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These transcriptions may contain human errors.
As always, confirm these, as you would any other source material.
| |||||||||
PAGE 92 | |||||||||
112 | Mary Frances | Murphy | 20 May | Charles Murphy Sarah McGuire | Good View St | 27 May | John Scott | Joseph Marshall Mary Marshall | |
113 | James Joseph | Doran | 23 May | John Doran Elizabeth Hearn | Hoyles Town | 29 May | John Scott | Peter Gallivan Mary Gallivan | |
114 | Richard | Stancombe? | 25 May | John Stancklam? Lydia Hicks | Fresh Water Rd | 29 May | John Scott | John Lamb Margaret O Dea? | |
115 | ?at??i? Alex? | St John | 18 May | John St John Maggie Ha??tt | Military Rd | 1 June | John Scott | John Hackett May Kennedy | married |
116 | Bridget Mary | Rourke | 30 May | Michael Rourke Agnes McGrath | Simms St | 1 June | John Scott | James Peddell Mary Hannon | |
117 | Thomas Joseph | Ryan | 18 May | Michael Ryan Katie Cantwell | New Town Rd | 1 June | John Scott | John Donovan Margaret Ryan | |
X | John | Owen | aged 32 years | of Trinity | 2 June | John Scott | John Barrett Anastatia Barrett | convert x3 | |
118 | William Francis | Power | 24 May | John Power Annie English | Hoyles Town | 3 June | John Scott | Francis Mallard Catherine Shangh???e | married Lillian Anita Meier on Sept 2 ,1964, St Frances De Sales Church,116 Venner? St ,Romberg ?? Mass? |
119 | Michael Patrick | Lynch | 31 May | Francis Lynch Johanna Donovan | Rockport St | 3 June | John Scott | James Coleman Julia White | |
120 | Mary Margaret | Farrell | 31 May | Patrick Farrell Julia Ryan | Gower St | 3 June | John Scott | John Peddell Margaret Ryan | |
X | John Henry | Clayton | aged 25? years | Bri?ham England | 8 June | John Scott | Norman Redman | convert x4 | |
121 | Gladys Josephine | Taylor | 5 June | Charles Taylor Alice Brazil? | Queens Road | 8 June | John Scott | Joseph J Greene Annie Greene | |
122 | William Joseph | Smith | 8 June | Michael Smith Bridget O Conner | Signal Hill Rd | 12 June | John Scott | James Coady Bridget Coady | |
123 | William Joseph | Trapnell | 10? June | George Trapnell Johanna McDonald | New Town Rd | 16 June | John Scott | Joseph Doyle Mary Grace | |
124 | John Peter | Sheehan? | 12 June | John Sheehan? Mary Hagerty | Adelaide St | 17 June | John Scott | Adam Meyler Kate Power | |
125 | John Henry | Clayton | aged???? | ??????? | John Scott | There is a line drawn through all information written on this line . | |||
PAGE 93 | |||||||||
125 | William Patrick | Lee | 15 June | Henry Lee Sarah Culleton | Simms St | 19 June | J J McDermott | Patrick Culleton Ellen Culleton | not paid |
126 | Margaret Mary | Abbott | 15 June | James Abbott Mary Walsh | Wakeford St | 19 June | J J McDermott | Thomas Walsh Annie Jackman | |
127 | George Patrick | Marten | 17 June | William Marten ELizabeth White | Cuddihey St | 22 June | A J Ryan | Francis Breen Agnes Murphy | |
128 | Leo | Evans | 18 June | John Evans Elizabeth Manning | Cape Tormay? SW | 22 June | A J Ryan | Thomas Manning Honorah Manning | |
129 | Catherine Legiuria? | Ring | 21 June | Marten Ring Hannah Parmey? | Haywards Ave | 24 June | John Scott | James Hanley Catherine Myrick | |
130 | Phillip Francis | Ryan | 21 June | John Ryan Mary Kennedy | Signal Hill Rd | 24 June | John Scott | Thomas English Hannah Kennedy | |
131 | Lizzie | Morrisey | 22? June | Edward Morrisey Maggie Savage | Battery St | 26 June | John Scott | William Kenny Katie Walsh | |
132 | Michael | Keating | 31 May | John Keating Marcella Farrell | Buchanan St | 26 June | John Scott | Patrick Denief Mary Smith | |
133 | Mary Margaret | Foley | 25 June | William Foley Rose Maloney | Gower St Tuilin? | 26 June | JH O Reilly | Margaret Maloney Pierce Foley | |
134 | Mary Jane | McGinn | 24 June | Edward Mc Ginn Ellen Cooney | Lime St | 29 June | John Scott | John O Neill Minnie Reardon | at this date given in to Returning Office |
135 | Catherine Anne | Johnston | 29 June | John Johnston Mary Colbert | Field St | 1 July | John Scott | Thomas Cottor? Kate Leary | not paid |
136 | Anastatia | Thomas | 27 June | Richard Thomas Fanny Doyle | Majors Path | 1 July | John Scott | John Thomas Mary Halleran | |
137 | Johanna Catherine | Doherty | 2 July | John Doherty Mary Jos George | Cabot St | 3 July | John Scott | Patrick Driscoll Johanna Rice | |
138 | Rosella | Lee | 27 June | Thomas Lee Bridget Barron | Kings Bridge | 3 July | John Scott | James Phelan Maria Carew | |
139 | Elizabeth Anne | Parrell? | 29 June | James Parrell? Mary Anne Coleman | Kickham Place | 3 July | John Scott | James Coleman Mary Connors | |
140 | Thomas Mary | McGrath | 3 June | Thomas McGrath Annie White | Al???? ??? | 5 July | John Scott | Michael Dooley Mary Norris | |
PAGE 94 | |||||||||
141 | Robert Joseph | Adams | 21 June | Abraham Adhams? Ellen Tuffin | White??? St | 6 July | John Scott | James Fogarty Ellen Raines | |
142 | Gertrude Aloysius | Hillyard? | 27 June | Patrick Hilyard? Mary Colbert | Plymouth Rd | 6 July | John Scott | John Dempsy Mary Williams | |
143 | Arthur | Prowse | 2 July | Charles Prowse Catherine Coady | Bannerman St | 8 July | John A O'Reilly | William Cottor Mary Galway | |
144 | Patrick Joseph | Hogan | 6 July | Cornelius Hogan Ellen Hannon | Simms St | 8 July | John A O'Reilly | Thomas Tucker Elizabeth Power | |
145 | Thomas Joseph | Fortune | 6 July | Patrick Fortune Johanna Smyth | Accountant Colonial St | 8 July | John A O'Reilly | Robert Power Margaret Anne Smyth | married Ellen Frances Fitzpatrick at Corpus Christi Church by Rev JJ Ra?lins? |
146 | Isabelle | O' Keefe | 5 July | Peter O'Keefe Mary Maher | Carman Fleming St | 8 July | John A O'Reilly | Phillip Ha?en Alice Neville | |
147 | Margaret Joseph | Neill | 3 July | Patrick Neill Margaret Marten | Butcher Bannerman St | 8 July | John A O'Reilly | Timothy Murphy Kate Marten | |
148 | Margarite | Squires | 4 July | George A Squires Maria Squires | Wickford St | 8 July | John A O'Reilly | Michael Walsh Lizzie Connors | |
149 | Rebecca | Tucker | 6 July | Ignatius Tucker Ellen Brennan | Torbay Road | 10 July | John Scott | Patrick Leary Annie Brennan | |
150 | Elizabeth Gwendoleing? | Dyer | 8 July | Patrick Dyer Cecelia Butler | Gower St | 15 July | John Scott | Thomas Jos Power Lizzie Nugent | |
151 | Robert | Price? | 11 July | Michael Price? Theresa Costella? | Kickham Place | 15 July | John Scott | James Parrell? Jane Carew | |
152 | Andrew | Rouste? | 12 July | Andrew Rouste? Bridget Tobin | Lang? St | 15 July | John Scott | Andrew Fardey? Mary Doran | |
153 | Rebecca Mary | Cuellen | 10 July | William H Cuellen Kate McCormack | Duckworth St | 17 July | John Scott | John Evans Lizzie Ryan | |
154 | Michael Joseph | McDonald | 13 July | Patrick McDonald Frances ?ostor? | Cove Road | 17 July | John Scott | Thomas Dunne Theresa McDonald | |
155 | Edward Joseph | Walsh | 16 July | John Walsh Mary Stacke? | ?att?i?? Monks Town | 20 July | John Scott | John Dunne Mary Skaines | |
156 | Mary Joseph | Malone | 17? July | James Malone Sarah Deveaux | Logy Bay Rd | 20 July | John Scott | Michael Kavanagh Mary Burke | married James ??? remainder unreadable |
PAGE 95 | |||||||||
157 | David | Mahon | 7 July | John Mahon Maggie Whelan | Signal Hill Rd Labourer | 20 July | John Scott | Denis Barron Maggie Mahon | |
158 | Bridget | Dohoney | 16 July | Thomas Dohoney Elizabeth Shallow | Kickham Place Labourer | 20 July | John Scott | William Shallow Bessie O'Neill | |
159 | Eugene Francis | Osburne | 16 July | Joseph Osburne Mary Tucker | Battery Rd Labourer | 22 July | John Scott | George Earls Ellen Tucker | |
160 | Susanna (twin) | Moran | 24 July | James Moran Bridget Thomas | farmer Majors Path | 25 July | JJ McDermott | Patrick Feehan Mary Joseph Thomas | privately bap supplied ???? ??????? |
161 | Mary Joseph (twin) | Moran | 24 July | James Moran Bridget Thomas | farmer Majors Path | 25 July | JJ McDermott | Daniel Thomas Mary Joseph Reddigrew | |
162 | Madeleine O'Connor | O'Dea | 23 July | John V O'Dea Mary Keough | Park Row Rennies Hill Rd | 25 July | R M O'Conner?? | Rev P M O'Connor Eliz Maher for Margaret Barron | something unreadable in brackets after fathers name Married John H O'Driscoll Sept 15,1921 Basilica |
163 | John Aloysius | Walsh | 24 July | Stanislaus Walsh Johanna Ryan | carpenter Bond St | 27 July | John Scott | John Hickey Mary Williams | |
164 | James Joseph | Miller | 20 July | Jamed Meiller Bridget Burne | Hoyles Town Labourer | 29 July | John Scott | Thomas Power Johanna Ray | |
165 | Francis William | Walsh | 26 July | John Walsh Elizabeth Noftal | Hoyles Town labourer | 29 July | John Scott | Thomas Downey Johannna Walsh | |
166 | Annie Joseph | McDonald | 26 July | John McDonald Margaret Kerinan? | Cove Road farmer | 29 July | John Scott | James White Martha Malone | |
167 | Florence Mary | Collins | 27 July | James J Collins Susanna Kearney | Duckworth St Notary Public | 31 July | John A O'Reilly | Nicholas Bulger Mary Anne O'Deady | |
168 | Mary | Savage | 28 July | Michael Savage Johanna Doheney | Fort Townsend Police Constable | 31 July | John A O'Reilly | Michael Manning Annie Tracey | |
169 | Robert Dominic | Meaney | 1 Aug | Dennis Meaney Mary Jane Coleman | Victoria Street | 5 August | John Scott | Edward Coleman Margaret E? Meaney | |
170 | Ida Marion | Myler | 31 July | John Myler Monica Burke | Holdsworth St Blockmaker? | 5 August | John Scott | Adam Myler Marion Fure? | |
171 | Edmund Charles | Sage | 30 July | Charles Sage Jessie Drover | Colonial St shoemaker | 5 August | John Scott | James Collins Mary Matthias | |
172 | Maud | Crimp | 29 July | Robert Crimp Winifred Sullivan | labourer Longs Hill | 5 August | John Scott | Richard Dermody Mary Baird | |
PAGE 96 | |||||||||
x | William | Payne | aged 23 | born at London ,England | St Johns Plasterer | 8 August | Rev Ri?h??? | William Aspell Wm Cath? Hanlehan? | convert 5 |
173 | Elizabeth Isabelle | Meaney | 3 August | Francis Meaney Harriet Doran | Carters Hill Labourer | 5 August | John Scott | Ignatious Collins Charlotte Sciviour | |
xxxxx | Morris | Londragan | 4 August | Morris Londragan Susanne Kennedy | Colonial St Labourer | 6 August | JJ O'Reilly | John Scott Anastatia Murphy | There are lines throughout this whole entry in every box .illegittimate.Entered in the other book . |
174 | Eileen | Cook | 3 August | Thomas Cook Mary Ann Power | Gower St labourer | 7 August | J McDermott | Michael Power Bride Ryan Vine | married to T? J Parr??n?,182 ???th St,Halifax,NS |
175 | Maud Isabelle | McGillatly | 3 August | Alexander McGillatly Mary Ann Stamp | Lime St machinist | 7 August | J McDermott | William McGillatly Teresa Stamp | |
176 | Eileen | Lawlor | 1 August | Edward Lawlor Jessie Josephine Coleman | Cabot St Police Constable | 7 August | J McDermott | Thomas Fennedy? Angella Lawlor | |
177 | Herbert Lawrence | Voisey | 4 August | Edward Voisey Lizzie Conron | Cabot St Tailor | 10 August | John Scott | John Marshall Maggie Lawlor | |
178 | Louisa Anne | Larkin | 7 August | John Larken Mary Jos Bulger | Boggan St Labourer | 10 August | John Scott | William Bulger Katie Kenny | |
179 | Theresa | Keefe | 7 August | Michael Keefe Mary Lahey | Colonial St labourer | 10 August | John Scott | John Burke Katie O Brien | |
180 | Fredrick Gordan | Dooley | 5 August | Richard Dooley Mary Dormody | York St Labourer | 10 August | John Scott | James Kenny Johanna Power | |
181 | John | Mahon | 9 August | Richard Mahon Mary Ann Walsh | Cove Rd Carman | 19 August | John Scott | James Hanly Elizabeth Maher | |
182 | Madelene Mary | Halleren | 11 August | James Halleren Margaret Whelan | Hoyles Town labourer | 19 August | John Scott | William Joseph Gallivan Mary Walsh | under mothers name ,Walsh is written in but crossed out. |
183 | Coleman | Caddigan | 6 August | Coleman Caddigan Catherine Devaroux | Logy Bay Fisherman | 19 August | John Scott | Andrew Devaroux Anne Stokes | |
184 | Mary | Ryan | 11 August | James J Ryan Hannah Schnider | Buckworth? St Grand Gra?? | 13 August | John Scott | Thomas Fitzgibbon Mary Fitzgibbon | |
185 | Patrick Joseph | Fitzgerald | 15 August | Patrick Fitzgerald Margaret Savage? | Brazil Square labourer | 15August | A? J Ryan | John Gladney Bridget Sawyer | |
186 | Anna Beatrice Mary | Patterson | 13 August | William Patterson Catherine Callahan | Military Rd Gr??y ???? | 15?August | John Scott | John Callahan Anne Sage | |
PAGE 97 | |||||||||
187 | Theresa Mary | Hanaford | 12 August | Edward Hannaford Elizabeth Snow | Cooper Cabot St | 14 August | John Scott | Sylvester Whitty Bridget Hogan | |
188 | Patrick Joseph | Murray | 29 July | Patrick Murray Margaret Marten | Labourer Cooks St | 14 August | John Scott | William Joseph Adams Anne Quinlan | |
189 | Agnes Maud | Beer | 14 August | John Beer Sarah Chafe | Cod Briner Harvey Road | 17 August | John Scott | John Kelly Mary Kelly | |
190 | Patrick Joseph (twin) | Murray | 20 August | Michael Murray Lucy McGrath | Labourer Cuddiheys St | 21 August | John Scott | Bartholomew Mainyard Mary Anne McGrath | |
191 | Elizabeth Mary (twin) | Murray | 20 August | Michael Murray Lucy McGrath | labourer Cuddiheys St | 21 August | John Scott | Joseph Bennett Margaret White | de is written above the priests name. |
192 | Bridget Joseph | Heaney | 21 August | James Heaney Anne Neville | Labourer Barnes Rd | 24 August | John Scott | John Malone Martha Malone | married on this Cathedral to John Whelan on July 8,1924? by Rev J W ?awlo? PhD |
193 | Mary Madelene Frances | Miller | 22 August | Joseph Miller Annie Ebbs | Labourer Fleming St | 26 August | John Scott | Joseph Donnelly Maggie Cleary | married to ?ann? Thompson?August 22,1942? at Church? of ???? ???? of Angels,Brooklyn NY,The rest is unintelligible . |
194 | Mary Gertrude | Coughlan | 22 August | Maurice Coughlan Lizzie Fahey | Labourer Adelaide St | 26 August | John Scott | William Kennedy Lizzie Carew | |
195 | Margaret Joseph | Nurse | 18 August | Thomas Nurse Catherine Purcell | Accountant Circular Rd | 26 August | John Scott | Patrick J Summers Margaret Bulger | |
Joseph | Turner | aged 23 yrs | Of Jersey Channel Islands seaman | 27 August | John Scott | George Jackman? | convert says 6 outside the box . | ||
196 | Vincent | Bennett | 24 August | John Bennett Bridget Ryan | Fort Townsend Musician | 29 August | John Scott | William Bush Mary Ann Bush | |
197 | William John | Earls | 29 August | William Earls Maggis Conley | Labourer Lime St | 29 August | John Scott | John Cochrane? Mary Anne Lee | |
198 | Mary Ila Eileen? | Malony? | 27 August | William Malony? Bridget Sullivan | Bo??th?? ?all?? A?l??n St Allen Square | 29 August | John Scott | Joseph Pippey Ellen Grace | Under fathers surname ,looks like Manly? and is crossed out . April 9,49? To Whom It May Concern:This is to certify that Mary Ila Elain Mahony known as Eileen Mahony is my sister and the above record is true and correct.signed JJ Mahony C?? Clark? |
199 | John Edward | Halley? | 30 August | William Halley Kate Fitzgerald | Cooke St Labourer | 2 September | John Scott | Denis Fitzgerald Kate Prendergast | |
200 | William James | Brien | 29 August | William Brien Mary Jos Beer? | Quidi Vidi | 2 September | John Scott | John Mallard Susan Mallard | |
201 | John Joseph | Donnelly | 1 Sept | John Donnelly Bridget Daley | Colonial St plumber | 2 September | John Scott | Thomas Armstrong Ellen Doyle | |
PAGE 98 | |||||||||
202 | John | Myrick | 11 August | Patrick Myrick Mary Jos Deegan? | Nunnery Hill carpenter | 25 September | John Scott | John Breen Mary Hynes | |
203 | John | Breen | 4 September | John Patrick Breen Kate Kane | Nunnery Hill Cabinet maker | 4 September | John Scott | Patrick Evans Anne Quigley | There are xxx's all through this entry .illegitimate . entered in the book for same. |
204 | Michael Joseph | Byrne | 4 September | Lawrence Byrne Margaret Harte | Stephen St labourer | 4 September | John Scott | Charles Mocler Jane Madden | |
205 | Hugh | Mallard | 3 September | Thomas Mallard Ellen Squires | Quidi Vidi fisherman | 4 September | John Scott | Hugh Vinnacomb Maggie Cristopher | |
206 | Florence Mary | O'Neill | 1 September | William O'Neill Rachael Chafe | Victoria St cabdriver | 4 September | John Scott | James Doran Annie J Greene | |
207 | Kathleen | Keegan | 3 September | Lawrence E Keegan Minnie Walsh | MD Duckworth St | 6 September | John Scott | Charles O V Conroy Annie Walsh | Bap at residence |
208 | John Charles | Browne | 3 September | John Browne Bridget Kirbey | Lemarchant St cabdriver | 7 September | M J Ryan | John Charles Pippey Margaret Pippey | Bap at residence .Con? family. John Joseph Jocelyn? of William Jocelyn . x Protestant.Mary J Callahan BAP Sept 26 , 1896 . born 30 Oct ,1895 .Rev C H O'Neill |
209 | Annie Gertrude | Hall | 3 September | William Hall Mary Ann McDonald | farmer Majors Path | 7 September | M J Ryan | James McDonald Cecelia White | |
210 | John Aloysius | Nurse | 5 September | Charles Nurse Hannah Hafey | Plumber/ gasfitter? Rennies Mill Rd | 7 September | M J Ryan | Stephen Purcell Mary Walsh | |
211 | Thomas Joseph (twin) | Cantwell | 6 September | Thomas Cantwell Anne Earls | Labourer Lime St | 7 September | M J Ryan | Charles Redmond Mary Lawlor | |
212 | James Frances (twin) | Cantwell | 6 September | Thomas Cantwell Anne Earls | Labourer Lime St | 7 September | M J Ryan | William Corcoran Mary Leonard | |
213 | Gertrude Joseph | Prowse | 3 September | John Prowse Catherine Carew? | Carew St Tinsmith | 9 September | M J Ryan | Patrick Keilley Bride Slattery | |
214 | Thomas Aloysius | Murphy | 5 September | Edmund Murphy Catherine Keefe | Car??s J?m St Monks Town | 9 September | M J Ryan | Edward Murphy Agnes Gustafson | |
215 | Patrick Joseph | Duke | 5 September | Patrick Duke Jane Atwood | Good View St Labourer | 9 September | M J Ryan | William Ryan Rachael Lane | |
216 | Gertrude Francis | Ryan | 9 September | John Ryan Ellen Hand | Prospect St | 11 September | M J Ryan | John Hand Mary Cofeild | |
217 | Mary Agnes | Vinacombe | 8 September | James Vinacombe Minnie Mitchell | Quidi Vidi | 11 September | M J Ryan | Richard Carroll Josephine Greene | |
PAGE 99 | |||||||||
218 | John | Morrisey | 7 September | Patrick Morrisey Jessie ?elgar? | Lime St Labourer | 14 Sept | John Scott | Lawrence Morrisey Ellen Keerinan? | |
219 | Mary Joseph | Connors | 13 September | Joseph Connors Ellen Kavanagh | Logy Bay Fisherman | 16 Sept | John Scott | Michael Flannigan Mary O'Donnell | |
220 | Henry Leo | Healey | 11 September | Francis Healey Ellen Dormody | Forest Rd Labourer | 16 Sept | John Scott | William Dooley Mary Larkin | |
221 | Mary Margaret | Scott | 10? September | William Scott Catherine Samon? | Cochrane Rd Labourer | 16 Sept | John Scott | Thomas Samon Johanna Skivington | |
222 | Patrick | Rodgers | 24 September | James Rodgers Anne Delahunty | Cadwell St Labourer | 18 Sept | John Scott | William S Morris Mary Anne White | |
223 | Anastatia Frances | Conway | 14 September | Denis Conway Mary Ann Dunne | Monks Town Rd Plasterer | 18 Sept | John Scott | James Mackey Frances Coughlan | |
224 | Mary Josephine | Delaney | 15 September | Marten Delaney Alice FitzPatrick | Prospect St labourer | 18 Sept | John Scott | Francis Boggan Mary Anne Fitzpatrick | |
225 | Thomas Joseph | Browne | 20 September | Patrick Browne Margaret Mahon | Fahey Road Farmer | 21 Sept | John Scott | Michael Whelan Bride Mahon | |
226 | Nora Kathleen | Fitzgerald | 19 September | Willioam Fitzgerald Catherine Hagen | Kings Road Carpenter | 21 Sept | John Scott | Denis Gorman Frances Byrne | |
227 | Albert | King | 17 September | William King Mary Rogers | Colonial St Labourer | 21 Sept | John Scott | William Quigley Mary Kinsella | |
228 | Mary Anne | Winslow | 20? September | George Winslow Mary Ann King | Circular Road R?? ??? Maker | 23 Sept | John O'Reilly | Richard Cooper Mary Morris | |
229 | William Patrick | Wilson | 21 September | Andrew Wilson Mary McGrath | Carters Hill ?????? | 23 Sept | John O'Reilly | John O'Brien Maggie Leahy | |
230 | William Anthony | Grace | 23 September | John T? Grace Caroline McCarthy | ?inight St | 25 Sept | John Scott | Charles McCarthy Anastatia Murphy | |
231 | Isabel | Dooley | 20 September | William Dooley Eleanor Janes | Torbay Rd | 25 Sept | John Scott | John Dooley Agnes Connelly | |
232 | Margaret | Quigley | 18 September | John Egan Mary Sullivan | Kings Rd | 25 Sept | John Scott | John Egan Mary Sullivan | |
233 | Mercedes | Kelly | 23 September | Michael Kelly Mary Ellen Meehan | Water St | 25 Sept | John Scott | John O'Flaherty Ellen Connors | |
PAGE 100 | |||||||||
234 | Charles John | Scott | 25 Sept | Francis Scott Minnie Power | Fleming St | 25 September | John Scott | David King Katie O Keefe | |
235 | Michael Francis | Murphy | 27 Sept | Thomas Murphy Kate Tarrent | Mullock? St | 30 September | John Scott | Patrick Murphy Margaret Char?ty? | |
John Joseph | Noseworthy | 3 yrs old | William Noseworthy Ann Kenney | Prot | 30 September | John Scott | Patrick Deneif Anne Rogers | sub con Father Prot 7 | |
William Frances | Noseworthy | 2 yrs old | William Noseworthy Ann Kenney | Prot | 30 September | John Scott | Daniel Cleatney Eliza Power | con 8 | |
236 | Mary | Hawko | 29 Sept | Patrick Hawko Agnes McDonald | Buckelys Lane | 5 September | John Scott | John Brennan Kate Fenny | |
237 | John Francis | Edens | 3 October | Thomas Edens Margaret Walsh | Queens Road | 4 September | John Scott | Francis Bradshaw Elizabeth Walsh | |
238 | Francis (twin) | Roche | 6 October | John Roche Lucy Coady | Boggans St | 7 September | John Scott | William Benden Dora Keating | |
239 | Marten (twin) | Roche | 6 October | John Roche Lucy Coady | Boggans St | 7 September | John Scott | James Wilson Mary Anne Cooke | |
240 | Mary Rose | Mundi | 4 October | Thomas Mundi Mary Fitzgerald | New Gower St | 7 September | John Scott | Thomas Baker Catherine Baker | |
241 | Mary Frances | Redmond | 4 October | David Redmond Mary Moore | Victoria St | 8 September | C H O'Neill | Rev C H O'Neill Catherine Moore | |
242 | Margaret Isabelle | Shea | 8 October | David Shea Annie Leamy | Longs Hill | 12 September | Jno O'Reilly | Thomas Downey Mary Anne Culleton | married in St Michaels Cathedral Toronto to Joseph M Mallin April ?,1??2 by Rev ? J Kirby? |
243 | William Wallace | Wall | 9 October | Michael Wall Hannah McArdle | Harney? Road | 12 September | Jno O'Reilly | James Goodland Hannah Keerinan | |
244 | James Joseph | Barrett | 7 October | James Joseph Barrett Ellen King | Good View St | 12 September | Jno O'Reilly | Michael Lune Rachael Barrett | |
245 | Elizabeth Anne | Bloyd | 8 October | John Bloyd Mary Grisshey | Fleming St | 12 September | Jno O'Reilly | John Donnelly Katie Foley | |
246 | Catherine Frances | Comerford | 12 October | Richard Comerford Anne Dalton | Cabot St | 14 September | John Scott | Patrick Dempsy Lizzie Power | |
247 | Hilda Joseph | Summers | 11 October | John Summers Mary Saunders | Cooks Town Rd | 14 September | John Scott | William Saunders Anne Browne | |
PAGE 101 | |||||||||
248 | Daniel | De Roches DeRico?e? | 13 October | Alexander Diruche? Mary Ellen Reardon | Livingstone St | 14 October | John Scott | Joseph Clarke Lizzie Reardon | married to Mary Bowen May 4,1946? Our Lady of Perpetual Help? S?a?? & S?? St Ben??yn? |
249 | William Fredrick | (Arns) Arnice | 9 October | Rudolphe (Arns) Arnice Rachael Ann Carter | Walsh Sq Signal Hill Rd | 14 October | John Scott | William Kennedy Martha Tremlett | |
250 | Mary Catherine | King | 12 October | James King Annie Power | Labourer Bannerman St | 16 October | John Scott | Edward Ridgely Mary Purcell | |
251 | Alice Maud | Keefe | 10 October | James Keefe Priscilla Walsh | Labourer Livingstone St | 16 October | John Scott | Henry T? Clinton Mary Clinton | |
252 | John Thomas | Spearns | 15 October | Thomas Spearns Ann Wadleton | Labourer Colonial St | 16 October | John Scott | John Spearns Mary Breene | |
253 | Hannah Mary | Bolen | 17? October | William Bolen Hannah Frazer | Printer Pilots Hill | 18 October | C H ONeill | Patrick Walsh Mary Brien | |
254 | Charles Leo | Olliver | 15 October | Edward Olliver Mary Anne Kennedy | Labourer Bunalody Rd | 19 October | John Scott | Peter Olliver ELizabeth Morey | |
255 | John Thomas | Burke | 12 October | John Burke Mary Williams | Labourer Bond St | 19 October | John Scott | James Hogan Anne Dunne | |
256 | Victoria Mary | Kennebery? | 15 October | William Kennebery Elizabeth Healey | Farmer White Hills | 19 October | John Scott | John Murphy Annie Mahon | |
257 | John | Devaroux | 18 October | James Devaroux Johanna Flannigan | Fisherman Logy Bay | 19 October | John Scott | Phillip Malone Alice Kinsella | |
258 | Noah John | Clarke | 16 October | William Clarke Annie Leonard? | Labourer Young St | 19 October | John Scott | John Walsh Lavinia Clarke | |
259 | Agnes | Dyer | 14 October | Patrick Dyer Ellen Stapleton | Fisherman Logy Bay | 21 October | John Scott | Michael Carew Catherine Dyer | |
260 | Ida Margaret | Fanning | 18 October | William Fanning Kate O Neill | Barters Hill | 21 October | John Scott | James Moore Mary Moore | |
261 | James Fredrick | Flynn | 23 October | William Flynn Mary Ezikeal? | Belvedere Rd | 26 October | John Scott | John Fitzpatrick Mary Fitzpatrick | |
262 | John Thomas | Lethgoc? | 22 October | William Lethgoc? Hannah McGrath | Carters Hill | 26 October | John Scott | John Greene Maggie McGrath | |
263 | David Raphael | Power | 26 October | Edward Power Mary Anne Tor?? | Flavin St | 28 October | John Scott | Patrick Wallace Bridget Keating | |
PAGE 102 | |||||||||
264 | John Henry | Ebbs | 22 October | John Ebbs Agnes Whilan? | South? St cab driver | 28 Oct | J O Reilly | John Cuddihey Annie Dwyer | |
265 | Mary Gertrude | Kane | 25 October | David Kane Elizabeth Wall | Lime St Labourer | 28 Oct | C H O'Neill | Michael Sconnell? Mary Ellen Fardey? | |
266 | Gertrude | Kavanagh | 28 October | Thomas Kavanagh Elizabeth O'Reilly | Bannerman St | 29 oct | JT O'Reilly | Patrick Kavanagh Lizzie Walsh | |
267 | Elizabeth | Cleary | 28 October | John Cleary Mary Brien | Nunnery Hill | 29 Oct | J O'Reilly | Thomas Squires Elizabeth Walsh | Under mothers name,Maggie is crossed out . |
X | giving in to date to Registrar General | Given in to Registrar General to date | |||||||
X | John | Peirsey | aged 24 years | M?D St Panle? Trinity Bay | 30 Oct | C H O'Neill | convert before marriage | ||
268 | James William | Lang | 27 October | Charles Lang Mary Cunningham | Carters Hill Bapt ?lue? Marker | 2 November | Edmund Crook? | William Sutton Julia Flavin | |
269 | Richard Patrick | Barron | 26 October | Marten Barron Jane Evans | Belvedere St Labourer | 2 November | Edmund Crook? | Francis Barron Bridget Whelan | |
270 | Francis Edward | Preston | 4 Nov | John Preston Margaret Dunne | Gower St Ba?? shoe maker | 6 November | John Scott | John Thos Kelly Julia Davis | |
271 | Edward John | Skaines | 28 Oct | John Skaines Katie Dyer | Lemarchant Rd Labourer | 6 November | John Scott | Joseph Flavin Maggie Ruste | |
272 | James Joseph | Gladney | 1 Nov | Joseph Gladney Hannah Devaroux | Mallard St Labourer | 6 November | John Scott | Edward Turcell Lizzie Ryan | |
273 | Ellen Joseph | Keirsey | 1 Nov | Thomas Keirsey Anne Nairn | 20? Mile Pond Farmer | 6 November | John Scott | Richard Kelly Mary Anne Murphy | |
274 | Mary | Rourke | 4 Nov | Thomas Rourke Maggie Murphy | Lime St | 9 November | M J Ryan | Patrick Murphy Fannie Walsh | |
275 | Theresa | Mulcahy | 4 Nov | Thomas Mulcahy Margaret Whelan | Carters Hill | 11 November | M J Ryan | Peter Mulcahy Theresa Whelan | |
276 | Mary Anne | McGrath | 6 Nov | James McGrath Mary Anne King | Gower St | 15 November | M J Ryan | Thomas McGrath Margaret Malone | |
277 | Thomas | Kenny | 5 Nov | Thomas Kenny Anne Whelan? | Kicks Lane | 15 November | M J Ryan | James Kenny Bridget Murphy | |
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278 | James | Murphy | 11 Nov | Thomas Murphy Margaret Walsh | Barters Hill | 12 November | J A O'Reilly | Thomas Walsh Kate Murphy | |
279 | Robert | Malone | 12 Nov | Thomas Malone Kate McDonald | Cove Rd | 14 November | John A O'Reilly | Thomas McDonald Elizabeth Malone | |
280 | Mary Selina | McGrath | 12 Nov | Patrick McGrath Mary Ann Dunphy | Cooks Town | 14 November | John A O'Reilly | Thomas Dunphy Mary Anne McGrath | |
281 | Margaret Mary | Flynn | 14 Nov | John Flynn Mary Moore | Wood St Water M??? | 16 November | John A O'Reilly | John Dodd Hannah Bendon | married to Fredrick Joseph Roy? on June 17,1911? at the Cathedral of the Assumption ??? Baltimore S?? and Joseph M??? ??ading? |
282 | Nicholas Francis | Evans | 16 Nov | Luke Evans Mary Murphy | Bond St | 15 November | John A O'Reilly | William Power Catherine Power | |
283 | John Joseph | Ryan | 16 Nov | John Ryan Caroline Murphy | Bates St | 15 November | J A O'Reilly | Harris Keefe Mary Walsh | |
284 | John Joseph | Gallishaw | 20 Nov | John Gallishaw Anastatia Kenny? | Cochrane St | 22 November | J A O'Reilly | John Nangle Ellen Nangle | |
285 | Patrick Francis | Codey? | 17 Nov | Richard Cody? Margaret Savage | Logy Bay | 23 November | J A O'Reilly | Stephen Power Mary Power | |
286 | Bridget Mary | Bulger | 20 Nov | Marten Bulger Mary Brennan | Kings Bridge | 23 November | J A O'Reilly | Patrick Doutney Minnie Collins | |
287 | Madeline | Donnelly | 26 Nov | John Donnelly Margaret Mollowney | Georges St | 27 November | John A O'Reilly | James Butt Mary Dinn | |
288 | Kathleen Mary | Halley? | 26 Nov | William Halley? Annie Hawe? | New Gower St | 28 November | John A O'Reilly | Henry Brownrigg Mary Brownrigg | |
289 | Stephen Joseph | Meaney | 25 Nov | Francis Meaney Bridget Fitzgerald | Finns Lane | 30 November | John A O'Reilly | William Sears Theresa Woods | |
290 | Thomas | Buckingham | 25 Nov | John Buckingham Agnes Ronayne | Fort Townsend ?ayon??? | 30 November | John A O'Reilly | William Bulger Lucy Maher | |
291 | Isabel | Reelis? | 29 Nov | Henry Reelis? Ellen White | Prospect St ?li?kinhigh Li??? | 2 December | John A O'Reilly | Thomas White Mary Healy | |
292 | Thomas | Pearson | 29 Nov | Michael Peirson Ellen Walsh | Lime St Carpenter | 2 December | John A O'Reilly | Robert Pearson Eliza Walsh | Under fathers name ,Nicholas is written it but crossed out . |
293 | Patrick William | Mealy | 29 Nov | Patrick Mealy Fanny Cotter | Nagles? Hill P??t?t?? | 2 December | John A O'Reilly | William J O'Connell Eliza Shanghr?? | |
PAGE 104 | |||||||||
294 | Anna Victoria | Webb | 1 Dec | George Webb Anna Moore | Walsh Town B H R Labourer | 4 December | J A O'Reilly | William Walsh Ellie Walsh | |
295 | Mary Bridget | Stapleton | 1 Dec | James Stapleton Nora Murphy | Livingstone St Labourer | 4 December | John A O'Reilly | John Ryan Mary Anne Nugent | |
296 | George Waddleton | Buckely | 2 Dec | Richard Buckely Theresa Waddleton | Barnes Rd Labourer | 7 December | M J Ryan | James Barry Bridget Skinner | |
297 | Eliza | Mocler | 3 Dec | Jonas Mocler Catherine Sims | Notre Dame St | 7 December | M J Ryan | Patrick Simms Mary Mocler | |
298 | John Thomas | Wilson | 31 Nov | Daniel Wilson Margaret Nowlan | Boggans St | 7 December | M J Ryan | John Whelan Maggie Kelly | |
299 | Mary Gertrude | Stamp | 5 Dec | James Stamp Maggie Grey | Lime St | 9 December | M J Ryan | James Mitchel Harriet Constantine | |
300 | Florence Isabelle | Barnes | 10 Dec | William Barnes Anastatia Murphy | Queens Rd | 14 December | J A O'Reilly | Thomas Melvin Mary Ann Melvin | |
301 | Mary Joseph Lucy | Flannery | 13 Dec | John Flannery Cecelia Collins | Clerk at court ??? Prescott St | 15 December | John Scott | John Collins Theresa Collins | |
302 | Catherine Christina | Wall | 13 Dec | Edward Wall Mary Ann Crowley | Machinist New Gower St | 16 December | John A O'Reilly | Daniel Crowley Katie Brien | |
303 | Douglas Joseph | French | 15 Dec | Patrick French Caroline Browne | Dicks Square | 18 December | John Scott | John Warren Ellie St John | |
304 | Catherine Mary | Croake | 15 Dec | Thomas Croake Anne Kavanagh | Wood Street | 18 December | John Scott | John Croake? Elizabeth Fitzgerald | |
305 | John Francis Xavier? | McEvoy | 12 December | Michael McEvoy Frances Ryan | Barnes Road | 20 December | M J Ryan | Rt Rev John Scott Sister M Xaverine? Do?oley | |
306 | Tobias | Jackman | 14 December | Michael Jackman Mary Anne Dohey | Cabot St | 21 December | M J Ryan | James Connors Kate Foley | |
307 | John Joseph | Tilley | 18 December | George Tilley Mary Maher | Battery Rd | 21 December | M J Ryan | James Howe Alice Day | |
308 | Laura Clarence | Walsh | 11 December | John Walsh Maud Bearns | Cooks Town Road | 21 December | M J Ryan | Thomas Murray Lucy Walsh | |
309 | Edward | Maher | 18 December | Peter Maher Cecelia Foley | Simms St | 21 December | M J Ryan | Elias Downey Bridget Roy? |
Transcribed by SHEILA DERMODY (March 2004)
Page Last Modified: Wednesday February 20, 2013 ASTNewfoundland's Grand Banks is a non-profit endeavor.
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