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Members of the Royal [Newfoundland] Artillery
Surname Listing - N

970540 NASH Bertram
970662 NEAL George Winsor
970823 NELDER Roy Alexander
970804 NEWELL Angus Ronald
970186 NEWELL Charles
970859 NEWELL Harold James
971563 NEWELL Harvey
970194 NEWELL Isaac Joseph
970195 NEWELL Robert Stanley
970405 NEWHOOK William Gordon
970874 NEWMAN Edgar Pearce
970290 NEWMAN Edward Gordon
971528 NEWMAN Graham
970624 NEWMAN John Frederick
971855 NICHOLES Edward William
970302 NICHOLL Ernest Frederick
1158169 NICHOLS Frank Llewellyn
970577 NICHOLS William Robert Bruce
1158333 NIELSEN Patrick Joseph
970949 NIXON Ernest
971154 NOBLE Reginald Thedore
970831 NOBLE Ronald William Earle
971486 NOEL Arthur
1158137 NOEL Bertram John
970010 NOEL Frank Lilly
970020 NOEL Harold LeMessurier
971117 NOEL Nathaniel Stewart
971754 NOEL William Leroy
971664 NOFTALL Gilbert George
971665 NOLAN Edward Joseph
970822 NOLAN John Matthew
970006 NOONAN Edward
971529 NORBERG Frederick George
971856 NORMAN Albert Clarence
971857 NORMAN Clement
971527 NORMAN Cyril Maxwell
970638 NORMAN Herbert John
970398 NORMAN Howard
970222 NORMAN Robert Llewellyn
1158138 NORMAN Stephen Lawrence
971415 NORMAN Theodore Edward
971399 NORMORE Andrew Joseph
970533 NORMORE Calvin George
971042 NORMORE Guy
970598 NORMORE Harvey Wanseworth
971755 NORRIS Lionel Francis
970629 NORTHCOTT Edward James
971267 NOSEWORTHY Alexander
970524 NOSEWORTHY Edward Joseph
970847 NOSEWORTHY Edward Norman
970142 NOSEWORTHY Harris Francis
970681 NOSEWORTHY James Leslie
971132 NOSEWORTHY Reginald Charles
970966 NOSEWORTHY Samuel Robert
970775 NOSEWORTHY Thomas
971462 NUGENT Michael Francis
971464 NUGENT Patrick Jerome
970188 NUGENT Richard Augustine
970023 NURSE Charles Patrick
1158334 NURSE Richard Stewart
1158263 NURSE Rudell

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Military Records Contact: Daniel B. Breen

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