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Jan. 5, 1889 | ||
Advertisement Notre Dame Jewellery Store - John LAMB, Watchmaker and Jeweller, Little Bay Mines. In thanking my many friends for their past patronage, would beg a continuance of the same, having had fifteen years experience in the above lines, eight of which have been spent in Green Bay, so I now feel confident to give my customers every satisfaction. Having procured a first class workman from Sweden as my assistant, I can now guarantee satisfaction as good if not better than can be procured in any other part of the Island. Be good enough to call and give me a trial, and then you will be the best judges. Work of all kinds done in first class style, and executed with neatness and dispatch. I would advise my many friends not to have their clocks or watches tampered with by jobbers or inexperienced workman, as it would be the means of saving much expense. Pianos tuned. Accordions and Concertinas neatly repaired, also jewellery repaired and ready for order. N.B.- If your watches or clocks cannot be repaired in L. Bay it is useless to try elsewhere Advertisement W.H. HORWOOD Barrister-at-Law, Solicitor &c. Address: Home Industries Society Hall, Duckworth Street, St. John's" A Note of Thanks Dear Mr. Editor - The Committee of the Methodist Bazaar, desire through the medium of your valuable paper, to thank the managing committee for the use of the Hall; also, all the Societies using the same, for giving up their respective nights of meeting (without any charge) for the purpose of holding the Bazaar. The Committee take this opportunity of thanking you, Mr. Editor, for printing, and other help rendered in our behalf. And to all who in any way contributed to the success of our sale, we wish a Happy New Year. In behalf of Committee, S. S. FREEMAN, President. Twillingate, Jan 1st, 1889. Cruelty to Animals Dear Sir - Allow me to call attention of the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, (if not yet organised) to the shameful sight which met the gaze of those who visited the steamer Conscript on her arrival this afternoon. A fine black horse, which had been shipped from St. John's, in a box on deck, exposed to the frost and dashing spray, had at length been overcome and lay perishing on the deck and probably ere this, is dead. We would suggest that next trip, the shipper of the poor animal should be lashed to the foremast, and let take his chances at this inclement season, on a trip from St. John's to Little Bay. However, we protest against such inhumanity as shipping animals on deck in winter season, as was the case the last two trips of Conscript. Yours etc, Humanity. Items from Southern Correspondent Large numbers of people from this neighbourhood have been leaving their homes for Canada and the States. A few weeks ago sixty men left Carbonear in a single morning Items from Southern Correspondent Heart's Content recently held a public meeting to advocate extension of the railway system from Carbonear to that town. The three members for Trinity Bay were present Items from Southern Correspondent The construction of the Placentia Railroad is rapidly approaching completion. The work is spoken of very highly Items from Southern Correspondent The guardians of the public peace here, have been busily employed lately in making raids on the shebeens. At Harbor Grace, I was informed that last week, £70 was collected in fines. So strictly is the law carried out that persons entering any of the suspected shops are arrested and put on oath as to the purpose for which said shops were visited. An amusing incident recently occurred in connection with those raids. A policeman entered a shebeen and found a number of persons drinking. A panic ensued, and there was a general stampede. The transgressor of the law, on being brought before the magistrate, pleaded that he was merely entertaining a few friends. The Judge duly remarked he thought it a strange way to entertain friends, when the said friends tried to hide themselves and their drinking utensils away, on the approach of a constable. It is needless to say such a flimsy excuse was proved inadmissible. At Carbonear also, energetic measures are being taken to stamp out the evil. One woman who refuses to pay the fine very properly imposed, has had a barrel of sugar and chest of tea seized, which might be sold by auction. It is a scandal to us as an enlightened community, that while we build our churches, with all their means and appliances for the encouragement of virtue, we permit men and women to open their shebeen for the encouragement of vice. Missionary Meeting (Part 1) We have just concluded a most successful series of meetings in connection with the Missionary Society of the Methodist Church. The meetings were characterised by large congregations, a spirit of deep interest and enthusiasm, and increasing liberality. At the Financial District Meeting held in September, Revs. S. MATTHEWS (Heart's Content), E. TAYLOR (Hant's Harbour), H. SCOTT (Green's Harbor) and the writer, were appointed as the Deputation for Heart's Content, Scilly Cove, and Hant's Harbor Missionary Meetings. The first meeting was held at the famous little Cable town on Monday evening, November 26. The beautiful night drew together an audience which completely filled the neat little Church, which is too small for present accommodation. Steps are being taken however to enlarge it, and to build a much needed basement for Sabbath school purposes, plans for which have been kindly furnished by Mr. DICKINSON, one of the leading members of the Anglo-American T. Co's staff. One pleasing and noticeable feature in our meeting was the number of Episcopalians present. We could wish that such a spirit of unanimity were more generally manifested. Missionary Meeting (Part 2) B. PENNER, Esq., J.P., presided. As through unforeseen circumstances, Revs. Messrs., TAYLOR and SCOTT failed to put in an appearance, the resident Minister and your correspondent, with A.A. THOMPSON, Esq., a brother of the esteemed editor of the Sun, were the only speakers. Mr. THOMPSON, in an eloquent speech, described this not only as the age of great discoveries but also as the Golden-age of 'missions'. We were much pleased with the really good congregational singing led by Mrs. EARLE, the accomplished organist. To our mind a service with cold and lifeless singing is sadly marred. The collection taken up on the occasion was a good one, and will not be behind last year. On the following day, (Tuesday) we had a drive of six miles to Scilly Cove, passing en route the pretty little village of New Perlican. The weather was most unpropitious, but this did not prevent a large congregation from well filling the Church at the night meeting. Here also the Church has become too small for the people and efforts are being made towards enlargement. The settlement is of fair size as the last Census gives the number of inhabitants as 759. Judging from the immense flakes scattered about, the fishery must at one time have been carried on to a large extent. Missionary Meeting (Part 3) On Wednesday evening, Nov. 23, a very successful meeting was held at Hant's Harbor, when addresses were delivered by the Chairman, Mr. PIPPY and the deputation; Revs S. MATTHEWS and J.W. VICKERS. At Hant's Harbor, where we had a good and commodious mission house and a large Church which is well attended, poverty is sadly prevalent among the people. Our Missionary anniversary in Carbonear circuit was a most successful one; and we are hoping our receipts, notwithstanding the destitution in our midst, will be equal to, if not in advance of last year. On Sunday, December 2nd, special sermons were preached in our North Side Church as follows: in the morning by Rev. James PINCOCK of Western Bay, who preached a thoroughly earnest, evangelical and practical discourse from the words ""Go, and do likewise." The preacher forcibly contrasted the beautiful nature of Christian service, with the formality and hypocrisy of the Priests and Levites, showing that the imperative duty of the Church was to imitate the example of Christ, the centre of all good, by [illegible] to raise fallen humanity, and so evangelise the world. At night, Rev George PAINE of Cupids preached from the text: ""Thy will be done." The sermon, which occupied an hour in its delivery, is spoken of as a masterly and eloquent one. Missionary Meeting (Part 4) Sermons were also preached at Harbor Grace. Our first meeting in this part of the Bay was held at Freshwater, on Monday evening December 3rd. There was a good audience present though the weather was inclement. Rev. John GOODISON, Chairman of the District, who will be well remembered by many in the Northern metropolis, presided. The annual report, which showed a gratifying increase, was read by the Pastor, Rev. Jabez HILL. Addresses were also delivered by Revs. J. PINCOCK, J.W. VICKERS, G. PAINE, and T.H. JAMES (Harbor Grace). A highly successful meeting was held in the Methodist Church Harbor Grace on Tuesday night. One feature of its success was the large and deeply interested congregation present. The speakers though many, (there were six besides the Chairman) confined their remarks to the short space of fifteen minutes and the speeches, interspersed by our grand old Missionary hymns, led by Miss APSEY, the talented organist and the choir, tended to keep up the enthusiasm of the audience, which never flagged from commencement to close. The venerable Father PEACH opened the meeting with prayer. Missionary Meeting (Part 5) R.S. MUNN, Esq., J.P., who, though a Presbyterian, is a liberal supporter of our mission fund, presided and proved himself a model chairman, not only by his speech, which though terse, was full of interesting information and thoroughly practical, but by the impressive and really beautiful way in which he gave out the hymns. In addition to the speakers of the previous evening, we had a capital speech from the Rev R.W. THOMPSON, (Presbyterian minister) an Irishman. The speech was witty and eloquent. Sheriff BEMISTER who also made a few remarks, referred to the interesting fact that a hundred years ago the first Methodist Church in Newfoundland was built on Stretton's Hill, Harbor Grace. We hope to commemorate the Centenary shortly. The meeting at Carbonear on Wednesday evening, like its predecessor, was graphically set forth in its various aspects by the various speakers. On the platform we had three veterans who have done good and useful service in their day and generation -- Rev. J.S. PEACH, the Hon John RORKE, for twenty years the highly respected M.H.A. for this District, and J.L. MCNEIL, Esq., our deservedly esteemed Stipendiary Magistrate. The Hon. Mr. RORKE who presided, is over eighty years of age. He aptly referred to the encouraging fact that the nations of Europe were coalescing to put down slavery. Accumulation of Lumber Ottawa Nov 22 - It is calculated that there is now piled in the yards of the Chaudiere 100,000,000 feet of lumber, and what to do with it is the question which is troubling lumbermen and the export firms to whom it belongs. All summer ocean freight rates have been so high, that the export firms have not made any large shipments, either of English deals, or board lumber for South America or Australia. This lumber, usually shipped shortly after it is sawn, is therefore filling the yards here to overflowing. Unless the large quantity is shipped before spring, there will not be much room to spare, to pile the first portion of next spring's cut, which accumulates in the yard about May, when the summer shipping is to take it away. Newfoundland Connection A short time ago we were favoured with a copy of the Indianapolis Journal, in which we noticed the following item which is likely to be of interest to many of our readers, as the talented artist referred to, is married to a Twillingate lady, daughter of the much respected Dr. STIRLING, whose name also figures among the list of those who have a display at the exhibition. The Mrs. HARRISON referred to, is wife of the President of the United States. It is pleasing to find such a tribute paid to the artistic ability displayed as the paragraph contains: Mr. Paul POTSKI is giving an exhibition of the art work by himself and pupils at his studio No 437 North Mississippi Street for three days, beginning yesterday. The work consists of china and watercolor painting and [illegible] beautiful designs are used both in the form of the china and the decoration. Among those who have a display are Mrs. Benj. HARRISON, Mrs. [illegible], Mrs. D.W. COLLIN, Mrs. E. L. MCKEE, Mrs. WILSON, Miss Loia PEIRCE, Miss Louise [illegible], Miss Pearl [illegible], Miss Mary ATKINS, Miss FISHER, Miss RUSSELL and Mr. and Mrs. POTSKI. No description would give an adequate idea of the beauty of the painting. No word could describe the beauty of the smoothness of the finish, the perfection coloring, the exquisite shading and the unique designs and great variety. The collection of [illegible] in water colors are gems in themselves. A large number of visitors were present yesterday, notwithstanding the true London weather, and were more than repaid. The exhibition is open each day from 9 in the morning till 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Married On December 12 at St. Peter's Church, by Rev. R. TEMPLE, Mr. Daniel BLACKLER to Miss Fanny COLBOURNE, both of Twillingate. The services were partly choral, as the bride had been a member of the choir. Married On December 15, at the Methodist Church, Morton's Harbor, by the Rev J HEYFIELD, Mr Theophilus TAYLOR of Morton's Harbor to Miss Jane GUY of Twillingate. Married On December 19, by the same, Mr James LOCKE to Miss Emily Ann TAYLOR, both of Morton's Harbor. Married On December 19, at the Methodist Parsonage, by the same, Mr Edward WHITE of Wales Gulch, to Miss Susan NEWMAN of Morton's Harbor. Married On December 22 at the schoolhouse, Western Head, by the same, Mr. Kenneth JONES to Miss Hannah TAYLOR of Morton's Harbor. Married At the same time and place, also Mr. Andrew RIDOUT to Miss Emily Jane FLIGHT of Morton's. Married At the Methodist Church Morton's Harbor, December 24th, by the same, Mr Ambrose JENNINGS to Miss Mathilda TAYLOR of Morton's Harbor. Married On Nov. 15th at the Methodist Church, Change Islands, by Rev. W. REX, Mr. Joseph EDWARDS to Miss Patience BLAKE. Married On Nov. 15th at the same place by the same, Mr. John TAYLOR to Miss Naomi CARD. Married On Nov. 27th at the same place by the same, Mr. Abiah PURCHASE to Miss Alerd Drusilla WELLS. Married On December 20 at Herring Neck, by Rev. W. REX, Mr. Robert HYNES to Miss Miriam OXFORD. Married On December 20th at Merrits Harbor by the same, Mr Samuel CARD to Miss Mary POWELL. Married By the Rev. A.C. SKINNER, at the Western Arm, Rocky Bay, on the evening of the 15th November, Mr. Eli SHEPHARD of Indian Islands to Miss Amelia ABBOTT, of Musgrave Harbor. [Note: Rocky Bay is now known as Carmanville - George White]" Married At the same place on the evening 24th Nov. Mr Charles HICKS of Western Arm to Miss Elizabeth Ann WILLIAMS, of Manuels. Married At Indian Islands, on the evening of 28th Nov., Mr. Noah PERRY to Miss Elizabeth COISH, both of same place. Married At same place, on same evening, Mr. Edward SKINNER to Miss Martha COISH" Married At same place, on the evening of 28th Nov., Mr. Caleb COISH to Miss Mary Ann HODDINOTTT. Married At Seldom-Come-By, on the evening of 6th December, Mr. Henry Thomas HOLMES to Miss Cora Susanne, youngest daughter of Mr. Henry PENNEY, both of Seldom-Come-By. Married At Western Arm, Rocky Bay, on the evening of 18th Dec., Mr Alfred HICKS to Miss Tryphonia Lydia, Eldest daughter of George and Eliza Jane CARNELL, both of Western Arm. Died On November 25th, after a short illness, Samuel LACEY, (TAYLOR) a native of Blandford, Dorset, England, aged 88 years, 70 of which he spent in this country. The deceased removed to Exploits about three months ago to reside with his daughter. His remains will be brought to Twillingate some time through the winter for interment as it was one of his last requests. Advertisement Walter CLOUSTON, Manufacturer of Superior Single and Double Oil Clothing, Factory, Barne's Road, St. John's Newfoundland. All goods made from good, plain calico, and finished with three coats of oil. Orders will receive special attention. Write for prices, terms and discount. Union Bank of Newfoundland Notice is hereby given that a Dividend of 6%, upon the paid up Capital Stock of this Institution, has been declared for the half year ending November 30th, 1888, payable at the Banking House, in this city on and after Saturday next, 8th inst. Transfer Books closed from the 3rd to the 8th, both days inclusive. (By orders of the Board), James GOLDIE, Manager. St. John's Dec 1888. |
Jan. 12, 1889 | ||
Board of Works Office (Part 1) While at St. John's a short time since, we observed that some changes had been made in the Board of Works office. Mr. KELLY who for the past few years, occupied a prominent position, and was much respected by all, had been removed, having been appointed Secretary of the Municipal Council; and the business of the office is now conducted by W.R. STIRLING, Esq., whose appointment as Secretary of the Board was lately confirmed, and by his assistant Mr. T. MORRIS, both of whom are most worthy and efficient officials. From disinterested parties who have had occasion to visit the office lately, we have been pleased to learn of the satisfaction that is now found in the transaction of business. Mr. STIRLING is an excellent book-keeper, and having occupied a position as such in some of the leading mercantile firms of the colony. His thorough acquaintance with the country's affairs adds greatly to his efficiency in discharging the duties of his office, while Mr. MORRIS is a young man who for many years has been connected with the department, and has worked himself up to the position he now occupies, and we venture to assert that a more deserving official, or one more attentive to the duties of his office, is not to be found in the government. Board of Works Office (Part 2) Of course the business of the office, so far as the town of St. John's is concerned, is somewhat curtailed by the formation of the Municipal Council, but the number of officials is one less, which gives the present staff equally as much to do; and when it is considered that the accounts of all the public works throughout the colony have to pass through the office, it shows that the officials must be fully alive to their business in according such satisfaction to the public. But one secret is a proper system adopted for the performance of work. The office hours are from 10 A.M., to 4 P.M., and between these hours one or other of the officials is always to be found at his post. Hence, if outport people are in St. John's, and no other time would suit them, they can go to the office between one and two o'clock to transact any business required, which would often prove a great advantage and saving of time to them. Thus, with the respected Chairman at the head and efficient officers mentioned, every satisfaction is now given to that department, and we hope that such a pleasing state of things may long continue. Church Meeting Twillingate (Part 1) The teachers and choir of St. Peter's Church, with a few invited friends, spent a very pleasant evening on Thursday last. It was a sort of winter picnic, at which the teachers provided the tea, for themselves and their chosen guests. After tea, a fine new magic lantern (which Mr. TEMPLE procured for the use of the school illustrating lectures, &c.,) was exhibited. But as very few slides came with the lantern, several more amusing ones were kindly lent by Mr. R. GILLINGHAM for the occasion. The rest of the evening was occupied in various favourite games, and the attractions of a Bagatelle Board, Music, &c. When ten o'clock came, and it was evident that some of the elders were thinking of home, the Incumbent addressed a few words to the company before they parted. He reminded them that the work of Sunday school teaching is a great labor, when regularly continued, as in their case; and since the children's annual summer treat gave rather additional labour to them than amusement, he thought it only right to give them an opportunity of meeting for harmless enjoyment, by themselves, in winter. Church Meeting Twillingate (Part 2) He thanked them for their help, and praised their regularity. To the choir also he addressed a few remarks, reminding them that he and the congregation expected that they too would be regular and punctual in what they undertook to perform, that what was worth doing at all was worth doing well; especially acts done for so Holy a purpose. Rev. T. NURSE, who was happily able to be present, being somewhat stronger than hitherto, added a few words on behalf of the visitors, thanking the teachers for their invitation, and speaking of the blessings of Sunday school work. Then the evening concluded with the National Anthem, as usual, which reminded the party that the Christmas holidays were once more over, and the New Year's labours about to begin in earnest. May the good unity of feeling which such gatherings show, continue and increase among the congregation of St. Peter's, Twillingate. A Christmas Tree at Fogo (Part 1) (To the Editor of the Twillingate Sun) Dear Sir - A Christmas Tree was held in the new Roman Catholic school room at Fogo on Wednesday and Thursday of last week, for the purpose of raising funds to complete the building. The Tree was opened by James FITZGERALD, Esq., Stipendiary Magistrate, at 6 o'clock, p.m. He complimented the Roman Catholics for their efforts in erecting so handsome a building for the future education of the young; the ladies for the zeal and energy manifested, in so tastefully decorating the school room for the occasion; and hoped the good folks of Fogo liberally patronize the Christmas Tree on behalf of the cause aimed at. It is needless to say that the stalls were well stocked, and ornamented, and that Mrs. FITZGERALD, Mrs. BUTT and Miss BRICE (teacher) had a lively time in waiting on their numerous customers. The refreshment table, fairly creaking under its load, and well provided with all the luxuries of the festive season, was attended by the Miss FITGERALDs and Miss DEADY of Joe Batt's Arm, whose duties were none the less active, nor better performed, by any of their lady friends opposite. The Tree closed on Thursday night, having sold off everything, a most gratifying result, and the amount realized was far beyond the most sanguine expectations. A Christmas Tree at Fogo (Part 2) The Rev. Father WALKER, from Tilton Harbor, who was present at the opening, and during the time the Tree was open, closed the business with a short address, in which he congratulated the Roman Catholics of Fogo on the success of the Tree, and thanked the people of all denominations for their liberal patronage, and united efforts in a good cause; complimented them on their peaceful associations, and hoped that the present spirit of peace and harmony, would be long continued to the welfare of our citizens. In the same school room, on Friday and Saturday nights, an entertainment of dialogues and recitations was given by the school children of Tilton Harbor, (the proceeds of which were for appropriation as above) songs by the Rev. Father WALKER, Mr. John SARGENT, (teacher of Tilton Harbor) and Mr. John SCOTT of Fogo. The children acted their parts beautifully, exhibiting great talent and tact, and were a credit to themselves, their harbour, and their teacher. Their performances called forth from the audience frequently, loud and prolonged cheers, clearly demonstrating that they fully appreciated that form of amusement. Mr. FURZE of Fogo closed the performances by exhibitions of the magic lantern, in which he clearly and distinctly pointed out the peculiarities and beauties of each figure, and was well rewarded by continual outbursts of applause. Thanking you, Mr. Editor, for space in your widely circulated journal, I remain yours &c., PEABODY. Jan 3rd. Which is the Greater Evil? (Part 1) Some time ago, the principal inhabitants of Little Bay, viewing with sorrow the terrible results of the liquor-traffic, appealed to the Magistrate to have the only license in the place taken away. The request was so general that he complied. Of course there were other houses secretly - except to their customers - doing a little trade in the same commodity. We have now had a fair opportunity of testing what was considered a questionable action. It is a dangerous thing to attempt to deprive the people, or any portion of the people, or even an individual, of his liberty even in so small a matter as of buying liquor. Hence when the license was taken away it was virtually said, ""We will not allow you men of Little Bay, to have what you so much desire." Now this bold attack on the liberties of others could only be supported and be permissible by this one argument: We have a right to protest and have removed that which is directly productive of danger and harm and injustice to others. Simply because a few influential persons advocate temperance, they have no right to take me from my glass. Because I take too much and become an object of pity and my family brought to poverty, even this is no ground why they should take away my liberty. Which is the Greater Evil? (Part 2) They may plead and remonstrate with me but no more can they rightly do. To take away the liberty of a citizen is touching the apple of the eye of a British subject. It is well for some zealous temperance advocates to remember this. Moreover if the temperance party be in the majority they have no right, simply because of that, to ride rough shod over the views and liberties of others. For although they may triumph for a time, their victory may not be abiding. There may be retaliation. We must ever treat with respect the views of others; if our views are right and theirs are wrong, try and lead them to the light. This is true victory. At Little Bay we had a just cause, however, and if we took away liberty it was because they had trampled long on our rights, and were continuing to do the very same. A drunken man is not answerable to his actions. When we had the licensed house here men were around it day and night -- a horrible sight, a fitting advertisement for the place. Who was safe from insult, from danger with the hellish crew? Some of them would go to work at the mines with powder and machinery under their control, doing work where great care was necessary less the loss of life might be great. Men have been found drunk at their post. Which is the Greater Evil? (Part 3) Drunken parties have disturbed the peace of the neighborhood at mid-night and in a word, the issue of the licensed house has been the dread and annoyance of the place. Therefore the friends of temperance, and the principal people of the place, felt they had a right to have the license taken away, simply because their rights as citizens were taken away, and because they suffered harm. It was not done out of any ill will. Much was also hoped by this to detect the parties who sold it secretly and who helped to bring disgrace upon the licensed house. The results has been as follows: It is now a rare thing to see a man intoxicated. Men are far more regular at their work. Many families are much better off. There is no collection of riotous men. In fact Little Bay is a changed place, it is most quiet and peaceable. This we must say is chiefly due to the excellent Manager, who by example, kindness and warning, has done his utmost to make his men sober. He is worth here more than the whole of the constabulary force. As he has done so much, he has we fear, encouraged the police in their lethargy and their criminal neglect will be shown. There were several places selling liquor when the license house was running, and once or twice the police hunted up these parties, showing they can do it if they will. But owing to their neglect, these places have multiplied most rapidly. Which is the Greater Evil? (Part 4) Doubtless it is difficult to ferret them out and bring convicted evidences, and perhaps always these officers have not been sustained as they should have been. But here is a fact that now in the Bight, there are at least seven houses, and throughout the mines, not less than twenty selling liquor on the sly. Yet with this startling fact it is also true, that men drink so quietly and secretly, that it is seldom you see a drunken man. But this will not last; unless something is soon done, these houses will continue to increase and greater boldness will be given to both buyer and seller, and that end of the place will be worse than the beginning. We trust therefore that our Court House friends, who of late have had such easy times of it, will be on the alert, and show that they are not only ornaments of the place, but useful officers, as at times they have shown themselves. But for this neglect, on their part, the doing away with the license has been a great improvement to the place, and if this neglect is rectified it will continue so to be. In fact the blessings resulting from the shutting up of that house, no one could fully estimate, and we advise all other places to do the same and then keep the police up to their work. Little Bay. Shipping News The Conscript left King's Cove at half-past eight this morning coming North. The Allan steamer Caspian arrived at St. John's from Halifax on Thursday morning and the Conscript left yesterday morning for the North. She may be expected here Sunday morning. The schooner Mallard, with provisions, &c., arrived from St. John's to Messrs. OWEN & EARLE on Thursday last, having called at Fogo en route to load part of her cargo. This will be the last sailing arrival from St. John's for this season. The steamer Plover arrived from St. John's on Thursday, bringing a considerable quantity of freight and the crews of the schooners which left for St. John's a short time ago. The Plover didn't proceed further North, but returned to St. John's on leaving here. The Conscript returning South called here on Monday morning. W. LETHBRIDGE, Esq., J.P., took passage by her for St. John's en route for England. We wish him a pleasant trip. Dorcas Society Meeting There will be a meeting of the Dorcas Society in the Court House on Monday evening next, when a full attendance is desired. Methodist Missionary Meetings We are requested to say that the Missionary Meetings in connection with the Methodist Church on this town will (D.V.) be held on the 12th and 13th of Feb. Lodge Meeting Companions of the Royal Scarlet Chapter, No 3, Edward 7 are requested to meet in the hall on Monday next, 14th inst., for election and installation of officers. Chapter will open at the close of St. Peter's Lodge, S.U.F. Murder at Saint Pierre A special dispatch from St. John's informs us of a frightful murder that has lately been committed at St. Pierre, the unfortunate subject being an old fisherman named Francois COUPARD, who is said to have been brutally murdered by one OLIVER on the night of December 30th. Shocking Murder at St. Pierre. St. John's, January 10, (Special to the Sun.) The Allan steamer Caspian arrived from Halifax last night, and mail go by Conscript to-morrow. A frightful murder is reported from St. Pierre. Francois COUPARD, a fisherman aged 61 years, who occupied a hut on Dog Island, with his dory-mate OLIVER, had frequent quarrels together. On the night of 30th December, the neighbors heard great noises, and in the morning they made a declaration to the police, who went to COUPARD's but saw nothing suspicious, with the exception of windows broken. The hut was empty, and it was thought that COUPARD had gone fishing. At 2 P.M., two friends of COUPARD's went to the hut, to look for boats which they had left in his care, and on lifting sails spread in the corner, they found the dead body of the old fisherman entirely naked. The body was cut up in the most horrible manner. Suspicion pointed to OLIVER who had disappeared with COUPARD's dory. On Sunday he was seen drinking freely with a man named NEEL. It was found that these two men, asked boarders at Madame RUELLARD's, where NEEL was staying, for help to launch a dory. They intended to leave for the coast of Newfoundland, but weather being stormy, they were forced to return and were taken prisoners. On being confronted with the corpse they confessed all. Weather For the past week or ten days the weather has been delightful for the season of the year, and more favorable for navigation than could possibly be expected for so late in the season. A few weeks of such would tend much to shorten our winter, and prove a blessing to poor people who may be provided with limited fuel supply and scanty food and clothing. Important! Having in my travels through the States the past two years, become acquainted with several rising Capitalists, and intending in a few weeks again to visit New York and other cities West and South, where I shall through the winter, meet some of the same gentlemen, who would I believe, be pleased to negotiate terms for mining interest in Newfoundland. I therefore give notice to any persons having mining claims, that I will undertake to offer for sale, or in any other way they may consider best suited to their interest such as they may have, and in a position to dispose of in this mark. Information may be had -- Specimens and all necessary papers left and agreements entered, into the office of James R. KNIGHT, Commission Merchant, Water St., St. John's. Joseph STRONG. |
Jan. 19, 1889 | ||
Light House on Penguin Island (Part 1) We understand that a petition is being signed by electors of this district, for presentation to the Legislature, on the subject of the erection of a Light-House on the Northern Penguin Island. Petitions of a similar character have been forwarded to previous sessions of Legislature, bearing on the same matter, but they were never effectual in accomplishing the desired object, and no more was known of them than the fact they were ordered to lie on the table, and a report to that effect appearing in public print. It is to be hoped, however, that this petition will receive more consideration from the hands of our legislators, and that practical steps be taken for the erection of the long solicited Light-House, on this dangerous part of the coast, to which reference has been made. The subject has been repeatedly referred to in our columns, and the necessity for its establishment clearly pointed out. The islands are so exceedingly low, that it is difficult to discern them on dark nights or in thick foggy weather, until being too close to them to make a retreat. Light House on Penguin Island (Part 2) Already various craft have been lost there within the past few years, and in some instances the crews had most hair-breadth escapes; though we doubt not, if some of our ""hardy toilers of the sea"" had meet with a watery grave in that vicinity, steps would ere this have been taken for the erection of the light-house in question. There is a large amount of money paid out for public improvements, one way and another, but the share which the extern districts receive it is very limited indeed, and we think that there should be no hesitancy whatever on the part of the Government in complying with the prayers of petitioners from our district on this subject. But then it must be remembered that this boon would not alone be conferred on the people of the North, but would also be participated in by nearly all our sea-going population; for there are hundreds of vessels from all parts of the colony, especially the smaller ones, that would hail with joy the erection of a light on the Penguin Islands. Light House on Penguin Island (Part 3) Frequently, when going South, craft have been put into Seldom-come-by, when passing along towards night, and thereby delayed perhaps, for days, whereas, if there had been a light there they could have proceeded on their journey, and been to their destination ever so much sooner. The cost for its erection need not be very great, as it would not require so powerful a light as some that are erected on other parts of the coast. There was an amount to credit of the district, four or give years ago for the erection of a harbor light. If it is still standing over, we cannot see why it could not be augument by another small vote, and appropriated to the erection of the light referred to. However, we would urge the importance of the measure to the notice of our representatives and the government, who seem inclined to foster the interest of the colony, and hope that ere the ensuing session of the Legislature terminates, it will be decided to place a light on the Penguin Islands. For the information of persons coming here from the surrounding localities, open at the mercantile offices to receive signatures for the above mentioned petition. Church of England School Fogo (Part 1) (To the Editor of the Sun) Dear Sir - Permit me to announce the celebration at Fogo, of the Church of England Sunday School treat, in the S.U.F, Lodge Hall, on the 27th nit., combined with participation of day scholars, and presentation of prizes to successful competitors in the examination of latter a few days previously. The children's meeting in the Memorial School-room, was conducted to the Church by Miss ROSS, Teacher, with other assistants, where their exuberant spirits being toned down by a short Church Service, they proceeded to the aforesaid Lodge Hall, and were there gladdened by the brilliant appearance of the spacious hall, well lighted by splendid chandeliers, and fitted with tables for seating 160 children, the scene rendered appetising by the grand display of plum cake, and steaming tea. The teachers in charge of the tables discoursing a hearty welcome, ""commencing with holy gladness"" &c., and grace being offered by Rev. Mr. SADDINGTON to the accompaniment of harmonium by Mr. EARLE, the attack on good viands provided, soon commenced followed by a speedy emptying of plates, and continuous refilling of same, until the laughing and chatting showed the regalement to be over, and the teachers left at liberty to take their share of enjoyment on platform table, from good things kindly provided by Mrs. EARLE. Church of England School Fogo (Part 2) Rev. Clergyman and Superintendent of Sunday School, joining in the same with them. Tables now removed for clear space, a general romp takes place in the body of the Hall, which permitted for half an hour, scrambling goes on for sweets and nuts, generously provided by Miss HODGE and Mr. EARLE, and distributed by Rev. Clergyman and teachers. Order being at length restored, and admittance given to friends and parents of children, the better part of entertainment commences by prefatory and suitable address from Rev. Mr. SADDINGTON, and followed by considerable number of recitations by children interspersed with songs and music by Clergyman, Mr. EARLE, and Miss ROSS, the whole of which concluded with a nice little play by elder scholars. Second part of programme viz: distribution of prizes now ushered in by congratulatory [illegible] successful recipients, with words of [illegible] to others not so fortunate, [illegible] greater diligence in the future. At the close of [illegible] children are reminded to whose benevolence they are indebted, principally for the nice presents of books, &c. provided for them. The National Anthem being [illegible] sung, a parting gift of cake and apples, concludes the very pleasing and highly successful entertainment. I remain dear sir, Yours Truly, An Observer. Winter notes from St. John's (Part 1) (To the Editor of the Twillingate Sun) Dear Sir - I am trying in the best way I know to send you a few notes of the chief facts surrounding our daily life in the capital. In doing so I must keep myself to what would be of interest to your readers. Not knowing much about the tastes and requirements of your reading constituency, I shall no doubt be found many time at sea when I myself would be expecting that I was hugging the shore. Our Christmas passed quietly and happily. Its chief characteristic was an almost complete absence of drunkenness throug out the city. The practice of joy guns, like its erstwhile companions the 'fools', and trailing the yule log, has almost totally gone out. Mr. FORAN's ball, which was advertised as a grand opening for the City Hall Rink, was for many reasons a failure. While you folks down North have been having snow storms, we are in the full enjoyment of October weather. Cattle are still afield, ploughing is going, and mud is a foot deep on our streets. The New Year's callers were rather numerous and the receiving ladies had all they required in the matter of congratulations upon their appearance, spiced with admiring compliments as to the beauty and taste of their decorations. How oblivious time is of all things. Winter notes from St. John's (Part 2) After the Bonavista election came the SILLAR's tragedy, and that too in turn was swallowed up by the arrest of the Captain and Mate of an English schooner, for the alleged murder of a seaman named HOOKEY, who was buried on the high seas. During the Christmas time, one could not help thinking amid all the rejoicing around him, how many elements there were of cruel poverty and speechless horror. What was this blessed time of joy, to the man arrested for the murder of poor Archie SILLARS? What was it to his faithful wife who, with a Spartan heroism during his illness from poisoning, bore up. Poor thing! When the police took him away, the father of her children, she collapsed. All was borne bravely, but his departure. I often think that when a man leads a fairly moral life and does his best to get through this provoking world properly, and in the blindness of a passionate hour some wild deed is done, that outside of the security of society demanding a victim as a warning to the cowardly criminal class, the man who commits the deed himself is more an object of pity than of censure. Great and inscrutable God, it is alas too true, that when a child is brought into the world, we cannot tell whether it will be a murderer, a clergyman, a thief or a saint. Innate disposition and not training, is the largest half of character. Winter notes from St. John's (Part 3) Few of us recognise the terrible responsibilities of marriage in bringing into existence that strange animal man with that wonderful thinking piece on his shoulders. All through the Christmas season there were general indications of plenty. Meat, mutton and poultry were in abundance, and sold at prices within reach of the poorest. Skating has the edge upon it of a long postponed pleasure and the youth-hood and maiden-hood of our city are anxiously awaiting the approach of our friend, Jack Frost. A lot of season tickets for skaters have been sold at, gent's $6.50, ladies $4.50. No doubt holders would now drop them at a liberal discount. Skating, of all winter amusements, is the best. For public balls, one has to make an elaborate toilet - more particularly the ladies, and there is more manners, conventionality and stiffness in the relations, than at the rink. At the rink it is all different. There is no programme of dances and engagements. Everything is as whim directs. Conversation is easier, the pulse beats quick, the music excites, and one cannot help letting out to it, in time and with the most graceful motion. Good humor and a faint flush of excitement puts everyone to their best. In fact, it is more difficult to restrain chattiness than otherwise. I am not much in politics, but I will endeavour to give you the common gossip of that important item in newspaperdom. Winter notes from St. John's (Part 4) Mr. BOND, the incorruptible commoner, has gone into rigid training for the sessional work. He will be well prepared for the House. Mr. MORINE, it seems, from the talk around the Athenaeum, the Court House, and other centres of political chat, has become utterly discredited since Mr. BOND's revelations. The friends and foes of Sir WILLIAM all declare that Mr. MORINE is no longer worthy of confidence or respect. He is out with all parties apparently. A number of respectable persons, who were prepared to hear the terms have lost faith in the present scheme owing to the means resorted to by those putting it forward. Sir WILLIAM was over to Harbor Grace last week visiting a Masonic Lodge. His reception was almost an ovation throughout the Bay. In my next letter I shall refer to the Hearts Content Railway scheme, to President GOBLET's announcement concerning lobster factories on French Shore, and also the tax on Newfoundland codfish going into the Brazilian markets, matters of burning importance to the people of Newfoundland. Yours faithfully, Metropolitan. St. John's, Jan 9. Saint Andrew's Lodge - Fogo Made to Grand Lodge, S.U.F. by Fogo St. Andrew's Lodge, No 11, for year 1888. Officers for ensuing year: Rev. C. SADDINGTON, W. M., George TARIVILLE 1st Officer, Thomas SIMS 2nd Do., Henry JONES Quarter Master, Phillip COATES Look Out, Horatio LAYMAN Purser, Martin STONE Secretary, Wm SIMS Chaplain. Paid up members: 85. Six months in arrears: 37. Total: 122. Degree R:10. Degree W: 34. Degree B: 78. Joined by certificate: 0. Rejected: 0. Expelled: 1. Deceased: 2. Sick: 10. INCOME: Balance frm 1887: $33.75 Collected 1888: 185.17. Total: $218.92. Expenditure: Working expenses: 105.02. Sickness and deaths: 75.13. Funds In Bank: 171.30. With Purser: 38.77. Total: $210.07 Value of Hall: $2400. Full number of muster roll, or admissions into St. Andrew's Lodge, S.U.F., Fogo, since 1874: 335. -M.S. Newfoundland Priest From a copy of the ""Cumberland Leader"" received this mail, we learn that at an examination lately held by the Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia, the Rev.A. WATKINS, curate of St. George's Church, Parrsboro, acquitted himself creditable, heading list of candidates with a good percentage. On Sunday 23rd, ult, he was advanced to the order of the priesthood. We beg to congratulate the Rev. gentlemen, who is a Newfoundlander, on his advancement. Supreme Court A special term of the Supreme Court for the trial of murder cases will be opened at St. John's on the 28th inst Weather The weather is now mild and the coast appears to be clear of ice, and there is nothing to prevent a steamer from making a trip North if the Government were so disposed to favor the Northern districts with this boon. Juror's List A public notice from the Stipendiary Magistrate, which appears in another column, intimates that the revision of the list of Grand and Petty Jurors will be held in Court House on the 29th inst., ""and shall continue from time until the 12th day of February next."" Shipping News The coastal steamer Conscript made her last trip, for the season, the past week, arriving here going North on Sunday morning, and returned on Tuesday. She delayed twelve hours at Little Bay, during which time she took a quantity of copper, and on leaving took a return mail so that the steamer did not call there returning. During the winter months the Conscript is to be engaged in the mail service between St. John's and Halifax. The Sarmation with weekly mail from Liverpool arrived today, twelve days out. The Telegram, Christmas Edition We omitted in previous papers to acknowledge the receipt of a Christmas Number of the Evening Telegram for which we are indebted to the enterprising publishers. It fully sustains the reputation of former years and is a real gem of artistic skill and talent displayed throughout its pages. It is a credit to the country as well as to the energetic publishers, and we beg to congratulate them on being able to furnish the public with so valuable a souvenir that can be transmitted to almost any part of the globe. From Little Bay Little Bay has been very quiet this Festive season. One man was insulted and hurt by some ""rough men"". One man, the chief of the company, was heavily fined. Unless the Police are more energetic the number of houses selling liquor on the sly will amount to the alarming number of thirty. It seems that those officers of late are utterly unconcerned about these violations of law. The Church of England had a splendid Christmas tree on January 11, and realized a considerable sum. The Methodist Children had on December 27, a great treat in the evening. The school House was decorated and every child belonging to the school received a suitable gift. Mr. John CURTIS is building a handsome schooner at Mill Island between 40 and 50 tons. Mr. BENSON is also building one at Harry's Harbor about 65 tons. Two female Salvation Army officers are now in Little Bay. Meetings are still held in Mr. Josiah CLARKE's and Mr. Thomas RICE's house, as no barracks or house has yet been secured. Birth At Bonavista, on January 2nd, the wife of Dr. R.E. FORBES, of a daughter. Married On January 9th, at the residence of the bride's father St John's, by the Rev. G. BOYD, Captain Henry B. BARTLETT of Brigus, to Ella, second daughter of G.G. CROSBIE Esq. of St. John's. Married On New Year's Eve, at the residence of the bride's mother, St. John's, by the Rev. T. H. JAMES, Arthur H. CORNER of Leicestershire, England to Hannah, second daughter of the late W.T. SALTER, Esq. Married Oh Jan. 5, at Wolfe Cove, Halls Bay, by the Rev. H. ABRAHAM, Mr. James INDER to Miss Mary Ann PETERS. Deaths Peacefully on the 15th inst, after a lingering illness, Elizabeth, beloved wife of Mr. Henry HARBIN, aged 60 years; much regretted by a large circle of relatives and friends. Deaths At St. John's on January 1st, Nina beloved wife of William W. WATSON, aged 28 years. |
Jan. 26, 1889 | ||
Shoe Cove to La Saie Road (Part 1) Attention is directed by our correspondent ""A St. Barbian"" to the disgraceful condition of the road between Shoe Cove and La Saie, to which reference was made in our columns some time back. This road connects the two electoral districts -- Twillingate and St. Barbe -- and considering its importance and the hardships which the fishermen experience (to say nothing of other passers over it) in having to travel the highway with turns of bait on their backs, the wonder is that so many years should have been allowed to slip by without steps being taken to construct some kind of a road across that neck of land, by which the hardships of our sturdy fishermen would be somewhat relieved in seeking to earn a livelihood for themselves and families. The expenditure required to accomplish this public improvement would not be very great, and when we consider that much larger amounts are very often expended in less worthy and more insignificant objects, we cannot conceive how there would be any hesitation on the part of any government in making provision for the carrying on of the work, when once the necessity for such a benefit is so clearly pointed out. Shoe Cove to La Saie Road (Part 2) But there may be a good deal of force in what our correspondent says with respect to the representatives; for when they are not personally acquainted with various localities requiring improvements, and do not realize the great inconveniences which are experienced from the grievances to which the people are subjected, it cannot be expected that they would take the same interest in them, as one residing in the district, and who is thoroughly conversant with the local requirements of the respective settlements throughout the district. As we have said, this road connects the two districts, and the expense of its construction should be borne by both, which would be inconsiderable for the two, and now that attention is being called to it, it is hoped that ere long we shall hear of a good road being constructed along the highway in question. Shoe Cove Road (Part 1) Shoe Cove Road - To the Editor of the Twillingate Sun. Dear Sir - Please allow me space in your valuable paper just to make a few remarks with regard to the above named road. Road I cannot call it, just speaking it should be called an unpassable cow path. It is the only principal highway connecting the district of St. Barbe, with that of Twillingate, and which road is of the most benefit to the public of each District, especially to our ""hardy toilers of the deep,"" the fishermen, who have to bring the bait to catch their fish with, from one district to the other, and I presume that if it was left to other parties to pay the revenue, very scanty it would be. But here are our fishermen paying revenue all their life time, yet have not a foot path to walk, except only what was made by nature's hands. There are other parts of Newfoundland of but very little account, and they have got not roads but streets to connect one place with the other. I may say it is impossible to walk this road in wet weather, much more to have a load of squids from 60 to 70 lbs. weight to carry in the bargain, day and night Shoe Cove Road (Part 2) But why have other places got roads and conveniences? Because they have got men to look out for their interest, which, Mr. Editor I am sorry to say we have not. I believe something like $200 has been given to St. Barbe side since we have been represented, which amount did not go much more than half a mile. I cannot see why we people of St. Barbe cannot get a main grant like other Districts. Are we worthy or are we not of obtaining many of our roads, bridges, etc. Where has all our revenue gone, which we and our forefathers have paid this last century back, since the so called French Shore was inhabited. I presume it is supposed, that the old revenue was not paid to English or Newfoundland Government, but to the French Government. This was never the case; the settlers on the so called French Shore always paid revenue to our Government, and I ask where is that revenue of ours justly ours too? Thanking you Mr. Editor, for the space in your valuable paper, and hoping that through its columns you will kindly assist us in this hour of need. I am dear Sir, Yours truly, A St. Barbian. Tea and Entertainment (Part 1) Tuesday evening last, was the occasion of a very happy gathering in St. Andrew's school-room, South Side. It consisted of a tea and entertainment, as a precursor, we understand, to a Bazaar which the ladies contemplate holding next Fall, ""for the purposes of [illegible] and otherwise furnishing St. Andrew's Church;"" and if the efforts of the ladies are so successful all through, (which no doubt they will be) as this first attempt towards accomplishing the noble object in view, the ladies will, we imagine, feel themselves amply rewarded for the self-denying efforts which will be necessary on their part, to carry to completion the task which they so cheerfully and willingly undertook. We are sorry that we are unable to be present, but we learn that the building was well filled. The tea was got up in fine style, and the tables being abundantly supplied with good things, presented many attractions, calculated to please the appetite, which appeared to be greatly enjoyed by all present. After tea, the room was cleared and about half-past seven the entertainment was began by the Chairman, (Rev. R. TEMPLE, R.D.,) introducing the following programme, and who, in doing so, made a few well chosen and appropriate remarks, and expressed the pleasure it afforded him in being present that evening:" Tea and Entertainment (Part 2) Programme. Chairman's Address - Rev. R. TEMPLE; Glee, ""The bells of St. Michael's Tower"" - Choir; Recitation 'Wet and Dry' - Mr. John TEMPLETON; Song 'Katie's Letter' - Miss LETHBRIDGE; Dialogue 'The witch is in the cream'; Duet 'Dolly Hopkins and Tommy Thompkins' - Mrs. HITCHCOCK and Mr. G. BLANDFORD; Glee 'Ye Shepard tell me' - Choir; Song 'Five o'clock in the morning' - Miss A. ASHBOURNE; Recitation 'The gluttonous duck' - Miss L. ASHBOURNE; Song Mrs. BLANDFORD and Mrs. HITCHCOCK; Recitation - Mr. TEMPLETON; Dialogue 'Matrimonial Advertisement'; Song - Dr. STAFFORD; Reading - Rev. R. TEMPLE; Song 'Delay' - Miss A. ASHBOURNE; Glee 'Forth to the Battle' - Choir; Recitation - Mr. J. TEMPLETON; Dialogue 'Train to Mauro'; 'God save the Queen'. The various pieces were very well rendered, especially the solos and the part songs. The dialogues were also disposed of with great credit to the performers. The piano used for the purpose was kindly lent by W. LETHBRIDGE, Esq., J.P. A Letter from Green Bay (Part 1) Mr. Editor - As we have entered upon A.D., 1889, we must fervently hope that it may prove a more profitable one than the past. So far as the Shore and Labrador cod fishery is concerned, it is supposed that the fishing fleet of Green Bay brought back poorer fares the past summer than they ever did before, as hitherto they ranked among the foremost, which we hope to see again in the near future. In looking, over occurrences and events in connection with this important district, say for the past 25 or 30 years, how much one is surprised to find that we are so far behind our Southern and Western neighbors. It is true that we are in possession of many benefits and privileges which were not available 25 years ago. But do we progress with the times like our neighors referred to? No, Mr. Editor, by no means. In all parts of importance over the Island, from Greenspond to Burin, they have weekly communication with the Capital, and nearly all semi or tri-weekly, while this important district has to submit to fortnightly communication as usual. We had the same twenty-five years ago and have it still, with no prospect of a change for the better. Such a state of things is not much like progressing with the times. This is only one of the many things which require due consideration from every resident of the district. Some may say when they see this in the Twillingate Sun, which I hope sir you will find space for, ""How is this evil to be remedied""?" A Letter from Green Bay (Part 2) In answer to such a question I say, the best and only remedy is to select and return resident members, and in so doing, you will return the best advocates for the interest of the district. Any non-resident member will not, nor cannot have the same interest in any district as a resident member. In my opinion, sir, until such a course is pursued, our friends South and West will be far in advance of us. Our present members, Mr. Editor, appear to be more engaged in benefiting other districts than that for which they were returned. It is true that they put in an appearance once in a while, but what good or benefit the district received from them I fail to see. We find them assisting to squander our money on the Placentia railway, and also in hiring a steamer for Placentia Bay and another for Bonavista and Trinity Bays, but not a word about Green Bay. Would resident members act so? I should say not by any means. There are many other grievances of which we have just reason to complain, but space does not permit. I trust the readers of the Twillingate Sun will weigh those matters carefully and impartially, as it is through no spirit of malice, I write, but fair play is a jewel, and as all are taxed alike, so also should all receive equal benefits. A Letter from Green Bay (Part 3) Supposed now for argument sake, we say the steamer Plover had not been plying between here and St. John's, what would have been the condition of things the past Fall? Both the Conscript and her contemporary, were fully engaged for three months, so you see it is very evident a second steamer is required on this Coast, and I should say the people would do well to send a petition to the legislature this session, to get an additional subsidy for some other steamer to run to this district, which would give us weekly communication, and also facility to persons engaged in mercantile pursuits. We find by the papers that people of Placentia Bay are boasting that they can leave St. John's in the morning and be to their homes at Oderin the same night, by railway and steamer. We have nothing like that to boast of, although our money goes to pay a great portion of the expense. It is time, sir, that the people of this district should be up and doing. We find now and always shall, that non-resident members are useless in advocating the interest of any district; their own interest is always attended to more so than that of their constituents. This, Mr. Editor, as you are aware, is the third district of Newfoundland, in point of revenue, and yet we are placed on a part with the pauperised district of St. Barbe, a district that the Government is supporting seven-eighths of the population the last for or five or six years. Such negligence on the part of representatives should not be overlooked, Yours Truly, Green Bay Man The Newfoundland Fishermen(Part 1) By Howard JACK, C.E. - During the time spent last autumn in a short visit to Notre Dame Bay in the Island of Newfoundland, it was my good fortune to make the acquaintance of the Rev. Father O'FLYNN, Parish Priest of Little Bay, from whom I received a great deal of kindness and in whose society I spent many pleasant hours. He is not only a man of learning but also one who is every ready to attend to the demands made upon him by his flock, and in a far off parish in Newfoundland these are not few. I had been brought into contact with some of the shore fishermen in this part of Newfoundland, and had an opportunity given me of ascertaining the extreme poverty in which they lived, owing, as I learned from others as well as themselves, to the fact that codfish, once so abundant on those coasts, had within late years become so scarce that the people engaged in this pursuit could with difficulty, sustain themselves, and that many of them for this reason were frequently in the most extreme want. In the course of my conversation with Father O'FLYNN, read to him from my note book a description of the state in which I found some of these poor people. After listening attentively to the reading he said ""that is the condition of half of my flock." To give me an idea of the state of agriculture in that part of Newfoundland in which he lived, Father O'FLYNN gave me the following figures for the year 1884, for the electoral district of Twilllingate:" The Newfoundland Fishermen(Part 2) 14,058 persons, 3005 sheep, 106 horses, 290 milch cows, 1219 head of cattle exclusive of milch cows, 3093 swine, 850 goats. The hay grown in the district was 977 tons; wheat and barley 5 bushels; oats 3 bushels; potatoes 22,498 bbls; turnips 348 bbls; and of other crops 3 bbls. In order to show what might be done, even in Newfoundland in farming, by fishermen when placed in proper positions, Father O'FLYNN referred to Fortune Harbor, where he had been stationed for a number of years. The population of this place when he resided there was 240, and according to the census, there were there at the time 128 sheep, 5 horses, 32 milch cows, and 180 head of cattle, 123 swine and 30 goats. There were produced in 1884, 76 tons of hay, 3 bushels of oats, 764 bbls of potatoes, 19 bbls of turnips. This settlement, Father O'FLYNN said, was not to be regarded as a farming one, each family cultivating but about four or five acres. At present, he said, there are about 50 families engaged in fishing. The only difference between them and others, is that they cultivate more land, their homes are, he says, in general neat and tidy, and the people on the whole comfortable and contented with their lot. Father O'FLYNN's opinion, with regard to the amelioration of the condition of the poor fishermen of Notre Dame bay and the outside islands, to the valley lands of Indian Brook and the Exploits, and to the heads of the bays where there is more soil. The Newfoundland Fishermen(Part 3) This would largely remedy existing evils, and can best be done by opening up of the industries which will gather labor around them. He further said that when once the fisherman has acquired the habit of constant labor, the transfer of his family would be easy. He suggests in furtherance of this, that the government of Newfoundland should appoint a commission of wise and disinterested men, well versed in the trades of manufactures suited to the country, to inquire into this matter, but that those persons so to be appointed, should not be politicians nor connected in any way with the present staple of the country. He thinks also that if the majority of the fishermen were even now transferred to the heads of the bays were the best lands are, they could continue in the Labrador and outside fisheries, under less difficulties than they now have to contend with, especially in the matter of fuel. As regards the district of Conception Bay, with which he is well acquainted, and as an instance of what labor some of the fishermen of Newfoundland have to undergo in order to supply themselves with fuel, he tells me that there these who have dogs use them for the purpose of drawing wood, going 15 miles to where it is, that it occupies two dogs and a man from 20, to 22 hours in drawing home one sled load which will keep a house in firewood for three or four days, and that the fishermen's winter work there, and in many other places in the Peninsula of Avalon, consists in getting his winter wood. -- St. John N.B Sun. Mail The first overland mail for the South closed at our Post Office on Tuesday evening and left early the following morning. The first mail for Halifax by the steamer Conscript will be despatched from the General Post Office St. John's on the 4th of February. The overland mail for the Northern districts left St. John's on Tuesday morning last, and may be expected here about the 2nd or 4th of February. Almanac of Newfoundland for 1889 A few copies of the ""Year Book and Almanac of Newfoundland for 1889"" may be obtained at the office of F. BERTEAU, Esq, price 35 cents. Seal Fishery The sealing steamer Wolf, is now lying up at Greenspond, whence she will prosecute the seal fishery the coming spring, and will be in command of Capt. Abraham KEAN. A few seals were captured in nets last week at Back Harbor. A good many, chiefly old harps and bedlamers, were seen at Lower Head this week, but we have not heard of any being taken. Large numbers of sharks have been around this season, which together with the ice, have made it almost impossible to keep nets in the water any length of time. Local and General The finder of a black cloud [? This is transcribed exactly as printed! Gw.] which was dropped last evening between the Sun office and the Methodist Church would much oblige by returning it to the owner, Mrs. Joseph MOORS, or leaving it at the Sun office. Fisherman's Anniversary Celebration We understand that the Fisherman's Anniversary has been postponed from Saturday Feb. 2nd, to the following Monday, the 4th. The members of the Brass Band will have charge of the entertainment and a good programme may be expected. Price of tickets for tea and entertainment, 30 cents; admission to entertainment only, 15 cents. Plover Sold This Evening Telegram of the 5th inst says: ""It is stated on good authority that the steamer Plover has been sold to parties in New York. Her future occupation will be in the fruit trade of the Southern States. She realized a good price to her owner, Mr. Daniel CONDON."" Lodge Members The election of officers by S. Peter's Lodge, S.U.F., took place in their Lodge room on the 7th inst., when the following were chosen for the ensuing year: Allan FINDLATER, W.M.; Robert RYALL, Chief Officer; Wm. SNOW, 2nd Officer; Wm. CHURCHILL, Quarter Officer; James GILLETT, Purser; John LUNNEN, Secy.; Rev. R. TEMPLE, Chaplain; Theodore LUTHER, Look-out. Committees: Finance - Thos YOUNG, John WHITE; Investigating - Titus MANUEL, John PURCHASE, Philip FREEMAN, Thos. ASHBURNE, Job LUTHER, James BLACKLER, John ANDREWS. Sick Committee - John ANDREWS, Samual HAMLIN, Phillip FREEMAN, Samuel ANSTEY, Mark BRETT, Phillip YOUNG, Noah WHELLOR, Frederick NEWMAN, Joseph HARBIN, James JENKINS, Wm SNOW. Trustees - Rev. R. TEMPLE, Titus MANUEL. Managing Committee: Reuben BLACKMORE, John PURCHASE, Thos YOUNG. [Submitted by] John LUNNEN, Secretary. Herring Placentia, Jan 7. - The first cargo of frozen herring from this Bay for the season left here yesterday in the Grover Cleveland for Boston -- shipped by Mr. Edward SINNOTT. The rest of the fleet, about fifteen vessels, are from one-half to three-quarters loaded. Herring are very plentiful, but the weather continues mild and its hard to freeze them. Only one shipment is yet reported from Fortune Bay. Herring are said to be unusually scarce there. -- Special to Evening Telegram" New Governor for Jamaica We learn from late mail papers that Sir Henry Blake has been appointed Governor of Jamaica. During his short stay in this colony, His Excellency made numerous friends, who no doubt, feel pleased at his appointment to the Governorship of so important a dependency of the British Crown. -- St. John's Times. Deaths On the 24th inst. Mary, relict of the late Mr. James MANUEL, aged 78 years. Deaths At Battrick's Island on the 19th inst, after a lingering illness, Lea wife of Mr. John CLARKE, aged 47 years. For Sale Premises for Sale at Little Bay - The subscriber offers for sale his property at Little Bay opposite the Loading Wharf, consisting of Shop, Store, Wharf, Dwelling and Out Houses, and a large quantity of land, about four acres of which are under cultivation. This premises is admirably adopted for the business of the Colony, being conveniently situated for the mines as for the fisheries. Will sell or lease with privilege of purchasing. For further particulars apply to C. O'BREDDIN. Little Bay Mine, or at the Sun office. |
Feb. 2, 1889 | ||
Patriotic Club (Part 1) The Secretary's Report -- Twillingate Jan. 26 1889. To the President and Members of The Patriotic Club, Twillingate. Mr. President and Gentlemen, Your Secretary begs to submit to our notice the second Annual Report of the Club for the year 1888, briefly stating what has been done in the past year toward accomplishing the work for which the Club was organized -- taking a short and hasty view of our present position -- and shadowing forth the prospects and hopes we entertain as to our future. Looking at our efforts in connection with the Legislature, we have no great reason to congratulate ourselves on our success, believing as we do, that our petitions did not meet with the attention they deserved, but we feel that we have still less reason for despondency or discouragement, for we know our action was intended for the public good, and we also feel assured that truth will always prevail in the end."'Tis not in mortals to command success. But we'll do more, my brothers -- we'll deserve it." Let the blame for our failure rest on the shoulders of those who caused that failure; we have nothing to do with the failure except to learn a lesson, and try again and again if necessary, and treasure the fact in our memory for future action. With regard to our present position as a Representative Club, I see no reason to despair or complain. Our meetings have always been harmonious and interesting, and we are encouraged in our work by knowing that we are working not only for ourselves and the Societies we represent, but that we are actuated by the most disinterested feelings for the welfare and prosperity of our common country. Patriotic Club (Part 2) I know of no better method of accomplishing this end, than by our periodical meetings for the discussion of topics of general interest. Here we have various opinions freely discussed, our local and political wants and requirements openly expressed and made known, and thus it follows that we are in a better position to decide on what is best and most advantageous. I consider that such Clubs ought to be established in every outport in the colony, and if such was the case, I have no hesitation in saying that rapid improvement would follow. But what should I say as to our future? the mysterious future. I believe it will be generally admitted that the fisherman is the back-bone and life's blood of the country, and but for him and his labor, the land (under its present state) would be depopulated. His exertions and labor support all. What then is his position today? In eight cases ought of ten, his life is only one long struggle to exist. To exist for what purpose? Merely that he may continue to help and build up the fortunes of those who are called his suppliers. For example, take the last twenty years. Has the fisherman's position or his prospects improved or been benefited one iota during that time, and consider that twenty years form more than half the average life of man. All other lands are going ahead more or less -- at any rate we can hear of none that are standing still or going back. But has Newfoundland advanced during that time? Has the toiling fisherman added to his income? Has be been more prosperous in his calling? Alas! no. He has not even the prospective pleasure of looking forward to improvement, for his calling is an uncertain one, and does not in a great measure depend upon his individual efforts. If he gets a fair voyage well and good -- he can carry on or exist for another year, but if the voyage fails where is he?" Patriotic Club (Part 3) Let the returns of the poor expenditure answer. Hundreds of thousands of dollars have been added to the debt of the colony during that time and what have we to show for it. Taxation has increased, while thousands of our best and youngest men and women are leaving the land of their birth, seeking that employment and support in other more fortunate lands that is denied, or cannot be found for them, or does not exist in their own. The principal emigration has been to that very Dominion which we refuse to ally ourselves with, and whose growth and progress in all the essentials of true prosperity is something wonderful. Compare her progress with ours during the time I have named, and we must hide our diminished heads. Do not these facts speak to us trumpet-tongued, and point out what I contend to be the only permanent remedy that can restore vitality and prosperity to our suffering land, namely a union with Canada on fair and honorable terms. This is a subject well worth the most serious consideration or our members, and I leave the matter in their hands, with the hope that it may be so considered, fairly, honestly, and without prejudices. In conclusion, I would respectfully impress upon the members, the necessity of attending our stated meetings more regularly during the year, and trusting that the new year may prove one of unalloyed happiness and prosperity to each and all the Societies we represent, and wishing all our members a very happy New Year, I remain, gentlemen, Yours respectfully, Samuel BAIRD, Secretary, P.C. The following are the officers of the Patriotic Club for the ensuing year: John PURCHASE, President; John ELLIOTT, Vice President; Chas MAYNE, Treasurer; Samuel BAIRD, Secretary. From an occasional correspondent Mr. Editor, Dear Sir -- While sitting in my room this afternoon, I fell into a deep reverie and Fogo in all its beauty appeared to my brain, time 3 p.m. Looking in the direction of the hall belonging to the S.U.F., it seemed to me that there were a goodly number of men assembled together. Who are they and what were they doing? Why, Mr. Editor, they were the Society of United Fishermen forming in procession, preparatory to taking their usual walk around in the Harbor. It seemed to me that they left the Hall, proceeded on their shanky ponies to the main road going Western to River Head, down the North Side, across the Harbor on ice, landed at the premised of E. DUDER, Esq., up the South Side to the Hall, where there were already and awaiting, tables loaded with all the good things mentionable, such as beef, potatoes, puddings, tarts, jellies, custards, fruit, &c.; but it seemed to me, there were strangers in that social gather. Ah! Ah! I see who they are now: my friends A.R., A.F., J. R., and two or three others, and sure there is a dance about to commence. Aye: what gentlemen is that coming forward? Certainly I have seen that face before (can't remember it though). Oh my! Oh my! What beautiful damsels, dressed in their gorgeous apparel to attract the attention of the gentlemen. I think I know one, two, three, four, yea more but -- Lo! Where am I? Gone out to see a sight. Something that rose tonight. The New Moon! February 1 S.U.F., Fogo The Society of United Fishermen, Fogo, celebrated their Anniversary on Thursday last. The weather was delightful and the celebration was equal if not superior to any that have been previously held Bazaar, Greenspond The sum of six hundred and forty dollars was realized at a bazaar held in the parish hall, Greenspond, on the last days in December, in connection with the Church of England, the Rev. E. WEARY being the Incumbent. Mail A very heavy South mail arrived at Shoal Harbor last Saturday at 12:15 p.m. It left there on Monday morning with six team of dogs, and reached Gambo on Thursday at 2 p.m., leaving there daylight yesterday morning. The mail may be expected here Monday evening or Tuesday. Orphanage Some time ago we noticed that the Women's Missionary Society, Central Board, Toronto, of which Mrs. Dr. WILLIAMS is president, had proposed a grant of $50 per annum for each child, towards supporting the Methodist orphanage St. John's, which institution was established during the past year. This noble effort should influence the Methodist friends in the Northern parts to contribute liberally toward the Mission fund. Narrow Escape From Drowning Although the ice has not been very strong connecting the surrounding settlements, many venture have been made over it, and several persons have fallen through and very narrowly escaped drowning. One instance, particularly, was that of Mr. Jacob KEEFE and his son Abraham, of Burn Cove, Friday's Bay, on Tuesday morning last. They were on their way to Morton's Harbor, with dogs and slide, and fell through near Samson's Island. They were in the water some considerable time and were at length rescued with great difficulty, both being nearly exhausted. Some of the dogs perished in the water. The men reached Mr. SAMSON's where they received a warming and refreshments. S.U.F. Anniversary Celebration The Society of United Fishermen will hold their Anniversary on Monday next, weather permitting. The entertainment will commence at 7:30 admission to which will be fifteen cents. Mrs. STAFFORD will preside at the organ, and the programme to which the audience will be treated we have favored with, and is as follows: Programme -- Address, Chairman Mr. A. FINDLATER; Quartette, ""There's a sigh in my heart""; Reading, Mr. S. BAIRD; Dialogue, ""Witches in the cream""; Song, Mr. W. TOBIN; Recitation, ""The perplexed wife,"" Miss Laura ASHBOURNE; Reading, Mr. J. PURCHASE; Song, '""Dashing white Sergeant,"" Miss SNOW. Dialogue, ""Aunt Betsey's nurse""; Recitation, Mr. J.N. PERCY; Song, ""Crocodile,"" Miss A. ASHBOURNE; Overture, Band; Reading, Mr. T. YOUNG; Song, Dr. STAFFORD; Dialogue, ""The widow's mistake."; Recitation, Master A. ASHBOURNE; Reading, Mr. S. BAIRD; Dialogue, ""Scandal""; Duet, ""Fairy Dreams,"" Mrs. HITCHBOCK and Miss ASHBOURNE; Recitation, ""Me and Jim"" Miss SNOW; Song, Mr. W. TOBIN; Dialogue "A know nothing customer""; Song, Dr. STAFFORD; God save the Queen Deer Hunter Shot (Special to the Sun.) Beaver Cove. February 1st. Three men belonging to Northern Bight, Trinity Bay, were deer shooting and were surrounded by a company of deer. Reuben MARTIN altered his position unknown to the others. One man fired and missed the deer. The bullet hit MARTIN above the knees, passing through both legs but breaking no bones; the wounded man is doing well. St. John's News St. John's, Jan. 30. The new bait protection steamer Fiona arrived here from Falmouth last night. The special term of the Supreme Court for the trial of SPARKS and RIGLY, Captain and Mate of the schooner Clara, for the death of a seaman Charles HOOKEY through ill treatment, takes place to-day. The Grand Jury previously brought in bill for manslaughter against both. The Jury also brought in a true bill for wilful murder against Wm. PARNELL, which is to be tried after the first mentioned. Weather is still mild; no snow, ice or frost. Farmers are ploughing. Dr. CROUDY and Mr. P. EMERSON are seriously ill. Diphtheria is rather prevalent. One case of small pox was discovered on Sunday. A Canadian Children's Paper Hitherto we have been accustomed to expect children's papers to come from the United States. We have now to welcome one, however, printed in our own country; and if it keeps up to the standard of the sample before us, the imported article will have to devise some measure of ""retaliation"" or get out. It is well printed on toned columns, is beautifully illustrated and carefully edited, and the stories and other reading matter, while of the highest order, are just the kind to attract and delight our boys and girls. All this provided semi-monthly for only fifty cents a year. The proposal is to distribute it in the school clubs -- it could not be supplied at the price under any other plan. The kind co-operation of teachers will thus be absolutely necessary to success. Samples are sent to all teachers; but if any have not received a copy to date, a post card to the Publishers, Grip Publishing Co., Toronto, will secure it. Ask your children if they have seen it. |
February 9, 1889 | ||
Entertainment Items from a Southern Correspondent; Professor BUELL before leaving Newfoundland gave an exhibition of his magnificent views in St. Patrick’s Hall, Carbonear. The scenes exhibited by the oxyhydrogen light embraced the Rocky Mountains, British Columbia, the North West and Riel’s Rebellion, the Maritime Provinces, and about a hundred local views including a very fine one of the Northern Metropolis. On the evening of New Year’s Day Rev. J GOODISON delivered a lecture on “Love, Courtship, and Marriage" False Report The report of the finding of the bodies of the missing women belonging to Victoria Village proved to be untrue Shipping News The brigantine, Cledda Belle, Capt. DONNELLY, belonging to the Hon. J. RORKE, sailed for the Mediterranean with a full cargo of fish on the 5th, January. On Thursday the 10th of January, the brigantine Kate, Capt. PARSONS, also belonging to Mr. RORKE, arrived from Cadiz with a cargo of salt. She was 47 days on the passage and experienced very rough weather. The fine banking schooner Argonaut, Capt. TUCKER, belonging to Messrs. DUFF & BALMER arrived from Boston a few days previous. Weather The weather in this neighborhood has been remarkably fine and mild, being more like that of September. There is no snow to be seen. The weather has been lovely and mild up to date, with the exception of a few severe days, and the coast has been pretty free from ice. There has been no ice barrier to prevent a steamer from making regular trips here and we cannot see why it should not have been so, as long as navigation would admit. Entertainment A Clerical meeting of the Deanery of Conception Bay took place at Carbonear on the 15th ult. An able sermon was preached at night in St. James’ Church by Rev. C.E. SMITH, B.A., of Heart’s Content from the text “Thy Kingdom Come.” On the same night in the North Side Methodist School-room, the second lecture for the season, under the auspices of the Avalon Club, was delivered by A.B. MORINE, Esq., M.H.A. - subject - Confederation. J.A. ROBINSON, Esq., President of the Club presided. For two hours and a half the lecturer spoke ably and eloquently, Mr. MORINE was accompanied by his colleague for Bonavista, Donald MORRISON. Esq. The Club is hoping to secure a lecturer to speak on Anti-Confederation. The Avalon Club held its annual service in behalf of the Reading Room on January 22. Masonic Mutual Life Insurance (Part 1) The Directors of the St. John’s Masonic Mutual Life Insurance Association beg to present their statement of affairs for the year 1888.The Directors have to report six members added to the death-roll for the past year. Five calls only have been made, viz; for Bros. G.A. SCOTT, H. GEMMEL , C. MENZIES, Geo. BURSELL, and Wm. THORBURN. The Association has added to the roll during the past year eight members, and the Directors feel glad to state that this mode of insurance is duly appreciated, as it affords the cheapest and most convenient method of Life Insurance. The Treasurer’s account has been audited by Bros. J. COWAN and Jas. JARDINE, and is now presented, showing a balance to the credit of Reserve Fund of 662 dollars, and to the credit of general account 928 dollars and 50 cents, being an increase on the whole of 214 dollars and 77 cents after paying all current expenses for the year Masonic Mutual Life Insurance (Part 2) Not withstanding the calls on the Association being one of the largest since its formation, The Directors are pleased to state that this Report shows its financial standing the best on record. The Directors urge on the Brethren (uninsured) the advisability of giving this mode of Insurance their earliest consideration as they deem it a Masonic Duty of every Brother to become a member thereof. The Directors would be pleased to see a number of members attend the annual meeting and offer suggestions as will aid the interests of all concerned. In accordance with Bye Law 3 the following Directors retire (but are eligible for reelection) viz., Bros. P.G.TESSLEY, Wm. BOLT, J.L. DUCHEMIN, and Jos. WILSON. Respectfully submitted, J.L. DUCHEMIN, President. F.G. CORNICE, Treasurer Jos. WILSON, Secretary. January 15th, 1889. Death Our obituary column today contains the death of an old and much respected resident, Mrs. Mary NEWMAN, beloved mother of Mr. Richard NEWMAN. She was in her 89th year, and though far advanced in life, was, until within the last eighteen months, comparatively hale, and in the enjoyment of all her physical powers, especially her sight, and could read without the use of glasses until shortly before her death. The deceased was seized with an attack of sickness nearly two years ago, and for the past eighteen months was confined to bed. Being an exemplary Christian for many years, she did not fear approaching dissolution when the time came, and the months of suffering were borne by her very patiently, with calm submission to the will of God; and all through her affliction she gave unmistakable evidences of possessing those graces which should ever adorn the Christian character, and which shine most lustrously when exemplified in the furnace of affliction. Her remains were laid to rest in the Church of England cemetery yesterday afternoon, the funeral being largely attended, and to the sorrowing family and relatives we tender deepest sympathy. Advertisement PREMISES FOR SALE AT LITTLE BAY: The subscriber offers for sale his property at Little Bay opposite the Loading Wharf consisting of: SHOP, STORE, WHARF, DWELLING AND OUT HOUSES, AND A LARGE QUANTITY OF LAND, about four acres of which are under cultivation. This premises is admirably adapted for the business of the colony being conveniently situated for the mines and for the fisheries. Will sell or lease with the privilege of purchasing. For further particulars apply to: C. O’B REDDIN, Little Bay Mine. Pamphlet This mail we received a copy of “A Summary Account of the Wild Berries and other Edible Fruits of Newfoundland and Labrador,” by the Rev. A.C. WAGHORNE. Society of United Fishermen Candelmas Day falling on Saturday this year, the Society of United Fishermen kept their Anniversary on Monday last, February 4th. A special Service was held at the Church. The singing was remarkably hearty and we were pleased to see that the Rev. T. NURSE was able to read the lessons. Marriage At the Methodist school house, Western Head, Morton’s Harbor, on the 7th ult., by the Rev. John HEYFIELD, Mr. Joseph FUDGE of Whale Gulch, to Miss Naomi BUDGEL of Exploits. Death On Feb. 5th, after a protracted illness, borne with Christian resignation to God’s will, aged 80 years, Mary, relict of the late Mr. Richard NEWMAN, Sr. of Dorsetshire, England. “For ever with the Lord.”" Death At Morton’s Harbor on the 9th ult., Emily Jane, beloved wife of Mr. Mark TAYLOR. “Asleep in Jesus” “To die is gain”" Murder Sentence The murderers NEIL and OLIVER, who killed COUPARD at Dog Island, St. Pierre, were sentenced on Feb. 7th. NEIL to be guillotined there in the public square, and OLIVER to ten years at the Galleys. Both received their sentences with stolid indifference. Death Mr. Prescott EMERSON was buried in St. John’s on Tuesday, Feb. 5, aged 48 years. Small Pox Small pox is in St. John’s; one death has taken place from it and there are two new cases in the same house. There are three cases at Harbor Grace. The government is taking every precaution to prevent its spreading. Messrs. J. MUNN & Co.’s brig William arrived at Harbor Grace five days ago and reported having buried a man during the voyage. No Notice was taken of it until yesterday, when three of the crew were taken down with small pox. Harbor Gracians are terribly excited today over matters. The crew were paid off and let loose amongst town folks. Drug stores are blockaded for camphor today. Sentenced Captain SPARKES and Mate RIGBY have been sentenced to five years penal servitude at St. John’s for manslaughter of HOOKEY. PARNELL’s case is postponed until the spring term Death A funeral sermon will be preached at St. Peter’s Church, by the incumbent, on Sunday Evening next, with reference to the deaths of the late Mrs. NEWMAN and Mrs. MANUEL. Mail The overland mail from the South, arrived on Tuesday evening, and the couriers left with the return mail early yesterday morning, this being the second that has been dispatched from our post-office this season. Herring Fresh Herring gave been plentiful in Friday’s Bay of late, and a good many have been caught by those with seines in the water. It is a great pity a business by which employment might be given to needy persons cannot be carried on in preparing this fish in some form or other for market. Diphtheria Diphtheria is very prevalent in St. John’s |
February 16, 1889 | ||
Banking Fleet New Additions to our Banking Fleet: Mr. John MURPHY, of Gambo, has added another vessel to the banking fleet. This is the second which arrived here for him during the month. They were both built at Gambo during the last season, by Mr. McKAY, and are the same size - 80 tons. One is called the “ St. Bernard,” the other the “St. Paul.” They are for sale, and can be seen at the wharf of Hon. M. MONROE. They are well built, being copper-fastened and full-timbered. They can be sold much cheaper than the Nova Scotia banker of equal size, and being equal, if not superior to the Canadian or Massachusetts vessel, there can be no need to go out of Newfoundland by banking men intending to invest. Fisherman’s and Seaman’s Home We are told the number of beds occupied during the year in the Fisherman’s and Seaman’s Home, St. John’s was 7200, the greatest number at any one time being 95. Lobster Fishery The Daily Colonist tells us that the lobster fishery shows an increase of 60 percent for 1888. The figures are $207,009 for 1887 and $330,000 for 1888. Still is capable of expansion. Advertisement A few copies of the Rev. A.C. WAGHORNE’s pamphlet, containing “A Summary account of the Wild Berries and other Edible Fruits of Newfoundland and Labrador,” are for sale at the SUN office; price 10 and 15 cents. Frozen Herring Cargoes of frozen herring have been shipped the past winter from Placentia to the United States’ markets. These ventures have been fairly successful and it is thought the “western fishermen are crossing the threshold of a new industry.” Schooner Sold The Evening Telegram says that “ the well-known schooner, the Minot Light, owned by Mr. Henry MOORES of St. Anthony, has been purchases by Messrs. P. & L.TESSIER, the consideration it is stated being five hundred and sixty pounds. Though twenty years old, she is of American build, being constructed of white oak, and is therefore a good vessel for thirty years to come.”" Thank-offerings The New Year Thank-offerings for the St. John’s East End circuit, towards reducing the debt on Cochrane Street Church, amounted to the handsome sum of twelve hundred dollars, and it was expected, when all the offerings were received, that the total sum would not be less then sixteen hundred dollars. This speaks much for the large spirit of liberality which prevails among the Methodist friends of the Metropolis. Death At Renews on Jan. 13th, Wilson Bendshaw, aged 28 years, Barrister and Attorney-at-law, youngest son of late William KELIGREW, Esq. |
February 23, 1889 | ||
Marriage At the Methodist parsonage, Military Road, St. John’s, on the 2nd inst., by the Rev. J. PARKINS, Mr. George SAMWAYS, to Cornelia, third daughter of the late W.T. SALTEr Letter from Wesleyville, BB The Church at New Town is finished on outside. Our services are well attended, especially by young men who flock to all the meetings and appear to take a deep interest in all that goes on. We held our first regular meeting of the Band of Hope recently; 102 members are enrolled. Six sealing steamers are lying up here, and one at Greenspond waiting to leave for the ice. We expect to raise $1000 cash for all church purposes on this circuit, in addition to a lot of free labor on the churches which we hope to finish during the year. I enclose list of 17 weddings to date and expect to make up the score before the District meeting; when we will be pleased to visit our old circuit, Twillingate, once more. Marriage The Following Marriages are all by the Rev. W.T.D. DUNN: On Nov. 30, in the Parsonage, Wesleyville, Mr. Wm. WEST of Seal Cove, to Miss Patience HANN of Wesleyville. Marriage On Dec. 12, in the Methodist Church, Wesleyville, Mr. John THORN of Wesleyville, to Miss Ellen GAULINE of Freshwater Bay. Marriage On Dec. 13, in the Methodist Church, Cape Freels Island, Mr. Job VINCENT of Cape Freels Island; to Miss Mary Ann SHEPHERD of Poole’s Island. Marriage On Dec. 15, in the Methodist Church, Cape Freels, Mr. William GUDGER of Windmill Bight, to Miss Joanna EASON of Musgrave Harbor. Marriage On Dec. 17, in the Methodist Church, Wesleyville, Mr. Zacchaeus STURGE of Flower’s Island, to Miss Dinah WHITE of Greenspond. Marriage On Dec. 18, in the Methodist Church, Wesleyville, Mr. Charles [surname omitted] of Wesleyville, to Mrs. Jane JEANS of Poole's Island. Marriage On Dec. 19, In the Methodist Church, Wesleyville, Mr. Joseph TILLER, to Miss Livinia MULLETT, both of Swain’s Island. Marriage At the same time and place, Mr. Absalom GALTON of Noreton’s Cove to Miss Rosanna CUTLER of Fair Island. Marriage At the same time and place, Mr. Kenneth CARTER of Wesleyville, to Miss Julia Jane GAULINE of Freshwater Bay. Marriage On Dec. 21, in the Parsonage, Wesleyville, Mr. William COLLINS of New Town, to Miss Martha BEST of Noreton’s Cove. Marriage On Dec. 25, in the Methodist Church, Wesleyville, Mr. John COLLINS of New Town, to Miss Julia PAYNE of Wesleyville. Marriage On Dec. 26, at the same place, Mr. Henry COOK of Fox Cove, to Miss Matilda ROBERTS of New Town. Marriage At the same time and place, Mr. Josiah HOWELL of New Town, to Miss Jessie Louisa GARRET of Fox Cove. Marriage At the same time and place, Mr. Edward HOWELL of Fox Cove, to Lucy CROSS of Greenspond. Marriage At the same time and place, Mr. Tobias HOWELL of New Town, to Miss Jane CROSS of Greenspond. Marriage On Jan. 1st, in the Parsonage, Wesleyville, Mr. Samuel TEMPLEMAN, to Miss Elizabeth Garrett, both of Fox Cove. Marriage On Jan. 23, at the residence of the bridegroom's brother-in-law, Capt A. KEAN, M.H.A. of Noreton’s Cove, Mr. Frederick YETMAN of Noreton’s Cove, to Miss Elizabeth MOORE of Safe Harbor. Bazaar Notice The LADIES of St. Andrew’s Church, Twillingate, intend holding a Bazaar, next Fall, for the purpose of raising money to seat, paint, and otherwise finish the interior of the Church. Contributions in Money, or useful and fancy articles will be thankfully received by the following ladies: Mrs. T. ASHBOURNE, Mrs. HITCHOCK, Mrs. Jas. JENKINS, Mrs. G. BLANDFORD, MRS. LETHBRIDGE, MRS. JAS. SLADE. Mail The mail from the South arrived Monday evening and a return one left early yesterday morning. A mail from the Bay was received on Tuesday evening, which is the first that has come this season by the outside route. The couriers started on Tuesday morning with the mail for Fogo and intermediate places and was as far as Change Islands yesterday. As the ice has not been bearable, there has been no communication between this and Fogo since the last steamer, and this is the first mail from here since then. Death by Fire A sad calamity took place at Heart’s Delight, Trinity Bay, on the 17th ult. A house belonging to one Edward LEGGE was destroyed by fire and two of his children were burnt to death. All his winter’s supplies were consumed in the flames and the unfortunate man, who we are told is in a bad state of health, was left entirely destitute. Narrow Escape from Drowning (Part 1) A very narrow escape from drowning occurred at Purcells Harbor last Saturday morning, the particulars of the case being something like this. David GINN who had been gunning happened to see a seal just outside the point which he was fortunate in killing, but while in the act of getting it on board, the boat capsized and the occupant was precipitated in the water. He managed to get on the bottom, but the boat being very light would not bear up and it capsized over and over again and the unfortunate man was struggling in the water for some time, and though within sight of persons on shore, felt that he would perish in the water. When he thought there was no hope of being rescued he managed to tie the painter of the boat around him, so his body might be easily recovered Narrow Escape from Drowning (Part 2) But providentially, Mr. .EVELY took a gun and left his house to look for birds, and when he brought the point open, he saw the drowning man, and immediately got a boat and crew and went to his rescue. Mr. GINN, who had then been in the water nearly thirty minutes, was in an almost exhausted condition, and in a minute or two longer he would doubtless have been drowned. His hands and fingers were all drawn up with the frost and cold where he had been holding fast to the boat and this week he has been confined to his bed for the most of the time, suffering from the effect of the accident. However, it is a providential thing for his wife and family, that he was seen in time and rescued from a watery grave. Rhubarb in January The Daily Colonist of the 23rd ult, says: “Mr. FORAN is our authority for saying that the guests of the Atlantic Hotel enjoyed, yesterday, a Newfoundland Rhubarb pie. The vegetable was grown by Mr. J.T. Neville, at Rae Island farm and tastes as succulent and nutritious as if pulled in June. The stalks are quite large and can be seen under their glass covers by visitors to Mr. NEVILLE’s place on the Waterford - Bridge road. Fresh rhubarb in Newfoundland in January! What will our friends across the water say to this? Those friends who have always looked upon Newfoundland as being covered in ice and snow three fourths of the year will certainly be surprised.”" Band of Hope Meeting A public Band of Hope Meeting was held in the Methodist Church,Herring Neck, on February 19th. There were twenty members present. PROGRAMME: Reading: “The man who hasn’t given himself a chance"". J. FARTHING. Recitation: “Thoughts of a drunkard’s wife.” Lucy WARREN. Duet and chorus: “Sing we merrily.” Mr. and Mrs. REX. Recitation: “The Reformed Crew.” Jane FARTHING. Recitation: “Where do you live?” D. COOK. Duet and Chorus: “I love the cause.” L. ALLEN and M.A. MURCELL. Address: T. HAYTER. Recitation: “Poor Bessie.” Laura WARREN. Reading: “A True heart.” Mrs. REX. Recitation: “The two glasses.” R. TAYLOR. Recitation; ”The Mother’s song.” S. SIMMONS. Instrumental: Mrs. REX. Recitation: “The price of drink.” M.A. HAYTER. Recitation: “Say did it take you very long?” S. WHITE. Recitation: “Poor Mary’s story.” L. FELTHAM. Recitation: “The brandy bottle.” J. RICE. Address: Mr. REX. Recitation: “A small word.” M.A. MURCELL. Recitation: “Fallen.” L. ALLEN. Barcelona Exhibition1888 (Part 1) Awards made to Newfoundland Exhibitors At the Barcelona Exhibition1888 Colonial Museum - Fish in Spirits & stuffed seals - Silver Medal - Minerals. - Bronze Medal Nfld Consolidated Copper Mining Co.- Examples of process smelting; Copper from crude ore to copper in ingots - Silver Medal C. S. FOWLER - Argentiferous Lead - Honorable Mention. JOB Bros. & Co - Fish Guano - Silver Medal - Cod Oil - Bronze Medal - Seal Oil - Gold Medal - Codfish & Pickled Salmon - Silver Medal A. GOODRIDGE & Sons -Cod Oil - Bronze Medal - Codfish - Silver Medal - Cod Liver Oil - Gold Medal P & L TESSIER -Cod Oil - Bronze Medal - Seal Oil - Gold Medal - Cod Liver Oil - Gold Medal. - Codfish - Gold Medal J & W STEWART - Cod Oil - Bronze Medal - Seal Oil - Gold Medal. - Cod Liver Oil - Gold Medal - Codfish - Silver Medal BOWRING Bros. - Seal Oil - Gold Medal. - Cod Liver Oil - Gold Medal - Codfish & Lobsters in tin - Gold Medal BAINE JOHNSON & Co Barcelona Exhibition1888 (Part 2) Codfish & Pickled Salmon -Gold Medal M. MONROE - Cod Liver Oil - Gold Medal - Codfish, Salmon & Lobsters in tins and pickled herring - Silver Medal J. MUNN & Co. - Cod Oil - Bronze Medal - Seal Oil - Gold Medal C. DICKS - Porpoise Oil - Silver Medal James BAIRD - Lobster, Salmon, and Herrings in tins - Silver Medal WEST & RENDELL - Lobsters in tin - Silver Medal E. F. TREADWELL - Lobsters in tins - Gold Medal James MURRAY - Pickled Herring - Silver Medal St. John’s Tanning Co.- Tanned Seal Skins - Silver Medal Colonial Cordage Co.- Cordage, Lines, and Twines - Gold Medal F. W. GOLDER - Patent Buoys and Anchor - Gold Medal S. H. PARSONS - Photographs Descriptive of Nfld Scenery - Silver Medal Jno LIULBERG - Bavarian Beer - Gold Medal George GADEN - Ginger Ale - Gold Medal. Supreme Court (Part 1) Prisoners Sentenced to Five Years with Hard Labor. St. John’s Feb. 2, 1889 The court met today at 11 o’clock. The prisoners STARK and RIGBY were present to receive sentence. Mr. GREENE, Q.C., on their behalf asked the Court to temper their sentence with mercy. He read two affidavits, one of Mr. T.R. SMITH, the other of Capt. GREENE, testifying to the character of Capt. STARK. He also read some certificates which were found among the Captain’s papers, which showed that his character had been that of an honest, upright man. Two letters were also read from the owners of the vessels expressing surprise and disbelief at the charges against the Capt. and offering him a position whenever he was free to accept it. MR. GREENE also produced a letter written by the Captain’s wife, which he said would not be read to the Court. It was simply a record of the most abject heart-rending misery. During a long period, at their Lordship’s discretion, she would with her children, two of whom were infants, be simply destitute of means. As regards RIGBY, Mr. GREENE had only two discharges of his and from these his character appeared to have been that of an honest trustworthy man. Supreme Court (Part 2) When Mr GREENE had concluded, Mr. Justice PINSENT, D.C.L. pronounced sentence of the Court as follows: Thomas STARK and James RIGBY, you have, after a patient and impartial investigation, been convicted of the crime of Manslaughter for causing the death of one Charles HOOKEY. You were respectively Master and Mate of the schooner “Clare” of Plymouth, upon a voyage from Bristol to St. John’s, Newfoundland, and the deceased Charles HOOKEY, was a seaman on board that ship upon that voyage. During its prosecution you are shown to have inflicted upon the man HOOKEY a series of ferocious assaults in almost every form of unbridled cruelty and passion. You are also shown to have subjected him to sufferings and privations by ordering him to be kept on bread and water alone, and by culpable disregard and neglect of the commonest provision for his bodily comfort. It is needless to repeat here the harrowing particulars which have so recently been disclosed by the evidence of the (besides yourselves) three surviving members of the ship’s crew. You were originally committed by the Magistrate upon a charge of willful murder, but during this term the Grand Jury, taking a merciful view of your case, reduced the charge to manslaughter, and your trial having recently taken place, a petty jury, without hesitation, found you guilty of that charge, the only rational course which, under the circumstances, was open to them. Supreme Court (Part 3) You are fortunate in the fact that in the result, you have been acquitted of the intention and design to take the life of Charles HOOKEY, and that you have been found only to have been guilty of conduct, thoughtlessly cruel and culpably negligent, resulting in HOOKEY’s death, but not by you consciously inflicted upon him, with the likelihood that death would ensue. In reading the distressing particulars of this case, feelings of indignation and horror are excited to an extent greater than would be aroused in many cases in which life might be taken, upon a sudden impulse of passions, or under a strong sense of personal injury. Here, you were responsible custodians of the life and security of the deceased man, in a position in which he was for the time being, under your absolute dominion and control. We have to repeat, what we stated to the Juries, that no inability on the part of the seaman for the discharge of his duties, let it arise from what cause it may, will justify the use toward him of barbarous violence and savage and capricious cruelty. Of the two prisoners you (RIGBY) appear to have acted with the greater heartlessness and moreover from you better opportunities, you were aware more fully than the Captain, of the feeble condition to which HOOKEY had been reduced. On the other hand you (STARK) were the first to set the example of violence, and you neither restrained yourself, nor did you exercise your authority as you might have done, to curb the passions of others. You have been ably defended. You have suffered nothing from want of any means of defense which would have been been afforded you in any part of Her Majesty’s Dominions. Supreme Court (Part 4) While on the other hand, you will have learned, that the remark made by one of you to one of the witnesses, that you could not be got into trouble in St. John’s about this affair “because it was not all English law over here” is entirely ill founded, as is, I trust and believe, the implications conveyed in another observation of you, RIGBY, to HOOKEY, “If we were bound to New York or any other part of the United States, we would soon fix you.” In measuring your punishment we are not unmindful of the provoking fact to which we may be justified in giving some consideration at this stage of the case, the deceased HOOKER, who engaged himself as an able seaman, failed in all the qualifications necessary to his assumed place, and proved almost worthless in the prosecution of a long and stormy voyage across the Atlantic, at an inclement season of the year, on board a small vessel with a very small crew. We are disposed to temper justice with much mercy, but we are bound to inflict such a punishment as will mark the heinousness of your crime, such as you will acutely feel, and such as we hope will be the means of deterring others from the commission of similar outrages. While it is true, that in England, a sentence of imprisonment, could not in cases of manslaughter, exceed two years with hard labor, it is also true that that offense is there, punishable with penal servitude for life, or not less than five years. Supreme Court (Part 5) In this colony, while we adopt in a general way, the code of English Criminal Law, it is modified in some respects and particularly in the matter of penal servitude, which we have no adequate means of carrying out, and our local law provides that “where by the law of England offenses are, or shall be punishable with penal servitude, the Supreme Court of this Colony, may in its discretion, sentence offenders convicted before such Court of the like offenses, to imprisonment, with or without hard labor, and with or without any other punishment to which such offences may be by law liable, for any term not exceeding the longest term of penal servitude provided for the like offense by the law of England.” In the exercise of the most merciful discretion which we can justify to ourselves in your case, we sentence you from this date five years imprisonment with hard labor in Her Majesty’s Gaol in St.John’s. With regard to the appeal made by Mr. GREENE in mitigation of punishment, we can only express our deep regret that others should suffer through your grave and terrible misconduct. We have no reason to doubt the general good character you are said to bear, particularly you, Captain STARK, who have produced, through your counsel, some high testimonials, and we can only trust that your future conduct and demeanor, while serving your sentences, may be such as, possibly within the period to which you have been sentenced, to commend you to the clemency of the CROWN. The prisoners were then removed and the Court rose. Notice In re estate of the late SIMON JACOBS. As administratrix of the late JONATHAN JACOBS, I hereby notify intending purchasers that I have a substantial claim on the said property, so that they may govern themselves accordingly. MARY JANE HAYWARD" |
Contributed by George White (2003)
Jan. 5, 1889 to Feb 2, 1889 Transcribed by Chantel Coulen (2002)
Feb. 9, 1889 to Feb 23, 1889 Transcribed by Ron Gale (2002)
Page Revised by Craig Peterman (January 2003)
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