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St. Paul’s Anglican Church Baptisms
1796 Jan 27 A Dau'r to Step'n & Honor White of this Harb'r Pub'y 8th Feb 1800 Named Christian Feb'y 17 A Daug'r to Sarah Keates of this Harb'r by Matthew Devine Srvt to Benj'm Lester Esq (Illigitimate) Priv"ly Named Sarah Feb'y 21 A Son to Rob't & Eleanor Clark of this Harb'r Publ'y 24th Oct 1797 Priv'ly named Robert. Born 27 Jan Feb'y 22 A Daug'r to Wm & Elinor Britt of this Harb'r Privt'y named Honor March 6 A Son to Edw'd & Eliz'th Goldworthy of Salmon Cove Privt'ly named Henry Publ'y 1 Oct 1897The same day a Dau'r to John & Eliz'th Rex of this cove in this dist. Privt'y named Patience March 24 A son to the Rev' John & Hannah Clinch Priv'ty named John Publ'y 28 April 1798 March 28 A Son to Mary Healey of Salmon Cove by John Wheeler (Illigitimatly) Priv'tly named Henry April 9 A Dau'r to Sam'l & Mary Morice of this Harb'r who answered for herself Aged 14 Years April 12 Baptised Joseph White Jeffrey of Poole - One of the people called Quakers May 1 A Son to Wm and Mary Bugden of this Harb'r Privt'y named James Publ'y 9 June 17199 The same day A Dau'r to Maurice & Annn Murphy of this Harb'r Privt'y named Margaret May 1 A Son to Tho's & Mary Miller of Bonaventure in this District Pub'y named Thomas May 24 A Son to Dav'd & Cath'e Hipditch of this Harb'r Privt'y named David Pub'y 21 Aug '96 May 24 A Dau’r to JAMES & JANE IVAMY of Bonaventure in this District Pub’y Named MARY Aged 12 m?
30 A Dau’r to CHARLES & ELIZ’H NEWHOOK of this Harb’r Priv’y Named SARAH.
June 3 A Dau’r to FRANCES RYAN of this Harb’r by WILLIAM HEALY (Illegitimate) Priv’y Named MARY.
14 A Son to GEO. & MARY EVELY of this Harb’r Priv’y Named JAMES.
July 24 A Son to JOHN & JOAN BASTON of Eng’h Harb’y, Priv’y. Pub’y 3rd Nov. 1797, ---- JOHN.
25 A Dau’r to THO’S & CATH’E WHITE of this Harb’r. Priv’y. Pub’y. 26 Dec’r 1796. Named ANN.
Aug. 6 Baptized at Bonavista the Tender? mentioned below:
A Son to JOHN STREET MARCH by SARAH, his spouse, Pub’y Named THOMAS Aged 5 mo.
A Son to GILES & GRACE HOSIER Pub’y named WILLIAM Aged 2 years.
Three Dau’rs and two Sons to HEN’Y & ANN POWELL Pub’y. viz: ANN Aged 10 years JANE 9 years 9 months Henry 7 years ROSE 5 years 6 months EDWARD 3 years 4 months
One Dau’r and Two Sons to STEPH’N & SARAH ABBOTT Pub’y, viz: MARTHA 6 years WILLIAM 2 years 6 months HENRY 10 weeks
A Son to MARTHA GOODLAND? Pub’y Named WILLIAM Aged 14 years.
Two Dau’rs and one Son to JOHN & CATH’E HITCHCOCK Pub’y. viz: HANNAH Aged 9 years HENRY Aged 8 years JENNY Aged 2 years
Aug. 27 A Son to THO’S. & ELIZ’H LAMBERT of this Harb’r Priv’y Named JOHN.
Sep’r. 1 A Dau’r to STEP'N & ANN BARNS of this Harb’r. Priv’y. Named HANNAH. Pub’y. 25th Oct’r 1796.
21 A Dau’r to WILL’M & ANN PITTMAN Priv’y Named ELIZABETH. Pub’y. 24 Sept’r 1797.
Oct’r 2 A Son to MATT’W & ANN ABBOTT Pub’y Named JAMES.
4 A Son to WM. & MARY MILLER of Bonav’a Pub’y Named THOMAS Aged 9 m’s.
9 A Dau’r to THO’S & HONOR HISCOCK of this Harb’r Priv’y Named MARY. Pub’y. 11th Feb’r 1798.
31 A Dau’r to GEO. & SARAH CUTLER of this Harb’r. Priv’y Named ELIZABETH. Pub’y. 29 Dec’r 1796.
Nov’r. 5 A Son to GEO. & MARY PICK? of this Harb’r. Priv’y Named GEORGE. Pub’y. 26th Dec’r 1795.
9 A Son to PHIL. & CATH’E MAGRATH of this Harb’r. Pub’y Named JOHN Aged 7 months.
12 A Son to JOHN & MARY WALTERS of this Harb’r. Priv’y. Named JOHN Pub’y. 27th Dec’r 1800.
19 A Son to RICH’D & MARY WOOLDRIDGE of this Harb’r. Priv’y Named RICHARD Pub’y 4th Nov’r. 1798.
29 A Dau’r to JOHN & ELIZ’H BRINE of this Harb’r. Priv’y Named MARIA. Pub’y 18th June.
30 A Son to SAM’L & ELIZ’H DIDHAM? of this Harb’r. Priv’y Named WILLIAM. Pub’y 18th May 1797.
Dec’r 28 A Son to the late JOB’? & SEBRA? TILLEY of Bonavista. Publ’y Named JOHN Aged 16 years.
Jan’y 12 A Son to SAM’L & MARY MORRISEY of this Harb’r Public’y 25th May 1800 Priv’y Named SAMUEL.
Feb’y 26 A Son to SUSANNA & JOHN PECKHAM of this Harb’r Pub’y 22nd July 1798 Priv’y Named WILLIAM.
March 11 A Son to JAMES & AMY ETHERIDGE of this Harb’r Priv’y. Pub’y 18th June 1797 Named WILLIAM.
April 7 A Son to JOHN & SUS’N CASHMAN of this Harb’r. Priv’y Named ELIZABETH.
14 A Dau’r to SARAHANNA HISCOCK of this Harb’r (Bastard) Priv’y Named CHARLOTTE.
A Dau’r to JOHN & MARY BROWN of Harley’s Harb’r in this District. Pub’y Named MARY Aged 9 years.
23 A Dau’r to ISAAC & DOROT’Y HOGARTH of this Harb’r Pub’y 7 Nov’r 1798 Priv’y Named SARAH.
May 22 A Dau’r to HEN’Y & MARY STONE of Bonav’r in this District Priv’y. Pub’y. 27th May 1798 Named GRACE? Aged 4 m’s.
26 A Son to JOHN & JANE MEAGHER of this Harb’r, Priv’y Named DENNIS.
27 A Dau’r to WM. & MARY SPICER of this Harb’r Priv’y Named MARY. Pub’y. Oct’r 30th 1797.
30 A Son to DINAH MOORES of this Harb’r by JAMES LYNCH? JUN’R ??? ??? THO’S STREET (Illegitimately) Priv’y Named WILLIAM (Pub’y 1st May 17?? ???????*
*Rest of entry obliterated by darkening at bottom edge of document page.
Aug. 1 A Dau’r to WM. & RACHAEL TAVERNER of this Harb’r Priv’y. Pub’y. 29th Sept’r 1797 Named ANN.
22 A Son to THO’S & HANNAH FIFIELD of this Harb’r. Priv’y. Named WILLIAM Pub’y 14th 1796.
27 A Dau’r to THO’S CHRIS’N NRWELL? of Old Perlican in this District Named HANNAH Aged 2 years.
The same day a Son to THO’S & ELIZ’H FOWLOW of this Harb’r Priv’y Named PATRICK, Pub’y 28th Oct’r 1796.
Sep’r 7 A Dau’r and Son to STEPHEN & SARAH ADY? of Bay D’Verde, Pub’y. MARY Aged 6 years WILLIAM Aged 3 years
" A Son to NATHAN & CLARA CRITCH of Bay D’Verde Pub’y Named SAMUEL Aged 2 y’rs.
" A Dau’r to WILL’M & SUSANNAH LOCKYER of Bay D’Verde Pub’y ] Named SUSANNAH Aged 9 months.
" A Dau’r to MARY WALDRON of Bay D’Verde by WILLIAM HYSOM (Illegitimate) Pub’y Named HANNAH Aged ???.
22 A Son to GEO. & ANN COOK of this Harb’r Priv’y Named RICHARD
23 A Son to ROB’T? & ELIZ’H STONE of this Harb’r Priv’y Named THOMAS. Pub’y Dec’r. 30, 1799.
Oct’r 1 A Dau’r to EDW’D & ELIZ’H GOLDWORTHY of Salmon Cove Priv’y Named SARAH Aged 2 months.
5 A Dau’r to SAM’L & MARTHA MILLER of Bonaven’e Pub’y Named SARAH Aged ???.
14 A Son to JOHN & MARY BAKER of HTS EASE in this District Pub’y 24th Oct. 1800. Priv’y Named JAMES.
25 A Dau’r to MARY GOLDWORTHY of Salmon Cove by WM. HISCOCK of the same place (Illegitimate) Pub’y Named RACHAEL Aged 2 yr. 9 m.
27 A Dau’r to JOHN & JANE BAILEY of Salmon Cove Pub’y Named ROSE Aged 3 months.
30 A Son to JOHN & MARY BAKER of H’ts Ease in this District Pub’y Named THOMAS Aged 3 years.
Nov’r 6 A Dau’r to JOSEPH & SUSANNAH BURRAGE of this Harb’r Priv’y Named SARAH STREET (?)* Pub’y 12 Aug’t 1798.
*This word was heavily underlined and followed immediately after “SARAH”. - Transcriber
16 A Son to JAS. & ELIZ’H HANCOCK of this Harb’r Priv’y Named JAMES, Pub’y 28th Oct’r 1798.
Dec’r 26 A Son to JANE GREEN of this Harb’r by JOS’H HISCOCK JUN’R. (Illegitimate) Pub’y Named THOMAS Aged 8 years.
Jan’y 15 A Son to PRUDENCE POWER of this Harb’r by PHIL PARSONS (Illegitimate) Named JAMES.
27 A Son to THO’S & CHRIS’N NEWELL of this Harb’r Priv’y Named THOMAS, Pub’y. 7 Nov’r 1798.
Feb’r 3 A Dau’r to WM. & ELENOR BRITT? of this Harb’r Priv’y Na med ELENOR.
11 A Dau’r to MOR'S? & ANN MURPHY of this Harb’r Priv’y Named ELENOR
9? A Son to SAM’L THO’S & ELIZ’H FINCH of this Harb’r Priv’y Named WILLIAM GEORGE Pub’y. 4? Nov’r 1798.
10 A Dau’r to JOAN STIVY of Salmon Cove in this District by JAMES HONE* (Illegitimaty), (sic) Priv’y named ANN Aged 6 weeks, Pub’y. 29th Aug’t 1802.
April 18 A Dau’r to RACHAEL GOLDWORTHY of this Harb’r by Capt. MOSES EMMERY of Poole (Illegitimate) Priv’y named ANN.
May 3 A Dau’r to JOHN & ELIZ’H BRINE Priv’y Named SARAH Aged 6 mos? Pub’y 13th Octob’r 1799.
6 A Dau’r to JOHN & MARY GREEN of this Harb’r Priv’y Named JANE DEN (??) Pub’y 25th Aug’t 1799.
10 A Son to JOS’H & ELIZ’H IVAMY of Bona’a in this District Pub’y Named GEORGE MORLEY Aged 4?* years.
*There is a symbol immediately following ‘4’ which occurs now and then throughout these documents and may symbolize ‘approximately’ , ‘4½’, or simply ‘4+’ , meaning 4 years and some months – Transcriber
" A Dau’r to JONA’N & MARY MILLER of Bonaventure in this District Pub’y Named AMY.
" A Son to THO’S & MARY MILLER of Bonaventure in this District Pub’y Named SOLOMON.
" Baptized JAMES IVAMY of Bonaventure in this District who answered for himself Aged ?? years.
23 A Dau’r to the late JAMES & JANE IVAMY of Bonave’e in this District Pub’y Named JOAN.
June 7 A Dau’r to STEPHEN & HONORA WHITE of this Harb’r Priv’y Named SARAH Pub’y. 4 Dec’r 1800.
29 A Son to JOHN BLAND? ESQ. of Bonav’a by SARAH his spouse Pub’y Named EDW’D PARKENHAM Aged 11 months?
July 8 A Son to JOHN & ELIZ’H REX of Ship Cove in this District Priv’y Named GEORGE ??? Pub’y Nov’r 30th 1800.
15 A Dau’r to ROB’T JUN’R & ELENOR CLARK of this Harb’r, Priv’y Named ELENOR Pubic’y 17th ??? 1799.
18 A Dau’r to SARAH KEATES? by SAM'L (?) QUINN (Illegitimate) Priv’y Named MARY.
29 A Son to GEO. & ELIZ’H WELSHMAN of this Harb’r Priv’y Named JOHN Pub’y 10th Nov’r 1798.
Sep’r 21 A Dau’r to JOSEPH & ELIZ’H DURDLE of Bonavista Pub’y Named DUSTABELLA? GREEN Aged 3 y’rs.
24 A Son to CAPT. THOMAS & MARY FURNELL? of Poole Priv’y Named JOSEPH, Pub’y 7 Nov’r 1795.
28 A Son to JOHN & SARAH STREET of this Harb’r(March)* Priv’y Named JOHN Aged 9 months.
*As in document - Transcriber
Octob’r 1 A Son to GEO. & MARY PICK? of this Harb’r Priv’y Named JOHN Pub’y. 24 Sep’r 1799.
12 A Son to WM & MARY MILLER? of Bonavista in this District Pub’y Named JOHN Aged 14 weeks.
14? A Dau’r to PHIL & CATH’E MAGRATH of this Harb’r Priv’y Named MARIE DEWLAND Pub’y. 28th Oct’r 1801.
25 A Son to GEO. & JANE BARNS of Eng’h Harb’r Pub’y Named JOSEPH Aged 10 months.
30 A Dau’r to JOSEPH & ELIZ’H MOORS of this Harb’r Priv’y Named MARIA Pub’y 1st Aug’t 1801.
Here Ends Notitia
Nov’r 10 A Son to GEO. & MARY EVELY of this Harb’r Pub’y Named MATTHEW Aged 10 y’rs.
11 A Son to STEPH. SARAH HOOKEY of Bonavista in this District who answered for himself Named JOHN Aged 18 years.
22 A Son to JOHN & SARAH SPURRELL of this Harb’r Priv’y Named DAVID Pub’y 11 Nov’r 1803.
27 A Dau’r to JOS’H & MARY IVAMY of Eng’h Harb’r in this District Pub’y Named MARY Aged 18 mo’s.
Dec’y 16 A Dau’r to MATTHEW & MARY STEVENSON of this Harb’r Priv’y Named MARY.
19 A Son to JOHN & PATIENCE RANDELL of Ship Cove in this District Named WILLIAM Pub’y 6 Oct’r 1799.
24 A Son to WM. & MARY BUGDEN of this Harb’r Priv’y Named BENJAMIN Pub’y 24th Oct’r 1800.
26 Baptized JOHN WALTERS of this Harbour who answered for himself Aged *
*Age not given - Transcriber
30 A Son to ABS’M & FRANCES PHILLIPS of Kerleys Har’r in this District who answered for himself Aged 19 years.
Feb’r 9 A Dau’r to WM. & RACHAEL TAVERNER of this Harb’r Priv’y Named MARY.
18 A Son to JOSEPH & JANE TAVERNER of this Harb’r Priv’y Named JOSIAH FRAMPTON Pub’y 17 July 1803.
` 26 A Son to STEPHEN & ANN BARNS of this Harb’r Priv’y Named JOHN Pub’y 1 Jan’y 1800.
March 26 A Dau’r to GEO. & ANN COOK of this Harb’r Priv’y Named ANN Pub’y 5th April 1801.
Apr. 8 A Son to WM. & ANN TIBBS of this Harb’r Priv’y Named ROBERT Pub’y 27 Dec’r 1800.
30 A Dau’r to DAVID & ELIZ’H BAILEY of Bonaven’e Priv’y Named PATIENCE Pub’y 4th May 1800.
May 6 A Son to MATT’W & ANN ABBOTT of this Harb’r Priv’y Named WILLIAM Pub’y 3rd Aug’t 1800.
June 7 A Son to MARY MOORS of Hearts Content in this District by her late husband JOHN BAILEY of Bonav’a. Pub’y Named JOHN.
July 12 A Dau’r to the late DAV’D & CATH’E HEPDITCH of this H’r Priv’y Named CHRISTIAN.
15 A Son to THO’S & HONOR HISCOCK of this Harb’r Priv’y Named EDWARD COLLIER Pub’y 12 June 1803.
22 A Son to ELIZ’H WELLS of this Harb’r said to be MR. JOHN WAY (Illegitimate) Priv’y Named JOHN Publicly 8th June 18??.
26 A Dau’r to MARY WHITE of this Harb’r said to be CAPT WM LANDER of the Brig John of Poole (????* Priv’y Named ANN
* Something has been added here but is illegible – Transcriber
Aug’t 1 A Son to HEN’Y & MARY STONE of Bonav’a in this District Priv’y Named THOMAS. Pub’y 7th Oct’r 1801.
15 A Son to JOHN & MARTHA BANNISTER of this Harb’r who answered for himself Priv’y Named WILLIAM Pub’y 30th Oct’r 1815.
27 A Son to the late JOHN & HANNAH CLINCH Priv’y Named FREDERICK GARLAND* Pub’y 12th Nov’r 1799.
*The following note is written in very small script directly under ‘GARLAND’: “Died 4th April 1826 – Transcriber
Sept’r 11 A Dau’r to RICH’D & CATH’E SPRAGG of this Harb’r Priv’y Named SARAH Pub’y 18th March 1801.
23 A Son to JOHN & SUS’N PECKHAM of this Harb’r Priv’y Named JOHN Pub’y 9th Aug’t 1801.
Oct’r 2? A Son to CHA’S & ELIZ’H NEWHOOK of this Harb’r Priv’y Named SAMUEL? Pub’y 19th Jan’y 1806.
27 A Son to JOHN & AMY IVAMY of Bonaven’e in this District Priv’y Named JAMES Ag’d 3??
Nov’r 17 A Son to THO’S & CATHERINE WHITE of this Harb’r Public’y Named CHARLES.*
*The following note, enclosed in brackets, has been heavily written immediately beneath the above entry: ‘(Bishop White’s grandparents; (Paternal)’ Another, immediately following “CHARLES”, is: ‘F???t to Robert White – Transcriber
18 A Son to SAM’L & MARY MILLER JUN’R of Bonav’a in this District who answered for himself Named DENNIS Aged 16 years.
Here Ends the Notitia
Dec’r 20 A Dau’r to WM. & ELENOR BRITT of this Harb’r Priv’y Named HELEN
23 A Son to SAM’L & MARY MORRIS of this Harb’r Priv’y Named JOHN. Pub’y 6th July 1800.
26 A Son to JOHN & JANE BUGDEN of Eng’h Harb’r in this District, Priv’y. Named JOHN ABBOTT Aged 4 m’s.
Jan’y 1 A Son to JOHN & JANE BAILEY of Salmon Cove in this District Named JAMES Ag’d 10 Weeks. Pub’y. 20th March 1800.
" A Dau’r to EDW’D & ELIZ’H GOLDWORTHY of Salmon Cove in this District Pub’y. Named ANN Aged 8 m’s.
22 A Dau’r to JOHN & ELIZ’H BRYNE? of this Harb’r Priv’y Named DEBORAH Ag’d 4 weeks. Pub’y 20th April 1800.
March 16? A Son to JOHN & JOAN BESTON of Eng’h Harb’r in this District Pub’y. Named JAMES Aged 7 months.
" A Son to CAPT. JOSEPH & SUSANNAH BURRAGE Priv’y Named JOHN, Pub’y 21 June 1801
26 A Dau’r to WM. & CATH’E SWEETLAND of Eng’h Harb’r in this District Pub’y. Named MARTHA Aged 16 months.
April 3 A Dau’r to JOHN & MARY WISEMAN of this Harb’r Priv’y Named HANNAH, Pub’y 9th Nov’r 1801.
9 A Son to ROB’T & ELIZ’H STONE of this Harb’r Priv’y Named ROBERT.
10 A Son to THO’S & ELIZ’H FOWLOW? of this Harb’r Priv’y Named THOMAS. Pub’y 17th Jan’y 1801.
30 A Dau’r to SAM’L JUN’R & MARTHA MILLER of Bona’a in this District Priv’y Named PATIENCE Aged 3 months.
May 4 A Dau’r to RICH’D & MARY WOOLRIDGE of this Harb’r Priv’y Named MARY HISCOCK Pub’y 14th Dec’r 1800.
15 A Son to SAM’L & ELIZ’H FINCH of this Harb’r. Priv’y Named JOHN THOMAS, Pub’y 21st Oct’r 1800.
18 A Dau’r to JOHN & MARY BAKER of Hearts Ease in this District Pub’y Named ELIZABETH Aged 3 months.
24 A Dau’r to JONA’N & MARY MILLER of Bona’a in this District Pub’y. Named GRACE Aged 7 months.
26 A Dau’r to GEO. & SARAH CUTLER of this Harb’r Priv’y Named HANNAH. Pub’y. 11th Nov’r 1805.
27 A Dau’r to WM. THO’S READ? Agent to Benj’m Lest??? by his Spouse ANN. Priv’y Named HARRIETT, Pub’y. 31 July 1800.
June 4 A Dau’r to SILENCE? SENOX? by GEO. POTTLE* (Illegitimately) Priv’y Named MARY.
9 A Son to JOAN STIVY? of Salmon Cove by JAMES HONE. Priv’y Named JAMES, (Illegitimate) Pub’y 23rd Oct’r 1803?
12 A Son to CHAS. & GRACE HODDER Riders Harb’r in this District Pub’y Named CHARLES Aged 3 m’s.
15 A Dau’r to JOHN & SUSAN CASHMAN of this Harb’r Priv’y Named BIDDY.(??)
July 16 A Son to MARY HUNT of this Harb’r by JAMES KEEF B. LESTER Esq’e (Illegitimate) Priv’y Named AARON.
20 A Son to SAM’L & JOYCE SHORT of this Harb’r Pub’y Named JOHN.
22 A Son to THO’S & SARAH MC’GRATH of this Harb’r Priv’y GEORGE.
31 A Son and two Dau’rs to THO’S READ agent to Mary Lester Esq’e, by his spouse ANN Pub’y. Named: THOMAS Aged 4 y’rs 6 months AMY Aged 16 months HARRIET Aged 2 months
Aug. 22 A Dau’r to ANN DEGRIESH? of this Harb’r by BARTH’W MC’DONALD Serv’t with Wm. Fleet (Illegitimate) Priv’y Named MARGARET.
28 A Son to ELIZ’H WHITE of this Harb’r by JOHN HALL, Master of the Brig Chamon, belong’g to B. Lester Esq’e, (Illegitimate) Priv’y Named JOHN.
Oct’r 14 A Dau’r to MATT’W & MARY STEVENSON of this Harb’r Named RUTH TRISTRAM.
" A Son to RICH’D & FLORA RYAN of this Harb’r, Priv’y Named EDWARD.
15 A Dau’r to JOHN & ELIZ’H HISCOCK of Bonaventure in this District Pub’y Named SUSANNAH Aged 6 m’s.
Nov’r 13 A Son to JOS’H & MARY IVAMY of E. Harb’r, in this District Pub’y Named JOSEPH Aged 12 months.
18 A Dau’r to SARAH BANNISTER (by THO’S LENNARD Serv’t to Benj’m Lester Esq’e) Illegitimately, Priv’y Named MARY.
19 A Son to JASPER & SARAH PIERCEY of this Harb’r, Priv’y Named JAMES, Pub’y 17th March 1801.
20 A Dau’r to JA’S & ELIZ’H HANCOCK of this Harb’r Priv’y Named SARAH Aged 6 weeks, Pub’y 19th March 1801.
26 A Son to JOHN & JANE MEAGHER of this Harb’r Priv’y Named EDWARD, Pub’y 20th Oct’r 1801.
Dec’r 14 A Son to THO’S & SIBORA? JANES of this Harb’r Priv’y Named WILLIAM.
21 A Son to ROB’T JUN’R & ELENOR CLARK of this Harb’r Priv’y Named THOMAS, Pub’y. 29th Oct’r 1801.
Transcribed by Gordon Bennett (February 2004)
Page Revised: February 2004 (Don Tate)
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