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Bett's Cove, Register of Marriages,
Church of England,
(from Anglican Church Records, Botwood)



June 28, 1876
Joseph REED, fisherman, Leading Tickles &
Rachel NOSEWORTHY, of Samuel & Elizabeth, Leading Tickles
at the residence of Mrs. Cox, New Bay Head, by John Hewitt
Witnesses:  Joseph Budgel, George Noseworthy, Elizabeth Noseworthy, John Cox

January 21, 1878
George TUCKER, age 23, miner, of George, sail maker, (illegible), Glasgow,
Scotland &
Emily Jane STEPHENS, age 26, of William, fisherman, Barneed, Conception Bay
in school room, Bett's Cove by John Hewitt
Witnesses:  Thomas Mercer, Benjamin Lear, Phoebe Hannam, Jane Rideout

February 6, 1878
Thomas SHINER, age 28, fisherman, Stocking Harbor &
Mary SHELLEY, age 26, of George, Stocking Harbor
at the residence of Levi Shiner, Stocking Harbor by John Hewitt
Witnesses:  Levi Shiner, George Shelley, Jane Shiner, Oliver Shiner

March 30, 1878
Richard ASCOTT, age 22, miner, of Richard, fisherman, St. John's (deceased)
Mary THOMAS, age 38, widow of the late Charles Thomas, Bett's Cove
at Bett's Cove by John Hewitt
Witnesses:  Arthur Barclay, William Mercer, Charles Thomas, Elizabeth Mercer

April 20, 1878
Alfred JAMES, age 20, mechanic, of Elijah, horse ?, Leeds, England, &
Elizabeth RIDEOUT, age 23, of Robert (deceased), Twillingate
in Church, Bett's Cove by John Hewitt
Witnesses:  Joseph Colbourne, Elizabeth Ann Foote

May 15, 1878
Louis Edouard AUBIN, age 28, confectioner, Courdeville, France &
Mary Jane CRAGG, age 20, of Charles, steward, Dundee, Scotland (deceased)
at Bett's Cove by John Hewitt
Witnesses:  M. Bertram Payne, Hugh Swattridge, Elizabeth Swattridge, Loo

Sunday, July 14, 1878
Beniah KING, age 20, labourer, Harbor Grace &
Harriet Ann PROWSE, age 20, of William, Westminister, England (deceased)
at Bett's Cove by John Hewitt
Witnesses:  William Mercer, Elizabeth Mercer, Andrew G. Gultan

Sunday, July 14, 1878
Charles THOMAS, age 20, labourer, of the Labrador &
Sarah Jane BUDGEL, age 17, of Elias, Middle Arm, Green Bay
at Bett's Cove by John Hewitt
Witnesses:  William Mercer, Elizabeth Mercer, Andrew G. Gultan

August 7, 1878
Charles Stacey ROWLAND, age 21, of George, St. John's &
Sarah Elizabeth COLBOURNE, age 21, of Josiah, Twillingate
in Church, Round Harbor by John Hewitt
Witnesses:  John Gulton, William Collins, Louisa Collins

December 26, 1878
John HOUNSELL, age 28, fisherman, of George, formerly Stocking Harbor &
Maria SHINER, age 25, of Levi, Stocking Harbor
at the residence or George Hounsall by John Hewitt
Witnesses:  George Hounsell, Marina Hounsell, Oliver Shiner, Thomas Hounsell

December 13, 1878
Andrew Gray GULTAN, age 32, engineer, formerly of (illegible), Tifeshine,
Scotland, now of Bett's Cove
& Mary Ann BISHOP, age 42, widow, formerly of Bay Roberts, now Bett's Cove
at the residence of the former, Bett's Cove, by John Hewitt
Witnesses:  Allan McCalley, Margaret McCalley



Contributors: Paul and Judy Gill

Page Revised: September 2002 (Don Tate)

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