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Twillingate Sun
March - April

March 3, 1888


A correspondent, per last mail from the Bay, sends the following: During the winter, several ""luciffe"" have been caught in the neighbourhood of Hall's Bay. They are large animals and very destructive to sheep. Their skins are worth about three dollars and fifty cents each. The Indians say they are increasing rapidly. Not one partridge, scarcely, has been shot in the Bay this winter.


Mr. WARR at Roberts Arm has commenced to build a large schooner, and Mr. STRONG is also building one about 70 tons, near Little Bay.


At HERRING NECK: On Tuesday evening, Feb 21st, a Temperance Meeting was hold in the Methodist Church…Mrs. REX presided at the Harmonian, kindly lent by Mr. LOCKYER. The Church was filled, and at the close of the meeting, signatures were obtained to the Prohibition petition.


At LITTLE BAY: A public Temperance meeting was held in the Church of England Schoolhouse on Tuesday Night, 14th ult., by Sergeant WELLS. The chair was taken by Mr. Geo. QUINBY, who expressed his entire sympathy with the movement of Total Abstinence, and commenced the meeting by calling on the choir, which consisted of Mrs. WELLS, Miss GOULD, schoolteacher, Miss C. ATKINS, Miss HERBERT, Miss Edith WELLS and Miss F BLANDFORD, organist, to sing...Messrs. Joseph JEANS and Henry LIND also addressed the meeting. We learn that Mr. E R BURGES, has sent the Sergeant a challenge for the 15th of March, which we have no doubt the Sergeant will accept.


At Little Bay, Feb 11th, by Rev H Abraham, Mr. John GOUDIE, to Miss Elizabeth COOMBS.


At Halls Bay, Feb 15th, by Rev H Abraham, Mr. Solomon PENNY, to Miss Elizabeth PELGRIM.


On Sunday night, Feb 26th, Mary, relict of the late Mr. William RIDOUT, at the advanced age of 89 years.


On January 7th, at Harrys Harbour, Mr. John C SIMMONDS, formerly of Mosquito, Conception Bay, aged 54 yrs


We learn that large numbers of seals passed Fogo last week.


The annual Methodist Missionary meeting was held in the North Side Church last evening, and was presided over by Capt. A ROBERTS. The report was read by Rev G BULLEN, superintendent of the circuit, and addresses were delivered by Revs. W HARRIS, W. REX (Herring Neck), J. EMBREE (Fogo) and Rev J HEYFIELD (Moretons Harbour). The meeting is to be held in the South side Church this (Saturday) evening, weather permitting, commencing at 7 o'clock.


Little Bay: Most unfortunately, the Rev Mr. TURNER of this place, who for his charity and kindness is much liked by many of his flock, found it necessary on the 19th inst., to state in the Church, that some evil and unkind reports had been circulated respecting him (which we believe to be untrue) and that he demanded an apology from his people before he again preached. The report had some respect to indulging in drinking, but we hope, and quite believed, that an enemy has done this piece of mischief, and feel sure the reverent gentleman has, in no wise, done what was reported about him. It would be well for persons to mind their own business, and give up gossiping.


INDIAN ISLANDS: On Tuesday Feb 21st, the Missionary meeting was held at the above place. The chair was taken by Mr W. PERRY JR. The report was read by the Rev J EMBREE, President of the Conference. Addresses were delivered by the Rev J EMBREE who spoke on the work of Methodism in Newfoundland, and on the Labrador, and the elevating and purifying influence of Methodism on the nation. The next to address the meeting was the Rev W HARRIS, who spoke on the connection between Methodism and the work of evangelising the world. Messrs. W PERRY SR. and P. PERRY also addressed the meeting. ....


SELDOM-COME-BY: On the following night, Wednesday, the Missionary meeting was held in the above place, presided over by T C DUDER, Esq., Fogo, who gave a very thrilling and interesting speech. Rev J EMBREE read the report. The meeting was addressed by Revs. J EMBREE, W. HARRIS; and also Messrs. J G LUCAS, Fogo, SIMMONS, Fogo, J HOLMES, and L PERRY.....


BARR'D ISLAND: On Thursday night, the Missonary meeting was held at this place. The weather was threatening in the day, but towards the evening, the storm cleared away, and a large number came together. The chair was occupied by T C DUDER, Esq. The report was ready by Rev J EMBREE, Superintendent of the Circuit. The meeting was addressed by Revs. J EMBREE, W. HARRIS, Messrs. SIMMONS, and others.


FOGO: on the following night, Friday, the Missionary meeting was held in the above place. Notwithstanding the night being very disagreeable, a large number was present. T C DUDER, Esq., presided. Rev J EMBREE read the report. Addresses were delivered by the Rev W REX, Herring Neck who treated on the work of the missions in foreign lands. Revs. J EMBREE, W HARRIS, J G LUCAS, Esq., also addressed the meeting. The organ was played by Miss Clara SCOTT.


CHANGE ISLANDS: On Monday night, Feb 27, the Missionary meeting was held at this place. The chair was taken by Mr. S ROBERTS who made a few interesting remarks. The report was read by Rev W REX, superintendent of the Circuit. The meeting was addressed by Revs. J EMBREE, W. HARRIS, W. REX, Messrs. SIMMONS (Fogo), PARSONS and PELLY. Mr. Rex played the organ, and suitable hymns were sung.....


The annual Missionary Meetings commenced this year at TILT COVE. It was most cheerful to see that since last year a great improvement has taken place in the condition of the place. About 100 men are now at work and there is good hope that the mine will be well worked during the year. But for the mine, many poor fellows would have felt most keenly the hard times. Heavy damage has been done to the fishing property both at Tilt Cove and SHOE COVE. Mrs. S MARTIN died at Shoe Cove and Mr. BUTLER of Tilt Cove broke two of his ribs, and a woman unfortunately fell down stairs and broke her collar bone just a few days before the Missionary meeting was held. At NIPPERS HARBOUR where the next meeting was held, Mr. ANDERSON had recently died. In fact death has been very active throughout the Bay of late. At Harry's Harbour, Mr. John EVANS's son aged 18 died, and at S.W. ARM, John GILLAM also recently parted this life. Mr. JAMES of Little Bay died suddenly, he was struck by his sleigh as it fell over and died after a few hours. There is also much sickness among the people. However, to return to the meetings at Nippers Hr, W J EEATOR (sic), Esq., J.P. took the chair and gave a very appropriate address. Mr. MOORES who is staying in Nippers Hr this winter and getting his schooner repaired, gave a most interesting speech....


At North West Arm, the meeting was hardly equal to some that have been held there. Several families have left the Harbour for the winter, and many of those remaining feel the natural consequences of the bad voyage. Mr. James HIGGINS who has been a resident there for so long time is intending to leave next summer and go to the States. He will be greatly missed for he has been the Patriarch of the place....


At Harrys Harbour, Three Arms, and Wild Bight, good meetings were held and the money subscribed was in advance of last year.


At Little Bay, Sunday 12th inst., S JENNINGS preached in the Presbyterian Church to a crowded congregation. On the following day, the Missionary meeting was held; Mr. J B HOWSON took the chair. At LITTLE BAY ISLAND the meeting was not very large as so many people have removed to the Bay, yet it was an interesting and instructive one.


March 10 1888


At Farmers Arm, on the 5th inst., after a tedious illness, borne with resignation to God's will, Mr. George MINTY, aged 67 years. For about 45 years, the deceased was a Society member of the Methodist church and lived a consistent religious life. His funeral took place yesterday afternoon, and was largely attended. (Sermon by Rev G BULLEN)


At Back Harbour, on the 3rd inst., Mr. Daniel WARR aged 78 years.


FOGO: Two men, father and son… saw an unknown bird of great dimensions, seemingly exhausted, floating in the slob. They had no difficulty in capturing and killing it, as the bird was completely played out. Now, the men quietly took the bird home not taking the trouble to even inform their neighbours of the capture... and cooking it, the bird made three meals for the family. Strange to say the story seems to have become well known in St. Johns before it had half circulated Fogo, as is evident in the Magistrate Jas. FITZGERALD, Esq., receiving a telegram from GOVERNOR BLAKE, inquiring about the bird (which was reported in St. John's to be a penguin or a great auk) before he, the magistrate, living in Fogo, had even heard the remotest hint about the capture. Mr. FITZGERALD also received by mail from St. John's a very clear drawing of a penguin. On interviewing the man who made the capture, Mr. F., was informed that the only parts of the bird left were the feet, head and wings which corresponded exactly with the feet, head and wings of their 'great auk' in the drawing and which after carefully packing, he sent to the Governor. There can be no doubt of its being a penguin, but where it came from is certainly a mystery. If the men had only preserved the bird, the proof of its being a penguin would have been worth two hundred dollars to them.


Seven steamers from St. John's are prosecuting the seal fishery in the Gulf this spring.


A few seals have been killed this week and many are of opinion that if the winds are favorable a good work will be done.


Up to date, seventeen craft have cleared from the Customs for the sealing enterprise, and are waiting a favorable time to leave for the ice fields.


An interesting Missionary meeting was held in the SOUTH SIDE Methodist church last Saturday evening. Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, the attendance was very fair. The meeting was addressed by Revs. G BULLEN, W HARRIS and J EMBREE, all of whom spoke with much ability and earnestness on behalf of the mission cause. The singing by the choir under leadership of Mr J DAVIS was very good, the organ being played by Miss Jessie HODDER? who did her part in a most creditable manner.


March 17 1888


The annual Missionary meeting at MORETONS HARBOUR and TIZZARD'S HARBOUR were held on the 6th and 7th of March. (At) the Meeting at Tizzards Hr (on the 6th), the chair was taken by Mr. John BOYD, who is ever ready to do his part. He also made a suitable speech. The report was read by Rev Jesse HEYFIELD. The Rev Wm HARRIS, of Twillingate, was then called on for an address, which proved highly interesting and profitable. On the following evening a good meeting was held in the Church at Moretons Harbour...under the direction of Mark OSMOND, Esq., who was called to preside....Messrs. Samuel SMALL and Elijah JENNINGS being called on, responded with suitable speeches. A good selection of hymns was sung, led by Miss Jessie OSMOND who ably presided at the organ.


From Little Bay: The serious charge of intoxication which the Rev Mr. TURNER said in the church, was reported about him, and because of which, he would not preach until the members of the church signified they discredited the statement, appears to have no true foundation and the people are signing a document asking the reverend gentleman to assume his ecclesiastical functions, as they have every reason to believe the rumor was incorrect.


LETTER TO THE EDITOR/Little Bay Mines, March 3, 1888. Dear Sir: - Concerning the Salvation Army at Little Bay Mines. I am happy to report that here they have encountered but litlle interruption compared with the many annoyances they have met with elsewhere. I cannot but speak favorably of them as several have been converted at their meetings and others revived. It seems to be a verity to say that by their way, among some classes of people the best results can be achieved. How absurd for people to treat any great variance about forms of worship when all God's converted people are really one common body. It is a pity that those who do not agree with the Salvationists form of worship cannot keep away, as they have a perfect right to hold their meetings, and persecution has never yet put down any religious body, but has added to the number of members. No persecutor is so proud or furious, but either the terror of God can restrain, or His grace convert him. As yet they hold their meetings in private houses, which are usually crowded, their conductors being (females) Lieutenant PENNY and Cadet HOUSE. I wish further to state that it is said they intend enquiring for the occasional use of the Hall, a building as yet not quite completed, and I would say it cannot be put to a more worthy use than for the Salvationists to conduct their meetings in. (signed) VIDETUR.


A good many seals were killed yesterday and the previous day by those who were off in boats. From a private dispatch received the early part of the week, we learn that seals at Cape John were abundant.


Two steamers are reported to have been seen from FOGO a day or two since. The steamers sailing from GREENSPOND have not yet got their freedom. The winds have kept the ice tightly packed on that part of the coast.


Celebrated at MORETONS HARBOUR, on Wednesday last, March 14th. Recitation - Mr. Robert FRENCH; Reading - Mr. George BENNETT; Solo - Miss A. MILLS; Address - by Mr. Elijah JENNINGS; Recitation - Mr. Robert BARTLETT; Reading - Miss R OSMOND; Address - Mr. Mark OSMOND; Recitation - Miss Lily BARTLETT; Solo - Miss MILLY; Address - Rev J HEYFIELD; Vote of thanks - proposed by Mr. J B OSMOND, seconded by Mr. R FRENCH.


At Little Bay, on Feb 28th, the wife of Mr. LIND, a daughter


At Little Bay, on Feb 25th, by Rev H ABRAHAM, Mr. John T NOBLE to Miss Esther GOUDIE.


The winds this week have been unfavorable for packing the ice to the shores of this part of the bay, and no seals have been taken, with the exception of a few that have been killed in the water by gunners. The seals were said to be ten or twelve miles off, and if the ice were to come in tightly there would be every prospect of our landsmen doing a little with them.


March 24 1888


On Thursday last, after a brief illness, Mr.Hezekiah STUCKLESS, leaving a wife and two children


At Tilt Cove, on the 19th March, Ellen, the beloved wife of Mr. James FOSTER, aged 30 years


At Hillsboro, St. John's, Nfld, on Feb 28th, after a lingering illness, aged 25 years, Robert Hedley Vicars PINSENT (late of the Registrar General's Department, New Zealand), eldest son of the Hon. Mr. Justice PINSENT, D.C.L., of the Supreme Court of Nfld.


At St. John's, on the 28th ult., Herbert George, infant son of R.H. & Mary G RICE


From Bett's Cove, Feb. 20th.: It is estimated that fifteen thousand harps have been landed on Patridge Point, plenty of seals there (White Bay); ice packed. There is every prospect of good work being done. The best rope up to Saturday had one hundred. Widow WALSH had thirty-five for her own rope. It is reported that there is a good sign at Bryant's Cove. Our men are gone, but no one is back yet.


On Friday night…the wind veered and blocked the ice to the land, and the next day many men were off and were successful in bringing back turns of seals. On Monday & Tuesday, the number of seal-seekers was largely increased and good work was done. The sealing enthusiasm even inspired some of our lady friends, who travelled out to the seals, and were as successful in killing and bringing a ""tow"" to land as were any of the old professional seal-hunters.


The changeable nature of the weather this winter has had a trying effect upon the people in this neighbourhood. Such diseases as inflammation of the lungs, bronchitis, and pleurisy have been quite common, and many deaths occurred.


Some of our merchants are investing in Bankers for the coming season. The BARBARONI, a fine schooner of 90 tons, and built of oak, has recently come down from Nova Scotia for B. T. H. GOULD, Esq. Large quantities of ice have been taken from the ponds for the use of the bankers.


The members of the Fire Brigade have just held their annual meeting. A new branch has been opened in the lower part of the town.


The Royal Albert Lodge Templars of Temperance, in order to infuse life into the movement, has organized a course of lectures for the winter season. Rev G BOYD, of St. John's, commenced the series, taking ""Prohibition"" as his subject. J Alexander ROBINSON, Esq., Head-master of the Grammar school, delivered the second.


A correspondent writing from Carbonear (March 3) says: ""We have just received the sad intelligence of Rev. Mr. Hoyles' death. The Rev. gentleman was a brother of the late Sir H. Hoyles, and for many years Rector of this Parish. Mr. Hoyles has been residing for many years in the South of England where he died in a ripe old age.


We are sorry to learn that while on the ice last Saturday, a sad accident befell George YOUNG, a married man, and son of Mr. George YOUNG of South Island, Twillingate. While firing at a seal, the gun bursted, injuring his left hand to a considerable extent, fracturing nearly the whole of the fingers and otherwise bruising the parts. Dr Stafford...decided on amputation of the arm above the wrist, since which time he has been progressing very favorably.


Another gun accident is reported to us from New Bay. On the 10th inst., Mr. Thomas CLARKE had his hand badly hurt by the bursting of a gun. He was getting the best attendance that can be got there (New Bay) but it was feared if, he did not get to a doctor soon, he will soon lose his hand, and perhaps his life. He has a large family and is in poor circumstances.


March 31, 1888


We learn that about two hundred men are now employed in connection with Tilt Cove Mine.


Two sealing steamers were reported to be near the Horse Islands on the 22nd inst. and supposed to be in the vicinity of the harps. On Saturday and Monday last a good many seals were taken by means of boats, but since then nothing worth while has been done. Seals were being hauled at Exploits, New Bay and Fortune Harbor for more than two weeks. A correspondent from Fortune Harbor under date of Monday last says: ""All our men are still engaged hauling seals. All the men from New Bay and Leading Tickles are stationed here and at Exploits. The seals were found as abundant to-day as ever, only men had to go a little further. All our men got full tows and several young harps were brought in. It is over two weeks since the first seals were got here, and the general opinion is that the great bulk of the hoods whelped about fifteen miles N.E. from here, as the further men go from the land the more plentiful the seals are found. There are none within reach of Leading Tickles or New Bay the past few days, but the men are constantly travelling here to reach them. The average here to date would be something like twenty five (young and old) per man.""


A Mr. O'NEILL, a few weeks ago, cut his foot in the woods near Little Bay and in a few hours died from the effects. The Dr. was unable to get to him in time to save his life. He leaves a wife and several children.


It is well reported that at partridge Point, White Bay, between 20,000 and 30,000 seals have been hauled. About two hundred and fifty men were at the place at the time.


At Little Bay Island, on the 12th the Orange society had their soiree. The Rev. Mr. HATCHER preached the annual sermon. The tea and after amusements were very much enjoyed by the society and friends. One over zealous Salvationist caused some trouble by desiring to wear his Salvation Guernsey, with a certain inscription upon it. To this the master and many of the members of the Lodge objected. But they found it rather difficult to manage one of the ""Blood and Fire Brigade."" He was at last induced to enter the church with a jacket on, but greatly disturbed the peace of the congregation during the prayer by most inopportune and continuous responses such as -- ""glory"", ""hallelujah"".

School Board Meeting

At the Methodist school Board meeting at Little Bay Island, March 21st, it was decided that the Methodist school houses should not be used for Salvation Army meetings; the Rev. Henry HATCHER was in the chair.

By Telegraph

From Halifax on March 24. Both events are dated March 23 - Lord LANSDOWNE leaves Canada the last week in May. --- The brigantine ""Canada"" from Newfoundland was wrecked at Figueira and the captain only was saved.


April 7, 1888

Letter of Sympathy

Harry's Harbor, March 19th, 1888. Dear Mr. Editor, -- Please allow me a space in your paper for the following letter of sympathy and respect, sent to me and mine as regards our loss -- ""My dear Mrs. SIMMONS, It was with pain and grief that I learned on Saturday (by looking over the Twillingate Sun) of the death of your husband. Though I know that no words of mine can bring comfort to your sorely tried heart, yet I cannot refrain from writing to you to express my deep and heartfelt sympathy in your affliction. Knowing your husband as intimately as I did, I can understand what a blow his death is to you. He was a man whose place will not be easily filled in this world; how impossible to fill it in his home. You are, ever in your loss, fortunate in this; he left behind him a name unsullied and which should be a precious legacy to his sons and to you. His Christian faith so undoubted that we may feel the blessed assurance that he has gone to the home prepared to those who love and faithfully serve the Lord Jesus. This should comfort you; you have the hope of meeting him one day in a better and happier union, than the ties that bound you here on earth; he waits for you and reunited there, you will know no parting. I pray God to temper your afflictions and give you strength to bear and endure it. May he, in his own good time give you the peace that will enable you to wait with patience until He shall call you to meet your loved one in Heaven. Please express my sympathy to your sons, and believe me to be, Sincerely yours, a friend. I am Mr. Editor, yours truly, Mrs. J. SIMMONDS.


Information was received by English mail of the death of Mrs. George WATERMAN, only sister of Mr. Wm. WATERMAN, senior.


The Harbor Grace Standard has lately taken a new departure and instead of being a weekly paper it will henceforth be issued semi-weekly, at a reduced size. This is a change that will no doubt be fully appreciated by its many patrons and we hope the new venture will prove successful to the worthy editor and proprietor.


The ice blockade has prevented the fleet of schooners from prosecuting the seal fishery up to date. There are over thirty-three fitted out from different parts of this Bay and French Shore.


The Horse Islanders have again been fortunate, and the few men there are reported to have between 15,000 and 18,000 young harps, or about 400 per man. The harp ice is still jammed in White Bay and there is supposed to be a patch of seals yet untouched between the Horse Islands and Harbor Deep.


Nearly all the week, three or four steamers have been visible some twelve or fifteen miles in the ice. They appear to be deeply laden and trying to force South through the ice, which is evidently very heavy. They were in much the same position up to late yesterday. Of late the weather has been fine during the day, but rather cold at night, which causes the ice to be firmly connected, making it impenetrable for even the powerful steamers such as are engaged in the prosecution of the seal fishery.

Loss of Ship

The schooner ""Isabella"", Thomas LACEY master, from the firm of Messrs. OWEN & EARLE, which cleared for the seal fishery some time ago, was lost on Friday last about two or three miles from land. The ice went off from the land and the schooner, taking advantage of the same, left Herring Neck to proceed on her voyage, but before getting very far, the ice ran together and crushed the schooner to pieces. They succeeded in saving the tackles, &c., which was taken to Herring Neck on Saturday, the day after the unfortunate occurance took place.


News reached town on Saturday to the effect that a deplorable accident had happened on the previous day at Long Pond, South Shore, whereby two promising lads, aged seven and nine years, respectively, both sons of Mr. GREENSLAID, had lost their lives by drowning. It seems they were crossing the creek and fell through the ice. Nobody observed the catastrophe but it is supposed they sunk almost immediately. As soon as missed, a search was instituted when their caps were found on the ice and shortly afterwards both bodies were discovered in a standing posture in the mud. Willing hands brought them quickly to the surface and the Rev. Mr. COLLEY was speedily in attendance and did all in his power to resuscitate the inanimate forms but the vital spark had fled and all efforts proved unavailing. At the time of the accident the father was attending a neighbor's funeral. The two children were the last he had left out of a large family.-- ""Evening Mercury March 19.""


By Telegram from Halifax on March 31 - The event is dated April 2. The ""Newfoundland"" sails to-day.


At Bath, England, on February 19th, Nabeth Hannah, wife of the Rev. Geo. ….TERMAN, M.A., aged 62 years.-- ""Blessed are they who put their trust in Him.""


Under the heading ""Items from Carbonear"" (From Southern Correspondent): Petitions in favour of Prohibition have been numerously signed here. A large number of our people in this neighbourhood favour the idea of Confederation. The leading merchants here (including the Hon. J. RORKE), support the movement. This gentleman, for many years M.H.A. for this district, advocated the scheme twenty years ago. On Sunday afternoon the 4th of March, the funeral sermon of the late Rev. W. H. HOYLES was preached in St. Jame's Church by Rev. J. NOEL of Harbor Grace. The same day was set apart as the Methodist Sabbath School Anniversary. Sermons were preached morning and night by the resident ministers, Revs. J. GOODISON and J.W. VICKERS, and a meeting was held in the afternoon, for the benefit of the scholars, teachers, parents, and friends. On Tuesday night, March 13th, the third Lecture of the course under the auspices of ""Royal Albert"" Council T. of T. was delivered by Rev. G.P. STORY of Freshwater. The lecturer took as his subject: ""The story of a successful life"" and spoke ably and eloquently on the life of the late President Garfield.


Under the heading ""[For the Twillingate Sun]"" ""Lines"". On the Death of Rev. T.G.B. HOWE at Seldom-Come-By, Feb. 4th, 1888.*"


April 14, 1888


The Rev. Father DELANEY died on Tuesday night. His funeral takes place tomorrow morning.

Schooner Lost

The schooner ""Dove"", belonging to Mr. DOWER, of Conche, was lost in White Bay while prosecuting the seal fishery. She had been successful in finding the seals, and was nearly loaded when the disaster happened, which is a serious loss for the owner. This is the third sealing craft that has been lost this spring so far.


There have been several arrivals at St. John's from the seal fishery the past week, as will be seen in our telegraphic column, and we are glad to find that Capt. BLANDFORD heads the list this spring with 41,000. The sealing voyage this year is likely to be fairly successful, and will be more general in its advantages to the colony than has been known for many years.

The Mails

Official advices from the General Post Office, St. John's, informs us that as there is no steamer available to come North until May, and extra mail will be despatched from here, which, according to the post office notice form our Post Master, in another column, will leave about the 16th or 17th inst. This no doubt will prove a convenience to the public.


The schooner ""Lucy"", Philip FREEMAN, master, arrived from the ice fields on Monday night, with between seven and eight hundred harp seals. They had been already killed, having been a part of a load of DOWER's schooner, of Conche which was abandoned at the time of the ""Lucy's"" crew taking possession of them. The ""Lucy"" brings account of the schooner ""Endurance"", John HACKETT of Leading Tickles, being loaded, also a craft from Cape Shore, STARK, master.

Ship Lost

The schooner ""Suliean"" owned by CLARK Bros, was lost on the 6th instant on Bishop's Rock, in the vicinity of Cape John, and about four miles from land. A large pan of ice three miles in extent pressed down on the vessel, crushed her side in, and she soon after sank. The crew arrived in Twillingate on the 10th instant.


The steamer ""Falcon"" arrived from the ice fields on Sunday morning with about 16,000 seals, followed in the evening by the ""Neptune"", with 41,000; ""Aurora"", 25,000 and the ""Esquimaux"", 24,000. The ""Ranger"" arrived on Wednesday with 24,000 and the ""Nimrod"" with 11,000.


The amount of duties collected in Twillingate for 1887, was $4,850. 85 being a decrease of $152.34. under the previous year. Of course, this is no criterion whatever of the amount of dutiable articles imported here, as the greater quantity comes through St. John's where duties thereon had been paid. The duties collected in Little Bay for 1887 amount to $12,475.67 being an increase of $6,953.09 over 1886. This is by far the largest amount collected in any of the Outports in the colony, with the exception of Harbor Grace, where $49,557.67 was received.

New Ship

We understand that the new steamer for the Northern postal service was launched some time last month, and that she is called the ""Conscript"". At first it was understood the name ""Puritan"" was to be given the steamer for the Northern service, which would have been more favorably received than the name she is now to be known by, but a more appropriate name than either -- one of some local significance, might have been given to our Northern steamer. It is understood that she will be ready to commence the service early next month. And here we would suggest the advisability, in making the sailing regulations, that a definite time should be fixed for remaining in each port of call. If it is to be an hour, or more or less, it should be definitely known, then all concerned could be governed accordingly.


On the 5th inst., at the North Side, by Rev. Wm. HARRIS, Mr. William PRICE to Miss Fanny FROUD, both of Twillingate.


On the 10th inst., at the Parsonage, by Rev. Geo. BULLEN, Mr. Thomas JENKINS to Miss Barbara VATCHER, both of Twillingate.


On the 10th inst., at the Parsonage, by the same, Mr. Charles VINEHAM of Durrell's Arm to Miss Drusilla ELLIOTT, of Herring Neck.

Shipping News

By Telegraph from Halifax dated April 11 - Steamer ""Newfoundland"" sails for St. John's to-day.


April 21, 1888

Coastal Steamer

The ""Conscript"", the new coastal steamer for the Northern service, left the Clyde, England, on the 13th inst. but had to put back, and was not left again up to Thursday evening.


We beg to thank the Rev. W. PILOT, B.D., for a copy of the report of public schools under Church of England Boards for 1887, extracts from which will be made in other papers.


Last English mail brought to Rev. W. HARRIS the sad intelligence of the death of his father, and we sympathize with the Rev. gentleman in this sore bereavement.

Coastal Steamer

The steamer ""Neptune"" left St. John's for the Northern ports of call, at three o'clock on Thursday afternoon, having on board mails, passengers and freight. It is feared that the heavy blockade of ice on the coast will prevent her getting along, but it is hoped that a favorable change of wind will soon remove the intervening impediment, and allow the good ship to enter our ports, where she will be so welcome after a lapse of nearly four months, since navigation closed.


""Our Sealers up North"". The various telegrams, public as well as private, received in town yesterday from Tilt Cove, convey the pleasing intelligence that the shoremen at Partridge Point, and on the Horse Islands had done extraordinary good work this spring, the large number of forty thousand seals having been hauled ashore at the former place and eighteen thousand on the Islands. We learn that the men, for the most part, located at Partridge Point are dealers of Messrs. WATERMAN & Company, and that the crews, on the Horse Islands were stationed there by the same firm. We congratulate Thomas HODGE, Esq., one of the partners of this respected firm, on his good fortune. Mr. HODGE has resided here for some time past, and is a general favorite. -- Evening Telegram, April 3. (The above report seems to have been greatly exaggerated, as the latest information from White Bay leads us to believe that the seals landed at Partridge Point are little more than quarter the number stated above, and at the latter place not half. However, we are glad to see the name of a partner, of one of our old and much respected firms here, so favorably spoken of by our contemporary. -- Ed. Sun.)


At a regular meeting of the ""Northstar"" Divison, No., 15, Sons of Temperance, Thursday, April 19th, the following officers were installed by the D.G.W.P:-- Bro. Frederick LINFIELD, W.P., Bro. Reuben BLACKMORE, W.A., Bro. John LUNNEN, R.S., Bro. Samuel PAYNE, sr, A.R.S., Bro. George ROBERTS, F.S., Bro. Andrew ROBERTS, F.S., Bro. George BARRETT, A.C., Bro. J.W. ROBERTS, I.S.. P.S. --The Chaplain, (Bro. J. HILLYARD,) Conductor, (Bro. E. BLACKMORE,) and Outside Sentinel (Bro. J. FIFIELD,) elect, are respectfully requested to attend meeting of Division next Thursday night. S.


Intelligence was received by telegram yesterday morning of the sudden and serious illness, at Dundee, of Mr. James ANGEL's eldest son. This was followed in the afternoon by a cablegram conveying the sad news of his death from inflammation of the brain. The deceased had been attending college at Dundee with a view to entering the medical profession. He acquired the elements of Chemistry from Prof. HOLLOWAY, in which he gave promise of considerable ability. In June of last year he left St. John's on board of one of the Dundee steamers for the whale fishery, as assistant doctor and since his arrival at Dundee he has been studying medicine. -- Evening Mercury, March 31. (The deceased was connected by family ties to Mr. J.N. PERCY of this place, and the parents and relatives have our sympathy. -- Ed.)

Gift to Prince

By Telegraph from Halifax. Event is dated April 14. Thirty-nine colonies, including Newfoundland, make a joint gift to Prince and Princess of Wales for Silver wedding.


MARRIED. In the Methodist Church, Tizzard's Harbor on the 11th inst., by the Rev. J. HEYFIELD, Mr. John BOYD to Miss Lavinia SMALL.


HARRIS -- Entered into rest, March 5th in the 78th year of his age, David HARRIS, Clydach Vale, South Wales. The deceased was the father of the Rev. Wm. HARRIS, Methodist minister, Twillingate.


At Farmer's Arm, on the 15th inst., Mr. William ROSE, aged 30 years.


At Dundee, Scotland on March 31st, of inflammation of the brain, Heber, eldest son of James ANGEL, aged 19 years. The deceased was attending college studying for the medical profession.


April 28, 1888


It is reported that Tilt Cove mine has been purchased by TAYLOR & Co.,

Shipping News

Two or three schooners left here during the week for other ports of this bay, and for White Bay, on a trading venture.


Coke and coal have been short in Little Bay for some time past and as a consequence over a hundred men were idle.


The average per man for New Bay was about fifteen seals, old and young. At Exploits, and Fortune Harbor, we presume, much better work has been done.


We note from our exchanges that the Norway fishery up to the 14th inst. yielded 45,000,000 as compared with 36,000,000 to same date last year, being an increase of six millions for the present season.


The amount collected in Twillingate for light dues during 1884 was $954.52, Little Bay $697.32; and Nippers Harbor $71.84, making a total of $1626.31 for the district.

Shipping News

The steamer ""Neptune"", Capt. S. BLANDFORD, arrived Thursday morning with mails and passengers. She brought a quantity of freight here. The steamer had been nearly a week getting along, owing to the heavy ice blockade along the coast. She will proceed as far as Tilt Cove, if not prevented by ice.


A Remarkable Seal. A New Bay writer reports a strange kind of a young hood seal, that was brought in one day by a young man. It had eight flippers and two heads, and two very large hind knuckles, (as large as an old one's). On each knuckle were two flippers, and it had two fore flippers on each side as well. It was dead from some cause when discovered, and the heads had been eaten a good deal by the crows. The seal was quite large for a young hood. Such seals are not common, and the mention of it may be of interest to some readers. Our correspondent also informs us that the Mr. CLARKE, reported some time ago as having injured his hand by the bursting of a gun, is getting better. He will save his hand minus of the third finger which was blown off when the gun bursted.

Shipping News

By Telegraph Halifax. Event is dated April 21 - The ""Newfoundland"" arrived yesterday.

Leading Tickles Concert

Under the Column Heading ""Sunday School Entertainment at Leading Tickles - On Wednesday in Easter week a treat, by way of tea and Entertainment, was given to the children of St.Nicholas' Church Sunday School of this place. The treat was to have come off on Tuesday, but owing to stormy weather it took place on the following day and proved quite a success. The day being fine, the children assembled at the school room at 3 p.m., where they enjoyed themselves in various games, till the tables which their kind teachers and friends so bountifully provided, were laid, when they partook of a very comfortable tea, after which the teachers, Choir and few friends enjoyed themselves in like manner. Doors were open at 7 o'clock for the Entertainment, admission fee 5 cents, to buy books, &c., for the Sunday School. The room was crowded, with a very orderly and attentive audience. The following programme was gone through to the great amusement and satisfaction of all present: Opening address - Mr. George H. PEARCE; Duette - Misses S. & M. HANNAM; Recitation - Miss Olivia CHIPPETT; Song with chorus - Mr. G.H. PEARCE and Miss Matilda HANNAM; Recitation ""The Inchcape Bell"" - Miss Rose HAGGETT; Recitation ""Uncle Ben"" - Miss Sarah CHIPPETT; Dialogue ""Only Toe"" - Mrs. PEARCE, Misses HATCHER, ROUSELL, ALCOCK, HANNAM, and Mr. PEARCE; Recitation ""The Donkey"" - Master N. CHIPPETT; Trio, Misses Fanny ALCOCK, Matilda HANNAM, and Mr. PEARCE; Reading - Mr. Thomas SILK; Recitation - Master Eli HAGGETT; Song - Mr. Jesse ROUSELL; Recitation ""Old England's Hearts"" - Misses M.J. HATCHER and J. ALCOCK; Recitation ""The Sparrow"" - Miss Susanna ROUSELL; Song ""Good News from Home"" - Miss Selina HANNAM and Miss M.J. ROUSELL; Recitation ""May Queen"" - Fanny ALCOCK; Dialogue ""Defending the Castle"" - Mrs. PEARCE, Miss Julia ALCOCK, Mr. PEARCE, and Master R. ALCOCK; Recitation ""W"" - Miss Olivia CHIPPETT; Recitation, ""Me ready to go out"" - Miss Louisa SILK; Song - Mr. PEARCE; Recitation ""Months of the Year""; Reading ""She was used to babies"". ""God save the Queen"" A Teacher, Leading Tickles, April 9, 1888.

Bay Steamers

We notice that the above subject has been engaging the attention of the Legislature, and that a sum of money has been voted for the purpose of providing local steamers for Trinity and Placentia Bays, but we have seen no reference made to the subject as regards this bay, which is the most important in the colony. In former issues, the feasibility of providing local steam communication was fully pointed out, and it was hoped that when definite action was taken by the Government the claims of this district would be foremost in their consideration in inaugurating the establishment of bay steam. We don't know whether our Representatives are full alive to the interests of their district in this matter, but with one holding a seat in the Executive, another Chairman of the Works, and the third Financial Secretary, our interests ought to be well conserved, and with their united efforts we should not be behind other districts, when such public inprovements are incepted. We shall have more to say on this subject in future papers.


Donations Received by the Dorcas Society, 1888


Contributed by George White (2002)
March 3, 1888 to March 24, 1888 Transcribed by Jill Marshall
March 31, 1888 to April 28, 1888 Transcribed by George White

Page Revised by Craig Peterman (January 2003)

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