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Newfoundland Overseas Forestry Unit

Brendan Power joined the Newfoundland Overseas Forestry Unit in November 1939.
He was a Lance Corporal with B Coy, 3rd Inv. [NF] Battalion.
He was stationed at the Forest Lodge Camp at Nethy Bridge in Inverness-Shire.
He served his country until August 1945.

Certificate of Discharge [NOFU]
Certificate of Proficiency [Home Guard]
Certificate of the Home Guard
Newfoundland Overseas Foresters' Association Constitution

Brendan Power #268 [Age 21 Years]
Dingwall, Scotland
I was with a road building crew at this time.
Truck is a Bedford 6 Ton, Dump
1940 Dalcross Camp
Brendan Power # 268 [on right]
Patrick Hicks # 238[on left]
Slab Pile from Sawmill

1941 Dalcross Camp
Brendan Power #268 [on left]
Steve Austin # 201[on right]
George Blackmore # 2291[centre]
1929 Model A Ford # NS 1206
1941 Dalcross Camp
Patrick Hicks # 238
Harbour Main, NL

1944, Near Inverness, Scotland
Brendan Power #268 [on right]
Alex Fraser - Dunkirk Survivor[center]
Jock MacCowan [on left]
1949 Near Inverness, Scotland
Brendan Power #268

Bren was a very talented carver and his work has gone far and wide.
His sister, Lucy, send me a photo of some of his carvings

Photos Copyrighted by Brendan Power

Page Last Modified: Wednesday October 14, 2020 (Daniel B. Breen)

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Military Records Contact: Daniel B. Breen

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