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Twillingate Sun
May - June

May 5, 1883


To be sold by Public Auction, (under deed of Mortgage), on Wednesday, the 16th of May, 1883, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, on the premises at Herring Neck, all the right title and interest of John WAY, in and to certain land and premises with erections thereon, consisting of Dwelling House, Store, Stage, Flakes, &c, situated at Gut Arm, Herring Neck. Thomas PEYTON, Auctioneer.

For Sale

A small craft, about 20 tons, one summer in use, very fast sailer &c., apply to Josiah MANUEL, Exploits. March 30.

Shipping News

The Brig Faith, Capt STINCHCOMBE, the first direct vessel for the season, arrived here on Friday, 4th inst, from Cadiz, with a cargo of salt to Messrs W. WATERMAN & Co. The Faith made the passage out in 35 days. The schooner Bellerophen, HILLYARD Master, left here for the French Shore on a trading adventure, on Wednesday past. The schooner Bonny, LINFIELD Master, arrived from St. John's on Friday night to J.B. TOBIN, Esq. with a general cargo of merchantdise. The Bonny left St. John's on Wednesday morning. She reports the schooner Mary Parker to leave the following day.


We have been informed of another instance of the honesty of Twillingate boys. A little boy, Master Frank SACREY, while on his way from school on Friday, the 1st ult., picked up a shilling, which he immediately carried to his guardian for the purpose of finding the owner. We are instructed by the teacher that the owner of the lost coin may recover the same by calling at Mr. Henry NEWMAN's, North Side.

A Tour up Exploit's Bay and River (Part 1)

A Tour up the Exploit’s Bay and River. Mr. Editor: Will you please permit me a small space in the columns of The Sun, for an exhibit of incidents, scenes, and labors - temporal and spiritual – that have come under my notice during a visit of between three and four weeks, made in Exploit’s Bay and River, in the months of February and March. On the evening of the 27th. of February, Mr. MANUEL, (Merchant), sent one of his men over to the Mission House, to inform me that he intended, on the next morning after breakfast, to start with his horse and sleigh, for a jaunt up Exploit’s Bay and River, and that if I had a mind to start also, he would “give me a lift”. The proposition being at once accepted with compliments and thanks, accordingly, the next morning, after breakfast, Edward CLANCE, our attendant that day, came over to say that the horse and sleigh were ready and waiting; whereupon, after the usual salutations and adieus to the youngsters, etc., and with coats, valise, carpet bag, mogassins, buskins, rackets, and seal skin boots in hand, we proceeded across the harbor in the direction of the arrested sleigh. On reaching it, we were accosted with audible sounds of impatience by the Merchant and his steed. On quietly remarking to him that I did not know before such an irritable feature inherited his nature, CLANCE and I jumped into the sleigh, and off we started at full speed, in perfect harmony.

A Tour up Exploit's Bay and River (Part 2)

The morning was very fine, the sky clear and almost cloudless, although the atmosphere was impregnated with intense frost, and a keen breeze was blowing from the West by North. The ice on the Bay was slippery, and for the most part in good condition, except about Shimmy Island, in Duck Island Tickle, where it was said to be thin and insecure; Mr. WINSOR’s horse having put his foot through it the day before. After getting out of the Tickle, we were confronted with a vast extent of bay made ice, which, while bounded on the West by the mainland, was apparently boundless on the South and East, and intersected by a number of islands. The long distance that now lay before us, and which was only shortened by the hourly movement of the horse’s feet, presented the appearance of a vast dreary waste, with no sign whatever of any human life, and only momentarily relieved by the casual footprints of an errant fox or rabbit, whose native instinct led it back to some well known retreat in the neighboring woods. After a run on the bay of about half an hour, we were somewhat abruptly stopped by a rent in the ice, of from two or three feet wide, covered only by a thin layer, which had been recently formed, and which was easily perforated at a poke with my staff. The rent terminated on the West at Muddy Hole Point, but toward the East, for aught we knew, it extended ad infinitum. A casual remark having been thrown from the lips of our skipper, and supported by CLANCE, to the effect that, “come when you may in the winter season, there was always a rent in the ice here”, we all got out of the sleigh, and after attempting in vain, in several places, to leap the briny ditch, as a dernier resort, we were compelled to drive for the shore, where we rounded of our difficulty, and proceeded on our way.

A Tour up Exploit's Bay and River (Part 3)

About a mile from Great Grego, which is more gigantic in his lofty proportions than the rest of his rocky neighbors, and which is distant from the Harbor about nine nautical miles, we met a horse and coach, containing two well known friends whom we were glad to see, viz: - our skipper’s brother and his brother’s brother-in-law. After a few words of salutation, etc., and an expression of regret on their part that we had not been a little farther advanced on our journey; (for they had not long since emerged from a neighboring recess in which they had made a fire, boiled the kettle, and satisfied the cravings of a good appetite), we parted as we had met, in good friendship, each pursuing an opposite direction. Proceeding through Grego and winter Tickles, we purposed to call at Gober’s Harbor, but eventually shunned it owing to the length of its indraft, and a want of more time; consequently, we did not stop – excepting once, under a lee shore, to warm ourselves by means of a little brachial exercise in the sun. – until we reached Point Of The Bay. After giving the horse some oats and water, our skipper, by an intuitive instinct, peculiar to his own sensitive nature, left the landwash, proceeded about one hundred yards up a side path, and without inquiry – for there was no human being to be seen – bent his back, and entered the tilt of Henry STRIDE, - the very tilt we had purposed to enter! CLANCE, who had stumbled about a good deal, stretched his neck and peered through the trees and bushes in the hope of finding one of those snow capped dog mounds, could not refrain from expressing his satisfaction at the extraordinary success of his master.

A Tour up Exploit's Bay and River (Part 4)

Here we were cordially welcomed by the inmates – were provided with seats drawn near the stove, under whose grateful influence, while dinner was being prepared, we thawed our whiskers, warmed our chilled limbs, and maintained a mutual chat upon the events and experiences of the past three months. All the men were hard at work at the sawpits in the woods, save one – John BULL (BALL) who, with his boy, two dogs, and a slide, had thus emerged therefrom with a load of lumber. It is no harm to say that the man and this almost proper cognomen very much resemble each other. The contour of his physique is short and thickly set, his muscles are strong and developed by the unflinching labor of well nigh forty consecutive winters in the woods of Exploit’s Bay and River. His facial features are hardy and bronzed, and his voice is as sonorous as the voice of Stentus. His benevolent nature is as strong as his physical organism. After engaging in prayer, and leaving an appointment to be filled up in about a fort-night, on my return journey, we started away for Mr. Luke MANUEL’s, at Northern Arm, which, included a call at High Point, a cup of tea, and a congratulatory conversation with Thomas LANGDON, we reached in the evening twilight. Here we found, on the blocks in the dock, a schooner of about fifty-five tons, in course of construction, and the builders and sawyers in the act of leaving the scene of labor, having knocked off for the day.

A Tour up Exploit's Bay and River (Part 5)

This was my home for the ensuing eight days, during which, there is no need to say anything with regard to its free hearted hospitality and its unassumed aspect of comfort. My experiences during the past three years, are a sufficient guarantee for the assertion that a preacher of the Gospel always finds a welcome, within this God honored retreat. Next morning, after bidding adieu to Mr. MANUEL and his man, who started away for places yet distant, up the river, a visit was made to the home of the late Mr. Edward EVANS, who died at Twillingate, last August, and who was interred in the Cemetery connected with the Methodist Church, South Side. The young men, his sons five in number, a son-in-law, and a deaf mute, were lumbering about six miles in the country, and had been, for the most part, during the winter.Among their experiences of muscular energy, which they, a few days afterwards related in the evening twilight, even while some of the youngsters were asserting their authority over the floor, and others drawing a living interest from the Maternal Bank. They referred to one in particular, in relation to a large spruce tree, in the cutting down of which, three of them had been employed five hours and a half. Its trunk, as they said, was the largest they had ever seen in the country, which, when cut up, would be very useful as timbers in the body frame of a new schooner.

A Tour up Exploit's Bay and River (Part 6)

In the afternoon, walking on the ice being good, a visit was made to Mr. John DALTON’s Dock, at Killick Island, where a schooner of about forty tons is being constructed, under the superintendence of his brother, Mr. Matthew DALTON. Here are four tilts, in one of which dwells his venerable father, the other two being occupied by the workmen. My first salute on entering the Dock, unobserved, was to the master himself, unnecessarily telling him to “Draw the line straight” – he was then pencilling a piece of timber. Happily, the men, women and children, were in good health, and had been, with but little exception, during the winter. A visit being made to each of these tilts, for the purpose of reading the Scriptures and prayer, and tea being over, my steps were at once bent back to Northern Arm in time to conduct Divine Service, according to pre-arrangements. During my stay here of eight days, eight preaching services were conducted, besides prayer and class meetings. Thirty-two families were visited, in reaching which, a distance of forty-two miles were tramped, chiefly on rackets, and to eight children, the Sacrament of Baptism was administered. By several of the Brethren – Messrs. Luke MANUEL, and Wm. EVANS at Northern Arm, and Messrs. Matthew DALTON, Jr., and M. DALTON, Sr., at Killick Island, the services, week day and Sabbath, have been regularly conducted, during the winter, under whose instrumentality, several have been converted to God, and are now meeting in class.

A Tour up Exploit's Bay and River (Part 7)

One of my visits here was incidentally marked by a very affecting scene. At Ship Cove, Peter’s Arm, on entering a tilt, I found a man whom age and disease had reduced to a mere skeleton, who was blind, and almost deaf, and whose latent fire was well nigh extinguished, bent low on his knees, between the wall and the stove, with the raised oven for his canopy, in the attitude of prayer. He was most piteously pleading with the Lord to prepare him for, and take him to, the Better Land. I was told that this, during the winter, had been his daily practice, when he was able to get up out of bed. About two years ago, Richard JURE lost his eyesight, under which affliction he became alarmed at his long life of sin and impenitence, sought the Lord sincerely, and experienced the joy of His salvation. About a year ago, while a little boy was leading him along a slide path through the woods, I met him, when, after a little conversation, he said with many tears, “I don’t know much, but I know the Lord has pardoned all my sins.” Since my return from the Bay, his death has been announced, and we have every reason to believe he has gone to that Better Land, for which he pleaded with God, through Christ, so earnestly and often, under the back part of the stove.

A Tour up Exploit's Bay and River (Part 8)

My next remove, was from Northern Arm to Kite Cove, where seven, very comfortable days and nights were spent, under the roof of Mr. John DALTON. At Kite Cove and Burnt Arm, between which, over a neck of land, is a distance of about half a mile, eight schooners, of medium and small size are in course of construction: viz. – four at Burnt Arm, by Mr. Frederick JURE, whose combined cubical measure will reach about one hundred tons; two at Kite Cove, by Mr. John DALTON, which, including a third at Killick Island, will measure about one hundred and thirty five tons; and another by Mr. John MANUEL and sons, about eighteen tons. Here we greeted a number of our Harbor men, who with their families, had settled for the winter, amid the recesses of the woods, for the purposes of lumbering and schooner building, among whom were Mr. George MANUEL and his family, under whose superintendence, the largest of Mr. John DALTON’s schooners is being built. Here were held eight preaching services, most of which being followed by a prayer meeting or class. From first to last, though the walking was difficult and heavy, the attendance was remarkably good. On the Sunday morning, the weather being fine, although a large quantity of recently fallen snow lay on the ground, and a distance had to be tramped, to and fro, which cost nearly two hours of hard labor, the pride of my heart for the Sabbath, obstinately revolted against the use of coarse week-day pants, buskins, moccasins, and rackets, consequently, it compelled me to don a pair of West of England drap fin, and a pair of Canadian rubber gaiters, but I must confess that long before the journey was ended, the pride of my heart most humbly submitted to the powerful acquisitions of my joints and muscles, and to the effusions of perspiration that were sent to the surface of my flesh, and resolved never again, wittingly, to usurp such absolute authority over the inferior members that have to do the drudgery.

A Tour up Exploit's Bay and River (Part 9)

Thirty-two visits were made among the tilts and dwelling houses, twenty-two miles were traveled, chiefly on rackets, and three children were baptized. Here, as at Northern Arm and Killick Island, the usual services have been systematically maintained by several of the Brethren – Messrs. Percival and Solomon MANUEL at Kite Cove, and Mr. Frederick JURE at Burnt Arm. It would simply be impossible to sustain the work of this large circuit with anything like system and regularity, if it were not happily for the fact that a number of the Lord’s people have become prophets. May the Lord increase the number and kind! My next jaunt was from Kite Cove to Philip’s Head, to which place, on account of the snow being very wet and heavy for racket-walking, and yet not too deep for the horse to walk through, I was kindly driven by Mr. John DALTON. Here reside, within a distance of about a mile from each other, three families. In one of them the Rite of Baptism was administered, in the other two we read the Scriptures and prayed, giving them all an invitation to attend the service which was arranged to be held at the Point of The Bay in the evening. Accompanied by William MARCH, we set out leisurely for the Point, keeping close to the shore. That part of the day, which was beautifully fine and mild, (although a heavy storm of snow and wind came on in the evening), and that jaunt, occupying about one hour and a half, just constituted the cream of my tramping excursions. In the evening, Divine Service was held in the tilt of Henry STRIDE, at which were present a number from the Head, in addition to the occupants of the surrounding tilts. That service was truly felt to be a means of Grace, and the prayers that were afterward offered, strongly attested the presence and benediction of God.

A Tour up Exploit's Bay and River (Part 10)

A large quantity of snow, which fell during the night, considerably increased the difficulty of traveling the next day. With two men, however, Henry and Abel STRIDE, who volunteered their company, we started across the Bay for Sparble Cove, which, after a tramp on our rackets of one hour and a half, we reached about mid-day. A strong breeze blowing from the West with intense frost occasionally enveloped us in a cloud of snowdrift and threatened our ears with harm, if not protected. Feeling conscious of this fact, I said to our friend Abel, who was going on gallio like, caring for none of these things, “Won’t your ears freeze?” “No sir”, said he, “My ears are frost proof; They never freeze”! Here we found, cozily embosomed in the adjacent woods, five tilts, occupied by our own people, who were engaged in cutting, scantling and sawing board. We directed our steps to the tilts of our friends, Francis LUFF and family, who acted the Good Samaritan for us two years ago. A call on a near neighbor of ours, George LACEY and family, and a further racket tramp to Robert PORTER’s completed the day’s work.Here, at 11 o’clock, A.M., Sunday, Divine Service was held. This capacious house proved to be beautiful for the situation, being fortuitously located about midway between the tilts of Sparble Cove and those of Brown’s Arm. In it, many Services have been conducted during the winter. In the afternoon, it was my happy lot to visit the worthy veterans of the Arm, who for three winters in succession, with but a few exceptions, have lived and labored, taught and prayed together, as in mutual confederacy.

A Tour up Exploit's Bay and River (Part 11)

We took for our text Job’s sublime confession and life long resolve, - “My righteousness I hold fast, and will not let it go, my heart shall not reproach me so long as I live.” Job xxvii, 6. Although the discourse was entirely unwritten, and indeed, for want of time, unpremeditated, I never spoke with greater freedom and happiness in my life! {Nibil perniciousius est quam adulatio, sui ipsiur adulato praesortim.} The Spirit of the Lord helped our infirmities, and rested upon us as truly and vitally as the atmosphere with which we were surrounded. In the evening was held a third service, which was followed by a prayer meeting. Here, during the winter, with the utmost fidelity and regularity, the ordinary means of grace have been conducted by Messrs. Simon MANUEL, John ROWSALL, and John FRAMPTON. Here reside twelve families, most of whom, at Sparble Cove, and Point of the Bay, are engaged in lumbering, except Mr. Simon MANUEL, who is building a schooner about thirty five tons. On Monday, accompanied by Mr. Robert PORTER, a further trip on rackets was made to Laird’s Arm and Scissor’s Cove, at each of which places, the work of schooner building was vigorously carried on. One, about twenty tons, by William SNOW and son, and the other, about thirty-five tons, by William CHALK and sons. At Burley Cove, another schooner was in course of construction, by Mr. BULLION of Twillingate. Half a dozen pastoral visits, one Baptism, two preaching services, - one at Scissors Cove and the other at Laird’s Arm, - brought this day’s work to a close. On the next morning, after performing a marriage ceremony, and making a visit to two other tilts, we left Laird’s Arm for John PORTER’s, Brown’s Arm, and Sparble Cove, where in the evening, Divine Service was conducted. My jaunts to and from these adjacent places, lasted until Friday morning, and involved a distance of twenty-six miles, the visitation of thirty-six families, nine preaching services, with prayer and class meetings, and six Baptisms. – Signed: J.P.

A Tour up Exploit's Bay and River (Part 12)

On Friday morning, in company with Messrs. Simon MANUEL and Robert PORTER, we left Brown’s Arm for Gober’s Harbor. The first part of the journey was characterized by good firm walking, but on approaching the North side of the Bay, and within about three miles of Gober’s Harbor, we were impeded by a thin stratum of ice, under which lay from three to six inches of fresh water. This inflicted considerable damage on our boots, and put an extra hour of labor upon the length of our tramp. Here reside, in four tilts, five families, who belong to Black Island, and who have hibernated for the purpose of lumbering and boat building. It is needless to say they were pleased to see us. The short time during which we stayed here was marked by the reception, as well as by the giving of Christian instruction and admonition. Soon after we had entered the tilt of Moses PELLY, the old gentleman, his father, George PELLY, came in from the woods for his mid-day meal. This was the first of which he had partaken that day, his only reason, as he told us, being the remembrance of the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ. That man, who is about half way through his ninth decade said, “My Savior suffered death upon the Cross for me, and it would seem strange if I could not fast for a little time, on this memorable day – Good Friday – for him!” A further conversation with him, revealed the fact, that beyond a dose of salts, he had never to his knowledge, taken any medicine, that beyond having the measles, he had never been ill, that he was then enjoying good health, and that under the most blessed assurances, he was prayerfully waiting his Master’s Call. Early in the afternoon, a service commemorative of the crucifixion of our Lord, was conducted in the tilt of Charles STRIDE.


May 11, 1883

A Tour up Exploit's Bay and River (Part 13)

About three o’clock, P.M., accompanied by William PORTER, and a son of James SNOW, who were furnished with skates, two dogs and a slide, we started for Lawrence’s Hole, a distance of six long miles, which we reached just after sun down. On account of the same impediment with regard to the ice, of which we have already spoken, our movements to, and through, Winter Tickles, were almost doubly retarded. We must not, however, omit to mention the manner in which we went up the Route. This is a little over a mile long, and was covered with a good, glacial coat of mail, smooth and polished. William, on seeing this, said to the boy, ""Untackle those dogs”. Then putting on his skates, and fitting his hands to the horns of the slide, said to me, “Now sir, get on!” Few steeds in Terra Nova or the States, Go faster than did William on his skates! Several minutes sufficed to put us to the extreme end of the Route, and a further tramp over a small neck of land, led us into Laurence’s Hole. Hither, late in the fall, ten families found their way, of which six or seven have been engaged in lumbering, and the rest in the construction of a schooner. This under the management of Wm. SCEVIOUR is being built for Mr. WINSER. Here a second service for the day was conducted, selecting for our text John xix, 1 – 4. The small tilt was very much crowded.

A Tour up Exploit's Bay and River (Part 14)

Next morning, (after performing the rite of Baptism), with two dogs, a slide, and three men, we started for Exploit’s Harbor. The distance, by a straight line, is only eight miles, but owing to the broken state of the ice, and the discovery of a large chasm that lay in the course we had for some time taken, we were compelled to retrace our steps, and not until after six hours of laborious traveling, sometimes nearly up to our knees in water, that lay between the main body of ice and the upper crust, did we reach the end of our journey. A synopsis of the whole tour may be thus given: - Time: twenty-five days, Distance traveled: 141 miles, Pastoral visits: 121, - with prayer in each case, and frequent reading of the Scriptures, Services with sermon: 27, Baptisms administered: 19, one Marriage. Number of schooners being built (including three in the Harbor – one by Mr. MANUEL, one by Mr. WINSER, and one by Mr. Daniel RIDEOUT), 18, whose combined cubical capacity will measure about 640 tons. Signed, J.P., Exploit’s, April 26th. 1883. [Transcriber’s note: I think this is Rev. J. PARKINS who was a Methodist Minister at Exploits in 1881, 1882, and 1883. - Gw]"


Dear Sir: Would you please be so kind as to insert a few lines in your valuable paper relating to the loss of a schooner called the ""Susan D., recently belonging to Mr. SILLARS, but was sold to William James NIPPARD of Seldom-Come-Bye, by Patrick LAREY of Messrs. Duders firm at Fogo, paying half in value of said schooner last fall. The NIPPARD's went to Fogo this spring with a load of firewood, and coming back while beating in Stag Harbor Tickle the vessel mis-stayed and went ashore; all hands left her. Next morning two boys went on board, put out an anchor and got her off, but the anchor having no stock it would not hold her and she went ashore for the second time. There being no heavy sea at the time the vessel was not damaged. The NIPPARD's were away at the time, and on coming back, they cut away the masts and made a total wreck of the vessel. There were several persons who would have bought her but the NIPPARD's preferred having a wreck. They cut boughs and put in her hold which they set on fire and burnt her. I think our Fogo friends should be more careful in selecting persons to take charge of life and property. Yours truly, A Looker on.


Just before going to press we have received information of two melancholy accidents, which occurred during the heavy snowstorm of Wednesday last. A boat belonging to Mr. ASHBURN of the Arm, left here on the morning of that day for the purpose of going in the Bay for a cargo of wood. She was overtaken by the storm, and sad to relate, one of the crew, Mr RICHARD BURTON of the Arm, was knocked over board by the main boom and was drowned. A little girl by the name of ADAMS, lost her life at Friday's Bay on that day. From what we have gathered it appears that the mother of the little girl left her home for a neighbor's house, to inquire for her husband who left for the Bay that morning. It is thought that the child followed her, and when crossing a part of the road which leads along by a cliff the little one was blown over in the water and drowned. We have also received information of the loss of the schooner ""Annie Jane"" during the same storm. The Annie Jane, Joseph CARLEY, master, was bound to this port from the Bay with a cargo of lumber. About 7 o'clock in the evening it being very thick at that time, she ran into Webber's Bight, Tizzards Harbor, and became a total wreck. The crew with little difficulty succeeded in reaching the shore. The cargo and vessels gear were all saved, the men of Moreton's and Tizzards Harbours giving the crew every assistance.


The schooner Jewel, John LOCKE master, arrived at Messrs W. WATERMAN & Co., on Friday last, having onboard 120 seals. The Jewel sailed from the Horse Islands on the 22nd of March. The schooner Lucy, Philip FREEMAN master, arrived to Messrs Owen and Earl on Sunday last, with 94 seals.

Mr. Phillip HICKS

The remains of Mr. Phillip HICKS of Merritt's Harbor, were conveyed thither on Sataurday last, from North West Arm, New Bay, where he had been engaged sawing lumber during the winter. The deceased was but a short time sick, and it is thought died of brain fever. He leaves a wife and five children to mourn their irreparable loss. His remains were interred in the Wesleyan burying ground at Merritt's Harbor on Sunday last. The bereaved relatives and friends have our deepest sympathy.


On March 22nd, by the Rev. W. SALMON, B.B., Congregational Church, Toronto, Mr. W. C. MOTT, compositer, Toronto, to Annie M. WINTON, only daughter of Mr. Robert WINTON, of St. John's, Newfoundland.


On the 26th, at 1.30 p.m. after a long illness, borne with Christian resignation to the Devine will, John DELANEY, Esquire, Postmaster General, aged 72 yrs.


At Tilton Harbor, Fogo Island, Notre Dame Bay, on the 24th March, Bridget, the beloved wife of Mr. Patrick DWYER, aged 85 yrs.


On the 7th March, at little Fogo Island, Mrs Johanna BURKE, aged 80 yrs, much and deservedly regretted by a large circle of friends.


The Coastal steamer Plover, Capt. MANUEL, arrived here with mails and Passengers on Wednesday last. The Plover is expected back from the North today. Passengers: Old Perlican: Mrs HOWARD. Catalina: Messrs. McCORMACK, ROPER, MIFFLIN, and Mrs BROWN. King's Cove: Mrs KINSILLA. Greenspond: Messrs TREADWELL, (2), TURNER, A. SCOTT, and Sergant SULLIVAN. Fogo: Mrs T. DUDER, Mr and Mrs Charles EARLE, and Mr DWYER. Twillingate: Rev. F.R. DUFFILL, Miss STUCKLESS, and Messrs TEMPLETON and THOMPSON. Little Bay: Messrs BARTLETT and GILFOY. Bett's Cove: Mr. SPRIG. Tilt Cove: Mr. PEACH, 30 in steerage. From Catalina to Fogo: Mr. ROUSE. From Fogo to Tilt Cove: Rev. C. MEEK and Mrs MEEK. From Twillingate to Tilt Cove: Mrs Wm. BAIRD.

Accident Minnie Tobin

On Monday last, the above vessel was ""hove down"" at Purcell's Harbor for the purpose of effecting some repairs on her keel. The job had been completed and the men were about to right the vessell, when suddenly, she passed her bearing and fell down with a crash, some of the rigging coming into contact with the wharf at which she was lying, breaking the foremast head and the mainmast about twelve feet from the deck. The swell that was running at the time is thought to be the cause of the accident. The vessel was righted and freed of her cargo of water next day, and the necessary repairs are vigorously pushed forward.


May 18, 1883

Vessel Upset

The schr."Four Brothers" Robert BOYD, master, was upset by a squall of wind, on Monday night last, while tacking near Matthews Island. The Four Brothers left here in the afternoon of the above day for Tizzard's Harbor, but it being calm until after night-fall, she did not make much headway. About ten o'clock, however, a good breeze was blowing and the vessel making good progress, when a sudden squall of wind upset her. Two of the crew were precipitated into the water; the remainder held to the vessel. One of the men, the master's son, narrowly escaped drowing, being covered with the foresail of the vessel, and when extricated from his perilous position was quite insensible. The other managed to grasp the mainboom, which he held until rescued by his shipmates. The cause of the disaster is attributed to the vessel having no ballast on board. She was subsequently towed into Manuel's Cove, for the purpose of freeing her & c.

Seal Fishery

The following statictics taken from the St. John's Times, show the number of seals brought in by the respective steamers and vessels the past spring. … The benefits that are derived by the crews of the steamers for capturing such large cargos of seals are scarcely worth the exposure and hardships to which they are subjected in prosecuting the hazardous enterprise. For example one of the steamers, the past spring, brought in a cargo equal in weight to 35 or 40 thousand seals, and the crew did not share more than £8 or £9 per man. ... We have before us returns of the numbers of seals carried into St. John's for the years 1837 to 1870 and we find that on the average the catch of seals was as large, if not larger, before the introduction of steamers, than it has been since.... In 1843, we observe that 494,139 seals were taken in to port at St. John's by sailing vessels. ...


May 25, 1883

Holiday in Holyrood

The railway has opened for traffic again and immense quantities of freight are shipped daily for Holyrood and its neighborhood. Excursions are of daily occurrence and will continue to be announced as the summer goes on. A big time is anticipated on her Majesty's birthday, which I expect will be a general holiday as it is rumoured that business will be suspended on that day. The round trip to Holyrood and back will be $1.50. There is no place in the world where a better time can be engaged than Holyrood. The air is good, the scenery is all that can be desired, and the forest trout abound in the neighboring lakes. Young men who are constructed more on the Oscar Wild plan will find the young ladies charming, with well moulded forms, ruddy cheeks and eyes of heaven's own peacock blue. A good dinner can be obtained at Mr. VEITCH's, and what more than all these could the most fastidious desire. Any young man who is not good at angling can buy all the trout he wants, and the place offers peculiar facilities for lying about the size of your catch. So I would advise them to go to Holyrood when they are about to take a holiday. Yours Truly, RANDOM REX

Railway Accident

We regret to record a sad fatal accident which took place on the Railway line yesterday afternoon, as the train was returning from Topsail and passing near Mr. WITHERS' residence. Two little girls, it appears, were sauntering along the road, one of whom named READY, a child ten or eleven years old, was afflicted with deafness. Her companion who heard the noise of the train got well out of its way; but poor little READY who could not hear, and only saw the danger when the train was quite near, tried in her alarm to cross the road, and unfortunately was struck by the cow-catcher and pitched aside with an arm and a leg quite broken. She was taken into town to Dr. SHEA's as speedily as possible, and having received medical aid, was then carried to the house in a state of unconsciousness, to the house of her father, Mr. Nicholas READY, blacksmith, near the Military Road. It is most probable that her brain had suffered severely from the violence of the shock, for she died after lingering more than an hour. She was an only daughter, and her father and mother, as may well be supposed are plunged into the deepest grief.

Arrival of the Endurance

The schooner Endurance, John HAGGETT master, of Leading Tickles, arrived from the ice to W. Waterman & Co., on Monday last with 150 seals.


June 15, 1883

Loss of Life

I am sorry to have to record a sad accident and loss of life which took place here yesterday afternoon. The schooner Olivia, owned by N. RABBITS, Esq,. who was on board; and commanded by James LACEY, while on her way from Brigus to Bareneed yesterday afternoon, and when rounding Burnt Head, lost two men who were knocked overboard by the main boom. The drowned are Henry RICHARDS, of Salmon Cove, unmarried; and Joseph FRENCH, of Bay Roberts, who leaves a wife and seven children.


The schooner ""Alpine"" Adolphus YATES, Master, belonging to Mr. Edmond MOORES, New Bay Head, put into port on Monday last. The Alpine had on board 50 qtles of fish and was bound North. She left on the following day.


At Ward's Harbor on the 18th of May, by the Rev. J. LISTER, Mr. Henry OAK of Ward's Harbor, to Miss Maria Ann TRAVERNE of Lushes Bight.


At Little Bay Islands, on the 25th of May, by the same, Mr. Esau CAMPBELL of Little Bay Islands, to Miss Louisa Jemima ROWSELL, of Hall's Bay.


At the same place, on the 30th of May, by the same, Mr. Matthew HYNES, of Little Bay Islands, to Miss Hannah COBB of Change Islands.


On the 2nd May, 1883, by the Rev. T.W. ATKINSON, Mr. Ambrose KING, of Western Bay, to Miss Mary Ann CRUMMY of same place.


On the 4th May, by the same, Mr. Edward ROSE, of Western Bay, to Miss Mary PARSONS, of Ochre Pit Cove.


On the 6th May, by the same, Mr. Absolom SILLERS, to Miss Johanna DELANEY, both of Western Bay.


On the 21st May, by the same, Mr. Thomas DIAMOND, of Adams Cove, to Miss Mary Ann DAVIS, of Fresh Water.


On the 25th May, by the same, Mr. Thomas GILLINGHAM of Ochre Pit Cove, to Miss Delilah KENNEDY.


This morning, after a painful illness, Mr. John MOSS, a native of Blandford, Dorset, England and for 66 years a resident of this country, aged 83 years.

Accident at Labrador

The Evening Telegram of the 8th inst. Says: The steamer Otter, Captain MAY from Natasquan, arrived at Quebec on the 29th ultimo, with a cargo of fish. Captain M. reports a frightful accident at Betchuan, a small village 20 miles below Point Esquimaux. On Monday, 21st., it appears that 14 men who had just returned from the seal fishery, were dividing two kegs of gun powder in one of their houses. One of them was smoking at the time, and it is supposed that a spark from the pipe fell among the powder and the result may be imagined!. The house was blown to atoms and two of the men were carried about 100 yards with the wreck. Seven of the party were most fearfully burnt on the face and hands but, strange to say, none were killed. It is expected that by skillfull treatment the wounded men will recover.


June 30, 1883


We learn from a Dominion Exchange that the venerable Ingham SUTCLIFFE, one of the fathers of Canadian Methodism, died from a stroke of apoplexy on the 2nd of April. He was a native of England and entered the Wesleyan ministry there in early manhood. He was sent in 1832 by the Missionary Committee to Upper Canada, and spent more than 50 useful years in the ministerial works in Canada, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. He was one of the most distinguished ministers of the Maritime Provinces.


At Little Harbor, on Friday last, of consumption, Mr Thomas LOUIS, aged 20 years.


At North West Arm, on the 15th of May after suffering from paralysis, born with Christian resignation to the Divine Will, Mr. William WELLS, aged 66 years. The deceased was a native of Twillingate and for the past 15 years was a resident of Three Arms Green Bay.


At Tilt Cove, on June 1st, after a lingering illness, Mr. William HOSKINS, a native of Cornwall, England, aged 71 years. For 25 yrs the deceased was a faithful employee in connection with Tilt Cove Mine, occupying the important position of Captain.

Accident to the Minnie Tobin

The schooner Minnie Tobin, Jonathan BURT master, struck on the Black Rocks suituated between Fogo and Change Islands, on Monday last, causing considerable damage to her keel and stern post. The Minnie Tobin was returning home from Hare Bay, whither she had been on a fishing voyage when the accident occured. At the time of the disaster, the vessel was making good headway, but fortunately, with the aid of the swell, which was on at the time, she passed over the rock, else a total wreck would have been inevitable. The vessel made water freely and the crew were kept at the pumps until she reached port. The Minnie Tobin had on board 20 quintals of fish per man, at the time of the disaster.

Death at Cape Pine

Not since the loss of the ill fated steamer Lion, have we had to record a more fatal and harrowing local accident than that which the Telegram acquaints us with today. By reference to our special dispatches the reader will observe that Cape Pine, the scene of many a terrible accident, involving the destruction of our hardy toilers of the sea, has just witnessed the sudden and altogether unexpected loss of a codseine skiff, with her entire crew of six able and active men. They were engaged in the pursuit of their honest, manly occupation when the sea broke over their tiny craft and they disappeared, to be no more seen on this side of the grave. The master, Mr. Henry John CURTIS alone escaped, after an almost superhuman struggle with the angry flood, which acted as if reluctant that even one should come forth to tell the heart rending tale. This accident is all the more melancholy, inasmuch as the greater number of the victims are closely related to one another, two being brothers, two cousins, and one a brother in law of Mr. Joseph CURTIS. One of the poor fellows, and the only one not related in some way to his companions in life and death, was Mr. Patrick MADDIGAN of this city. We deeply sympathise with the bereaved families and friends in this their hour of severest affliction and gloom. - Tuesday's Telegram.


Contributed by George White (2003)
May 5, 1883 to June 30, 1883 Transcribed by George White and Wanda Cole

Page Revised by Craig Peterman (March 2003)

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