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The Daily News



Wed. Jan. 5, 1927


A cable yesterday morning to Miss CHERRINGTON, Principal of Spencer College, announces the death of her mother, Mrs. Mary CHERRINGTON, widow of the late Rev. A. O. CHERRINGTON. The late Mrs. CHERRINGTON left here last August to spend a year in England with her sons, both clergymen of the Church of England, and to meet another son who was recently consecrated Bishop of a new diocese in New Zealand. She was staying at the Rectory, at Bleasby, Nottingham, and it is gleaned from recent cables, but was out for a walk last Monday but was unfortunately knocked down by a motor lorry and suffered severe head injuries, being unconscious as a result. Yesterday's cable news announced that she had passed peacefully away, surrounded by her kith and kin. The late Mrs. CHERRINGTON was much loved by all who knew her since coming to Newfoundland to stay with her talented daughter, the Principal of Bishop Spencer College. Her life here was devoted to the interests of Spencer College and Spencer Lodge and many are the numerous ways in which she always helped to try and smoothen the pathway for the young folk at the Lodge. A devoted lover of her church, she was always in her pew worshiping the King of Kings. Her life was calm and peaceful and in death she has not suffered. The late Mrs. CHERRINGTON was very fond of Newfoundland and intended returning "back home" as she called St. John's, next summer. But god has willed it otherwise and has called her pure soul to rest in His keeping until the day dawns and the shadows flee away. To Miss CHERRINGTON and her family we tender our sincere sympathy. Q


Thur. Jan. 6, 1927



Mr. and Mrs. Levi G. CHAFE were receiving the congratulations of their many friends on the fortieth anniversary of their wedding. At their home on Springdale Street last evening there was a family gathering to celebrate the event, and children and friends joined in extending felicitations, the hope being expressed that all would be spared to unite in celebration the golden jubilee ten years hence. Mr. and Mrs. CHAFE have met the vicissitudes of life with unconquerable optimism and today they are still young in spirit and enjoy good health. The union has been blessed with nine children, five daughters, and four sons, all of whom but one are living. Of the sons, two, Capt. Eric, M.C. , and Lieut. Ronald had a splendid war record, of which their parents are justly proud. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. CHAFE in the city will unite in extending congratulation of wedded happiness.


After a protracted illness borne with Christian resignation of the Divine will, there passed to his eternal reward on Wednesday morning Samuel McPHERSON, a prominent and highly respected resident of the West End. For fifty years he had been a faithful conscientious employee of the Consolidated Foundry, a man who kept abreast of times, one who took a pride out of his work, a moulder of first class ability. He belonged to that class of mechanics who never shirked a task given them and who put forward their best efforts in turning out the best work possible. It can be truly said that the late Samuel McPHERSON was one of nature's gentlemen. Consideration for others, was an outstanding feature of his character. Love of family and home was his to the highest degree. Though of a retiring disposition, he always displayed the keenest interest in matters appertaining to the advancement of the city and country in general. Left to mourn are a wife, two daughters and three sons, sister Mary Paula of Fortsmith, Arkansas, Frederick at Calgary, James at Boston, and William and Charlotte at home, to whom we extend sincere sympathy.


Fri. Jan. 14, 1927


A very pretty wedding was solemnized at Oderin church, on December 27th, by Rev. Fr. LEAMY, when Miss Annie, daughter of Capt. Joseph and Mrs. CHEESEMAN, became the bride of John HAND. The bride was handsomely attired in white satin with overdress of crepe-de-chene, and was attended by her cousin, Miss Cecelia CHEESEMAN, who was also prettily dressed. The groom was supported by Mr. Frederick CHEESEMAN, brother of the bride. After the ceremony the happy couple drove to Rushoon, arriving at dark, amid volleys of musketry. A reception was held at the home of the bride's father, and toasts were tendered the happy couple. A large number of guest from different settlements were present at the reception. The ushers at the wedding were: Michael HAND, Thomas MANNING, Daniel CHEESEMAN and James CHEESEMAN. - FRIEND


Thur. Jan. 20, 1927

Corpus Christi Church, Waterford Bridge, was the scene of a very pretty wedding at 7:30 last evening when Margaret, daughter of Captain and Mrs. Edward HARTERY, Topsail Road, was united on the bonds of holy matrimony to Charles Bertram, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. PENNEY, Long's Hill. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. J. RAWLINS, P.P. , of Kilbride, in the present of a gathering of friends of the contracting parties. The bride who was given away by her father, looked charming, attired in white Italian lace over liberty satin with veil of orange blossoms, and carrying a magnificent bouquet of white carnations and maidenhair fern. She was attended by her sister, Bride, who was prettily gowned in hazel blue crepe-de-chene, with Dutch cap to match, and carried a bouquet of pink and white carnations and maidenhair fern. Mr. W. J. JACKMAN performed the duties of bet man while the ushers were Messrs. J. D. SQUIRES and Jas. MELVILLE. As the bride entered the church the Wedding March played by her friend, Miss Alice J. MYLER. Following the ceremony, the party motored to the residence of the bride's parents, where a reception was held and the customary toasts duty honored. Upwards of one hundred guests were present. The groom's present to the bride was a life insurance policy; to the bridesmaids a signet ring, to the best man gold engraved cuff links and to the ushers ivory and gold cigarette holders. The presents received were numerous and costly testifying to the esteem in which the bride is deservedly held, and included cheque from her parents. The News joins with the many friends of happy young couple in extending felicitations.


Fri. Jan. 28, 1927



Fire which started at 5:55 this morning totally destroyed two houses on the Southside. Owned by Messers. WITHYCOMBE and EBSARY and occupied by Moses NOSEWORTHY and James GULLAGE. The blaze started in NOSEWORTHY dwelling. Both families escaped in their night clothes but lost all their belongings.


Three fires occurred yesterday the first at 5:45 the home of Robert HOWELL, Hamilton Avenue; the second most serious, at 6:15, near the Cross Roads, Water Street, West, which rendered some 18 persons homeless, and the third at 10:45 in the forecastle of the schooner LaBerge at C. F. Bennett & Co. premises.
Though the temperature was below zero and where they used water their clothing was quickly frozen stiff by the spray, the firemen worked splendidly and in each case confined the flames to the point at which they started. The first alarm was sent in at 5:45 p.m. from box 337 bringing the firemen to the residence of Robert HOWELL, Hamilton Avenue, where the blaze had started in the kitchen through sparks from a blow pipe which was used to thaw a frozen pipe, igniting the woodwork. The flames worked up behind the wall and across the ceiling so that a considerable part of the partition had to be cut away before the chemical could be brought into use to extinguish the blaze
The firemen had only returned to their station, when at 6:15 they were called to Water Street West near the Cross Roads, where fire had broken out in a house occupied downstairs by Mrs. POWER and her son William, and up stairs by another son James and his family. The blaze started in the attic and is supposed to have been caused by one of the children Mollie, dropping a piece of paper with which she had been lighting a lamp. The flames spread to the house of Mr. D, PYNN next door and both were practically gutted. The house which was owned by Miss O'REILLY, Water Street West, are situated in a lane and the firemen had much difficulty in working but soon had the blaze under control through they remained on the scene till 7:15 to make sure all danger was past. Under direction of Insp-General HUTCHINGS and Supt. O'NEILL every effort was made to save furniture and bedding by covering it with tarpaulins, for a time it was feared the fire would spread to the barn of Mr. T. J. MURPHY, butcher, which contained a large quantity of hay. but this was happily prevented through much damage was done in his residence by smoke. His horses were removed from the barn as soon as danger threatened. Damage was also done in the residence of J. HENNESSEY, next to POWER's by smoke and water. As a result of the fire the occupants of the houses, numbering thirteen had to find shelter with friends last night. POWER's six children were kindly look after by Sergt. John NUGENT, while Mrs. POWER, Sr. , who is 90 years of age, found refuge with Mrs. O'REGAN, who lives nearby. At 10:45 the firemen were called to C. F. Bennett & Co. premises where fire had broken out in the forecastle of the schooner LeBerge, owned by D. F. PIERCEY of Greenspond. It was discovered by Mr. WHEELER who sent in the alarm to which the fire men quickly responded and extinguished it before much damage was done. Mr. WHEELER is looking after the schooner while she is laying up and does not know how the fire started as everything was apparently alright when he visited her during the afternoon.

After thirteen minutes deliberation, a special jury, last night, found Hedley JACKSON guilty of criminal assault on Mary ANTHONY, aged 13 years. Mr. Justice WARREN will deliver sentence later. JACKSON was tried on the same charge during the November term of the Supreme Court, but at that time the jury failed to reach a verdict. Yesterday the evidence of witnesses, occupied up till 5:35 p.m. , when Mr. AYRE, for defendant, began his address which continued after recess at 6 p.m. till 8:20. Mr. C. E. HUNT, for the Crown, followed after, which Mr. Justice WARREN charged the jury. The latter retired at 9:27 and at 9:40 returned into court with the verdict above. The jury were: - John CAUL, Charles BARNES, John COLLIER, Richard O'LEARY, Thos. DRISCOLL, John ASH, Wm. POPE, Peter CASEY, Herbert CHAFE, Albert VAVASOUR, James RENDELL and John FROST.


Mon. Jan. 31, 1927

(Red Deer Advocate)
Word reached Deer Lake last week of the death of Martha, beloved wife of Mr. John GREENING, which sad event took place at Victoria, B. C. , on Tuesday, Jan. 4, following a severe cold which settled on her lungs, and pneumonia followed. Deceased was one of the real old times of the Horn Hill district, and was beloved by all who knew her. She was born in Redcliffe Island, Bonavista Bay, Newfoundland, in 1859 and was married in1887 to Mr. John GREENING. Since she came west with her husband in 1891 and settled on homestead at Horn Hill, where they resided until 1922, when they removed to Victoria, B.C. , where they have resided ever since. Beside a loving husband, she leaves three daughters, Mrs. D. G. CODE, Carbon, Alta. ; Mrs. Sherman TOLMAN, Rumsey, Alta; Mrs. Fred DOMONEY, Penhold, Alta. ; nine grandchildren, and a brother, Mr. George QUINTON of Penhold, to mourn her loss. Everyone who knew Mrs. GREENING for all the years she lived in the Horn Hill district, knew her to be a woman , a real woman- and she was beloved by all. A woman who always looked on the bright and cheery side of life, and always had a kind word for everybody and she was always doing good. She was a life-long member of the Episcopal Church and will be sadly missed by all who knew her, and her good works will follow her. The funeral on Saturday, Jan. 8, took place to Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, followed by a large number of friends, almost the entire colony of Red Deer district people bring present to pay their last respect to the departed. A beautiful service was held at the R. C. Funeral Parlors, the service being taken by Canon HINCHCLIFFE, M. P. P. , an old friend of the family and a former rector of Red Deer, assisted by Rev. H. V. HITCHCOCK. All the members of the family were present from Alberta, and the casket was covered and surrounded by a great quantity of flowers from friends in the city and in Alberta. The pallbearers were old friends of the family, namely Messrs. Neil McPHEE, H. P. HULL, Robert LEITHEAD, W. BRAZIER, T. WELLS and J. A. CARSWELL. The numerous old-time friends in this district will extend sympathy to the surviving husband and family in their bereavement.


At an early hour on Fri. , the soul of Sister Mary Annunciata GOSSE was called to reap the reward of a good and virtuous life and the additional recompense granted to those who leave all to follow Christ in the religious life. The deceased sister was born in Torbay twenty-seven years ago, educated at the Convent there, entered the Presentation Convent on November 21, 1927, where she was received and professed. For some time she taught at St. Patrick's Convent and at Renews. Everywhere her gentle manner, and her amiability made be beloved by the little pupils who will be grieved to learn of her early death. A few months ago an illness with which she had been afflicted became acute and despite all that Sisterly care and medical science could do to save her, she gradually grew weaker and finally gave up her pure soul to her Maker. Her death, like her life, was peaceful, let us hope that she has entered in possession of that eternal reward of the good and faithful servant. On Saturday morning Solemn Requiem mass presided over by His Grace the Archbishop, was celebrated at 10 o'clock, for the repose of the soul of the deceased nun; the celebrant was Rev. R. McD. MURPHY with M. J. KENNEDY, deacon, and Rev. W. V. SULLIVAN, sub-deacon, and Rev. Randall G. GREEN, Master of Ceremonies. His Grace was attended by the Rt. Rev. Mosignor McDERMOTT and Very Rev. J. J. McGRATH, P. P. , Bell Island. The chanters were Rev. Dr. CARTER, Adm. Torbay, Rev. T. J. FLYNN, Education Department, Rev. J. J. O'MARA, St. Patrick's. There was also present in the sanctuary Very Rev. J. J. PIPPY and Rev. Harold SUMMERS, St. Patrick's, Rev Bro J. E. RYAN, Super for Bonaventure College Rev. Bro. O'HEHIR, Superior, and Rev. Bro. AHERN, Mount St. Francis, assisted at the Mass and the funeral. At the same hour in Renews, a Miss A Cantata was being sung for the dead nun by the Rev. C McCARTHY, P. P. Sister Mary Annunciata was the only daughter of the late David GOSSE, Torbay. She leaves to mourn her early death her mother and two brothers in Torbay and three other brothers residing in New York. Messrs. FITZPATRICK of this city are her uncles. To all her relatives, as also to the members of her community and to the order to which she belonged we extend sincere sympathy


Thur. February 10, 1927

New York , Jan. 31. - Captain Robert A. BARTLETT, the arctic explorer and navigator has been awarded the highest honor conferred by the Explorer's Club for distinguished achievements in exploration. The last to receive the Explorer's club medal prior to BARTLETT was Major-General A. W. GREELY, leader of the ill-fated Arctic expedition in 1831, the seven survivors of which were rescued by a relief party commanded by Winfield S. SCHLEY, later the hero of Santiago, after two other attempts had failed. Previously the medal had been awarded Admiral Robert E. PEARY; Colonel Candido RONDON, the South American explorer; Vihjalmur Stefansson, discoverer of the "blonde" Eskimos, and William Curtiss FARABEE, of Philadelphia, noted for his work in South America.

BARTLETT was born in Brigus, Newfoundland, August 15th, 1875, and began his exploration work with PEARY at Cape D'Urville Kane Basin, in 1897. He went on a hunting expedition to Hudson Strait in 1901 and in the same year became captain of a sealer off Newfoundland. He commanded the "Roosevelt'" which carried PEARY to the North Pole. In 1904 he was Captain of the Canadian Government's ship the Karluk, which was crushed by ice. With seventeen persons he managed to reach Wrangel Island and then with an Eskimo as his sole companion he crossed the ice to Siberia and returned with a rescue party. In 1917, BARTLETT commanded the Crocker Land Relief Expedition to North Greenland. On his return he became superintendent of the Army Transport Service at New York. During the War, he was commissioned a Lieutenant-Commander in the United States Naval Reserve Force. In 1925, he was sent by the National Geographic Society to locate bases for aircraft in North West Alaska and along the shores of the Arctic Ocean. His trip with the Putnam expedition followed.

The list of honors conferred on BARTLETT is long. One of the most picturesque figures in the ranks for the explorers, Captain "Bob" is exceedingly popular with his associates. He is of medium height, sturdy and rugged in build and is almost different in bearing in association with his fellows in the drab every-day affairs of civilization. He has an inimitable accent reminiscent of the land of his birth. Many are the stories told about his courage and resourcefulness in times of danger; but he has nothing to say about them. The one subject he declines to talk about is Bob BARTLETT. GREENE went to have his Photograph  taken. "Will you have it mounted of other wise?" asked the photographer, as he fiddled about with his camera. "Well, I'll have it mounted. "  I think was the hesitating reply; "though what the wife'll say I don't know, she's never seen me on a horse before".


Mon. Feb. 14, 1927


The many friends of George W. ARNOTT were saddened yesterday to hear of his death, which had taken place suddenly in the early hours of the morning. Deceased, who had reached the advance age of 79 years, was in his early days engaged at Clerical occupation and for the past fourteen years was caretaker of the waiting room at the Railway Station, where by his unfailing courtesy he made numerous friends among the travelling public. He was at his duties to the last and his passing was unexpected. The funeral takes place at 2.30 p.m. to-morrow from the residence of his son, 325 Southside.

We regret to record the death of John J. O'NEIL, who passed away on Jan. 28th at his home, 2543A Somerville Ave. , Somerville, after a protracted illness. The late Mr. O'NEIL was born in St. John's about 46 years ago, son of Elizabeth WILCOX and the late Martin O'NEIL, and came to this country with his parents at the age of 14. He is survived by his mother and wife, formerly Mary C. KENT of St. John's, and five children, all residing in Somerville. The funeral was largely attended and interment took place at the Holy Cross Cemetery, Malden, the prayers at the grave side being recited by Mrs. O'NEIL's nephew, Bro. Lawrence, of the Christian Brothers, at Danvers, Mass. - Nfld Weekly.

There passed away at Torbay on Saturday, Mrs. Maria CODNER, one of the oldest people of Torbay. Aunt Maria, as she was called by all her friends, was ever ready in the time of need, to lend a helping hand, and when a stranger wanted a friend she was ever near to help them; a good Christian and faithful servant unto her life's end. When the closing time of her life near and the shadows deepened, her clergy, Rev. E. M. BISHOP, was near to comfort her in the last moments of her life, and as the words of the hymn "Hide me, O my Saviour, hide," were sung, her soul took its flight. In her last moments, she was surrounded by her loving children and friends. She is survived by 4 sons and 2 daughters, Richard, William A. , Uriah and Robert, Mrs. Charles TRICCO of Torbay Road and Mrs. William S. CODNER of Torbay, also 27 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren. She will be sadly missed by all who knew her. Her funeral took place on to-day, Monday.

On December 5th, 1926, the Angle of Death visited Old Perlican and called to the Great Beyond Nathaniel BURSEY, at the rip age of 69. Uncle Nath. (as he was called) has been suffering from heart disease for the last three years, yet he bore the pain and disability with patience. Throughout his life he had learned to confide his cares to his Master. He was carefully attended to by his loving and devoted wife, who, throughout the long period of his illness, did everything that was possible to make him happy. The funeral ceremony was conducted by Rev. G. IVANY, who preached from John 11:26. "Whosoever believeth in me shall never die. " The L.O.A. also paraded and paid the customary rites to their beloved brother. He leaves to mourn a beloved wife, four daughters, three of whom are living in Boston. His only son, Frank, who is also living in Boston, was married one week before his father's death. To the sorrowing friends we extend our sympathy. - Com. Old Perlican, February 2, 1927


Mon. Feb. 21, 1927


(Special Correspondent)
Bell Island, Feb. 20- The S. S. Mary, which had been jammed off Portugal Cove for some time, got clear on Saturday, and crossed to Bell Island. The condition of the slob was too dangerous, however, to allow any travelling, and Mr. and Mrs. George NORMORE, who crossed the floe under trying circumstances on Thur. , journeyed to the Cove on Saturday afternoon but were obliged to remain there. Yesterday frost will have a reactionary effect on the slob and further travelling difficulties must be expected.

Saturday forenoon, a phone message to the police stated some lads were stripping the copper from the hull of the "Briton" moored near the Southside and used by Messrs. A H. Harvey & Co. as a coal hulk. Several officers visited the scene but found the culprits had flown. A quantity of the copper was located during the afternoon by Detective BENNETT under an old house near where the ship is moored and the three youths will be summoned before court this morning.


A respected resident of the West End, in the person of Richard HICKEY, passed to his reward on Saturday morning, at his residence, Molloy's Lane, at the advanced age of 87 years. Deceased HICKEY of Harbour Grace, one of the best known planters of his day, was born on board a schooner on the Labrador coast. The family moving to this city, deceased entered the employee of the Municipal Council and for fifty years was an efficient official, retiring in 1914 owing to advanced age. Left to mourn are one son, Richard, who served as a sergeant with "Ours" and one brother, Patrick, residing on Circular Road. The funeral takes place at 2.30 this afternoon. In view of his long services among them members of the Council staff will shovel the snow from Molloy's lane this morning so that the remains may be easily brought to Topsail Road whence the funeral will proceed along LeMarchant Road.

The funeral of the late Thomas TOBIN took place from his late residence, Duckworth Street, yesterday afternoon and was attended by a large number of mourners. Amongst those present were Hon. W. J. HIGGINS, members of the Cooper's Union who the deceased had been a life long member and official of H.M. Customs to which deceased had been attached before his death. At the R. C. Cathedral, the last prayers were recited by Rev. M. J. KENNEDY and interment was at Mount Carmel Cemetery.

The late Mrs. Samuel FREHLICH was laid to rest yesterday afternoon, the funeral being from her late residence, Prescott Street. A large number of mourners were present to pay their last respect. The burial service at the R. C. Cathedral was officiated by Rev. M. J. KENNEDY and interment was at Mount Carmel Cemetery.


While proceeding to a fire Saturday evening, the hose wagon from the Central fire hall overturned at the curve near the top of Garrison Hill. Driver COOK and the other firemen were thrown from the vehicle, the former having his hand injured. The harness was somewhat damaged but after a new set had been secured the outfit proceeded to the fire.


Wed. Feb. 23, 1927


MULLINS- At the Grace Maternity Hospital, on February 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. William MULLINS, Southside, a son.


MULLINS- Passed peacefully away at St. Clare's Mercy Hospital, of spinal meningitis, Mary, the dearly beloved child of Hannah and William MULLINS, age 9 ½ years, leaving father, mother, 2 brothers and 1 sister to mourn her sad loss. Funeral on Thur. at 2.30 p.m. from her late resident, Southside Road West, accept this the only intimation- -R. I. P. - Montreal papers please copy


Thur. February 24, 1927



A well known figure throughout the country passed to rest yesterday morning in the person of Patrick HOWLETT, Fishery Inspector. Mr. HOWLETT had been ailing for some time but continued his duties until a few months ago when he was forced to stay at home where he has since been fighting a losing battle against an ailment the gradually wasted him away. Deceased was a familiar figure throughout the country, as his duties brought him to outports in all section. Born in Petty Harbour he was for many years engaged in the fishery and was known as one of the country's most practical fish killers. The industry always claimed his deep interest and he devoted much time and labor in endeavouring to introduce new ideas to develop it. He was responsible for several ideas which had in view new industries and some of them received much prominence and attention, for some years past he had been engaged as an inspector with the Marine and Fisheries Department and he was always looked upon as a painstaking and efficient official, gaining the confidence of the department and the esteem of the fishermen in general throughout the country with who he came in contact in the course of his duties. Patrick HOWLETT was a man of exemplary life and sterling character, and belongs to that good old class of Newfoundlanders now fast becoming extinct. Left to mourn their sad loss are two sons and three daughters, one of them Miss Nina HOWLETT, who whilst on her way home to her father's bedside did such splendid work in the Nova Scotia train wreck. To all, widespread sympathy will be extended in their bereavement. The funeral will take place from his late resident, 271 South Side, at 10 a.m. to-morrow, and interment will take place at Petty Harbour at two O'clock.


HOWLETT- At 11a.m. , yesterday, Patrick HOWLETT, Inspector Marine and fisheries, aged 69, leaving wife, 2 sons and 3 daughters. funeral Friday at 10 a.m. from his late residence, 271 Southside. Interment at Petty Harbour at 2 p.m. - R. I. P.


Sat. Mar. 5, 1927



Orleans, Mass. , March 4. - (C.P. )- Two youthful sailors, the only survivors of the crew of the Barraboro schooner Monclair, to-night told the story of the vessel's loss on Orleans Bar to-day, and the drowning of five of her crew. The survivors were Garland SHORT of Bonavista, Nfld. , and Nathan BAGGS, 25, of Cape La Hume, Nfld. seaman. Both men were recuperating at the Orleans coastguard station, young SHORT being in especially bad shape from exposure. It was his first voyage to sea. BAGGS, the boy said, was hero of the wreck, having drawn SHORT board the schooner after a giant wave had washed him and five others overboard. BAGGS said the schooner had suffered severely from the storm on Tuesday night; her sails were torn and one of her booms broken, but Captain William McLEOD decided she could continued the voyage. The vessel was making fain progress, the sailor said, until this morning. BAGGS said "at five o'clock this morning I went on watch and a few moments later I felt her ground. I called the captain and he ordered everybody roused. The vessel began to take water. We were on the outer bar, a mile from shore, and after a hard pounding the vessel floated over and drifted towards the shore, bringing up on the shoals one hundred yards from shore. We had a cargo of 25,000 laths and great waves washed these overboard, then another wave carried off all the men but myself. " At this juncture young told his tale of BAGGS' heroism as the boy went over with the wave he grasped a piece of rope. BAGGS, clinging to the rigging, left his post of vantage to haul his young shipmate to relative safety on deck. "I saw William STEWART, of Burgeo, Nfld. , go down and he did not come up," said BAGGS. "Captain McLEOD and others seized bundles of laths. They were outside the line of surf but the off-shore wind carried them away. Then the coast-guard got a line aboard and SHORT and I were hauled ashore. That is all. " The survivors will be taken to Boston tomorrow. The body of Captain McLEOD was washed ashore to-day, but the other bodies have not been recovered.


Orleans, Mass. , March 4-(C.P. )- Captain William McLEOD of Parrsboro, N.S. and William SMART of Burgeo, Nfld. are believed to have been drowned when the Nova Scotia schooner Montclaire was wrecked on a bar off here to-day. Nathan BAGG, of Cappa Hayden, Nfld. , and Garland SHORT, of Bonavista, Nfld. , were rescued, Jerome BUTLAND, of St. John, N.B. , George CAINE, of Burgeo, Nfld. , and William DOWLING, of Gabarus, Cape Breton, who were seen clinging to bundles of laths from the schooner's cargo after the vessel broke up, disappeared later and are feared drowned. The three-masted schooner Montclair left Halifax on February 24 for New York with a cargo of laths. She was owned by Captain C. B. MARTIN of Partridge Island, N.S. , and was 371 tons.


Wed. Mar. 16, 1927

Lunenburg, March 10- The drowning of William John MILES, 18 years old, member of the crew of the auxiliary schooner, Retour, of English Harbour, Newfoundland, was reported to-day, by Capt. LeBLANC, of Yarmouth, when the schooner put in here for repairs necessitated by the battering which the vessel received in the storm in which the young man was washed overboard, on the night of March 3rd, while he was on watch with his father, George MILES. The Retour was three days out from St. Pierre, on her voyage to Nassau, when she ran into the gale, and young MILEs and his father were the only members of the crew on deck, when a gigantic wave carried the boy overboard. He swam towards the vessel, and was almost within reach of the line, which his father had thrown to him, when another big wave caught him and washed him away out of sight. Other members of the crew were brought on deck by the shouts of the father, and with the aid of such lights as were available every effort was made to find the boy. The lights did not show very far, and as the noise of the gale made it impossible to hear a voice more than a few feet, nothing was seen or heard of the boy, after the crew reached the deck. Young MILEs was working at a pump when the sea carried him over the side of the vessel. The boy's home was in Fortune Bay, Newfoundland. He is survived by his father, mother, three brothers and four sisters.


Mon. Mar. 28, 1927


St. Thomas's Church was the scene of a popular wedding on Saturday morning when Jessie Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew CARNELL was united in the bonds of matrimony to Chesley Arthur, eldest son of Hon. Sir John and Lady CROSBIE, K. B. E. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. B. ELLIOTT, Rector of St. Thomas's, a large number of guests and friends of the bridal party being present. The bride, who entered the church leaning on the arm of her father who gave her away, was attractively attired in a gown of white duchess satin with panels of Chantily lace; she carried a veil of tulle fashioned into a cap and held in place by a spray of orange blossoms and she carried a bouquet of carnations and lilies. She was attended by her sister, Miss Kathleen CARNELL, whose dress was of blue georgette with hat to match. The two small train-bearers were Miss Judy CARNELL who was attired in pink georgette with pink cap to match, and Master Alex CROSBIE, who was dressed in velvet Eton suit. Mr. George CROSBIE, brother of the groom, was best man. Mrs. Andrew CARNELL, mother of the bride, wore a gown of blue with a hat of grey and blue. After the nuptial knot had been tied the wedding party motored to the Newfoundland Hotel where a reception was held and the usual toasts were honored. Mr. and Mrs. CROSBIE being heartily wished many happy years over the matrimonial sea, and in this their many friends at home and abroad will whole-heartedly join. The newly wedded couple afterwards motored to Harvey & Co's pier where they joined the Red Cross Liner Merissa for New York at which port they will embark for Brazil for an extended honeymoon trip. Going away, the bride wore a costume of green and tan ensemble trimmed with fur. Many people were on the wharf to wish them an enjoyable trip. The popularity of the young couple was amply testified by the large array of useful and valuable presents which they received.


Wed. Mar. 30, 1927



Yesterday the will of the late Rt. Hon. Sir Richard BOND was admitted to probate. The Rec. G. G. BOND is appointed Executor. The estate is sworn to at $92,750. Sir Robert BOND leaves the Grange at Whitbourne together with eight square miles of land to the people of Newfoundland for a Model Farm. The gold casket containing the freedom of the city of London, the silver casket containing the freedom of the city of Edinburgh, the silver-gold casket containing the freedom of the city of Bristol a piece of silver plate presented with the freedom of the city of Manchester an illuminated address from the city of London and an illuminated address presented by the Victoria League and all natural history specimens shot and mounted by him are bequeathed to the Museum in St. John's with provision for suitable cases being made. The residue of his estate after payment of a bequest goes to his immediate relatives and their issue but in event of failure of issue is to be used for establishment of an industrial school at Whitbourne in which shall be taught practical courses in different trades.

An unfortunate accident occurred on Monday afternoon in which John, aged 13 years, the only child of Samuel and the late May GROUCHY, lost his life, under particularly sad circumstances. From the story told by Edward ABBOTT, a companion of the unfortunate victim, both left their homes at Wood's Range, Hoylestown, on Monday afternoon to go out on Signal Hill hoping to see a sealing steamer. They went out to the Middle Battery beyond all the houses and climbed up on the cliff as far as they get where they stood looking out, young GROUCHY being further up the hill than his companion. After being there a little time, ABBOTT heard his chum say something, which he did not understand, and then turning saw him slide down the cliff too fast for him to render any assistance. ABBOTT climbed down and called but received no answer and afterwards returned home very much frightened, but did not report the accident until yesterday morning when an alarm was raised at the disappearance of Jackie GROUCHY. At 8.30 yesterday morning, Mr. Samuel GROUCHY reported to the police that his son Jackie had left his home on the previous afternoon and as he had not turned up anxiety was felt for him. At 1.30 he returned again to the station and told the above story related by Edward ABBOTT who stated that he had said nothing about the accident because he was too frightened. Constable PITCHER and MULLETT were despatched to the scene to search for the missing lad in the vicinity of where the two lads had gone the previous day, but about 2.30 two men from the Battery, Messers. Henry ANTLE and B. RICHE, who had gone out in a boat to search, found the body in a gulch about 100 yards outside of Chain Rock, on the bottom, in about seven feet of water. When found there was a slight bruise on the left eye. The body was taken to the morgue where Dr. ANDERSON held post mortem examination after which Undertakes MYRICK took it in charge and prepared it for burial. The funeral will take place from his late residence, 13 Woods Range, this afternoon.


Wed. Apr. 6, 1927


(Sydney Records)

Mrs. Elizabeth MERCER, 70 years of age, passed away on Sunday at the residence of her son Cyril MERCER, 121 Brookland Street. She has not been in good health for a long time, but death although not altogether unexpected, was a great shock to her many friends. Mrs. MERCER was a native of Bay Roberts, Newfoundland, and resided there practically all her life until she came to Sydney about four years ago. Besides the son, with whom she resided, she leaves two step-sons residing in the United States and another at Bay Roberts. The body accompanied by Cyril MERCER was taken today to Newfoundland for Burial.

There passed peacefully away on March 30th, Evelyn, the young wife of Stephen PIERCEY, of Brigus, and daughter of the late William and Bertha GIFFORD of this place. Deceased was 22 years of age and only married four months; about two months ago she took sick and the doctor pronounced that the dread disease consumption. Although she suffered a lot, she bore it all with patience and was never known to complain, only longed for the end when she would be free from all suffering. During her illness she stayed with her mother who attended her with a mother's tender care. She was a church worker, being a member of the choir, also a member of the Ladies Aid. She was laid to rest in the Methodist Cemetery on Fri. , April 1st. The funeral service was conducted by the Rev. Wm. GARBUTT, who visited her during her illness. Mr. GARBUTT took his text from 1 Samuel 23, 3rd verse; There is but a step between me and death. The sermon will long be remembered by many who were present. The funeral was largely attended, the casket being beautifully decorated with wreaths. The passing away of Mrs. PIERCEY will cast a gloom over many as she was liked and highly esteemed by all who knew her, especially in St. John's where she lived quite a while. Left to mourn are a husband who is now at the ice fields, a mother, one brother and sister in Boston, four brothers and one sister at home and a large circle of relatives and friends. Port de Grave, April 4th, 1927

On February 18th there passed away at Caplin Cove one of the most respected citizens in the person of John Stapleton BUTT, at the age of seventy-two years. Mr. BUTT seemed in good health when he was suddenly stricken with paralysis and in less than ten minutes he had passed within the veil. He was laid to rest on Sunday, February 20th, in the Methodist cemetery. The Rev. S. I. MULLEY preached a most suitable sermon, paying touching tribute to the deceased, who had been foreman builder of the church, which was then filled to its utmost capacity, although the day was a severe one. People came from all the nearby settlements to pay their last respect to one whom they greatly esteemed. Mr. BUTT was well and favorably known throughout the Bay de Verde district. He leaves to mourn an aged widow, three sons and three daughters, all of whom reside at Caplin Cove. "The call was short, the blow severe.
To part from him we held so dear;
God took him home, it is His will. Forget him? No, we never will. "
Caplin Cove, District, Bay de Verde.


Wed. Apr. 6, 1927

George DORETHY, a resident of Lime Street, was sentenced to six months with hard labor yesterday, after being found guilty of a charge of assaulting a young woman who was crossing Martin's Field on Monday night. According to the evidence submitted, the woman was crossing the field on her way to the Post Office when the man came out of a barn and, taking her by the neck forced her to the ground. She escaped, however, and her screams attracted the neighbors, on whose arrival the assailant fled. The woman went to New Gower Street where she met Constables CAHILL and DAWE, and directing them to the barn from which the man came, he was found hiding there and placed under arrest. Martin'sField is vacant piece of land used sometimes by residents of the Higher Levels for a short way down town.

The dredge S. S. Priestman will have one of Pike's propellors installed on her today. Two spare blades for the S. S. Home have also arrived. In the accident to the Home last year two of her blades of her propellor were damaged and will have to be taken off and straightened. The two new blades will replace them if any damage should occur in the straightening process.


Sat. Apr. 9, 1927


The many friend of Mrs. Bernard FORSEY, nee Etna CUNNINGHAM, will regret to hear of her death which occurred at her home in Seattle, Washington, on Tuesday, March 22nd, after a brief illness. The deceased formerly occupied a responsible position here as Child Welfare Nurse and was well known for her self-sacrificing work for the up building of the great work that the association of to-day is still carrying on the beneficial results. A devoted husband and two little children are left to survive as well as her father Mr. Edward CUNNINGHAM of Burgeo, two sisters, Mrs. W. J. SINNOTT and Miss Olive and one brother Reg. of Boston. To all the sympathy of many friends will be extended in their bereavement.


Tues. Apr. 12, 1927


Just sixty-nine years ago to-day April 12th, 1858, five talented young ladies full of glowing zeal and fervour, said farewell to happy homes and love ones, and to their fair country which to them was the dearest spot on earth. In a poorly equipped sailing vessel, they left the shores of their beloved Cork, for the land of their adoption- that land where youthful hopes and inspirations were to find realization in the service of the Master, to whose call they so promptly and generously responded. Loved ones pointed out the hardships and privations which such life would mean; but nothing could deter, nothing daunt these young heroines of charity. Had not the Master whom they hoped to espouse, trodden the way of the cross; and surely they as His friends and followers, could not seek a rose strewn path. After a tempestuous voyage of twenty-three days, during three of which they almost despaired of ever seeing land again, they arrived in St. John's, May 6th, and entered the Convent of Mercy that same day.
This little band of postulants received the white veil from His Lordship Bishop MULLOCK and were henceforth known as Sister Mary of the Cross, sister Mary Philomena, Sister Mary Bonaventure, Sister Mary of the Angels, and sister Mary de Chantel. The ceremony of their Religious Reception is especially memorable as being the first ceremony of its kind held in the Cathedral. One by one, as life allotted task was given they were called to their reward, but it was only a week ago today on April 5th, about 10 a.m. , that the sole survivor of the five, our very dearly beloved Mother Mary de Chantal O'KEEFE in the eighty-ninth year of her age, yielded up her pure soul to her Creator and Lord, to whom it had been pledged so long, and faithfully was that pledge kept; and nobly and devotedly the daily round of duty fulfilled. Professed with her companions is October 1860, she was sent on the Brigus Foundation in September 1861. In 1864 she was transferred to St. Michael's Orphanage, Belvedere, but returned to the Mother House, Military Road in1866, where she was appointed Superior. For the next seventeen years she filled the various offices in the community; and it was 1n 1869 during her term of office as Superior, that the Foundation was sent to Conception. The story of the hardship and privations of Mother de Chantal and her religious sisters in those early days is full of interest and instruction, and would compare to the austerities of contemplatives, who lives are devoted exclusively to penance and prayer. What we now regard as the common necessaries of life, were then conspicuous by their absence, for example, butter, and fresh meat, were luxuries for feast days, except when provided by a kind benefactor. The light supplied by a little oil lamp or 'a dip' was poor; and poorer still the heating- but the continuous and laborious exercise involved in the accomplishment of all the house hold duties, before and after school hours, supplied the place of our present day heating system. In the gray dawn of those severe winter mornings, the sisters broke a path for themselves through the snow, over to the Presentation Convent where they assisted at Mass, thus paying their daily tribute of worship and thanksgiving and love in their Creator, and receiving in return grace and strength to meet with a smile and a generous fiat, the cross of the coming day. On their return to the Convent breakfast was prepared for the boarders in St. Clare's. This building had been occupied by the orphans, until they were transferred in 1859, when it was utilized as a boarding school. Amusing anecdotes are told of how, sometimes, a hatchet had to be requisitioned to "break" the breads as well as the ice, in preparation for that simple meal. But any allusion to that period of sacrifice and trial, would be incomplete without a passing reference to the sad days when the cholera raged with violence in St. John's- then indeed were the Sisters of Mercy seen in their true element. From day-break till dark the homes of the poor plague-stricken patients became their homes, and the Sisters became the servants of these poor, abandoned sufferers. They lighted the fire, prepared their frugal meal, scrubbed and cleaned the little tenement, washed and dress the sick, and frequently washed, dressed and confined the remains of the poor victims. But their ministrations were not confined to the alleviation of bodily pain. They instructed these poor affiliated ones and inspired them with sentiments of patient resignation sorrow for past faults, and a firm trust in God, and so prepared them for a worth reception of the last Sacraments. In this way, they lightened considerably the burden of the Priest, which in those dark , dreadful days, was an onerous one indeed.
In 1883, Mother de Chantel, was appointed Superior in St. Michael's Orphanage, Belvedere, and from that date until a few years ago when declining health necessitated her resignation, she had held the office of Superior Mother Assistant-and a Mother she surely was to her sisters and the hundreds of little orphans, who had the privilege of calling Belvedere "Home". On September 29th, 1885, she had the pleasure of seeing the new brick orphanage with all its modern equipment, opened and dedicated by His Lordship Bishop POWER. When the fire of 1892 rendered an appeal to an already over-taxed people, impossible, she and Mother Ignatius visited the States to solicit financial aid, to assist in liquidating the heavy debt incurred by the building of the orphanage. To the kindness of Very Rev. M. A. FITZGERALD, a former President of St. Bonaventure's College, they were indebted for the cordial reception and material aid they received in the Brooklyn Diocese; whilst Archbishop RYAN, of Philadelphia, a classmate of Bishop POWER, invited them to his Archdiocese with the permission to collect there. In Boston, too, their appeal met with a very generous response, and to quote a reverend friend, the two returned home "carrying golden dollars in exchange for this golden impressions they had left behind"
Endowed with a fine physique and a commanding personality Mother de Chantal won the esteem and respect of all with whom she came in contact. The oldest religious in the Mercy Order, she was privileged to see the Episcopal Throne occupied by four distinguished Prelates- Bishops MULLOCK and POWER, Archbishop HOWLEY and our present reverend Archbishop, the Most Reverend E. P. ROCHE - all of whom recognized in her the "woman nobly planned" as well as the perfect religious and accordingly respected her as much. Our present beloved Archbishop availed of every opportunity of testifying his esteem for her. Twice during her brief illness of eighteen days he visit her and when her soul had winged its flight to a better world, he came again to pay his last tribute of respect. The limited confines of her Convent walls could not narrow her broad mind, whilst her large, generous Irish heart, but grew and expanded with her years, and in it she seemed to find a place for everybody. Her generosity is proverbial, and Sister of any community, whether they belonged to the Mercy Order or not, always found in Belvedere a warm welcome. But her religious sister were not the only recipients of her bounty- when over or wherever an opportunity presented itself for an act of kindness Mother de Chantal immediately availed of it; and the favor was bestowed promptly, generously and unostentatiously. With increasing years, she seemed to grow more forgetful of self, and more concerned for the happiness and comfort of those around her, thus meriting the wonderful encomiums of her Sisters- "she lived for others. "
To her community she was a model of every virtue, and of strict observance of her religious vows and rules. Up every morning at the first sound of the bell, through age and infirmity would both have exempted her-she assisted at the holy sacrifice of the Mass and was first at the various exercises during the day. During her brief illness all that loving hearts could desire, or loving hands execute, was done to alleviate her sufferings; as those to who she had been a Mother, watched with deep and sincere sorrow, the approach of the impending separation. From the moment the new of her death was flashed aboard, Belvedere was thronged with visitors, amongst who were His Grace, the Archbishop, Rt. Rev. Mons. McDERMOTT, V.G. , and many of the clergy and Christian Brothers, Revd. Mother Columbia, Mother Superior of the Presentation Order, Mother Joseph O'DRISCOLL, and several of the Presentation Order from Cathedral Square and St. Patrick's Convent. Messages of condolence poured in from the clergy round the Island, as well as from all Convents. Many, too, came from abroad where her pupils of long ago still remember her with affection and speak of her with reverence. His grace the Archbishop presided at the Requiem Mass, which was celebrated in the Cathedral at 10 a.m. on Thur. , April 7th, Rt. Rev. Mons. McDERMOTT, V. G. was celebrant, assisted by Rev. W. V. SULLIVAN and R. MURPHY. Revs J. J. RAWLINS and Dr. CARTER were on the Throne, and present in the sanctuary were also Rt. Rev. Mons. KITCHEN, Rev. Fathers, T. J. FLYNN, M. J. KENNEDY, P. J. KENNEDY, J. W. McGETTIGAN, H. SUMMERS, R. GREEN and J. O'MARA. Several of the Christian Brothers also attended and Rev. Bro. FENNESSEY and his choir very kindly gave their service. Mass over, His Grace officiated at the final ceremonies and prayers for the deceased, after which the funeral cortege left immediately for the Convent Cemetery; Belvedere, where the last blessing at the grave side was imparted by Rt. Rev. Mons. McDERMOTT, V. G. - May she rest in peace.


Thur. Apr. 28, 1927


COONEY - Passed peacefully away Wednesday morning, April 27th. , at Brooklyn, N.Y. Jeanette (Dollie), aged 22, beloved wife of Albert COONEY; second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John SCAPLIN, formerly of this city. Left to mourn are husband, mother, father, three sisters and two brothers, residing in Brooklyn and one sister Mrs. Harold PARSONS of this city.

KNIGHT- Passed peacefully away at 2 p.m. Wednesday, 27th Edwin J. KNIGHT, aged 79 years. Funeral of Fri. , at 2:30 from his late residence, 26 Leslie St.

THORPE- Passed peacefully away Wednesday at 3 o'clock, after a long and painful illness, David THORPE in his fifty sixth year, leaving to mourn his sad loss, one son and a large circle of friends. Funeral to-day, Thur. , from Connolly's Mortuary Rooms. May the sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on his soul. -R. I. P.

BROCKLEHURST-Passed peacefully away last evening, Muriel, beloved daughter of Frank and Martha BROCKLEHURST, aged 17 years, leaving father, mother, four sisters and six brothers to mourn their sad loss. Funeral on Fri. at 2.30 p.m. from her late residence, 7 Howe Place- R. I. P.

DIAMOND-Lost at sea, about Jan. 11th, Harold W. DIAMOND aged 24 years, second son of L. A. and Sadie DIAMOND, of this city.

DEWLING-passed peacefully away on April 27th, at Champneys, Trinity, at the age of 89, Margaret, wife of William DEWLING, leaving to mourn three sons , one daughter, forty-four grand-children and a number great grand-children.


Mon. Sept. 5, 1927


CLANCEY-Passed peacefully away at 9 o'clock Sunday night Elizabeth Buckley, beloved wife of James CLANCEY. Funeral takes place at 2:20 p.m. Tuesday, from Hawthorne Cottage, Carter's Hill. Friend and acquaintances please attend. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy her soul.

FISHER-Yesterday at Corner Brook, Christopher FISHER, J. P. , aged 87 years.

KNIGHT-Jackman's Cove, N.D.B. , Sept. 3, beloved wife of Allan KNIGHT, nee Emily ROSE, Western Bay, leaving husband, three daughters one son, one sister and four brothers.

MULCAHEY-At Bay Bulls on Sunday afternoon, Mary Ann McGrath, aged 67 years, formerly of St. John's, wife of William MULCAHEY. Interment at Bay Bulls at 2.30 this p.m.

SCANLAN-Passed peacefully away on Sept. 3 at 9.30 Edward SCANLAN, aged 75 years. Funeral on Monday, at 2.30, from the residence of J. J. HENLEY, Newtown Road.

MURPHY-Sunday, Sept. 4, after a long illness of paralysis, Michael MURPHY, (ex-fireman Central Hall) son of the late Thomas and Catherine MURPHY, leaving a wife and one brother to mourn their sad loss. Funeral to-morrow, Tuesday, at 2.30 p.m. from his late residence, 56 Mullock Street. Friends and acquaintances will please accept this the only intimation.

WHITE-On Saturday morning ay 6 o'clock, after a short illness, Johannah McCarthy, relict of the late William WHITE, aged 82 years, leaving one sister, one son, three daughters, ten grand-children and fourteen great grand-children to mourn their sad loss. Funeral to-day, Monday, at 2.30 from her late residence, 9 Goodview St. Boston papers please copy. R. I. P.

DOWDEN-Passed peacefully away on Sept. 3, Thomas DOWDEN, Logy Bay Road , aged 85 years, leaving 3 sons and 3 daughters to mourn their sad loss, funeral on Monday at 2.30 p.m. from his late residence, Logy Bay Road. Friends please accept this the only intimation.

WISEMAN-Passed peacefully away at 9 o'clock last night, Mary Elizabeth Barnes, aged 75 years, widow of the lat John S. WISEMAN, leaving three sons, two daughters and one sister in Everett, Mass. , U. S. A. funeral will take place Tuesday afternoon at 2.30 from her late residence, 56 Hayward Ave.

PARRELL-On September 3rd John PARRELL, aged 49 years, son of the late Patrick and Mary PARRELL. He leaves to four brothers and one sister to mourn their sad loss. Funeral from his residence of his brother, Patrick PARRELL 66 Bannerman Street to-day, Monday at 2.30 p.m. Boston papers please copy.


The sad news came over the wires yesterday that Mrs. Frank LOCKYER, of Herring Neck, had died at the Twillingate Hospital on Tuesday evening, and that her baby born on that morning had passed away also. The sadness is all the more heartrending to her husband because of his absence from home as this spring he was obliged to go to the sanatorium at Kentville, N. S. , to under go prolonged course of treatment to last several months. When informed of the great affliction which fell upon his home he at once decided to return and will reach Herring Neck early tomorrow morning. The many friends of Mr. LOCKYER, and of the deceased, who before her marriage was Miss Edith SAUNDERS, of Change Islands, will deeply sympathize with the sorrowing husband and with his five young children who thus lost their devoted mother.

The terrific storm that raged along the coast last week played havoc with the fishing fleet operating out of New England ports, and a young Newfoundland life fell a victim to the elements. The steam trawler, Harvard, arrived at East Boston on Thursday with her flag at half mast and brought the sad news of the loss of Michael JOHNSTON, one of the crew. The Harvard left on Monday, Aug. 22nd, for the fishing grounds at George's Banks and encountered one of the worst gales ever experienced off the coast. The seas poured into the fire room and it was impossible to keep the trawler head to the wind. JOHNSTON was aft in the act of opening oil barrels when a tremendous wave washed him overboard and he was seen no more. The unfortunate victim of the disaster was the son of Peter JOHNSTON of Calvert, Ferryland District, Newfoundland, and had been fishing out of East Boston for five years. He was 27 years of age and had been married but six months to Miss Beatrice SWAIN, also of Calvert. Besides his wife, there survive him in Massachusetts four sisters, Mrs. Catherine SWEENEY, East Boston; Miss Nellie JOHNSTON, Winthrop; Miss Winnie JOHNSTON, Dorchester, and Mrs. Stella MEAD, Cohasset; whilst at home there are left to mourn at Calvert his father, brother William, and Mrs. Mary O'BRIEN, sister. Nearly all the crew of 14 of the Harvard were Newfoundlanders, and the skipper, Captain John T. HAYES, formerly of Harbour Grace, reports that last weeks storm was one of the worst he has ever experienced. The "Weekly" expresses deep sympathy to the young widow and members of the deceased's family. - Newfoundland Weekly, Boston.

Corner Brook, Sept 7-Upon a lush green carpeted hill overlooking the giant paper mill which succeeded his own historic saw mill, Mr. Christopher M. FISHER, pioneer of Corner Brook, entered into his eternal rest at 8 p.m. on Sunday. The suppressed hum of powerful machineS within the mill purred a banegane??? as the soul of Bay of Islands ???? industrialist departed forever from the scene of a lifetime of useful endeavor. Mr. FISHER was 86 years and 10 months old. He took sick on Wednesday last and acute indigestion quickly developed into jaundice, so that the time worn body was unable to with stand the grim demand. He leaves behind him his wife, two daughters and five sons to mourn their loss. They are as follows; Mrs. John CAMPBELL, now of Brantford, Ontario; Mr. Josiah FISHER, Dr. Frank FISHER, Mr. Norman FISHER; and Mrs. E. J. CARTER, all of Corner Brook, Mr. John W. FISHER, now of New York City; and Mr. G. Prescott FISHER of Corner Brook. Two sons are dead. Mr. FISHER was born at Upper Musquodobit, County of Halifax, Nova Scotia, the son of farming parents. Following upon the death of his father he engaged in the lumbering and sawmill business at Sheet Harbour, near Musquodibit, and married in his native place. In 1877, with two others, he came with his family to Corner Brook with a three years' contract with Burns and Murray, a Nova Scotia firm, to cut logs to be sawn in the new saw mill which had been built here a few years before by Silver & Co. of Halifax firm. Mr. FISHER was then thirty-two years of age, and, as he won't to tell, it was his intention in coming here to remain only one year required under his contract.
While, however, he was here the manager of the mill was drowned in the bay, and Mr. FISHER was appointed manager in his place, and nine years after his arrival, or 1881, he took charge of the operation of what was the first saw mill to be started in Newfoundland. After managing the mill for one year he purchased it from Burns & Murray, and ran it as his own for the forty-one years between 1882 and 1923, when he sold the mill and his land to the newly organized Newfoundland Power & Paper Co. Ltd. When Mr. FISHER first came to Corner Brook the great pine trees grew to the water edge, and there were only a few families living here. In those days only pine trees were cut and sawn, and at first the pine lumber was shipped mostly to Boston, until Mr. FISHER bought the mill, after which the lumber was mostly marked in the local market.
When the big dinner was given by the N. P. & P Co. in 1925 to signalize the formal opening of the new pulp and paper mill, the late Mr. FISHER occupied a place of honor at the board as being the industrial pioneer of Corner Brook and the oldest living resident of the place. At that time he was presented with a handsome silver tea service by the N. P. & P. and in his speech acknowledging the set, Mr. FISHER delivered his reminiscence of the early days of this important West Coast industrial centre. About a year ago, Mr. FISHER purchased and remodeled a house on the grass crested "Bell's Hill", over looking both his own mill, which stands yet in the original frame and site and runs under the management of his two sons Josiah and Prescott, and the bigger paper mill. From this vantages point he was wont to view the scenes of half a century's labor and many must have been his reflections as he contrasted the Corner Brook of today with the primeval place that lay at his feet that first day he arrived here from Halifax in 1872. The funeral, which took place today was the biggest ever seen in Corner Brook. Every man in the place who was not tied to his work was a mourner in the slow march from Bell's Hill to the United Church and the old Protestant Cemetery, which contains the bodies of members of the FISHER family. The Rev. Ernest DAVIS, now of Carbonear but formerly stationed in this place, had come by today express to conduct the funeral service. Flowers and wreaths uncountable had been sent by the N. P. & P. Co. , its heads and many other individuals.


The residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. BARTLETT, New Gower Street, was the scene of an attractive and interesting ceremony at 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, when their only child, Marion Mildred, and Mrs. Harold Kirk PIKE were united in the silken bonds of matrimony. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. C. H. JOHNSON, Pastor of George Street Church, in the drawing room under a floral bell and an attractive arch of golden rod and autumn leaves. As the bride entered the room on the arm of her father, a wedding march was played by Mrs. Reg DOWDEN, her cousin. The bride wore a magnificent French gown of blue georgette with silver point lace, and carried a bouquet of carnations, sweet peas and maiden hair. She was attended by Mrs. Nils HANSEN, as matron of honour, who was becomingly attired in brown crepe back satin, and carried a bouquet of sweet peas, while the groom was supported by Mr. Max SPARKES. During the signing of the register appropriate music was rendered. The happy young couple then received the heartiest congratulations of the guests. A reception followed when dainty refreshments were served, and Rev. JOHNSON, in an appropriate speech, proposed the health of the bride and groom to which the latter responded. Mr. PIKE then gave the toast of the bridesmaid which was suitably replied to by Mr. SPARKES. Mr. Reg. DOWDEN proposed the health of the parents of the bride and father of the groom to which Messrs. BARTLETT and PIKE spoke in reply. The wedding party then motored through Bowring Park after which the bride and groom joined the express at Waterford Bridge en route to Canadian and American cities where they will spend their honeymoon. The bride's travelling costume was of rose coloured wool with black satin coat trimmed with white poodle and hat to match. The popularity of the young couple was evidence by the large number of valuable presents, including several substantial cheques. Mr. and Mrs. PIKE take *******************MISSING


Thur. Sept. 15, 1927

A STORY OF 1811-12
(By Miss Morris, Colonial Librarian)

Arrias, France, April 11th, 1812,
Mr. Joseph and Philip HOLLETT,
Having an opportunity to forward letter from France to England, we have embraced it by writing a few lines to you, not hearing from you since writing of the date of April 20th, 1811, which caused a suspicion in us that you never received it, which serves to inform that your brother departed this life April 10th, 1811, after about six weeks illness. In the first place he was seized with fever, and a breaking out in his body which after a few days proved to be the small pox, but being sensible to the last he requested in his sickness that he would wish a Will to be made out so to avoid disputed after his decease-and leaving the affair to us we acted according to his request which shall again forward to you a Copy of it. (Sgd. ) SAMUEL NEWMAN,

In the Name of God, Amen
I, James HOLLETT, a native of Great Burin, Placentia Bay, Newfoundland, now detained a Prisoner of War in the Hospital of Arras, being in a weak state of health but sound mind and memory thanks be given to god- but calling into mind the mortality of my body, and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, therefore I do, for avoiding controversies after my decease, make and ordain this my last Will and Testament- That is to say principally and first of all, I recommend my soul into the Hands of Almighty God, that gave it, and my body to the dust, nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the power of God, and as touching such wordily Estate, wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this life, I give demise and bequeath in the following manner, viz. To my Honoured Father and Mother, John and Dinah HOLLETT, brothers and sisters, that money that belongeth to me equally to be divided amongst them, furthermore I give demise and bequeath to my brothers Philip and Joseph HOLLETT, all and every messuage, lands, and tenements and herediments whatsoever, which I also charge with the payment of my said Legacies. In witness thereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal in the Hospital of Arras (Empire of France) this fifth day of April in the year of our Lord, one thousand, eight hundred and eleven, and in the fiftieth and first year of the reign of H. M. King George the third over the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Etc. , Etc. Signed, sealed and published and declared by the said James HOLLETT as his last will and testament, in the present of us, hereunto subscribed and at his request annex our names in the presence of each other as witnesses. (Sgd. ) SAMUEL NEWMAN,
JOHN FOOTE. Sundries remaining, which will be remitted you as so soon as soon as the Lord please to make a way for our escape, and if Death should deprive us we shall remit by some trusty friend the name- Cash in hand after expenses of the funeral LcL3,5,11 Watch , 2 rings and 1 to be brased, and for what few clothes he had, he desired to be given to his friends.

Mr. Robert NEWMAN, Sir. - Being given to understand that you formerly supplied the late James HOLLETT with sundry goods &c. he being gone the way of all flesh, we thought proper you should forward a copy of his will to you and should thank you to forward the same to his friends at Newfoundland the first opportunity, so doing you will oblige your humble servants.
JOHN FOOTE. [There seems to be some confusion in the name. Probably Samuel and James refer to the same correspondent. -Ed]

Let us for a moment consider the story told in these few lines. They are written on two sides of a one sheet of letter paper, the writing very beautiful, the ink is still black. Notice the date 1812, just a year after the death of James HOLLETT who died in 1811. He sailed from Newfoundland, to complete his education in England, as we see. There sailed at the same time. Samuel Newman and John FOOTE, the former doubtless a member of the great NEWMAN family so long and well known in the Newfoundland trade. In those far off days they had a branch at St. Lawrence. Probably John FOOTE was a native of Burin where the name was, and is, well known. We find that James HOLLETT was in the Hospital in Arras, and that he died of smallpox. Greatly as we dread this disease, long ago it was looked upon like the black plague, but remarks that his two friends stood by him, and made and witnessed his will.
He describes himself as a native of Great Burin. How far off and dear must his home have seemed to his dying eyes, but there is no word of repining. He says "in Hospital at Arras detained a prisoner, being in a weak state of health, but of sound mind and memory, thanks be given to God. "  Remark that he finds amid his great trials something for which to give thanks. He piously recommends his soul into the hands of his Creator, and his body to the dust, he makes his profession of faith in the general resurrection. Next his thoughts turn to his dear ones; he gives thanks for the measure of worldly goods with which the Almighty had blessed him, and then to his honoured father and mother, brothers and sisters bequeaths his all. Nothing is forgotten, watch, rings, etc. I feel very grateful to Hon. G. A. BARTLETT, of Burin, who obtained the loan of this valuable paper, from Mr. G. HOLLETT, the present owner, to whom I wish to offer my thanks. Many in St. John's have seen and been greatly interested in this relic, among them Mrs. HATCHER, (widow of Rev. Mr. HATCHER) and a member of the Sound Island branch of the HOLLETT family. This venerable lady is 81 years of age, and she remembers that when a girl she was allowed to wear for a day, one of the rings mentioned. Her memory is wonderful, and an hour passed in her company is most interesting, Mr. HATCHER of the staff of the Memorial College is her son, and he is greatly interested in the story of his ancestor. E. MORRIS. [The magistrate of Burin, a Rhodes Scholar, is, we believe, a direct descendant of James HOLLETT and like him fought in the vicinity of Arras, a century later. -Ed]


Life is commonplace very largely because men do put themselves in the way of becoming poets and creators. They are willing to remain mechanical when they might have the spirit and the soul of the artist; they are content to imitate when they might fashion their own souls with their own hand. - Hamilton Wright MABIE.


Mon. Sept. 26, 1927

As result of falling over the cellar stairs of his home on Fleming Street, Captain Arch BLANDFORD passed to his eternal reward at 5 p.m. Saturday, at the Southcott Hospital. On Thur. night last he inadvertently opened the door to one of the rooms and fell to the floor of the basement. He showed no sign of consciousness Fri. morning and was taken to the Southscott Hospital where he died Saturday afternoon without regaining consciousness. Captain BLANDFORD was born in Herring Neck in 1857, the fourth son of Esau and Selina BLANDFORD. He entered the employ of the Reid Newfoundland Company in 1900. He was first on the Clyde, then on the Ethie, then master of the Home and lastly master of the Glencoe, from which he retired a few months ago. Four brothers survive him, namely, William John in St. John's, Thomas at Herring Neck, Rev. Levi in California, and Sydney in Boston, Mass. , two sisters, Mrs. Wm. SAUNDERS of this city and Mrs. P. HYNES of Herring Neck, in his immediate family circle he leaves a wife, nee Miss Sarah LOCKYER, five sons, Claude, a missionary in China, Max, Captain of the Glencoe , John an officer on the same ship, Arch and Kenneth at home, and one daughter, Mona, wife of Chief Officer KEAN of the Silvia.


Tue. Oct. 4, 1927


As the church bells were ringing on Sunday morning there passed peacefully away with perfect calm and resignation a dearly beloved soul in the person of Eliza Blackler WARREN wife of Edward WARREN, 129 South Side Road. Blessed with lengths of years, years well spent in doing good to those about her, ever ready and willing to contribute to worthy causes and to extend the helping hand when distress or charity sale. Ever with the smiling face and serene countenance her mission doing good where good was most needed, self-sacrificing, unselfish and up to the last concerned with thoughts of those around her. As a mother she was the ideal, loving, forgiving, watchful over those whom god had entrusted to her care and guidance. As a wife, truly she was the best of helpmates, the wise counselor, prudent, capable, and as her merited reward was blessed with the companionship of her good husband for well nigh 57 years. To him to-day is tendered sincerest sympathy, likewise to his two daughters, Mrs. F. W. KNIGHT, Southside; Minnie, who resides at home; seven grandchildren, one Mrs. Herbert COULTAS, South Side, and six in New York; also six great grandchildren, all of whom have lost in the passing of this dear soul one whose memory will never fade. The funeral service will take place to-day, Tuesday at 2.30 p.m. from her late residence, 129 South Side Road.

Wed. Oct. 5, 1927

PROMEROY - At Paradise, P.B. Sept. 12th, 1927, Joseph POMEROY, aged 56 years, leaving wife, two sons, one daughter and one son to mourn their sad loss.

PROMEROY - At Paradise, P. B. , Sept. 18th, 1927, of convulsions, just six days after the death of his father, Daniel POMEROY, aged 11 years, son of the late Joseph and Mrs. POMEROY.

STEVENSON - Passed peacefully away October 4th, after a short illness, William STEVENSON, aged 77, leaving to mourn 3 sons and one daughter, 3 brothers and one sister. Funeral on Thur. at 3.30 p.m. from his late residence, 25 McNeil Street.

RYAN - Monday night at 9 o'clock Stella, youngest daughter of the late Michael and Catherine RYAN, leaving to mourn her sad loss four sisters, two brothers, and a large circle of friends. Funeral 2.30 Wednesday from her sister's residence 69 Field Street-
Boston papers please copy.


Wed. Oct. 12, 1927


RYAN- Born October 8th, at the Grace Maternity Hospital, a daughter to M. J. and Mrs. RYAN, 1 McFarlane Street.


HAMMOND - Passed peacefully away at 1 o'clock this morning after a short illness, Richard HAMMOND, Warden of H. M. Penitentiary. Funeral notice later.

MOORE - Passed peacefully away at 10 o'clock Monday night (October 10th), Leo MOORE, aged 35 years. Left to mourn are wife, three children, mother and father, two sisters and one brother.

CARROLL - Passed peacefully away on Tuesday morning, October 11th, at 6.30, after a short illness, Francis CARROLL, aged 81, leaving to mourn 3 daughters, 2 sons, and 1 step-daughter and one step-son. Funeral takes place at 2.30 p.m. , Thur. , from his late residence, 33 Holloway Street. -May the Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on his soul.


Fri. Oct. 14, 1927


Corpus Christi church Kilbride, was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Wednesday night, when Mr. John T. WALSH of the shipping and insurance department of A. Harvey & Co. , led to the altar Miss Mary MADDIGAN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael MADDIGAN of Leslie Street, a very popular member of the Royal Store staff. The church was beautifully decorated for the occasion and was filled to its upmost capacity with friends of the contracting young couple. As the bride entered the church leaning on the arm of her father, the wedding march was beautifully rendered on the church organ by Miss Kitty RYALL of Mt. St. Vincent's, Halifax, (niece of the matron of Honour). The bride looked charming in her wedding gown of powder blue georgette and black picture hat and a platinum fox fur (gift from the groom). She carried a bouquet of carnations and chrysanthemums and plymotis ferns. The bride was attended my Mrs. T. S. WALSH as matron of honour, who was attired in a blush rose georgette gown with hat to match, and also carried a bouquet of carnations chrysanthemums and plymotis ferns, whilst little Olive MURPHY, niece of the bride, acted as flower girl. The groom was attended by Mr. T. S. WALSH. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. J. RAWLINS, P.P. , Kilbride. The happy couple left the church amidst rice and confetti showered on them by their numerous friends and the bride co-workers. The wedding party then proceeded to "Glenn Haven," the beautiful country home of Mr. T. J. MURPHY, the popular butcher of the West End, and brother-in-law of the bride, situated at Deer Marsh Road near Mount Pearl. Here they were met by friends and well wishers who escorted them up the avenue, which was profusely decorated with coloured lanterns, torches and bunting. As they passed through a handsomely illuminated arch erected at the entrance they were greeted with volleys of Musketry, stage powder and a wonderful display of fireworks, which added to the animated scene. Arriving at the house, supper was served after which customary toasts were honored. The health of the bride and groom was proposed by Rev. J. J. RAWLINS, an old friend of the family, to which the groom responded. The health of the parents was proposed by Mr. T. S. WALSH and responded to by Mr. Michael MADDIGAN, Jr. , brother of the bride. Other speeches of a congratulatory nature were delivered by Messers. MOREY, HOLDEN, SMITH, McGRATH and WALSH. Following supper dancing was indulged in until the wee small hours of the morning. The bride and groom left by motor for Holyrood and other points in Conception Bay where the honeymoon will be spent. The bride's travelling costume was of navy blue trimmed with platinum fox. The grooms gift to the bride was a handsome platinum fox fur, to the matron of honour a beautiful carved French Ivory boudoir lamp, to the best man a solid solver shaving set. The presents received by the young couple were numerous and costly, included amongst them being handsome cheques from the groom's employers, Messers A. Harvey & Co. , from the bride's former employers the Royal Stores Ltd. , and from Mr. and Mrs. T. J. MURPHY. The numerous friends of Mr. and Mrs. WALSH unite in wishing them many years of martial bliss. Upon their return they will take up residence on Topsail Road.


Sat. Dec. 31, 1927



7 - Samuel EARLE drowned at Point Leamington.

10 - Peter and Raymond HUNT, aged 17 years, while returning to Cow Head with dog team fell through ice and are drowned at Burnt Point, Simmons Bay.

11 - Harold W. DIAMOND, 24 reported lost at sea.

20 - Thomas COATES, Gander Bay trapper, found dead in woods.

21 - Abraham ROGERS, 26, formerly of Newfoundland, Killed at Brooklyn N. Y.

22 - Arthur and Harold BLACKMORE, aged 55 and 27 respectively, of Pilley's Island, drowned by falling through ice.

24 - Walter PARROT, 24, of Heart's Content, drowned at Western Pond.



2 - Fred SARGENT, 26, married, Bishop's Falls, drowned by falling through ice.



2 - William STEWART, of Burgeo and Captain Wm. McLEOD, also of Newfoundland, drowned when schooner Montclair goes ashore on Orleans Bar.

8 - Charles HAMLYN, 16, succumbs from wounds from accidental discharge of revolver.

10 - William J. MILES, 18, English Harbour, drowned at sea in storm.

25 - Patrick CALLAHAN, native of Newfoundland, drowned in Alaskan waters.

28 - John GROUCHY, 13, killed by falling over Signal Hill.



4 - Charles PELLEY, 17, of Port Union, fatally shoots himself whilst hunting

22 - William CURRIE, of Rose Blanche, drowned at Burgeo



16 - John PARSONS, 11, of Hampton drowned.

18 - Archibald T. NICHOL, 50, formerly of St. John's, killed in General Electric Company plant at Everett, Mass.

19 - Martin BRODERS, 8, of Titling, accidentally burnt to death.

26 - James PYNN, native of Chelsea, T. B. , killed at Sydney steel plant.

30 - James LAKE, 26, formerly of Newfoundland, killed in Coal mine, New Glasgow.
Melvin BOYD, 13, killed, Alfred BOYD, 16, of Tizzard Hr. , seriously injured by explosion of gasoline tank caused by lighted match.

31 - Edward DWYER, 18, of Bell Island, fatally injured by ore car.



6 - Patrick FINN, 39, formerly of Spaniard's Bay, killed at Paris, Ont.

7 - Lawrence KEHOE, 29, of St. John's, wireless operator on Canadian Customs' cruiser Grib, drowned at Lunenburg, N. S.

11 - William J. THISTLE, 45, formerly of Broad Cove, B. D. V. , killed by falling from scaffold at New York.

14 - Alan REGULAR, 15 months, drowned by falling into tub of water at Humber Canal.

21 - Elizabeth COLEY, 18, found drowned in pond at Burgeo.

28 - Charles PAULS, of St. Bernard's, F. B. , bank fisherman, drowned at Calvert, Ferryland district.

29 - Samuel PARSONS, John PARSONS, William PENNEY, John MARCH, Hubert HYNES, Patrick HYNES, all of Port au Port, drowned when boat upsets while crossing from Aquathuna.



1 - Reg. YOUNG and Henry LINDSTROM drowned at Round Pond while trouting.
Harold HARRIS, 22, Port Blandford, killed at Gambo by falling between cars of moving train.

7 - Martin QUANN, of Sagona, F. B. , and Randal Thomas STROWBRIDGE, of Red Cove, F. B. , reported drowned on banks from schooner Mary Ann Bell Wolfe.

10 - Adolphus TUCKER, of Happy Adventure, drowned while swimming in Sandy River near Howley

16 - Fred BYRNE, formerly of St. John's, drowned at New York.



1 - Fred BRAZIL, 11, drowned at Battle Harbour.

3 - Moses COISH, 35, drowned at Green's Harbour.

8 - Patrick RYAN, 53, unmarried, jumps from window of his bedroom, Barron St. , and succumbs to injuries.

14 - Tobias TREMBLETT, 17, Bonavista drowned while swimming.

25 - Albert CLUETT lost overboard from schooner Noxall and drowned.
George HAYDEN blown off N. O. & P. Co. 's boom at Humbermouth and drowned

29 - Bosun Jaul W. HOLMAN, of S. S. Athelstone, dies from drinking wood alcohol.

30 - Sidney WARFORD, 33, killed at Bell Island.

31 - Simon ANDERSON, another of S. S. Athelstone's crew, dies from drinking wood alcohol.



25 - John MURPHY, 22, of St. John's killed by train in New York



16 - Eileen TILLEY, aged 4, killed by motor car on Long's Hill

18 - John BARTLETT, of Bareneed, drowned from S. S. Susu.

25 - Malcolm PECKFORD, Change Islands, accidentally shot whilst hunting.

29 - Capt. Robert CHURCHILL, of Bay Roberts, drowned by falling over Pitts' wharf, 65



13 - Richard F. BAKER, 54, formerly of Newfoundland, killed by car at Sydney Mines

16 - Stephen P. WELLS, 27, formerly of Three Arms, N. D. B. , killed at Ottawa, Ill.



1 - Abram MORRIS, Great Jervois drowned from schooner Carranza between Sydney and ST. Pierre.

9 - Harry ROSSITER of Ramea drowned at Cul de Sac.




1 - Heavy floods in Maylayan State of Perak. Villages over large area swept way with tremendous loss of life.

3 - Seventy-eight children die in panic, which followed fire outbreak in Laurier Avenue Theatre in Montreal

10 - Five thousand homeless following destructive fire in Manila



15 - Tornado sweeps California. Death toll 16.

17 - Tornado sweeps Louisiana. Death toll 10.



1 - Coal Mine explosion at Cwm. Monmouthshire and flooding of new shaft at Bilsthorpe, Nottinghamshire, results in loss of over 40 lives

7 - Japanese towns Kaetsu, Yamada and Twataki damaged by severe earthquake, killing 2,000. Worst quake for seventy years.



25 - Mississippi overflows its banks resulting in unnumbered deaths and huge property damage.



3 - Mississippi floods spreading. Approximately 10,000 square miles of Mississippi and Arkansas Valley now submerged. 50,000 people need relief. Flood victims totaling 323,387 under Red Cross care.

23 - Great earthquake in remote province of Kansu, China. Towns and cities leveled, 100,000 casualties and horrible suffering.



1 - Forty killed and 150 injured in cyclonic storm, which swept Holland and Belgium.

5 - Ten killed, two hundred seriously injured in powder magazine explosion at Tonie, Poland.

6 - Three-masted French Vessel "Alvina" owned by La Morue Francaise, total wreck at Cripple Cove, near Cape Race.

15 - Many drowned and thousands rendered homeless by storm and floods, which devastate 39 districts of the White Russian Republic on Polish Border.



10 - 168 drowned in torrential floods following cloud bursts in Saxony.

11 - Earthquake in Holy Lands causes deaths of nearly 1,000 people.

26 - 150 drowned when Chinese passenger junk overturns in Typhoon.

27 - 1,000 reported dead in Baroda, India, as result of bursting of reservoir.



28 - More than 40 drowned when excursion boat capsizes on Lake Michigan

25 - Terrific gale sweeps South West Coast causing great loss of life and property. Schooners "Vienna" of Burnt Islands with six men; "John C Loughlan" of Red Harbour, P. B. , with nine men; "Hilda Gertrude" of Rushoon, P.B. , with seven men; "Ella May" of Rencontre West with six men and "Annie Healey" Fox Harbour, with seven men, "Annie Jane" of Isle au Morte, with four men, lost.



8 - Two hundred and eighty Koreans drowned when ferry boat capsizes off Kokaido Province.

10 - 5,000 perish in Typhoon in China.

12 - Typhoon and tidal wave in Japan, take many lives and destroy much property

29 - St. Louis, Mo. , swept by tornado, 74 dead, 5,000 houses destroyed and damage loss $100,000,000.



8 - Thousands of buildings destroyed by fire at Peshawar, India. 50 perish in flames.

26 - Italian liner, Principessa Madalda, founders 250 miles south of Bahia, Brazil, with loss of 381 lives.

28 - British Isles swept by hurricane with heavy loss of life and property, 51 Irish fishermen drowned.



14 - Terrific explosion of Gas tank in Pittsburgh, Seven dead, many injured.


(As Reported in Daily News)



31 - Henry George MEWS and Vera Olga SPARLING, at Toronto




9 - Lawrence BYRNE and Bridget BYRNE, Bell Island
Neil MASTER and Ada UPSHALL at Hr. Buffet.

12 - Albert HOLLETT, Spencer's Cove and Ella HOLLET, Sound Island.
Mr. BUDGELL and Miss PRETTY at Grand Falls

17 - Austin L. COLLETT and Jessie B. MARSHALL, Harbour Buffet

18 - Thomas Normore REES, Bell Island and Harriett Hetty MIDDLETON, Nipper Harbour
Thomas TUCKER and Mary D. HILLIER, at Griquet.

19 - Charles Bertram PENNEY and Margaret HARTERY

25 - Rev. G. S. TEMPLETON and Gladys OKE, Harbour Grace.

26 - Patrick CARROLL and Mollie KEOUGH, Carbonear.

31 - Malcolm SQUIRES, and Julia Gertrude SEYMOUR, Spaniard's Bay
Wallace PARSONS and Josephine FLEMMING, Bar Haven



6 - Frank JOHNSON, Northern Bay and Patience PYNN, Quirpon, at St. John's

17 - Richard GREEN and Mary FLYNN, Bar Haven

20 - Frank NORRIS, Bay de Verde, and Alice DUGGAN, Grate's Cove, at Bay de Verde.

23 - William HOPKINS, of S. S. Caribou, and Ida BUTLER, St. John's, at Channel.
Ralph C. PIKE, of Grand Falls, and Hilda SIMPSON at Edinburgh, Scotland.

26 - Sir Marmaduke WINTER, and Mrs. Harrison HAYWARD.

28 - Thomas J. POWER and Maud AYLWARD.
Thomas BREWER and Marjorie FITZGERALD.



1 - Capt. William BARTLETT and Mary NORRIS, Harbour Grace.

17 - John J. SATURLEY and Bride CONNOLLY.



5 - Austin SOMERTON and Sophie GRANT, Trinity

16 - Charles L. NOSEWORTHY and Bessie J. GODDEN, both of Harbour Grace, at Boston.
Chesley M. MERCER, of Bay Roberts, and Annie M. LODGE, of St. John's, at New York.

17 - Bernard DOYLE and Bride TREMBLETT, Gull Island.

23 - Rev. W. Maxwell PARSONS and Edith DUNCLIFFE, at Toronto.

25 - Stephen FLYNN, Harbour Main, and Elsie TOBIN, Ship Cove, P. B. , at Ship Cove.

26 - E. Ramsey GREEN, of London, and Emma MacPHERSON, St. John's, at London
Robert Warren BALDWIN and Dorothy LIGHTBOURN, at Toronto

27 - Dr. SCOTT and Nurse McLEOD of Grand Falls.

28 - Charles H. BALLEM and Maria BAGGS.



7 - John HALIBURTON, Bonne Bay, and Myrtle GARLAND, Humbermouth, at North Sydney

8 - Patrick WHALEN and Nellie WALSH, Bell Island.

12 - Alfred ROGERS, Wesleyville, and Elizabeth May NOSEWORTHY at Harbour Grace.
John Wilfred CROUCHER and Mildred Rose Marie HUTCHINS at Boston.

30 - Richard P. FLEMING, St. John's, and Gertrude PAYNE of Fogo

31 - Obediah BENSON and Bertha BENSON, both of Grate's Cove, at Old Perlican.



1 - Hon. C. P. AYRE and Mrs. Carlotta GREENE, at Bournemouth, England.
Arthur MAWER, of Scotland, and Helen Louis HUTCHINGS, St. John's, at Montreal

2 - M. A. DOODY and Florence M. O'NEIL

14 - Neil Campbell DAVIDSON, St. John's, and Estelle Louise DWYER, Bay Roberts.
Robert GRIMES, St. John's, and Mary Stuart CRON, Harbour Grace, at Harbour Grace.

15 - George Edmund BEMISTER, New Perlican, and Myrtle Marion MOORE, St. John's
Abram J. ROSE, Grand Bank, and Marie BENNETT, Colliers, at Buffalo, N.Y.

16 - William R. DOWN and Delphine PARSONS, Grand Falls.
Patrick J. POWER and Anna Theresa CHAFE, both of St. John's, at Brooklyn, N.Y.

16 - Gilford S. PARSONS and Susie OLDFORD, Grand Falls

20 - Robert ANDREWS and Elizabeth HOOKEY

23 - Patrick J. CROTTY and Annie M. SAGE, Kilbride.

24 - Graham F. CROSSMAN and Rose B. IVANY

27 - Lt. Col. James Theodore JANSON of Epsom, England, and Susan Mildred CRANE, St. John's

28 - Rev. C. de Wolfe WHITE of Arichat, Cape Breton, and Gladys E. BLACKALL, St. John's
Ronald KENT and Freda Ardella SCOTT, of Ramore, Ont. , at Spaniard's Bay.



6 - A. E. PEET and Florence MARSHALL

7 - Hedley George WINDSOR, and Daisy PAYNE, Fogo
Ariel John LAMBERT and Dinah Jane BARNES, at Old Perlican

13 - George Heber INKPEN, of Burin and Charlotte Ann ANSTEY, Garnish, at Burin

20 - John HICKEY and Adelaide FORTUNE, both of St. John's, at Pouch Cove.
Roy OLDFORD, formerly of Musgravetown, and Ivy Irene BONNER, of Toronto, at Toronto

22 - Cyril FULLER, of Toronto, and Phyllis HERDER, of St. John's, at Toronto

23 - Harold DROVER and Mable McKINLAY

30 - Maxwell Henry Archibald LINDSAY, St. John's, and Myrtle Owen STEEVES, of New York, at Cos Cobb. Conn.



9 - D. C. WHITEWAY and Elizabeth SHEPPARD, Harbour Grace.

10 - Cecil POWER and Nellie ROSE, at Grand Falls.

16 - John A. McGRATH, M.C. , and Margaret DOYLE.

17 - Leo BUCKLEY and Ester HOWARD

18 - William A. GRACE and Bride MAHER

22 - Selby CRANE and Mary STRICKLAND, at Spaniard's Bay

25 - Raymond C. MANNING and Laura May BARNES.

26 - Rev. T. W. TYSON of England, and Margaret Inez HILLYARD, of Carbonear, at Winnipeg.

31 - Ross Charles GULLIFORD and Marjorie LODGE.



1 - Ronald Orlando JANES of Deer Lake and Marion Laura COYELL, of St. John's at Corner Brook.

6 - Harold Kirk PIKE and Marion Mildred BARTLETT

8 - James J. KELLY and Hannah LAHEY

12 - Ernest NOSEWORTHY, Wabana, and M. SMITH, Trinity, at St. John's

17 - George FOOTE and Sarah PATTEN, Grand Bank

19 - Thomas Bown GOODRIDGE and Mary KENNEDY.



5 - Frederick W. BROWN and Clara S. THISTLE
Hayward Archibald SNOW and Elizabeth Violet SNOW at Bay Roberts.
George PENNY, of Ramea, and Marie SMART, at Port aux Basques

8 - Thomas A. LENCH, of Brigus, and Gertie PENNEY, of Carbonear, at Brookline, Mass.

12 - Patrick J. WALKINS and Josephine WALSH.
M. J. MACKAY of Hr. Grace and J. M. KELLY at St. John's

14 - Max ADAMS and Marion PEYTON, at Botwood

15 - Albert RALPH of Clarke's Beach and Gracie A. DAWE, of Coley's Point, at Lynn Mass.

19 - Churnside BISHOP, of Wesleyville, and Mary GOODYEAR, of Lumsden at St. John's

20 - Donald Bert LOVE, Lexington, Mass. , and Edith CLEARY, St. John's at St. John's

25 - Bennett BLAKE, Peter's Arm, and Lily WALL, at Botwood

26 - Wm. R. SMITH and Jose M. HARTIGAN, at Recontre, East.

27 - Edward POND and Hazel FOOT, both of Botwood, at St. John's



5 - W. J. CUMMINS and Mary CONNORS, at Bell Island.
Capt. Peter ROBERTS, Wesleyville, and Mrs. Eliza HARDING, Greenspond, at St. John's

10 - Reuben HIGGINS, Spaniard's Bay, and Annie GREELEY, Portugal Cove, at Bell Island

13 - Christopher MURPHY, Kitchuses, and Jane HARVEY, Wabana, at Bell Island.
Peter CONWAY, Turks Gut, and Annabelle BYRNE, at Bell Island

15 - Moses BUTT, Wabana, and Daisy MITCHELL, Portugal Cove, at Bell Island.
Lemuel BARRETT and A. SMITH at Spaniard's Bay

21 - Frederick MOLLOY and Bernadette SHARPE, City

23 - James BUTLER and Julia KELLY at Bell Island
John RICE and Maud HOGAN, of Red Head Cove at Bay de Verde

24 - John KEARNEY and Christina KEHOE at Hr. Grace.

25 - Arthur ASH, Hr. Grace, and Mabel GODWIN, at New Melbourne.

26 - John RYAN and Amy BAILEY, at Torbay

28 - Albius DOYLE and Lizzie OLIVER, both of Gull Island.

30 - Michael BOWLAND and Nellie KENNY at Bell Island.



5 - Llewellyn UPSHALL and Alice PEDDLE, at Hr. Buffet

11 - Joseph YATES, of Los Angeles and Ella E. HOLLETT, of Burin at Los Angeles

14 - Joseph W. BOONE, Grand Falls, and Gladys GARLAND at St. John's
Charles GOULD and Susie HORLICK

15 - John C. WATTS and Mary Ellen BOYLE, formerly of Carbonear, and Everett, Mass.

20 - Herman TAYLOR and Viola Gertrude ROBERTS, at Brigus.



Page Contributed by: Chris Shelley
Transcribed by John Baird

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Thursday December 04, 2014)

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