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Fogo Anglican Church Burials
1910 - 1924

Name Abode Died Buried Age Ceremony Performed By
? Boone Seldom-Come-By Jan.30 Feb.1 3 John Cull, L.R.
Elizabeth Willis Fogo Feb.12 Feb.14 75 E.A. Butler
William Willis Fogo Apr.19 Apr.22 16 E.A. Butler
Amelia A. Green Fogo May.10 May.12 69 E.A. Butler
George Reid Fogo Jun.7 Jun.9 9 days S.J. Bishop L.R.
??ssie Harriette Tizzard Fogo Jun.26 Jun.26 5 days S.J. Bishop L.R.
Josiah Waterman Fogo Jun.19 Jul.16 64 E.A. Butler
Died in U.S.A.          
Mary Whitten Fogo Jul.28 Jul.30 66 E.A. Butler
Cyril Garland Torraville Fogo Aug.8 Aug.8? 10 days E.A. Butler
John Randell Fogo Aug.13 Aug.15 64 E.A. Butler
Frank Walburne Fogo Aug.21 Aug.23 11 E.A. Butler
William Shepherd Indian Isld. Aug.24 Aug.26 23 E.A. Butler
Thomas Mahaney Fogo Sept.8 Sept.10 79 E.A. Butler
Annie Hynes Indian Islands Feb.15 Feb.17 47 Raymond ???? L.R.
William Maxwell Bennett Fogo Feb.25 Feb.26 2 mos? E.A. Butler
Garland ?????? Indian Island Jun.18 Jun.20 8 Raymond ???? L.R.
??lliam Simmes??? Fogo Jun.27 Jun.29 81 E.A. Butler
Raymond Snow Fogo Jun.30 Jul.3 2 Months E.A. Butler
??? Emma Boone Seldom Jul.27 Jul.30 37 A. ????
Thomas Humphries Fogo   Aug.13 85 W.H.Anthony
Charles Gard Fogo   Sept.5 83 S.R. Bishop L.R.
??va Blanch Harnett Wild Cove Seldom Sept.18 Sept.18 19yr.5 mo. J. O. Britnell
Harold Collins Indian Island Oct.16 Oct.18 3 J. O. Britnell
Elisabeth Cole Hare Bay Oct.29 Nov.1 24 J. O. Britnell
Albert Elijah Oake Fogo Nov.1 Nov.3 7yrs.10mos. J. O. Britnell
Alfred Boone Seldom Nov.17 Nov.19 18 J. O. Britnell
Stewart Harvey Coates Fogo Jan.1 Jan.3 3 J.O. Britnell
Arthur Harry Coates Fogo Jan.5 Jan.7 1yr 9mos. J.O. Britnell
Netta Evelyn Payne Fogo Jan.22 Jan.24 9 1/2 yrs J.O. Britnell
Andrew Snow Fogo Jan.23 Jan.25 26yrs. 6 mos. J.O. Britnell
Kate Humphries Fogo Feb.14 Feb.15 ?3 yrs J.O. Britnell
Frank Simms Fogo Feb.25 Feb.25 7 S.J.Bishop
Phebe Sarah Coates Fogo Mar.7 Mar.9 49 J.O. Britnell
Sarah Mason Hare Bay Apr.10 Apr.12 90 J.O. Britnell
Leslie Harold Payne Fogo Apr.22 Apr.24 7weeks J.O. Britnell
Walter Waterman Hiscock Fogo May.1 May.2 2 J.O. Britnell
John Bennett Island Harbor Apr.30 May.3 68 J.O. Britnell
Martin Miller Fogo May.5 May.7 49 J.O. Britnell
Martha Warrick Fogo May.5 May.7 78 J.O. Britnell
Sarah Morgan Wild Cove, Seldom May.5 May.9 54 P.Newell, L.R.
James Brown Fogo   Jun.14 1day S.J.Bishop
Soloman Leate Fogo   Sept.24 19 J.O. Britnell
Stephen Coles Hare Bay   Oct26? 52 J.O. Britnell
Charlotte Perchase Change Islands Nov.14 Nov.18 76 or 96 yrs J.O. Britnell
Jane Randell Fogo Nov.19 Nov.20 82 J.O. Britnell
Mary Ann Rutford Fogo   Nov.26 85 J.O. Britnell
Priscilla Humphries Fogo Dec.14 Dec.16 77? J.O. Britnell
John Wm. Tarrant Shoal Bay Dec.21 Dec.24 31 J.O. Britnell
???age Humphries Fogo Jan.21 Jan.23 83 J.O. Britnell
???ssie Pearl Collins Indian Island Jan.27 Jan.29 5 1/2 mos. J.Ludlow, Teacher
James Nippard Hare Bay Feb.4 Feb.6 78 J.O. Britnell
Arthur James Payne Fogo Apr.8 Apr.9 1 month J.O. Britnell
George Elliot Fogo Apr.25 Apr.27 48 J.O. Britnell
Charles Leate Fogo May.8 May.11 28 S.J. Bishop, L.R.
John Coombes Fogo Jul.1 Jul.3 23 J.O. Britnell
Roland Penny Indian Island Jul.3 Jul.6 12 J.O. Britnell
Susanna Purchase Fogo Jul.10 Jul.12 59 J.O. Britnell
Christopher Harnett Wild Cove, Seldom Jul.16 Jul.18 21 J.O. Britnell
Alfred Payne Fogo Jul.7 Jul.8 5 weeks J.O. Britnell
Archibald Hines Indian Island Aug.23 Aug.25 19 J.Ludlow, Teacher
Elisabeth Mary Hines Indian Island Sept.26 Sept.28 27 J. Ludlow L.R.
John Combden Wild Cove, Seldom Nov.12 Nov.14 86 J.O. Britnell
Gerald Payne Fogo Mar.4 Mar.5 4 days J.O. Britnell
Olive Oake Fogo Feb.28 Mar.2 8 yrs.4 mos. J.O. Britnell
Rebecca Bailey Island Harbor Mar.21 Mar.23 60 J.O. Britnell
Emma Evaleigh Wild Cove , Seldom   Mar.4 76 H. Torraville
Lydia Collins Indian Island Jan.17 Jan.19 42 J. Ludlow, L.R.
William Elliot Fogo May.11 May.13 74 J.O. Britnell
James Elliot Hare Bay May.27 May.29 61 J.O. Britnell
Sarah Heath Hare Bay Jun.11 Jun.13 10 mos. J.O. Britnell
Phoebe Torraville Fogo Jul.10 Jul.13 65 J.O. Britnell
Samuel Churchill Fogo Jul.22 Jul.23 52 J.O. Britnell
William Downer Indian Island Jul.24 Jul.25 10 mos. G. Etheridge L.R
John Butler Fogo Aug.11 Aug.13 77 J.O. Britnell
Annie Hart Fogo Aug.16 Aug.18 86 J.O. Britnell
Benjamin Torraville Fogo Aug.17 Aug.19 68 J.O. Britnell
Susanna Penny Indian Island Aug.30 Aug.31 84 J.O. Britnell
John Smith Fogo Sept.16 Sept.18 74 J.O. Britnell
Susan Tarrant Shoal Bay Sept.30 Oct.2 50 J.O. Britnell
James H??ey Vincent Indian Island Sept.14 Sept.15 9 days G. Etheridge L.R
Hilda Miller Fogo Dec.18 Dec.19 20 J.O. Britnell
Li??ie Bennett Island Harbor   Jul.13 37 S. Bennett, Layman
Horatio Layman Fogo Jan.26 Jan.27 46 J.O. Britnell
Alfred Hiscock Fogo Feb.8 Feb.10 80 J.O. Britnell
Evelyn Layman Fogo Feb.25 Feb.26 11 mos. J.O. Britnell
Bessie Hopkins Heart's Content Apr.12 Apr.14 23 J.O. Britnell
Died of drowning          
Roland Gordon Shepperd Indian Island Apr.17 Apr.19 9 days G. Etheridge, L.R.
Doris Ruby Jones Fogo May.2 May.4 3 mos. J.O. Britnell
Joseph Oake Fogo May.4 May.5 86 J.O. Britnell
Mary Nippard Hare Bay May.19 May.21 82 J.O. Britnell
Dorothy Heath Hare Bay May.1? May.15 10 J.O. Britnell
Rebecca Budgell Seldom, Wild Cove Jun.30 Jul.1 39 J.O. Britnell
Emily Green Fogo Jul.9 Jul.11 6 R. J. ???????
Elizabeth Harnett Wild Cove, Seldom Jul.28 Jul.29 ?7 J.O. Britnell
Tom Earle Fogo Jul.26 Jul.26 1/2 hour J.O. Britnell
Simon Green Fogo Sept.10 Sept.12 80 J.O. Britnell
Annie Green Fogo Sept.21 Sept.23 20  
Emma Barnes Fogo Oct.8 Oct.10 75 J.O. Britnell
Frank Oake Fogo Oct.21 Oct.23 10 days J.O. Britnell
Louis Heath Black Head Cove Oct.31 Nov.2 7 J.O. Britnell
Louisa Simms Fogo Nov.15 Nov.17 50 J.O. Britnell
William Whitan?? Fogo Dec.29 Dec.31 50 J.O. Britnell
Richard Edward Hines Indian Island Dec.16 Dec.16 17 days James Dawe
Eunice Heath Hare Bay Jan.2 Jan.4 6 J.O.Britnell
Henry Simms Fogo Jan.16 Jan.19 77 J.O.Britnell
Louisa Loveless Fogo Jan.20 Jan.21 69 J.O.Britnell
John Noble Seldom Jan.2? Jan.25 63 V.R.Randell
Stewart Agustus Evaleigh Wild Cove, Seldom Mar.28 Mar.30 20 V.R.Randell
Violet Snow Fogo Jun.13 Jun.14 2 J.O.Britnell
Louisa Evaleigh Wild Cove, Seldom Jul.6 Jul.8 29 P. Newell, L.R.
Bessie Simms Wild Cove, Seldom Jul.15 Jul.17 22 J.O.Britnell
Amelia Penny Indian Island Jul.24 Jul.25 19 J.O.Britnell
Eleaner Forsey Eastern Tickle, Fogo Aug.22 Aug.24 59 J.O.Britnell
Elisabeth Collins Indian Island Aug.27 Aug.29 89 J.O.Britnell
??tilda Maud Collins Indian Island Sept.9 Sept.11 5 1/2 Mos. L.Walton, L.R.
Samuel Penny Indian Island Oct.7 Oct.10 59 L.Walton, L.R.
Cecily Vincent Indian Island Dec.9 Dec.11 14 L.Walton, L.R.
Elizabeth Mahiney Fogo Dec.19 Dec.21 87 J.O.Britnell
John Collins Indian Island Dec.29 Dec.23 23 L.Walton, L.R.
??ennie Susanna Snow Fogo Jan.6 Jan.7 6 mos. J.O. Britnell
John Collins Indian Island Jan.12 Jan.15 26 L.Walton, L.R.
Mary Vincent Indian Island Jan.26 Jan.28 68 L.Walton, L.R.
Isabella Nippard Hare Bay Mar.8 Mar.11 72?? J.O.Britnell
Charles Oake Fogo Mar.14 Mar.16 92 J.O.Britnell
Julia Willis or Welles Fogo Mar.17 Mar.20 46 J.O.Britnell
Benjamin Torraville Fogo Apr.5 Apr.7 67 J.O.Britnell
William Randell Fogo Apr.10 Apr.14 49 1/2 yrs J.O.Britnell
Violet Payne Fogo Apr.14 Apr.15 9 mos. W.A. Pu?????? L.R.
Lucy/Lacy? Learning Fogo May.25 May.26 49 J.O.Britnell
Hubert Randell Fogo Jul.20 Jul.21 35 J.O.Britnell
Percy Coles Hare Bay Jul.26 Jul.27 6 weeks J.O.Britnell
Stanley Earl          
Marshall Grey Indian Island Jul.29 Jul.31 3 months J.O.Britnell
* Above appears to be one person *        
Olivia Coombs Fogo Aug.3 Aug.12 52 J.O.Britnell
Frederick Thomas Hazelwood Fogo Aug.18 Aug.19 8 mos. J.O.Britnell
Julia Elliot Fogo Sept.29 Sept.30 76 W. Verge / Venge?? L.R.
Private John Simms Fogo Aug.27 Sept.19 24 J.O.Britnell
Died of wounds          
John Hart Island Hr Oct.9   27  
killed in action in France          
Mary Ann Payne Fogo Nov.15 Nov.15 72 1/2 yrs J.O. Britnell
James Torraville Fogo Nov.19 Nov.20 69 1/2 yrs. J.O. Britnell
Frederica Loder Fogo Nov.26 Nov.29 34 J.O. Britnell
Walter Woolridge Fogo Jan.6 Jan.8 18 J.O Britnell
Ivy Gladys Boone Little Seldom Jan.11 Jan.13 11 mos. ? Dawe, L.R.
George Shepard Indian Island Jan.12 Jan.14 62 yrs. E. Bishop, L.R.
Harry Gordon Dawe Seldom Jan.21 Jan.23 1yr. 3 mos. J.O. Britnell
?mma Whetan? Fogo May.13 May.15 77 J.O. Britnell
Emma Nippard Hare Bay Jul.13 Jul.15 65 H.J. Earle L.R.
Fred Miller Fogo   About Jul.29 21? Naval Chaplain E???
Naval Reservist          
Eliza? Snow Fogo Aug.25 Aug.26 79 J.O.Britnell
Harold Oake Eastern Tickle Aug.29 Sept.1 29  
Fred Snow Fogo Sept.16 Sept.17 8 mos. J.O.Britnell
George Hewitt Hare Bay Sept.17 Sept.19 86 J.O.Britnell
Frederick Warrick?? Fogo Sept.19   31 J.O.Britnell
Drowned body not recovered.        
Annie Barnes Fogo Sept.23 Sept.25 29 J.O.Britnell
James Mahaney Fogo Oct.14 19    
Of Royal Navy Reserve          
Died in hospital of pneumonia          
Laura Torraville Fogo Oct.26 Oct.28 30 W. Verge L.R.
Walter Torraville Fogo Oct.27 Oct.29 33 J.? Hiscock
John William Heath Died Island Hr. Oct.25 Oct.27 1 Stephen Bennett ,Layman
Died of convulsions Buried Hare Bay        
Henry Jacob Hart Lived at Island Hr. Nov.5 Nov.6 24 J. T? Hiscock
  Died& Buried Fogo        
James W. Payne Fogo Nov.7 Nov.8 1 3/4 yrs J.T? Hiscock
James D. Bennett Fogo Nov.8 Nov.10 1 1/2 yrs J.T? Hiscock
Lillian Hiscock Fogo Nov.29 Dec.1 12 1/2 yr J.T? Hiscock
George Jones Fogo Dec.5 Dec.7 7 J.T? Hiscock
George Hynes Indian Islands Oct.23 Oct.25 74 Wilfred Decker L.R.
Allan Frampton Indian Islands Nov.3 Nov.5 35 Wilfred Decker L.R.
Horace Howard Vincent Indian Islands Nov.10 Nov.11 1month Wilfred Decker L.R.
Maud Harnett Wild Cove, Seldom Apr.5 Apr.6   Philip Newell,Lay reader
Died of tuberculosis Come-By        
Emma Tarrant Shoal Bay Apr.23 Apr.25 3 1/2 yr J.T? Hiscock
Alma Layman Fogo Apr.28 Apr.29 2 mos. J.T? Hiscock
Leslie Stewart Jones Fogo Apr.30 May.1 11 1/2 mos. J.T? Hiscock
Jacob Ford Island Hr. May.8 May.10 83 J.T? Hiscock
Cecil George Payne Fogo May.27 May.28 2 days J.T? Hiscock
Emily Kindon Indian Island Jul.22 Jul.24 64 Philip Newell
William Brown Fogo Aug.12 Aug.13 80 J.T? Hiscock
Emma Ludlow Fogo Aug.17 Aug.19 92 1/2 J.T? Hiscock
Martin Torraville Fogo Sept.19 Sept.21 54 J.T? Hiscock
Margaret-Ann Hart Island Hr. Oct.7 Oct.9 66 J.T? Hiscock
John H. Bennett Fogo Oct.30 Nov.2 38 J.T? Hiscock
Uriah Snow Fogo Nov.4 Nov.6 86 J.T? Hiscock
Hubert Oake Fogo Nov.7 Nov.9 46 J.T? Hiscock
Elizabeth Wooldridge Fogo Nov.15 Nov.17 51 W. Verge
William Eveleigh Wild Cove, S.C.B. Dec.4 Dec.6 87 Philip Newell
Olive L???? Downer Fogo Feb.10 Feb.12 6 mos.? W. Verge
Ida Mildred Shepherd Indian Is. Jan.26 Jan.27 5 days W Starks? L.R
Kenneth Boone Seldom-Come-By Feb.18 Feb.20 20 J.T? Hiscock
Joseph Warrick Fogo Mar.3 Mar.5 79 J.T? Hiscock
William Waterman Fogo Mar.5 Mar.6 61 J.T? Hiscock
Moses John Collins Indian Is. Mar.13 Mar.15 35 J.T? Hiscock
James Payne Fogo Mar.26 Mar.28 62 J.T? Hiscock
Harvey Simms Fogo May.4 May.6 10 W. Verge
Arnold Guy Fogo May.18 May.19 23 J.T? Hiscock
Arthur Layman Fogo Jun.18 Jun.19 5 J.T? Hiscock
Muriel Laura Hart Fogo Jun.20 Jun.21 1 8/12 yrs J.T? Hiscock
Susan Purchase Fogo Jun.21 Jun.22 3 mos. J.T? Hiscock
Roland Heath Hare Bay Jul.4 Jul.6 7 days Stephen Bennett
Mary Grace Harnett Wild Cove, S.C.B. Jul.19 Jul.21 59 3/4 yrs J.T? Hiscock
Louisa Vincent Indian Is. Jul.23 Jul.25 74 J.T? Hiscock
???? Mahaney Fogo Jul.31 Jul.31 18 J.T? Hiscock
Aeneas Bennett Fogo Aug.23 Aug.25 65 J.T? Hiscock
Norman Tizzard Fogo Sept.9 Sept.10 1 J.T? Hiscock
Mark Willis Fogo Sept.8 Sept.10 55 J.T? Hiscock
Elizabeth Torraville Fogo Sept.18 Sept.19 86 W.Verge L.R.
Mary Collins Indian Is. Oct.31 Nov.2 33 J.T? Hiscock
Isabella Hiscock Fogo Nov.2 Nov.4 72 J.T? Hiscock
Peter Sibley Fogo Nov.10 Nov.12 95 J.T? Hiscock
Lucy Hiscock Fogo Nov.20 Nov.22 56 J.T? Hiscock
Daisy Blanche Blundon Indian Islands Nov.13 Nov.15 26 Joseph Moss
Elizabeth Oake Fogo Dec.28 Dec.30 73 J.T? Hiscock
Raymond Willis Fogo Dec.29 Dec.31 3 J.T? Hiscock
William Snow Fogo   Jan. 35 J.T? Hiscock
Philip Coates Fogo   Jan.19 62 J.T? Hiscock
All??? William Waterman Fogo   Feb.11 2 days W. Verge L.R.
Archibald F Banks Fogo   Mar.17 74 1/2 J.T? Hiscock
Leonard J. Oake Fogo   Mar.29 28 3/4 yrs J.T? Hiscock
William Penney Indian Islands   Apr.9 68 I or J Moss, L.R
James Jones Fogo   May.13 69 J.T? Hiscock
Dorothy E Shepherd Indian Islands   May.5 I 5/12 yr I or J Moss, L.R
Alice Torraville Fogo Jun.7 Jun.12 25 J.T? Hiscock
Died St. Anthony Hospital.          
Chesley Purchase Fogo Jun.11 Jun.12 5 J.T? Hiscock
Glady Payne Fogo Jun.17 Jun.19 10 mos.?? W.Verge
Nathaniel Banks Fogo Jun.18 Jun.21 86 7/12 yrs J.T? Hiscock
Rex Dawe Seldom-Come-By Jul.3 Jul.4 6 weeks J.T? Hiscock
William Edgar Shepherd Indian Islands Jun.16 Jun.19 76 Joseph Moss
Mary Maud Ford Island Hr. Aug.6 Aug.8 1 5/12 yr W. Anthony Priest of Diocease
          of Pittsburgh, USA
Bessie Nippard Hare Bay Aug.24 Aug.25 2 Days J.T ? Hiscock
Sarah ?? Hyde Fogo   Sept.5 55 J.T ? Hiscock
Rebecca Tarrant Shoal Bay   Sept.27 2 mos. J.T ? Hiscock
Effie Coles Hare Bay   Oct.2 2 weeks Stephen Bennett, Layman
Harold Baker Fogo   Dec.12 6 weeks J.T ? Hiscock
Arthur Sibley Fogo   Dec.18 55 J.T ? Hiscock
Kenneth Coles Shoal Bay   Dec.26 10 mos. J.T ? Hiscock
Wilfred Baker Fogo     23  
a note under this name mentions the S.S. Ottawa          
Clara Heath Blackhead Cove   Feb.17 46 A?? Oake, L.R.
Arthur Walborne Fogo Mar.12 Mar.14 6 3/4 yr J. T?? Hiscock
Fannie Eveleigh Wild Cove, S.C. B. Mar.24 Mar.26 16 W.M. Yetman, L.R.
May Lavinia Harnett Wild Cove, S.C. B. Apr.29 Apr.30 1 W.M. Yetman, L.R.
George Torraville Fogo May.24 May.26 76 J. T?? Hiscock
South side          
May Harnett Wild Cove, S.C.B. Jun.5 Jun.8 30 J.T? Hiscock
Annie Pearl Osmond Shoal Bay Jun.18 Jun.20 5yrs.10 mos. Mark Sheppard
Robert Waterman Fogo Jul.2 Jul.4 66 James Ludlow
David Simms Fogo Jul.4 Jul.6 35 James Ludlow, L.R.
William George Irish Fogo   Aug.20 69 Henry? Earle
Leonard William Jones Fogo   Aug.22 16 mos. J.T? Hiscock
Patience Sheppard Indian Island   Aug.2? 79 Philip Newell
??? Elizabeth Sibley Fogo   Sept.13 14 J.T? Hiscock
Henry P.?? Davidson Downer Fogo   Sept.13 7 mos??? J.T? Hiscock
Ned Oake Fogo   Nov.20?? 7yrs W.Verge L.R.
James Payne Fogo   Sept.21 69 C. J. Ludlow
Martha Osmond Shoal Bay (north)   Dec.14 100 W.Verge L.R.
James Warrick Fogo Dec.29 Dec.31 62 W.Verge L.R.
Leonard Oake Fogo Jan.17 Jan.18 1 Day W.Verge L.R.
George M.Simms Fogo Jan. Jan.24? 78 W. Verge L.R.
Mary Ann Torraville Fogo Jan.30 Jan.31 ? W. Verge L.R.
Kate Payne Fogo Feb.17 Feb.18 31 W. Verge L.R.
Humphrey Heath Blackhead Cove Apr.? Apr.? 3 Days? A?? Oake, L.R.
Elsie F. Torraville Fogo Apr.22 Apr.23 4 W. Verge L.R.
Eliza Hart Island Hr. Apr.28 Apr.30 41 Arch Oake
Martin Nippard Hare Bay   May.10 3 1/2 Arch Oake, L.R.
John ? Nippard Hare Bay   May.2 41 Arch Oake, L.R.
Elizabeth Layman Fogo   May.18 84? W. Verge L.R.
Jane Bennett Fogo   Jun.7 68 R.F. Mercer
Andrew Loder Fogo   Jun.16 76 R.F. Mercer
Hon?? Burry Fogo   Jun.18 86 R.F. Mercer
Hannah Verge Fogo   Jun.? ? R.F. Mercer
Henry Hart Island Hr.   May.17 17 days William Bayley
Emily Thorn Shoal Bay, Fogo Aug.22 Aug.24 1 R.F. Mercer
Julia Cull Fogo Sept.24 Sept.26 77 R.F. Mercer
Martha Payne Fogo Sept.26 Sept.27 77 R.F. Mercer
Mark Boone Little Seldom Come By Nov.13 Nov.15 32 R.F. Mercer
Amelia Earle Fogo Jan.27 Jan.29 72 R.F. Mercer
Doris Ellerie Boone Little Seldom Come By Apr.22 Apr.24 4 Harold Penny?
William Waterman Hare Bay May.5 May.7 18 R.F. Mercer
Lewis Combden Wild Cove May.15 May.18 21 R.F. Mercer
John Boone Indian Islands   May.28 45 R.F. Mercer
Stanley Combden Wild Cove   Jun.7 25 R.F. Mercer
Hamilton Layman Fogo   Jun.15 62 R.F. Mercer
William Oake Fogo   Aug.5 ? 70 R.F. Mercer
Richard Hynes Indian Islands   Aug.24 67 R.F. Mercer
Harvey Leyte Fogo   Auig.26 1 month R.F. Mercer
Guy Jones Fogo   Aug.30 1 1/2 mo?? W. Verge, L.R.
Benjamin Evelly Wild Cove, Seldom        

Contributed by Terri

Page Revised: August 2002 (Don Tate)

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