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Massachusetts Sheriff's Records
Excerpt of Newfoundlanders
Source of Information FamilySearch There is no name index to these files, nor are they digitized online. However, beginning in 1864 each person's birthplace was included along with their place of residence making it possible to identify individuals who were born in Newfoundland. A number of birthplaces were listed though as merely St. Johns making it difficult to confirm that the intended birthplace was St. John's, Newfoundland and not St. John, New Brunswick. The majority of those were not transcribed. |
No. | Name | Residence | Born | Color | Age | Sex | Height | Condition | When Committed | Offence | Authority | Sentence | When Discharged | How Discharged | Lenght of Sentence | Image |
92 | James Scott | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 23 | Male | 5.3 1/2 | Laborer | Feb 19, 1864 | Larceny | Police Court | Trial | March 14, 1864 | Sent to Court & Not Returned | 277 | |
817 | Catharine Carney | Boston | St. John's NF | White | 34 | Female | Servant | May 11, 1864 | Drunkenness | Police Court | Fine & Costs | May 24, 1864 | Poor Convict by P. Court | 13 Days | 282 | |
2020 | Robert Davis | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 19 | Male | 5.2 | Teamster | Sept 26, 1864 | Assault & Battery | Police Court | 1 mo. Jail | Oct 26, 1864 | Expiration of Sentence | 1 mo. | 358 |
2191 | Peter Scott | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 9 | Male | 5 | Minor | Oct 17, 1864 | Assault & Battery | Police Court | 7 days jail | Oct 24, 1864 | Expiration of Sentence | 7 ds | 365 |
2484 | William Hartry | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 23 | Male | 5.10 3/4 | Currier | Nov 21, 1864 | Larceny | Police Court | Triial | Dec 15, 1864 | Sent to Court & Not Returned | 378 | |
4607 | Mary Fitzgerald | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 48 | Female | Servant | Jul 17, 1865 | Larceny | Police Court | Fine & Costs | Aug 10, 1865 | Poor Convict by Police Court | 21 ds | 471 | |
4624 | Thomas Thompson | Boston | St. Johns | White | 38 | Male | 5.6 3/4 | Mason | Jul 18, 1865 | Drunkenness | Police Court | Fine & Costs | Jul 27, 1865 | Poor Convict by Police Court | 9 ds | 472 |
5040 | Catherine Butler | Boston | St. Johns | White | 45 | Female | House Work | Aug 15, 1865 | Drunkenness | Police Court | Fine & Costs | Aug 24, 1865 | Poor Convict by Police Court | 9 ds | 490 | |
987 | William Huneby | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 24 | Male | 5.8 3/4 | Harness Maker | Dec 6, 1865 | Drunkenness | Police Court | Fine & Costs | Dec 14, 1865 | Poor Convict by Police Court | 8 ds | 563 |
1090 | Nicholas McKee | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 40 | Male | 5.7 3/4 | Laborer | Dec 16, 1865 | Larceny | Police Court | Fine & Costs | Jan 18, 1866 | Poor Convict by Police Court | 33 ds | 568 |
1191 | William Umby | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 26 | Male | 5.9 | Harness Maker | Dec 26, 1865 | Breaking & Entering | Police Court | Trial | Jan 12, 1866 | Sent to States Prison | 5 yrs | 578 |
1894 | Jennie Thompson | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 27 | Female | Wife | Mar 3, 1866 | Drunkenness | Police Court | Fine & Costs | Mar 15, 1866 | Poor Convict by Police Court | 12 ds | 608 | |
1895 | William Voss | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 13 | Male | Minor | Mar 3, 1866 | Larceny | Police Court | Examination | Mar 5, 1866 | Sent to Court & Not Returned | 608 | ||
2274 | William Thompson | Cambridge | Newfoundland | White | 27 | Male | 5.7 | Cooper | Mar 28, 1866 | Drunkenness | Police Court | Fine & Costs | Apr 4, 1866 | Poor Convict by Police Court | 7 ds | 623 |
2393 | Jenny Thompson | Boston | St. Johns | White | 27 | Female | Wife | Apr 6, 1866 | Drunkenness | Police Court | Fine & Costs | Apr 26, 1866 | Poor Convict by Police Court | 20 ds | 628 | |
2633 | William J. Hickey | St. Johns | St. Johns | White | 27 | Male | 5.1 | Seaman | Apr 26, 1866 | Witness | Police Court | Trial | May 15, 1866 | Order Superior Court | 639 | |
3066 | Catherine Carney | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 35 | Female | Servant | May 26, 1866 | Larceny | Police Court | Fine & Costs | Aug 24, 1866 | Expiration term Sentence | 90 ds | 654 | |
3019 | Cornelius Kenney | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 28 | Male | 5.7 | Laborer | May 28, 1866 | Drunkenness | Police Court | Fine & Costs | Jun 27, 1866 | Expiration term Sentence | 30 ds | 655 |
3245 | William O. Donald | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 27 | Male | 5.5 | Carpenter | June 18, 1866 | Drunkenness | Police Court | Fine & Costs | Jul 2, 1866 | Poor Convict by Mun. Court | 14 ds | 665 |
3987 | Catherine Carney | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 40 | Female | Wife | Aug 27, 1866 | Drunkenness | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Sept 6, 1866 | Poor Convict by P. Court | 10 ds | 696 | |
4007 | Thomas Casbion | St. Johns | Newfoundland | White | 49 | Male | 5.7 | Aug 29, 1866 | Witness | Municipal Court | Examination | (See 4007 of Sept 3d) | 697 | |||
4007 | Thomas Casbion | St. Johns | Newfoundland | White | 49 | Male | 5.7 | Sept 3, 1866 | Witness | Municipal Court | Trial | Sept 28, 1866 | Discharded [sic]by Order of Court | 699 | ||
4134 | Ann Murphy alias | Boston | St. Johns, Newf | White | 40 | Female | Servant | Sept 12, 1866 | Drunkenness | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Oct 22, 1866 | Expiration term Sentence | 40 ds | 702 | |
4353 | Martin Kelley | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 20 | Male | 5.7 1/4 | Seaman | Oct 1, 1866 | Larceny | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Nov 10, 1866 | Expiration term Sentence | 40 ds | 712 |
4494 | John Kennedy | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 24 | Male | 5.3 1/2 | Seaman | Oct 16, 1866 | Witness | U.S. Court | Trial | Nov 8, 1866 | Sent to Court & Not Returned | 718 | |
191 | Ellen Murphy | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 40 | Male [sic] | Wife | Oct 23, 1866 | Drunkenness | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Dec 1, 1866 | Expiration term Sentence | 40 ds | 720 | |
260 | Daniel Sullivan | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 28 | Male | 5.6 1/4 | Laborer | Oct 31, 1866 | Drunkenness | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Nov 1, 1866 | Paid Fine & Costs | 723 | |
146 | John Kennedy | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 24 | Male | 5.3 1/2 | Seaman | Nov 8, 1866 | Witness | U. S. Comm__ | Trial | Nov 10, 1866 | Sent to Court & Not Returned | 727 | |
567 | Ellen Murphy | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 40 | Female | Servant | Dec 3, 1866 | Drunkenness | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Jan 12, 1867 | Expiration term Sentence | 40 ds | 736 | |
581 | William O. St. Johns | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 30 | Male | 5.6 1/2 | Publisher | Dec 3, 1866 | Forgery | Municipal Court | Trial | (See 591 of Jan 29) | 736 | ||
828 | Patrick Ford | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 14 | Male | Minor | Dec 27, 1866 | Attempt at Larceny | Municipal Court | Examination | (See 829 of Dec 28) | 747 | |||
829 | Patrick Ford | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 14 | Male | Minor | Dec 27, 1866 | Attempt at Larceny | Municipal Court | Examination | (See 829 of Dec 28) | 748 | |||
829 | Patrick Ford | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 14 | Male | Minor | Dec 28, 1866 | Larceny | Municipal Court | Trial | Jan 22, 1867 | Sent to N. B. S. R. School | 749 | ||
581 | William O. St. Johns | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 30 | Male | 5.6 1/2 | Publisher | Jan 29, 1867 | Forgery | Superior Court | Costs | Jan 31, 1867 | Paid Costs | 760 | |
1245 | John Moakler | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 26 | Male | 5.8 1/2 | Laborer | Feb 16, 1867 | Drunkenness | Municipal Court | Trial appl | Mar 11, 1867 | Bailed on Probation | 766 | |
1400 | Stephen Cleroney | Charlestown | Newfoundland | White | 34 | Male | 5.9 | Cooper | Mar 4, 1867 | Drunkenness | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Mar 5, 1867 | Paid Fine & Costs | 772 | |
1969 | Titus Bent | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 50 | Male | 5.10 | Seaman | May 1, 1867 | Drunkenness | Municipal Ct | Fine & Costs | May 1, 1867 | Paid Fine & Costs | 799 | |
2352 | Keyran Butler | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 32 | Male | 5.5 | Carpenter | Jun 8, 1867 | Larceny | Municipal Ct | Fine & Costs | July 18, 1867 | Expiration Sentence | 40 ds | 815 |
Source of Information FamilySearch There is no name index to these files, nor are they digitized online. However, beginning in 1864 each person's birthplace was included along with their place of residence making it possible to identify individuals who were born in Newfoundland. A number of birthplaces were listed though as merely St. Johns making it difficult to confirm that the intended birthplace was St. John's, Newfoundland and not St. John, New Brunswick. The majority of those were not transcribed. |
No. | Name | Residence | Born | Color | Age | Sex | Height | Condition | When Committed | Offence | Authority | Sentence | When Discharged | How Discharged | Lenght of Sentence | Image |
2738 | Patrick Granville | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 22 | Male | 5.5.1/2 | Cooper | July 19, 1867 | Drunkenness | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Aug 1, 1859 | Poor Convict by M. Court | 18 | |
2995 | Thomas Brannon | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 22 | Male | 5.1 3/4 | Musician | Aug 15, 1867 | House of Ill Fame | Superior Court | Trial | Aug 19, 1867 | Recognd before J. Homer | 30 | |
3123 | John Kelley | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 23 | Male | 5.6 | Laborer | Aug 29, 1867 | Larceny | Municipal Court | Trial | Sept 14, 1867 | Sent to House of Corrections | 3 yrs | 37 |
Source of Information FamilySearch There is no name index to these files, nor are they digitized online. However, beginning in 1864 each person's birthplace was included along with their place of residence making it possible to identify individuals who were born in Newfoundland. A number of birthplaces were listed though as merely St. Johns making it difficult to confirm that the intended birthplace was St. John's, Newfoundland and not St. John, New Brunswick. The majority of those were not transcribed. |
No. | Name | Residence | Born | Color | Age | Sex | Height | Condition | When Committed | Offence | Authority | Sentence | When Discharged | How Discharged | Lenght of Sentence | Image |
256 | John Tobin | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 20 | Male | 5.7 1/2 | Seaman | Oct 28, 1867 | Drunkenness | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Nov 7, 1867 | Poor Convict by M. Court | 10 ds | 67 |
779 | David Doran | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 37 | Male | 5.7 1/2 | Fisherman | Dec 19, 1867 | Drunkenness | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Dec 19, 1867 | Paid Fine & Costs | 90 | |
826 | Philip Butler | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 27 | Male | 5.5 1/2 | Carpenter | Dec 23, 1867 | Drunkenness | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Jan 2, 1868 | Poor Convict by M. Court | 10 ds | 92 |
1394 | Thomas Powers | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 19 | Male | 5.6 1/2 | Tinsmith | Feb 19, 1868 | Larceny | Municipal Court | Jail | Mar 19, 1868 | Expiration Sentence | 1 mo | 118 |
1972 | Richard Powers | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 39 | Male | 5.9 | Seaman | Apr 13, 1868 | Assault & Battery | Municipal Court | Trial | Apr 19, 1868 | Recog. before J. G. Locke | 143 | |
2457 | John Hatrick | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 30 | Male | 5.7 1/2 | Seaman | June 4, 1868 | Assault & Battery | Municipal Court | Jail | June 18, 1868 | Expiration Sentence | 2 weeks | 164 |
2535 | George Doran | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 17 | Male | 5.4 | Minor | June 12, 1868 | Larceny | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | July 22, 1868 | Expiration Sentence | 40 ds | 167 |
3303 | Daniel Sullivan | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 28 | Male | 5.6 | Laborer | Aug 26, 1868 | Assault & Battery | Municipal Court | Peace Fine & Costs | Aug 27, 1868 | Paid Fine & Costs & Recognized | 201 | |
3320 | James Breen | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 16 | Male | 5.4 | Minor | Aug 29, 1868 | Breaking & Entering | Municipal Court | Trial | Sept 21, 1868 | Bailed on Probation | 202 | |
91 | William O'Donnell | Cambridge | Newfoundland | White | 30 | Male | 5.5 | Carpenter | Oct 8, 1868 | Drunkenness | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Oct 22, 1868 | Poor Convict by M. Court | 14 ds | 222 |
131 | William Sullivan | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 22 | Male | 5.6 1/2 | Laborer | Oct 12, 1868 | Drunkenness | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Oct 22, 1868 | Poor Convict by M. Court | 10 ds | 225 |
386 | John Kennedy | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 22 | Male | 5.9 | Seaman | Nov 2, 1868 | Drunkenness | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Nov 3, 1868 | Paid Fine & Costs | 235 | |
428 | John Flynn | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 25 | Male | 5.5 3/4 | Tailor | Nov 7, 1868 | Drunkenness | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Nov 19, 1868 | Poor Convict by M. Court | 12 ds | 237 |
846 | Nicholas McKee | Boston | St. John's, NL | White | 44 | Male | 5.9 | Seaman | Dec 15, 1868 | Drunkenness | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Dec 31, 1868 | Poor Convict by M. Court | 16 ds | 255 |
885 | Patrick Farren | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 16 | Male | 5 | None | Dec 17, 1868 | Larceny | Municipal Court | Examination | Dec 19, 1868 | Sent to Court & Not Returned | 257 | |
898 | William Welsh | Gloucester | Newfoundland | White | 43 | Male | 5.11 1/2 | Seaman | Dec 18, 1868 | Assault | US Commissioner | Trial | Dec 21, 1868 | Sent to Court & Not Returned | 257 | |
964 | John Forey | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 17 | Male | 5.6 | Laborer | Dec 23, 1868 | Assault & Battery | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Feb 1, 1869 | Expiration Sentence | 40 ds | 260 |
975 | John Saddler | Newfoundland | Newfoundland | White | 38 | Male | 5.9 1/2 | Cooper | Dec 24, 1868 | Drunkenness | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Jan 7, 1869 | Poor Convict by M. Court | 14 ds | 261 |
1047 | William Barry | Providence | Newfoundland | White | 37 | Male | 5.3 1/4 | Tailor | Dec 29, 1868 | Drunkenness | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Jan 14, 1869 | Poor Convict by M. Court | 16 ds | 264 |
1601 | Robert Davis | Boston | St. John's, NFL | White | 20 | Male | 5.8 1/2 | Seaman | Feb 10, 1869 | Assault & Battery | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | May 10, 1869 | Expiration Sentence | 90 ds | 288 |
1728 | Jonathan Cane | Newfoundland | Newfoundland | White | 33 | Male | 5.7 | Seaman | Feb 20, 1869 | Witness | US Commissioner | Trial | Apr 2, 1869 | Sent to Court & Not Returned | 293 | |
2163 | Charles Wilson | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 28 | Male | 5.8 | Seaman | Mar 25, 1869 | Drunkenness | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Mar 29, 1869 | Paid Fine & Costs | 312 |
Source of Information FamilySearch There is no name index to these files, nor are they digitized online. However, beginning in 1864 each person's birthplace was included along with their place of residence making it possible to identify individuals who were born in Newfoundland. A number of birthplaces were listed though as merely St. Johns making it difficult to confirm that the intended birthplace was St. John's, Newfoundland and not St. John, New Brunswick. The majority of those were not transcribed. |
No. | Name | Residence | Born | Color | Age | Sex | Height | Occupation/ Condition |
When Committed | Offence | Authority | Sentence | When Discharged | How Discharged | Lenght of Sentence | Image |
2561 | Patrick Keefe | Newfoundland | St. Johns | White | 22 | Male | 5.9 | Seaman | Apr 24, 1869 | Witness with seaman John McKenna of Fitchburg, Mass. to Case 2567 - Seaman James Frazier, Boston | Surrendered by Bail | Trial | May 11, 1869 | By Order Superior Court | 334 | |
2569 | Daniel Curtis | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 31 | Male | 5.4 3/4 | Seaman | Apr 24, 1869 | Drunkenness | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Apr 26, 1869 | Paid Fine & Costs | 335 | |
3504 | Edward Powers | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 38 | Male | 5.9 1/2 | Cooper | Jul 19, 1869 | Drunkenness | Municipal Court | Trial Appeal | Aug 3, 1869 | Recognd before J. Homer Esqr | 374 | |
4234 | Edward Burns | New York | Newfoundland | White | 21 | Male | 5.3 | Seaman | Sept 15, 1869 | Violating US Neutrality Law | US Commissioner | Trial | Sept 18, 1869 | Sent to Court & Not Returned | 406 | |
58 | James Donovan | Newfoundland | Newfoundland | White | 24 | Male | 5.5 1/4 | Seaman | Oct 5, 1869 | Drunkenness | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Oct 21, 1869 | Poor Convict by M. Court | 16 ds | 421 |
119 | William Lyons | Newfoundland | Newfoundland | White | 26 | Male | 5.6 | Seaman | Oct 9, 1869 | Drunkenness | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Oct 21, 1869 | Poor Convict by M. Court | 12 ds | 424 |
159 | Joseph Leary | Boston | N. Foundland | White | 29 | Male | 5.7 1/2 | Seaman | Oct 12, 1869 | Drunkenness | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Oct 18, 1869 | Paid Fine & Costs | 425 | |
174 | James Cummings | Newfoundland | Newfoundland | White | 22 | Male | 5.8 | Seaman | Oct 14, 1869 | Drunkenness | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Oct 28, 1869 | Poor Convict by M. Court | 14 ds | 426 |
298 | James Breen | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 16 | Male | 5.5 | Minor | Oct 22, 1869 | Larceny | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Dec 1, 1869 | Expiration Sentence | 40 ds | 431 |
564 | Thomas O'Brien | Newfoundland | Newfoundland | White | 21 | Male | 5.5 | Seaman | Nov 10, 1869 | Drunkenness | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Nov 25, 1869 | Poor Convict by M. Court | 15 ds | 443 |
1473 | John Curry | Newfoundland | Newfoundland | White | 44 | Male | 5.9 1/2 | Seaman | Jan 10, 1870 | Drunkenness | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Jan 13, 1870 | Paid Fine & Costs | 482 | |
1380 | Mary Connolly als. | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 26 | Female | Wife | Feb 8, 1870 | Assault & Battery | Municipal Court | Examination | Feb 10, 1870 | Sent to Court & Not Returned | 500 | ||
2013 | John McGuire | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 18 | Male | Minor | Feb 17, 1870 | Larceny | Southern District Court | Fine & Costs | Mar 19, 1870 | Expiration Sentence | 30 ds | 505 | |
2162 | Dennis Murphy | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 40 | Male | 5.5 | Cooper | Feb 28, 1870 | Drunkenness | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Mar 10, 1870 | Poor Convict by M. Court | 10 ds | 512 |
2198 | James McDonald | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 32 | Male | 5.9 | Seaman | Mar 3, 1870 | Witness 2199 (Larceny) | Municipal Court | Examination | Mar 4, 1870 | Recognd before J. Homer | 513 | |
2227 | Dennis Hurley | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 36 | Male | 5.6 | Seaman | Mar 5, 1870 | Assault & Battery | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Apr 4, 1870 | Expiration Sentence | 30 ds | 514 |
2228 | John Hurley | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 67 | Male | 5.6 1/2 | Fisherman | Mar 5, 1870 | Assault & Battery | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Apr 4, 1870 | Expiration Sentence | 30 ds | 515 |
2398 | John Bryan | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 19 | Male | 5.3 | Fisherman | Mar 18, 1870 | Drunkenness | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Mar 31, 1870 | Poor Convict by M. Court | 13 ds | 522 |
3000 | John Ford | Arlington | Newfoundland | White | 40 | Male | 5.9 1/2 | Tailor | May 3, 1870 | Drunkenness | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | May 12, 1870 | Poor Convict by M. Court | 9 ds | 548 |
3150 | Robert Davis | South Boston | St. Johns, N.F. | White | 21 | Male | 5.9 | Teamster | May 14, 1870 | Assault & Battery | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | May 26, 1870 | Paid Fine & Costs | 554 | |
4133 | Lawrence Roach | South Boston | Newfoundland | White | 43 | Male | 5.7 | Laborer | Aug 3, 1870 | Drunkenness | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Aug 4, 1870 | Paid Fine & Costs | 597 | |
4309 | Martin Powers | Boston | N. Foundland | White | 16 | Male | 5.7 | Minor | Aug 16, 1870 | Assault & Battery | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Sept 24, 1870 | Expiration Sentence | 40 ds | 605 |
4577 | James O'Brien | Cape Ann | Newfoundland | White | 40 | Male | 5.8 1/2 | Boot Maker | Sept 5, 1870 | Drunkenness | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Sept 15, 1870 | Poor Convict by M. Court | 10 ds | 616 |
Source of Information FamilySearch There is no name index to these files, nor are they digitized online. However, beginning in 1864 each person's birthplace was included along with their place of residence making it possible to identify individuals who were born in Newfoundland. A number of birthplaces were listed though as merely St. Johns making it difficult to confirm that the intended birthplace was St. John's, Newfoundland and not St. John, New Brunswick. The majority of those were not transcribed. |
No. | Name | Residence | Born | Color | Age | Sex | Height | Occupation/ Condition |
When Committed | Offence | Authority | Sentence or Otherwise | When Discharged | How Discharged | Lenght of Sentence | Image |
4651 | Charles McCarty | Newfoundland | Newfoundland | White | 25 | Male | 5.7 1/4 | Seaman | Sept 12, 1870 | Assault & Battery | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Oct 22, 1870 | Expiration Sentence | 40 ds | 624 |
4653 | Daniel Sanders | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 23 | Male | 5.8 1/4 | Seaman | Sept 12, 1870 | Assault & Battery | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Oct 22, 1870 | Expiration Sentence | 40 ds | 624 |
4739 | Michael Kennedy | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 27 | Male | 5.6 | Seaman | Sept 17, 1870 | Witness vs 3742 [Patrick Fortune of So. Boston for Larceny] | Municipal Court | Examination | Sept 20, 1870 | Sent to Court & Not Returned | 628 | |
203 | William O'Donnell | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 25 | Male | 5.5 | Seaman | Oct 13, 1870 | Witness | US Commissioner | Trial | Oct 19, 1870 | Sent to Court & Not Returned | 646 | |
279 | Henry Stevens | Halifax | Newfoundland | White | 19 | Male | 5.7 1/2 | Seaman | Oct 17, 1870 | Witness | US Commissioner | Trial | Oct 31, 1870 | Sent to Court & Not Returned | 649 | |
325 | John Haggerty | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 24 | Male | 5.6 1/2 | Milkman | Oct 21, 1870 | Malicious Mischief | Municipal Court | Trial | Oct 21, 1870 | Recog. Before R. J. Burbank | 651 | |
430 | Frank J. Ferguson | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 14 | Male | Minor | Oct 29, 1870 | Stealing a Ride | Probate Judge | Trial | Oct 31, 1870 | Delivered to Deputy Sheriff Martin | 656 | ||
679 | Sandy Dimon | South Boston | Newfoundland | White | 23 | Male | 5.7 1/2 | Fisherman | Nov 14, 1870 | Drunkenness | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Nov 23, 1870 | Poor Convict by M. Court | 9 ds | 666 |
803 | John Flaherty | South Boston | Newfoundland | White | 45 | Male | 5.6 1/2 | Carpenter | Nov 25, 1870 | Larceny | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Dec 24, 1870 | Paid Fine & Costs | 672 | |
952 | James O'Brien | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 38 | Male | 5.8 | Tailor | Dec 5, 1870 | Drunkenness | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Dec 15, 1870 | Poor Convict by M. Court | 10 ds | 678 |
967 | David Caldron | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 25 | Male | 5.6 | Painter | Dec 6, 1870 | Drunkenness | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Dec 22, 1870 | Poor Convict by M. Court | 16 ds | 678 |
1041 | Mark Ryan | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 23 | Male | 5.4 1/2 | Seaman | Dec 12, 1870 | Drunkenness | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Dec 22, 1870 | Poor Convict by M. Court | 10 ds | 681 |
1128 | Nicholas McGee | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 42 | Male | 5.8 | Laborer | Dec 19, 1870 | Drunkenness | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Dec 29, 1870 | Poor Convict by M. Court | 10 ds | 685 |
1175 | David Wilson | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 38 | Male | 5.8 1/4 | Tailor | Dec 21, 1870 | Drunkenness | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Jan 5, 1871 | Poor Convict by M. Court | 15 ds | 687 |
2495 | John J. Cullen | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 25 | Male | 5.3 1/4 | Laborer | Apr 3, 1871 | Drunkenness | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | Apr 13, 1871 | Poor Convict by M. Court | 10 ds | 744 |
2902 | Anne Balltine | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 24 | Female | Wife | May 6, 1871 | Larceny | Municipal Court | Trial | June 17, 1871 | Bailed on Probation | 765 | ||
3627 | John P. Kelly | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 39 | Male | 5.8 1/2 | Cooper | July 1, 1871 | Drunkenness | Municipal Court | Fine & Costs | July 13, 1871 | Poor Convict by M. Court | 12 ds | 796 |
3750 | Minnie Pendergast | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 22 | Female | Servant | July 10, 1871 | Assault & Battery | Municipal Court | Examination | July 18, 1871 | Sent to Court. See #3750 July 18, 1871 | 801 | ||
3750 | Minnie Pendergast | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 22 | Female | Servant | July 18, 1871 | Assault & Battery | Municipal Court | Examination | July 19, 1871 | Sent to M. Court. Not Returned | 807 | ||
3750 | Minnie Pendergast | Boston | Newfoundland | White | 22 | Female | Servant | July 19, 1871 | Assault & Battery | Municipal Court | Trial | July 19, 1871 | Recog. Before J. Homer Esq. | 807 |
Translated and Contributed by Ed Galvin (2023)
Page Revised by Craig Peterman (November 30, 2023)
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