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The Daily News Obituaries
August 1958


The Daily News
August 2, 1958
Page: 7
Spaniard's Bay, July 30 -
Pike - Clarke Wedding

The marriage of Linda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pike of Spaniard's Bay to Lionel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Clarke of Markland was solemnized in the Church of St. John the Evangelist, Whitbourne on Tuesday, July 23, at 8 p.m. Rev. George Camp, R.D., performed the ceremony. Appropriate music was played by Mrs. Noseworthy.
The bride was given in marriage by her father, and looked very pretty in a floor length dress of white nylon net and lace over satin, with matching bolero. Her elbow length veil was held by a coronet of pearls; her bouquet consisted of carnations and fern.
Attending the bride, as maid of honour was Miss Gladys Clarke, sister of the groom, dressed in lemon, and Miss Daphne Jones as bridesmaid attired in blue. Both wore matching headbands and carried bouquets of mixed flowers.
The groom's attendants were Mr. Carl Gosse and Mr. Gordon Pike, Jr.
The reception was held in the school at Markland where a large number of guests partook of a delicious supper. The three-tier wedding cake was a product of Mrs. W. J. Titford of Shearstown. The toast to the happy couple was proposed by Mr. E. H. Vokey.
Following the supper, dancing was enjoyed by many, with excellent music provided by Mr. Lloyd Noseworthy.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarke have taken up residence at Markland. We join with their friends in wishing them everything that is good in life.

The Daily News
August 2, 1958
Page: 7
Spaniard's Bay, July 30 -
Yetman - Timmins Wedding
Mr. Charles Cron Yetman
, son of Captain Selby and the late Mrs. Elizabeth Yetman was married in Toronto on Saturday, July 25, to Miss Georgette Sylvia Timmins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Timmins of Winnipeg. The ceremony was performed in St. Aiden's Anglican Church, at Silverbirch and Queen and the reception was held at 190 Willow Avenue.

The Daily News
August 14, 1958
Page: 12
Spaniard's Bay, August 12 -
Elizabeth Peddle
- News was received here on Saturday on the death in Toronto on Friday of Mrs. Elizabeth Peddle aged 82. Mrs. Peddle had been living in Toronto for several years with her married daughter but made annual summer visits to her home. Mr. Edward Peddle is her son. The body is expected to reach her on Wednesday and the funeral will be held on Thursday.

The Daily News
August 19, 1958
Page: 6
Bay Roberts -
Mercer - Crane Wedding

A very pretty wedding was solemnized at St. Mark's Anglican Church, Shearstown on Saturday, May 31st at 7:30 p.m., when Emma Phyllis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Mercer of Shearstown was united in Holy Matrimony, to Walter, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Crane of Upper Island Cove.
The double ring ceremony was performed by Rev. Isaac Butler, Rector of the Parish, assisted by Rev. H. M. Batten, Rector of Upper Island Cove.
The bride, given in marriage by her father, looked very lovely in a floor length gown of white nylon net over satin. Her floor length veil was held in place by a sequined tiara and she carried a bouquet of pink and white carnations.
Her attendants were Miss Ethel Crane, sister of the groom, as maid of honour, wearing a floor length gown of lemon nylon net over satin with matching accessories and carrying a bouquet of assorted flowers.
The bridesmaids Miss Shirley Yetman and Miss Blanche Drover, wearing floor length pink and lemon nylon net over satin gowns respectively, with matching accessories and carried bouquets of assorted flowers.
The duties of best man were ably performed by Mr. John Mercer, brother of the bride, with Messrs Henry Crane and Randell Adams as ushers.
Little Henry Mercer proudly acted as ring bearer. Flower girls were Glennis Mercer, sister of the bride, Mary Crane, sister of the groom and Blanche Crane, a friend. They were dressed in lemon and white respectfully and carried matching flowers.
Following the ceremony, the bridal party motored to Harbour Grace, then to Upper Island Cove, returning to Shearstown to the home of the bride where the reception was held and the usual toast list honoured.
The mother of the bride received wearing navy with white accessories. She was assisted by the mother of the groom wearing wine with matching accessories.
NOTE: More in article, but unable to read.

The Daily News
August 21, 1958
Page: 2
Spaniard's Bay, August 19 -
Mrs. Elizabeth Peddle
passed away at the home of her daughter in Toronto on Friday, August 8, following a brief illness in her eighty-first year.
Aunt Lizzie was well and favourably known in Spaniard's Bay, where she has lived for most of her days. In recent years she had been living in Toronto but even then she made an annual visit to her home. Her last visit was made here last summer, and on the day of her return we took her with us to Torbay Airport. Her jovial disposition helped us a great deal that day as it has helped many others down through the years. She was never one to look on the gloomy side of life, and at eighty she was able to tell us that it is time enough to start worrying when one gets old. She was as kind as she was cheerful. She was a faithful Anglican and an excellent church worker. As a member of the C.E.W.A. she was awarded, in absentia, just a few months back, a certificate indicating that she had served that church organization faithfully for forty years or more.
Mourning the loss of a loving mother are three sons, Edward at Spaniard's Bay, Walter in Toronto and Ronald Stirling in New York; two daughters, Mary (Mrs. Augustus Sheppard), New York, and Marcie (Mrs. William A. Mercer), with whom she resided in Toronto, as well as a large number of grandchildren and great grandchildren.
Her remains were brought here on Thursday and burial was on Friday with the Rev. H. M. Batten officiating. Mrs. Lewis R. Gosse was the organist for the burial service in Holy Redeemer Church.
"Rest eternal grant her, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon her"

The Daily News
August 28, 1958
Page: 16
Harvey Yetman
- Passed peacefully away on August 27th, Harvey, age 32, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Yetman. Leaving to mourn their sad loss, his wife, Lorraine; daughter, Gail, one sister, Mrs. Lorne Edison, Botwood; five brothers: Arch, Fred, Robert, Ronald and William. Funeral Friday, 2:30 p.m. from 37 Smith Avenue.



Page contributed by Bob Vokey

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit ( Thursday May 16, 2013 )

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