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The Daily News Obituaries
July 1957


The Daily News
July 3, 1957
Page: 14
Bay Roberts -
Greenland - Montague Wedding

One of the prettiest weddings of the season was solemnized at St. John the Evangelist Church, Coley's Point, on Tuesday, June 25th, at 7:30 p.m., when Rev. Isaac Butler united in Holy Matrimony Annie Catherine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Greenland, Coley's Point, to Mr. Clayton Steward Montague, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Montague of North West River.
The bride looked radiantly beautiful as she entered the church on the arm of her uncle, Mr. John E. Noseworthy, who gave her in marriage, to the strains of the wedding march played by Miss Shirley Dawe, church organist. She was gowned in a floor length white nylon net over satin, with fitted bodice of lace and bolero jacket of lace trimmed with simulated pearls and sequins. Her fingertip veil was held in place by matching halo and she carried a bouquet of pink and white roses.
The bride was attended by her sister Joan, Mrs. Herman Crocker of Corner Brook, in town for the occasion, as matron of honour, and Miss Janet Dawe, a life long friend, as bridesmaid. Both wore floor length gowns of blue and pink nylon net over lace with matching accessories and carried bouquets of pink and white roses and blue forget-me-nots.
The duties of best man were ably performed by Mr. Clayton Rumbolt, uncle of the groom, assisted by Mr. Lewis Gosse. Ushers were Mr. Duncan Snow and Mr. Abie French.
The bride's mother was gowned in a street lengthy dress of air force blue with matching accessories; her corsage resembled the bridal bouquet of pink and white roses. During the signing of the register the hymn "O Perfect Love" was sung by the congregation.
Following the ceremony the bridal party motored to Harbour Grace, then back to the C.E.A.A. Hall, Coley's Point where the reception was held with some 110 guests attending.
Mr. Allan Dawe, master of ceremonies, proposed the toast to the bride in his usual humorous manner, to which the groom responded. Mr. Dawe then called upon several of the guests who also gave very enjoyable short speeches.
Dancing and games were then enjoyed until the wee hours of the morning. The newly-weds will leave shortly to take up residence at Northwest River.
Their many friends wish the happy couple many years of wedded happiness.

The Daily News
July 11, 1957
Page: 16
Spaniard's Bay, July -
Mr. and Mrs. George Roberts
observed their twenty-ninth anniversary on Saturday, July 13th. They were married at Cochrane Street United Church St. John's by Rev. French. Congratulations go from their sons and daughters.

The Daily News
July 20, 1957
Page: 9
Stares - Gosse Wedding

At St. Cyprian's Church, Bell Island, the marriage took place on Monday, July 15th, at 10:00 a.m., of Elizabeth Lorraine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Maxwell Stares, East Wabana, Bell Island, to Granville Gordon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Gosse, West Mines, Bell lsland.
Rev. T. E. Smith performed the ceremony. During the ceremony, the hymn "O Perfect Love" was sung. The organist was Mrs. James Crewe.
The bridal party made a very colourful procession as they wended their way up the aisle, escorted by Mr. Thomas McMurdie, brother-in-law of the bride. Looking radiantly happy and beautiful all in white, the bride leaning on the arm of her father, who gave her in marriage, was dressed in an imported model ballerina length dress of white embroidered nylon net over slipper satin, with a portrait neckline. The bodice was fitted empire, shirred at the waistline, with all nylon, and long fitted fingertip sleeves. Her shoulder length veil was held with a Juliet cap, trimmed with pearls and sequins, and silk illusion lace edge. Her bouquet consisted of red roses, pink carnations and fern and red roses hanging from her ribbon streamers.
The matron of honour was Mrs. Thomas McMurdie, sister of the bride. The bride's maid was Miss Carol LeDrew, cousin of the bride. They both looked very charming in strapless dresses of pale pink and blue, net over taffeta, with matching jackets respectively, and matching feather head dress, and carried bouquets of pink and white carnations.
The groom was attended by Mr. James Gosse as best man, brother of the groom.
The mother of the bride wore a light blue lace dress over taffeta, blue picture hat, squirrel neckpiece and all white accessories.
The groom's mother wore a blue crepe dress with lace inset's, and white accessories. Both mothers wore corsages of pink carnations.
Following the ceremony the reception was held at the home of Mrs. H. M. Stares, grandmother of the bride.
After the bride and groom greeted their guests, they took their places with the wedding party, at the table, which was very attractively decorated.
Mr. Bert Stares, uncle of the bride, acted as toastmaster.
Rev. T. E. Smith proposed the toast to the bride and groom.
The groom responded on behalf of the bride and himself and proposed a toast to the bridesmaids, which was acknowledged by Mr. James Gosse.
For going away the bride chose a pale green tweed suit, with a white-feathered hat, and contrasting accessories, her corsage was pink and white carnations.
Mr. and Mrs. Gosse left by T.C.A. the same day, to spend their honeymoon with the groom's brothers at Toronto and Sydney.



Page contributed by Bob Vokey

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit ( Thursday May 16, 2013 )

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