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McAlpine's 1904 Directory
Bay St. Georges District
ALEXANDER Oliver fisherman
ALEXANDER Edward fisherman
BARTER Joseph carpenter and fisherman
BISHOP Charles R. miner
BARRY Ernest fisherman
BARRY William fisherman
BANFIELD W James fisherman
BANFIELD Joseph fisherman
BETHUNE D J fisherman
CHEVERY Simon fisherman
CASHIN Arthur fisherman
CASHIN Francis fisherman
CASHIN John fisherman
CHINA George R fisherman
CHINN Abram B fisherman
CHINN Ulric W fisherman
DU'HART Adolph fisherman
DENNIS William fisherman
FILLIATRE William J fisherman
FILLIATRE Francis fisherman
FILLIATRE Samuel fisherman
GALLANT Walter fisherman
GALLANT Alexander fisherman
GARNIER Francis fisherman
GARNIER Albert fisherman
GOODLAND George caretaker
HYNES Henry fisherman
HYNES Samuel fisherman
HYNES Frederick fisherman
HALBOT Edward fisherman
HALBOT Adolph shopkeeper and general merchant
HIRST E C J.P., Notary Public
KEATING John blacksmith
KING Patrick fisherman
LEROUX Wilford C fisherman
LEROUX Walter E general dealer
LISEGAN Alfred fisherman
LANGLOIS Hubert fisherman
LANGLOIS Rennie fisherman
LANGLOIS Louis fisherman
LEROUX Leopold fisherman
MESSERVEY Philip fisherman
MORRIS John fisherman
McFATRIDGE Henry fisherman
McFATRIDGE John fisherman
McFATRIDGE Daniel fisherman
McFATRIDGE Samuel fisherman
McFATRIDGE James fisherman
MESSERVEY Niron fisherman
MESSERVEY George jr fisherman
MESSERVEY Alfred fisherman
MESSERVEY Alex fisherman
MESSERVEY John fisherman
MCDONALD Hector fisherman
MCLEAN William fisherman
MCLEAN Daniel fisherman
O'REILLY Ambrose fisherman
O'REILLY Aloysius Sub. Col. H.M. Customs
MESSERVEY James Sub. Col. H.M. Customs
MESSERVEY George Sub. Col. H.M. Customs
MCLENNAN John fisherman
MESSERVEY Millage lighthouse kpr.
PARSONS Charles fisherman
PERREWAY Alfred fisherman
PARSONS Elvyn A fisherman
PARSONS Edward fisherman
PARSONS Lewis fisherman
PIELLY Harold fisherman
POURIER Frederick fisherman
PARSONS George fisherman
PARSONS John E fisherman
PARSONS William fisherman
PARSONS Joseph fisherman
PARSONS John fisherman
PERREWAY Joseph M fisherman
RENOUF Isaac fisherman
RENOUF Philip fisherman
RENOUF John R fisherman
RENOUF Joseph fisherman
RENOUF John jr fisherman
RYAN Thomas ferryman and fisherman
RENOUF Clement Sub. Col. H.M. Customs
RENOUF Frederick fisherman
RENOUF Alfred fisherman
SHAW Samuel fisherman
SWYER Samuel fisherman
SWYER Benet fisherman
SEAWARD Rufus fisherman
SEAWARD William fisherman
SHEPPARD Medric fisherman
SHEPPARD James fisherman
SWYER Edward fisherman
SWYER Walter fisherman
SWYER George A fisherman
SWYER Nelson fisherman
SHAW Thomas fisherman
THOMAS James fisherman
THOMAS Michael fisherman
THOMAS Alfred fisherman
THOMAS John fisherman
TIPPLE Edward operator
VINCENT Charles fisherman
YOUNG John fisherman
YOUNG Thomas fisherman
YOUNG John H fisherman
YOUNG Frederick fisherman
YOUNG John jr fisherman
YOUNG Alexander fisherman

109 Entries Complete
[ McAlpine's Directories]

The entries have been transcribed as
they appear in the 1904 directory.
Over the years, many of the names have become
colloquialized or spelled differently.

This page transcribed by Robert J. Jacobson

Page Revised: January - 2003 (Don Tate)

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No part of this project may be reproduced in any form
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