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January 1853 - Dec 1853

Date of Baptism Child's Christian Name Parent's Christian Name Parents' Surname Quality, Trade or Profession Place of Residence By Whom Sacrament Was Performed
Jan 9, 1853 George Albert & Eliza Miller Fisherman Trouty Thos M Wood
Jan 9, 1853 John James & Elizabeth Jestican Fishrman Trinity Thos M Wood
Feb 6, 1853 Mary Martha John & Sarah Janes Fisherman Trouty Thos M Wood
Feb 26, 1853 Privately Sarah Rec'd with Sponsors, 1st May, 1853 John & Elizabeth Ivamy Ashton Fisherman Kerley's Harbor Thos M Wood
Feb 27, 1853 Amy John & Louisa Ivamy Fisherman Kerley's Harbor Thos M Wood
NOTE: Thomas Wood is crossed out and Wm G. Clinch has been written in under the crossed out name.
Feb 27, 1853 Amelia Thomas & Ellen Gardener Fisherman British Harbor Wm G ?????
March 1, 1853 Privately Robert Rec'd into Congregation 12th June 1853 Jonas & Susannah Jones Fisherman Trinity, North Side Thos M Wood
March ??, 1853 Privately William Received with Sponsors 15th May 53 William & Eliza Newhook Fisherman Trinity, North Side Thos M Wood
March 16, 1853 Privately Theodosia (Illegitimate) Elizabeth Randal Singlewoman Trinity, North Side Thos M Wood
March 18, 1853 Privately William Received into the Congregation 22 May John & Charity Fifield Fisherman Trinity, North Side Thos M Wood
April 15, 1853 Privately Mary Ann Received into the Congregation July 3rd William & Mary Butler Fisherman Robin Hood Thos M Wood
April 16, 1853 Privately Eliza Received into the Congregation July 3rd Thomas & Martha Hart Smith Trinity Thos M Wood
April 20, 1853 Privately No Entry David & Edna Lock Seaman Trinity Thos M Wood
April 22, 1853 Privately William William & Eliza Newhook Dockman Trinity Thos M Wood
April 26, 1853 Privately Susan Thomas & Elizabeth Barker Fisherman Ship Cove Thos M Wood
April 26, 1853 Privately Richard Samuel & Ann Bartlett Fisherman Trinity, North Side Thos M Wood
April 26, 1853 Privately William John & Matilda Collins Constable Trinity Thos M Wood
May 1, 1853 Aubrey Privately Baptized by a Layman Henry & Susan King Fisherman New Bonaventure Thos M Wood
May 1, 1853 Solomon Privately baptized by a Layman Abraham & Maria Millar Fisherman New Bonaventure Thos M Wood
May 1, 1853 Margaret Jacob & Joanna Millar Fisherman New Bonaventure Thos M Wood
May 1, 1853 Tryphena Thomas & Isabella Pitcher Fisherman Old Bonaventure Thos M Wood
May 3, 1853 Privately Miriam Received at Trouty 3rd July 53 Joseph & Jane Dewey ????? Fisherman Trouty Thos M Wood
NOTE: The original name has been crosed out and is unreadable. Dewey has been written in above the crossed out name.
May 6, 1853 Privately William Received in the congreg' 18th Sept 5?, by Rev H G Crinch Thomas & Mary Langer Fisherman Thorofare Thos M Wood
May 8, 1852 Charity John & Elizabeth (??) Butler Fisherman Holyrood Thos M Wood
May 18, 1853 Sarah James & Ann Sexton Fisherman Trinity Thos M Wood
June 12, 1853 Ellenor John & Mary (Janes) Fisherman Trinity Thos M Wood
June 26, 1853 Rachel Samuel & Esther King Fisherman Bonaventure Thos M Wood
June 26, 1853 Elizabeth Privately baptized by a Layman John & Rosanna Parrot Fisherman Bonaventure Thos M Wood
June 26, 1853 d of
Privately baptized by a Layman
Jonathan & Streeta (??) Millar Fisherman Bonaventure Thos M Wood
July 3, 1853 George John & Louisa Clifford Fisherman Trouty Thos M Wood
July 3, 1853 Ellen Martha John & Sarah Janes Fisherman Spaniard's Bay Thos M Wood
June 12, 1853 Ann Privately baptized by a Layman Benjamin & Elizabeth Day Fisherman Salmon Cove W G ????
June 13, 1853 Mary Ann &James Privately baptized by a Layman William & Ariadine Nurse Fisherman Salmon Cove W G ????
July 10, 1852 Sarah Baptized by a Layman Thomas & Sarah Janes Fisherman Spaniard's Bay Thos M Wood
July 11, 1853 privately Amy William & Elizabeth Millar Fisherman Robin Hood Thos M Wood
July 17, 1853 Robert John & Honor Ash Fisherman Salmon Cove Thos M Wood
July 17, 1853 Sarah Charles & Mary Penny Fisherman Salmon Cove Thos M Wood
July 20, 1853 privately Charlotte Rec'd into Church July 30, 1854 by Rev W G Crouch John & Susanna Clark Fisherman Cuckold's Cove Thos M Wood
July 24, 1853 James Privately baptized previously to this date by Rev Wm Crouch Richard & Honor Seviour Fisherman Trinity Thos M Wood
  Patience Thomas & Mary Crocker Fisherman Trinity Thos M Wood
Aug 3, 1853 privately Stephen Stephen & Mahalah Wiseman Fisherman Cuckold's Cove Thos M Wood
Aug 6, 1853 privately Mary Ann Received with sponsors August 28th by Rev W G Crouch Richard & Patience Hogarth Fisherman North Side Thos M Wood
Aug 7, 1853 Phebe Ann Admitted into the Church Jan 15th 1856 by W G Crouch William & Mary Maybee Fisherman Trouty Thos M Wood
Aug 14, 1853 Mary Ellen Thomas & Amy Fowlow Fisherman Trinity, N Side Thos M Wood
Aug 14, 1853 William David & Mary Ryan Fisherman Ship Cove ?????
Aug 14, 1853 Honor George & Catherine Ford Fisherman English Harbor Thos M Wood
Aug 26, 1853 Rec'd into the Church Tryphena Received into congregation October 22nd, 1854 by Benj Smith William & Judith Hogarth Fisherman British Harbor Thos M Wood
August 28, 1853 Alfred Privately baptized by a Layman Admitted this day T M W John & Jane Clark Fishrman Kerley Harbor Thos M Wood
August 28, 1853 Elizabeth Philip & Mahalah Millar Fisherman Island Eye (Ireland's Eye) Thos M Wood
Sept 15, 1853 privately John Henry & Catherine Bartlett Fisherman Trinity Thos M Wood
Sept 11, 1853 Peter Jacob & Sarah Taverner Fisherman Trinity Thos M Wood
Sept 20, 1853 privately Ann Rec'd with sponsors 2nd Oct by Rev Wm Crinch Charles & Eliza Parker Fisherman Salmon Cove Thos M Wood
Oct 9, 1853 Diana Joseph & Mary Churchill Fisherman Trinity, South Side W G Crouch
Oct 16, 1853 William George & Lucy Ivamy Fisherman Ship Cove W G Crouch
Oct 22, 1853 Mary Private baptism Isaac & Eliza Butler Fisherman Salmon Cove W G Crouch
NOTE: A note reading: Received June by Benj Smith has been crossed out. It appears that the note was written in error and was intended for the following individual.
Oct 22, 1853 Phebe Private Baptism (Rec'd June 4, 1854 by Benj Smith John & Mary Spurls Fisherman Trinity, South Side W G Crouch
Nov 6, 1853 Peter James & Charlotte Wiseman Fisherman Trouty Benj ????
Nov 6, 1853 James Burr Born Sept 23, 1853 James & Rachael Millar Johnston Surgeon Trinity Benj ????
Nov 13, 1853 James Samuel & Hannah Hobbs Fisherman Salmon Cove Benj ????
Nov 13, 1853 John Martin & Susan Miller Fisherman Trinity W G ????
Nov 13, 1853 William John & Mary Ann Morris Fisherman Cuckold's Cove W G ????
Nov 20, 1853 George Robert & Esther White Ship Master & Owner Trinity Benj ????
NOTE: Esther was not on the original page. It was written at a later date in pencil by a different person.
Nov 18, 1853 William Publiccly Rec'd May 14th 1854 By B Smith Joseph & Mahala Bestone Fisherman English Harour Benj ????
Nov 20, 1853 Charles Moses & Rachel King Fisherman New Bonaventure W G ????
Nov 27, 1853 Tabitha Received into church October 1st 1854 by W G Crouch Septimus & Eunice (Brown) Fisherman Trouty Benj ????
Dec 25, 1853 privately Jacob Thomas & Harriett Clark Fisherman Island Cove Benj ????

Transcribed by Mary Rawlinson, Southern Pines, NC, USA
This file compared and updated from the Pre-1891 information
forms provided by the Churches - April 2012 - Linda Morris

Page Revised: February - 2003 (Don Tate)

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