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1865 Newspaper Look-ups
The St. John's Daily News



April 8, 1865

On Thursday, 6th inst., after a few days' illness, in the 76th year of his age, Mr. John Dicks, senior. Mr. Dicks was a native of Teignmouth, England, and came to this Colony when a youth. By a conscientious discharge of duty, in all the relations of life, he earned the respect and esteem of a large circle of friends and acquaintances. As a husband and parent he was kind and affectionate; and passed away after having attained to a ripe old age, leaving a large family and many friends to mourn their sad loss. His remains will be conveyed to the River-head Cemetery on to-morrow (Sunday), at 3 o'clock P.M., from his late residence, Dicks' Square.
St. John's Daily News Page 3 - Sat. April 8, 1865
(Contributed by Carol Edwards)

June 3, 1865

Public Notice:

WHEREAS by an Act of the Legislature of this Colony, 28th Vic., Cap. 5, entitled "An Act to provide for the Registration of Births, Marriages and Deaths, in this Colony and its Dependents," passed on the 7th day of April last, it was enacted, "that the Stipendiary Magistrates for the Districts of this Colony shall be ??x Officio, Regisrars of Births, Marriages and Deaths, and shall compile their returns of Marriages celebrated within their respective Districts in each Year, as well from officail records kept by the Clergymen of the several denominations, and from other sources of information that may be available to them"

"That the Father or the Mother of every newly born child, or in case of the death or absence of the Father, and the inability of the Mother, the Owner or Manager of the House in which such Child may be born, shall, within fourteen days, or as soon as conveniently can be done after the Births, the time and place thereof, and, where known, the names of both parents.

That the Father, the Mother, or, in the event of there being none such, the Son, Wife, or other nearest relative of any one who shall die at any place within the Colony or its Dependencies, or at sea or abroad (if temporarily absent and a resident of the Colony), or in the event of no such relative, the Owner or Manager of the House in which such Person shall have died, or from which such Person shall be buried; and the Coroner or Magistrate before whom an Inquest on any Person deceased shall be held, shall, within fourteen days, or as soon as conveniently can be done after such death, give to the nearest Registrar of Deaths information of the Name, Residence, and Age of the party deceased, and, as far as it is known, of the cause of the death. And every person who shall refuse or neglect to perform any of the duties imposed by the said in part recited Act shall be liable to forfiet and pay a sum not exceeding TWENTY DOLLARS;"

We, the undersigned Stipendiary Magistrates for the Central District, do hereby give notice that all persons, to whomm the provisions of the said Act relate, are required strictly to conform to the same.

Police Office, St. John's, May 29th, A. D. 1865
        P.W. CARTER, J. P.,
        Thomas BENNETT, J. P.

July 22, 1865

Burnet Island Light-House
Notice to Mariners

The Board of Works hereby give notice, that the Light at Brunet Island, on Mercer's Head, Fortune Bay, was put into operation on Tuesday the 27th June last, and will continue to be exhibited every night from Sunset till Sunrise.

The Light is a powerful Flashing White Light, and attains its greatest brilliancy every "ten seconds". It burns at an elevation of 480 feet above the level of the Sea and, in clear weather, will be seen at a distance of Thirty?five Miles, and be visible in every direction from North, round East and South to W,N,W.

Mercer's Head is a bold Headland, and situated in Long 55. 59. 30. W. and Lat. 47. 16. N.

John H. WARREN, Chairman Board of Works.
Board of Works Office, St. John's, Newfoundland

July 28, 1865


In the Wesleyan Church in this city, on yesterday (Wednesday) at 8 o'clock, A. M., by the Rev. Paul PRESTWOOD, Superintendant Minister of the St. John's Circuit, the Rev. Charles LADNER, Wesleyan Minister, Fogo, to Maria S. eldest daughter of the Hon. John BEMISTER, Colonial Secretary of this Island.

July 29, 1865


On Tuesday evening, the 26th inst., at the Roman Catholic Cathedral, by the Red. Joh VERECKER, Mr. John FURLONG, to Mary Ann FANNING, both of this town.

"Reprinted courtesy of Robinson-Blackmore Printing and Publishing"
Any monetary or commercial gain from using this material is strictly prohibited and subject to legal action.
Contributed by Chris Shelley
February 20, 2000


Page Contributed by Chris Shelley (February 20, 2000)
Page Revised by Craig Peterman

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