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July 3, 1886 | ||
Loss of Schooners The schooner, L.P. Ford, belonging to Messrs. OWEN & EARLE, and in charge of Mr. George POND, which left here a short time ago for Labrador, was lost on Plumpy Point, French Shore, on the 9th of June. It was very foggy at the time, and being calm, the vessel drove ashore with the tide and became a total wreck very quickly. The greater part of the outfit and gear were saved. The crew returned home on Monday last. This is the second craft from here that has been lost going to the Labrador the present season, the British Queen, Mr. Elias DALLY, Master, from the firm of Messrs. WATERMAN & Co., having been lost about three weeks ago near the Horse Islands, saving everything excepting the salt. He has since left here in another craft, and we hope he will be more fortunate this time and return in the course of a few weeks with a full fare. Shipping News The Revenue cruiser, Rose, Captain STEVENSON, bound North, put into port on Wednesday evening, having on board Mr. BERTEAU, the collector of duties for the Labrador coast. The schooner Evangeline, Capt. Andrew ROBERTS, called here on Wednesday morning en route for St. John's, having a cargo of lumber from the Point Limington (sic) Saw Mill Works, New Bay. The Mary Parker, belonging to E. DUDER, Esq., returned from St. John's on Saturday evening last, and will be leaving for there the early part of next week. This schooner is doing remarkably good work again this season. Not long since she made the trip in a little more than four days, having a cargo each way. A fine steam launch has been built in the Bay the past winter for the firm of E. DUDER, Esq. She is forty seven feet long and eleven wide and will be very useful to this Bay. The launch was taken to St. John's a short time since, and is being fitted up with engine and boiler at the Victoria Boiler Works. Rose Blanche Notes Our Rose Blanche correspondent sends us the following, under date of June 14th: - Fishery continues fairly good, bait rather scarce, weather favorable for curing fish. Mr. SORSOLEIL's dwelling house was burnt to the ground on the morning of the 11th. The family barely escaped with their lives, furniture, clothes, books, etc., being destroyed. Other buildings were in great danger for some time; however, with the assistance of a number of persons, further damage to the premises was prevented. Origin of fire unknown.^Accident, Camp Islands, Labrador "The following is an extract from a communication to the St. John's Evening Mercury on the 10th ult., from the Rev. W.S. RAFTER, who is known to many Church people here, and who has been at Battle Harbor, Labrador, the past winter: "On May 10th a very sad accident took place at Camp Islands. Absolam and Thomas HUSSEY and their servant Abraham MOORES were out in a boat, and in taking a large seal into the boat she capsized. Thoms and Absalom were instantly drowned. Abraham MOORES saved himself by getting on the bottom of the boat. This happened in shoal water about 30 feet from the land on a calm day. They searched for the bodies, but it was not until the 13th, when Rev. W.S. RAFTER arrived, that the body of Absolam was found. The other poor fellow's body was never got. Thomas leaves a widow, and Absalom a widow and child. Rev. Mr. FORSEY Many of our readers will peruse with interest the subjoined extract referring to the Rev. George FORSEY. Mr. FORSEY is a native of dear old Terra Nova, and was for many years a Methodist Minister in this Country. He is a step-brother of the Rev. Fred SMITH, late of this Diocese, but now Church of England Missionary to Chefoo, China. Mr. FORSEY married a daughter of the hon. John RORKE, of Carbonear, and sister of Mrs. GOODISON, wife of the respected Methodist Minister at Heart's Content; - "It is announced that the Rev. Mr. FORSEY formerly the esteemed pastor of the Sherbrooke Street Methodist Church, in the city of Montreal, has withdrawn from that body and will shortly enter the Church, and receive valid ordination at the hands of the Bishop of Montreal. |
Contributed by George White (2003)
July 3, 1886 Transcribed by Marilyn Pilkington (Jan, 2003)
Page Revised by Craig Peterman (February 2003)
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