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The Telegram Weddings



Mr. & Mrs. Michael Denief, Howe Place, Aug, 8, 1952, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Margaret, to James, son of Mr. & the late Francis Snow, of the City.

Mr. & Mrs. James J. Jackman wish to announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Phyllis Doreen, to Edward Patrick, eldest son of Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Short. Wedding date to be announced later.

Mr. & Mrs. F.T. Oakley wish to announce the engagement of their elder daughter, Helen Elizabeth, to Robert Fraser, youngest son of Mr. & Mrs. W. R. Neal. The wedding will take place Aug. 28th. 1952 at George Street United Church.

Mr. & Mrs. J.T. O'Brien, 19 Gower Street, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Patricia, to Mr. Klaus Dietrich Barfurth, son of Mr. Erich Barfurth, of Breganzona-Lugano, Switzerland. Wedding to take place shortly.
(Published The Evening Telegram--Nov 8, 1952)

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel O 'Neil wish to announce the wedding of their daughter, Agnes Ina, to Raymond Francis Finn, son of Mr. & Mrs. William Finn. Wedding to take place Aug 27, 1952, at the convent of Our Lady of Mercy, Military Road.

Rev. & Mrs Harold J. Snelgrove wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Grace Marie, to Corporal Clarence Ray McCarty, son of Mr. & Mrs. Harvey McCarty of Fresno, California, USA. The wedding will take place Sept 1st, 1952 at the Pentecostal Tabernacle, Casey Street.

Mr. & Mrs. A.M. Taylor, 105 Springdale Street, wish to announce the marriage of their eldest daughter Marie Bernadette to Thomas Gerald, son of Mrs. Mary and the late Thomas Jackman. Wedding to take place September 3rd, 1952 at the Chapel of Our Lady of Mercy, Military Road.



Page contributed by Sandra Churchill

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Thursday May 06, 2021)

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