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Members of the Royal [Newfoundland] Artillery
Surname Listing - G

971146 GABRIEL William Alfred
971341 GADON Gerard Joseph
970572 GALE Charles J.
970564 GALE Michael Fintan
971235 GALE Michael Francis
970643 GALLAGHER Gerald Brendan
971730 GALLANT Richard
971349 GALLANT Roderick Rudolph
971826 GALWAY William Francis
970239 GAMBERG John Charles
970669 GARDINER James Patrick
970298 GARDINER Patrick Josep
1158322 GARDNER Noah John
1158197 GARLAND Theodore William
970110 GARLAND William
971731 GARNIER Albert Bernard
1158240 GAUDET Wilfred
971261 GAUDIT Joseph
1158035 GAUDON Bernard
971827 GAVIN George Thomas
970410 GEAR Harry Wilfred
1158350 GEORGE Dougal Robert
970703 GEORGE Lloyd Elvin
970605 GEORGE John William
971516 GEORGE Mark
971044 GEORGE Reuben
971732 GIBBONS Abraham
971257 GIBBONS Stephen Francis
971195 GILBERT John Newman
971105 GILBERT William
970493 GILES William Thomas
970684 GILL Herbert Dansen
971098 GILL Herbert George
971636 GILL Leander Nicholas
971222 GILL Lester Dinsmore Barbour
970489 GILLAM Donald Samuel
1158323 GILLAM George Llewellyn
970604 GILLARD Arthur Bramwell
970941 GILLARD Lloyd Carson
971242 GILLIS Daniel Joseph
971557 GILLIS Michael Francis
971460 GLEESON William Henry
970541 GLOVER Rodger Marion
971572 GODDEN Thomas
971452 GODDEN William
971408 GODFREY Cecil Ewart
971366 GOLDSWORTHY Howard Stanley
970399 GOODRIDGE Alan
970791 GOODRIDGE Eric Lionel
970396 GOODRIDGE Owen
970962 GOODRIDGE Ronald Wilbur
971345 GOODYEAR Arnold Overton
970127 GOODYEAR Jethro William
971011 GOODYEAR Sandy Thomas
971970 GOODYEAR Stephen Parsons
1158036 GOOSNEY Wallace
970580 GORDON Garfield
971637 GORMAN Herbert
106682 GOSSE Frank Halden Lt
970329 GOSSE George Ronald
970689 GOSSE John Frederick
970348 GOSSE William Joseph
971239 GOUDIE Jordan Joseph
971828 GOUGH Ezekiel
970011 GOUGH Frederick George
970939 GOULD Thomas Raymond
971578 GOULDING Cecil Squires
971459 GOULDING Gordon Ezekiel
971096 GOURLEY Robert John
970287 GOVER Frederick George
971560 GOVER Ralph
970769 GRACE Thomas Patrick
970157 GRAHAM Ferdinand James
970009 GRAHAM John Melville
970095 GRAHAM Robert John
971258 GRANT Charles James
970236 GRANT Edgar Joseph

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Military Records Contact: Daniel B. Breen

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