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Newfoundland Navy
World War II

1939 - 1945

* indicates those that did not return

Service #
  180284 Jack, James A.*  
7th Contingent C/204809 Jackman, Harold Grand Falls
11th Contingent 220938 Jackson, Bernard CJ Heart's Delight
17th Contingent 315670 Jackson, Hubert A Cavendish, Trinity Bay
8th Contingent 208948 James, Athol T St. John’s
13th Contingent 247950 James, Sidney L 82 Carter's Hill, St. John’s
8th Contingent 208915 Janes, Austin J Logy Bay Rd., St. John’s
3rd Contingent 181083 Janes, Benjamin Benoits Covef
10th Contingent 216808 Janes, Graham Bell Island
17th Contingent 315707 Janes, Harold M 8 Pleasant St., St. John’s
17th Contingent 315735 Janes, Karl J Deer Lake
8th Contingent 208946 Janes, Nathaniel 43 Bannerman St., St. John’s
8th Contingent 208945 Janes, Robert 28 Southside Rd., St. John’s
4th Contingent P/188861 Janes, William* Paradise, Conception Bay
14th Contingent 230104 Jarvis Stephen R Belleoram
9th Contingent 211481 Jefford, James N Long Pond, Manuels
2nd Contingent 180937 Jennings, Daniel* Moreton's Harbour
1st Contingent C/173289 Jennings, Michael J. Torbay
Forestry Transfer 280434 Jennix, John Port aux Choix
6th Contingent D/202020 Jesseau, Fred* Wood’s Island via Curling
6th Contingent D/202030 Jesseau, Howard Wood’s Island via Curling
5th Contingent C/188387 Jesso, Henry J.* Kilbride
14th Contingent 230170 John, Lewis Grand Falls
5th Contingent D/191501 Johnson, Arthur* Bell Island
10th Contingent 216671 Johnson, George Triton, Notre Dame Bay
6th Contingent P/194555 Johnson, Russell G St. Jacques
15th Contingent 277240 Johnson, Samuel 9 Colville St., St. John’s
1st Contingent D/174377 Johnston, Edgar C. St. John's
14th Contingent 230142 Jolliffe, William F 41 Prescott St., St. John’s
Joined in the U.K.   Jones, Desmond V. [Lt/Cdr] Grand Falls
10th Contingent 216672 Jones, Frederick Whitbourne
17th Contingent 315750 Jones, George B 47 Campbell Ave., St. John’s
16th Contingent 299660 Jones, Harold F 25 Campbell Ave., St. John’s
Joined in the U.K. FX/766900 Jones, Marshall B. Mayor Ave., St. John's
11th Contingent 220939 Jones, Owen N Joe Batts Arm
12th Contingent 246608 Jordon, Patrick Blackrnarsh Rd., St. John’s
9th Contingent 211431 Joy, Samuel William 49 Flower Hill, St. John’s
11th Contingent P/221002 Joyce, Patrick* 7 Holloway St., St. John’s

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Military Records Contact: Daniel B. Breen

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