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These transcriptions may contain human errors.
As always, confirm these, as you would any other source material.
971146 | GABRIEL | William Alfred |
971341 | GADON | Gerard Joseph |
970572 | GALE | Charles J. |
970564 | GALE | Michael Fintan |
971235 | GALE | Michael Francis |
970643 | GALLAGHER | Gerald Brendan |
971730 | GALLANT | Richard |
971349 | GALLANT | Roderick Rudolph |
971826 | GALWAY | William Francis |
970239 | GAMBERG | John Charles |
970669 | GARDINER | James Patrick |
970298 | GARDINER | Patrick Josep |
1158322 | GARDNER | Noah John |
1158197 | GARLAND | Theodore William |
970110 | GARLAND | William |
971731 | GARNIER | Albert Bernard |
1158240 | GAUDET | Wilfred |
971261 | GAUDIT | Joseph |
1158035 | GAUDON | Bernard |
971827 | GAVIN | George Thomas |
970410 | GEAR | Harry Wilfred |
1158350 | GEORGE | Dougal Robert |
970703 | GEORGE | Lloyd Elvin |
970605 | GEORGE | John William |
971516 | GEORGE | Mark |
971044 | GEORGE | Reuben |
971732 | GIBBONS | Abraham |
971257 | GIBBONS | Stephen Francis |
971195 | GILBERT | John Newman |
971105 | GILBERT | William |
970493 | GILES | William Thomas |
970684 | GILL | Herbert Dansen |
971098 | GILL | Herbert George |
971636 | GILL | Leander Nicholas |
971222 | GILL | Lester Dinsmore Barbour |
970489 | GILLAM | Donald Samuel |
1158323 | GILLAM | George Llewellyn |
970604 | GILLARD | Arthur Bramwell |
970941 | GILLARD | Lloyd Carson |
971242 | GILLIS | Daniel Joseph |
971557 | GILLIS | Michael Francis |
971460 | GLEESON | William Henry |
970541 | GLOVER | Rodger Marion |
971572 | GODDEN | Thomas |
971452 | GODDEN | William |
971408 | GODFREY | Cecil Ewart |
971366 | GOLDSWORTHY | Howard Stanley |
970399 | GOODRIDGE | Alan |
970791 | GOODRIDGE | Eric Lionel |
970396 | GOODRIDGE Owen | |
970962 | GOODRIDGE | Ronald Wilbur |
971345 | GOODYEAR | Arnold Overton |
970127 | GOODYEAR | Jethro William |
971011 | GOODYEAR | Sandy Thomas |
971970 | GOODYEAR | Stephen Parsons |
1158036 | GOOSNEY | Wallace |
970580 | GORDON | Garfield |
971637 | GORMAN | Herbert |
106682 | GOSSE | Frank Halden Lt |
970329 | GOSSE | George Ronald |
970689 | GOSSE | John Frederick |
970348 | GOSSE | William Joseph |
971239 | GOUDIE | Jordan Joseph |
971828 | GOUGH | Ezekiel |
970011 | GOUGH | Frederick George |
970939 | GOULD | Thomas Raymond |
971578 | GOULDING | Cecil Squires |
971459 | GOULDING | Gordon Ezekiel |
971096 | GOURLEY | Robert John |
970287 | GOVER | Frederick George |
971560 | GOVER | Ralph |
970769 | GRACE | Thomas Patrick |
970157 | GRAHAM | Ferdinand James |
970009 | GRAHAM | John Melville |
970095 | GRAHAM | Robert John |
971258 | GRANT | Charles James |
970236 | GRANT | Edgar Joseph |
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