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November 2, 1882 | ||
Ship News The fore-and-aft schooner, Vivid, Mr. Lewis YOUNG, master arrived here from St. John's via Greenspond on Monday last. The Vivid left Greenspond on Tuesday morning and arrived here in the afternoon, making the run in something like 12 hours. She has on board a cargo of provisions for the French Shore, and left here for that place on Tuesday last for her owners, Messrs. HODDER and LINFIELD. The schooner Branksen, Mr. Wm. HARBIN, master, arrived here from St. John's, on Wednesday last, with a cargo of provision for Messres. W. Waterman & Co. The Schr. Mary Parker, Mr. Geo. CARTER, master, arrived to W. LUSHBRIDGE, Esq., with a cargo of provisions from St. John's. Singular Accident We were recently shown a doll's eye, of an irregular ovoid shape and pointed extremities, which had been removed by Dr. SCOTT, from the ear of a child belonging to Mr. LAWRENCE of Fortune Harbor. The patient while playing with a doll, had removed the eye and thrust it deeply into her ear, where it remained for over two weeks, resisting the various means used to extract it, causing great pain and inflammation. The patient was aethenged and its removal affected while unconscious. Nomination Day Early on Monday morning last crowds of people were pouring in from adjoining places, for the purpose of hearing the respective Candidates, Mr. McKay, who addressed the crowd effectively at some length was followed by Messrs. RIDEOUT, THOMPSON in the interest of the Progressive Party. The New Party Candidates then held forth. The feeling was undoubtly in the favor of the Progressive Party. The following are the names of the Candidates nominated with their Proposer and Seconder. Mr. Wm GREEN of Tilton Harbor, who previously entertained the thought of offering, having honorably retired from the field: - Progressive Party - Smith MCKAY, Esq, - Proposed by R. D. HODGE, Esq., Seconded by Mr. Benjamin ROSITER. R.P. RIce, Esq. - Proposed by Mr. Wm. YOUNG; Seconded by Mr. Reuben BLACKMORE, J.P. THOMPSON, Esq. - Proposed by Mr. Matthias HAYWARD; seconded by Mr. Henry LOVERIDGE. New Party: Robert WINTON, Esq. - Proposed by Mr. Titus MANUEL, Seconded by Mr. Jas. PHILIP, A.J.W. MCNEILY, Esq - Proposed by Mr. Geo. HODDER, Seconded by Mr. Hanniel STOWE, Horace HERBERT, Esq. - Proposed by Mr. W.B. HUGHES, Seconded by Mr. John REDDICK. Marriage At Tizzard's Harbor, on the 30th Oct by the Rev. J. PINCOCK, Mr. Levi GATES [Note: this could a misspelling and maybe it should be YATES. gw.] to Miss Lydia Lock. Marriage At Morton's Harbor, by the same; on the 1st. inst., Mr. Joseph DEER, to Miss Fanny FACEY Died At Tizzard's Harbor on the 28th ult., ?Adolphia Smith, youngest daughter of Mr. Robert BOYD, aged 18 months. |
November 10, 1882 | ||
Fishing During the past week or ten days, some of our fishermen have done good work fishing. Several boats have averaged from 1 to 1 1/2 qtls. per day. The weather being exceedingly fine is very much in their favor. School Inspection The Rev. G.S. MILLINGAN, L.L.D., Superintendent of Methodist Day Schools, is at present in town. Yesterday he inspected the North Side School ( Mr. W.T. ROBERTS, Principal) and we learn was highly pleased with the progress the pupils have made since he last visited them. Steamer Notes The coastal steamer Plover, arrived here with mails and passengers on Wednesday night. The steamer Hercules which has been engaged by the New Party, to canvass this District, left here for St. John's on Wednesday night. The steam-tug Favorite, which has been on Government service in this bay, left for St. John's on Thursday night. The Rev. Thomas Henebury With deep regret we chronicle today the decease of the estimable Parish Priest of Trepassy, which sad event took place quite unexpectedly yesterday at noon. We understand that the Rev. Gentleman walked through the settlement apparently in his usual health, on the previous evening. It is considered that the deceased succumbed to an attack of apoplexy. Father HENEBURY, a native of County Kilkenny, Ireland, arrived in this country about the year 1858 and for some years discharged the duty of his sacred ministry in the Parish of St. Mary's. He succeeded the late Father O'Neil of Trepassy as Pastor of that thriving Parish. During the past years he was mainly intrumental in establishing a Temperance Association, by whom was erected a very spacious and handsome hall, and it was only in Auguest last that a Convent of the Presentation, appointed to this foundation, finding on their arrival a singularly well built and ______residence. From all we learn it is no exaggeration to any, that no clergy man in the Island had greater influence over his flock, by whom he was loved as a father and esteemed as a guide in all affairs ________ and spiritual. St. John's Newfoundlander. Sir William's Victory The overwhelming majority by which Sir William WHITEWAY's Government has been sustained, clearly shows the universal approbation with which his progressive policy has been looked upon throughout the country……..The following districts have returned Government candidates, no reliabale information having been received from the others up to the time the Plover left St. John's - St. John's East - Messrs. KENT, DEARIN and PARSONS, St. John's West - Messrs. SCOTT, WHITE and CALLANAN; Ferryland - Mr. GREEN and one for New Party, Mr. GOODRIDGE; Placentia and St. Mary's - Mr. DONNELLY and two for New Party Messrs. BRADSHOW and SCLATER; Burgeo and LaPoil - Mr. McKAY, Fortune - Mr. FRAZER, Bay St. George - Mr. CARTY; Bonne Bay - Mr. BONNE; Brigus - Mr. BARTLETT; Harbor Grace - Messrs. SHEA and DAW; Carbonear - Mr. PENNEY; Trinity - Messrs. WHITEWAY, BOYD and BOND; Bonavista - Messrs. WINTON and SKELTON, and Mr. W. GRIEVE, New Party; Twillingate and Fogo - Messrs. McKAY, RICE and THOMPSON. Address of Thanks To the free and independent electors of the District of Twillingate and Fogo: Gentlemen, - We thank you most heartily for the confidence you have reposed in us by electing us as your Representatives for the House of Assembly, as supporters of the Progressive Party which has so recently been returned to power by an overwhelming majority. Our best thanks are hereby accorded for the kind reception which we received during our canvass to the various settlements. Not having a steamer at our disposal, we apoligize to the friends in the portions of this extensive district for not visiting them before the elections took place. We are glad to know, however, that you approved of the Progressive measures which we appealed to you to support and voted accordingly. Whenever practicable one or the other of us shall pay your settlement a visit. In the meantime you may rest assured that we have an interest in your welfare, as well as in every position of the district, and shall do our best for its general advancement. Thanking you for the honor you have conferred upon us. We remain, yours faithfully, Smith MCKAY, R.P. RICE, J.P. THOMPSON Birth At Tizzards Harbor, on the 7th inst., the wife of Mrs. Edward CANTWELL, of a son. Marriage On Oct 2nd. In the North Side Methodist Church, by the Rev. F.R. DUFHILL, Mr. Fred ROBERTS of Wild Cove to Miss Hannah BROWN of Bluff Head. Marriage On Oct 28th at the same place, by the same Mr. Geo. PITMAN, of Back Harbor to Miss Ellen RIDEOUT, South Side. Marriage On Oct 23rd, at Purcell's Harbor, by the same, Mr. Wm. PHILPOT to Miss Harriett ANSTY. Marriage On the 5th Inst., at Little Harbor, by the same, Mr. Josiah WOLFREY of Burnt Bay, to Mrs. Eliza ?LECS (widow) Little Harbor. Marriage At the Chapel School, Indian Arm, on the 31st ultimo, by the Rev. Theodore R. NURSE, Mr. Edward HUMBY, Jr, to Ann, daughter of Mr. Richard QUINTIN. Marriage At St. Andrews Church, Brooklyn, Bonavista Bay, on the 3rd inst., by the Rev. Theodore R. NURSE, Mr. Levi HOBBS, to Amelia, daughter of Mr. Robert MARSHFIELD. Marriage At the same place, by the same, on the 3rd inst., Mr. Barnabas ELLIOT, to Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. Reuben WICKS. |
November 17, 1882 | ||
Correspondence Little Bay, Nov 10, 1882 - To the inhabitants of Twilingate, Herring Neck and Vicinities - Dear Friends, - I have been given to understand that sundry reports have got afloat to the effect that I had given up on my intention of going to Twillingate. I beg to state that such reports are without foundation. My present delay is simply owing to the non-arrival as yet of the new, Little Bay Doctor. A late telegram has been received to the effect that the Doctor will leave England 21st this month, so that I may be expected about 6th December. Trusting that the above will prove a sufficient apology. Believe me, Your very old servant, F. STAFFORD, M.D., C.M. Appreciation We are indebted to J.B. TOBIN, Esq., J.P., for late copies of St. John's papers, received per schr. Royal Arch, which arrived on Thursday evening. Late telegraphic information and extracts of interest therefrom will be found in to-day's paper. Erratum We re-publish in to-day's paper the declaration of the Polls for this district, a slight mistake being made last week in the placing of the Candidates names. Steamer The coastal steamer Plover called on Monday morning en route for St. John's, having on board a large number of passengers from the North. Messrs. Smith MCKAY, J. NURSE, A.J. WILLIAMS and others left by her for the Capital. Entertainment An entertainment was given in the Temperance Hall on the 7th inst. by a number of children under the management of Mr. J.H. TAVERNER. The programme consisted of singing, recitations and dialogues, all of which were well rendered reflecting credit on Mr. TAVERNER for the training of the performers. Funerals The funerals of the late Mr. Samuel CLARKE, Batterick's Island, and the Late Mr. John ELLIOTT of Crow Head, took place on Saturday last and were attended by a large number of people. The ceremony was conducted by Rev. J. EMBREE (Chairman of the District) who preached a suitable and impressive sermon from 1st Cor. c. xv; v.26. Mr. CLARKE was apparently hale and hearty all the time. On Monday, the 6th inst. he was seized with an attack of paralysis; it is said, which affected his speech, and entirely _______ his whole frame. He survived until the following Wednesday morning; when he calmly passed away. The deceased was always proverbial for his exemplary disposition. His sudden demise was much felt by his relatives and friends. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved families. Good News for Fishermen The best merchantable codfish now commands the unprecedented price of twenty eight shillings per quintal. Labrador fish sells at twenty shillings. This high price will more than compensate for the short catch in many localities. Most articles of food are at very reasonable prices, so that our ""toilers of the sea"" will we trust, find themselves comfortably provided for during the coming winter. Wages earned in railway work will also aid many hundreds in increasing their domestic comforts. Many of those who returned from Labrador with poor fares, are now finding employment at a dollar a day on the railway; and before the season closes, will be able to earn enough to keep the wolf from the door. - Mercury. Polls The Telegram notices the arrival of the Hercules and adds ""her news was anticipated by Telegraph."" Yes, indeed, but it was not anticipated by the Evening Telegram. Rather than print the frightful array of figurers announcing the state of the polls in Twillingate and Fogo the editor declares he would ""lay his head on this block"" and if he did so, it would be a case of timber to timber. He goes further regarding Trinity, and vows he would cheerfully submit to be torn asunder by wild horses rather than disclose in his columns the results of that contest. Better to list oblivion's pall over the whole transaction which have been perfectly heart rending. - Ibid. Fire A dwelling, occupied by Mr. William BAYLEY, at Cat Cove, Bonaventure, Trinity Bay, was burnt to the ground on Thursday night last. Birth On Thursday last, the wife of Mr. Edwin COLBOURNE, of a daughter. Marriage At St. Peter's Church, on the 15th inst., by Rev. R. TEMPLE, R.D., Mr. Eli SPENCER to Miss Mary RIDOUT, both of Back Harbor, Twillingate. Marriage At Little Bay, on the 17th September, by the Rev. J. LISTER, Mr. Alexander CAMPBELL, to Mrs. Selina Jane REID, both of Little Bay. Marriage At Little Bay Island, on 23rd ult., by the same, Mr. George ROBERTS to Miss Mary Jane PENNY, both of Little Bay Island. Marriage At Sunday Cove Island, on the 28th ult., by the same. Mr. Henry HULOT, to Mrs. Emma Martha STUCKLESS, both of Sunday Cove Island. Marriage At. Roberts Arm, on the 29th ult., by the same, Mr. Richard BUTTON to Miss Margaret LEWIS, both of Roberts Arm. Marriage At Dark Tickes, on the 31 ult., by the same, Mr. Robert Henry FUDGE to Miss Amelia ? STIVEY, both of Dark Tickles. Marriage At Dark Tickles, on the 3rd inst., by the same, Mr. Simon Peter PURCHASE, to Miss Louisa BURGE, both of same place. Death At Batterick's Island, Twillingate, on the 8th inst., of paralysis, Mr. Samuel CLARKE Death On the 9th inst., Mr. John ELLIOTT, aged 23 years. Death At Ward's Harbor, on the 7th inst., after a lingering illness, Mrs. Jane PADDOCK, aged 82 years. |
Novemver 25, 1882 | ||
Death At Twillingate on the 23rd inst., after a lingering illness, Mr. James ASKELL, aged 37 years. ""Safe in the arms of Jesus, Safe on his gentle breast, There by his love o'er shaded, Sweetly my soul shall rest."" Death At Back Harbor on Monday last, after a short illness, Mr. James WARR, aged 27 years. Death At Little Harbor, on Thursday last, Mr. Ambrose GUY, aged 74 years. Death At Harbor Grace, on the 14th inst., Mabel McKenzie, only daughter of William R. and Mary J. STIRLING, aged 2 years. Loss of the Flying Mist The schooner Flying Mist, Jonathan MANUEL, master, belonging to Josiah MANUEL, Esq., Exploits, was lost on Edwards Rock, Penguin Islands, on the night of Wednesday the 15th inst. She left St. John's for Exploits with a cargo of provisions, &c., on the previous Tuesday morning. On Wednesday night it was very dark and in reaching towards land, they did not discern the Penguin Islands, and went inside of them, bringing up on the rock where the disaster occurred. The crew left the craft in a sinking condition and landed at Doting Cove in a small boat. They reached Fogo on Saturday night and arrived here the next morning, where they were provided for until an opportunity offered for them to proceed to their homes. The crew arrived at Fogo on Saturday night, and made their state known to the Magistrate of that place, but he declined to render them any asssistance and they immediately left for Twillingate. The above schooner, has since been towed into Greenspond by the schooner Westville, Capt. R. BRAGG. The people of that place managed to get the remaining articles out of the wrecked vessel, a large portion being taken out by the people of the Strait shore, previous to the Westville falling in with her. Arrival of the Plover The coastal steamer Plover, Captain BLANDFORD, arrived here on Thursday last; the weather being very rough she remained in port until Friday morning when she left for more Northern ports of call. The following are the list of passengers: Bay-de-Verd - Messrs. AVERY, O'NEIL, MARCH. Trinity - Rev. Mr. KIRBY, Mr. WILLIAMS. Catalina - Messrs. J. SAINT, Merchant, WALSH. Fogo - Mr. HAMILTON. Twillingate - Messrs. G. PEARCE, J. NURSE, Sergeant WELLS and Mrs. TUCKER. Little Bay Islands - Messrs. A.C. HYNES, Jas. STRONG, Mr. CURTIS and Miss WHITTEN, Little Bay - Messrs. BENSON, J. THORNE. Round Harbor - Mrs. DUNPHREY. Tilt Cove - Mr. MCKENGER. Fogo to Twilingate - Rev. F.R. DUFFILL. Fatal Accident We observe by our contemporary the Patriot that ""late on Saturday evening a _______ accident occurred on the Railway, by which three men lost their lives and four or five others are said to be fatally injured. We have not heard the particulars, but we understand that one of the flat cars loaded with laborers came in collision with a cow lying across the track and was thrown off the rail."" Election Returns The following are the electon returns for the various districts: - White and Bonne Bays - 1 member - John BONNE 642 votes, Ellis WATSON 162; St. George's Bay - 1 member - M. CARTY 422; T. WALSH 139; Ferryland - 2 member - D.J. GREENE and A. Frederick GOODRIDGE (return not contested); St. John's East - 3 members - KENT 1094; DEARIN 1060; PARSONS 1012; O'Mara 89; CALLAHAN 823; St. John's West - 3 members - SCOTT 1206, WHITE 1061, CALLANAN 946, DOOLEY 653; Harbor Maine - 2 members - LITTLE 945; McDONALD 870, FURY 300; Harbor Grace - 2 members - DAWE 1749, SHEA 1683, ALCOCK 165, EMERSON 127; Carbonear - 1 member - PENNY 470, Hogan 94, GILES 40; Brigus - 1 member - BARTLETT 624, GOODFELLOW 250, NORMAN 150, BARNES 8; Trinity Bay - __ members - WHTEWAY 1176, BOYD 849, BOND 812, MARCH 744, WATSON 733, MORRIS 507, PENNEY 311; Burgeo - 1 member - MACKAY 473, MURRAY 346; Fortune Bay - 1 member - Majority for FRASER over BOWRING, 164 votes; Burin - 2 members - WINTER 450, PETERS 441, FORSEY 435, McGHEE 415; Placentia - 3 members - DONNELLY 876, BRADSHAW 672, TOBIN 609, DWYER 593, MCGRATH 369, SELATER 186; Bonavista - 3 members - GRIEVE 739, SKELTON 704, WINTON 695, NOONAN 619, SAINT 553, WOODS 445; Bay-de-Verde - 1 member - Mr. GARLAND was returned by a majority of 3 votes over Mr. ROGERSON; Twillingate and Fogo - 3 members - MCKAY 1357, RICE 1190, THOMPSON 1108, HERBERT 680, MCNELLY 591, WINSTON 510. Advertisement For Sale by Public Auction On the last day of November (If not previously disposed of by private sale). The fast-sailing boat ""Ariel"" suitable for fishing or trading; and is well equipped with sails, (new) chain and anchor _______________________ hatches and good rigging. For particulars apply to Alex. WILLIAMS, Twillingate. # |
December 1, 1882 | ||
Advertisement For sale a whale boat and 2 sails. Apply P.O. Nipper's Harbor Advertisement For sale at Nipper's Harbor, a few spars suitable for masts for vessels. Apply to H.M. HERBERT, Nipper's Harbor Return of Plover The coastal steamer Plover returned here on Wednesday morning going South, having on board a large number of passengers for St. John's. On her last trip the Plover proceeded to White Bay with supplies of provisions for destitute persons on that part of the coast. Sealing News We understand that a blue hood seal was killed by John RENDELL at Little Harbor, Fogo, on the 20th ult. Several have been captured in nets about this neighborhood. Weather Up to date the weather has been tolerably mild. On Wednesday night we were visited with a slight fall of snow, and the following day the surrounding hills were covered with a _______ of whiteness, which has since disappeared before the genial rays of the sun. Schooner The Young Builder, Capt. Andrew ROBERTS arrived from St. John's on Monday evening with a cargo of provisions, &c., for J.B. TOBIN, Esq., J.P. Schooner The schooner Branksen left for St. John's on Friday morning with a cargo of fish for Messrs. W. Waterman & Co. Other craft are loading for same destination. Schooner The Mary Parker, belonging to R. DUDER, Esq., left for St. John's on Tuesday morning with a full cargo. Church at Little Bay Island When at Little Bay Island a short time since, we were pleased to observe that the Methodist friends had taken the initatory steps for building of a new church. The old one of late years, has become too ""strait"" and its dilapidated condition, renders it necessary to ""arise and build"". The minister of the circuit, who is a faithful and zealous pastor, has kindly furnished the subjoined ______, and it is to be hoped that during this erection of the building his appeal will be liberally resonded to: - The ceremony (for the laying of the foundation of a New Church) was duly performed by your correspondent in the presence of the congregation at Little Bay Island on the 12th of Oct - The minutes of the Conference, The Wesleyan, The Twillingate Sun and a written statement of circuit matters were lodged in a cavity made in the foundation. A collection was taken up at the close when £6 were given towards the funds. Considering the noble amount already promised and partly paid, viz £170, we considered this very good indeed. The interesting proceeding closed with the doxology and benediction. The Church is to be 10 feet by 40, so that the whole of the inhabitants will be able to find room. The old church is far too small, as well as too dilapidated for future use, and we are anxiously looking forward to the time when the other will be opened for Divine service. The failure of the fishery has prevented many of our people from contributing at they intended, therefore we beg to appeal to our Christian friends of Twillingate and vicinity,who of their abudance, I have no doubt, will cheerfully help us a little. You Sir, I presume would kindly receive any sum sent for this object, which shall be duly acknowledged by yours very truly, Joseph LISTER, Methodist Minister. Methodist news We have much pleasure in giving publicity to the following paragraph on the Ordination of the Rev. R.B. HEMLAW, who was transferred from the Newfoundland Methodist Conference to the Canadian in July last, with a view of engaging in ministerial work in the North West. Previous to leaving Newfoundland, Mr. HEMLAW was stationed at Musgrave Town, Bonavista Bay, where his labors proved acceptable to the Methodist people. He is now stationed at Nicola Valley, British Columbia, and we trust that much success may attend his ministerial operations in the far-off land. ORDINATION - Rev.. R.B. HEMLAW who recently arrived from Newfoundland was ordained on Thursday evening in the Methodist church by Revs. COVERDALE, WATSON and POLLARD, assisted by Rev. Mr. GAMBLE of the First Presbyterian church. Instructions for performing this ordination ceremony were received by telegraph from the president the Toronto Conference a few days ago. The Rev. Gentleman left early yesterday morning for his field of labor. Nicola and ?Okanagan. - British Colonist, Sept 13. Marriage At South West Arm, New Bay, on the 12th Sept., by the Rev. J. PARKINS, Arthur HUTCHCROFT, of South West Arm, to Jane, the eldest daughter of Mr. Isaac STUCKLESS, of the same place. Marriage At the Methodist Parsonage, Exploits, on the 17th Oct., by the same, Eli OSBORNE, of Burnt Bay to Emma, the daughter of Mr. Simon HODNOT, of Exploits. Marriage At the same place, on the 21st Oct, by the same, Edward POOLE of Sop's Arm, to Lucy daughter of Mr. John WAY , of the same place. Marriage At the same place, on the 3rd Nov., by the same, James BALL of Northern Arm, to Dorcas, daughter of Mr. Henry STRIDE, of Exploits. Marriage At the same place, on the 3rd Nov., by the same, Richard LANGDON, of Northern Arm to Elizabeth Ann, daughter of Mr. John BALL, of Exploits. Marriage At the Methodist Church, Exploits, on the 4th of Nov, by the same, William JONES, of Exploits to Elizabeth Emma, daughter of Mr. George BROWN of Kite Cove. Marriage At the same place, on the 10th Nov., by the same, George JURE, of Killick Island, to Miss Patience CLARK, of Black Island. Marriage At the Methodist Church, Exploits, on the 15th of November, by the same, Percival MANUEL, of Exploits to Luciana, daughter of the late Mr. Edward EVANS of Northern Arm. Marriage At the Methodist Church, Exploits on the 21st November, by the same, Joshua ROGERS, of Exploits to Sophia, daughter of Mr. James HUTCHINGS of the same place. Marriage At Wild Bight on the 11th ult., by the Rev. J. LISTER, Mr. Edward PADDICK, to Miss Lucy E. ROBERTS, both of Wild Bight. Marriage At Dark Tickles, on the 15th ult., by the same Mr. Samuel FUDGE of Dark Tickles, to Miss Charlotte VINCENT of Triton. Marriage At Little Bay Islands on the 24th ult., by the same Mr. Alfred WISEMAN of Little Bay Islands to Miss Rebecca JONES of Exploits Marriage On the 17th ult., at Saint Andrew's Church, Brooklyn, B.B., by the Rev. Theodore R. NURSE, Mr. Joseph SIMMONDS, to Ellen, daughter of Mr. Simon BAKER. Ship News Port of Twillingate - Entered - Nov 28 - Balcary Lass, COWIE, Liverpool, salt, 48 days - W. Waterman & Co. Cleared - Torbay Lass, PROWSE, Bristol, fish & oil - Owen & Earle. |
December 8, 1882 | ||
LINDBERG's Enterprise We observe with satifaction that our enterprising townsman, Mr. John LINDBERG is extending his lines of industry into new fields. He has lately acquired the property on the South side of Duckworth St., just East of Cochrane St., where he is about to establish a depot for the sale of non-intoxicants. In connection with the refreshments department there will also be facilities for enjoyable recreation, such as skittles, &c. But this is not all. The proprietor has also in view, attractions long known in American cities which will cater to the better tastes of the multitude. These will consist in embellishing the principal apartment with trees and flowers in pots giving it the pleasing appearance of a garden, while the harmonies of a piano forte and violin will satisfy the popular demand for music. In fact it is thought there will be a quartette of instruments should circumstances warrant. The garden will be provided with a separate table, so that each sitting will be independent of the others. The building on March Hill, now used as a bowling alley, Mr. LINDBERG intends to convert into a skating rink. There are hundreds who do not care to make skating the business of a whole evening; but who would like to make a run into such a convenient pace; and adjusting one's _______ among the light-hearted, gay throng for an hour or so. To such MR. LINDBERG's rink will prove a real accommodation. Advertisement One dose relieves! One bottle cures!! Lung healer for Consumption, coughs/colds and all diseases of the chest and lungs. Prepared by Edwin PILL, Associate of the Pharmaceutical Society, England, at his Laboratory, Little Bay Islands, Nfld. Agents at Twillingate, Exploits, Little Bay, Little Bay Islands and other Harbors in the Bay. Disaster Loss of a Newfoundland Brigantine - The ship Governor Goodwin, brought to port yesterday the crew of the brig Highflyer, which was lost at sea. The manner of her loss was described by her master as follows: - The Highflyer was a vessel of 166 tons with Joshua PIKE in command, and with a crew of eight men all told. She sailed from Harbor Grace, Newfoundland, Sept. 30th, with a cargo of codfish for Naples. On the 3rd of Oct. in a heavy sea and under a strong breeze she sprang a leak, began to labor badly and her spare spars and water casks were swept overboard. The pumps were kept working all the time and the wind moderated on the evening of Oct. 4th. Nothing of note occurred till Oct. 9th, when the wind rose again and the sea washed the brigantine's decks. At half-past ten p.m. the rudder was unshipped and the vessel began to fill anew with water. With such hands as could be spared from the pumps, the master began throwing the cargo overboard. On the 10th, the Highflyer spoke with the barque Plymouth of Windsor, N.S. and wished to be reported; the gale had subsided considerably. A steering apparatus was rigged, but would not work. On the 20th the ship Jabez Howes, of San Francisco was spoken with but the master of the Highflyer would not abandon his vessel until he had tried a new rudder which he had contrived. At last the pumps would not do their work and it was decided to abandon the ship. On the morning of the 22nd, a sail was seen, but when they asked to be taken off, the vessel would not stop. It was a topsail schooner and to the best of Captain PIKE's knowledge was a Frenchman. On the same day the crew of the Highflyer were taken off by the Governor Goodwin of Boston, Captain Wm LESTER, bound to New York. Nothing was saved from the wreck but the papers, log-book and chronometer. - New York Herald, November 14. Steamer We understand that the steamer Merlin was sold in the Merchants Exchange on Thursday last for £500. James PITTS, Esq. Being the purchaser. Very many years ago, the good old ship was engaged in carrying the mails from here to Halifax, and in command of that good old salt - the late Captain George A. CORBIN. - Times. Marriage At the South-side Methodist Church, by Rev. F.R. DUFFILL, on Thursday last, Mr. Henry Geo. YOUNG, to Miss Selina RICE, both of Twillingate. Marriage At Saint Andrew's Church, Brooklyn, B.B. on the 28th ultimo by the Rev. Theodore R. NURSE, Mr. George RUSSELL, to Emeline, daughter of Mr. James PHILPOT. Marriage On the 22nd. inst., in the Oxatory, at the Palace, St. John's, by the Very Rev. Wm. FORRISTAL, Administrator, Patrick J. SCOTT, Barrister-at-Law, M.H.A., St. John's, West, to Eleanor Margaret, daughter of the late Cornelius LITTLE, Esq., of Charlottetown, P.E. Island. |
Contributed by George White (2002)
Transcribed by Beverly Warford (May 2002)
Page Revised by Craig Peterman (December 2002)
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