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McAlpine's 1904 Directory
Burin District
BARRY Garrett fisherman
BARRY Richard fisherman
BARRY John fisherman
BRAKE James fisherman
BRAKE William fisherman
COADY Pierce fisherman
COADY James J fisherman
COADY Thomas P fisherman
COADY Peter P fisherman
COADY John fisherman
COADY Philip farmer
DAVIS John fisherman
DAVIS Charles fisherman
DAVIS William fisherman
HANIN Charles fisherman
HANIN John fisherman
HANIN Morgan fisherman
HANIM Josiah fisherman
MOLLOY Robert fisherman
MOLLOY Patrick fisherman
ROWLANDS James fisherman
ROWLANDS James jr fisherman
ROWLANDS John T fisherman

14 Entries Complete
[McAlpine's Directories ]

The entries have been transcribed as
they appear in the 1904 directory.
Over the years, many of the names have become
colloquialized or spelled differently.

This page transcribed by Maureen Taylor

Page Revised: January - 2003 (Don Tate)

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