanagh (alias Stokes) Elizabeth Bay Bulls Dower Walter Killee Parish, Waterford April 22, 1811 John French
Esther Cody
[likely Killea Parish, Waterford]
Keane Ellen Ferryland Davis William Crihet(Griquet?) November 16, 1862 Edward Davis
Mary Keane
Kearney Catherine Not Stated Armstrong William Bay Bulls April 4, 1825 Thomas Armstrong
Mary Murphy
Keary Eleanor Witless Bay Dinn William Renews November 14, 1828 James Geran
Rosetta Cahil
Keef Mary Toads Cove Prendergast Thomas Sutton's Parish, Co. Wexford October 11, 1793 Not recorded  
Keefe Anne Not Stated Doyle Thomas Toad's Cove November 9, 1858 Martin Power
Johannah Keefe
Keefe Johanna Not Stated Scott Charles Brigus May 16, 1870 Lawrence Keating
Catherine Cummins
Keenan Mary Toad's Cove Dillon Stephen Mulerackin,Wexford October 16, 1825 Michael Hearn
Catherine Driscoll
[likely Mulrankin, Wexford]
Kehoe Mary Ferryland Shallow Andrew Fermeuse May 30, 1853 Samuel Shallow
Mary Rossiter
Kelly Johanna Not Stated Moracey Morris Cape Broyal November 25, 1817 Henry Curien
Cornelius Moracy
Kelly Bridget Bay Bulls Hearn James Ferryland May 24, 1820 Thomas Curtis
Martha French
Kelly Catherine Not Stated Power Richard Brigus (maybe C.Bay) Sepember, 1848 Michael Cosgrove
Bridget Kelly
Kelly Catherine Brigus Mollowney Charles St. John's November 27, 1880 Thomas Mollowney
Nora Mollowney
Kenedy Anastasia Bay Bulls McCarthy Charles   January 24, 1801 Robert Fletcher
Elenor Casey
Kenedy Mary Harbour Main Neill John Formuse November 15, 1806 Constantine Neill
Mary McDonnell
Kenedy Mary Harbour Main Neal*1 Michael Fermeuse September 27, 1811 James Walshe
Margaret Magrath
Kennedy Ellen Witless Bay McDonald Hugh Member of Royal Artillery February 15, 1863 William Meagher
Ellen Driscole
Kennedy Catherine St.John's White John Aquaforte May 31, 1863 George Cody
Margaret Madden
Kennedy Mary Not Stated Mochler William Bay Bulls May 25, 1869 Jonas William
Alice Kennedy
Kennedy Susanna St. John's Vicars Martin Witless Bay January 6, 1889 Stephen Puddister
Hannah Vicars
Kenwitch Mary Not Stated Evans William Renews May 2, 1855 George Langman
Eliza Kenwitch
Keys Ellen Caplin Cove Hearne Patrick Kilkenny May 31, 1837 James Kelly
King Emilia Not Stated Walsh John Witless Bay April 20, 1857 William Shallow
Ann King
Kinleghan Mary Bay Bulls Power Patrick Balliheal Parish, Kilkenny December 12, 1808 John Farrell
John Power
his mother and
Elizabeth Knowlin
Lacey Bridget Not Stated Fowler James Renews January 12, 1873 Michael Raftis
Ellen Lacey
Lambert Catherine n/g Luby Thomas n/g Nov. 01, 1830 William Brian
Johanna Lavill
[No addresses were given for this couple, but research indicates they lived at Toads (Tors) Cove. Added 02-Aug-2014.]
Lambert Ellen Toad's Cove Atkins Thomas Petty Harbour November 10, 1810 John Lambert
Mary Flemming
Lambert Margaret Not Stated Tea Silvester Toad's Cove October 26, 1820 Cornelius Poor
Elenor Lambert
Lambert Mary Toad's Cove Power Samuel Toad's Cove May 25, 1825 John Hurley
Eleanor Power
[possibly May 15]
Lanigan Catherine Not Stated O'Shaughnessy Edward Fermeuse May 5, 1865 Michael Lanigan
Mary Christopher
Lawlor Bridget Newbawn Parish, Wexford Dinian William Tay or Hay Cove, Cape Broyle December 3, 1812 Henry Ryan
[family known as Denine/Lenine, etc. lived at Tar Cove]
Leane Mary Not Stated Gatherall William Bay Bulls February 19, 1860 William Coady
Catherine Carroll
Leary Anastasia Brigus-by-South Dunphy Thomas Not Stated November 24, 1857 Michael Flood
Ellen Leary
Leary Bridget Renews Jackman James Renews December 2, 1882 Thomas Leary
Teresa Connelly
Lemasney Margaret Ferryland Brien Joseph Blackhead November 22, 1863 John Coleman
Mary Brien
Linine Mary Ann Not Stated Sliny William Cape Broil November 25, 1840 John and Johanna Linine or Sliny ?  
Londrigan Mary Ann Not Stated Williams Joseph Bay Bulls September 22, 1853 John Neville
Elizabeth Phelan
Mackey Mary Bricas Dooling Robert Ross Parish, Wexford February 3, 1801 Edward Mulloy
Mrs. Cullin
Mackey Mary Brickess Richards William Ross, Wexford November 29, 1802 Robert Dooling
Mary Cullin
Mackey Johanna Brigus South Binning James Devonshire June 25, 1818 James Kerby
Mary Cullen
Mackey Bridget Brigus-by-South Aspell Richard Adamstown, Wexford January 9, 1828 James Bulger
Catherine Bulger
Madden Serai Not Stated Driscol Cornelius Toad's Cove May 7, 1837 John Curran
Ellen Everet
Madden Ann Ferryland Osborne Thomas Not Stated November 27, 1855 Michael Madden
Bridget Purcell
Maher Judith Kilcash, Tipperary Walsh John Fermeuse December 8, 1821 Martin Quigley
Anne Elward
Maher Mary Bay Bulls Ryan Martin Bay Bulls November 24, 1859 John Glasco
Catherine Duff
Maher (alias Phelan) Bridget Ferryland Wright Daniel Tralee July 31, 1808 John Clarke
Margaret Hayes
Malone Anne Glanmore Parish, Kilkenny Yard Stephen Witless Bay October 11, 1808 John Mealy
Elizabeth Norris
Malone Joanna Ferryland Haly Edward Ferryland January 12, 1827 Gregory Brown
Margaret Malone
Mangan Elizabeth Trepassey Cantwell James Renews December 2, 1827 John Breen
Mary Kennedy
Marten Ellen St. Mary's Morrissey John Admiral's Cove December 3, 1864 Thomas Pendergast
Mary Wall
Matthews Catherine St. John's Green Patrick Whitless Bay November 29, 1804 George Matthews
Mary Macnamara
McCarthy (alias Ryan) Anne City of Waterford Ryan Michael Married in Bay Bulls (Carrick, Co. Tipperary) May 10, 1804 Robert Hutton
Martin Burke
Esther Ryan
McCarthy Mary Harbour Grace Yard George Witless Bay December 22, 1808 John Power
Matthew Power
Margaret Cullen
McCarthy Mary Not Stated Cain John Renews November 19, 1836 Thomas Cain
Elizabeth McCarthy
McCarthy Elizabeth Not Stated Dinn Richard Renews November 30, 1836 Thomas Berrigan
Alice Dinn
McGee Mary Ferryland Molloy Michael Wexford December 9, 1823 Mrs. McGee
McGrath Catherine Not Stated Roberts Edward Brigus (maybe C.Bay) April 30, 1853 William Corcoran
Margaret Ryan
McGuire Kate Cupids King John Witless Bay November 13, 1860 Bridget Hurley
Emily Walsh
McLean Catherine Trinity Stone James Bay Bulls November 6, 1864 James Allen
Elizabeth Allen
McNamara Margaret Northern Bay Whelan James Cape Royal May 18, 1831 John Brine
Margaret Foley
Mead Elizabeth Ferryland Mollowney John Renews October 25, 1884 Edward Berrigan
Elizabeth Hunt
Meagher Mary Ferryland McNamara Thomas St. John's February 18, 1828 William Carson
Isabell Langrishe
Meagher Mary Ferryland McNamara Thomas St. John's July 18, 1828 Isabel Langreat
Mrs. Cannon
Meaney Johanna Fermeuse Walsh Nicholas Fermeuse November 27, 1825 Simon Brothers
Jane Meany
Meaney Elizabeth Ferryland Aspel Patrick Not Stated April 24, 1853 Peter Walsh
Bridget Hunt
Melven Margaret Toad's Cove Doyle Richard Riverhead January 9, 1881 John Hurley
Bridget Melven
Meyler Mary Ponss Casthead, Wexford Phelan John Ferryland December 28, 1808 John Byrne
Anne Doran
Middleton Mary Bay Bulls Macaboy Paul Ross, Wexford November 24, 1800 John Howlett
Elizabeth Kenedy
Middleton Margaret Bay Bulls Costelloe Thomas Ross November 21, 1806 Michael Comerford
Catherine Farrell
[likely Ross, Wexford]
Miller Mary Ann Harbour Grace O'Neil Henry Fermeuse January 7, 1875 John Goodlin
Margaret Miller
Moakeler Mary Bay Bulls O'Driscoll Samuel Bay Bulls April 22, 1818 William Moakeler
Martin Driscoll
Moakler Margaret Bay Bulls Williams Jeremiah Bay Bulls December 18, 1828 William Thompson
Honora Moakler
Mokeler Catherine Bay Bulls Kegho James Tintern Parish, Wexford October 21, 1820 Thomas Mokeler
Andrew Keating
Moley Margaret Not Stated Mocler William Bay Bulls November 8, 1837 Cornelius Glenn
Margaret Mo????
Mollowney Catherine Witless Bay Neill James Witless Bay January 18, 1882 Thomas Norris
Mary Mollowney
Mollowney Emily Bay Bulls Stamp Thomas Walsh Town October 7, 1883 William Greene
Mary Flemming
Molloy Mary Trepassey Brothers William Fermeuse November 18, 1823 Patrick Reddy
Ally Tobin
Molony Francis Renews Carew George Not Stated April 27, 1858 John Wadden
Catherine Dunn
Monahan Peasey Bay Bulls Vale David Waterford February 4, 1808 Doctor Roe
Thomas Keeffe
Francis McCarthy
Moran Mary Fermeuse Brothers James Fermeuse November 29, 1883 Timothy Harrington
Elizabeth Brothers
Morrasey Mary Not Stated Mackey Thomas Brigus-by-South December, 1832 Thomas Wall
Mary Burk
Morris Mary Ferryland Erroll Richard Plymouth May 25, 1854 William Butler
Anastasia Butler
Morrisey Ellen Cape Broil Leary Martin Tipperary December, 1847 Jim Larkin
Ann Shelley
Morrisey Ann Brigus Walsh Patrick Not Stated May 17, 1854 William Butler
Mary Murphy
Mountain Esther Ferryland Shea Daniel Not Stated November 22, 1866 Joseph McGrath
Patricia Hafrind
Mul??? Elizabeth Renews Joyse William Brigus May 12, 1836 Simon Gorman
Ann Geeran
Mulcahy Mary Bay Bulls Morris James Tintern Parish, Wexford December 22, 1808 Peter Prim
Bridget Prim
Martin Foley
Mulcahy Sarah Bay Bulls (alias Westards Bay) Scott Phillip Tintern Parish, Wexford October 15, 1810 Michael Mulcahy
Bridget Primm
Mulcahy Mary Bay Bulls Furlong John Rosegarland Parish, Wexford January 15, 1817 Elizabeth Noicy
C. Mackey
Mulcahy Honora Not Stated Ryan Patrick Brigus April, 1853 Thomas Keefe
Mulcahy Mary Not Stated Conway John Renews May 7, 1863 James Mulcahy
Catherine Mulcahy
Mullins Ann St. John's Cawfol James Ferryland November 19, 1825 Patrick Cawfol
Elizabeth Keefe
Mulloney Eleanor Witless Bay Carew Thomas Witless Bay November 13, 1826 Nicholas Coady
Michael Driscol
Mullowney Margaret Not Stated Blake Edward Ferryland January 4, 1820 William Mullowney
Eliza LeMessurier
Mullowney (alias Norris) Bridget Witless Bay Frisby George Kilkenny May 17, 1812 Christopher Yard
Mrs. Power
Mumaford Mary Petty Harbour Skinner John Renouse May 31, 1815 James Keily
Mary Cuck ?
Murphy Mary New Ross Norris John Bay Bulls June 22, 1812 Captain Neal of St. John's
Anstice Murphy of New Ross
Murphy Eleanor Ross Norris Thomas Witless Bay June 17, 1813 John Walsh
Eleanor Norris
Murphy Bridget Hook ? Murphy Michael Fermeuse November 18, 1826 John Murphy
Catherine Fitzgerald
Murphy Margaret Ferryland Brothers Michael Cove, Cork October 25, 1828 Walter Barron
Eliza Dancey
Murphy Mary Waterford Walsh Jerry Witless Bay November 5, 1828 Patrick Shea
James Cadwell (Elward?)
Murphy Bridget St. John's Power Michael Caplin Bay November 26, 1828 Peter PowerB
ridget Boland
Murphy Catherine Not Stated Denn John Witless Bay May 17, 1835 Matthew Butler
Esther Doran
[surname usually spelled Dinn]
Murphy Mary Not Stated Flaraty Richard Capelin Bay January 20, 1839 Daniel Lynch
Mary Moran
Murphy Mary Ann Not Stated Brine Patrick Ferland April 28, 1844 Thomas Roach
Elizabeth Boland
Murphy Eliza Not Stated Maddigan William Fermeuse May 1, 1850 Richard Green
Bridget Tremblett
Murphy Esther Not Stated Mealey James Ferryland November 18, 1856 Martin McCarthy
Bridget Cullen
[Research indicates that James surname was Meaney, not Mealey
Murphy Margaret Fermeuse Ryan William Fermeuse November 24, 1858 John Norman
Catherine Hayden
Murphy Ellen Not Stated Critch Charles Brigus July 24, 1866 Thomas Murphy
Mary Murphy
[likely a Brigus, Conception Bay couple]
Murphy Honora Mobile Buske Marten Tilton Harbour November 26, 1884 Tobias McGrath
Bridget Fahey
[surname was Burke]
Murphy (alias Audlin) Anna Ferryland Murphy Thomas Old Ross Parish December 28, 1808 Patrick Meyler
Mary Maddack
[called (Old) Ross, to distinguish it from New Ross, it was in the RC parish of Carnagh]
Murray Mary Ferryland Barron John St. Mary's December 11, 1826 John Haily
Bridget Murphy
Murray (alias Gibbins) Margaret Ferryland Frose John Dorcetshire August 25, 1803 Christopher Cane
Mary Cane
NEAL Michael *1 This family generally spelled their surname as NEILL, and eventually as O'NEILL. Family says the wife's name should have been Catherine, not Mary. Ken O'Neill  

Contributed by: Ray Curran (July - 2000)

Page Revised: August 2015 (Kevin Reddigan)

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