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The Telegram Births
September 2010
AGNEW - Blair Agnew and Christie Dean are delighted to announce the birth of their son Berkley Gurd Agnew, born September 3, 2010. Berkley is also welcomed by his grandparents Shirley Dean, Gurd and Sonja Agnew, Great Grandparents Mildred Dean and Elizebeth Agnew. Thank you to family and friends who also welcomed Berkley into the world. CADIGAN - Kevin and Donna are thrilled to announce the arrival of their beautiful baby girl, Julianne Margaret Angela, born on September 13, 2010 at 8:40 a.m. weighing 8 lbs. 13 oz. Julianne is welcomed by proud big brother Joshua, grandparents Barbara Cadigan (with Poppy Francis watching from Heaven), Leonard and Rosemary Dawe, along with a large circle of family and friends. Special thanks to Dr. Bartellas for his exceptional prenatal care and for Julianne's safe delivery and to all the wonderful nurses, students and staff in the caseroom and 5 North B. CORNICK - George, Jolee and big brother Jack are thrilled to announce the safe arrival of Brianna Grace born September 29, 2010 at 4:45 p.m., weighing 7 lbs., 4 ozs. Sharing in our joy are grandparents Don & Irene Ash of Portugal Cove and George & Mary Cornick of St. John's. Special thank you to Dr. Lacelle and Dr. Pike for their exceptional prenatal care, and to Dr. Healy for a safe delivery. Also thank you to the nurses in the caseroom, especially Cathy. Mommy and Brianna would like to thank Daddy for his love & support, and Aunt Jackie for staying with Mommy and Daddy during the delivery. DYMOND/CLOUTER - Karla Dymond and Noel Clouter are delighted to announce the birth of Erica Catherine on September 15, 2010, weighing 8 lbs. Erica is proudly welcomed by big sister Maria, grandparents Wayne and Marie Dymond of Mt. Pearl and Austin and Madonna Clouter of Clarenville. Special thanks to the caseroom staff for Erica's safe arrival. EFFORD - ADOPTION - George and Catherine would like to announce the adoption of their son, Cater William. Cater was born in Iqaluit 3 hours after daddy and mommy's arrival on September 12, 2010. Matthew, Daniel and Melanie as well as Poppy and Nanny Stockley and Nanny Efford and extended family welcome Cater. EVANS - Curtis, Aurila and big sister Amelia are delighted to welcome Emma Rachel, September 21, 2010, 6 lbs, 11 oz. Proud grandparents: Tom and Margo Evans, Jim and Theresa Aylward. Uncles & aunts: Carol Ann, Dave, Jamie, Joann, Krista, Steve. Special cousins Courtney, Julia, Katie, Patrick. Many thanks to daddy, family, friends, co-workers, Dr. Rogers, Dr, Kravitz, Dr. Ryan, Case Room & Maternity staff. EVERSON - Shawn and Fonda are delighted to announce the birth of their baby boy Brad Christopher, born Sept. 7th, 2010 weighing 8lbs 6oz. Brad is welcomed by grandparents Margaret Pye, Rose and John Everson, step-grandparent Barbara Pye, as well as all his aunts, uncles and cousins. Special thank you to Dr. Carew and Dr. Cook for their excellent pre-natal care, as well as Dr. Kennedy and the staff of the Case Room and 5NB of the Health Sciences Centre for the special care and delivery of our precious boy. We sincerely thank all of our family, friends and colleagues for their support and warm wishes. FACEY/MADDEN - I'm Charlotte Julia Grace Madden and I first said hello to Mommy Rachael Facey and Daddy John Madden on September 17, 2010, at 9:19 a.m. I surprised everyone by weighing 8 lbs. 6 ozs. Granny Shirley and Grampy Chris Facey and Nan Christine and Pop Jack Madden adore that I am sugar and spice and everything nice. My very special big brother Lewis loves me very much but can't wait to tease me with snakes and snails and puppy dog tails when I get bigger. I am the sweetest baby to my Great-Granny Doreen Facey and my Great-Grandparents Nan Verlie and Pop John King. Mommy, Daddy and me want to give a big thumbs up to Joan, Kathy, Denise and Dr. Stephan Foulem of the case room HSC for guiding me safely here. You're the best!!! FEWER/KOVACEK - Kathleen and Adrian happily announce the birth of their daughter, Abigail Aria, on September 13, 2010, at McMaster Hospital, Hamilton, Ontario, weighing in at 9 lbs. 2 oz. A sister for Daniel and Michael, and granddaughter for Robin Fewer of St. John's and Pam and Ivan Kovacek of Hamilton. FACEY/MADDEN - I'm Charlotte Julia Grace Madden, and I first said hello to Mommy Rachael Facey and Daddy John Madden on September 17, 2010, at 9:19 a.m. I surprised everyone by weighing 8 lbs. 6 ozs. Granny Shirley and Grampy Chris Facey and Nan Christine and Pop Jack Madden adore that I am sugar and spice and everything nice. My very special big brother Lewis loves me very much but can't wait to tease me with snakes and snails and puppy dog tails when I get bigger. I am the sweetest baby to my Great-Granny Doreen Facey and my Great-Grandparents Nan Verlie and Pop John King. Mommy, Daddy and me want to give a big thumbs up to Joan, Kathy, Denise and Dr. Stephan Foulem of the case room HSC for guiding me safely HEWITT/LEWIS - Twinkle twinkle in your eyes, are you an angel in disguise? -A.Danielson. Rob and Kim are proud to announce the arrival of their little angel, Georgia Brianna. Georgia entered the world at 12:48 am on September 19, 2010, weighing 7 lbs 12.5 ozs and measuring 53 cm. Welcoming Georgia with lots of love are grandparents Brian & Marie Lewis and George & Donna Hewitt, as well as great-grandparents Anna & Francis Coombs. Also excited about Georgia's arrival are Aunts Andrea (Tony), Carolyn (Colin) and Holly (Justin), Uncles Stephen (Lynn) and Terry (Charlotte) and Cousins Chelsea, Evan, Hunter and Jaycee. Many thanks to the doctors and nurses who ensured the safe arrival and care of our angel, especially Dr. Kennedy, Dr. White, caseroom nurses and the staff of 5NB. Thank-you also to our family, friends and co-workers for your kindness in welcoming Georgia. Mommy and Georgia send lots of hugs and kisses to Daddy for being such a great coach, and to Nanny Lewis for taking such great care of us while Daddy is at work. HOSKINS/ATKINSON - Vaughn and Katie proudly announce the arrival of Lauren Alexandra Hoskins, born September 1, 2010, weighing 6 lbs., 7 oz. Welcoming Lauren are her three sets of grandparents James Corker and Joan Atkinson (Mount Pearl), Logan and Elizabeth Atkinson (Ottawa) and Patrick and Theresa Hoskins (Triton), aunts Emily Atkinson (Ottawa), Aynsley Atkinson (Ottawa) and Ashley Hoskins (St. John's), great-grandmothers Pauline Atkinson (Sackville) and Elizabeth Hoskins (St. Albans), with many happy great-aunts, uncles and cousins. A heartfelt thank-you to the doctors and nurses of the case room and 5NB, and a special thank-you to Dr. Price and the doctors and nurses in the PICU for taking such good care of Lauren. HUNT - Benjamin Hunt took everyone by surprise by showing up on September 29, 2010, and has been charming the pants off everyone since then. After his parents, Monica Kidd and Steve Hunt, his big sister Emma is his biggest fan. Many thanks to midwife Robyn Beaudry and to doctors Heidi Kravitz, Claire Barber and Sarah Healy for taking care of everyone. HUTCHENS/SPURRELL - Ben is a proud big brother! Douglas Evan Spurrell was born on September 8, 2010 at the HSC weighing in at 7 lbs. He is the beautiful son of Andrea Hutchens and Sheldon Spurrell. Douglas is also welcomed by his grandparents Norma and Don Hutchens and Eva and Norman Spurrell, great-grandmothers Florence Hutchens and Elizabeth Warren; aunts Karen, Suzette and Karen K, uncles Neil and Scott and cousins Jacob and Rebecca along with many other family members and friends. Many thanks to Dr. Pike, Dr. Singleton and the wonderful case room staff for Douglas' safe arrival. KASON - James Douglas has joined the crew! September 20, 2010 at 7:43 pm 5 lbs 9 oz 18.8 in Yellowknife, NT 62 N 114 W Raymond, Ashley & Boston COOMBS LEWIS - Stephen, Allison (Newell) and big brother Nicholas are thrilled to announce the arrival of their beautiful baby girl, Avery Kathleen. Avery was born on September 15, 2010 at 5:34 a.m. weighing 6 lbs. 7 oz. at the Health Sciences Centre. Celebrating her arrival are proud grandparents Fred and Kathleen Newell and Bill and Marg Lewis. Also welcoming Avery is great-grandmother Joyce Bailey, as well as Aunt's Karla, Ashley, Susan, Alison and Uncle Mark. A special thank you to Dr. Miller for another safe delivery and for his excellent pre-natal care, and to the wonderful staff of the case room and 5NB. Also, thanks to all our family and friends for their ongoing love and support. MANUEL - Isaac is excited to announce the birth of his precious baby sister Julia Drew. Andrew & Lori (PARNELL) are now proud parents of Isaac and baby Julia. On September 28th, 2010 Julia made a quick arrival into the world tipping the scales at 9l bs 15 oz. Welcoming their beautiful granddaughter are Ted & Bernadette Parnell and Frank & Shirley Manuel. Thank you to Dr. Cook for her excellent prenatal care; Dr. Pike and nurses Krista & Regina for a safe delivery; and 5NB staff for their professional care during our hospital stay. Isaac would like to thank Nanny Parnell for taking such good care of him and Mommy sends a special thank you to Daddy and Isaac for all their love and support as we welcomed Julia into the world! MCGRATH - Blaine and Pam are thrilled to announce the safe arrival of Julia Elizabeth born September 5, 2010, weighing 5 lbs. 15 ozs. Proud grandparents Ed and Rosalind McGrath, Kevin and Millie Taplin, great-grandfather Samuel Newell, aunts: Beverley, Tanya, Lisa, uncle Bradley, other relatives and friends. Special thanks to Lois, Carol Ann, case room staff and 5 NB staff. MOORES - Andrew and Joanne are thrilled to announce the safe arrival of their handsome baby boy. Riley James was born September 2, 2010 weighing 6 lbs. 9 ozs. Riley is welcomed by his proud grandparents Ken and Louise Moores and Jim and Sharon Heale. Also welcoming Riley are his Aunts Linette Moores and Lisa Heale, Uncle Tony Healy, Great-grandmother Violet (Sally) Crummell, Great-Uncle John Adams, as well as a large circle of family and friends. Special thanks to Dr. Krista Brown and Dr. Paula Horwood for their excellent prenatal care, as well as the staff of the HSC caseroom and 5NB. MURPHY (JEWER) - Keziah announces the early arrival of her sister Temira Aillia on September 18, 2010, weighing 7 lbs. 13 ozs. Welcoming her are proud parents Tom and Karen, Torbay, NL, Nanny Robbie and Poppy Vince Murphy, Cambridge, On, Gramma Mary Jewer, Bell Island, NL, Poppy Gord (her guardian angel), Uncle Mark and Auntie JoAnn, Uncle Darcy, Auntie Bobby-Jo, cousin Arianna, great-grandmother Helen Jackman, Bell Island, NL, great grandmother Josephine and great-grandfather Tom Murphy, Cambridge, ON, and her canine buddy Taz. Many thanks to the doctors, nurses and staff of the HSC case room and 5th floor. NORRIS - Ian Norris and Andrea Duguid are thrilled to announce the safe arrival of their beautiful baby boy, Cameron Nigel Norris. Cameron was born September 14, 2010, at 10:23 am, weighing 6 lbs and 8 oz. Welcoming Cameron are proud grandparents Nigel and Sandy Duguid, Joan Norris and Albert Kean and watching from heaven poppy Carl Norris. Special Thanks to Dr. Kravitz and Dr. Young for the excellent prenatal care and the amazing staff in the case room and 5NB at the HSC. Finally mommy would like to thank daddy for his continuous love and support. PATEY/PETERS - Melissa Patey and Barry Peters happily announce the birth of their daughter, Ella Frances, on September 16, 2010, weighing 8 lbs. Ella is proudly welcomed by big brothers Benjamin and Jack. Special thanks go out to Dr. O'Grady and the staff of the MFAU for their excellent prenatal care. A big thank you to Dr. Sean Murphy and the case room staff for ensuring Ella's safe arrival. PINELA - Jason and Lelia Pinela are excited to announce the birth of their son Joshua Andrew Carlos Pinela, born on September 15th, 2010 at 10:24 am. Welcoming Joshua with much love are first time grandparents Andrew and Valerie Hutton, third time grandparents Carlos and Sharon Pinela. Great-grandparents Ella Smith, Noel and Nalda Hutton, and June Kean. As well as, aunts and uncles Carla, Craig, Zachary, Melanie, Keely, Abram and cousins Katlynn and Daniel. Many thanks to the Doctors and nurses who ensured a safe arrival of Joshua. RIDI/LEE - Angela and Boyd are thrilled to announce the safe arrival of Katherine Ridi Lee on September 2, 2010. Andrew is very excited to be a big brother! Proud grandparents are Rosalie & JR Ridi of Sydney, NS and Margaret & Boyd Lee formerly of Goulds/Petty Harbour, NL. Aunts Stacy (Mac) and Lori are tickled pink! SHEPPARD/MURPHY - Kara Murphy and Stephen Sheppard are thrilled to announce the early arrival of Joshua William, born 5:56 p.m., September 22, 2010, weighing 5 lbs., 5 oz. Welcoming Joshua are proud grandparents Karen Bishop, Dave Murphy, and Scott and Shirley Sheppard, great-grandmother Eva Murphy and great-grandparents Rowena and Donald Sheppard. Special thanks to the nurses and doctors of the Fetal Assessment Unit, the caseroom and 5NB nurses, Dr. H. Kravitz and continuing care from the excellent nurses of the NICU and Drs. D. Price and F. Javed. SMITH - Rodney and Lori (Pike) are overjoyed to announce the birth of their beautiful baby girl, Maria Madonna Gaye, born September 12, 2010. She weighed 7lbs and 12oz. Delighted grandparents are Bill and Gaye Smith (Blaketown), Bill and Donna Pike (Trepassey), and a very proud great-grandmother, Anastasia Molloy (Trepassey). Excited to welcome Maria, as well, are aunts and uncles: Angela Smith, Jason Smith, Leon Pike, Stacey & Jason Wicks and big cousins Billie and Jaxon. We would like to thank all of our friends in Lloydminster, AB for their support and the maternity staff and Dr. Naude at the Lloydminster Hospital. Mommy also has an extra special thanks to Daddy for all his love and support. TOCKNELL - Paul and Holly (Roberts) of Leeds, England are excited to announce the arrival of their first son, Theo Robert, on September 11, 2010, weighing 6 lbs. 7 ozs. Theo is happily welcomed by Nanny Patricia Roberts of Paradise and grandparents Vivian and Pete Tomlinson of Leeds, as well as many aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. Poppy Terry (Roberts) is surely smiling and watching over Theo from heaven. Mommy and Theo would like to thank Daddy for his love and support, and a special thank you to Nanny for her invaluable help during the first few weeks. Theo is looking forward to his first visit to Newfoundland in December! WALSH - Barry and Karen (nee Chancey), and ecstatic big sisters Sophie Claire and Lily Grace, are delighted to announce the early arrival of KATHRYN LYNN BRIDGET, born at the HSC on September 27, 2010, at 9:10 p.m., weighing 8 lbs. 11 ozs. and measuring 21". Also welcoming their newest precious granddaughter are John and Brenda Chancey of St. John's and Ron and Genevieve Walsh of Torbay. Special thanks for their care, support, expertise, and professionalism are extended to Dr. Tim Strand, Dr. Megan Robbins, Dr. Kum, Dr. Caines, Dr. Holden, Dr. O'Leary, the incredible team of Case Room nurses, and the amazing crew of nurses on 5NB who cared for Karen during her extended stay. Thank you and God bless you all. WARREN - Chris and Rachel (Little) joyfully announce the arrival of their beautiful baby boy, Charles Bryan Warren. Charlie made his quick arrival into the world September 12, 2010 at 3:15 a.m., weighing 8 pounds, 10 ounces. Welcoming Charlie with so much love are his grandparents Max and Carolyn Little, Eugene and Marilyn Warren, great-grandmothers Ora Rendell, Frances Rideout and Mary Warren, as well as Auntie Sarah, Auntie Renee and Uncle Shannon and Uncle Bryan, Auntie Heather and cousin Jaxson, godparents Brian and Darlene Dawe and little friend Ella Dawe. Many loved ones are watching over Charlie from heaven including his great-poppy, Charles Rendell, after whom he is named. Charlie and Mommy would like to thank Drs. Humber and Cook for their excellent prenatal care, case room nurse Stacey for her encouragement, Dr. Bartellas for a safe delivery and especially Daddy and Gampie Max for their love, support, encouragement and for holding mommy's hand the whole time.
Page contributed by John Gibbons
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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