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The Daily News Obituaries
August 1963


The Daily News
August 1, 1963
Page: 16
Spaniard's Bay -
John Vokey
- When John Vokey passed peacefully away on Sunday, July 21, after a very brief illness, the curtain came down, as it were, on a chapter in our local unwritten history. He is the last of a group, who in the dull, tired days before radio and television, did his share to relieve the monotony of the winter evenings by entertaining his neighbours with his merry heart and cheerful wit. He was a born comedian, ready to put on a show of his own at the drop of the hat. It was little wonder, then, that to distinguish him from another person of the same name, he became known as "Actor Jack".
Blessed with good health for all of his eighty years, he was a remarkably active man and very agile, and although he had not carried on his trade of an exterior decorator for some years, he spent much of his time in season in his vegetable garden on the hill. Two days before he died he finished "trenching" his potato patch.
Life for him, however, was not always one sweet song. He saw seven of his eleven children, all adults, committed to mother earth. His wife predeceased him.
All this, coupled with the strain and stress of surviving in an era not to generous with this world's goods, was a test for the very strongest. He had to carry on.
He was a member of the Loyal Orange Association and the Royal Black Preceptory; members of which organization attended his funeral which was held on Tuesday afternoo0n to the Church of the Holy Redeemer where the service for the Dead was conducted by the Rev. L.A. J. Ludlow. Burial was in the family plot.
Surviving are three sons, Norman and Richard at Spaniard's Bay, Philip at Bell Island, and one daughter, Mrs. Emma Noseworthy, at Bell Island, as well as a number of grandchildren and great grandchildren. To those who mourn we offer sincere sympathy.

The Daily News
August 23, 1963
Page: 7
Peddle - Fahey Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Peddle
following their marriage on July 17 at St. Joseph's Church, Riverhead, Harbour Grace, with Nuptial Mass at 10 o'clock, celebrated by Rev. John Peddle, brother of the groom. The bride is the former Jeanne Marie Fahey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fahey and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Peddle, Tilton, C.B. The bride was assisted by Loretta Peddle and Loretta Ryan, and the groom was assisted by Ignatius Fahey and Francis Peddle. Flower girl was Regina Peddle. The honeymoon was spent in Grand Falls and Gander.



Page contributed by Bob Vokey

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit ( Tuesday September 03, 2013 )

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