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1904 Free Press (Vol.4)
December 1904

Printed every Tuesday St. John's, Newfoundland, Price 2 cents
Posted with permission from the Family Tree Group Organization
Grand Falls-Windsor

Family Tree Group



Dec 6, 1904


Dec 5 - The funeral of the late John PIKE of the Southside whose death occurred after a very brief illness, was attended on Monday by the OOA. Interment took place at the Methodist cemetery.



James AYLWARD, of Petty Harbour Road , was found dead in the stable of his brother-in-law on Sunday morning, He had been in town on Saturday making some purchases and shortly after dark left for home with his brother-in-law, a man named BREENAN, who gave him a lift in an express. He had been drinking heavily in the city, and when he arrived at his brother-in-laws he asked to be allowed to lie down in the stable. His request was granted, and no fear was felt for him On Sunday morning when the man went to call him he was cold in death. Deceased was about 40 years of age and his death is attributed to heart failure.

The schooner, Beta, Capt. MITCHEM, arrived from Trinity on Saturday afternoon and reported the loss of the captain's son , a fine lad of 17 years, by drowning......The deceased was a promising lad and a native of New Perlican.



ELLIS- at Aldersyde, Georges Brook, Trinity Bay , on Nov 8th, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Elim ELLIS.



SCOTT-TIZZARD - At Gower Street Methodist Parsonage, on the 29th inst., by the Rev. J. L. DAWSON, Mr. James Banks SCOTT, to Miss Emily Sarah TIZZARD, both of St. John's,.

KING-BRYANT - At 74 Flower Hill, on the 29th inst., by the Rev. J. L. DAWSON, Mr. Thomas KING, of Catalina, to Miss Martha BRYANT, of St. John's.



GARDNER - At Groals Island , after a short illness, Julia, the beloved wife of Anthony Gardner, aged 54 years.

JEFFERS - On 29th, after a tedious illness, Jessie, relict of the late Thomas JEFFERS, aged 59 years.

COLLINS - On the 1st inst., after a long and painful illness, Catherine Alice (Kitty), darling child of James J. and Bridet COLLINS, aged 8 years and 1 month.

FORSEY - At Mexico City , USA , on Nov 28th, Eugene , aged 35 years, son of Magistrate Geo. R. FORSEY, of Grand Bank.

ROWE - At Heart's Content, on the 26th ult., Solomon ROWE, aged 77 years.

POWER - At Torbay , on Nov 29th after a short illness, Catherine, aged 76 years, relict of the late Mogue POWER.

HUIE - On the 2nd inst. Wm H. HUIE, aged 76 years.

LACEY - Suddenly, of heart failure, at Torbay , Mrs. Jas. LACEY, aged 80 years.

WILLETT - On Dec 2nd, Irene Thelma, infant child of John H. and the late E.J. WILLETT, aged 1 year and 10 months.

MARSHALL - On Dec 3rd of pneumonia, Thos. MARSHALL (mason) aged 44 years.

BAMBRICK - On the 3rd inst., Samuel Leo, infant son of Samuel and Mary BAMBRICK, aged 11 months.

VETT - At Roxbury , Mass. , on Nov 22nd, Frederick George, son of the late Capt. Wm. VETT, of this city aged 35 years.

AYLWARD - Suddenly, on the 3rd inst., at his residence, Kilbride, John, eldest son of Redmond and the late Margaret AYLWARD, aged 42 years.

TIBBO - Yesterday morning, after a short illness, John TIBBO, aged 74 years.

MANNIGNS - Yesterday morning, Augustus, son of Constable and Bridget MANNING, aged 8 months.

CURTAIN - Yesterday morning, Daniel CURTAIN, aged 72 years.

Dec 13, 1904


Dec 7, 1904 - There have been three deaths from typhoid fever in the family of Fred KEATS at Eastern Tickle within the last few weeks. The daughter, a young woman of about 23 died about five weeks ago, two young men were down were fever shortly after and one of these died, while on Sunday last the father a man off sixty five passed away. Much sympathy is felt for the family which has been unbroken until these sudden and successive losses.


Herring Neck

Dec 7, 1904 - A very pretty wedding took place yesterday at St. Mary's Church when Mr. A.H. HOLWELL led to the altar Miss Florence STUCKLESS, Rev. R.F. MERCER performing the ceremony. The bride was attired in a costume of cream nun's veiling and hat to match. She was attended by her sister, Miss Annie STUCKLESS, Miss S. HOLWELL and Miss NEWMAN, while Mr. Claude HOLWELL and Mr. Louis HYDE supported the groom. The bride was given away by her brother, Mr. Henry STUCKLESS. They were the recipients of many valuable and useful presents. The large circle of friends of the contracting parties wish them many years of happiness. Correspondent.


Alexander Bay

The wedding of Mr. Josiah HOWELL, of New Town, and Mrs. Maria GEANGE, of this place, took place on Monday last, at the home of the bride's brother, by the Rev. Mr. CODLING. Mrs. GEANGE was left a widow about twelve years ago by the late Samuel GEANGE. She deserves much credit for the way in which she brought up her family of four children without a father to care for them. Mrs. GEANGE will be much missed by her many friends here. She was superintendent of the Sunday School for several years. She also held a class meeting once a week for the young at her own home. We wish her all the happiness that this world can give her in her new home.


Shot Himself

Patrick MADEN, of Maddox Cove, was the victim of a shooting accident on Tuesday last, which resulted in his death a few hours afterwards.......MADDEN was but 22 years of age and was the principal support of his widowed mother and seven younger brothers and sisters.

The Late William BLACKLER - Early yesterday morning there passed away one of the most aged and deservedly esteemed resident of the Southside of St. John's. Mr. William BLACKLER, who was a native of Ipplepen, Devonshire , came to Newfoundland 73 years ago, last May, as an apprentice to the firm of J.B.BULLER. He was then a lad of 12 years. After arriving at the age of manhood he became head scooper for McBride & Keer, occupying the position for some years, and _____ establishing himself as a planter. For some years now he has retired from the activities of life. A few weeks ago he fell ill, and the machinery of life ran slowly down until on yesterday morning when this aged patriarch entered rest. ........Mr. BLACKLER leaves one daughter, Mrs. Edward WARREN, of the Southside, and one son, Mr. William H. BLACKLER, who until some two years ago, was a prominent and successful member of the Chicago Board of Trade, but who resigned his various connections in to be with his aged father during his declining days.

Dec 13, 1904 


Pike - On Dec 1st, a son to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. PIKE

SNOW - On the 5th inst., a son to Mr. and Mrs. Isaac SNOW



LESTER-RUBY - At the Goulds, on the 7th inst, by the Rev. H.K. WOODWARD, RM. Fred LESTER, to Miss Gladys V. RUBY, youngest daughter of S. Ruby, Esq.



BLACKLER - Yesterday morning, William BLACKLER, aged 87 years, a native of Ipplepen, Devon , England . Funeral tomorrow Wednesday at 2:30 pm form his residence, Southside.

McGRATH - At Patrick's Cove, on Dec 4th after a long illness, Bernard D., beloved son of Richard and Mary J. MCGRATH, aged 26 years.

PETRIE - On Sunday morning Dec 1st, Robert BOND, darling child of C.P. and Elizabeth PETRIE, aged 6months aged two weeks.

CORNICK - On Dec ??th of convulsions, Emma P., child of H.J. And Phoebe CORNICK, aged 3 ½ years.

KELLY - On Nov 15th, at S.E. Arm, Great Placentia, John KELLY, aged 67 years.

WILLIAMS - At Goulds, Bay Bulls Road, on the 3rd inst., John Thornton WILLIAMS, aged 61 years.

GULLAGE - On Dec 8th, Hazel, darling child of James and Susannah GULLAGE, aged 3 years and 4 months.

BISHOP - On the 7th inst., after a long and painful illness, Ann, relict of the late Emmanuel BISHOP, aged 84 years.

Dec 20, 1904

Man killed by engine

Frederick BUCKINGHAM, of 62 Bartnes Road , a labourer at the Reid-Newfoundland Co.'s Railway yard, met with an accident on Thursday evening which cost him his left. He was conveying a bucket of coal and some kindling to a passenger car, and while crossing track No. 3, on which the baby engine was backing up slowly, he slipped and feel. Before he could recover himself the tender of the engine was upon him and the hind wheel went over his left leg just above the knee...........BUCKINGHAM seemed quite cheerful after the operation, but he could not stand against the great loss of blood, and at 2 a.m. Friday he passed away. He was an Englishman by birth, and had fought in the Boer War. A wife and two small children survive him.



The death of Mrs. MCGRATH, wife of Richard MCGRATH, Esq, Stipendiary Magistrate at Oderin, P.B. occurred on Tuesday last. The deceased lady was most highly esteemed, and many will mourn her demise. Her husband, two son, Capt. J. W. MCGRATH, of Brooklyn , NY and Mr. R. T. MCGRATH, and several daughters survive he, for whom profound sympathy will be felt.

Mr. George BLACKEM, who has kept a fruit and grocery store on Water Street for many years, died suddenly last night.....Mr. BLACKEM was bout 70 years old, and is survived by his widow.


The districts

A lad named MACKEY, son of Edward MACKEY of Burnt Cove, NDB was killed near that place on the 7th inst., with a companion he had gone in the country for a load of wood and a large tree which he was cutting down fell on him pinning him to the ground. The boy who was with him ran for assistance, but by the time he returned, MACKEY was dead.

Baie Verte mine was the scene of a terrible accident about ten day ago. Some dynamite having been left on an ore heap after a round of holes had been fired, one of the workmen who were loosening the ore struck the explosive with his pick, and a deafening explosion followed, resulting in the death of two workmen and the permanent injury of three others. The dead are William MOORES, married, and William WALKER single, the later being a nephew of Rev. Father WALKER, and a native of Brigus. The injured are Patrick LANE , Daniel HYNES and Benjamin HEATH. All three were terribly inured, and it is feared that the former will permanently lose his sight. Dr. CHISHOLM is attending them.



CURNEW - At Belloram, on the 5th inst., a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. F. CURNEW.

FANNING - On Dec 11th, a son to William T. and Kate FANNING.

HUESTIS - On Dec 16th the wife of Harry E.HUESTIS, of a daughter


RYAN-RYAN - At Aquaforte, on Nov 24th, by the Rev. Father VEREKER, Mr. Richard RYAN, to Miss Agnes RYAN, both of that place.

FRENCH-PARSONS - At the Methodist Parsonage Harbour Grace, on the 13th inst., Richard FRENCH to Annie PARSONS both of Bay Roberts.

LESUEUR-KNIGHTLEY - At Grimsby , Lincolnshire , on the 23rd ult, Charles, second son of P. LESUEUR, Esq, of St. Helier 's, Jersey , to Winnifred Julia, second daughter of the late Major KNIGHTLEY, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.



THOMEY - At Harbor Grace, on the 13th inst., after a long illness, Ellen, wife of Kennedy THOMEY, aged 67 years.

LAMBE - At Freshwater road, on the 12th inst., James Michael, darling and only beloved son of James and Alice LAMBE, aged 8 years.

POWER - At Halifax, on Nov 27th, John, dearly beloved son of Mary and the late John POWER, aged 36 years, a native of St. John's , Newfoundland .

COOMBS - On Wednesday, Dec 14th, after a long illness, Mary Ann, beloved wife of Joseph COOMBS, and daughter of Jean and the late Jonathan NOSEWORTHY, aged 28 years.

TOUCHER - On the 15th inst., at Fort Amherst , after a short illness, Margaret (Maggie) TOUCHER.

SAVAGE - on the 16th inst., after a long illness, Coleman J. SAVAGE, aged 30 years.

HEALEY - On the 16th inst., after a long illness, Ellen Williams, the beloved wife of Michael HEALEY, aged 35 years.

Dec 28, 1904


On Friday the 23rd inst., the funeral of the late Mercer ANTLE took place here. The deceased met his death while working in connection with a mine out in the Rocky Mountains . The body at the request of friends was sent on here.......



The marriage of Mr. Gilbert LEGROW of Broad Cove to Miss VATCHER of Freshwater, took place at the Methodist Church at the latter place on Wednesday. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. T.H. JAMES.



KYFFIN - FREEMAN - JEFFS - On the 7th inst., T, KYFFIN FREEMAN, to Alice , daughter of the late Edward James JEFFS, Councilor of the Borough of Brighton.

MANSFIELD - WEBB - On May 2nd, 1904 at Bakerfield, California, Mr. John MANFIELD, of this city, to Miss Maud WEBB, of Bakerfield.



LAWRENCE - On the 21st inst., a daughter to Mr. And Mrs. James LAWRENCE.

VEY - At Fortune, on the 16th inst., the wife of George VEY, Preventive Officer of H.M. Customs of a daughter.



Lamb - At the General Hospital , on Sunday afternoon, after a protracted illness, Mr. Dr. Walter LAMB.

PELLEY - Passed peacefully away at George's Brook, on Dec 2nd, Mary, relict of the late John PELLEY, aged 89 years.

RYAN - on the 26th inst., Capt. John RYAN, aged 89 years.

MERCER - On the 14th inst., at their son's residence, Harvey Street , Harbor Grace, Ann, widow of John MERCER, formerly of Upper Island Cove, aged 90 years.

TAYLOR - On the 19th inst., at Harbor Grace after a short illness, Henry ___ TAYLOR , eldest son of the late Henry and Ann Eliza Taylor, aged 31 years.

GILLARD - Suddenly, of heart disease, on the train, from East Orange , NJ , to New York , on the 5th October, Thomas S.GILLARD, son of the late George GILLARD, formerly of Harbor Grace, aged 56 years.

PASHER - On the 23rd inst., at Harbor Grace, after a long illness, Thomas PASHER, son of Herbert PASHER, aged 27 years.

DEADY - On Dec 22nd, Thomas DEADY, aged 72 years.

FOLEY - on the 22nd inst. Minnie, beloved daughter of Margaret and the late James FOLEY, aged 20 years.

MURRAY - On the 22nd inst., after a short illness, Martin MURRAY, aged 66 years.



Page Contributed by Family Tree Group

Transcribed by: Beverly Warford

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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