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Parson John Percey's Records
(1804-1820) Brigus
Ordained Methodists Minister
- Native of Brigus
Copied from Original by Capt. George Gushue The original was loaned by Capt. Azariah Munden to Judge Pinsent for the History that he was writing about 1875 and never returned. Claudius Watts of Hr Grace who was educated in Brigus, and died in 1908 nearly 98 years of age, stated that Parson Percey was ordained a Methodists Minister in London, and was the first Newfoundlander to be ordained Into the Ministry. He carried on the school as well as service in the house west of William Munden's residence Which tradition says was the first house built with a chimney in Brigus. Mrs. R.S. Munn, oldest daughter of Capt. Azariah Munden remembered Parson Percy's records well which were Often referred to for family records, and stated that there were other notes besides the following which are the Only ones copied by Capt. George Gushue. Notes: The Schooner of Mr. Samuel Spracklin lost on the 13th September, 1820 with: Mr. Samuel Spracklin's son Richard Spracklin age 22 years Mr. William Roberts son John Roberts age 17 years Mr. Thomas Roberts son John Roberts age 23 years And three (3) other strangers to me. A lamentable accident happened respecting Mr. William Norman and his crew on the 4th of January, 1813 on Their return from Harbour Grace in a small boat by a violent storm of wind and snow. They all perished. William Norman and his son John, Samuel Knight, Azariah Munden and Robert Roberts, all in their prize. May this be a caution to the survivors to be always ready for the summons. Year Date Males Females Bap Bur Notes 1804 16-Feb Jane Nosery or Neary X This was the mother of the Antle family 1804 24-Feb Phillip Hiscock Dinah Hiscock X Their son Phillip 1804 18-Feb Thomas Roberts Elizabeth Roberts X Their son Stephen 1804 26-Apr William Walsh Mary Walsh X 2 infants 1804 28-May John Rose Margaret Rose X Their son John 1804 10-Jun William Roberts Elizabeth Roberts X Their son John 1804 19-Aug Rd. Fayton Gracy Paton X "Their daughter Elizabeth/Grace paton married William Parson, Hr. Grace, the mother of Jas H. Parsons and ? Benj. Parsons." 1804 19-Aug Rd. Payton Gracy Paton X Their son Thomas 1804 19-Aug Rd. Payton Gracy Paton X Their daughter Mary 1804 ? John Norman X This was the father of Brigus Normans. 1804 28-Sep Ann Antle X Wife of John 1804 5-Nov John Roberts, snr" Mary Percy X 1804 18-Nov William Percy, SS" Olive Percy X X Child baby 1804 24-Nov William Mundon Elizabeth Knight X Noted that Oilve Percy and Elizabeth Knight are the Knight sisters 1804 25-Nov Jas Norman Mary Munden X X Baby 1804 25-Nov Jas Norman Mary Munden X Baby 1804 8-Dec John Pomeroy Ann Roberts X "She was the widow of John Norman, E." 1804 26-Dec Thomas Roberts Ann Bartlett X 1805 1-Mar Philip Hiscock Dinah Hiscock X Their son Thomas 1805 1-Mar Philip Hiscock Dinah Hiscock X Their daughter Elizabeth 1805 17-Mar William Antle Mary Antle X Their daughter Mary/the son of John and Mary Antle 1805 5-Apr Robert Taylor X 1805 20-Apr James Ford Sarah Ford X One infant in Cupids 1805 19-May Charles Mercer Jane Mercer X Their son Elijah/Bay Roberts 1805 19-May Charles Mercer Jane Mercer X Their son Eli/Bay Roberts 1805 19-May Chas Bradbury Elizabeth Bradbury X Their son Moses/Bay Roberts 1805 19-May Joseph Anthony Francis Anthony X Their son Abram/Bay Roberts 1805 19-May Isaac Bradbury Patience Bradbury X Their daughter Prudence/Bay Roberts 1805 19-May Abram Erel? X 1805 2-Jun Joseph Anthony Mary Anthony X Their son Joseph in Cupids 1805 23-Jun Abraham Roberts Ann Roberts X Their daughter Adah 1805 28-Jul William Noseworthy Sarah Noseworthy X Their daughter Patience in Cupids 1805 16-Aug Richard Humphries Elizabeth Humphries X Their daughter Jane 1805 18-Aug Richard Humphries Elizabeth Humphries X "Dosen’t say who, but would assume their daughter Jane as the entry is just below the baptism entry." 1805 1-Sep Grace Spracklin X Wife of Simon Spracklin 1805 27-Oct "William Antle, snr" Mary Antle X X Their daughter Amy 1805 7-Nov Stephen Percy Susanah Norman X 1805 3-Dec William Parsons Catherine Munden X "N.B. Grandfather of Nathan now at Brigus, Hr. Grace???" 1805 11-Dec William C. Gray X 1805 20-Dec John Clarke Mary Plowman X 1805 15-Dec Thomas Roberts Ann Roberts X Their son ER? (James son- 1805 15-Dec John Roberts Ann Roberts X Their son Edward (by the pond) 1805 22-Dec William Roberts Elizabeth Roberts X Their daughter Mary (by the pond) 1805 26-Dec Samuel Roberts Elizabeth Roberts X Their daughter Harriot 1805 27-Dec William Roberts Elizabeth Roberts X Their daughter Mary 1805 31-Dec "John Antle, Snr" Grace Norman X 1806 1-Jan William Welen Susana Welen X Their son Francis (I assume the name is Whelan) 1806 1-Jan John Willcocks Elizabeth Willcocks X Their daughter Elizabeth 1806 26-Jan John Pommery Ann Pommery X Their son William (I assume this is Pomeroy) 1806 26-Jan John Sims Mary Sims X Their son John (Turk’s Gut) 1806 5-Feb John Nile? X 1806 6-Mar Jas Norman Mary Munden X "Their son James (entry is under buried, but could be baptism???)" 1806 21-Mar Philip Hiscock Diana Hiscock X Their son Thomas (same note as above)?? 1806 30-Mar Hugh Penny X 1806 8-Jun Thomas Roberts Elizabeth Roberts X Their son Moses 1806 15-Jun Thomas Munden Mary Bartlett X 1806 15-Jun William Norman Elizabeth (Munden) Norman X Their daughter Belican? 1806 3-Aug Joseph Anthony X Cupids 1806 6-Oct Ambrose Sparks Ann Sparks X Their son James 1806 8-Oct Ambrose Sparks Ann Sparks X Their son James 1806 21-Oct James Roberts Mary Roberts X "Their daughter Susanna, born Oct 1, 1806" 1806 26-Oct Thomas Roberts Susannah Roberts X Their son William 1806 16-Nov Thomas Munden Mary Munden X Their son John 1806 20-Nov Abram Roberts Ann Roberts X Their son William 1806 22-Nov Abram Roberts Ann Roberts X "No name given, but would assume it is William" 1806 30-Nov Henry Anderson Elizabeth Anderson X "Their son Henry (from Salmon Cove, South Gut)" 1806 30-Nov Henry Anderson Elizabeth Anderson X "Their son William Henry (fom Salmon Cove, South Gut)" 1806 7-Dec William Antle Mary Antle X Their daughter Jane 1806 7-Dec Thomas Rose Hannah Rose X Their son Simon 1806 14-Dec William Percy Calleron Percy X Their son Richard 1806 25-Dec Thomas Bussey Patience Bussey X "Their son Thomas (from Salmon Cove, Southside)" 1807 1-Jan Edward Mercer Mary Spracklin X 1807 4-Jan John Roberts Patience Roberts X Their daughter Elizabeth (Dinah’s son) 1807 11-Jan John Roberts Mary Roberts X Their daughter Rhoda (John’s son) 1807 13-Jan John Gushue Grace Percy X 1807 25-Jan George Morgan Elizabeth Morgan X Their son William 1807 22-Feb Chas Merser Jane Merser X "Their daughter Adah (probably Mercer), Bay Roberts" 1807 22-Feb Geo. Merser Elizabeth Merser X "Their daughter Patience, Bay Roberts (Mercer)" 1807 22-Feb Geo Merser Elizabeth Merser X "Their son George, Bay Roberts (Mercer)" 1807 22-Feb Isac Bradbury Patience Bradbury X "Their son John, Bay Roberts" 1807 22-Feb William Merser Sarah Merser X "Their daughter Jane, Bay Roberts (Mercer)" 1807 22-Feb William Merser Sarah Merser X "Their daughter Grace, Bay Roberts (Mercer)" 1807 22-Feb William Merser Sarah Merser X "Their son Nathan, Bay Roberts (Mercer)" 1807 22-Feb William Bradbury Patience Bradbury X Their daughter Grace (Bay Roberts) 1807 1-Mar William Phelan Susannah Phelan X Their son Henry (probably Whelan) 1807 1-Mar John Clerk Mary Clerk X Their son Isaac (probably Clark) 1807 8-Mar David Roberts Ann Roberts X Their daughter Bethcal? 1807 3-Apr John Shepherd Mary Shepherd X Their son William 1807 19-Apr Edward Manner Mary Manner X Their daughter Ann 1807 4-Jun John Shepherd Mary Shepherd X Their son William 1807 15-Jun William Munden Elizabeth Munder X "Their daughter Naomi (born March 20th, 1807)" 1807 15-Jun John Willincock Elizabeth Willincock X Their daughter Joannah 1807 16-Jun John Roberts (big) Sarah Roberts X Their daughter Rebecca 1807 16-Jun John Roberts (big) Sarah Roberts X Their daughter Mary 1807 9-Jul John Noel Mary Noel X Their son Stephen 1807 15-Jul John Noel Mary Noel X No name listed but would assume its Stephen as it is entered right under the baptism. 1807 19-Jul John Sims Mary Sims X Their son Thomas 1807 23-Jul Henry Anthony Susana Anthony X Their son William 1807 30-Aug Thomas Roberts Ann Roberts X Their son George 1807 13-Sep William Roberts Elizabeth Roberts X Their daughter Elizabeth 1807 17-Sep John Pomry Ann Pomry X Their son John (probably Pomeroy) 1807 17-Sep Richard Payton Grace Payton X Their son Richard 1807 17-Sep Peren Coveyduck X Cupids 1807 17-Sep George LeDrew Jean Mugford X Jane their daughter? 1807 28-Sep John Pomry Ann Pomry X Their son John 1807 2-Oct Abram Roberts Ann Roberts X Their son Charles 1807 5-Oct Abram Roberts Ann Roberts X Their son Charles 1807 8-Nov William Roberts Elizabeth Roberts X Their son Nathan 1807 13-Nov William Parsons Catherine (Munden) Parson X Their son Thomas 1807 19-Nov William Parsons Catherines Parsons X Their son Thomas aged 14 months. 1807 24-Nov John Plowman Patience Plowman X Their son Samuel ages 10 years 1807 3-Dec Joseph Kelly Elizabeth Morgan X 1807 13-Dec Stephen Percy Susanna Percy X Their son Nathan aged 5 mths. 5 days 1807 17-Dec John Roberts Ann LeDrew X 1807 27-Dec Ambrose Sparks Ann Sparks X Their daughter Elizabeth aged 7 weeks (of Bull Cove – Uncle of Thos Godding of Hr. Grace). 1807 27-Dec William Welch Mary Welch X Their son Moses aged 2 months 1808 1-Jan William Percy (S.SON)? Olivia Percy (Knight) X Their son Esau aged 7 weeks 1 day (The church was opened on this same day) 1808 24-Jan Samuel Roberts Elizabeth Roberts X Their son John 1808 28-Feb John Roberts Ann Roberts X "Their daughter Virtue aged 3 mts, 5 days" 1808 27-Apr Grace Roberts X 1808 11-Jun John Penny Ann Penny X Their son Joseph (age 3 weeks) 1808 14-Jun Samiel Spracklin Mary Spracklin X 1808 14-Jul Stephen Percy X 1808 9-Aug William Warren Olivia Roberts X Their daughter Meri_h? 1808 9-Aug Thomas Munden Mary Bartlett X "Their daughter Edna, born Aug 4, 1808" 1808 15-Sep William Smith Mary Smith X "Their son William an infant aged 7 days, baptized Aug 13th" 1808 22-Sep Joseph Kelly Elizabeth Kelly X No entry 1808 16-Oct Joseph Kelly Elizabeth Kellt X Their son John 1808 8-Dec Jas Roberts Elizabeth Percy X 1808 11-Dec William Bugden X Age 40 years 1808 27-Dec William Barritt Hannah Barritt X Their son Henry aged 11 mos (Bread & Cheese Cove) 1809 1-May John Pomery Ann Pomery X Their son John aged 4 mos 1809 5-May Richard Medkiff Jane Bartlett X First wedding in the Church 1809 8-May John Gushue Grace Gushue X "Their son James, born 16th Feb, 1808" 1809 8-May Samuel Spracklin Mary Spracklin X Their son Simon 1809 19-Mar Thomas Munden Mary Munden X "Their daughter Mary, born 5th Aug, 1808" 1809 29-Mar Elizabeth Roberts X Aged 20 years 1809 5-Jun James Noseworthy X Aged 48 years 1809 5-Jun Robert Taylor Jane Noseworthy X Their daughter Susanna 1809 5-Jun Nicholas LeDrew Jane Mugford X Their son Nathaniel 1809 11-Jun Thomas Roberts Ann Bartlett X "Their son Job, born 8th March, 1809" 1809 11-Jun John Noseworthy Elizabeth Bartlett X Their son Levi 1809 11-Jun John Roberts Mary Percy X "Their son Eleferd, born May 1st, 1809" 1809 27-Jun Stephen Percy Susanna Norman X "Their daughter Mary, aged 3 mos, 4 days" 1809 25-Jul William Naroweat? X "Aged 12 years, he was drowned in Turk;s Gut" 1809 6-Aug William Sparks Jane Morgan X "Their daughter Rebeckar, age 4 mos." 1809 13-Aug Thomas Merser Ann Merser X "Their daughter Lydia, aged 5 yrs, Bay Roberts" 1809 13-Aug John Snow Jane Tucker X "Their daughter Elizabeth, aged 1 month, Bay Roberts" 1809 13-Aug John French Mary Willicocks X "Their daughter Rebeckah, aged 1 year, Bay Roberts" 1809 13-Aug William Eilies? Francis French X "Their daughter? Mab, aged 3 years, Bay Roberts" 1809 24-Sep Stephen Ford Mary Norman X "Their daughter Henna, aged 10 mos, Cupids" 1809 22-Oct Jas Norman Mary Munden X Their son Nathan 1809 1-Nov Edward Mannerin Mary Oats X "Their daughter Elizabeth, aged 7 months" 1809 12-Nov George Morgan Elizabeth Penny X "Their daughter Ann, born Aug 4th, 1809" 1809 14-Nov William Gill Francis Shiphend X "Their son Thomas, aged 8 years – Cupids" 1809 16-Nov Robert Knight Mary Norman X Both of Brigus 1809 18-Nov Alex. King Susanna Keaten X "Their son Thomas, aged 4 yrs, Cupids" 1809 17-Dec James Rose Pegg Cole X "Their son James, aged 51/2 years, Turk’s Gut" 1809 17-Dec Charles Andrews Elizabeth Peddle X "Their daughter Grace, born Sept 22nd" 1809 19-Dec William Pidle Sarah Willicocks X 1809 24-Dec William Norman Elizabeth Munden X "Their son Azareah, born March 31, 1808" 1809 27-Dec William Norman Eliza Batcock X "The son of John and Grace Norman and the daughter of John Batcock, " 1809 30-Dec William Whealin Sarah Norman X "Their son Caleb, born Feb 28th, 1909" 1810 1-Jan Simon Sparacklin Mary Rabbetts X The son of Sion and Grace Spracklin and the daughter of Thomas ans Sarah Rabetts (then someone entered Roberts). 1810 28-Jan John Clarke Mary Plowman X "Their son John, born Sept 19th, 1808" 1810 11-Feb John Lege Mary Cole X "Their son Thomas, aged 5 yrs and 11 months" 1810 11-Feb James Roberts Mary Antle X "Their son Thomas, born Aug 27th, 1809" 1810 15-Feb Thomas Roberts Susanna Roberts X "Their son Absolom, aged 1 year, 11 mos, 6 days" 1810 18-Feb John Roberts Ann Percy X "Their daughter Rebekah, aged 7 years, 15 days" 1810 17-Feb An Indian woman X Her daughter Marg 1810 19-Feb This Indian woman X The son of this Indian woman baptized Thomas 1810 11-Mar William Munden Elizabeth Knight X "Their son Reuben, born March 6th, 1809" 1810 21-Mar John French Mary Willicocks X "Their son John, bron in Brigus on March 12th, 1810, his parents belongs to Bay Roberts" 1810 24-Apr Thomas Roberts Ann Bartlett X "Their son Job, aged 16 ½ mos." 1810 5-May John Antle X "Age 23 yrs, 11 mos, the son of Thomas Antle" 1810 3-Jun John Willicocks Elizabeth Spraklin X "Their daughter Susanna, born June 17th, 1809" 1810 3-Jun John Roberts Ann LeDrew X "Their daughter Marion, born Nov 1st, 1808" 1810 3-Jun William Roberts Elizabeth Bartlett X "Their daughter Providance, born Jan 24th, 1801" 1810 10-Jun Rd. Medkiff Jane Bartlett X "Their daughter Ann, born Feb 3rd, 1810" 1810 10-Jun William Antle Mary Richards X "Their daughter Anna, born Feb 21st, 1810" 1810 10-Jun Abram Roberts Ann Tucker X "Their son John, born Aug 19th, 1809" 1810 10-Jun Jas Roberts Elizabeth Percy X "Their son Esau, born Sept 30th" 1810 19-Jul William Norman Elizabeth Munden X "Their son William, aged 10 years, he was drowned on the 17th July, 1810" 1810 29-Jul Thomas Boeg Patience Percy X "Their daughter Fan, this name was at the request of the parents, born May 26th, 1804" 1810 9-Sep Ambrose Sparks Ann Noulie X "Their son John, born May 23rd, 1810" 1810 30-Nov Charles Sanders Elizabeth Piddle X "Their daughter Grace, aged 1 year and 2 mos." 1810 2-Dec Thomas Munden Mary Bertlett X "Their daughter Meriah, born May 2nd, 1810" 1810 12-Dec Robert Penny Charlott Nouel X 1810 26-Dec John Percy Susanne Norman X The widow of the late deceased Stephen Percy 1811 1-Jan William Wells Mary Anthony X "Their son Nathan, age 10 mos" 1811 4-Jan Thomas Roberts Ann Bartlett X "Their son George, aged 3 ½ years" 1811 3-Feb John Pomery Ann Roberts X "Their son John, age 2 yrs, 5 mos" 1811 10-Feb John Gushue Grace Percy X "Their daughter Ann, born Feb 16th, 1810" 1811 11-Feb Ed. Taylor Patience Ford X "Their son Jabe?, aged 5 mos, Cupids" 1811 11-Feb Stephen Ford Mary Norman X "Their daughter Elizabeth, born Dec 9th, 1810, Cupids" 1811 16-Feb John Haderson Jane Nocolas X Hand written in pen Nicholas 1811 17-Feb Joseph Kielly Elizabeth Morgan X "Their son James, born Nov 22nd, 1809" 1811 3-Mar Chas Cuszens Sarah Seymour X "Their son John Hiscock, born Jan 25th, 1811" 1811 12-May William Percy Olivia Knight X "Their daughter Adda, born Nov 25th, 1810" 1811 9-Jun William Munden Elizabeth Knight X "Their son William, born Sep 25th, 1810" 1811 9-Jun William Antle Mary Poitbar X "Their daughter Jane, born Aug 15th, 1810" 1811 9-Jun John Rabbitts Ann LeDrew X "Their daughter Sarah, born Sept 16th, 1810" 1811 9-Jun Thomas Roberts Anne Bartlett X "Their daughter Jane, born Feb 27th, 1811" 1811 9-Jun William Piddle Sarah Willicocks X "Their daughter Mary, born Oct 19th, 1810" 1811 16-Jun John Roberts Mary Percy X "Their daughter Anne, born May 3rd, 1811" 1811 16-Jun John Roberts Anne Percy X "Their son Levi, born Aug 14th, 1810" 1811 16-Jun John Noseworthy Elizabeth Bartlett X Their daughter Jane 1811 16-Jun Thomas Rose Hanna Spracklin X "Their son Richard, born March 23rd, 1811" 1811 23-Jun John Roberts Patience Percy X "Their daughter Meriah, born Oct 11th, 1809" 1811 23-Jun Theophilus Wells Jane Ford X "Their son Theophilus, age 9 days" 1811 18-Aug John Shepherd Mary Taylor X "Their daughter Jane, aged 11 mos, Cupids" 1811 26-Aug William Norman Elizabeth Munden X "Their son Thomas, he was drowned in Fitting Harbour?, aged 9 years" 1811 13-Sep John Pommery Ann Roberts X "Their son William, age 5 years" 1811 13-Sep Robert Knight X "He died in Dagrat Jul 13th, age 32 years" 1811 3-Nov Jas Roberts Mary Antle X "Their son John, born June 19th" 1811 10-Nov John Roberts Susanna Roberts X Their son Ege? Age 15 days 1811 17-Nov John Penny Ann Munden X "Their daughter Rebeckah, born March 12th" 1811 24-Nov David Roberts Ann Roberts X "Their son Richard, born June 7th" 1811 24-Nov John Gushue Grace Percy X "Their daughter Elizabeth, born July 10th" 1811 1-Dec William Roberts Elizabeth Percy X "Their son John, born April 10th" 1811 1-Dec John Pomery Ann Roberts X "Their son Thomas, born Oct 4th" 1811 26-Dec Samuel Knight Rebeckah Munden X Both natives of Brigus 1811 31-Dec Edward Percy Diana Roberts X Both natives of Brigus 1812 1-Jan Charles Carnell Grace Rose X "Charles Carnell a native of England, Grace Rose of Brigus" 1812 7-Jan James Gushue Ann Spracklin X Both natives of Brigus 1812 30-Jan John Plowman X 1812 2-Feb John Clark Mary plowman X "Their daughter Ann, born Oct 22nd, 1810" 1812 22-Mar Thomas Roberts Susanna Rabbetts X "Their daughter Susanna, born Jan 28th, 1811" 1812 22-Mar George Morgan Elizabeth Penny X "Their daughter Mary, born Dec 9th, 1811" 1812 1-Apr William Whbalch? Mary Herrel? X "Their son William, born March 17th, 1810" 1812 8-Apr Samuel Spracklin Mary Spracklin X "Their son William, aged 2" 1812 30-Apr Jane Ford X "The wife of Theophilus Wells of Cupids, aged 40 years" 1812 3-May James Hayes X Age 39 years 1812 27-May John Roberts Patience Percy X "Their son Nathaniel, aged 6 weeks" 1812 28-May Ann Anluse? X "The wife of George Smith, aged 32 years" 1812 5-Jun Thomas Hibs X Aged 80 years 1812 14-Jun William Antle Mary Richetd X "Their son William, born Oct 25th, 1811" 1812 14-Jun William Roberts Elizabeth Bartlett X "Their daughter Anne, born April 10th, 1812" 1812 14-Jun Mary Bartlett X "Her daughter Sarah, bron June 11th, 1811" 1812 14-Jun Charles Senders Elizabeth Piddle X Their daughter Mary 1812 17-Jun Simon Spranlin Mary Rabits X "Their daughter Grace, born July 20th, 1810" 1812 17-Jun John Percy Susanna Norman X "Their daughter Rebecka, bron Jan 30th, 1812" 1812 21-Jun James Roberts Elizabeth Percy X "Their daughter Rebeccah, born May 22nd, 1811" 1812 28-Jun William Peddle Sarah Wilcocks X "Their son James born June 15th, 1812" 1812 6-Jul Thomas Bussey Patience Percy X "Their son John, aged 4 years, 6 weeks." 1812 6-Jul Abraham Roberts Anne Tucker X Their son William 1812 8-Jul Abraham Roberts Anne Tucker X "Their son William, aged 2 days old." 1812 8-Jul George Best Anne Best X Their son Joshua Taylor 1812 14-Jul George Best Anne Best X Their son Joshua Taylor Best 1812 30-Aug William Whelch Mary Furd X Their daughter Mary 1812 22-Sep Joseph Kelly Jane Morgan X Their daughter Jane 1812 22-Oct Geo. Hefferen X "Port de Grave, aged 94 years" 1812 22-Oct William Norman Elizabeth Badcock X Their son John 1812 12-Nov William Willcocks Patience Plowman X 1812 17-Nov John Hiaderson X Age 30 years 1812 20-Nov Simeon Spracklin Susanna Penny X 1812 1-Dec William Hatchell Mary Bartlett X "William from Exmouth, Devon, England" 1812 1-Dec William Antle Anne Percy X 1812 14-Dec John Worth X "In Cupids, age 62 years" 1812 27-Dec James Piddle X In Cupids 1812 29-Dec William Percy Susanna Plowman X Both natives of Brigus 1813 1-Jan Thomas Antle Charlotte Mercer X "Their son John, born Oct 22nd, 1812" 1813 6-Jan Robert Folow Elizabeth Humphrey X "He of Cupids, she of Brigus." 1813 10-Jan Thomas Munden Mary Bartlett X "Their daughter Mary Ann, born Jul 3rd, 1812" 1813 12-Jan Thomas Spranklin Mary Gushue X 1813 16-Jan Anne Gushue X "Wife of Jas Gushue, age 26 years, 9 months" 1813 27-Jan Elizabeth Roberts X Wife of Jas Roberts 1813 14-Feb Simon Spanklin Mary Rabbits X "Their son William, born July 26th, 1812" 1813 5-Mar James Wells Mary Noseworthy X "Their daughter Susanna, aged 5 years" 1813 7-Mar William Norman Elizabeth Munden X Their daughter Lucy 1813 7-Mar William Whealean Susanna Norman X "Their daughter Joahana, born Jan 29th, 1812" 1813 14-Mar John Willcocks Elizabeth Spanklin X "Their son John, born June 25th, 1812" 1813 14-Mar Ambrose Sparks Ann Noule X "Their son Stephen, born Nov 9th, 1812" 1813 14-Mar James Gushue Ann Spranklin X "Their daughter Susanna, born Nov 12th, 1812" 1813 14-Mar Robert Penny Charlotte Noule X "Their son John, born Dec 24th, 1812" 1813 6-Apr William Morgan X Aged 71 years 1813 6-Jun Charles Kernal Grace Rose X "Their son Richard, born Oct 17th, 1812" 1813 6-Jun John Clarke Mary Plowman X Their daughter Susana 1813 6-Jun George LeDrew X Aged 28 years 1813 9-Jun Elizabeth Fowlow X 1813 13-May William Norman Elizabeth Badcock X "Their son John, born Oct 11th, 1812" 1813 20-Jun James James Elizabeth Roberts X 1813 13-Jul Stephen Copperdock X 1812 15-Aug Patience Roberts X "The wife of Isaac Roberts, aged 37 years, 7 months" 1813 28-Aug Abraham Roberts Ann Tucker X Their son James born Aug 18th 1813 1-Sep Abraham Roberts Ann Tcuker X "Their son James, aged 13 days" 1813 14-Sep John Reed Martha Hicks X 1813 14-Sep John Reed Martha Hicks X Their son James born Apr 1st 1813 19-Sep Ann Penny X "She died in travil? – 17th Sept, aged 41 years" 1813 17-Sep John Roberts Ann Percy X "Their daughter Rebecka, born Jan 29th, 1813" 1813 7-Nov John Roberts Patience Percy X "Their daughter Lea, born Apr 26th, 1813" 1813 3-Nov Samuel Spranklin Mary Spranklin X "Their son Richard, aged 5 months" 1813 25-Nov William Roberts Susanna French X 1813 28-Nov William Welch Mary Hersl X "Their daughter Mary, aged 15months" 1813 7-Dec John Roberts Sarah Rabbitts X "Their son George, aged 9 days" 1813 10-Dec John Bundan Mary Antle X 1813 19-Dec John Roberts Mary Percy X "Their son Thomas, born April 14, 1813" 1813 29-Dec Abram Bartlett Ann Richerds X 1814 2-Jan William Piddle Sarah Willicocks X 1814 6-Jan John Bradly Grace Shepherd X "John a native of Old England, Grace a native of Cupids, both widowers." 1814 2-Feb Isaac Roberts Sarah Rabbitts X 1814 2-Feb James Hayes Mary Clark X "Their son Thomas, born Nay 15th, 1811" 1814 6-Feb Thomas Rose Hannah Spranklin X "Their son John, born Feb 19th, 1813" 1814 6-Feb John Gushue Grace Percy X "Their son Charles, born Jul 21st, 1813" 1814 9-Feb John Rabbitts Ann LeDrew X "Their son John, aged 15 months" 1814 27-Feb Thomas Spanklin Mary Gushue X "Their son James, born Dec 18th, 1813" 1814 6-Mar William Percy Susanna Ploughman X "Their daughter Ruth, born Sept 1813" 1814 13-Mar Thomas Roberts Elizabeth Percy X "Their son Noah, born Nov 23rd, 1813" 1814 13-Mar John Pommery Ann Roberts X "Their daughter Rebecca, born June 14th, 1813" 1814 18-Apr Chas Sanders Elizabeth Piddle X "Their son John, aged 4 mos." 1814 6-Jun Jas Hedderson Olive Knight X 1814 28-Jun George Morgan Elizabeth Penny Nothing else written there 1814 2-Aug Stephen Coperduck Ann Coperduck X "Their daughter Ann, aged 6 weeks, Cupids" 1814 24-Aug Sarah Ford X "Wife of Jas Ford, Cupids" 1814 14-Sep William Knight X "He died in Degrat, 5th Sept, 1814" 1814 9-Oct William Roberts Elizabeth Bartlett X Their daughter Susanna 1814 9-Nov Robert Smith Elizabeth Noseworthy X Both of Cupids 1814 10-Nov William Taylor Sarah Keeting X Both of Cupids 1814 13-Nov John Percy Susanna Norman X "Their daughter Grace, born July 3rd, 1814" 1814 17-Nov Moses Anthony Elizabeth Covenduck X Both of Cupids 1814 17-Nov Solomon Penny Susanna Manard X Both of Bulls Cove 1814 24-Nov William Bartlett Mary Knight X Both of Brigus 1814 25-Nov Thomas Antle Charlotte Mercer X "Their son John, aged 2 years" 1814 8-Dec James Roberts Hannah Bartlett X Both of Brigus 1815 6-Jan George Best Ann Taylor X "Their son George, born Nov 2nd, 1813" 1815 10-Jan William Willcocks Patience Plowman X "Their daughter Mary Ann, age 16 months" 1815 17-Jan Nath. Munden Susanna Spracklin X 1815 22-Jan James Rose Peg Cole X Three (3) children at one time and in one (1) grave. 1815 26-Jan William Spranklin Charlotte Roberts X 1815 29-Jan John Bartlett Patience Bartlett X "Their daughter Leah, aged 13 months" 1815 2-Feb William Roberts Elizabeth Bartlett X "Their daughter Susanna, aged 6 months" 1815 2-Feb John Sims Mary Hedderson X Their daughter Diana 1815 6-Feb Thomas Hederson X Two (2) children baptized 1815 6-Feb John Sims Mary Hederson X A child 1815 12-Feb William Habhell Mary Bartlett X ? (page missing) 1815 12-Mar Thomas Munden Mary Bartlett Page missing 1815 12-Mar Thomas Antle Charlotte Mercer Page missing 1815 5-May John Penny Grace Walker Page missing 1815 11-Jun John Willicocks Elizabeth Spranklin Page missing 1815 11-Jun Richard Penny Charlotte Nouel Page missing 1815 18-Jun Sarah Piddle X 1815 18-Jun Samuel Spracklin Mary Spracklin Page missing 1815 18-Jun William Norman Elizabeth Badcock Page missing 1815 25-Jun Ambrose Sparks Ann Nouel Page missing 1815 10-Sep William Percy Olive Knight Page missing 1815 22-Oct Chas Cuszens Sarah Symer X "Their son Samuel William, born March 8th, 1815" 1815 22-Oct Chas Cuszens Sarah Symer X "Their son Charles, born Oct 29, 1812" 1815 9-Nov Chas Boon Jane Andress X "Chas of Bare Head, Jane of Ship Cove" 1815 9-Nov James Rose Pegg Cole X "Their son Thomas, aged 9 days" 1815 23-Nov John LeDrew Elizabeth Shepherd X Both from Cupids 1815 26-Nov William Norman Susanna Walker X "Their son thomas, born in Salmon Cove" 1815 3-Dec Thomas Spranklin Mary Gushue X "Their daughter Mary Ann, born Aug 17th" 1815 24-Dec Abram Bartlett Ann Richard X "Their daughter Anny, born Oct 17th, 1814" 1815 24-Dec Thomas Rose Hannah Spranklin X Their daughter Ann 1815 25-Dec William Munden Elizabeth Knight X "Their son Azariah, born Apr 3rd, 1813" 1815 25-Dec Thomas Roberts Ann Bartlett X "Their son Joshua, born Sept 9th, 1815" 1815 25-Dec Alex Hines Susanna Betan X "Their daughter Isabella, born July 31st, 1815" 1815 31-Dec Edward Percy Diana Roberts X "Their daughter Anne, born Dec 3rd, 1814" 1815 31-Dec John Roberts An Percy X "Their son Reuben, born Sept 7th, 1815" 1816 9-Jan Patience Roberts X "The wife of William Roberts, age 70 years" 1816 10-Jan William Lush Catherine Antle X "William Lush of Poole, Dorset, Catherine of Brigus" 1816 17-Jan Thomas Pearce X "As I was informed he was from Portsmouth, aged 23 years." 1816 21-Jan Moses Knight X Aged 20 years 1816 21-Jan Jas Roberts Hanna Bartlett X "Their daughter Ann, aged 5 mos." 1816 3-Mar William Roberts Susnana French X "Their son Robert, born May 13th, 1815" 1816 11-Mar John Clark Mary Ploughman X "Their son Nathan, born Jun 9th, 1815" 1816 14-Apr John Pomery Ann Roberts X "Their son George, born Aug 28th, 1815" 1816 5-May Solomon Penny Susanna Manes? X "Their daughter Susanna, born Oct 12th, 1815" 1816 8-May Sarah Kelly X "Ages 46 years, born in Ireland" 1816 26-May William Roberts Elizabeth Bartlett X "Their son George, born Dec 21st, 1815" 1816 4-Jun John Syms Mary Hederson X "Their daughter Ann, aged 8 days" 1816 8-Jun Michael Way Rebecca Knight (Munden) X 1816 11-Jun Robert Taylor Jane Bussy X "Their daughter Elizabeth, aged 14 months, Cupids" 1816 17-Jun John Roberts Mary Percy X "Their daughter Elizabeth, born April 1st, 1815" 1816 23-Jun John Roberts Patience Percy X "Their son Silas, born Nov 14th, 1815" 1816 25-Jun Mary Manes X Aged 40 years 1816 15-Sep William Antle Mary Richards X "Their son Isaac, born Dec 9th, 1815" 1816 16-Sep Mary LeDrew X "Aged 78 years, Cupids" 1816 27-Oct Richard Midskiff Jane Bartlett X "Their daughter Emey, bron Oct 10, 1813" 1816 27-Oct Richard Midskiff Jane bartlett X "Their daughter Jane, born Jan 4th, 1816" 1816 30-Oct James Ford Elizabeth MicDanel X 1816 21-Nov William Willcock Patience Ploughman X Their son John 1816 28-Nov Jonas Soper Charlott Keaten X "Jonas native of Dartmouth, Charlott of Cupids" 1816 28-Nov George Taylor Eliza Payton X Both of Cupids 1816 2-Dec William Welch Mary Herell X "Their son John, born Nov 2nd, 1816" 1816 5-Dec Isaac LeDrew Agnes Fourd X Both of Cupids 1816 8-Dec William Spracklin Charlott Roberts X Their son John 1816 19-Dec John Sanders Ezela Welsh X Both residing at Brigus 1816 29-Dec Thomas Munden Mary Bartlett X "Their daughter Emey, born June 10th, 1816" 1817 1-Jan George Bartet Olivah Roberts X Both of Brigus 1817 4-Jan James Roberts Henah Bartlett X "Their daughter Martha, aged 3 months" 1817 5-Jan James Roberts Mary Antle X "Their son Nath., born May 17th, 1816" 1817 12-Jan Robert Beard X Ages 39 years 1817 19-Mar Simon Spankle Mary Rabbitts X "Their son John, born June 27th , 1816" 1817 20-Apr Abram Bartlett Ann Richard X "Their son John, born Aug 13th, 1816" 1817 5-May Abraham LeDrew Mary Keyton X "Their daughter Mary Ann, aged 3 years" 1817 6-May James Midkiff Ann Anthony X "Their daughter Mary, aged 3 years" 1817 25-May John Gushy Grace Percy X "Their son John, born Sept 30th, 1816" 1817 8-Jun James Hederson Olivah Knight X "Their son William, born Sept 19th, 1816" 1817 26-Aug William Morgan X Aged 26 years of Cupids 1817 9-Sep John Christie (Doctor) X Drowned Aug 17th 1817 27-Nov George Noseworthy Jean Gill X Both of Cupids 1818 1-Jan George Spooner Providence Antle X 1818 4-Jan William Lush Catherine Antell X "Their son John, born April 21, 1817" 1818 10-Feb Thomas Plumleigh X "Aged 50 years, native of Darthmoor (marked in pen by someone as Pomeroy)" 1818 5-Mar George Bartlett Olive Roberts X Infant buried 1818 15-Mar James James Elizabeth Roberts X Their son Joseph 1818 22-Mar Thomas Spracklin Mary Gousheu X Infant buried 1818 12-Apr Ambrose Sparks Ann Noel X "Daughter buried, aged 8 months" 1818 1-Nov Thomas Munden Mary Bartlett X Their son 1818 1-Dec John Pomery Ann Roberts X "Their daughter Rebecca, aged 5 years, 6 months" 1819 7-Jan Charles Karnel Grace Rose X "Their son Henry, born May 10, 1817" 1819 19-Jan William Roberts Elizabeth Spranklin X 1820 13-May Thomas Munden Mary Munden X "Their son Moses, born Nov 17th "
Contributed by: Barb McGrath, St. John's, NF, Canada
Page Revised: September 2002 (Don Tate)
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