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1921 Events of the Year (part 2)
The St. John's Daily News



Mon. Jan. 10, 1921


A very pretty wedding was solemnized at Torbay on Dec. 26th, when Mr. P. J. COLBERT, the popular Principal of the Boy’s School at that place, was united in the Holy Bonds of Matrimony to Miss Mary CULLEN, daughter of the late Peter and Mrs. CULLEN. The bride looked very attractive in a dress of anxe blue silk with hat to match. She was attended by her sister Margaret, one of Torbay’s most popular young ladies, whilst the duties of best man were ably performed by Mr. J. J. RYAN. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. Ashley. After the ceremony, the bridal party and guests drove to the home of the bride, where a sumptuous repast was served. Amusements of every kind were then indulged in until the early hours. The Bride received many valuable gifts from friends far and near, testifying to the esteem in which she was held. We wish Mr. and Mrs. COLBERT
“Bon Voyage over the Sea of life.”

On St. Stephen’s Day after Mass, the Church of the Assumption, St. Kyran’s, was the scene of a very interesting ceremony, when Miss Annie PARSONS of Clattice, and Mr. B. BROWNE of Tack’s Beach were united in holy matrimony by their Pastor, Father FLYNN. The Bride, who is eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John PARSONS, wore a very pretty dress of cream silk, also wearing bridal veil and orange blossoms. The bridesmaids were Misses Christine CONNORS and Laura PARSONS, the groom being supported by Messrs. Leo and Neil PARSONS, brother and cousin of the bride.

The following night, a large party of friends was entertained at the home of the brides parents. Dancing, songs, music, etc., made the night pass all too quickly, not the least part of the enjoyment being the very dainty suppers which were served at intervals during the early hours. The groom, who is well known in Placentia Bay, has the good wishes of many sincere friends for a happy and prosperous voyage through life for himself and his fair bride.

Fri. Jan. 14, 1921


On January 13th, a daughter to W. J. and Mrs. EVANS, 31 Prince’s St.


By the Rev. E. W Forbes, marriage of Irene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph MOORE, to Ernest F. GEAR, was solemnized on the afternoon of January 12th.


-Passed peacefully away yesterday morning, Daniel MONROE. Funeral Saturday at 3 p.m. from 203 Gower Street.

-Passed peacefully away this morning after a lingering illness, Daniel MacDONALD, a native of Antigonish, N.S. Funeral on Saturday from the residence of John PEDDLE, 16 Queen Street. R.I.P.

–Passed peacefully away last evening, Katie Isabel, eldest daughter of Mrs. and the late Hon. H.J.B. WOODS, P.M.G., and beloved wife of Arthur C. PETERS, funeral on Saturday at 2.30 p.m. from her late residence, 17 Gower Street.

-Yesterday morning after a long illness, Annie Condon, beloved wife of Daniel KENNEDY, leaving a husband and three sons to mourn. Funeral on Saturday at 2.30 p.m. from her late residence 48 Springdale Street. Friends please attend without further notice - R.I.P.

-On Thursday, January 13th, after a lingering illness Elizabeth (born) ENGLISH, relict of the late Joseph ENGLISH, aged eighty-seven years. Leaving two sons and three daughters to mourn their loss. Funeral on Saturday at 2.30 p.m. from her late residence 136 Water St. Friends will please attend without further notice.

Thur. Feb. 10, 1921


No Habour Gracian is better known in the city or Conception Bay than Mr. Eugene B. THOMPSON, Chemist and Druggist, and since the death of his father the late W. H. THOMPSON, J.P., Manager of the Anglo-American Office in the second city. A few days ago his serious illness from pneumonia was reported. Yesterday morning at 3 o’clock he passed away. Mr. THOMPSON was born in Carbonear on June 29th 1856. He received his education under Principal RODDICK at the old Grammar School in Harbour Grace, and on October 19th, 1870, entered the service of the Anglo-American Telegraph Company as assistance to his father. In 1875 he was transferred to Heart’s Content Cable Station remaining there till August 1877 when he returned to the Harbour Grace office to assist his father. Mr. H. F. SHORTS was his colleague. The same year he entered into Partnership with his father in the well know drug business, of which he was principal at the time of his death. His connection with the Anglo-American extended over a period of 48 years. Speaking of him, one who knew him intimately said –“Mr. THOMPSON was a star telegrapher, probably on of the ablest Morse telegrapher Newfoundland ever produced”. In this testimony every operator will concur. A most obliging official and business man, genial and hospitable, Mr. THOMPSON was on of the most popular of Newfoundland sons. He was prominent in everything that made for the well being of Harbour Grace and of his native land. He leaves a widow, formerly Miss RUTHERFORD, and one daughter. A son died a few years ago. Dr. Ainley THOMPSON of London, Ont. and Dr. W. E. THOMPSON of Yukon are brothers. Mr. Ian M. THOMPSON, Lecturer on Anatomy at McGill University is a half-brother. One sister Mrs. EDWARDS, resides in Montreal. Mr. THOMPSON was a staunch member of the Presbyterian Church and prominent in the Freemasonry and in all social and philanthropic work. Harbour Grace has lost one of her foremost and most valued and respect citizens, to whom as well as to his widow, daughter and relatives the sympathy of the public will go forth in their bereavement. The funeral will take place to-morrow afternoon at Harbour Grace.

Thur. Feb. 24, 1921

Mr. William GREENE
, of Jackman and Greene grocers, died suddenly at his residence, Freshwater Road at 8.30 o’clock last night. Mr. GREENE had been engaged shoveling a path from his stable to Freshwater Road during the day and at 5 p.m. visited his store where he remained for an hour serving customers. He returned home soon after six o’clock and a half hour later partook of supper. About 7.30 deceased was suddenly seized with vomiting and sever internal pains and asked his wife, who was present in the dining-room, to hurry for Priest and Doctor as he feared he was dying. Both were summoned, Dr. ROBERTS arriving a few minutes after the vital spark had fled and Rev. Dr. CARTER a minute or so later. Deceased who was a native of Placentia was widely known in the city, where he was resident for upwards of twenty years. For some time he held a position in Mr. E. J. SINNOTT’s grocery store, and later at J. J. St. JOHN’s, retiring from the later employ to enter partnership of Jackman and Greene, which business since the New Year has been conducted by himself. For many years Mr. GREENE took deep interest in our annual Regatta and had the reputation of being one of the best amateur oarsmen that ever rowed on Quidi Vidi. Left to mourn beside his mother in Placentia, are a widow and two children in the city, to whom general and sincere sympathy will go out in their hour of trial.


At 5 o’clock yesterday, Mrs. Elizabeth Rixon CARNELL, widow of the late John T. CARNELL, passed away at the age of 76 years. The end came after an illness of three days. It was not till last Sunday that Mrs. CARNELL was taken ill. She was daughter Of the late J. W. McCOUBREY, Editor of the Times, and leaves five sons to mourn their irreparable loss, Edward, Director of Edgar Abbott & Co., Chicago: Andrew of the Carnell Carriage Factory, St. John’s, Hugh, of the Syme Eagle Co., Chicago, Frank accountant in the Royal Stores Ltd. St. John’s, and Dr. Arthur of this city. To these and the many friends of Mrs. CARNELL and her family the News extends sympathy in their Time of sorrow.

Wed. May 4, 1921


There passed away here on Tuesday, the 13th inst., John, the second son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward RYAN. The deceased was only twenty-two years of age. Four years ago it was seen that he was not in his usual robust health, though it was thought the matter was not serious, and that home care would make him all right again in short time, everything it was possible to do for him was done. It was all to no purpose. The end, which had been looked forward to for dome time, came on Tuesday morning last. Jack was a general favorite among those of his own age, and his manly disposition won the confidence and respect of people of older years. The funeral took place to the R. C. Church on Thursday morning. Requiem Mass was celebrated by the Rev. Father DINN, after which all that was mortal of our young friend was laid to rest. His parents, also a brother and a sister are left to mourn their sad loss, and these avail themselves of the opportunity to thank their many friends here and elsewhere for wreaths, messages of sympathy, and the various acts of kindness shown then in the time of their bereavement

Spaniard’s Bay, April 20th, 1921.

(NOTE: This next entry is transcribed as published)
At the Gullies, Brigus, on Friday April 22nd at the age of 78 years, Mr. Moses WELSH passed peacefully and almost suddenly from this life to the world beyond the grave, Mr. WELSH was one of the old stock-sturdy , plainspoken and independent, but quite and unassuming. His funeral took place on Sunday and was very largely attended by the citizens of Brigus. The service was conducted at the Methodist Church by the Rev. O. JACKSON, who preached a plain practical sermon from II Cor. 5 verse 4. Mr. WELSH leaves to mourn his death a wife, one daughter, Mrs. Jas. NORMAN of Coley’s Point, and two grandchildren, who extend grateful thanks to all who by sympathetic and helpful acts comforted them in their sad loss, especially, Mr. and Mrs. John LeDREW, Miss Violet WHELAN, Mr. and Mrs. Nath. BARTLETT, Mr. Wm. HISCOCK, Sr., Mr. Wm. HISCOCK, Jr. Wm. John FIELD, and Mr. Albert ADAMS.



The Minister of Justice has received a message from Western Bay the Samuel MILLEY, age 14 years, has been instantly killed there on Sunday by coming in contact with a live wire. No further particulars are given.

Thur. May 5, 1921


The mother of the bride, Mrs. Dudne BREEZE, nee Miss Helen MUNN of Harbour Grace is well known in this city and the “Daily News” joins with the many here and elsewhere that wish the fair bride and the gallant bridegroom very many happy years of married life together. The following account of the wedding is taken from the Winthrop (Mass.) Sun of April 7th, 1921.

Monday evening, March 28, was the date of the wedding of Miss Constance Stanley BREEZE, a younger daughter of Mrs. Dudne BREEZE, of 144 Circuit Road, and William J. SHAW, only son of Mr. and Mrs. William J. SHAW, of 45 Pleasant Street. The ceremony took place at 8 o’clock in St. John’s Episcopal Church, the Rev. Ralph M. HARPER, Rector of the Church, officiating in the double ring ceremony; the organist, Eugene P. WHITTIER, presiding at the organ.

The bride’s gown was oyster grey silk crepe (with elbow sleeves) embroidered in self-toned silk and silver thread with tulle hip drapery, and a huge bow of tulle in grey, with wreath of pink and yellow flowers, and she carried yellow marguerites.

The best man was Elmer SOMERVILLE, a close friend of the bride-groom’s.

Following the wedding ceremony at the church, which had been witnessed by about fifty relatives and close friends, a reception was held at the bride’s Circuit Road home, and amid congratulations, the bride slipped away and donned her going-away suit of woodsy brown, with hat of fancy brown straw, faced with the Harding blue crepe, and she bade adieu to the guests from Medford, Malden, Dorchester, Brookline, New York, Winthrop, her husband also saying good-byes as he hurried her away.

Mr. and Mrs. SHAW spent a week in New York and returned this Monday to enjoy their cozy home at 45 Pleasant Street, in which their many handsome wedding gifts, including two fine engravings from the firm she was employed by, and the handsome dinner set given by his firm, have found their places, as have their many gifts of silver, linens, and cut glass.

Mr. SHAW spent two years in the Field hospital work in France.

The young couple have the good wishes of many friends.

Wed. May 11, 1921



“On a day in June I set my sail
for Newfoundland’s fog-abound shore,
Across the banks, where many man
Passed through Death’s open door;
The coast is hid in a falling midst,
No ship my eye can trace.

And yet I hear Thunderous sounds
Of the breakers of Cape race.
It’s many a year since Cabot first
Behold this New-found-land;
The friendly Beothucks came forth
And offered him their hand;
Alas! Their trust was soon betrayed–
Now all have passed away.

The selfsame shameful story
Of the white man’s ruthless day.

My eye rejoices in the view
Of the rugged, storm-tossed coast.

With here and there a verdant hill,
To guide some ship, half lost:
At last, I’m near St. John’s the gate,
I hardly dare believe
That this is not a phantasy,
The joyous to deceive.

I still recall the subtle charm
Of pretty Topsail beach,
And of Torbay, where fisherfolk
The art of fishing teach;
Where all the world seems young and fair.

Made just for sport and play;
My youth comes back in memory,
Of the surf, at Logy Bay.

But, oh, the sailing long the shore,
To far-off Notre Dame,
By Twillingate and Fogo,
Of sweet, melodious name.

Fast Leading Tickle and the Point,
Now starboard and now lea;
Here every Bay and every Arm
Holds “Toilers of the Sea.”

Yet further still, pass the Exploits
And the far-famed Belle Isle Straits,
Where sealers have their rendezvous,
While others lie in wait;
Here icebergs of gigantic size
Wreck many noble ship;
Whilst at the Harbor Mission
I end my Northland trip.

Go hunt for Bear and Caribou,
A wild but manly sport,
And seek the king of salmon,
Or where the trout holds forth;
Your soul will grow as you come near
To nature’s untouched heart,
In this Newfoundland wilderness
Man plays the lesser part.

I wander over farm and field,
Along the southern bays,
Placentia and Carbonear
Bring home Newfoundland ways;
Of never-ceasing industry
And grace, from Heaven sent;
I end my journey with a sigh
As I leave Heart’s Content.”

Hartford, Conn, U. S. A. Feby 2nd 1921

Fri. May 13, 1921



On Wednesday evening when midway between this port and Halifax, Mr. Albert Edward REID chief cook of the Sachem died suddenly of heart trouble. Deceased had complained previously of being unwell and was obliged to take to his berth, where despite the care and attention of Dr. BAXTER, he passed away at 4 p.m. on the evening stated. His demise came as a shock to his comrades with whom he was a general favorite. Mr. REID had been employed as chief on the Sachem ever since she was transferred to this service and the many friends who made his acquaintance whilst traveling on the ship will regret to learn of his sudden and unexpected passing. He leaves several married sons and daughters at Liverpool, which is his home town, but his wife pre-deceased him several years ago. On arrival of the ship last evening, the body was given in charge to undertaker CARNELL who had it placed in a handsome casket and conveyed to his Mortuary Rooms. The funeral takes place this afternoon and interment will be at the C. of E. Cemetery.

Tue. May 17, 1921


The many friends of the late Mrs. ATKINSON will learn with profound sorrow of her passing, which took place yesterday morning, at the age of 76 years. Mrs. ATKINSON was a lady whose gentle influence, beauty of character and sweetness of disposition endeared her to all who knew her. She was the daughter of the late Dr. THOMPSON of Harbour Grace, and sister of the late Dr. THOMPSON of Hermitage and the late W. H. THOMPSON, J. P., of Harbor Grace. Her first husband was the late Mr. GILLARD, Principal of one of the best known, and most successful, business firms in Conception Bay during the 70's and 80's. A few years after his death she married to the Rev. T. W. ATKINSON to who in his deep sorrow and irreparable loss, the sincere sympathy of his colleagues in the ministry and his numerous friends throughout the Island well be extended. The funeral will take place to-morrow afternoon from the residence at 119 Quidi Vidi Road.

The whole community will sorrow with Acting Mayor MULLALY in the sudden passing of his wife, which occurred just a few minutes after one o’clock yesterday afternoon. Deceased showed no signs of illness up to an hour or so before passing and the end came as a great blow to Mr. MULLALY and many friends. For many years the deceased lady has taken a very important part in matters social and had been unsparing in advancing every work that tends to improve social conditions. In this respect her passing will be felt and the loss will be great. Mrs. MULLALY was a granddaughter of the late Capt. Henry ANDREWS, of sealing fame, and daughter of Captain RICHARD.


-Suddenly yesterday Tryphena Mary, beloved wife of John J. MULLALY. Funeral to-morrow (Wednesday) at 2.30 p.m. from her late residence, 136 Bond Street.

-On Monday, May 16th, Mrs. ATKINSON, wife of Rev. T. W. ATKINSON, aged 76 years. Funeral to-morrow, Wednesday, from her late residence, 119 Quidi Vidi Road, at 2.30 p.m.

Mon. May 23, 1921



By the S. S. Rosalind to-day the body of Pte. CHIPMAN, who gallantly fought in the ranks of the American army for his motherland and adopted country, arrived by the S. S. Rosalind. He fell at the last engagement in which the American troops to part.

Mr. Levi CHIPMAN has arrived in town to accompany the remains of his brave boy to his native Spaniard’s Bay. At 4 p.m., the G. W. V. A. with many citizens probably including the American Consul and staff will assemble at Harvey’s Pier, to conduct the remains to the Railway Station. At Spaniard’s Bay to-night and to-morrow the body will rest in the Church, at which the friends and local veterans will assemble to pay the last tributes and the last honors to one who by his courage and devotion has done honor to Spaniard’s Bay and the Island. The funeral procession, there, as here, will be a military one, and a gun-carriage is being forwarded to convey the hero to his last resting place. Mr. Levi CHIPMAN has passed through deep waters. In the spring of 1914 one boy was lost in the Southern Cross, and another was killed in the Navy in the earlier months of the war. To him and his family the sympathy of the public will be generally extended. The funeral arrangements are in charge of undertaker CARNELL. The public is asked to attend the obsequies at the wharf at 4. p.m. Any one who wish to send wreaths to adorn the casket may send them to the G. W. V. A. office, where they will be taken care of. The train leaves for Spaniard’s Bay at 6 p.m.


Saturday morning a post mortem was held by Dr.TAIT on the body found in a cellar in Tessier Place the day previous. The body was in a to far advanced state of decomposition to tell whether the child male of female or how long it had been dead. The police are continuing their enquiries in the matter and hope to make an arrest within a day or so.

Wed. May 25, 1921



There passed away on Friday May 13th one of our respected citizens in the person of Mr. Mark HOWELL son of the late Nathaniel HOWELL formerly of Carbonear. The early part of Mr. HOWELL’s life was very active one he having been for about twenty years connected with the Bank fishery of Heart’s Content sailing out of the employ of the late George MOORE of which all but one year he was one of their most reliable and successful captains. In the Newcomb however, he saw the end of the Banking industry some eighteen years or more ago. For many-years passed Mr. HOWELL had been a great victim of Asthma, his health having been greatly impaired through up to his death, he was well enough to be about his work with an unusual amount of energy and vigour. On Tuesday, May 10th he was seized with an attack of the heart trouble, which confined him to his bed. Although, very weak he was quite conscious right up till he passed well prepared into the Better Land. Deceased was age 64, and leaves to mourn him a wife, daughter Beatrice and two grandsons, Chester and Ralph SMITH who resided with him, also three daughters Lizzie, Annie and Jessie all married and living in Boston as well as three sisters, Mrs. Wm. LEVER, Mrs. C. G. RENDELL, of Heart’s Content and Mrs. Wm. MITCHELL of Toronto. (The only brother Peter died in Halifax August 1921). The late Mrs. Isaac ROWE, Mrs. Robt. PIERCEY and Mrs. Wm. U. HOPKINS, were also sisters of deceased. His body was to rest on Sunday, May 15th, in the Methodist Cemetery, of which he had been a devoted member since his early boyhood. The funeral was a very large one, beside the mourners and friends it was attended by the Orange Order, deceased having been an Knight of the Black Preceptory of that Lodge. The Rev. Dr. SAINT preached a most convincing and inspiring sermon on Immortality from the text found in Job XIV verse 14 “If a man die shall he live again,” At the close of which he referred very reverently to the departed Brother.

Heart’s Content, May 18, 1921

Tue. May 26, 1921


At 7 o’clock Thursday morning, in the Church of England Cathedral, Mr. Llewelyn BARTLETT of Trinity, was united in marriage to Miss Nellie PIERCEY, one of the popular young ladies of our city. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. BRINTON in presence of many of the relatives and friends of the newly wedded couple. The bride was given away by her father, Mr. Joseph PIERCEY, the bridesmaid being Miss Kitty PIERCEY, the bride’s sister, whilst Mr. William PIERCEY, the bride’s brother, was the chief attendant on the groom. After the ceremony a wedding repast was partaken at the home of the bride’s parent’s, Boncloddy Street, where the usual functions were extended to the young couple. They were also the recipients of many valuable gifts. The groom’s gift to the bride was a gold piece, to the best man gold cuff links and to the bridesmaid a prayer book. Then by the express which left the city at 1 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. BARTLETT left for Trinity, where they will make their future home and where the best wishes of all follow them for a happy and prosperous career.

A very pretty wedding took place at Bell Island Mines on the Evening of April 30th., when Mr. John C. PICCO of Portugal Cove led to the Altar in the sacrament of matrimony Miss Minnie TUCKER daughter of Archibald TUCKER, Thorburn Road , St. John’s and niece of Mr. Algernon TUCKER, Assistant Paymaster of the Dom. Iron and Steel Co. Ltd., Wabana. Miss TUCKER who was the guest of her uncle at Wabana was given away by him and was attended by Miss Pauline PICCO, cousin of the groom and Nurse at the N. S. S. S. Co., Surgery. The ceremony was performed at St. Bonifice C of E Church by the Rev. John STEAD; after which the happy couple drove to the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Algernon TUCKER, Dominion Avenue, Wabana, where supper was served, and the health of the newly wedded couple heartily honored. The bride and groom left for “The Cove” where the honeymoon was spent after which they left for St. Phillip’s on a visit to friends. After the Honeymoon they take up residence on the Portugal Cove-St. Phillip’s Road and the News joins with their many friends in wishing them a long and happy wedded life.

Thur. June 2, 1921


STEVENSON-On Sunday 29th, at Harbour Grace, a son to Mr. and Mrs. C. A. STEVENSON.


RYAN - On Thursday May 26th, suddenly, Margaret RYAN, age 52 years, beloved wife of John RYAN of Dominion East Mines; formerly of Spaniard’s Bay, leaving a husband four sons and three daughters to mourn her loss. Funeral took place at Bell Island on Friday May 27th.
Requiescat in Peace.

HICKEY-There passed peacefully away this morning, June 1st, Michael HICKEY (late of the Newfoundland Boot and Shoe Factory), son of the late William and Esther HICKEY leaving three sons and one daughter to mourn their sad loss; he also leaves three brothers residing in the city. Funeral takes place on Friday, June 3rd, at 2.30 p.m. from his late residence, 222 Water St. West.
May his soul rest in peace.


Mr. John RYAN and family of East Wabana, Bell Island, desire to thank the many kind friends who so materially assisted them in their recent bereavement of wife and mother in the sudden death of Mrs. RYAN, especially the following:– To the Dominion Fire Brigade, Workman Co-operative Co., G .W. V. A. Mrs. Nathan COEN, Mrs. J. A. HUGHES, and Mrs. A. NOSEWORTHY for wreath to adorn the casket. To the Rev. Fr. RAWLINGS, Dr. H. A. GIOVANETTI, Mr. A. McDONALD, Manager of D.I.S. Co. Sergt. J. A. McLEAN, D.I.S.C., Mr. Joseph MORLEY, Mr. M. J. McNEI, Mrs. Ambrose BROWNE, Mrs. John BROWNE, Mrs. Daniel DENNIHY, Mrs. QUINLAN, Mr. Patrick SWEENEY, Mr. Edward SWEENEY, Mr. Thomas CONWAY, for many acts of kindness done, and to Mr. R. J. FINN and Mr. E. RYAN, Spaniard’s Bay for telegrams of sympathy and to Capt. J. M. GREENE, C. C. C., for letter of sympathy.

Fri. June 3, 1921


In the death of Mr. Michael HICKEY, son of the late William HICKEY, Master Cooper, St. John’s, has lost one of its most widely known and respected residents. He enjoyed good health up to a year ago when he had an attack of paralysis, and despite all that medical skill and kind nursing could do the end came. He was in his last moments surrounded by the members of his family and passed away after a useful life, fortified by the Rites of Holy Church of which he was a devoted member. Just a little over a year ago he suffered a great loss in the death of his daughter, Helen, a young life of promise, which weighed heavily on him to the end. In his early days he carried on a successful boot and shoe business but latterly joined the staff of the Newfoundland Boot and Shoe Factory and was on of its longest and trusted employees. He was one of those who made friends and held them and left no enemies. His wife, who was a daughter of the late Mr. FITZGERALD, Butcher, Cochrane Street, died some years ago. He leaves to mourn his great loss, three sons, John T., of Hon. J. D. RYAN’s Office, ex-Lieut. Leo of the H. M. Customs and Michael and one daughter, Mrs. W. A. BROWNE. To his sorrowing family we extend our deepest sympathy in their sad hour of bereavement. The funeral takes place this afternoon.

Sat. June 4, 1921


On Thursday May 26th there passed to her eternal reward at east Wabana, Bell Island, Margaret RYAN, aged 52, beloved wife of John RYAN of Bell Island, but formerly of Spaniard’s Bay. Mrs. RYAN was well and favourably known at both Spaniard’s Bay and Bell Island, and her funeral, which was held on Friday morning after Requiem Mass had been sung by Rev. Fr. RAWLINGS was very large, and testified to the esteem in which deceased had been held on the Island. Her death came as a very sad blow, both to her husband, family and friends, as she was ill but a few hours, being taken with a stroke of Paralysis on Wednesday evening and passed away Thursday morning. The late Mrs. RYAN was noted for her charity amongst her neighbors and surely no better virtue could she possess. It was while on a charitable mission that she was stricken. It appears that a neighbour’s child met with an accident while playing, and Mrs. RYAN ran across the street to render assistance; but the rush proved too much for her and as she reached the neighour’s house she fell and never regained consciousness. Mrs. RYAN was a great Church worker, and was a member of St. Peters Guild at the Mines R. C. Church. She is survived by four sons, Messrs, James, Edward, Richard and Thomas all at home; by three daughters, Mrs. DUGGAN New York, Mrs. Thos. FITZPATRICK, and Miss Katherine on Bell Island and by her Husband Mr. John RYAN, to whom we join in expressing our deep sorrow. Interment took place on Bell Island, and there in the quite little R. C. Cemetery overlooking the Bay of Conception, is laid to rest the remains of a devoted wife and mother and good Christian charitable woman. R. I. P.

Bell Island, May 31 1921.

The funeral of the late Mrs. Gertrude O’BRIEN, who died at Bell Island took place at Topsail on Thursday May 19th, and was largely attended. Requiem Mass being celebrated by Rev. Fr. KELLY. The deceased lady who was in her 38th, year was a daughter of the late Charles McCARTHY of Harbour Grace and is mourned by a large number of relations and friends.
May she rest in peace.

Thur. June 9, 1921


A tribute of respect to the memory of James GOODWIN who passed peacefully away on May 24th, at the age of 55 years. On the 13th of February he was taken ill and was consequently unable to attend to his various duties. He gradually began to get worse and a doctor was called and found him to be suffering from the dreadful malady, cancer of the stomach. His family and friends advised him to go to the hospital for treatment. Although he felt within his mind that no good could be done for him, yet to satisfy his friends he left for St. John’s on the 9th day of April in a weak condition. He spent two weeks at the General Hospital, then returned home on April 24th to spend his remaining days with his family, the doctors at the institution having decided that he was beyond medical aid. Kind friends from far and near visited him and always found him bright and cheerful, and it was a pleasure for them to sit by his bedside and converse with him, as he was conscious to the end. On May 26th his funeral took place and was one of the largest ever seen here. People from all the neighboring places came to pay their last respects to him. The Orange Society, of which he was a member for thirty years, and the Sunday School scholars preceded the corpse. The funeral service was conducted by the Rev. E. BROUGHTON, his beloved pastor, assisted by the Rev., Dr. SAINT of Heart’s Content the Rev. gentleman taking his text from Mark 26:8 and Revelation 22:3 & 4. At the close of the service the Dead March in Saul was played and his remains were taken to the cemetery and committed to Mother Earth. His Orange brethren performed their burial service and as a last token dropped their emblem on his coffin. The deceased was well known to the writer, having been a companion from boyhood. As a man he was loved and respected by -----??? (Part Missing) past.

The battle fought, the race is won
And thou art crowned at last.
E. B.
New Melbourne, May 28 1921

Fri. June 17, 1921


The wedding of Miss Margaret Anderson CARTER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. CARTER, and Mr. John Poole BAIRD, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh BAIRD was solemnized at St. Thomas Church at 3 p.m. yesterday, the ceremony being performed by the Rev. A. CLAYTON. The bride was given away by her father, and was beautifully gowned in white charmeuse trimmed with lace, and white carnations, and maidenhair fern. She wore a court train, trimmed with silver brocade, and orange blossoms, the train bearers, being BAIRD Jr. who was dressed in white masters Hubert HERDER and James satin olive twist suits. The bridesmaid was Miss F. B. ROGERSON who looked charming in a gown of megenta shot taffeta, with a black toque, and carried a bouquet of White Carnations. The two little flower girls were Misses Margaret and Gordon BAIRD who looked very dainty in their White Satin dresses. They carried old fashioned bouquets of Carnations. The groom was assisted by Mr. Fred CARTER, brother of the bride, whilst Messrs. F. BENNETT, W. GOODRIDGE, H. P. CARTER and A. B. BAIRD were ushers. The Church was beautifully decorated with white hydrangeas, and snapdragon, and was filled to capacity with guest and friends of the happy couple. As the wedding party left the church, the wedding march was played by Professor STIRLING. After the ceremony a reception was held at “Hawthorne Dell”, the country residence of the bride’s parents where the usual toasts were duly honored. During the evening the happy couple motored to Topsail where they will stay at the summer residence of Mr. Hugh BAIRD, until the sailing of the S. S. Digby, when they will leave for their future home in London. The presents received were both costly and numerous, and included several very substantial cheques. The News joins with their many friends in wishing Mr. and Mrs. BAIRD many years of wedded bliss.

The home of the bride’s parents was the scene of a quite but pretty wedding on Tuesday evening the 14th inst. at 8 o’clock when Miss Isabel STEELE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David STEELE, of Mill Road, was united in the bond of holy matrimony to Mr. M. A. JOHNS, Manager of the Bank of Montreal at Curling. The wedding was performed by the Rev. Mr. MORRISON, Pastor of the Presbyterian Church, Grand Falls, in the present of several immediate friend of the contracting partied and a goodly number of invited guests. The ceremony took place in the drawing room, which was beautifully decorated for the occasion, the bride who entered the room to the strums of Lohengrin’s Bridal Chorus splendidly executed by Mrs. LITTLE, leaning on the arm of her father taking her place with the groom under a floral bell specially arranged for the happy event. The bride was gowned in white georgette over stain embroidered with crystal beads in star design and wore a bridal veil with a coronet of orange blossoms and carried a shower bouquet of white carnations and sweet peas. Miss FITZGERALD was her only attendant dressed in coral pink georgette relived with hallo with black tulle picture hat. Mr. LONSDALE, Manager Bank of Montreal, Grand Falls, supported the groom. Following the ceremony refreshments were served during which the health of the bride and groom was ably proposed by Mr. LONSDALE while the same office in respect of the bride’s parents devolved upon Mr. HARRIS, Director of the Anglo Newfoundland Development Company Ltd., who was very graciously performed the duty. Many handsome presents were received, notably amongst them being a cabinet of silverware from the guests at the Staff House, where the groom during his residence here was a popular and honored associate and there together with numerous messages of felicitation speaks in volumes of the high esteem in which both bride and groom are regarded by a large circle of friends. The groom’s gift to the bride was a necklace of diamonds and pearls, to the bridesmaid a Cameo Brooch with pearl settings, and to the groomsman a Pearl Stick Pin. Amongst the invited guests were Magistrate FITZGERALD, M. B. E., and Mrs. FITZGERALD, Doctor and Mrs. SCOTT, Mr. and Mrs. LITTLE, Mr. and Mrs. MacPHERSON, Doctors MOORES and DWYER, Messrs. LAYCOCK, T. F. JUDGE, James JUDGE, BERWICK, EMERSON, BETHUME, LILLY, HARVEY, WINDELER and others. Mr. and Mrs. JOHNS left on the early express this morning for their future home at Curling.

Grand Falls, June 15th, 1921.

Tue. June 28, 1921


Bay Roberts is poorer but Heaven the richer for the passing of Catherine RUSSELL, and her entrance with rejoicing into the Palace of the King. Mrs. RUSSELL or better known as “Aunt Kate”, went to her church some three weeks ago, with the hope of hearing the Word and meeting at the Lord’s Table in Christian fellowship. At the first service she was seized with an attack of paralysis, as her husband, the late Edward RUSSELL was similarly visited while worshiping God in the same sanctuary some years ago. The kind friends moved her to the vestry and thence to her home where after a fortnight of waiting for her Lord, she was perfected through suffering. It has been the lot of very few to serve their generation with such consistency and love as the departed. She was the friend of all and the enemy of none. She had attained the age of 86 years. Her home was ever home of the people of God, a veritable heaven of refuge, where they resorted for kindly help and advice and encouragement in times of trouble and seasons of perplexity. Her relations, friends and neighbors love her. A number of young ministers, as Revs. John M. PIKE, John REAY, Charles FLEMMINGTON and others, lived under her roof and benefited by her sane and kindly counsels. As long ago they wept when Dorcas died, even do there was at the home great manifestation of sympathy and tears on the day of the funeral. Revs John REAY, Samuel BAGGS and Charles LENCH officiated at the funeral obsequies. After a brief service at the home of the deceased the procession wended to the church where an impressive service was held. The pastor Rev. Samuel BAGGS conducted the service, and Charles LENCH an old pastor preached on “How wilt thou go in the swelling of Jordan”, Rev. John REAY was overcome with emotion as he spoke of the splendid godly characteristics of the departed. He had been taken into her home when he came to Newfoundland 56 years ago. She had been a mother, friend, adviser and guide to him, for many years she had been a great factor in the life of the community. Everybody loved “Aunt Kate.” She was the adviser for all who came to her with their troubles and she never divulged their secrets. If it is the prerogative of the lips of the priest to keep knowledge then in every deed she has been a priestess to her people. She will be greatly missed in the community. The large concourse of people who followed her to her last resting place are a sufficient testimony to the respect in which she was held. She rests beside her life’s partner in God’s acre until the morning of the resurrection. Of her it may be truly said, “She hath done what she could”. We extend our sympathies to Mrs. DROVER, of Green’s Harbour, her adopted daughter and her relatives and sorrowing friends.-Com.

Mon. July 4, 1921


Just after Capt. N. SPENCER and his son Allan had left for sea, his much prized daughter, Irene was taken down with Tubercular Meningitis, which, after a few day, the 23rd of June, brought her to the gates of death, and also of the beautiful land beyond. Loved, apparently more that any other children, of which there were several, she was of a beautiful disposition, and very promising in school attainments. On June 25th, a large number of her school mates with other friends, attended her funeral from the home at Beach to the Methodist Cemetery, where we committed her once beautiful form to a quite resting place, where, we feel assured that her sleep will be as peaceful as her unbroken calm that slumbers on the everlasting hills, and from which she will awake in the sweet Bye and Bye, as fresh as God and as beautiful as the morning- We have seldom seen so much genuine affection as was shown to this lovely child of 13 years, lovely in life and lovely in death, when in her last moments she asked her mother to meet her in heaven. She will be missed in the home and school and the news will be most sorrowful and unexpected to her father and brother when they hear of it on their arrival in port on the other side of the Atlantic. The coffin was completely covered with wreaths and natural flower given in kindness by several friends, to whom Mrs. SPENCER and family present many thanks.
“Safe in the Arms of Jesus.”


Carbonear, June 29, 1921

Wed. July 6, 1921


The Oratory of the Sacred Heart, Mercy Convent, was the scene of a very pretty wedding, at 11 a.m. yesterday, when Miss Edith Mary McGRATH eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. McGRATH, of the Registry of Shipping Office, was united in Matrimony to Mr. James Vincent RYAN of the despatching staff of the Reid Newfoundland Company. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Dr. CARTER, in the presence of the immediate friends and relatives of both parties. The bride, who was given away by her father, looked charming in a dress of white silk, with wreath of orange blossoms, and carried a bouquet of white carnations and smilax. She was attended by her sister, Miss Dorothy McGRATH and Miss Winifred RYAN, sister of the groom, both of whom looked very attractive in dresses of pink silk, with picture hats to match, and carried bouquets of white carnations and maiden hair fern. The flower girls were little Misses Gemma and Bessie McGRATH, sisters of the bride, who looked sweet in dresses of white silk, and carried bouquet of flowers. The duties of the best man were very ably performed by Mr. James BUCKINGHAM. After the ceremony, a reception was held at the residence of the bride’s parents, 35 Monkstown Road, when the usual toasts were gone through and the health of the newly married couple duly honoured. Mr. and Mrs. RYAN were the recipients, of many valuable and costly presents, testifying to the esteem in which the young couple were held. At noon the wedding party drove to Waterford Bridge, where the happy couple, boarded the outgoing express for Boston, where the honeymoon will be spent. In common with their many friends the News wishes Mr. and Mrs. RYAN many years of wedded bliss.

Thur. July 14, 1921



A Very sad drowning accident occurred off Flatrock at noon yesterday, when Mr. Thomas HICKEY, youngest son of Mr. Thomas HICKEY of that settlement, lost his life on the fishing grounds. The drowning occurred under peculiar circumstances. It seems that young HICKEY together with his elder brothers Michael and Patrick, left in their motor boat yesterday morning to tend their trawls on White’s Ledge, about 8 miles off the land. Arriving on the grounds the motor boat was anchored and left in charge of Thomas, whilst the two elder brothers took the small punt and started to overhaul their twine. The weather was clear and fine, with a moderate breeze blowing when at noon the occupants of the smaller boat saw the schooner “Sally W Freedom “ bound from this port to Twillingate with salt and kerosene cargo, bearing down on the anchored motor boat with its loan occupant, Michael HICKEY immediately shouted to the crew of the schooner to “hard down”, but it is believed the helmsman misunderstood what he said as the helm was place “hard up” with the result the vessel struck the boat near the engine room, cutting it in two, and driving it under water. The Freedom was making about 8 knots at the time of collision and it is believe young HICKEY was killed by the impact, as he was never seen after the accident occurred, it is also said they were very little lookout being kept on the Freedom and those onboard did not see the boat which was painted white, till it was to late, to avert the disaster. A very careful search was made after the accident by the heart-broken brothers of the victim, who witnessed the drowning of their brother, as well as the crew of the Freedom, but without avail, the only thing found being part of the motor boat. This was brought to Flatrock, by the schooner during the evening. Head Const. BYRNE was dispatched to Flatrock to hold an enquiry into the accident, when the statements of the crew as well as the brothers of the deceased were taken, the vessel resuming her voyage at 6 p.m. The tragedy cast a gloom over the settlement where the young man was well known, and esteemed, during the evening the residences of Flatrock made a through search for the body, but were unsuccessful. Deceased who was 20 years of age leaves father, mother, two brothers and a sister to the sudden and unexpected passing of their dear one comes as a severe blow.


- To Mr. and Mrs. Hugh BASTOW, on July 13th, a son.

- July 12th. The Rectory Upper Island Cove, the wife of the Rev. E. E. RUSTED, a son.


On Tuesday, July 12th, at 10.30 a.m. by Rev. D. B. HEMMEON, Lizzie, the youngest daughter of Elizabeth and the Late Reuben EDGECOMBE, of this city, to Frederick BURSEY, of Catalina.


Yesterday after tedious illness James DAVIS, native of Pictou, N.S. Leaving four sons and two daughters to mourn their sad loss. Funeral takes Place on Friday 16th inst. from his son’s residence 49 Alexander St. Friends and Relations please accept this the only intimation.

Fri. July 15, 1921


A wedding of social interest took place on Tuesday July 12th, when Dallas Victoria, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. BAIRD became the wife of Dr. J. Bertram O’REILLY. Rt. Rev. Monsignor McDERMOTT officiating. After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents Bryn MAWR. The bride looked charming in her wedding dress of cream lace over satin. A court-train of gold brocade was fastened to the shoulders with pearl clasps and had three feathers tied with gold ribbon on one corner. She carried a shower bouquet of lilies of the valley white carnations and sweet peas. Miss Helen ANDERSON acted as bridesmaid wearing a gown of primrose taffeta and hat of brown tulle. The train was carried by the bride’s small nephew and niece, Master Jim and Miss Margaret BAIRD. Mr. Jack PATERSON was the best man. The honeymoon is being spent at Salmonier, and with their many friends the News joins in wishing Dr. and Mrs. O’REILLY, many years of wedded happiness.

Thur. Aug. 4, 1921




A serious motor accident, as a results of which Arthur OXFORD lies at the General Hospital, suffering from concussion of the brain, and three other occupants of the car are suffering from minor injuries, occurred on Topsail Road near Mr. Peter COWAN’s residence at 6.30 p.m. Tuesday. The car, which was a Brisco type, was owned by Mr. OXFORD, who with Messer. John WILLIAMS, Maurice CARBURY and Percy ROSS, coloured, had been countrywards are were returning to the city, when the accident occurred. At present the particulars of the accident are vague, but from information so far gleaned, it seems the car was being driven by ROSS and was coming along at a fair rate of speed, when near COWAN’s which is about 4 miles from town, the springs gave out, causing the car to turn turtle and roll into a ditch at the side of the road. . ROSS managed to get thrown clear of the car and beyond being slightly bruised, was unhurt. OXFORD, WILLIAMS and CARBURY got caught under the car, the former being badly bruised, especially about the head and face, whilst the others were also cut, and received a severe shaking up, but were able to extricate themselves, and with the assistance of residents of the vicinity, to get young OXFORD from under the car. It was immediately seen that OXFORD was seriously injured, and he was taken to the Sanitarium, where his injuries were attended to, afterwards being taken to the General Hospital, where he remained unconscious till late last night, when he showed signs of improvement, and there is every hope of his recovery. His three companions were feeling the effects of the accident yesterday, and were confined to their beds, but will be none to worse after a couple days. The car was smashed almost beyond recognition, the body, completely out of shape, with the forepart crumbled up like paper the front seat meets the back and there is nothing left of the front wheels, and one of the rear ones, whilst the engine and other parts are also destroyed, and the machine is beyond repair. It is miraculous how the occupants escaped with their lives, as it is seldom that such a wreck as occurred without fatal results.

Thur. Aug. 11, 1921


The friends of the late Elizabeth Joyce TAYLOR will learn with regret of her passing, which occurred on Tuesday night at the ripe old age of 74 years. The passing was a painless going from this world into the home beyond the cares and troubles of this life as a child lapses into the quite sleep of rest. Deceased was the relict of the late Geo. B. TAYLOR, whose death occurred little more that an year ago. Since that date she had been ailing but not confined to her bed until quite recently, when she fell and injured some internal organs and despite the very great care and attention which she received, the vital spark fled at the time mentioned. Deceased bore the trial of her illness with sweet resignation and passed away quietly in the “sure and certain hope.” Left to mourn are three sons, George, and Theodore, both residing in Pittsburgh, U.S.A. and John of this city; two daughters, Mrs. Arthur PARSON’s and Miss Flora, two sisters and one brother. The funeral takes place at 2.30 p.m. this afternoon from her late residence.

St. John’s, Aug. 10th, 1921.

The many friends of Mr. Alfred MOAKLER, cashier at Messrs. A. J. Harvey & Co. will sympathize with him on the death of his wife, which occurred at the Sanitarium Tuesday morning at the early age of 25 years. Deceased, who was the daughter of Lawrence and the late Julia CORCORAN, had been ailing for months-past, and despite all that medial skill and attention could do, the end came as above stated. Well known in the city, a large circle of friends will miss her many acts of kindness, but the greatest loss will be felt at home, where besides a loving husband, three little one are left to mourn the, fond care of a loving wife and mother. The funeral takes place this afternoon from her late residence Central St. To the sorrowing family the News extends sincere sympathy.

Tue. Aug. 16, 1921


, who was suddenly called away from the mist of the living, while taking a health rest at Seal Cove, Conception Bay, was one of the best know man in the Newfoundland trade. Sometime ago he had a sharp stroke of paralysis, but not one of the hundreds who knew him intimately ever contemplated the fact of his quick Summons. In business he had the reputation of his countrymen for honesty, integrity and reliability. A child could do business with him and obtain the same results and as the keenest and shrewdest customer. The deceased came from good old West of England family, and was born in Truro, in Cornwall, on Feb. 19, 1856. He entered the employment of Messrs. Bowring Bros. in 1884 and shortly afterwards transferred his labours to Messer. Job Brothers & Company, now the Royal Stores Ltd. where his energy and capabilities soon lifted him to the trusted and confidential position of buyer and manager. This position brought him in contact with businessmen locally all over the Island and abroad in Great Britain, Europe, Canada and the United States, and earned for him the splendid reputation that now shines as a halo over his life’s work. Outside of his large and patriotic family he leaves many warm personal friends who will miss is kindly greeting and open and pleasant smiling face. His three sons served in the War and to one of them falls the honour of being the first to enlist when the Call came to Newfoundland. Another went through the horrors of two years in a German prison camp, but through his tact, escaped and arrived safely in Aberdeen, Scotland. His daughters were also engaged in the War Work, in fact his spirit inspired his whole household with untiring devotion to the cause of the Empire while the great crisis was hanging like a face of doom over it. Old times cricketers of the seventies and eighties will remember with pride and hallowed enthusiasm his participation in the great game of the period played by Avalon Terra Nova, Shamrock and Zingaree Clubs. Mr. STICK was one of the best exhibitors of the skill and finesse of England’s greatest national sport. His wife predeceased him 6 years ago. He leaves to mourn a family of 5 sons Joseph, Robert, Moyle, Len and Ralph and three daughters May, Emma and Beatrice. To all of these the sympathy of the community goes in the dark days of mourning.



The Oratory of the Presentation Convent Cathedral Square was the scene of a very pretty wedding on yesterday afternoon when Miss Elizabeth M. DARCY, daughter of Michael J. and Mrs. DARCY, New Gower Street was united in the Holy Bonds of Matrimony to Mr. George Leo A. SHEA of Water Street. The ceremony was performed by the Rt. Rev. J. J. McDERMOTT, V.G., Administrator, in the presence of a large assemblage of relations and friends of the bride and groom. Precisely at 4 o’clock the bride who was charmingly attired in cream satin with overdress of Irish lace, veil with coronet of orange blossoms, and carrying a bouquet of carnations and asparagus fern, entered the Oratory leaning on the arm of her brother, Mr. J. M. DARCY, the father-giver, to the strains of Mendelssohn’s Wedding March. The bridesmaids were Miss Emma REID and Miss Margaret MARTIN, whilst little Agnes KENNEDY, niece of the bride made a very picturesque flower girl. The duties of best man were attended to by Mr. J. C. PIPPY. After the ceremony the wedding party drove to Smithville where a sumptuous repast was served in the well-known Smithville style, the usual toasts duly honoured and dancing indulged in until midnight. The groom’s present to the bride was a gold wristlet watch, to the bridesmaids gold cameo rings, to the flower girl a gold signet ring set in pearls and to the best man a gold signet ring. The wedding gifts were many and costly proving in ample manner, the popularity of the bride and groom, and esteem in which they are held by their numerous friends. The happy couple motored to William’s Hostelry, Bay Bulls, last night where the honeymoon will be spent. The News offers felicitation and wishes Mr. and Mrs. SHEA many years of happiness and Prosperity.

At Carbonear on Monday the 8th, the marriage of Miss Vida J. LeDREW of Cupids to Mr. Richard HISCOCK of Grand Falls took place at St. James Church at 2p.m. The Rector Rev. H. V. WHITEHOUSE officiating, The Church had been decked with Additional flowers in honour of the occasion. The bride was attired in traveling Costume of saxe blue with hat to match and carried a bouquet of white carnations and maiden hair ferns and was attended by the groom’s sister, Miss Netta HISCOCK. The groom was attended by Mr. Harry HOLLANDS of Heart’s Content. Mrs. M. J. HAWKER presided at the organ and rendered the “bridal chorus”. After the ceremony the party motored to the McCarthy Hotel where a delightful breakfast was served, presided Over by Mrs. McCARTHY, assisted by her amiable daughter Mrs. LEE. The toast was proposed by the Rev. Mr. WHITEHOUSE, who referred to former friendship of the groom, while in Grand Falls and the kindest of wishes to him and his wife. The groom responding said his chief reasons coming to Carbonear to be married was to have the Knot tied by his Rector and friend and he was whelmed with the kindness of his Carbonear friends of only a day or so. The party, consisting of the bridal party, Rev. WHITEHOUSE, Mr. and Mrs. HAWKER, Mr. and Mrs. LEE, Mrs. McCARTHY, Mr. John DUFF. Mr. H. HAYWOOD, Hon. J. J. MURPHY motored to Harbour Grace to join the train going to Trinity where the honeymoon will be spent.




On August 15th at the Oratory of the presentation Convent Cathedral Square, by Rt. Rev. J. J. McDERMOTT, V.G. Administrator, Miss Elizabeth M. DARCY to Mr. Leo A. SHEA, both of St. John’s


Passed peacefully away after a short illness, Martha, widow of the late Samuel GILES, aged 51 years, leaving 2 daughters and 1 son to mourn their sad loss. Funeral today, Tuesday, from her late residence, 15 Howe Place. Friends and acquaintances will please accept this the only intimation

–At Seal Cove yesterday morning after a short illness, James Robin STICK. Funeral to-morrow, Wednesday, at 2.45 p.m. from his late residence, 5 Devon Row.

Died at sea on June 26th. Thomas B. McGRATH, son of the late Thomas and Alice McGRATH and grandson of Mrs. John THOMEY, Harbour Grace. The deceased was a 2nd Lieutenant in the First Newfoundland Regiment and was one of the first to volunteer. He leaves to mourn their sad loss his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John THOMEY, Harbour Grace, two aunts, Mrs. Edward MORIARTY, Harbour Grace, and Mrs. Frank MAHER, Carbonear, an uncle Mr. Stephen J. MURPHY, Reid-Nfld. Co., St. John’s and a host of relatives and friends. Impassionate Lord Jesus grant him Eternal Rest.

Thur. Aug. 18, 1921



Who shall make them, this numberless army? We know not their number or name,
But we know from the sign on their foreheads through great tribulation they came;
No calender blazons their triumph with service of vigil or feast,
And he that was greatest among them is even as he that was least;
They were men in the might of their manhood, or boys in the beauty of youth,
We shall see them no more to our sorrow, they are rapt from the sphere of our pain,
And the sword and the fire and the bullet shall sear nor slay them again;
Priest and poet, clerk scholar and craftsman, sea toilers of the sons of the sod-
From earth, air and ocean up-gathered, they rest in the Garden of god.

Their shrines stand on every highway, whose lamps of remembrance abide
Fed with love from the heart-springs of Britain and lit from the torch of her pride;
Upon hill-slope by hamlet or homesread, they shine through the darkness undimned.

Morn and eve, neath the Christ bowed above them, the glimmering caresses are trimmed.

By their angels, who pass unbeholden–so close hangs the curtain between,
Veiling heaven; for the things that we see not are more than the things that are seen.

Now, Lord, for the nation’s uplifting–since this is the noblest we know.

In Thy name to the help of the helpless through death and through darkness to go-
For our country who spread not her children, for mother, love, sister and wife
Who endured what is deeper that death-wound, who gave what was dearer than life
For the pure and wise and godlike, who flocked to Thy banner unfurled,
For the sinful–Thy saints in the making–we deemed but the waste of the world,
for the builders of wood, hay and stubble–the foolish, the faithless, the cold
Whose dross Thou hast purged in the furnace, and touched them and turned them to gold,
For the fearless of heart, and the fearful who trembled but came to Thy call,
We bless Thee, we thank Thee, we laud Thee, we love Thee. O Father of all!


Fri. Aug. 26, 1921


A very pretty wedding took place at St. Thomas’s Church on August 24th the contracting parties being Dr. C. D., youngest son of Capt. and Mrs. A. KEAN and Miss Lelia, daughter of Mrs. and the late Thos. MOULTON. At 4 p.m., the bride was led to the altar by her uncle Mr. Geo. MOULTON. The officiating minister was her cousin, the Rev. C. A. MOULTON. The bride was beautifully attired in white satin with a bridle veil, carrying a bouquet of carnations. She was attended by the groom’s sister, Miss A. KEAN, the groom’s was supported by his brother Dr. S. G. KEAN; Mr. STERLING presided at the organ. After the impressive ceremony the party repaired to the Anchorage, the home of the groom’s parents, where a reception was given. The toast to the bride was proposed by Mr. H. Y. MOTT and responded to by the groom, Captain A. KEAN and Rev. Mr. MOULTON made appropriate speeches. After the reception the bridal party motored to Donovan’s where the honeymoon is being spent. The bride was the recipient of many valuable presents and the groom received many congratulatory messages attesting the esteem in which they are held. The groom’s present to the bride was a silver tea service. We wish Dr. and Mrs. KEAN many years of happy marriage life.

Tuesday, August 16th
, was the occasion of a very pretty wedding solemnized at St. Luke’s Church, Winterton, when Mr. Ambrose HISCOCK led to the altar Miss Lizzie SPICER. Promptly at 4 o’clock the wedding part entered the church accompanied by the strains of the “bridal Chorus”. The bride entered the Church leaning on the arm of her cousin, Mr. E. J. SANSOM, J.P., and looked charming in a dress of silk georgette with hat to match and carried a beautiful bouquet adapted to the occasion. The reverend Llewellyn GODDEN was the officiating clergyman. The ceremony was witnessed by a large and admiring congregation, which alone was typical of the esteem in which the happy couple was held by the community. After the ceremony the wedding party repaired to the pier of the Fishermen’s Union Trading Company, where a dainty and tastefully decorated motor boat was waiting to convey the bride and groom to the home of the bride’s parents where a dainty and tastefully decorated table was prepared to cater of the wants of the “inner man”. The groom’s present to the bride was a substantial cheque, while the many costly and pretty presents, (too numerous to mention) received by the happy pair testified in no small way to the popularity of the contracting parties. The bride will be missed greatly by the Anglican population here as she was closely connected with the C. E. W. A., was a Sunday School teacher, and a member of the choir, and generally was a valuable asset to any community work that she found herself connected with. The groom holds a lucrative position with the A. N. D. Co., Grand Falls, but before going there served with His Majesty’s forces practically for the duration of the war. Mr. and Mrs. HISCOCK spent Wednesday with the bride’s parents receiving the many congratulations of their numerous friends and on Thursday morning entrained at Heart’s Content for Grand Falls their future home. We must not forget to mention the bridesmaids, Miss Sarah SPICER, sister of the bride and Misses Agnes PARROTT and Violet HINDY, also Messers Newman J. HISCOCK and Louis PARROTT, who contributed in no small way to the success and pleasure of the evening.

The artistically decorated table was the work of Mrs. E. J. SANSOM and Mrs. E. LANG, who also catered to the requirements of the many guests present, assisted by the bridesmaids, the bride’s mother and Miss Beatrice PIERCEY, a life long friend of the bride. May Mr. and Mrs. HISCOCK live long to enjoy their married life is the sincere wish of your CORRESPONDENT.

Winterton, August 22nd, 1921.

Tue. Sept. 6, 1921



Sergt. GOODLAND arrived from St. George’s by yesterday’s express with two prisoners, named James FURLONG and Arthur YOUNG, who have been sentenced to serve terms in the Penitentiary for burglaries committed at Port au Port and Stephenville Crossing. The prisoner FURLONG is only ten years of age, but despite his youth, has been before the Magistrate on several previous occasions. He is an incorrigible, and has been a terror in his neighbourhood. Amongst his many acts, burning barns and hay ricks, was a specialty, and his last offence for which the term of three months has been imposed, was breaking into the Royal Bank of Canada building at Port au Port. Admittance was gained through a window at 7 o’clock in the morning, but beyond damaging the property and some of the office furniture, he failed to get any cash. The young chap was found on the premises, and was brought before Magistrate McDONNELL, who, taking his age into consideration, passed sentence of 3 months’ imprisonment. The man YOUNG was given six months for entering the Log Cabin at Stephenville and taking clothing to the value of $300, the property of Mr. C. E. PENNEY, manager of the Stephenville Butterine Factory. Constable MARTIN of Grand Falls also arrived by yesterday’s express, bringing a prisoner to serve 6 months in the Penitentiary for stealing $140 from a resident of the paper town. On being arrested, $90 was recovered and being tried before Magistrate FITZGERALD, was sentenced to 6 months.

Wed. Sept. 14, 1921


It is with deep regret we have to chronicle the death of one of Bell Island’s oldest and most respected citizens in the person of Thomas DWYER. Born at Bell Island of Irish parentage 89 years ago, he spent nearly all his days in his native home. A very successful farmer and fisherman and a man that up to his going to his rest, it was a pleasure to converse with as his anecdotes of the old days on Bell Island were piece and parcel of history, his was a type that was worthy of emulation. Content, honest and with a fund of good feeling towards neighbor and stranger alike, Thomas DWYER was a worthy citizen and a man whose word was his bond. He leaves a wife, three sons, Denis and Edward of the D.I.S. Company, and John, farming, and four daughters. Thomas DWYER’s death removes from Bell Island a great landmark that shall never be replaced.

On Sept. 9th, there passed to the great beyond the oldest resident on Bell Island Mrs. Bridget DWYER, at the ripe old age of 92. Mrs. DWYER was Irish born and of that great Irish family the O’CONNOR’s, and was a native of Galmagee, County Kilkenny, Ireland. Bridget O’CONNOR, a bright eyed Irish colleen, came to Newfoundland in the year of 1846 and landed on July 9th while the great fire was raging. The following year, she came to Bell Island and for 74 years laboured, and was a splendid type of Irish-Newfoundland woman. She undoubtedly saw a great evolution of Bell Island and some of its many hardships. But her bright Irish nature ever gave the smile and the rich “brogue” ever soothed the carking complaints of care. For many years Mrs. DWYER has been ill and suffered with that resignation that her country women were famous for. She leaves one son, John DWYER and a daughter, Mrs. James PENNY of Hr. Main. She was an aunt of Mr. John O’CONNOR, superintendent of the Scotia pier. Mrs. DWYER is the last of the old country stock that came direct to this Island.

Wed. Sept. 21, 1921



The degenerate Joseph GIBBS, charged with unlawfully and indecently assaulting and illtreating a seven year old girl on August 24th, and committing a similar offence on two other children of the same age on August 25th, appeared before Judge MORRIS in the Magistrate’s Court yesterday morning, and was sentenced to 18 months with hard labour. The case was one of the worst to come before the police authorities in years, and throughout the city there was great indignation aroused over the crime. GIBBs, has a bad record, and citizens, generally, and especially parents, will be glad to learn that for a time at least, this undesirable character is safe under lock and key.

Sun. Sept. 24, 1921



The Municipal Council Report which is official, will be read with interest. There are difficult times facing the city, as well as other section of the Island this Winter. The sympathetic and timely manner in which the Commission is considering the position inspires confidence. All the public asks and expect, is that every cent expanded shall find an equivalent in service rendered, and that the wanton waste of Last spring shall, under no circumstances, be repeated. That the Auditor General is taking cognisance of the Road-de-Luxe scandal is satisfactory; but no inquiry can be through unless the Commission is directly represented. Citizens are looking to Mayor MORRIS and his colleagues for protection, and not to Mr. JENNINGS.



The daily list of burglaries still keeps mounting up and up to the present the police have been unable in many instances to bring the perpetrators to justice. In some cases, however, arrivals have been made and the crime brought home to the guilty parties. At yesterday Magistrate’s Court the young chap WOODALND, who broke into the U. S. P. Co’s Store, and also entered the cabin of the schooner Flora some time ago, getting away with cash and goods to the value of $500, pleaded guilty to the charge, and sent to the Penitentiary for 12 months with hard labour. Head Byrne and his staff landed the culprit in this case through the finding of two valises on the South Side Hills containing the stolen goods, as well as papers belonging to the Captain of the vessel. The latest burglary took place on Thursday night, when a West End Dry Good Store was entered and a quantity of goods stolen, the thieves gaining an entrance through a side window. This is the second time within a few weeks that this store has been robbed. Probably the most daring of all the robberies so far reported with the exception of the safe burglary, occurred yesterday during dinner hour, when an uptown commerical office was broken into, and the cash drawer rifled to the extent of over $200. The office hands were all to dinner at the time, and the culprit was evidently fully acquainted with the place, and waiting his chance, captured the loot and made good his escape. The robbery was carried out in broad daylight, and the loss was not detected till the cashier returned shortly after 2 p.m. The detective staff are certainly having a busy time, as the present epidemic of crime is probably the worst in the history of the city.


A very sad drowning fatality occurred at St. Jacques on Thursday last when James YOUNG Customs tidewaiter at that port, lost his life whilst in the performance of his duties. According to messages received by the Customs Department the schooner Eileen Lake arrived from Halifax with general cargo and tidewaiter YOUNG proceeded to the vessel in his dory. He was about to board the schooner when he was seized with a paralytic stroke, and falling overboard sank to the bottom before help could reach him. Deceased was well known on the coast, being a very obliging and well know official and his sudden and tragic passing comes as a severe blow to his family. His body had been recovered.


At 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon Charles Blanchard BLACKIE passed away at the General Hospital. Probably no man was better known throughout the country. For a score of years his duties brought him in contact with men of all districts, and it is a standing testimonial to his character that by employers and employed alike he was held in the highest esteem and friendship. His duties were both responsible and difficult but he performed them with such tact and efficiency as to smooth the rough edges, and avoid the angles. Born forty-four years ago in Annapolis Royal, the old town which so recently passed through the furnace, and where his parents still reside, he was educated there, and on leaving school joined the staff of the Dominion Iron and Steel Company, with which to the day of his death he was identified. In 1904 he married Miss Josephine McGRATH sister of Sir Patrick McGRATH, Mr. T. R. McGRATH and Mrs. C. F. TAYLOR of this city. About a month ago Mr. BLACKIE was taken with illness, which from the first assumed a serious character, so that severely through the blow had fallen upon his family, its imminence was realized. Mr. BLACKIE ‘s friends were marly, by all of whom his passing will be deeply regretted. His genial smile and pleasant greeting will be greatly missed by those with whom his duties brought him in frequent contact. To his widow and son, Charlie, a student at St. Bonaventure’s College, the News expresses the general sympathy. The funeral takes place from his late residence, Kimberly Row, Henry Street, this afternoon at 2.30 o’clock.

After a lingering illness Mrs. Mahala SNOW, wife of Mr. Abram SNOW, of Casey Street, passed away last evening. Mrs. SNOW was a native of Carbonear, and before her marriage to Mr. SNOW, was the widow of Mr. Robert MOORE, of that town. For some years she had been in indifferent health, her illness taking an aggravated form in recent months. She leaves a husband and several relatives in the city and Carbonear. The funeral will take place on Sunday afternoon from her late residence.

Fri. Oct. 7, 1921



For some time back the weather man has been promising and although on several occasions, we were within almost hailing distance of a storm, nothing very serious came our way. Yesterday morning however, a strong breeze from the south west sprang up shortly after 3 a..m., and increased in velocity as the dawn broke being at its worst between 6 and 8 a.m. Along the country roads in the vicinity of St. John’s the gale was severely felt, poles in many cases were broken off, trees were uprooted, barns and outhouses, and in many cases residences were damaged. In the city also it became dangerous for pedestrians with bricks, slates and chimneys being smashed and falling into the streets. At the corner of Springdale and Charlton Streets an electric light pole came crashing to the ground, escaping a nearby residence by a small fraction, while in several places live wires were reported to be down and the employees of the Electric Light Company were kept busy during the early morning. In the harbour, shipping began to drive from their anchors, and tugs were sent to their assistance, but had great difficulty in handling the situation. In the upper portion of the harbour the trouble began when the Cape Pine went adrift. This vessel drove down the harbour until she reached SHEA’s premises where she became entangled with the schooner Roy Bruce and both held together until last evening when the gale subsided. The S.S. Edmund Donald next got adrift and fell across the schooner Cape Pine, Evelyn and Dobbie, and all four became mixed up and kept pounding against each other throughout the forenoon the Donald had a hole punctured in her smokestack, whilst part of her upper works were also damaged, and the schooner also suffered from the collision. The large three masted A. B. Barteau, which was anchored off GOODRIDGES’s premises also got adrift and taking the tern schooner Herbert Fearn with her, picked up a small schooner and all three drove across the harbour until they brought up near Harvey’s coal hulk, where they rode out the breeze. It is not yet ascertained if these vessels were damage to any extent. On the South Side shipping also went adrift and the sealing steamer Neptune, to which was moored the barque Madeline Constance, turned completely around on their anchors and began to drive down the harbour. For a time it looked as if a serious smash would result from those ships, but with the assistance of tug, lines were passed to the shore and both vessels held their moorings. The gale was experienced right across country and along the coast. The Reid Company reported their lines out of order up to last night and at present the extent of the damage caused is unknown. Along the coast the gale was severely felt, and already one wreck has been reported in the straits and another at Cape Broyle, while two men are missing (rest missing)


A sad fatality occurred on the Torbay Road, near Mount Cashel, yesterday morning, shortly after 8.30a.m. o’clock as a result of which little Miss Margaret SKINNER, daughter of Mr. Walter SKINNER, was electrocuted and several others had narrow escape. It seems, the fatality was caused directly as a result of the gale, which caused a pole to break off near Mr. KING’s residence at the junction of the roads, running towards King’s Bridge and Cove Road. The wire fell over the fence out of way of traffic, and when discovered burning in the early morning, the matter was reported to the sub-station. At first the grass was set fire in the vicinity, but the wind brought the live wire in contact with the fence, which became charged with electricity. Little Miss SKINNER who attends school on the Baily Halley Road and taking a short cut, across the fields between the cottages of Messrs. KING and RENDELL came in contact with the fence and was killed instantly. Her sister who was accompanying her, ran to her assistance and also received a shock, whilst endeavouring to extricate little Margaret. She, however got her clear of the fence, but life was extinct. Several women in the vicinity also witnessed the occurrence and proceeded to the scene, and two young men named TILLY and COLE had narrow escape from death. TILLY opened the gate in order to reach the field and was knocked unconscious, COLE was more severely burned, but not seriously, and it will take some time before he gets over the effects of the shock. Drs. KNIGHT and MacPHERSON, as well Rev. Frs. O’CAALLAGHAN and McGRATH were called, but their services were not required. It is a wonder that others were not fatally injured, as it never occurred to those passing the fence had become electrified. Mr. KING and his family, were the only ones in apparent danger, hence very little precaution was taken otherwise. The Light Company’s officials were on the scene, shortly after the tragedy occurred, and had the pole removed and repairs effected. In other countries a pulmotor has been used in cases of this kind, to great advantage, especially in New York and other American cities. They are needed mostly in cases where people become gassed, electrocuted or even in drowning cases, and have proved successful. They cost very little and it is hope the authorities will see that the police are provided with this most necessary instrument as in cases like yesterday’s they are of invaluable assistance. The affair is a very sad one and the Sympathy of the community goes out to the parents of the little girl who was so suddenly cut off from life, on this very threshold of young womanhood.


The Assistant Collector received the following message from the sub-Collector at Flower Cove, yesterday: “Schr. Effie M. Prior, 138 tons and owned by Kirby Brothers Belloram, ran ashore at Savage Cove with 1100 quintals of green fish on board. The Vessel will be a total loss but the crew are safe. The schooner evidently went ashore in yesterday’s gale, which was felt so severely along the coast. A message to inspector General HUTCHINGS was received from const. King of Flowers Cove as follows:– “Banking schooner Effie M. Prior, from Fortune Bay, went ashore on Wreck Point, and became a total wreck. The schooner carried a crew of twenty-four men including Captain BRENTON and 1100 quintals of fish. The crew reached the shore in their dories early this morning.”


The sub-Collector at Ramea reported yesterday to the Deputy Minister of Customs, that John BAGG, and William WARREN, left Dog Cove Wednesday in an open boat, and have not been seen or heard from since. The message further states that the big gale was then blowing which would make matters very uncomfortable for the missing men. A search party will be arranged as soon as the weather moderates.


The Rev. J. G. JOYCE, B. A., of Britannia, accompanied by his bride from Prince Edward Island arrived by the S. S. Rosalind, and proceeded by motor to-day to Carbonear, where a few day will be spent before entering upon circuit work. Mr. and Mrs. JOYCE, subject to the approval of Conference, preside at the Wesley Parsonage after July next, in response to a cordial invitation from the Wesley congregation. Mr. Robinson PEACH, of the Western Union Cable staff at Heart’s Content, who recently underwent an operation at the General Hospital, is rapidly convalescing, and will probably leave the institution this week. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril J. FOX returned by the S. S. Rosalind yesterday. Mr. Wm. F. COLLINS, who had been ill at his home, returned to work at Messr. Bowring Brothers Ltd., yesterday.

Mon. Oct. 10, 1921



On Saturday morning at the C. of E. Cathedral, Mr. Herbert G. BASTOW, eldest son of Mr. M. A. BASTOW, was united in Holy Bonds of Matrimony to Miss Amy STAFFORD, eldest daughter of the late Dr. STAFFORD. The officiating clergyman was the Rev. Canon JEEVES, Rector of the Cathedral. The bride entered the Church leaning on the arm of her uncle, Mr. HITCHCOCK, to the strains of Hoffman’s Wedding Procession artistically played by Organist F. J. KING. The groom was ably supported by his brother Mr. W. A. BASTOW, Miss Winnie REID and Miss Marjorie BASTOW acceptably did the honour of bridesmaids, whilst Mr. HITCHCOCK, acted as fathergiver. After the Signing of the Register the bridal party left the church to the strains of Mendelssohn’s Wedding March and motored to Donovan’s for breakfast to the residence of the bride’s parents, Allandale Road, where a most enjoyable times was spent. The bride and groom left by the S. S. Rosalind for New York where the honeymoon will be spent. The bride was the recipient of many useful and costly presents, testifying the esteem of her many friends.

Thur. Oct 13, 1921



The promptness of a chauffeur and the presence of mind displayed by a young girl was responsible for averting what would probably have been a double motor fatality on LeMarchant Road yesterday forenoon. As it is, Miss Alice BROPHY, employed as a domestic in the home of Mr. H. GITTLESON. Is in hospital badly, though not seriously, injured, and Mr. GITTLESON’s little 4 year old daughter is at home suffering with a broken leg. It seems that shortly before 11 a.m., two cars, driven by Messrs. T. CONNORS and Max CHAMBERS, were proceeding west along LeMarchant Road, CONNORS leading, when near Mr. H. BUTLER’s residence, Miss BROPHY and her charge started to cross the road. CONNORS immediately brought his car to a standstill, to allow a safe passing, when CHAMBERS, not aware of what was happening in front, proceeded to pass the other car, which brought him in full view of the road, and close upon the two girls. Seeing an accident was inevitable, CHAMBERS immediately threw over his wheel and brought his car to a standstill across the road. Miss BROPHY also realized her position, and seeing the car coming upon her, thought only to her little charge, and with great presence of mind, threw the little girl in the ditch, close to the roadside, but was unable to reach safety, before the car struck her and she was thrown heavily to the ground, sustaining injuries about the face and head. The two victims of the accident were placed in the car and CHAMBERS rushed them to Dr. TAIT’s surgery on Patrick Street, where on examination, Miss BROPHY was ordered to the hospital for treatment, and the little girl GITTLESON was taken home where it was found her leg had been broken, evidently by falling in the ditch. Last evening, both were doing as well as could be expected, and all should be thankful that a more serious accident was happily averted. No blame can be attached to CHAMBERS, who did all possible under the circumstances, and in bringing his car up so suddenly, both back tires were blown out.

Tues. Oct. 18, 1921



The case of the King vs Peter HISCOCK charged with entering the King Café on the morning of Sept. 9th with intent to steal, was heard in the Supreme Court yesterday before Mr. Justice JOHNSON and a special jury. The case occupied both the morning afternoon and night session, and did not conclude until 1 o’clock this morning when the Jury brought in a verdict of not guilty. Mr. J. A. BARRON appeared for the crown, whilst Mr. G. W. R. AYRE represented the accused. In all the prosecution called ten witnesses, including Sergt. BENNETT and five constables, all of whom identified accused as being the person they saw in the vicinity of the Café on the night of the alleged breaking and entering. Against these defence had six witnesses, including the accused’s wife, his brother Arthur and his and his brother’s servant girl, all of whose evidence went to show that on the night in question, the accused was not in a fit condition, being incapable through drunkenness to find his way along Water street, and was in bed at the time the store was entered. In the course of Arthur HISCOCK’s evidence he made a statement when questioned regarding his brother drunkenness that he had no difficulty in getting two “script” from Hon. Dr. CAMPBELL, which caused the Judge to remark on the manner in which the Prohibition Law was being evaded. Other witnesses for the defence gave evidence concerning his condition and also regarding the cloths and boots that he wore. The whole case therefore devolved upon the defence to prove an alibi and the Judge in his address to the Jury impressed upon them that in case they found any reasonable doubt as to the guilt of the accused, they must give the benefit of the doubt to the prisoner. Both Mr. BARRON and Mr. AYRE able addressed, and at 12.30 a.m. The Jury retired, returning at 1 a.m., and through their foreman Mr. Gordon WINTER, announced a verdict of “not guilty”.


Mr. J. Fletcher APSEY, of Baltimore, Md. (who came here on Monday week on the mournful duty of seeing his aged mother laid to rest by the side of her husband, and who returned to St. John’s the afternoon of the same day), returned on Friday last to see his old friends–the schoolmates and boys of his day. Very few of Mr. APSEY’s are left–some having gone out in the world, and many to the Great Beyond. His friends were pleased to shake his hand renew acquaintances and recount many of the incidents of his boyhood life in this town. Mr. APSEY left here in 1880 for Baltimore to pursue his studies there. From the college he went to engage in his chosen work, Civil Engineering ,and since has lived in Maryland. He settled down and is a citizen of the great Republic. Mr. APSEY came across the country and was much struck with the scenery on the route, especially along the Humber-scenery that surpassed the best that can be seen in the sunny south. The scenery was such that if it was made known to the travelling public of America, there would be a flood of tourists to Newfoundland every season. Mr. APSEY was compelled to leave here on Saturday evening to connect with the steamer from St. John’s on Monday, after a brief visit to old friends and the town where he spent his boyhood’s days. His old friends were pleased to see him and regretted the sad occasion of his visit:---

Harbour Grace Standard.

Tue. Nov. 1, 1921


– On Sunday October 30th at 280 Theatre Hill, to Mr. And Mrs. Ernest F. McLEOD, a daughter.


– Passed peacefully away this morning, Solomon BAGGS, aged ?? years, leaving wife, 4 sons, 2 daughters to mourn their sad loss. Funeral on Wednesday at 2:30 from his late residence, 117 Long’s Hill. Friends will please accept this the only intimation. (Chelsea, (U.S.A.)) papers please copy.

Fri. Nov. 11, 1921



A very quite but pretty wedding was solemnized at Cochrane Street Methodist Parsonage at 8 o’clock yesterday morning, when Miss Violet M. MAUNDER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George R. MAUNDER, Parade Street was united in Hymen’s Bonds to Mr. Charles NEWBERRY, of the Daily News Staff. The wedding ceremony was performed by Rev. C. H. JOHNSON in the presence of the immediate relatives and friends of the contracting parties. The bride was given away by her father and was attired in a pretty traveling costume with hat to match and carried a bouquet of maiden hair fern. The bridesmaid was Miss Florence Maunder sister of the bride. The duties of best man were performed by Mr. Harvey PIKE, Co-worker of the groom. After the ceremony, the wedding party proceeded to the home of the bride’s parents, where a dainty breakfast was served and the usual toasts honoured, after which the happy couple proceeded to the station, where they entrained for Upper Gullies, where the honeymoon will be spent. The presents were many and costly, testify to the popularity and esteem of the happy young couple. The groom’s present to the bride was a gold piece and to the bridesmaid and best man, a gold broach and diamond stick pin, respectively. The management and staff of the NEWS joins with the numerous friends of the happy couple in wishing them many years of wedded bliss.


The passing of Mr. Thomas A. PIPPY, early yesterday morning, removes from life’s activities one of the most generally and most deservedly esteemed of citizens of St. John’s. Mr. PIPPY had been in failing health for some years. His illness assumed a more serious phase a month ago, and the end was not expected. An engineer by Profession, the late Mr. PIPPY had won a foremost place, and enjoyed the respect and confidence of all with whom he came into business relationship. As a citizen his influence was always for good. Whilst he took no part in public life, preferring the quire paths of endeavour, his advise was sought by many, to who weather in business or private life, he was ever ready to lend aid. In earlier years he was associated with the late Hon. James ANGEL in large engineering works conducted by him in the 80' and 90's, leaving the firm to establish the business, which he successfully conducted until illness compelled his retirement. He is survived by his wife, one son, Wilfred, a veteran, who during the war, was connected with the Royal Army Medical Corps, and one daughter, Mrs. F. F. FERTEAU, to all of whom the NEWS voices the sympathy of his and their many friends. Mr. PIPPY was attached to the Methodist Church, which loses by his passing a valued member and supporter. The funeral takes place this afternoon at 2.30 from his late residence, Duckworth Street.

Wed. Nov. 23, 1921


This morning after a short illness, Mary, relict of the late Richard KEARNEY, leaving a son, one daughter, and one sister to mourn their sad loss. Funeral on Friday, at 2:30 p.m., from her late residence 15 Cavell Avenue off Quidi Vidi Road. R.I.P.

On November 22nd after a lingering illness, Rose HEWARDINE (NURSE) aged 75 years. Funeral on Thursday, at 2:30 p.m., from her late residence, 6 Charlton Street. Friends will please accept this the only intimation.

Sat. Nov. 26, 1921.



The Justice Department, received word yesterday morning from Magistrate FITZGERALD, Grand Falls, of a dreadful tragedy which occurred at Bishop Falls at 4 p.m. Thursday, when three children named WISEMAN, whose ages range from two months to three years, were burned to death. Few particulars of the terrible happening have been received as yet, but it is understood the parents of the children were absent from the house at the time it caught fire, and with its contents was totally destroyed. The high wind blowing at the time, caused of the flames to spread rapidly, and before the Residents nearby could make an attempt to save the little children, it was impossible to do anything owing to all available entrances being cut off by the flames. It is under-stood Magistrate FITZGERALD is holding a through investigation into the dreadful tragedy and fuller particulars will shortly be received.

Sat. Nov. 26, 1921


Last evening Catherine, widow of the late John MCGRATH, a native of Bessborough, County Kilkenny, Ireland, leaving two sons to mourn their sad loss. Funeral on Sunday, at 2.30 p.m. from her late residence, No. 6 Convent Square. Boston papers please copy.


The WALSH family, The Goulds desires to thank kind friends who sent wreaths, telegrams and letters of sympathy during their recent bereavement in the loss of their dear mother.

Mon. Nov. 28, 1921



One of the season’s prettiest weddings took place on Saturday afternoon at George Street Methodist Church, that of Marjorie Alison daughter of Mr. And Mrs. John ANGEL and John Jocelyn, son of Mrs. John C. STRANG. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. FAIRBAIRN and the organist Mr. Gordon CHRISTIAN gave a splendid rendition of the wedding marches, and during the signing of the register, Miss Elsie HERDER’s voice was heard perfectly in “Beloved it is Morn.” Miss ANGEL made an exquisite bride in a gown of white satin trimmed with lace and orange blossoms and carried a bouquet of white Chrysanthemums and maiden hair. She was attended by a matron of honour, Mrs. H. DICKENSON, who was beautifully gowned in yellow shot taffeta, with a brown velvet hat, and carried a large bouquet of yellow and bronze Chrysanthemums. Miss Margaret BAIRD and Master Jim BAIRD acted perfectly in the role of train bearers, followed by Miss Mary ANGEL and Miss Helen ANGEL, the flower girls, whilst Miss Joan HICKMAN, sweetly solemn, carried the ring on a satin cushion. Mr. Frank BENNETT supported the groom as best man and the ushers were Mr. H. DICKENSON, Mr. Heber ANGEL and Mr. Duke WINTER. After the ceremony, a reception was held at the home of the bride’s late grandfather, where the usual toasts were proposed and honoured. The large display of beautiful presents seen, affording tangible proof of regard. Mr. and Mrs. STRANG left after the reception for Donovan’s from where they entrain for Canada and the States on the wedding tour. They departed amid the chorus of good wishes, and in these far wider circle heartily join.

Thur. Dec. 1, 1921



Already two fatalities have been reported through persons using the newly formed ice as yesterday the Deputy Minister of Justice received the following message from Magistrate FITZGERALD of Grand Falls: - Enos DIAMOND, aged twenty-six, single, of Burnt Arm, was drowned there on Sunday afternoon. The deceased was walking on the newly formed ice in the Arm, when he fell through. The body was recovered 20 minutes later.”

Another message was received from Magistrate J. W. JANES of Greenspond: - “Rev. Mr. HUMPHRIES has wired me to say that Richard FARWELL of Salvage Bay, aged 32, was drowned in a pond inside the bay yesterday. The deceased was crossing the pond on his way home, when the ice gave way. The body was found this morning about 100 yards from the shore.” Every year at this particular season, accidents of this nature occur, through persons taking the risk of crossing ponds and harbours on thin ice.

Thur. Dec. 1, 1921




Perhaps the first Golden Wedding ever celebrated in the District of Bay-de-Verde, was that of Mr. and Mrs. Jabez LeGROW of Broad Cove, in whose home a reception was given on the evening of November twenty-second, in honour of the anniversary of their marriage fifty years ago. A large and unbroken family circle together with about one hundred guests, including relatives and friends from near and far, assembled for the notable occasion. Limited space prevents the naming of all who attended, but amongst the honoured guests were Capt. And Mrs. RUMSEY of St. John’s, who only a few weeks ago had the happy privilege of celebrating their Golden Wedding.

Many, however who were invited found it impossible to be present, but though distant from the scene of celebration, sent their messages, and letters of congratulation and hearty good wishes to mingle with those of the guests in attendance. A very lengthy message was sent by Mrs. PAYNE, matron of Grace Hospital, Winnepeg. Mrs. PAYNE is the eldest daughter of Capt. and Mrs. RUMSEY. The numerous messages and the many beautiful gifts received, are tokens of the esteem in which the Jubilee Pair are held.

In the Reception Rooms golden decorations were beautifully arranged. Particularly noticeable and handsome was the artistic Jubilee Motto, designed and presented by Dr. A. RUMSEY of St. John’s. The illuminated golden letters shining above the happy bride and bridegroom of the same evening half a century ago, helped in a large measure to make the wedding golden indeed.

Mr. and Mrs. LeGROW entered the race of life together in 1871, and although like most others, they have had their days of joy and sorrow, sunshine and shadows, prosperity and adversity, there is on all sides evidence that Fortune has from a golden horn showered golden blessings upon their pathway. Their bark has been wafted upon a golden sea.

Mr. LeGROW is well known throughout Newfoundland as a very successful business man. The keenness, foresight and perseverance, which characterized his days of young manhood, and made his business the success that it has been, still remains to a remarkable extent with him. Although his sons, Mr. Peter and Mr. Gilbert LeGROW have taken over the responsibility of the business, yet the father, it seems, is as active and keenly interested as ever.

Mrs. LeGROW was Miss RUMSEY of Broad Cove. During the days of her girlhood and young womanhood she won the respect and goodwill, of those who knew her, and throughout the fifty years of her married life has been held in the highest esteem by those among whom she lived.

A remarkable blessing for which Mr. and Mrs. LeGROW are very grateful is that there is not a broken link in their family circle. Their five children, Mrs. A. VATCHER, Messrs. Gilbert, Peter, Tasker and Arthur LeGROW are living quite near the parental home, in the same community.

It was truly delightful to see the large family circle, father and mother, the daughter and her husband, Magistrate VATCHER, the sons and their wives, and the nine grandchildren, amongst whom is the eldest grandchild, Rev. Ron VATCHER, together on such an occasion. A beautifully worded address expressing tender and loving sentiments, was read by the son, Mr. Peter LeGROW, in behalf of the family circle, and from them to the father was presented a gold-mounted walking-cane, and to the mother, a gold brooch with Jubilee engravings. The presentations were made by Master Chester LeGROW and Miss Pearl LeGROW, two of the little grandchildren.

Following the presentation, addresses fitting the occasion were given by Mr. Allen HUDSON, of Lower Island Cove, and Mr. J. M. NURRAY of Adam’s Cove.

Then there were musical selections very beautifully rendered by Mrs. Patrick DUNN and Miss Gwendolyn LeGROW. In music, song and pleasant conversation the hours flitted by all too quickly.

Dainty refreshments were served, and at the close of the evening the following Toasts were given: -

“Our King and Empire” – Rev. Geo. B. PICKERING. Followed by the National Anthem.

“Our Dominion – Newfoundland” – Rev. J. W. WINSOR. Followed by “Newfoundland Ode”

Response – Mr. William BAGGS

“Our Guests” – Mr. Isaac KING

“Our Host and Hostess” – Mr. W. H. BUTT

The singing of “Auld Lang Syne” brought to a close a very enjoyable reception, and one which will not be soon forgotten.

We felicitate our respected and venerable friends on having reached the golden age maturity, and trust that it may be many long years before they snap the golden link that bound them together. We hope to have the privilege of attending their Diamond Jubilee in 1931.

November 26, 1921



Swift as a shaft of light, the Angle of Death stooped down and bore away to the Great Beyond a life that was without guile. On Friday, November 25th, in an instant, David NEARY of Portugal Cove was stricken down. Crossing from Bell Island Friday morning in the best of health; at 2:30 p.m. he was dead. David NEARY was the eldest son of Peter and Mary NEARY (nee BOLGER), two families that were always looked up to as being of true honesty and integrity and the oldest stock in Portugal Cove. Coming from such stock, David NEARY early promised to follow in his progenitors’ footsteps. Just turning 23, he was a splendid type of manhood; deep sympathy is widespread for his parents and relatives. In himself was embodied a great promise. Un-assuming, gentle and kind and fighting silently and uncomplaining the malady that at length conquered him, he won the esteem of those that knew him and kept it unsullied.

But death whom kings and beggars dispatches cut short the psalm of life and leaves after him a jangled anthem that shall never again be atune. He leaves after him a sorrow stricken father and mother, two sisters, Mrs. F. F. JARDINE, Bell Island, Miss Agnes nursing in Boston, and two brothers, Austin and Joseph at home. Burial took place at Portugal Cove, the Rev. Fr. GOUGH, P.P., reading the last prayers proceeded by a few beautiful and touching words. A special steamer crossed from Bell Island at 2:30 bringing the Knights of Columbus and many citizens of Bell Island to attend the funeral. David NEARY is dead and no panygeric could benefit him one jot or tittle of praise. He was a kind and generous gentleman, and a splendid type of native born. Following the sublime teaching, he lived to forgive and be kind. He was a man without guile.


There passed peacefully away on Friday, 25th inst., an aged citizen in the person of John MURPHY of this town. The deceased, who had outlived the allotted span, being 82 years old, was ill for a week before the final summons came. He received the last rites of Holy Mother the Church, being attended by the Rev. M. F. DINN, who administered all the holy and consoling aids that make calm and peaceful the exit of the Spirit to the life beyond. The deceased was held in much respect by all who knew him. He was the type of citizen that all true men strive to be – industrious, honest, God-fearing and true. For more than forty years he was prominent in the Sacred Heart Union. His wife predeceased him some 9 years. He leaves to mourn him two sons, at home John and Joseph, one in America, Patrick. Besides his wife, 3 sons and as many daughters predeceased him. To his relatives, the sympathy of the community goes forth in their bereavement. His funeral took place on Sunday, being largely attended, showing the respect in which he was held. High Mass and Office was celebrated on Monday in St. Patrick’s Church by His Lordship Bishop MARCH, assisted by Rt. Rev. Mgr. McCARTHY, Reverends M. F. DINN, and T. O’NEIL. May his Soul rest in peace. – COM.

Carbonear, Nov. 28, 1921

On November 18th there passed peacefully away Mary Jane OSMOND at the ripe old age of 85 years and six months. Deceased was sick but a very short time. She leaves to mourn two sons and two daughters, George of Carbonear, Richard of Chelsea, Mass., Elizabeth EARLE of Toronto and Julia JACOBS of Northern Bay South with whom the deceased was living at the time of her death. She also leaves ten grandchildren and eleven great-grandchildren. Her remains were sent to Carbonear by Monday’s train to be laid to rest in mother earth to await the Resurrection morn.
“’Tis hard to break the tender cord,
When love has bound the heart,
‘Tis hard, so hard to speak the words,
We must forever part,
Yet again we hope to meet thee,
When the days of life are fled,
And in heaven with joy to greet thee,
Where no farewell tears are shed.”

Northern Bay South, Bay de Verde, Nov. 23rd, 1921

Sat. Dec. 17, 1921


(Sydney Records)

North Sydney, Dec. 10– "My wife has gone away and is not coming back, I don’t know who did it or anything about it.”

This is the only statement that can be obtained from Dan D. McDONALD, of Ross Ferry, who was brought to North Sydney jail at 4 o’clock this morning charged with the murder of his wife during a fit of insanity, late on Thursday afternoon.

According to police information, McDONALD waited until a lady guest had left the house, locked two of his small children in a room adjoining the kitchen, where his wife was nursing a nine month old baby, crept up on his wife from behind and killed her with two blows of an axe, later concealing the body in the cellar.

One of the children who witnessed the tragedy through the keyhole, gave the alarm, neighbors gathered and searched the house and found the body. Chief of Police Dan COWANS was summoned from North Sydney 18 miles away. McDONALD offered no resistance and denied all knowledge of the crime, saying simply that his wife had gone away, would not return and that he dose not know where she is.

The murdered woman was formerly Miss Sarah Ann McDONALD, and was a Native of Newfoundland. Several years ago she married Dan D. McDONALD and they resided for a time at North Sydney where they acquired a property on Logan Street. He was employed first in No.2 Scotia colliery and afterwards in No.3 mine.

What Started it.

George FORAY, North Sydney jailer, who now has McDONALD in custody, says that he worked with the prisoner in the pit several years ago, and that McDONALD was struck on the head by a fall of rock and has never been same since.

About 1917, McDONALD went absolutely insane and was confined in a provincial hospital. Two years ago he was released and cured, and has since been living on a farm at Ross Ferry. Neighbors say that from time to time he developed moodiness and “Queer streaks.” For instance it was a favorite stunt of his to run through the house with a keen knife, which he would drive into the walls.

They spoke to his wife about it but she refused to make complaint, saying that her husband was harmless and that he would not hurt a chicken. She declared that he had not the heart to kill the family pig in the fall and that they had had to get someone else to do it.

For the past day or so Miss Alice COUSINS, of North Sydney, also formerly of Newfoundland, has been a guest of the McDONALDs. Thursday afternoon Miss COUSINS started for the post office, leaving McDONALD seated in the kitchen with his wife, who was nursing the baby.

Missed Mrs. McDonald

On her return, some time later, she missed Mrs. McDONALD and asked McDONALD where she was. He replied that she had gone to a neighbors. The young woman noticed that her hat and coat were still in the house and remarked upon it.

"Oh well,” said McDONALD, “she is out with one of the neighbors.” and he went on wood-cutting.

The crying of children in an adjoining room attracted Miss COUSINS attention and on opening the door two little tots came out and told her that McDONALD had locked them in there after Miss COUSINS left the house, and through the keyhole they saw their father kill their mother with the axe and drag the body down cellar.

Miss COUSINS at first though it was a child’s imagination, but went looking for Mrs. McDONALD among the neighbors. The alarm spread and fifteen or twenty men gathered, but took pains not to arouse the madman’s suspicions because they feared he was armed.

The first to arrive was asked what he was looking for and replied that he had lost two cattle, “this is a strange time to have cattle out,” said McDONALD. However he went into the home, and others arriving took away a gun which hung on the wall.

Very careful search was made for the body of the women who had disappeared.

McDONALD stated that “Sally Ann,” as he called his wife, had gone away. Search was continued everywhere, but so carefully was the body concealed that it was not found till around eight o’clock or later in the evening in the cellar between two walls.

The body was forced into this narrow space and rocks and earth pulled over on it. Above this was straw and hayseed, giving the place all the appearance of a spot where vegetable had been covered to keep away the frost.

There was evidence of two blows having been struck one behind the ear and the other in the back of the head, crushing the skull.

Attempts were made to get a Constable from Baddeck, which is nearer than North Sydney, but a 9 o’clock a message was put through to Chief COWANS who came out in an auto with Officer MADDOCKSs.

Meanwhile McDONALD and his neighbors lingered about the house, each apparently afraid to make any move until the police arrived. McDONALD did not offer any resistance, merely denying all knowledge of the crime.

He was handcuffed and brought to jail, and his preliminary hearing will probably begin at once, unless the surgeons pronounce him insane.

McDONALD is 40 years of age, and had five children. Strange to say, the baby the mother was nursing when she was killed was not harmed by the frenzied maniac.

(NOTE: I wasn’t able to obtain the Year of Events from the microfilms, but John was able to get them in St. John’s, thus the Year of Events were not proofread.)




Dec. 26. - P. J. COLBERT and Miss Mary CULLEN, Torbay.

R. BROWN, Tack’s Beach, P.B., and Miss Annie PARSONS, Clattice Harbour.

Dec. 27. - George F. AYRES, Point Crew, and Miss Hilda M. HILLIER, High Beach, Lamaline.

Dec. 28. - Harold LEVERMAN, Halifax, and Miss Beatrice M. WALKINS, St. John’s, at Annapolis Royal, N.S.

Dec. 30. - Stephen HUNT, Harbour Grace, and Miss Ida NORMORE, Bell Island.



Jan. 6. - Alfred Sidney PEARCE, Bishop Falls, and Miss Rita FLYNN, Harbour Grace.

Felix HOGAN and Miss Monica HOGAN, Northern Bay.

Jan. 12. - Ernest F. GEAR and Miss Irene MOORE.

Jan. 15. - Norman BUTT, Spaniard’s Bay, and Miss Mary KELLY, Bareneed.

Jan. 19. - Capt. TUFF and Miss Anna COOK.

Jan. 20. – D. WILLIAMS, Bay Bulls, and Miss Anna Maria KEOUGH, St. John’s.

Jan. 29. - Peter TUCKER, St. Phillip’s, and Miss Pearl SMITH, St. John’s.

Jan. 30. - Michael O’BRIEN, Placentia and Miss Mary McGRATH, Argentia.


Feb. 1. - James RYAN, Spaniard’s Bay, and Miss Mona BRENNAN, Bay Robert’s.

Feb. 2. - John T. AYLWARD and Miss Madge CROWDELL.

Feb. 6. - Patrick M. WADDEN and Miss Bessie FURLONG.

Feb. 8. - Charles A. LEVERMAN and Miss Chrissie M. KEOUGH.

Feb. 12. - Robert BYRNE, New York, and Miss Annie McGRATH, Colliers.


Mar. 5. - John J. POTTLES and Miss Mary J. THORNE

Mar. 10. - Leonard BUTT, Freshwater, B.D.V., and Miss Clarissa T. WINDSOR, Carbonear.

Mar. 19. - James J. HICKEY and Miss Blanch Long ATTELL, at Harlow, Florida.

Mar. 23. - Kenmuir BLAIR and Miss Anna May DAVIS, at Houlton, Maine, U.S.A.

Dr. Ernest J. GORDON and Miss Daisy Margaret GOODYEAR at Ottawa.

Mar. 27. - Frederick COLBOURNE and Miss Teresa R. WHITE.

Mar. 29. - Ex-Sergeant Horatio GROUCHY, Pouch Cove, and Miss Mamie READER, Bonavista.

Mar. 31. - Charles LEVITZ and Miss Katie SWEESKY

David G. KEOUGH and Miss Cecelia J. BROWNE, at Brooklyn, Mass.


April 6. - Leo James DALY, Dearborn, Michigan, and Miss Esther Victoria LANNON, S. E. Army, Placentia.

April 7. - William J. SHAW and Miss Constance Stanley BREEZE, at Winthrop, Mass.

April 12. - Capt. Harold BARTLETT, Brigus, and Miss Mable Blanche MAUNDER.

April 14. - J. C. BROWN and Miss Nora BUTLER.

April 21. - Freeman SHEPPARD and Miss Annie NOEL, South Side, Harbour Grace.

April 30. - John C. PICCO, Bell Island, and Miss Minnie TUCKER, Thorburn Road.


May 11. - L. HICKS and Miss A. PENDERGRAST, Avondale.

May 24. - Llewellyn BARTLETT, Trinity, and Miss Nellie PIERCEY.

Harry FOOTE, and Miss Maisie RUMSON, Carbonear.

May 25. - Capt. Douglas BURDON, Carbonear, and Miss Bertha SPOONER, Brigus.

May 26. - W. D. SIMPSON and Miss Doris WHEATON at Halifax .


June 1. - Ex-Sergeant Arch PEARCE, Clarenville and Miss Nina TUCK, Hant’s Harbour.

June 2. - Clifford Lea DOGFROY and Miss Marjorie Pitts AYRE, at Truro, N.S.

June 4. - Capt. Reginald Grant PATERSON, M.C., and Miss Margaret Eleanor COUSTON.

June 6. - Jonathan BRETT and Miss Helen Edith HUNT.

June 7. - Martin SEAWARD and Miss Laura MAHONEY, North River.

Russell McNEIL and Miss Annie WALSH, Placentia, at New Aberdeen.

June 8. - Cecil R. PUDDESTER and Miss Ethel WHITEWAY.

Dr. C. P. HUNT, Barrister, Fenwick, M.C., and Miss Jacqueline McCULLOUGH at Toronto.

C. E. HUNT, Barrister, and Miss Signe Augustine LINDAL, Grand Falls, at Whitbourne.

June 9. - Charles PARSONS and Miss Lilian Mary RANSOM, at Topsail .

June 14. - M. A. JOHNS, Curling, and Miss Isabel STEELE, Grand Falls.

June 15. - Edward KENNEDY and Miss Marion O’BRIEN.

June 16. - John Poole BAIRD and Miss Margaret Anderson CARTER.

June 18. - John BROWN, Brownsdale, T. B., and Miss Maude LAKE, Fortune.

June 20. - Thomas KENT and Miss Polly MALONE.

June 21. - James E. RYAN and Miss Phyllis GERTRUDE, Wakeley at Barnstaple, Devonshire.

June 23. - Walter P. PYKE, Toronto, and Miss Jannie ASH.

June 25. - Hubert Edward JOHNSON and Miss Margaret Eleanor STEER at West Hartford, Connecticut.

June 27. - Capt. Walter J. BARNES and Miss Gladys L. W. PETERS.

June 28. - Hubert R. PARSONS and Miss Margaret R. PAUL.

June 29. - Frank MURPHY and Miss Bride DOBBIN.

Rev. Henry GORDON, M.A., Cartwright, Labrador, and Miss ASPELL, England at Cartwright

June 30. - D. A. McRAE and Miss Mary C. JACKMAN.

Walter B. LAURENCE and Miss Carrie Cowan CROCKER.

Weston Kimball KEEPING and Miss Valette KEAN, Brookfield, B.B. at Toronto.


July 5. - James V. RYAN and Miss Edith Mary McGRATH.

July 12. - Capt. C. Sydney FROSY, M.C., and Miss Gertrude R. HAINS, Yarmouth, N.S.

Fred BURSEY, Catalina and Miss Lizzie EDGECOMBE.

Dr. J. B. O’REILLY and Miss Dallas Victory BAIRD.

Nicholas P. HUNT and Miss Clarice Andrews PICCOTT.

July 14. - Archibald Roy KENDALL and Miss Alice WHITE.

July 19. - W. S. BOWDEN and Miss Ethel Anna Jessie BARNES.

July 21. - Mr. HILLIARD and Miss Laura TALOR, Carbonear.

July 23. - Thomas NEWELL, Pittsburgh, and Mrs. Emma MILLER, Topsail on S.S. Rosalind.

Francis R. ROBERTS and Miss Mary Jane GUY at Chelsea, Mass.

July 25. - Nicholas J. McDONALD and Miss Elizabeth SAVAGE.


Aug. 2. - Raymond Chesley WELLS, Bay Roberts, and Miss Jeanette Edgar COULTAS, St. John’s

Aug. 4. - Thomas A. HORAN and Miss Nellie GRANT.

Aug. 8. - Richard HISCOCK, Grand Falls, and Miss Vida J. LeDREW.

Aug. 9. - Capt. Hugh C. NIGHTINGALE, M.C., Kenya, to Miss Mona Murray FRANKLIN, at Nairobi, British East Africa.

Aug. 10. - Reginald W. BENNETT and Miss Martha Monteith KEPPLE.

Aug. 11. - Gilbert NOFTLE and Miss Ethel BROWN, Bonavista.

Aug. 13. - Capt. Wilson R. RIGGS, Grand Bank, and Miss Sophia Daisy DEWEY, Glovertown, B.B.

Aug. 15. - George Leo A. SHEA and Miss Elizabeth M. DARCY.

Aug. 16. - Ambrose HISCOCK and Miss Lizzie SPICER, Winterton.

Aug. 17. - T. J. CLEARY, Bishop’s Falls, and Miss Annie POWER, Harbour Grace.

Aug. 18. - Leonard TAYLOR, Carbonear, and Miss Nellie BARTER, St. John’s.

Aug. 21. - Charles KELLY and Miss Agnes SPURRELL.

Aug. 23. - Harold PIKE and Miss Ethel NOFTALL.

Aug. 24. - Dr. Cecil D. KEAN and Miss Lelia MOULTON.

Aug. 29. - John JOHNSON and Miss Bes (?) MEANEY.

Peter PETTIPAS, Whitbourne and Miss Etta GOSLING, Bonavista.

Aug. 30. - Cyril James FOX, M.H.A., and Miss Mary CASHIN.

Aug. 31. - Edwin J. GODDEN and Miss Gertrude DAWE, at Topsail.

Thomas P. McCARTHY, Grand Falls, and Miss Anna McCARTHY, Carbonear.


Sept. 2. - C. C. ROBERTSON and Miss Edith ARCHARD, at Halifax.

Sept. 3. - William M. C. WILLCOCK and Miss Alice Mary COOKE.

Sept. 6. - William J. CHAFE and Miss Madeline Mary CURTIS

Thomas Monroe MOTT and Miss Annie H. GOSSE, at Halifax.

Sept. 8. - William BEMISTER, New Perlican, and Miss Myrtle WHELAN, Cupids.

Sept. 10. - Capt. Harold FREEMAN, M.C., and Miss Jessie JOB.

John A. BARRON and Miss Anita Mercedes DELGADO.

Sept. 13. - Allan G. CARTER and Miss Eda PITTMAN, Topsail.

Sept. 14. - Patrick J. HAYES and Miss Catherine Mary WALSH.

Rev. J. G. JOYCE, B.A., and Miss Susie M. CARLTON at Souris, P.E.I.

Harold HOWELL and Miss C. TAYLOR, Carbonear, at Revere, Mass.

Sept. 15. - John D. O’DRISCOLL and Miss Madeline O’DEA.

Sept. 21. - Walter DROVER and Miss Lilian SNOW, Clarke’s Beach.

Sept. 22. - Kenneth ATTWOOD, Safe Harbour, and Miss Maggie PRETTYMAN.


Oct. 7. - Capt. Kevin KEOGAN, M.C., and Miss Evelyn HUMISTON at Willoughby, Ohio.

Oct. 8. - Herbert G. BASTOW and Miss Amy Stafford.

Oct. 11. - E. J. GOFF, Carbonear, and Miss Lizzie DUNN.

Oct. 20. - Michael SAVAGE and Miss Margaret Eileen WALSH.

James J. EVERARD and Miss Alice MURPHY.

Oct. 26. - Capt. C. B. DICKS and Miss Elsie Grace EDWARDS.

Oct. 27. - Luke WALSH and Miss Madeline LAWLOR.

Oct. 28. - R. G. INGLIS and Miss Doris TAYLOR, at Montreal.


Nov. 3. - Thomas R. MURPHY, Benton, and Miss Kate McLEAN.

Nov. 10. - Charles NEWBURY and Miss Violet M. MAUNDER.

William Robert BOONE and Miss Susie Evelyn PORTER, Kelligrews.

Nov. 14. - Malcolm J. YETMAN and Miss Florence Linda ROWE.

John Robert SIMMS and Miss Lillie GARLAND, Gaultois.

Nov. 15. - Harold OXLEY and Miss Mary Eugene BARRON.

Thomas MAHAR, Flat Rock, and Miss Carman R. MERCER.

Nov. 16. - Patrick KEARNEY and Miss Catherine DUFF.

Nov. 17. - Gerald O’BRIEN and Miss Gertrude CAHILL, Carbonear.

Nov. 21. - Patrick HARRINGTON and Miss Margarette FITZPATRICK, Carbonear.

Nov. 26. - John J. STRANG and Miss Marjorie Alison ANGEL.

Nov. 30. - Kenneth STAMP and Miss Annie MOAKLER.


Dec. 2. - Llewellyn SAUNDERS, Norfolk, Va., and Miss Gertrude McDONALD, Salvage.

Dec. 5. - Jesse BUTT and Miss Minnie BUTT, Western Bay.

Dec. 6. - Ernest Frederick PETERS and Miss Katherine Althea KENDALL.

Dec. 8. - John ST. JOHN, Pontypidd, Wales, and Miss Emeline Florence JOLIFFE.

Dec. 10. - William James CHURCH and Miss Ruth Margaret ORR.

Dec. 14. - Arthur Chesley HOLMES and Miss Fan B. ROGERSON.

Dec. 15. - Alfred MARS and Miss Jessie RUSSELL.

Charles H. PALMEN, Sherbrooke, P.Q. and Miss Helen ANDERSON.

Dec. 19. - John BARRETT and Miss Gladys G. WHITEWAY.

Dec. 20. - Hayward CLARKE and Miss Eliza HUMPHRIES.

Dec. 21. - John WINSOR and Mrs. G. W. SOPER, Carbonear.

Dec. 28. - Lawrence MULLALY, Northern Bay and Miss Mary KENNY, Conche.



Dec. 22. - Richard GRIFFIN, Conception Harbour, 67

Dec. 30. - John McLEOD, 63.

Dec. 31. - Bernard CAMPBELL at Glace Bay



Jan. 1. - Mrs. John MOREY

Jan 2. - Edgar KELLOWAY, Perry’s Cove 73.

Jan. 3. - Mrs. Thomas BENSON, 43

Jan. 4. - Mrs. Charles W. GREEN, South Norwood, England, 80

Jan. 6. - Mrs. Mary Jane WHITTEN, Kelligrews.

Jan. 8. - Mrs. Theresa Gordon FRASER, Bay Robert’s.

Jan 10. - Mrs. Margaret KENNEDY.

John SNELGROVE, Grate’s Cove.

Mrs. Jane REID, Harbour Buffett.

Jan. 11. - Peter CASE, Aquaforte

Jan. 13. - Daniel MONROE, 74.

Mrs. Elizabeth ENGLISH, 87.

Mrs. Daniel KENNEDY.

Mrs. Arthur PETERS.

Jan. 14. - Daniel McDONALD.

Edward TRACEY, 18.


Jan. 15. - Daniel ASHLEY, 74.

Nellie HOWELL.

Francis GUSHUE.

Joseph J. REID.

John DOWNEY, Bell Island.

Jan. 16. – Mrs. William GUSHUE, St. Joseph’s.

Jan. 17. - Ex-sergeant John RYAN.

Jan. 18. - Michael A. DUFFY, 48.

Jan 19. - Mrs. Denis BARTLETT.

Benjamin MORRIS, Lower Island Cove.

James SAUNDERS, Shearstown, 90.

Jan. 20. - James DeLACEY, 21.

Jan. 23. - Johannah POWER, Placentia, 85.

W. J. ALLAN, 56.

Jan. 25. - Cecilia Francis JOHNSON, 40.

Mrs. Ellen JONES.

Jan. 26. - Samuel KAVANAGH, 78.

Rev. Thomas HARRIS, at Montreal, 90.

John M. HOLLAND at Boston, Mass.

Miss Minnie EVANS, St. Jacques.

Jan. 27. - Mrs. Delphine JARDINE, Bay Roberts

Jan. 29. - Charles TRENCHARD, H.M.M., 82

Jan. 30. - Mrs. Mary SMYTH, 65.

Jan. 31. - Jacob HORWOOD, Quidi Vidi, 74


Feb. 1. - Miss Elsie JACOBS, Bay de Verde, 28.

Joseph KENNEDY, Fox Trap, 67.

Feb. 2. - Mrs. Elizabeth DRISCOLL, 85

Mrs. Patrick POWER.

John E. STEER, (Steer Bro.), 63.

Hon. Walter Baine GRIEVE, C.B.E., 71

Feb. 4. - Thomas H. BAILEY, Heart’s Content, 77.

Feb. 9. - Eugene B. THOMPSON, Harbour Grace, 84.

Mrs. Elizabeth GILLARD, at Preston, Ont.

Feb. 10. - Joseph WOODFORD, 45.

Feb. 11. - Mrs. Mary Anne MALONE.

Feb. 14. - Rev. Canon John Monk NOEL, Harbour Grace, 82.

Feb. 21. - Thomas Hill COOPER, 85.

Feb. 22. - Mrs. Lydia THORNE, 77.

Alfred M. HORWOOD, Harbour Grace, 84.

Isaac SPENCER, 74.

Feb. 23. - William GREEN, Freshwater Road.

Mrs. Elizabeth Rixon CARNELL, 76.

Mrs. William DUNN, 71.

Feb. 24. - Thomas WALSH, 45.

Thomas H. DAVIS, 45,

Joseph Clemence SQUIRES, 21.

Feb. 25. - Miss Susanna TOOP, Ireland’s Eye, 19.

Feb. 26. - Matthew PRIMM, 42

James Bolter CROSSMAN, 58.

Feb. 27. - Mrs. Miriam PITCHER.


Mar. 1 - Alexander Taylor CLOUSTON at Ringwood, Hants, England, 30

Mar. 4. - Frederick E. FITZGERALD.

William N. WOODLEY, 76.

Mar. 5. - Miss Mary M. WALSH.

Patrick CONNELL, 72.

Mrs. Frederick CRITCH, Hant’s Harbour, 40.

Mar. 6. - Capt. Levi DIAMOND, 87.

Mrs. Mary A. BISHOP, 84.

Mar. 7. - Mrs. Wilson VOKEY, Bay Roberts 72.

Mar. 8. - Mrs. Ernest G. WINSOR.

Mar. 9. - William St. JOHN, 88.

Mrs. Francis MARTRET, 20.

Thomas E. STABB, (New York) at Yarmouth, England, 56

Mar. 11 - William Henry WHITTEN, 76.

Mar. 12. - Mrs. Mary BULGER.

Mar. 14. - John Callahan, 76.

Miss Bessie BALLAM, Bay Roberts, 19.

Mar. 15. - Albert YOUNG, Upper Island Cove, 73.

Mar. 16. - Mrs. Matilda CHANCEY.

Mar. 17. - Miss Nellie M. LEVER, Heart’s Content, 19.

Alolphe MURPHY, Burin, at Boston, 18.

Patrick F. FLEMING, 66.

Walter Ernest HAYWARD, at Sierra Madre, California, 37.

Mar. 19. - Philip HICKS, Carmanville.

Martin GRIFFIN, C.M.G., Parliamentary Librarian at Ottawa and native of St. John’s, 74.

Eusebius (Frank) LEWIS, 77.

Mrs. Ellen P. FITZGERALD, 85.

Mrs. Ester CRANE, Upper Island Cove, 66.

Mar. 20. - Mrs. Alice TRELEGAN.

Mar. 21. - Ronald WISEMAN, Bell Island, 15.

Mar. 22. - Mrs. W.K. ANGWIN, Curling.

Mrs. Thomas R. BENNETT, (Harbour Grace) at Westville, N.S.

Mrs. Mary PRUNTY, 35.

Mar. 24. - Mrs. Emma COVEYDUCK, 94.

Mar. 26. - John P. CURTIN, 58.

Mrs. Ernest WELSH, Carbonear.

Mar. 27. - Mrs. Richard WAKEHAM.

Mar. 28. - John W. WITHERS, King’s Printer, 78.

Mar. 29. - Samuel KELLAND, Heart’s Content.

Miss Marianne J. RUBY.

Mar. 30. - Heber BUTLER, 32.

Mar. 31. - Mrs. Sarah J. Harvey THOMAS, 85.


April 1 - John FRANCIS, 55.

Benjamin POWELL, Carbonear.

Mrs. William SHEA, 30.

April 3. - Mrs. Mary DINN. St. Joseph’s, 86.


April 4. - Mrs. Emma DAWE, Bay Roberts.

Matthew HICKEY, Master Cooper.

Garrett BESSO, Holyrood, 77.

April 6. - John HEALY, 13.

April 7. - Charles F. ARMSTRONG, at West Philadelphia, 57.

April 9. - Mrs. Edward ADAMS.

Nathaniel TAYLOR, South Side, Carbonear, 85.

April 10. - Dr. Fred J. WHITE, (Greenspond), at Moncton, N.B., 58.

Thomas McDONALD, Western Bay, 34.

April 11. - Herbert Henry BATSTONE, Nipper harbour.

Mrs. Theresa BOGGAN, 19.

April 13. - Thomas SINNOTT, Kilbride, 17.

Alexander MERCER, Topsail, 42.

Michael FITZHENRY at Walpole, Mass. 77.

April 17. - Mrs. Elizabeth RICHARDS, 76.

Mrs. Mark CHIPMAN.

April 18. - John R. COLLINS, H.M.C., Placentia.

April 19. - James LAWRENCE, Coachman, Government House, 59.

John J. PAYNE, 65.

Miss Esther MELVIN, Tor’s Cove

Mrs. Bridget CONWAY.

April 21. - Head Constable CRANE, Channel.

Miss Bride ROUD.

April 22. - Moses WELSH, the Gullies, Brigus 78.

April 23. - Orestes DAVIS, Harbour Grace., 68.

Capt. William E. PARSONS.

April 24. - Rev. Canon SMITH, Episcopal Commissary, 76.

Mrs. Delphine JOYCE, Freshwater, B.D.V., 78.

Mrs. George PARSONS, Grand Falls, 26.

April 25. - Joseph ROPER, 59.

April 26. - Algernon H. PROWSE, 52.

Miss. Myrtis LIND, Grand Falls, 21.

John RYAN, Spaniard’s Bay, 22.

April 29. - Ex-Sergeant William F. PHELAN.

Thomas J. WALSH, 28.

Alexander SCOTT, at Washington, Vermont.

Mrs. Georgiana GRENFELL, mother of Dr. Grenfell, C.M.G., 88.

April 30. - Ex-Sergeant Uriah G. BURSSEY, Caplin Cove, B.D.V.


May 1. - James Benedict KENNEY.

May 2. - Philip EARL, 19.

John M. WILCOX, (Brigus) at Montreal, 71.

May 3. - Eugene HARVEY, at Bermuda.

Peter Frederick LeMESSURIER, 73.

May 4. - Mrs. Jane PENNEY, Udell Garland, 83.

Ralph HISCOCK, Brigus.

May 5. - Mrs. Mary Ann MYRICK.

Mrs. Andrew WALSH, 72.

May 6. - John MULLOWNEY, 65.

May 8. - Mrs. James R. HAYES, St. George’s

May 9. - J. PADDICK, Grand Falls.

May. 10 - Patrick J. ALLAN, 58.

May. 11. - A. E. REID, Chief Cook, S.S. Sachem, at sea.

George C. HUDSON.

Miss Doris Lucella CAVE, Bay Roberts, 16.

May 12 - Thomas MOREL, Trinity and Blanc Sablon, 72.

May 13. - Mark HOWELL, Heart’s Content.

Mrs. William ARMSTRONG.

MAY 16. - Mrs. (Rev), T. W. ATKINSON.


May 17. - Miss Mary Wilhelmina CAMERON, Carbonear, 31.

James RICKETT, White Bay.

Thomas KELLY Renews, 77.

May 19. - Mrs. (Rev.) W. C. SHEARS, at Forestville, Maryland.

May 21. - Mrs. Isaac THOMPSON, Gander Bay, 22.

May 24. - James YETMAN, ex-R.N.R. 26.

James GOODWIN, New Melbourne, 55.

May 25. - James DUFF (Carbonear) at Halifax. 47.

May 26. - Thomas SUMMERS , Carbonear, in Hospital at Gibraltar.

Mrs. John RYAN, Bell Island, 52.

May 27. - Miss Winnie BENSON, Harbour Grace.

May 28. - Mrs. John SAUNDERS, Carbonear, 54.

May 30. - Mrs. James Robert KNIGHT, 82.

Capt. James RYAN, Spaniard’s Bay.


June 2. - Michael HICKEY.

June 3. - Miss. Bridie CORMACK

Richard BAILEY, 80.


June 4. - James N. HADDON, Fortune, 75.

Mrs. James HARRIS, Bonavista.

June 5. - Capt. Patrick J. HOWARD, H.M.C.

June 8. - Frederick R. FARNHAM, Heart’s Content, 54

Mrs. Philip BROWN

James KENNEDY, Cooper, 61.

Francis Xavier MILLER, Fogo, 27.

James McINTYRE, 77.

Miss Teresa RODGERS, 16.

Mrs. Charles MURPHY, 25.

June 9. - Dr. G. F. BOWDEN, Wesleyville, at New York.

Mrs. Briget Stack DOOLEY, 70.

June 10. - Archibald MACPHERSON, (Royal Stores Ltd.) at London, 57.

June 12 - Mrs. Annie O’Keefe RICE, 72.

Absalom TAYLOR, 73.

Mrs. Emma Burnham DALEY, 75.

June 13. - Mrs. Mary Ann ANGEL, 76.

Mrs. George POOLE, Carbonear.

June 15. - Mrs. Ellen RUNDLE, 84.

John J. PUMPHERY, Grand Falls.

June 16. - Alfred G. YOUNG, Lewisporte at Philadelphia, 75.

Michael DELANEY, Placentia, 60.

Robert MUNNAN, of Coatsbridge, (S.S. Canadian Ranger).

June 17. - Richard CHRISTOPHER, 48.

Mrs. Patrick DONOVAN, 62.

June 19. - Mrs. Gertrude Woodford KELLY, 20.

George GARDNER, New Harbour, 62.

Andrew Archibald WALSH, formerly of Carbonear, at Gananque, P.Q. 66.

Mrs. Violet Sybil MARSHALL, 24.

June 21. - Mrs. Catherine RUSSELL, (“Grandma” Russell), Bay Roberts, 86.

June 23. - Willis DRISCOLL, 60.

Miss Winnie SELLERS, Western Bay, at Boston Mass.

Robert Oswald CROSBIE, Bay Roberts, 18.

Irene SPENCER, Carbonear, 15.

June 25. - Mrs. Anna COOK, 79.


June 27. - Azarah PARSONS, 74.

June 28. - Michael ROACH, 58.

June 29. - William A. ASPELL, 81.


July 1 - Miss Catherine WHALEN, 17.

July 2. - Daniel BISHOP, Burin, 82.

July 3. - Mrs. Annie Field LANDSTALL, nee FREW, at Las Palmas, Canary Island.

Miss Annie WALSH.

July 4. - Mrs. Catherine WICKHAM, 63.

July 7. - Michael FITZGERALD, 44.

July 9. - Arthur L. OKE, Botwood.

Michael FITZGERALD, 83.

July 12. - Nathaniel W. ROWE, Heart’s Content, at North Sydney, 22.

July 13. - James DAVIS.

July 17. - Miss Bride PINE, English Harbour, Fortune Bay, 20.

July 18 - John M. SQUIRES, 18.

July 20. - John GILLESPIE, Carbonear.

July 21. - Miss Margaret WALSH.

July 23. - Mrs. J COX.

July 24. - Michael WALSH, 60.

Miss Sarah BASHA, 19.

July 26. - Mrs. Susannah POWER, Carbonear, 79.

Miss Ella RYAN.

July 28. - John O’DRISCOLL.

July 31. - Mrs. Margaret FLYNN, 78.


Aug. 2. - Mrs. Edward B. JOYCE, Carbonear, 79.

Aug. 3. - Miss Mary Elizabeth HORWOOD.

Aug. 4. - John E. PARSONS (Freshwater B.D.V.) At Chelsea, Mass. 49.

Aug. 5. - Mrs. Ellen SAPP.

Aug. 7. - John DONNELLY, 68.

Aug. 8. - Mrs. Mary Jane FRENCH, 78.

Aug. 9. - Mrs. Elizabeth Joyce TAYLOR, 74.

Mrs. Alfred J. MOAKLER, 25.

Lieut.-Commander Cyril D. FENN, R.N. at Alston Court, Suffolk, England.

Aug. 10. - John BENNETT, Bell Island, 89.

Mrs. John DOWNEY, Bell Island.

Aug. 12. - Joseph JANES, Southside, Carbonear.

Miss Margaret Florence WINSOR, 16.

James LOCKE, 17.

Aug. 13. - John GRIFFIN, 43.

Aug. 14. - James B. SCLATER, 67.

Mrs. Mary Julia WHITTEN, Hagerty Street.

Aug. 15. - Mrs. Martha GILES, 52.

James Robin STICK, Royal Stores at Seal Cove, 65.

Aug. 16. - James WORRALL, 82.

Thomas CUNNINGHAM, 19.

Aug. 18. - John McNAMARA, H.M.C., 54

Mrs. Monica M. RAY, Carbonear. 29.

Aug. 19. - John J. BIRD, Dunville, 23.

Mrs. Robert MOORE, Crocker’s Cove, Carbonear.

Aug. 20. - Mrs. Eliza BRUSHETT, 94.

Peter MITCHELL, at Omaha.

Aug. 22. - Henry HURD, Montreal, 71.

Mrs. John A. WHITE, Bond Street.

Aug. 25. - John GALLIVAN, Cooper, 78.

Aug. 26. -John BINDON, H.M.C., 78.

William PENNEY, Burnt Head, Carbonear.

Aug. 27. - Patrick J. O’LEARY, at Glace Bay, 54.

Aug. 28. - Mrs. Edwin CATER, 46.

Miss Vera Armorel WELLS, Bay Roberts, 25.

Aug. 29. - Herbert AVERY, Grates Cove.

Miss Margaret (Madge) QUICK, 21.

Michael Anthony DAVANNA, 76.

Aug. 31. - Walter DUNPHY, Dunville, 63.


Sept. 1. - Fred OATES, Carbonear.

Sept. 2. - Miss Laura M. McGRATH, Patrick’s Cove, P.B., 18.

William Henry CLARKE, Carbonear.

Sept. 3. - Walter SPRACKLIN, at Chelsea, Mass. 43.

Sept. 4. - Hon. John BROWNING, M.L.C., 65.

Mrs. Eliza Churchill PARMITER, 93

Mrs. Johanna Conway GRACE, 75.

Sept. 6. - Archibald MERCER, Upper Island Cove, on Deer Lake Road, 72.

Sept 7. - James NEAL, Spaniard’s Bay 76.

Sept. 9. - Mrs. Bridget DWYER, oldest resident of Bell Island, native of County Kilkenny, 92.

Thomas DWYER, Bell Island, 89

Philip CORCORAN, 78.

Sept. 12. - Mrs. Mary MURPHY, 90.

Sept. 13. - James KELLY, 44.

Sept. 14. - Thomas CURTIS, Trepassey, 60.

Miss Alice WALSH, Kilbride.

Sept. 16. - Michael McDONALD, Norris Arm, in train when returning from Badger Road.

Mrs. Joseph TAAFE, 46.

Sept. 17. - John WHITE, Postmaster, Twillingate, 69.

Mrs. Michael O’ROURKE, 38.

Lucy DRAKE, Oderin, 12.

Sept. 18. - Miss Elizabeth May (Bessie) TAYLOR.

Mrs. Hezekiah JANES, 26.

Sept. 21. - Mrs. Catherine HAND, at Cleveland, Ohio.


Daniel HOGAN, St. Mary’s. 74

Sept 23. - Charles Blanchard BLACKIE, 46

Mrs. Abraham SNOW, 69.

Sept. 24. - Mrs. George RUMSEY, 67.

Miss Gladys HERALD, Carbonear, 21.

Alfred PETERSON, Ships Carpenter, S.S. Harmony, 65.

Sept. 25. - John O’RIELLY, 62.

Mrs. James KING.

Sept. 26. - Mrs. Patrick DELANEY at Montreal, 6.

Sept. 27. - David GOSSE, Torbay.

Samuel COLES, S.S. Manoa.

Mrs. Susan LESTER, 60.

Sept. 28. - James SEARS, 67.

Sept. 30. - Mrs. John LANNIGAN, 48.


Oct. 2. - George William WHITTEN.

Oct. 3. - George BUTT, 66.

Hillary C. CAREY, 37.

Nathaniel CRANE, Upper Island Cove, 71.

Oct. 4. - Mrs. Margaret REID.

Oct. 7. - Charles SQUIBB, Carbonear.

Oct. 9. - Samuel HEATH, H.M.C., 78.

Mrs. M. J. MORRIS, 35.

Oct. 10. - Miss Emma Colen FALES, 85.

Robert PENDDIGREW, Carbonear, 58.

Oct. 12. - Mrs. James BURDEN, Carbonear. 35.

Oct. 13. - Miss Typhena GADEN, 86.

Miss Agnes DENIEF, 20

Oct. 15. - Mrs. Charles PITTMAN, New Perlican.

Mrs. Elizabeth Grace ANTHONY, 72.

Oct. 16. - Mrs. James HOWELL, Carbonear, 86.

Oct. 17. - Mrs. Louisa S. CANNING, 83.

Mrs. Carrie ASPELL, 68.

Oct. 18. - Stephen KNIGHT, 57.

Oct. 19. - Mrs. Sophia E. TAYLOR.

Henry MILES, Open Hall, 78

Oct. 20. - Freeman MARCH, Old Perlican.

Andrew WALSH, 85.

Oct. 21. - William La SHANAN, 97.

Mrs. Moses SPURRELL.

Oct. 24. - James H. SULLIVAN, Pouch Cove, 46.

Mrs. Abram BURSSEY, Port de Grave, 63.

Oct. 25. - William ASPELL, Avondale, 70.

Oct. 26. - Miss Margaret CONWAY, 21.

Oct. 27. - Mrs. Norah CROWE.

Bernard Louis BENNETT, 15.

Patrick MURPHY, 39.

Oct. 28. - Mrs. James EVANS, Adam’s Cove, 47.

William George SKANES, Bell Island, 14.

Oct. 29. - Mrs. Mary ROSE, 83.

Mrs. Julianan J. RORKE, Carbonear, at Herne Hill, London.

Oct. 30. - Miss Mary Joseph LAMBERT, 18

Mrs. James S. AYRE.


Nov. 1. - Solomon BAGGS, 76.

Dr. Donald J. BETHUNE, St. George’s 54.

Nov. 3. - Mrs. Johannah WALSH, The Goulds. 69.

Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Baird CAVE.

Albert Joseph EARLE, 30.

Nov. 4. - Mrs. Kenneth R. PROWSE, 55


Nov. 6. - John STREET, 47.

Nov. 7. - Mrs. Patrick STAPLETON.

John CLOONEY, 44.

Nov. 8. - Mrs. Delilah HORWOOD, Carbonear, 92.

Nov. 9. - George R. LINDSAY, 63.

James J. COOPER, 78.

Jesse GROUCHY, Pouch Cove, 68

Peter HOLLEY, 19.

Nov. 10 - Thomas A. PIPPY.

Nov. 13. - John WALSH, 34.

Nov. 14. - John P GLEESON, 78.

Mrs. Emily Stevenson RENOUF, (Judge), Brooklyn, N.Y.

Nov. 15. - Mrs. Thomas PYNN, 26.

Richard WALSH, Torbay.

Nov. 18. - Mrs. Mary Jane OSMOND, Carbonear, 85.

Nov. 19. – Mrs. Elizabeth O’KEEFE, Bay Roberts,

Patrick DENIEF, 23.

Nov. 20. - Mrs. Patrick FONNESSEY,

Nov. 21. - William Frederick HARDY, Freshwater, B.D.V.

Mrs. Catherine Doran CONNELL, 74.

Nov. 22. - Mrs. Rose HEWARDINE, 76,

John ROPER, J.P., S.M., Bonavista, 72.

Nov. 23 - Mrs. Mary KEARNEY.

Nov. 24. - George SHEPPARD, Harbour Grace, 60.

Nov. 25. - David J. NEARY, Portugal Cove, 23.

John MURPHY, Carbonear 82.

Mrs. Catherine McGRATH.

Nov. 26. - Elihu DOWDEN, at Halifax, 41.

Nov. 27. - Stephen RODGERS, 83.

Balthazar C. BREHN, 55.

Nov. 28. - Miss Mary SINNOTT at Saranac Lake N.Y.

Nov. 29. - Philip BROWN, Victoria Street, 77.

Michael MURRAY, 63.


Dec. 2 - Miss Elise Ester PAYNE, 73.

Dec. 3. - Mrs. Elizabeth S. DIAMOND (Catalina).

Peter G. TESSIER, Wenhery, South Devon.

Dec. 4. - Mrs. John SHERIDAN, Harbour Grace, 93.

Dec. 6. - Mrs. Mima JOHNSTON, 78.

Dec. 7. - Miss Lizzie HAYWARD, St. Vincent’s.

Mrs. George BUTTON, 74.

Dec. 9. - John MANSFIELD, 77.

John NICHELL, Carbonear, 37.

John KELLY, (Ex-Cabman) at East Cambridge, Mass., 53.

Dec. 11 - James REID, Carbonear.

Dec. 12. - Mrs. Ellen POWER, 83.

John O’BRIEN, 35.

Dec. 13. - Michael J. STAFFORD 38.

Dec. 16. - Edward T. KAVILL, at New York.

Dec. 17. - Mrs. Mary Ann COSTIGAN.

Capt. Henry DAWE, Bay Roberts.

Mrs. James BARRON, Carbonear.

Dec. 18. - Silas G. KNIGHT, 73.

Dec. 19. - Mrs. Charles MacKAY, 26.

Patrick HYNES, 36.

Dec. 21 - Peter MOLLOY, 81.

Dec. 22. - Absalom MURRAY, 86.

Mrs. Thomas JOHNSON.

Mrs. John P. SHEA.

Dec. 24. - William BOLT, 85.

Dec. 26. - Mrs. Elizabeth RYAN, Torbay, 82.

Dec. 29. - Michael G. MURPHY, Master Cooper, 63.



Dec. 29. - William SNOW of Fogo perished in the woods. His body found with his two dogs standing by.



Jan. 1 - Richard MILLER, killed at New Aberdeen.

Jan. 4. - Wm. TREBBLE, 31, killed at Detroit.

Jan. 8. - H. McNEIL, killed at South Branch.

Jan. 15. - Wm. A. HOLLAND, native of St. John’s, killed at Montreal by insane officer of C.E.F.


Feb. 1. - Little girl named PARDY, aged 4 years, accidentally killed at St. Joseph’s, P.B., from an axe when wood-chopping.

Feb. 4. - Robert Gordon CROWLEY, Western Bay, accidentally killed at Electrical Power House in Boston, 28.

J. Gordon Crawford, Wireless Operator, who was drowned when boarding his ship the S.S. Moua at Liverpool, buried in that city.

Feb. 5. - William COLLIER, Fox Roost, near Channel drowned from his fishing boat.

Feb. 15. - Norman HODDER, Crestor, drowned when bird shooting.

Feb. 16. - Thomas DELAHUNTY, Battery Road, smothered in snow, body found two days later 100 yards from his house.

Feb. 18. - Man named SQUIRES of Bell Island driven off the land when ice-bird hunting.

Feb. 25. - Lad named TUCKER, aged 10, killed by a passing slide striking him when playing.

Feb. 27. - Patrick HARTWELL burned to death, when his home at Bauline was destroyed.


Mar. 16. - Three year old child of William BUTT, Freshwater, badly burned, dies a few hours later.

Mar. 31. - Five year old daughter of Isaac CHAPMAN, Harbour Breton, fatally burned.


April 7. - George W. WALTERS, his sons Norman, 24, and George, 22, of Fox Roost, near Channel, drowned through swamping of dory.

April 11. - James MASKS, Bay de Verde perished whilst walking to Bergo.

April 14. - Edward FLEMING, Spiller’s Cove B.B., falls through ice and is drowned.

Mrs. Robert Mullins, Boyd’s Cove drowned.

April 21. - James JOLAHUE, 40, and son Thomas, 11 drowned through upsetting their boat between Stock Cove and King’s Cove, B.B.

Henry MONKS, Monkstown, P.B. 65, found dying.


May 1. - Samuel MILLEY, 14, Western Bay instantly killed through contact with a live wire.

May 30. - Val DALEY and Edward MURRAY, dory-mates from schooner Alpha C., missing.


June 4. - Samuel BRENTON, Loon Bay, and Sidney HOOPER, Campbellton, drowned in Terra Nova River through upsetting of boat.

June 13 - Arthur KNIGHT, 26, accidentally killed in the Chippewa Power Canal Works, Niagara Falls.

June 16. - Harry J. GREENE, Point Verde, accidentally killed at Kennecott, Alaska.

June 26. - Ex-Leuit. Thomas Bernard McGRATH, accidentally killed at sea.

June 27. - Seven year old child Max KENNEDY killed by motor accident near Haggerty Street.


July 2. - John BEGIN, a Lunenburg seaman, suicides from S.S. Rosalind, when returning home.

July 6. – Mrs. Jane HAYNES, 73, knocked down by a bicycle and dies the following day.

July 13. - Thomas HEALEY, Flat Rock, 20, run down in motor boat by Schr. Sally M. Freedom and killed or drowned.

July 21. - Malcolm LUSH, killed at sea on board S.S. Canadian Seignour, 25.

July 26. - William BRANSFIELD killed by truck on Sydney Reserve Road, 60.

July 30. - Lewis BOONE, Seldom-Come-By, drowned at Millertown Junction.


Aug. 2. - Luke THORNHILL, married, and George Patten, single , drowned through upsetting of dory near Grand Bank.

G. FRANKLIN, seaman, London, lost from schooner David Morris, 2 days off the coast.

Aug. 7. - Ex-Lance Corporal Stephen SOMERTON, Bell Island drowned in the upper Humber River.

Aug. 10. - Schooner Governor Foss arrives at Canso and reports drowning of Fred CLUETT, Belleoram

Aug. 11. - Sydney ROBERTS, Bonne Bay drowned.

Aug. 14. - Two daughters of Edgar KING, Valleyfield, B.B. drowned, the older while attempting to rescue the younger, 17 and 10.

Aug. 18. - Ronald HINDITCH, 12 drowned at Clattice Harbour.

Aug. 27. - Three year old girl, PENNEY, decapitated on the Railway near Bristol’s Hope by train.


Sept. 4. - Bride COLLINS, 11 daughter of Peter COLLINS, Placentia, drowned.

Sept. 8. - Ian Hamilton MARTIN, 6, accidentally killed at Bell Island.

Sept. 10. - Joseph GALLANT, 16, Wood’s Island, drowned.

Sept. 23 - James YOUNG, Tidewater, St. Jacques, Paralyzed in his dory and drowned.

Sept. 23. - Warren LOCKYER, 21 and John HOWLETT, 19, Woody Island drowned from dory overturning


Oct. 3. - Peter MICHMAN of Grey River, Burgeo, found dead up the river.

Oct. 5. - John BAGGS and William WARREN of Dog Cove, near Ramea, left in open boat and since heard from.

Oct. 6. - Miss Margaret SKINNER killed by live wire on the Torbay Road.

Oct. 8. - Peter CLANCEY, 16, acidentally shot and killed in the woods near Michael’s Harbour, Twillingate.

Oct. 12. - John VALENTINE run down by motor car at foot of Beck’s Cove, and dies within three hrs.

Oct. 13. - John W. SNOW, Carbonear, killed at Florence Collery, Cape Breton, 38.

Oct. 26. - Emanuel THORNHILL, Fortune, suicides on schooner Saladin, 56.

Oct. 28. - David STROUD of Bay Le Moine perishes at sea in a storm.

Oct. 29. - Philip and John McDONALD of La Poile drowned through boat capsizing.

Oct. 30. - William WHITE, Grand Bank, washed overboard from schooner James and Stanley 100 miles off St. Pierre.

Capt. George GUSHUE and Michael CONNORS, Brigus, washed overboard from C. .A. Jerrett’s schooner, Clarence B. on way from Indian Harbour, Labrador.

Oct. 31. - John CHURCHILL, killed through contact with a live wire.


Nov. 8. - Body of Johannah DRISCOLL, Plate Cove, B.B., missing for 4 years discovered.

Nov. 15. - Philip DOBIS, Port au Port, missing, believed drowned.

John HARNUM of Green Harbour leaves home and is found dead two days later at Whiteway, T.B.

Nov. 17. - James B. O’DONNELL, 80, found dead in Pleasant Street fire. Death occurred from natural causes probably four days previously.

Nov. 22. - Seaman Joe DOLEMAINT, washed overboard.

Nov. 24. - Tragedy at Bishop’s Falls, Three children named WISEMAN from 2 months to 3 years, burned to death.

Nov. 28. - Richard FARWELL, Salvage Bay, 32 drowned when crossing a pond covered with thin ice.

Nov. 30. - Man named POWER of Tor’s Cove, found dead in field.


Dec. 6. - American seaman SAMSON of a Gloucester schooner, killed by fall of derrick at Cox’s Cove, Curling, 50.

Dec. 8. - Mrs. Sarah Ann McDONALD, native of Newfoundland, murdered at North Sydney, husband arrested.

Dec. 10. - Matthew LAKE, St. Leonard’s accidentally shot himself, dying a few minutes later.

Dec. 15. - Herbert BAILEY lost at sea in the schooner Viceola, probably in November gale.



Dec. 31 - S.S. Euphrates, from Bell Island to St. John’s Missing.



Jan.1 - Crew of S.S. Euphrates taken off the ship by S.S. Gallieo off Cape Race.

Jan 11. - S.S. Dildo towed to port by S.S. Storgberg badly damaged.

Schooner Mintie abandoned in mid-ocean. Crew Rescued.

Jan 16. - Crew of S.S. Euphrates reach St. John’s.

Jan. 17. - Crew of ill-fated Ludwig reach St. John’s.

Jan. 19. - Crew of abandoned schooner Couto reach Gibralter.


Feb. 2. - S.S. Bassan stranded at St. Pierre.

Feb. 9. - Schr. Sparkling Glanco Capt. Keeping abandoned in mid-ocean. Crew taken off by S.S. Liberty Land, bound for Bermuda.

Feb. 12. - Schr. Elizabeth Fearn, Capt. Vatcher driven ashore at Quidi Vidi. Crew saved.

Feb. 16. - Fire on S.S. Home in dock damages, 8,000.

Feb. 18. - Wrecked schooner Elizabeth Fearn sink at enterance to Narrow while being towed in.

Schr. S.S. Moulton of Burgeo, sighted bottom up 7 miles from Remea, five lives lost.

Feb. 22. - Schr. Asquith, St. John’s to Sydney arrives at Barbados, 40 days from this port.


Mar. 2. - Schr. Tippery abandoned in ice near Drook, Trepassey.

Mar. ? - Capt. Keeping and crew of schooner Sparkling Glance return by S.S. Kyle.

Mar. 10. - Sealing fleet of 9 steamers with less than 1800 men leave for the icefields.

Schooner Barbara Barr abandoned near Colinet.

Mar. 12. - Schooner Roberta Ray of Grand Bank abandoned and set on fire at sea. Crew taken off by S.S. Triumph.

Mar. 18. - Tugboat Stadium, F.H. Ellis & Co., lost at Miquelon.

Mar. 19. - Crew of Schr. Barbara Barr landed at St. Joseph’s.

Mar. 26. - Crew of Robetta Ray arrive at Boston on S.S. Triumph.


April 1. - Wreckage of the schr.General Horzio of Grand Bank sighted by S.S. Housatorlo.

April 4. - First arrival from seal fishery S.S. Diana Capt. J Parsons with 7282 seals.

April 8. - S.S. Eagle, Capt. E Bishop, arrives with 7270 seals.

April 11. - Schr. Tommie G. of Gaultois reported abandoned at sea and crew rescued by S.S. Weldyk

S.S. Sagona, Capt. Job Knee, arrives with 7793 seals.

S.S. Seal, Capt. Jacob Kean, arrives with 14,697 seals.

April 12. - Four masted auxilliary schr. Huntley, from Turk’s Island to St. John’s, strikes and sinks

Petty Harbour Motion. Salt cargo dissolving refloats next day and is brought to Petty Harbour by S.S. Ingraham.

April 14. - S.S. Thetis, Capt. W. Winsor, arrives with full load 18,169 seals.. High liner for the season.

Wrecked Schr. Huntley towed to St. John’s.

Schr. Ronald B. Moulton of Burgeo reported abandoned at sea and crew landed in Germany.

April 15. - S.S. Viking, Capt. Bartlett, arrived at Channel with 17,658 seals.

S.S. Neptune, Capt. George Barbour, arrives with 10,424 seals.

April 19. - S.S. Terra Nova, Capt. A. Kean, arrives with 10,754 seals.

April 22. - S.S. Ranger, Capt. Weston Kean, brings the key of the seal fishery and 7295 pelts.


May 16. - Lady of Gaspe in collision with S.S. Hoith off Sable Island.

May 27. - H.M.S. Cambrisn arrives.


June 6. - S.S. Corman (?) blows up in Goose Bay. Crew narrowly escape.

June 8. - S.S. Seapool arrives in port after collision with an iceberg 90 miles off coast.

June 10. - S.S. Chariot arrives slightly damage through collision with an iceberg.

June 18. - Millionaire Tourist ship P. & Q. liner Kaiser Hind arrives.


July 8. - Schr. Francis (?), Capt. Morris, strikes rock at Renews and is lost.

July 16. - Schr. Rosanna, Capt. Burton, wrecked on the South(?) Coast.


Aug. 8 (?) or 6(?) - Lady of Gaspe lost near Halifax Harbour.

Aug. 20. - Schr. Alice C. Carew, total loss at Chance Cove.

Aug. 21. - H.M.S. Wisteria arrives.


SEPT. 5. - All hope of schr. Douglas Adams, which left Lisbon for Twillingate on March 12th abandoned.

Sept. 12. - French cruiser Antaros arrives.

Sept. 17. - Schr. Luotta wrecked at Herring Neck.

Sept. 24. - S.S. Oskaloosa reaches port in tow of S.S. Monroe.

Sept. 27. - Schr. Agnes P. Duff arrives from Barbados whence she was driven off by terrific tropical storm, without clearance papers driving for 6 days before furious gale.

Crew of M. J. Parks abandoned at sea, picked up by the French Vessel Yvonna.

Sept. 29. - S.S. Royal, Norwegian, runs ashore at Cape Ballard. Total loss. Crew saved.

Sept. 30. - H.M.S. Raleigh, Admiral Sir William Pakenham, flagship arrives.


Oct. 1. - S.S. Karen Jcegnaes strikes at Point Forolle. Total wreck. Crew landed at Bonne Esperance.

Oct. 3. - Crew of Schr. M. J. Parks landed by French steamer Yvonne at St. Pierre.

Oct. 6. - Schr. Effie M. Prior of Belleoram runs ashore at Flower’s Cove.

Oct. 8. - Schr. Marjorie Mahaffey, Capt. Thomas Janes from Barbados, lost at Mistaken Point.

Schr. Protector wrecked at Lorries, near Lamaline.

Oct. 13. - American steamer Dixiano arrives in damage condition.

Oct. 15. - Schr. Araminta runs ashore at Harbour Grace.

Oct. 17. - Norwegian steamer Aslang Haaland, Liverpool to New York puts in with loss of two propeller blades.

Norwegian steamer Otta, in tow of S.S. Canadian Trooper, arrives.

Oct. 25. - Danish schooner Bastian strikes rock near Joe Batt’s Arm.

Oct. 27. - Crew of schr. Imprimus, Capt. Pelley, landed at St. John, N.B. by S.S. Chale. ur.

Oct. 28. - S.S. Nordica reported ashore on the coast of Corsica.

Oct. 29. - Schr. Linda Pardy of Harbour Breton, total loss at Moira Gut.

Schooners Ena, Annie, Gladys, Agnes Jane, Lilian, lost at Plate Cove, Bonavista Bay.

Schooner Nellie M. Prine at King’s Cove.

Schr. Cactue at Flat Island, B.B.

Schrs. Mable B. at Deer Island and Mary Joan at Keels, Earl Grey at Norman’s Cove.

Standard Cull at King’s Point, Geo Falcon H. W. Wentzell and Ettie Bess also lost to the Northward.

Schr. Fog Free Zone wrecked at port Hawkesbury, near Canso.

Schr. Clarence B. Dismantled with 51 persons on board. Capt. G Gushue and seaman Michael Connors washed overboard. Vessel bound from Labrador.

Two Western boats lost at North Harbour, P.B.

M.G.B. lost at Little Bay Islands

Ariceen, M.P. Cashin and Viole Currie, at Twillingate

Schooner Florence and Seabright wrecked at Fair Islands , B.B.

Schrs. Portia, Alice Gordon and A. L. Frampton driven ashore at Catalina.


Nov. 7. - Schr. Vendetta bound from Labrador dismasted with 64 persons on board.

Wreckage from Schr. Helen C. Morse picked up at Little Bay Islands. Vessel was lost in storm with all hands. Carried 6 of crew all told.

Schr. Clintonia from Placentia to Oporto abandoned 230 miles S.S.W. of Cape Race.

Captain and crew rescued by Jean W. A. Kelup and landed here. Captain was badly burnt about hands and face.

Danish Schr. Bastian total wreck at Joe Batt’s Arm.

Nov. 8. - Danish Schr. Fulton ashore at Fogo, was later refloated.

Nov. 10. - Schr. Player wrecked near Musgrave Hr.

Nov. 12. - Schr. Nevis, Capt. Jackman baker, founders off Majorca.

Nov. 14. - Schr. Perice Wells from New York to this port given up as lost with all hands.

Schr. Dove a total wreck at Fogo Island with coal cargo.

Nov. 19. - S.S. Ferm total wreck at St. Shott’s.

Nov. 21. - Capt. Tibbo and crew of Schr. Nordica arrive in Quebec on the R. M. S.minnedosa.

Nov. 22. - Captain and crew of A. E. Hickman & Co’s Schooner Voglie lost as sea from Quirpon to Gibraltar; landed at Boston.

Capt. Dalton and crew of shipwreck S.S. Farm reach St. John’s.

Nov. 24. - Boat El Dorado, 24 tons, total loss at ST. Shott’s.

Nov. 26. - S.S. Mcigle arrives from Labrador on last trip for the season.

Nov. 28. - S.S. Glencarnock arrives for repairs.

Nov. 30. - Auxlliary schooner June, Capt. Marshall, reported wrecked at port Mahone, Minorea Islands.


Dec. 1. - Schooner Medina B., R. Nolan lost in St. Mary’s Bay.

Dec. 2. - Schr. Amy B. Silver, Harbour Buffett reported abandoned in mid-ocean and crew taken off by a German steamer and landed at Bremen.

Schr. Aghes Downs wrecked at Indian Islands.

Schr. Olive Evans lost when bound to Halifax from West Coast.

Dec. 5. - Bain Johnston & Co’s schooner Ruby W., Capt. Charles Forward from Pernabuco to St. John’s, abandoned at sea 400 miles off St. John’s. Crew rescued by Danish steamer Gudrun Maresk, bound to Geneva. Captain breaks arm.

Schr. Gordon W., P. Johnson, St. John’s to Seldom Come By, runs ashore at Low Point, Bay de Verde.

Schr. Galatea E. Sturge, Goose Cove to St. John’s, lost at Great’s Cove.

Schr. W. S. Monroe lost when entering Little Bay Island.

Schrs. A. Hardy and Dianthus total wrecks at Bay de Verde.

Schr. Drummer’s Tax lost at Bonavista.

Motor Coaster Theresa Stone, driven ashore at Bauline.

S.S. Glengrancok strikes Chain Rock.

Collision in harbour between a schooner and S.S. Harmony in 75 mile gale.

S.S. Ingraham ashore at Ponguin Island when towing schr. Jean and Mary, Capt. Cluett of Grand bank; all schooners crew numbering 6, lost.

Schr. Pansy, Wm. frost, ashore at Lower Island Cove.

Schr. Passport Bragg, with 9 of crew and passengers lost at Caplin Cove, B.D.V.

Schr. Natonia, Frank tibbo ashore at Connaigre Head.

Dec. 6. - Schr. B. Hooke lost at Danzig Point.

Dec. 7. - Schr. Nina Boutiller, Steer Bros. sunk and crew landed at Darkar, West Coast of Africa.

Dec. 9. - Three masted Schr. Oliven, belonging to W.A. Munn, reported abandoned in Mid-ocean, crew landed in England.

Dec. 14. - Schr, Nina Lee reported abandoned in Mediterranean.

Dec. 16. - Shipwrecked crew of schr. Stanley Joseph, sunk on Nov. 26th, landed at St. John N.B. by S.S. Melita.

Norwegian liner Stavangefjord sister ship of the Kristianafjord arrives for bunker coal, from Christiania via Burgen to New York.

Dec. 19. - Schr. Effie M., Albert Mercer, ashore at Mobile.

Schr. Donald J. Cook reported burned at sea.

Dec. 27. - S.S. Minnedosa arrives at St. John, N.B. with Capt. Piccott and crew of schr. Kinsman and Capt., Wiffen and crew of Schr, Amy B. Silver.

(NOTE: Please go through the following text for Surnames. I didn’t CAPITALIZE all that are mentioned)



Dec. 31. - Fishery Regulations, so far as Labrador fisher in all markets and shore fishery in Italian market, lifted.

Evening Herald ceases publication.



Jan. 1 - James Terrel, K.C., and Capt. James Adams of Cable Ship Lord Kelvin, killed in auto smash at Halifax.

Dr. Theobald Von Bethman Hollwegg, former Germany Chanceller, dead.

C.L.B. Annual concert.

Steamer Santa Isabella lost on Spanish Coast, 214 drowned.

Jan. 3. - I.O.O.F. Installation.

Jan. 5. - LORD Mayor O’Callaghan of Cork and Peter J McSwiney arrive at Newport News on S.S. West Canon as stowaways.

Unemployed in United States number 2,327,000.

Lord Reading accepts vice-Royalty of India.

Jan. 6. - M.C.L.I. Debating Season reopens.

Installation Leeming Lodge L.O.A.

St. Mary’s guild Sociable.

Jan. 7. - Earthquake in Albania, 600 dead, 15 towns destroyed, and 30,000 homeless.

Lord Milner resigns Secretary-ship of the Colonies.

C.C.C. Band Dance.

St. Andrew’s Society Annual Children Treat.

Installation Colonial Lodge I. O.B. A.

Jan. 9. - Fire at Connor’s Drug Store.

Jan. 10. - U.S.A. withdraws from European Council of Ambassadors.

Jan. 12. - French Government of George Lengues defeated on want of confidence vote, 463 to 125.

Momorial Tablet, gift to Sir Michael Cashin, unveiled by Governor Harris.

Cabaret at C.C.C. hall in aid of C. of E. Orphanage.

Jan. 14 - Ottawa stricken with Smallpox.

Jan. 16. - Aristide Briand froms new French Ministry.

Star of the Sea Association Jubilee Parade.

Jan. 18 - Dams burst in Mexico, 100 drowned.

Installation Empire lodge, S.O.E.

Jan. 20. - Brigus Jubilee Club Silver anniversary Parade and Ball.

T.A. Juvenile Treat.

Jan. 21. - Thanksgiving Day.

Guards Band Concert.

“Old Homestead”, performance by B.I.S. Players on the Casino.

Jan. 25. - Burns Night Celebration.

N.B.S. Installation of Officers.

Jan. 26. - Presentation of Imperial Service Medals at Government House.

Jan. 27. - Text of Treaty between Roger Cesement traitor, and Germany made on December 28,

1914, made public.

Jan. 28. - Libel action taken by Lind and Ceuto, against Hon. W. F. Coaker, damage claimed $100,000.

Jan. 29. - Allies reach agreement on Reparations and disarmaments.

Avalon Council K. O. C., Bay Roberts instituted.

Jan. 30. - Gower Street Quarterly Official board adopt resolutions supporting Rev. E. W. Forbes’Attitude with reference to hostility in high quarters towards Prohibition enforcement.

Jan. 31. - Cunarder Albanian arrives at New York on her maiden voyage.

Fire at Mount Alison University damage to Longley Hall, $35,000

Dance at Masonic Temple.

Sleeping sickness reported in London.

Venezelist members refuse oath of allegiance to King Constantine.


Feb. 1. - Conception Bay frozen over.

Feb. 2. - “Prince of Pilsen” at the Casino.

G. W. V. A. Dance in the C.C.C. Hall.

C.M. B. C. Annual Entertainment.

Feb. 3. - Chancellor of the Exchequer Austin Chamberlain notifies withdrawal of Excess Profits Tax.

Feb. 4. - Ulster Unionists elect. Sir James Craig as leader.

Feb. 5. - Greek Cabinet resigns.

Funerals of on. W. B. Grieve C.B.E. and Mr. John Steer.

Feb. 7. - Heaviest storm of the season. N.E. blizzard. Drifts from 10 to 15 feet high.

Dominion Government badly defeated at Peterboro, Ont. Montreal Gazette advises appeal to the country.

Induction of Rev. R. J. Power M.A. as Pastor of St. Andrew’s Church.

British foreign Office summons American Press representatives to Whitehall, urging an appeal to both countries for moderation, in view of strained relations.

Feb. 8. - Germany accepts invitation to attend London Reparations Committee.

Storm continues unabated.

General Election in South Africa, involving secession as an issue, Sinuts, loyalist, obtains a majority over all parties of 22.

Feb. 10. - Annual re-union of Martin Engineers’ Association.

Feb. 13. - Rt. hon. Winston Churchill appointed Secretary of State for the Colonies and Sir Worthington Evans as War Secretary.

Feb. 14. - Canadian Dominion Parliament assembles.

Feb. 15. - Re-opening of Imperial Parliament.

Feb. 16. - Flume at Petty Harbour badly damaged by avalanche. Light and Power put out of Business Newspaper closed down.

King of Sweden calls on Mr. Banting to form a ministry.

Feb. 17. - General Bank Board of Trade, speaking for West Coast, notifies Government of its refusal to recognize Fishery Regulations.

Feb. 18 - Soviet troops occupy Tiflis, Georgia.

Feb. 19 - R. C. Palace St. John’s destroyed by fire.

Fish Exporters demand cancellation of Fishery Regulations.

American unofficial representative of U. S. A. on the Allied reparations Commission, formally withdraw.

Feb. 20. - Repairs on Petty Harbour flume completed.

Feb. 21. - Daily news publishes for first time since flume accident, except for an “All News Sheet” on Saturday.

Heavy storm in New York, Boston and New England States generally.

Feb. 22. - United States demands equal privileges but refuse to accept equal responsibilities in mandated territories.

Carnival at Princes Rink.

U. S. provides for standing army of 175,000.

Feb 23. - Curlers Charity Day. Net proceeds $3,017.91.

Famous shrine at Loreto destroyed by fire.

Feb. 24. - Russo-Polish Armistice extended.

Revolt at Petrograd.

Feb. 25. - Panama declares war on Costa Rica.

Feb. 26. - Children Carnival at Prince’s Rink.

Feb. 28. - Costa Rican army surrenders in colon.

Bank of Commerce transfer business to their new building on Water Street.


Mar. 1. - Reparation Conference meets in London. Germans make impossible demands.

Ex-King Ferdinand of Bulgaria dies in France.

S. S. Ronald Jarl brings 6 railways engines from Philadelphia for Government Railway Commission.

Mar. 2. - Nomination Day, Harbour Main Election.

Champ Clark, Democratic House Leader, U.S.A. dead.

Horse races at Quidi Vidi.

Concert at Masonic Hall.

Mar. 3. - Lloyd George replies in two hours speech to German delegation in London. German

Given four days to decide.

G.W.V.A. meets. Announces promise of 10% bonus for disability pensioners. Protests against delay in erection of National Memorial.

Announced that Samuel Harris Ltd., has defied Coaker Regulations and placed disposal of cargoes in the hands of the firm agents in Oporto.

Exports Association again demand cancelling of Fishery Regulations.

Credit Association proposed by Wholesalers and Retailers.

Mar. 4. - President Harding inaugurated at Washington.

Mar. 5. - U. S. Submarine chaser fires on western Union Cable Ship Robert C. Cleary and arrests crew.

Mar. 7. - German proposals refused by London Conferences. Allied troops to occupy German towns.

Schooner Eileen Lake, driven in by ice, creates sensation having started from Catalina direct to Oporto without authority of advisory Board. But on orders from Marine and

Fishery Department of which Hon. Mr. Coaker is Minister.

Mar. 8. - French and Belium troops occupy Duisburg.

Premier Eduardo Dato of Spain assassinated in Madrid.

British, French and Belgium troops enter Dusseldort.

Governor Harris entertains sealing Captains.

Regulations re Portugal market raised by Government in absence of Prime Minister and against protest of Minister of Fisheries.

Mar. 9. - Petrograd reported in the hands of revolutionaries.

White Ruthenians proclaim their independence of Russia.

Lady Harris appointed Lady of Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England.

Carnival at Parade Rink.

Mar. 10 - St. bon’s College Prize distribution.

“The Upstart,” comedy staged.

Mar. 11. - Trotsky offers 10,000,000 roubles for head of Gen. Koslivsky, who replies for Trotsky’s head - study in values.

Allies occupy Oberhausen.

Demonstrations in Egypt against Winston Churchill, as Colonial Secretary.

Mar. 12. - Polling Day at harbour Main.

Dr. Jones and Capt. Lewis elected. Government defeated.

Mar. 13. - Loggers from Victoria Lake numbering 150 hold up express at Lewisporte and compel it to proceed forthwith South, instead of picking up main line passengers.

Mar. 15. - Talaat Pasha assasinated in Berlin.

Restrictions on Portuguese markets removed.

British Government purchases Direct cable Company for l570,00.

Terra Nova wins Hockey Tie cup against Feildians.

Mar. 17. - Andrew Bonar Law resigns from Cabinet and House Leadership on grounds of ill-health.

Dr. Alfred Zayara Alfonso, President of Cuba.

“Daughter of Erin” at B.I.S. Hall.

“Irish Night” at College Hall.

C.C.C. Dance.

B.I.S. record parade.

St. Joseph’s Concert.

Installation (Tasker Lodge, A. F. & A. M.

Cowan Mission Concert.

Mar. 18. - Occupation of Germany extended to within 2 ½ miles of Essen.

General Pershing denounces efforts of foreign propagandists to weaken friendship between U.S.A. And her former allies.

Russo-Polish treaty signed.

Mar. 20. - Silesia votes for German Connection by large majority.

Mar. 21. - Austin Chamberlain elected leader of the Unionist Party.

Patriotic Association meets and adjourns sine die.

Methodist Guards form Old Comrades Association.

Mar. 22. - Chamberlain resigns as Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Mar. 23. - Communist outbreak in Hamburg.

Mar. 24. - Cardinal Gibbons dies at Baltimore, 87.

Nolan Convicted of manslaughter.

Mar. 26. - Destructive fire at Tokio: 1000 homes destroyed.

Lt.-Col. Nangle leaves for Gallipoli.

Mar. 28. - St. John’s first “hold-up”. William Miles of Herring Neck robbed of $200 and valuables at revolver’s point.

C. L. B. band Easter Concert in college Hall.

C. C. C. Annual “At home”.

“The Irresistible Marmaduke” at the Casino.

Mar. 29. - John Burroughs, eminent Naturalist, dies on a New York Central train.

Ladies Auxillary C.L.B. formed.

Dedication of new Methodist Church at Heart’s Delight by Rev. Dr. Fenwick, assisted by Rev. Dr. Saint.

Mar. 30. - Local Legisiature opens.

Ex.-Emperor Karl fails in peaceful attempt to regain throne.

Cambridge wins University Boat Race.

Elks Ball.

Severe North East storm.

Mar. 31. - “Newfoundland War Memorial Unlimited,” proposed by Lieut. Col. Robert G. Rendell, C.B.E.

Sir Robert Horne appointed Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Coal miners strike begins at midnight. State of emergency proclaimed under 1920 act.


April 4 - St. Patrick’s Institute formed.

First meeting of M.G. B. Old Comrades Asssociation.

April 5. - Law Society Dinner.

Cathedral Women’s Association Sale and Sociable.

Ladies Branch St. Patrick’s Institute formed.

April 6. - First Night Session in Assembly.

C.L.B. Old Comrades “At Home”.

April 7. - Windsor Bread Competition at Carbonear.

A. B. Morine, K.C. addresses Llwellyn Club on “The Outlook for Newfoundland.”

April 10. - Body of veteran Anthony McGrath of the American Army brought home for Interment at St. Patrick’s. Lies in state at G.W. V. A. roomes

Sir John Crosbie, Lt.-Col. Sullivan and Hon. W. F. Coaker return from England.

April 11. - United States 67th Congress assembles.

April 12. - President Harding in opening address declares against the League of Nations.

Cochrane Street Brotherhood formed.

Elks Banquet.

April 13. - Near-Riot in House of Assembly results in forced adjournments.

Annual Meeting bell Island G. W. V. A.

April 14. - Sir. Arthur Vicars, Ulster King of Arm shot dead in Ireland.

M. C. L. I. Annual Dinner.

April 15. - Railway men and transport workers in Britain call off threatened strike.

April 16. - Mass Meeting of Unemployed at L.S.P.U. Hall. Cancellation of Fishery Regulations abolition of Food Control Board and removal of the War Measures Act demanded.

April 17. - Lord’s Day Alliance urges passing of Lord’s Day Act for Newfoundland.

April 19. - Second Meeting of Unemployed in Casino.

Installation Shannon Chapter A.F & A.M.

Orange Grand Black Chapter and Grand Lodge assemble at Old Perlican.

Premised of George Powell & Son at Victoria destroyed by fire.

April 20. - Parade of unemployed. Delegation appears before the Bar of the House. All demands acceded to.

April 21. - Germany’s request for U.S. mediation in reparations refused by President Harding.

S. U. F. Grand lodge Sessions in St. John’s closed.

L. O. L. Festival at Bonavista.

April 23. - Announced Italian Consoraio to continue. Italian Government forbids fish importations.

St. George’s Society Parade.

St. John’s Octette at the College Hall.

April 25. - Disorders in House of Assembly. The Speaker leaves the Chair.

I. O. O. F. 1102nd Anniversary Celebrations.

C. C. C. Indoor Sports.

April 26 - Funeral of Rev. Canon Smith at Portugal Cove.

Concert and sociable at Congregational Church in aid of Industrial School for Homeless girls.

Feildian Hockey Team Dinner.

April 27. - Address in Reply passes Assembly after four weeks debate.

The Governor at Bay de Verde.

Concert at Presbyterian Hall.

April 28. - Prime Minister Squires in the Legislature denounces the management of the Royal Bank of Canada as “a bunch of Shylocks.”

Kirk Men’s Association formed.

Girls Friendly Society festival.

April 29. - Lord Edmund Talbot, Viscount Fitzalan succeeds Viscount French as Victory of Ireland.

April 30. - Printers’ strike for 44 hour week at 48 hour rates commences.

Knox Peace Resolution passed United States Senate.


May 2. - L. S. P. U. strike

Viscount Fitzalan sworn in as Irish Viceroy.

Printers strike in United States and Canada.

May 3. - German indemnity placed by Supreme Council at L6,750,000,000.

May 4. - Poles run amok in Upper Silesia, British compelled to fire in self-defence.

B. I. S. Annual Billiard Dinner.

Methodist Guards Concert at College Hall.

“Wishing Cap” Operette at Casino.

Centenary of death of Napoleon the Great.

May. 5. - City clergymen protest against entertainment and card money’s being devoted to the purchase of Beaumont Hamel.

Ultimatum to Germany delivered by Allied Supreme Council.

Craig and De Valers meet in Dublin.

Closing session of Llewellyn Club, Farewell of Rev. Dr. Jones, the club founder.

May 7. - Situation in Silesia serious.

Crown Prince Hirohito of Japan arrives in England.

May 9. - Strike at Grand Falls.

Sweden abolishes Capital punishment

May 10. - Dr. Wirth forms German cabinet and the Reichstar yealds to the allies terms accepting their ultimatum by a vote of 331 to 175.

Motion by Sir Michael Cashin of Trade Rooms in response to call of P.E. Outerbridge.

Saskatchewan elections return Liberals by 42 to 17.

May 11. - Germans acceptance of Allied terms without reservation or conditions announced in commons by Premier Lloyd George.

Brotherhood Federation organized.

May 12. - D. C. L. Conferred on Rev. Canon Bolt at King’a College Windsor, N.S.

Motion for address to the Governor re Fish Scandals, introduced by Sir Michael Cashin.

Sir John Crosbie exposes the $32,675 “Exchanged Cheque” scandal.

May 13. - Unemployed march on Colonial Building and demand work.

Estimates tabled.

May 14. - George Fowlow and George Budden presented with Silver watches by Governor on behalf of Netherlands Government in recognition of their heroic efforts in rescuing the surviving members of the crew of the S.S. Adries Anton Dreil in December 1919.

Two days magmatic storms dose much damage to telegraph lines and cable.

May 15. - Rev. Dr. Jones preaches farewell sermon at St. Thomas’s.

May 16 - Sinn Fein outrages general in English cities.

May 17. - “Officer 666" at the Casino.

May 18. - Entente cordiale threatened over the Sileaise trouble.

Scotch Concert at the Methodist college Hall.

Officer Mess C. L. B. Annual dinner.

May 19. - Ambassador Harvey in address at Pilgrim’s Club in London makes memorial statement as to America’s reasons for entering the war, and her rejection of the League of Nations.

Chief Justice Edward Douglas White, U.S. Supreme Court, dead.

May 20. - Fiftieth day of British Coal Strike.

May 21. - J. P. Morgan & Co. announced a French Loan of $100,000,000 at 8 per cent.

May 22. - S. O. E. Annual Parade Memorial Tablet unvailed by Prime Minister.

May 23. - Severe Electric storm, main switch at Petty Harbour blown out.

Body of Pte. Chipman, U.S. War Veteran arrives by Rosalind. Military funeral to Station for interment at Spaniard’s Bay.

Trial of Hun war criminals opens at Leipeig.

May 24. - Election day in Ulster.

Empire Day, holiday. Snow Storm.

Dublin customs house seized by Sinn Feiners.

K of C State Convention opens.

May 25. - Squires budget introduced.

Over $2,000,000 additional taxation.

War memorial meeting convened by deputy Mayor Morris at Governor’s request results in an attendance of 40.

May 26. - First Hun sentenced by Leipsig court for war Brutalities receives 10 months imprisonment

Demonstration of protest against rduction of relief work wages.

Delegates heard at the bar of House.

May 27. - Nfld. Amateur Athletic Association formed.

May 28. - United States Emergency tariff bill becomes operative.

May 30. - Capt. Mueller sentenced at Leipsig to 6 month’s imprisonment for brutality to British prisoners.

Report of Prohibition Committee tabled.

Supplemental supply introduced totalling $1,151,941,88. exclusive of the $500,000 fish Transecties.(?)

May 31. - Annual Branch W. M. S. Convention at Carbonear.


June 1 - Race riots in Oklahoma, many killed and wounded.

June 3. - Lord Byng of Vimy appointed Victroy of Canada.

Richard A. Squires Knighted.

W. H. Lamernnrier, C. M. G., and D. M. Baird enrolled as Hon. Association of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem.

June 4. - Canadian Parliament prorogued.

Disastrous floods in Colorado.

June 5 - Rt. Hon. Will Crooks, Labour Leader, died, 69.

June 6. - First game of league Football Series.

June 7. - Ulster Parliament opened.

Canadian Presbyterian Assembly approve Church Union 410 to 111.

Chinese Government first to accept league of nations Disarmament recommendations.

June 9. - British occupy Rosenberg and Poles evacuate town.

War memorial Meeting in Board of Trade Rooms in response to call on P. E. Outerbridge.

June 12. - Memorial Tablets unvailed at the Kirk by Governor Harris.

Addrss by Capt. (Rev. Dr.) H. A. Kent.

Masonic Benevolent Sermon by Rev. Canon bolt. D.C.L.

June 13. - Premier Squires introduces the Sale-Sur-Super-Tax resolutions.

June 15 - F. Archibald M.H.A. for Harbour Grace withdraws support from the Squires

Government and takes an independent seat.

St. Bon’s Annual Sports.

June 17. - At demand of Michael Cashin that the Government place a definite Railway policy before the House adjournment is taken for 5 days to formulate a scheme.

Coal miners ballot results in strike continuance.

June 19. - Sir Roger Twysden arrives by S.S. Sachem.

June 20. - Conference of Premiers opens at 10 Dowing Street.

President Harding Association of National proposal outlined.

Miss Marjorie Hutchings’s Recital at College Hall.

June 21. - F. Archibald, M.H.A., strongly endorsed by his constituents in Harbour Grace.

June 22. - Ulster Parliament opened by King George, Queen Mary also present. King appeal for Peace.

Methodist Conference assembles.

Rev. Dr. Fenwick re-elected President, the first case of a second consecutive term in the conference records.

Baseball season opens.

June. 24. - Avalon Lodge A.F. & A.M. Installation.

June 25. - Premier Lloyd George invites Sir James Craig and De Valera to a Conference in London in pursnance of the King’s plea for reconciliation and peace.

Samuel Gompers r-elected President of the American Federation of labour, 25,022 to 12,324.

Action of Representative Archibald endorsed by his constituents in Bay Roberts and vicinity.

June. 28. - Mines strike settled by House of Commons sanctioning arrangements which include a 10,000,000 pound subsidy.

Southern Ireland Parliament opens, only 19 present.

Terrific eruption of Stromboli

June 29. - Pulp and Paper Workers strike in Canada and the United States settled.

June 30. - Mayor Gosling and Commissioner C. P Ayre resign.

William Howard Taft, ex-President appointed Chief justice of the United States.


July 1. - City dailies increase price to two cents a copy, due to greatly increased cost of paper.

United States declare peace with Central powers by Acts of Congress.

British miners accept settlement terms by overwhelming majority.

July 2. - Drought in Great Britain. Six weeks of scorching weather.

Dempsey knocks out Georges Carpentier in 4th round at Jersey City.

July 3. - Commemoration Sunday, Sergeant’s Memorial unveiled by His Excellency Sir C. A. Harris.

Frank Lind memorial unveiled at Little Bay.

July 4. - Premier Smuts of South Africa visits Ireland, on peace mission.

Southern Ireland Conference opens.

Sir. George Bury’s Railway Report table.

July 5. - Longshoremen declare strike.

July 6. - Union Jack and Sinn Fein flags intertwined in Irish section of Liverpool to welcome the Prince of Wales.

Dominion Championship Sports, under auspices of C. L. B. Ten mile championship race. Octagon to St. George’s Field won by J. Bell. Time 58 minutes.

July 7. - High Commissioner Sir Edgar Bowring leaves for New York.

July 8. - Elamonn de Valera accepts Lloyd George invitation to a conference.

Truce in Ireland declared.

King George opens Royal Albert Docks extension.

Longshoremen drive non-union men from Shea’s wharf.

July 11. - Naval Reservists “prize Money" demonstration at the House of Assembly.

Ex-President Taft sworn in as Chief Justice of the United States.

Longshoremen strike suspended and work resumed.

July 12 - Harry G. Hawker, pioneer of Trans-Atlantic flight killed at Henden flying field.

July 13. - Governor lays cornerstone of Salvation Army Maternity Home.

M. C. A. A. Garden Party at Brookfield.

St. Patrick’s Garden Party at Lestor’s Field.

G. W. V. A. Sports.

Installation MacKay Lodge A. F. & A. M., Bay Roberts.

July 14. - Irish Peace Conference opens at No.10 Downing Street.

St. Bon’s Old Boy’s Annual Celebration.

July 15. - The Crimea declares itself an autonomous Soviet Republic.

July 16. - Dr. Donald McMillan’s Arctic Exploring party sails.

Funeral of Archibald Macpherson.

Boy’s Scout Camp at Manuels closes.

Religious Profession and Reception at Littledale.

July 17. - Anniversary Sunday at Mount Carmel.

July 18. - United Farmers defeat Stewart Liberal Ministry in Alberta election.

July 19. - Belvidere Flower Festival.

July 20. - I. O . F. Outing

C. C. C. jubilee Sports

Kilbride Garden Party.

July 21. - Fordney Tariff Bill passed.

JULY 22. - Railway resolutions, guaranteeing $1,500,000 to the Reid Newfoundland Company passes the assembly at 8 a.m.

July 23. - Ninetieth day of drought in London.

July 24. - Compromise over Silesian problem effected between Britain and France.

July 26. - First meeting of new City Commission held. I. C. Morris elected chairman, N. J. Vinicombe, Deputy Chairman.

U. S. demands release of American prisoners in Russia.

July 27. - A. E. Reid & Company’s plant at Bishop Falls partially destroyed by fire.

Mount Cashel Garden party.

Broad Cove Regatta.

Severe thunder and lighting storm. House on Battery Road struck. Considerable damage done.

C. of E. School Picnic.

Wesley Bible Class Outing at Donovan’s

Installation Carbonear Lodge A. F. & A.M.

July 28. - Bell Island Agreement passes the Assembly.

Doors of British Embassy closed at Washington against Lord Northcliffe.

July 29. - Sir Edgar Bowering’s gift of Waterford Hall as a Training and Employment School for Blind announced.

The Northcliffe interview scandal, king George repudiates statements as fabrication. Northcliffe disclaims interview.

July 30. - Wickham Steed, traveling companion of Lord Northcliffe, and editor of the London times, admits responsibility for the alleged Northcliffe interview.

The Imperial Service Medal presented by the Governor to John Trapnell, J.P. of Harbour Grace.

July 31. - Passport Regulations raised for Newfoundland by U.S. Government.


Aug. 1. - Plymouth Rock re-dedicated on this the 301st anniversary of the landing of the Pilgrim Fathers.

Aug. 2. - Enrico Caruso, the master singer died at Naples

Aug. 3. - Regatta Day postponed owing to high winds.

Annual Regatta Dance.

Aug. 4. - Regatta held. Cold day but successful and enthusiastic gathering.

Dail Eireann summoned

Aug. 5. - Capt. Campbell, M. C. Concert in College Hall.

Aug. 6. - Salvation Army Congress opens.

Disastrous Forest Fires in Martine Provinces.

Newfoundland share of the illusory reparation payments twofifths of one per cent.

Grand Falls strike ends.

Aug. 7. - War Memorial unveiled at Arnold’s cove, T. B.

C. of E. Flower Sunday.

Manuel’s Garden Party.

Major Gallaher, S.A., lectured at St. Andrew’s Church.

Aug. 8. - Supreme Council meets in Paris.

Annual reunion of the Sergeant’s Mess at Donovan’s.

Aug. 9. - First of a series of “Iron Splitters,” demonstration at Job’s premises, South Side.

Aug. 10. - Baron Byng reaches Quebec

Aug. 11. - Lord Byng of Vimy sworn in at Quebec as Govenor General

King of the Hedjas threatens a Holy War.

Legislature adjourns by agreement with the opposition, until December 12th and subject to express conditions.

Aug. 13. - Charles P. Miller, editor of the New York Times, visits St. John’s.

Cooperage of William Dawe & Sons, Bay Roberts destroyed by fire.

Aug. 14. - Rev. Ives Stocker, and wife of China, visit the Island, and address C. of E. congregations.

Correspondence between De Valera and Lloyd George made public.

Aug. 15. - British Government control of railway ends.

Aug. 16. - Death of King Peter of Yugoslavia, formerly of Serbia ages 77.

Dail Eireann assembles...........

Bell Island Regatta.

R. R. Stroud’s premises at Glovertown, destroyed by fire.

Aug. 17. - De Valera refuses British proposal.

B. I. S. Annual Outing.

Methodist Guards Sports.

N. B. S. Garden Party.

St. Michael Garden Party.

Aug. 18. - C. H. E. lists published Jubilee Scholarship won by Miss Olive Mews.

History of the Woman’s Franchise Bill told by representative of the movement.

Joseph Golestein acquitted of arson charge by Magistrate Avery of Burin.

Aug. 19. - City Commission grants Parade Ground to Amateur Athletic Association.

British Commons adjourns till October 18th.

Aug. 20. - Commissioner Mullaly resigns.

Fire at J. Burnstien’s.

Twillingate Sun changes hands. Editor Temple leaves for Toronto.

Aug. 21. - Prime Minister leaves for Washington.

Aug. 22. - Rev. Ernest C. Earp, B.A. C.F., elected Rector of St. Thomas Parish

Aug. 23. - Prince Emir Feisal crowned King of the Irak Region.

Population of Great Britain increased by nearly 2,000,000., despite heavy war losses.

Aug. 24. - Dirigible ZR-2, formerly R-38 collapses over Hull, Yorkshire, 44 out of 49 killed.

Death of Sir Sam Hughes, 69.

Championship Sports

Capt. Campbell’s “Child Welfare” recital.

Aug 25. - Peace Treaty between United States and Germany signed.

Aug. 26. - Mathias Erzberger former Vice-President of Germany assassinated.

Aug. 27. - Diamond Jubilee of Rev. Dr. Cowperthwaite.

Final settlement of L. S. P. U. threatened strike.

Railway General Manager Morgan arrives.

First cricket match for the year.

Aug. 28. - Holyrood and Torbay Garden Parties.

Foundation stone of St. Kyran’s Parish church laid by Rev. Father Fyme.

Aug. 29. - Hon. Lionet H. Clarke, Lieut- Governor of Ontario, dead.

City Footballers at Grand Falls.

Peace Treaty between Hungary and the United States signed at Budapest.

Newfoundland Postal association formed.

Aug. 30. - Regatta Committee 1921 holds final meeting.

Aug. 31. - Nova Scotia celebrates Tercentenary of Chapter at Annapolis Royal.

Military quells Belfast rioting.

Mrs. Martin, sister of Commander Grieve, Hawker’s partner in the trans-Atlantic

Air flight, with her two children, visit St. John’s.


Sept. 1. - Sinn Fein accepts invitation to London Conference.

Sir John Crosbie seriously ill, leaves for Montreal.

Sept. 2. - Manager Holmes of the Seamen’s Institute arrives.

Sept. 3. - Manager Jones of Seamen’s Institute leaves with his family for Australia.

Sept. 4. - Rev. Edwin Nicholls succeeds Rev. Canon field as Rector of St. Michael’s.

Sept. 6. - Parker and Monroe’s Annual Outing.

Sept. 7. - Annapolis Royal N. S., partly destroyed by fire.

Vardy’s premises, Hickman’s Harbour, destroyed by fire.

Sept.8. - Tropical storm of great violence in West Indies and Central America.

Sept. 9. - Express held up at badger by returning labourers for five hours.

Unveiling and dedication of Monument to Trinity Heroes.

Sept. 10. - “Fatty” Arbuckle charged with murder.

Sept. 11. - Death of Admiral Mount Batten.

Marquis of Milford Haven. 67.

Sept. 12. - Sir Richard Squires at Washington meets Senate Finance Committee and interviews Secretary Hughes.

Methodist Ecumenical Conference in London declares international disarmament a necessity .

Explosion at Imperial Oil Company’s plant rocks Halifax.

Manager Morgan, of the Reid Newfoundland Railway Company, resigns after a fortnight’s experience.

Sept. 13. - Methodist ecumenical conference, by commends work of the League of Nations.

Sept. 14. - International court of Justice constituted by appointment, through league of Nation of eleven Judges.

De Valera’s reply to Lloyd George is a virtual demand for secession. proposed meeting at Inverness called off.

Sept. 17. - Premier Lloyd George issues ultimatum as to secession.

Sir Ernest Shackleton two year Antarctic expedition by the “Quest” leaves.

Sept. 20. - Normal School opened.

Sept. 21. - Premier Meighen’s Cabinet reorganized, nine new members.

Chemical Works at Oppau, Germany, blown up. 1000 killed and 300 wounded.

Consecration of Heart’s Content lodge A.F. & A. M. and Installation of W.M. and officers.

Sept. 22. - B. I. S. wins Football Championship against Star by 2 goals to nil.

Sept. 24. - Wanderer’s Sports at Halifax.

Bell wins 5 mile race. Phelan, Butler and Skirving meet successes. Newfoundland A.A.A. takes 2nd place on points.

Sept. 27. - Premier Meighen opens election campaign at Portage la Prarie.

Fortune Memorial unveiled by Dr. MacDonald, S. M.

W. M. S. District Convention open at Grand Bank.

Sept. 29. - Silver Wedding of Rev. A. and Mrs. Shorter, Harbout Buffett.

Sept. 30. - De Valera accepts, for Sinn Fein, prime Minister’s invitation to London Conference.

Burgenland, West Hungary, declares its independence.

“The Enchanted Garden” by Mrs. Cleary’s pupils at the Casino.


Oct. 3. - Death of ex-King William of Wurtemburg.

W. J. Herder. proprietor of the Evening Telegram, offer cup and prizes for local marathon.

Cecil J. F. Parsons chosen as 1921 Rhodes Scholar. (since signed for current year).

N. A. A. A. demonstration at Donovan’s on return of athletes from Halifax.

Oct. 4. - Canadian Parliament dissolved.

Premier Meighen issues manifesto.

Fifteen locals out of 29 withdraw from International Longshoremen’s Union.

Woman suicides from S. S. Portia in Fortune Bay.

Blue Puttee Re-union at Donovan’s.

Oct. 5. - Old Feildian’s Re-union at Donovan’s

Oct. 6. - Motor association Annual Dinner.

Golden Jubilee of Capt. and Mrs. Thomas Rumsey.

Oct. 10. - J. A. Young succeeds G. G. Glennie as Manager of the Bank of Nova Scotia, St. John’s.

Oct. 11. - Irish Settlement Conference opens in London.

Speaking at Canterbury Field Marshal Earl Haig, declares cavalry as essential arm

Of the service and cites the action around Amiens in March 1918 as proof.

Hon. J. P. Hand, Bermuda presents Scholarships at St. Patrick’s Hall.

Oct. 12. - Death of Senator Knox.

Bishop Spencer College “At Home”.

K of C Memorial School presented to Archbishop Roche.

Oct. 13. - Gluocester schooner Elsie Mary Welch wins U. S. Fishermen’s Elimination races.

Oct. 14. - Rev. Ernest C. Earp, B.A., Rector of St. Thomas’s arrives.

Oct. 15. - Lunenburg schooner Bluenose, Angus Walter, wins, Canadian Elimination races.

J. Bell of St. John’s takes second place in Halifax Herald Marathon. Time 58 minutes, 55 ½ seconds.

Oct. 16. - Bishop of Newfoundland inducts Rev. E. C. Earp.

Gower Street Jubilee Services.

Rev. Carl Garland preacher.

Rev. Bro. J. E. Ryan appointed President of St. Bonaventure’s College.

Oct. 17. - Rev. Carl Gardland lectures in College Hall.

Gladys Clark Company open at Casino.

Oct. 18. - Train-wreck at Bowring Park, engine and four freight cars overturned. No injuries.

Ex-King Ludwig of Bavaria dead, 76.

Oct. 19. - Lloyd George states unemployment situation in Great Britain the worst since Napoleonic war.

Ayre Athletic Grounds formally presented to the Methodist College. Full sports Program .

Revolution in Portugal. Three ministers assassinated.

De Valera sends message to Pope Benedict reflecting on King George.

Spencer Club vegetable sale.

Oct. 20. - League of national Festival S. A. Citadel.

Girls Industrial Home meeting in Grenfell Hall.

Oct. 21. - Ex-King Charles of Hungary arrives in Burgenland. Regent Horthy leads the army against him.

Capt. Edward English Jr. presented by the Government with silver cup in recognition of his services when S. S. Ethie was stranded in 1919.

Oct. 23. - M. Demitroff, Bulgarian Minister of War assassinated.

Gower Street Silver Jubilee week closes.

Oct. 24. - Ex-Emperor Carl and ex-Empress Zitl captured near Komorn, West Hungary, and imprisoned.

Canadian Bluenose wins international Fishermen’s Race against U. S. Elsie.

Demonstration in honour of Athlete Hall.

Oct. 25. - Wilfred Wood Art Exhibition at Empire Hall.

20th Annual Convention St. John’s district W.M.S. opens at Cochrane Street Church.

Oct. 26. - Chancellor Wirth forms new Cabinet.

Oct. 27. - “Big Five” call off Railway “Walk Out” order.

Oct. 28. - First big storm of season–a “hum-dinger.” Wires out of commission. Big washout on railway.

Oct. 29. - New York acclaims Marshal Foch on his arrival from France.

Italy’s Unknown Soldier laid to rest in the Cathedral of Aquileia.

Soviet Russia makes conditional offer to assume Imperial Russia’s debts.

Annual Tasker celebration.

Oct. 30. - Outer Cove New Church dedicated by Archbishop Roche.

Methodist Church protest against failure to enforce Prohibition Act.

Oct. 31. - Unionists vote of censure on Lloyd George Irish policy defeated by 439 to 43.

Anglican Church at Hermitage and Little Bay East, also R.C. Church at Miller’s passage wrecked in North East gale.


Nov. 1. - Mr. Morgan assumes chairmanship of Railway Management Board.

Nov. 3. - Trains service resumed, damages by great storm being temporarily repaired.

Dollar Wheat once more.

Nov. 4. - Premier Takashi Haru of Japan assassinated.

Nov. 6. - Knights of Columbus installation at Grand Falls.

Nov. 7. - Hungarian National Assembly dethrones King Charles and ousts the Hapsburg dynasty.

Uchida becomes Premier of Japan.

King Alexander assumes Throne of Jugo-Slavia.

Funeral of U. S. Veteran J. T. Kennedy of Harbour Grace, from S. S. Rosalind to station.

Ricketts V. C. Memorial School at Seal Cove, White Bay, opened and Tablet unveiled by Dr. W. W. Blackall, M. B. E.

Nov. 8. - Ulster Cabinet summoned to London to confer with Sir James Craig.

Fordney Emergency Tariff extended till replaced by permanent one.

Franco-Turkish (Nationalist) treaty retified.

Mayor Hylan re-elected in New York by large plurality.

U. S. -Austrain treaty becomes effective.

Gower Street Boy Scouts Anniversary Banquet

Nov. 9. - Meeting of Grenfell Association at Government House.

B. I. S. Football Dinner.

Cochrane Street Church Sale of Work.

Nov. 10. - Imperial parliament prorogued.

C. E. I. memorial unveiled by Rev. Canon Bolt, D. C. L.

St. Bon’s wins inter-Collegiate Football Championship.

Nov.11 - Armistice and “Poppy”, Day.

G. W. V. A. Dance in C. C. C. Hall.

Official ceremony at Sergeant’s Memorial.

Government under pressure, against promises to fulfill the promises made in the Legislature to fulfill the promised made in the prime Ministers Manifesto to the War Veterans.

Presentation from Grand Falls Veterans to manager Scott in Parish Hall.

Nov. 12. - International Disarmament Conference means Secretary Hughes presented his Naval

Proposals, which include a 10 year naval holiday, and a 5-5-3 ratio.

Nov. 13. - Memorial tablet to C. L. B. J Co. cadets unveiled at St. Boniface Church, Bell Island by Rev. J Stead.

C. L. B. Brigade Week commences Mammoth parade to St. Mary’s.

Memorial tablet in Carbonear Methodist Church unveiled by Rev. Dr. Fenwick, President of Methodist Conference.

Nov. 15. - Bell Island Poultry Exhibition.

R. C. Presbytery at Marystown destroyed by fire.

Nov. 16. - Columbus L. A. Sale of Work.

Nov. 17. - Unionists at Liverpool, in Caucus, vote confidence in Lloyd George Irish policy.

Nov. 18. - Construction of 4 Super-Hood Battleships suspended.

Nov. 19. - Negotiations towards Egyptian independence collapse.

Young man, Townshend, of St, John N . B., reported missing since Thursday.

Nov. 20. - Belvidere Ladies Association formed.

Nov. 21. - Premier Briand demands security for France as essential preliminary to disarmament.

Nov. 22. - Betrothal of Princess Mary to Viscount Lascelles officially announced .

Nomination Day in Canada.

Dominion Sports at Prince’s Rink.

Golden Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Legrow, Broad Cove, B. D. V.

Nov. 23. - Government and Sinn Fein Conferences resumed.

Congregational Church Sale of work.

Wesley Tea and Sale.

Dunfield Club Jumble Sale.

St. John’s Rotary Club organizated.

Nov. 24. - Lord Curzon warns France of the folly of isolated action.

Nov. 25. - Wireless messages sent direct from Carnarvon to Australia.

Crown Prince Hirobito appointed Regent of Japam.

After three days irregularity due to ice accumulation, electric plants resumes full duty.

Nov. 27. - Christian Brothers collection exceeds $8,000.

Long distance Telephone opened. New publishes first items reported by new service from Harbour Grace.

Nov. 28. - “Deacon Dubbs” at the Casino.

Nov. 29. - Four day storm in New England States; 40 towns near Boston have electric light and power cut off.

Nov. 30. - Poultry Exhibition.

L. C. A. S. Sale opened.

Installation Lodge St. Andrew’s A. F. & A. M.


Dec. 1. - Miss Daisy Sterling, V.A.D., presented with Roay Red Cross at Government House.

Dec. 2. - F. P. U. Convention opens at Port Union.

Dec. 4. - Corner stone of the Convent Schools of St. Patrick’s laid by Archbishop Roche.

War Memorial Service at Cochrane Street Centennial Church. Rev. Dr. Bond preacher, H. E. the Governor unveils tablet, Rev. Capt. Clayton takes part.

Dec. 5. - Severe rain and wind storms. Electric lights suffer.

Rev. Dr. Bond lectures on his Pilgrimage through France and Flanders, in the College Hall. The latter half delivered in total darkness owing to lights cut off by storm.

Municipal Election Nomination Day two candidates for Mayor and 25 for Councillor.

Dec. 6. - Irish agreement reaches in the small hours of the morning.

Canadian Election results in sweeping defeat of Meighen Government. Progressives in second place.

Dec. 7. - Masonic Dance at the Temple.

Dec. 8. - Sinn Fein Cabinet splits over agreement; De Valera leading the Extremists.

Dec. 9. - Death of Sir Arthur Pearson.

Dec. 10. - President Reid, Director Powell and Conroy, Minster of Justice and Mrs. Warren return from prolonged visit to England.

Washington Conference announces the Four (afterwards Five) Great Power agreement on Pacific questions.

Major Cotton and Capt. Sidney Bennett airflight, Botwood to Halifax. Commenced at 10.40 a.m. machine descends at at Deer Lake, 2 hours later, 70 miles distant from starting point. Engine trouble. Major Cotton Injured.

Dec. 11. - Memorial Service at Harbour Grace Presbyterian Church. Tablet unveiled by Mr. Dugald Munn.

War memorial dedicated at the church of St. mar’s the Virgin, unveiled by H. E. The Governor.

Dec. 12. - Constitutional Government defied, Legislature resumes sessions and is peremptorily prorogued within an hour.

Death of the Earl of Halsbury.

Dec. 13. - St. Andrew’s Y. L. C. Sale of Work.

Presentation Convent Sale of work.

Dec. 14. - Irish Treaty introduced into the House of Commons and Dail Eireann.

Municipal Election. Out of 9000 registered lass than 3600 vote. Hon. Tasker Cook

elected Mayor, 2052 against 1476 for ex-mayor Morris.

Sale of Works by disabled Sailors and Soldiers in the Presbyterian Hall.

Robert Habb elected President of the Swiss Republic.

British parliament ratifies Irish Treaty by 401 to 58 in the Commons and 165 to 47 in the Lords.

Dec. 19 - Another Revolution in Portugal.

British parliament prorogued.

Dec. 20. - Bishop Field College Speech Day.

Dec. 21. - Methodist College Prize giving.

Bishop Spencer College prize Giving.

Hockey League Annual meeting.

Dec. 22. - After a week of waiting Municipal Count ends and poll is declarded. Messrs. Martin, Outerbridge, Vinicombe, Collier, Ryan and Dowden elected. Mr. Brophy comes seventh, with two votes behind.

Presbyterian College prize Giving.

Dec. 23. - Eugene Debs, Socialist Presidential candidate, released by President Harding and Sentence commuted.

Dec. 24. - Midnight Mass at R. C. Cathedral.

Carol service at the Kirk.

Premises of Elias Basha and Edwin Newton, Bell Island destroyed by fire.

Dec. 25. - Prince of Wales in Calcutta.

Dec. 26. - Prince’s rink opens for the season.

Concert at S. A. Citadel.

Dec. 27. - Installation St. John’s Lodge, A.F. &. A.M.

Dec. 28. - Hostility of France compels Washington Conference to drop Submarine Limitation proposals.

Poor Asylum Mission Annual Treat.

“Smoker” at masonic Temple.

Dec. 29. - McKenzie King Government sworn in at Ottawa.

Royal Bank of Canada removes to new Building adjoining Bank of Montreal.

Councillor Outerbridge entertains Campaign Committee.

Y. P. S. of St. Andrew’s Christmas Treat to 250 needy children of the city.

Retiring Municipal Council hold final meeting.


A Bounty of $30.00 perdiem will be paid on all schooners over 25 tons up to and including 50 tons built on and under the following conditions viz.

1. the keels must be laid on or after the 15th day of October 1921.

2. The schooners must be fully equipped and ready for sea by July 1st 1922.

3. Such schooners must be built in all respect in accordance with requirements of schedules B and C of Chapter 176. Consolidated Statutes (Third Series) entitled “Of The Encouragement of Ship Building”.

4. Each schooner shall be furnished with Lloyd’s tested chains of suitable Size and lengths, anchors, chain-plates, deadeyes, hawspipes, rigging, Sails and spars according to tonnage bounty under the said Chapter 176.

Min. Of Marine & Fisheries.
December 21, 1921,



Page contributed by Chris Shelley (January 2002)

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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