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McAlpine's 1904 Directory
Harbour Grace District
ADAMS Geo, of Saml fisherman
ADAMS Eugene, of Saml fisherman
ALLAN W.M., of Wm physician
ALLAN Martin, of Mich laborer
ADAMS Jacob, of Wm fisherman
ADAMS Geo, of Wm engineer
APSEY Jn F., of Geo accountant
ASH Chas, of Geo carpenter
ASH Francis, of Jn watchman
ASH Edw, of Francis laborer
ASH Rich, of Geo carpenter
ASH Geo, of Richard laborer
ASH Chas, of George laborer
ASH Richd, of Geo carpenter
ASH Mark, of Jas cabman
ASH Jn, of James fisherman
ASH Aug, of John N fisherman
ASH Jn, of John N teamster
ASH John, N jr general dealer
ALCOCK Bertram of W shoemakr
ANDREWS Wm, of R shoemakr
ANDREWS Herb, of R machinist
ANDREWS Jn, of Henry shoemakr
ASH Amb, of Wm fisherman
ASH W.R., of Amb fisherman
ASH Jn, of Wm fisherman
ALCOCK Patk, of Robt laborer
ANDREWS Jn, of Henry laborer
ADAMS Jas, of Jas fisherman
ADAMS Jn, of Jas sailor
ADAMS Jos, of Jas laborer
ANDREWS Steph, of R fisherman
ANDREWS Geo, of Stephen fisherman
ASH Hector, of Francis fisherman
ASH Saml, of Robt fisherman
ASH John of John laborer
ASH Robt, of Francis fisherman
ASH Thos, of Robt fisherman
ASH Chas, of Robt machinist
BRADBURY A., of Isaac ship carp'r
BRADBURY W., of A. sailor
BLACKALL D.W., REV. Minister, Church of England
BRIEN Jere, of Thos fisherman
BRIEN Jn, of Jere fisherman
BUTTLER (sic) Denis, of Ptk carpenter
BRIEN Thos, of Mich fisherman
BRIEN Mich, of Thos fisherman
BRADBURY Jas, of Jas engineer
BROWN Henry laborer
BUSH Jas, of Wm cabman
BRIEN Jas, of Jas. laborer
BRIEN Thos, of Jas cooper
BRIEN Jas, of Thos laborer
BEATON Wm, of Neil carpenter
BUTTLER Wm, of Thos farmer
BRIEN Roger, of Mich fisherman
BRAZIL J.W., of Jn laborer
BRAZIL Albert, of Jn laborer
BRUNLEES Jn, of Thos storekpr
BRAZIL W., of Jos senman (sic)
BUTT Stephen senman
BUTT Alex, of Stephen senman
BRAY Fredk, of Jn wharfinger
BRAY Jn, of John shoemaker
BRAY Stephen, of Jn laborer
BRAY Geo, of John laborer
BRAY Geo W., of F. fisherman
BRAY Amb, of Wm laborer
BRAY Richd, of Wm laborer
BRAY Selby, of Amb fisherman
BRAY Hector, of John fisherman
BRAY Jos, of Wm fisherman
BUTT Wm, of Jos seaman
BROWN Fredk, of W. wharfinger
BROWN Jn, of Wm fisherman
BROWN Geo, of Wm rigger
BRADBURY Geo, of Jas cabman
BRADBURY Chas, of Jas cabman
BRADBURY Robt, of Geo fisherman
BRADBURY Jas, of Chas cabman
BARNES W., of E. master mariner
BRAY Jn W., of Geo shoemaker
BUDDEN Rachel, of Chas  
BUTT Wm, of Joseph laborer
BUTLER Chas, of Jn mail clerk
BUTLER John carpenter
BUTLER Jas, of Thos laborer
BADCOCK Geo, of Robt accountant
BROWN Eli, of Solo mason
BRAY Henry, of Wm laborer
BUTT Edw, of Hy laborer
BRAY Rick, of Rich laborer
BRAY Jas, of John laborer
BEST Wm, of Wm laborer
BARRETT Amb, of D. carpenter
BUTT Saml, of Geo sailor
BUTT Geo, of Saml sailor
BENSON Isaac, of Wm fisherman
CARSON Edw, of Geo joiner
COURAGE Wm, of Wm fisherman
COONEY Jn, of Patk laborer
CRONIN Jn, of Timothy cooper
CALLAHAN Jas cooper
CONNORS Timothy cooper
CONNELL Maur, of Jere laborer
CONNELL Jn, of Maur fisherman
CASEY Jn, of T. Postoffice clerk
COOMBS Richd, of Jn laborer
COOMBS Eli, of Richd laborer
CAKE Jn, of Joseph carpenter
COOMBS Wm, of Rich fish'man
CARSON Wm, of Geo carpenter
CARSON E.E., of Wm carpenter
COOMBS W, of Richd sailor
COADY Francis cabinet maker
CHAFE L.T. school teacher
CRAMM Ptk, of W. cooper
CRON James draper
CLARKE Amb, of Solo fisherman
CLARKE Solomon fisherman
CLOW Henry farmer
COURAGE Thos, of Jn shoemaker
COURAGE Thos, of Jn shoemaker
COURAGE Jas, of John sailor
COURAGE Robt, of R. carpenter
COURAGE W, of Robt fisherman
COURAGE Duncan, of W. fisherman
CRANE Geo, of Geo fisherman
CRANE John, of Geo fisherman
CRANE Jas, of Geo fisherman
CROCKER Alex, of C. fisherman
CURTIS Geo, of Jas cooper
CURTIS Jas H, of Wm engineer
CODY Jn, of Wm accountant
CHEDWICK Alfred, of T. sailor
CLEMENTS Geo, of Jona fisherman
CARSON Wm, of Wm carpenter
CODY Jas, of Patk cabman
CONGDON Saml, of Jas shipwright
CONNORS Patk, of Mich farmer
DALEY Edm, of Thos seaman
DAVIS Thos, of S. fisherman
DAVIS Eliz, of Hannibal fish'man
DAVIS Eugene, of Saml fish'man
DAVIS Thos, of Eliel fish'man
DAVIS Nath, of Edgar fish'man
DAVIS W.F., of Edgar fish'man
DAVIS Geo, of Chas fish'man
DAVIS Orestes, of N. fisherman
DAVIS Willis, of N. general dealer
DUGGAN Daniel fisherman
DAVIS James W. farmer
DUFFY Jas, of Francis rigger
DOYLE Patrick cooper
DAVIS Jas, of Amaziah (sic) farmer
DAVIS Jas, of Saml farmer
DOWNING Uriah, of S. mason
DOWNING Amb, of Saml mason
DOWNING Jos, of Saml mason
DOWNING Jas H., of A. seaman
DOWNING Jn, of Saml fisherman
DAVIS Jn, of Hannibal laborer
DAVIS Mar, of Hannibal laborer
DAVIS John, of Chas laborer
DAVIS Robt, of Chas tanner
DAVIS Wm, of Robt laborer
DONNAN Hy, of Alex laborer
DONOHUE Bridget, of D. laborer
DAVIS Nathan, of Mat laborer
DAVIS Edgar, of Matt fisherman
DAVIS Hy, of Wm fisherman
DAVIS Geo, of Hannibal laborer
DAVIS John teacher
DAVIS Wm, of Jas carpenter
DAVIS Geo, of Wm farmer
DAVIS Geo, of Amaziah cabman
DAVIS Jas, of Amaziah cabman
DAVIS Edw, of Ama (sic) cabman
DOVE Robt, of Israel fisherman
DOVE Jas, of Israel fisherman
DOVE Geo, of Israel fisherman
DOVE Jn, of Israel farmer
DOVE Wm, of Jn fisherman
DOVE David, of Jas fisherman
DOVE Jas W., of Jas fisherman
DEADY James fisherman
DOYLE Thos, of Patk fisherman
EARLE Wm laborer
ELWORTHY Jas, of Ed fisherman
EDMUNDS Jos, of Jas fisherman
ELWORTHY Geo, of Wm fisherman
FLEMING Michael, of J. farmer
FLEMING Maur, of Jas fisherman
FOLEY Jn, of Stephen Postmaster
FALLON John, of Luke shoemkr
FREEMAN Daniel sgt of police
FITZGIBBONS W.J., of W. laborer
FITZGIBBONS W, of Jere laborer
FARRELL Jn, of Jas cooper
FARRELL Margaret, of Patk  
FARRELL MARGARET, of Patrick, Water St. see adv opp
FOX Jas, of Patk police constable
FRENCH Robt, of Jn machinist
FRENCH Geo, of Jn carriage bldr
FRENCH Ed C., of Ed fisherman
FRENCH Silas, of Edw fisherman
FITZGERALD Thos, of W. machinist
FITZGERALD Jn, of W. laborer
FOLEY Patk, of Patk fisherman
FOLEY Jas, of Patk laborer
FRENCH Thos, of Thos laborer
FRENCH Geo, of Thos fisherman
FOLEY Jas, of Edmund fisherman
FITZGERALD Nich, of M inspector pickled fish
FITZGERALD Ptk J., of N. gen dealer
FORD Thos, of Wm railway agt
FRENCH Eldred, of C. fisherman
FRENCH Saml, of Chas fisherman
FRENCH Augustus, of Jn fisherman
FRENCH Jas, of Jn fisherman
FRENCH Matt, of Wm laborer
FRENCH Francis, of J. laborer
FRENCH Jas, of Edw laborer
FRENCH Matt, of Edw laborer
FRENCH Robt, of Chas laborer
FRENCH Mark, of Robt laborer
FRENCH Chas, of Francis laborer
FRENCH Robt, of Rbt carpenter
FRENCH Jos, of Robt carpenter
FRENCH Douglas, of Jn seaman
FRENCH Wm, of Rbt carpenter
FRENCH Jos, of Joseph fisherman
FRENCH Wm, of Wm fisherman
FITZGERALD Danl, of Mich master mariner
GORDON George, of Geo tinsmith
GORDON Julia, of Samuel  
GORDON William laborer
GORDON Reuben, of W. cooper
GORDON Saml, of Jn laborer
GORDON Jn, of Jn fisherman
GORDON Jn, of Henry grocer
GORDON Reuben, of Hy grocer
GRIMM Otto, of Fritz grocer
GRIMM Fritz grocer
GOFF Peter, of David tide waitr (sic)
GARLAND CHARLES D. Cooper. See adv above
GODDEN Ernest, of Jos gen dealer
GEORGE R., of Clement laborer
GARLAND Hy, of Chas cooper
GODDEN Chas, of Jos gen dealer
GEORGE J.C., of Jonathan laborer
GEORGE Jona, of Robt fisherman
GOULD Jas, of Jas fisherman
GARLAND Jos, of Chas fisherman
GOOSE Hy, of Israel carpenter
GRIFFIN Thos, of Jas shoemaker
GRIFFIN Jas, of Thos shoemaker
GARLAND Jas, of Geo machinist
GRANFIELD Richd, of Ar seaman
GEORGE Alf, of Rich laborer
GRIFFIN Jn, of Jas farmer
GRIFFIN Cor, of Thos seaman
GOSSE Israel, of Wm fisherman
GOSSE Moses, of Wm fisherman
GOSSE Wm, of Israel fisherman
GILLARD Wm, of John seaman
GRIFFIN Thom, of P fisherman
GRIFFIN Mich, of Jas fisherman
GOODWIN DR. W.S. Surgeon Dentist, Water. See adv p. 492
HANRAHAN Thos, of T. inspector Roman Catholic schools
HARLICK Cath, of Edw  
HAYDEN Richd, of Tim fisherman
HAYDEN Luke, of Rich fisherman
HEATER Jn, of John cooper
HODNOTT Wm, of Wm seaman
HARE Jn, of Jn laborer
HARE John jr., of John laborer
HARE Patk, of John laborer
HYDE Patk, of John fisherman
HARE Maurice, of J. laborer
HOGAN T.P., of Jn butcher
HARE Jere, of Jn laborer
HIGGINS Paul, of T. barber
HAYSE Mich, of Jn fisherman
HAMPTON John laborer
HICKEY Jn, of Wm laborer
HEATH Alb, of Saml clerk
HEATH Arth, of Saml tel operat'r (sic)
HAYDEN Tim, of R. fisherman
HENNESSEY Jn, of Jn gen dealer
HENNESSEY Jn jr, of J. accountant
HENESSEY (sic) Frank, of J. fisherman
HENNESSY (sic) Jas, of W. fisherman
HUNT Hy, of Hy fisherman
HUNT Duncan, of J. fisherman
HARRIS Wm, of Nich blacksmith
HAYSE Law, of Jn fisherman
HAYSE Jas, of Law fisherman
HAYSE Geo, of Law seaman
HATCHER Jas, of W. shoemaker
HATCHER Jn, of Wm fireman
HUNT Edw, of Jn seaman
HAWKINS Wm, of Wm cooper
HUNT W., of Wm wharfinger
HORWOOD Fred, of R. fisherman
HORWOOD Alf, of Robt fisherman
HORWOOD Wm, of Fred seaman
HARRIS Jas, of Jn watchmaker
HENDERSON Ann, of Thomas  
HENNESSY Wm, of Jn seaman
HENNESSY W., of Wm fisherm'n (sic)
HARBOR GRACE BOOT & SHOE Co. Ltd. John D. Norton mangr
HENNESSY Jn, of Wm fisherman
JONES M.J., of Geo gen dealer
JONES Mich, of M.J. gen dealer
JACKSON Edw, of Alex fish'man (sic)
JACKSON Delphine, of Alexander  
JANES Simeon laborer
JENKINS Hy, of Jn laborer
JENKINS Chas, of Hy laborer
JENKINS Mark, of Hy laborer
JONES Jn, of Hy laborer
KEEFE Ellen, of James  
KEEFE Patk, of Jas fisherman
KEEFE Mich, of Wm fisherman
KEEFE Law, of Wm fisherman
KEEFE Mary, of Jn fisherman
KEEFE John J., of Wm fisherman
KEEFE John, of J. fisherman
KEEFE Susanna, of William  
KENEFIC Julia, of Patrick fisherman
KENNEDY Jona, of Chas fisherman
KENNEDY Geo, of Chas fisherman
KENNEDY Willis, of G. seaman
KENNEDY Chas, of Geo seaman
KENNEDY And, of Wm seaman
KEEFE Mich, of Mich cooper
KENNEDY P.J., of Ter carpenter
KENNEDY C.L. jr, of C.L. tinsmith
KENNEDY W.H., of C.L. prof music
KELLY Thomas laborer
KENNEDY Jn, of Ter fisherman
KEARNEY Owen M.A. barister, etc
KITCHEN Edw, of Geo mason
KITCHEN Geo, of Geo mason
KITCHEN Jn, of Geo mason
KITCHEN Jas, of Thos mason
KITCHEN Wm, of Thos mason
LEE Mar, of Mar school teacher
LAHEY Tobias, of R. butcher
LAYTON Mary, of Charles  
LAHEY Mich, of R. butcher
LAHEY Robt, of R. butcher
LAHEY Jn, of Robt butcher
LYNCH Cath, of Thos  
LAHEY Patk, of  R. cooper
LAHEY Robt, of Patk cooper
LYNCH W.J., of Thos clerk of the court
LILLY J.H., of Wm cooper
LEE Robt, of Martin contractor
LANDERS Danl, of Patk laborer
LEARY Mich, of Mich laborer
LYNCH Jn, of Thos laborer
LAWTON Jn, of Thos laborer
LAWTON Jn, of Thos college prof
LEE-WHITING R., of Geo laborer
LEE-WHITING Geo, of R. clerk
LILLY Thos, of Chas fisherman
LILLY Robt, of Jos laborer
LILLY Samuel, of Jos tailor
LUFFMAN Robt, of Henry railway section repairer
LYNCH Thos, of Jn laborer
LYNCH Mark, of T. laborer
LYNCH Jas, of Thos laborer
LAMBERT Chas, of Jn laborer
LAMBERT Hugh, of J. fisherman
MARCH JOHN Roman C priest
MADDOCK Jn, of Jn gen dealer
MARTIN Moses laborer
MADDIGAN R., of Jas tailor
MADDIGAN Jas, of R. tailor
MADDIGAN Wm, of R. tailor
MURPHY Jn J., of J. auctioneer
MUNN Dugald, of R. merchant
MURPHY Mary, of John  
MURPHY Maurice, of M.  carpenter
MORIARTY Patk fisherman
MORIARTY Fran, of Patk fisherman
MORIARTY Jos, of Patk fisherman
MORIARTY W. of Patk fisherman
MUNN J.G., of Jn lumber dealer
MUNN Norman, of J. merchant
MUNN A.G., of Robt merchant
MUNN R.S., of Robt merchant
MORRISSY Morgan laborer
MORRISSY Chas, of Morgan school teacher
MORIARTY Jas, of Patk fisherman
MUNN J.D., of Arch estate agent
MUNN J.F., of Arch editor Standard
MYRDEN Jessie, of Joseph  
MADDIGAN Patk, of A. tailor
MORRIS Jos, of Robt seaman
MORIARTY Jn, of Patk fisherman
MOORE Jn, of Patk fisherman
MOORE Jas, of Jn fisherman
MOORE Peter, of John fisherman
MACDONALD  RONALD Bishop of Harbor Grace
McKAY John bailiff
MARTIN Alex, of F laborer
MILLER Wm cooper
MARTIN Thos, of F. fisherman
MARTIN Jn D., of Adam manager Boot & Shoe factory
MARTIN Silas, of Abs fish'man
MARTIN And, of Frank fish'man
MORRISSY Patk, of Maur fish'man
MacDONALD Maur, of Jn farmer
MERCER Jos, of Jn tanner
MERCHANT Elizabeth, of Em  
MARTIN Lorenzo, of Geo seaman
MARTIN Fredk, of W. engineer
MARTIN Jn, of Peter seaman
MARTIN Wm, of Peter laborer
MARTIN Eliel, of C. fisherman
MARTIN Ste, of Fran fisherman
MARTIN Ste jr, of Fran fisherman
MARTIN Fran, of Fran fisherman
MARTIN Eli, of Fran fisherman
MARTIN Lorenzo, of F. seaman
MOORE Martin, of Patk fish'man
MARTIN Cuthbert, of C. fish'man
MARTIN Geo, of Fran fish'man
MARTIN Fran, of Hy fish'man
MARTIN Isaac, of Hy laborer
MARTIN Fredk, of Jas auctioneer
MARTIN Jas, of Jas tidewaiter
MARTIN Chas, of Chas laborer
McKAY W.A., of Jn printer
McRAE R.D., of R.D. McRae & Sons
MARTIN Sarah, of Eli  
MARTIN Selby, of C. fisherman
MARTIN Wm, of Hector fisherman
MARTIN Hector, of F. fisherman
MARTIN Albert, of C. fisherman
MARTIN Abram, of F. laborer
MARTIN Absalom, of F. laborer
MARTIN Matt, of Jona engineer
MORTIMER And, of Jas laborer
MORTIMER Jn, of Jas laborer
MORTIMAR (sic) Jas, of And laborer
MORTIMER And, of And laborer
MORTIMER Selby, of And laborer
MARTIN Jas, of Ste seaman
McRAE T.J., of R.D. McRae & Sons
McRAE R.D. & SONS General Dealers. See adv. opp
McRAE FRANK, of R.D. of McRae & Sons
McCARTHY N.J., of Felix laborer
NOEL J.M., Rector St. Paul's Church
NICHOLS William barber
NEIL Edw, of Jere fisherman
NEIL Jas, of Edw fisherman
NEIL Edw, of Edw fisherman
NICHOLS Nath, of Nath farmer
NICHOLS Eliel, of Tobias laborer
NICHOLS Geo, of Tobias laborer
NICHOLS Arch, of Jn seaman
NICHOLS Jn C., of Arch seaman
NEWHOOK Wm, of Hy laborer
NICHOLS Amb, of Jn laborer
NOSEWORTHY J., of Thos seaman
NOSEWORTHY Stew, of T. seaman
NOSEWORTHY Selby, of J. laborer
NOSEWORTHY Moses, of T. fish'man
NOSEWORTHY Jas, of Moses fish'man
NOSEWORTHY Stew, of M. fish'man
NOSEWORTHY C., of Moses fish'man
NOSEWORTHY Arch, of A. laborer
NEIL Jere, of Danl fisherman
NICHOLS W., of Geo laborer
NEIL Patk, of Danl laborer
NEIL Alf, of Daniel laborer
NEIL Jas, of Danl laborer
NEIL Jas, of Daniel cooper
NOSEWORTHY J., of Jacob seaman
NEWMAN W., of Jn mason
NEWMAN Jn., of Jn mason
NEWMAN Fredk, of J. fisherman
NOEL Jas, of Nath fisherman
NOEL Josiah, of Josiah fisherman
O'KEEFE Patk fisherman
O'KEEFE Wm, of Patk seaman
OKE Wm A., of Edw printer
PARSONS Duncan, of  E. seaman
PARSONS Chas, of Edw laborer
PARSONS Jn, of Edw laborer
PARSONS G., of W. lighthouse kpr
PARSONS John farmer
PARSONS Arch, of Thos laborer
PARSONS W., of W. fisherman
PARSONS Gil, of Jona fisherman
PARSONS Prescott, of Rbt fisherman
PIKE Amb, of Chas fisherman
PIKE Geo, of Amb seaman
PIKE Jn, of Ebenezer fisherman
PIKE Walter, of Jn fisherman
PUGH Edwin, of Evan tel repair'r
PIKE Amb, of Amb fisherman
PIKE Geo, of Amb fisherman
POWER And, of Rich carpenter
PUMPHREY Danl, of J. fisherman
PETERS Geo, of Edw carpenter
PARSONS Joseph seaman
PYNN Charles fisherman
PARSONS And, of Jona gen dealer
PARSONS Benj, of Wm,  sub col H.M. Customs
POWER Maurice, of J. cooper
PARSONS Bern, of F. blacksmith
PARSONS Ephraim, of Bernard general dealer
PARSONS H.H., of Jonathan General Dealer. See adv. above
POWER Eugene, of Jn fisherman
POWER Jn., of T. police constable
PARSONS Edw, of J.C. furniture dealer
PARSONS Elizabeth, of Josiah  
PARSONS R.T., of Ed photographer
PIKE Alf, of Chas laborer
PYNN Shadrich, of C. seaman
PYNN Willis, of Chas laborer
PYNN Arch, of Jos carpenter
PARSONS Hy, of Wm fisherman
PARSONS R.S., of Amb draper
PARSONS Leander, of Tobias jailor
POWER Mary Ann, of Eugene  
POWER Michael farmer
POWER Wm laborer
POWER Maurice fisherman
PARSONS Stewart, of  J. fisherman
PARSONS Jn, of Stewart fisherman
PERRY Nicholas, of N. laborer
PERRY W., of Nicholas laborer
PARSONS Edw, of Moses mercantile agent
PARSONS Theodore, of Edward general dealer
PURCELL Wm, of Wm farmer
PURCELL Jn, of Mich laborer
PARSONS Jn, of Edw farmer
PYNN Geo, of Jos carpenter
PIKE Hy, of Timothy fisherman
POWELL W.P., of W. laborer
PIKE W., of Timothy fisherman
PIKE W.H., of Wm fisherman
POTTLE Jas, of Martin seaman
PELLY Thos, of Thos carpenter
PELLY Geo, of Thos fisherman
PIDDLE Nicholas, of G. fisherman
POWELL Geo, of Daniel laborer
PIDDLE Jas, of Geo laborer
PIKE Eliel, of Amb fisherman
PIKE Albert, of Eliel engineer
PIKE Christopher, of Wm master mariner
PIKE J., of Chris fisherman
PIKE Jn, of Christopher fisherman
PINCOCK JAS Methodist minister
PUDICOMBE Jas, of Jas seaman
PARSONS Victor, of Bernard general dealer
PAYNE Robt, of Jn farmer
PYNN Jn, of Joseph laborer
POWER Jn, of Jn fisherman
QUINN Alex, of Jn farmer
QUINN Jn, of Jas farmer
QUINN Edw, of Edw clerk
QUIRK James cooper
RUTHERFORD And general dealer
REDDY James farmer
REDDY Bernard, of Jas laborer
RYAN Thomas laborer
RYAN Alex, of Aug laborer
RYAN Edw, of Aug fisherman
ROSS Elizabeth, of Thomas  
ROSS Joseph general dealer
ROSS Mary Ann, of Chas general dealer
RYAN Edw fisherman
ROGERS Albert, of Eli carpenter
ROGERS Edm, of Eli fisherman
RYAN Jn, of Timothy seaman
REID Arthur, of Jn laborer
REID Arthur, of A. laborer
REID Wm, of Arthur fisherman
SNELGROVE Geo, of Solo fish'man
SEYMOUR Alfred H. district judge
SIMMONS W.P., of Wm ship's carpenter
SWEETLAND Edw, of Chas laborer
STANLEY Thos fisherman
SNELGROVE Jas, of Solo laborer
SWEETLAND Geo, of T. fisherman
SQUIRES Alex, of Gregory farmer
SHEA Jn, of Richard farmer
STEVENS M.W. seaman
SIMMONS Ernest clerk
STAPLETON Jn, of Michael fish'man
SHEA Richd, of Danl shoemaker
SHEEHAN Jas, of Edw fisherman
SHEA Denis, of Rich no occupatn (sic)
SIMMS Jas, of Jas seaman
SIMMS Jas.., of Jas carpenter
STIRLING George seaman
SHUTE Moses laborer
SPENCE Jn, of Jn seaman
SPENCE W.J., of Jn railway agent
SPURDELL T., of Wm laborer
SPURDELL W., of Wm fisherman
SPURDELL Geo, of Thos fisherman
SPURDELL Jos, of Thos fisherman
SPURDELL Thos, of Thos fisherman
SPURDELL Jos sr., of Wm fisherman
SPARKES Jos, of Wm carpenter
SHEPPARD Dugald Harvey clerk Bank of Nova Scotia
SHEA Jere, of Thos fisherman
STOWE Eli, of R. carpenter
SIMMONS Hugh, of Jas  seaman
SPRACKLIN Richd, of John police officer
STOWE R., of Rich ship's carpentr (sic)
STOWE Fred, of R. carpentr 
SHEPPARD T., of Wm fisherman
SHEPPARD And, of Thos fisherman
SMITH Wm, of Wm ship's carptr (sic)
SPARKES Thos, of Jn ship's carptr
SHEPPARD Jn, of Geo fisherman
SHEPPARD Jn C., of J. fisherman
SHEPPARD Albert, of J. fisherman
SHEPPARD Jn C., of Geo cooper
SHEPPARD G. jr, of Geo laborer
SHEPPARD Lorenzo, of G. laborer
SHEPPARD Solo, of Solo laborer
SNOW Robt, of Wm fisherman
SNOW Thos, of W. fisherman
STIRLING Leonard, of G. machinist
STEVENSON G., of Wm draper
STEVENSON Jn, of Jn fisherman
SHEPPARD Jordan, of A. carman
SILLARS Thos, of W. fisherman
SNOW Robt, of Chas fisherman
SNOW Thos, of Chas fisherman
SNOW Edw, of Chas fisherman
STEVENSON Jn, of Matt laborer
SPENCER Joshua, of W. seaman
SHEPPARD Hy, of Solo laborer
STRAPP W.A., of John physician
SNOW Edgar, of Geo fisherman
SNOW Thos, of Geo fisherman
SHEPPARD Jn, of Geo farmer
SULLIVAN Jn, of Jn seaman
SULLIVAN John jr, of Jn seaman
SLADE Chas, of Jas seaman
STEVENSON Jas, of Richard stone mason
STEVENSON Geo, of Matt fish'man (sic)
STEVENSON Geo, of Geo fish'man
STEVENSON Wm, of Matt laborer
STEVENSON Fred, of T. laborer
STEVENSON Allan, of Fred laborer
STEVENSON Matt, of Matt farmer
STEVENSON Mark, of Matt laborer
STEVENSON Josiah, of Colin stone mason
STEVENSON W., of Matt laborer
STEVENSON Mark, of W. seaman
SHEPPARD W., of J.C. fisherman
SMITH Ellen, of John  
SNOW Robt, of Fredk fisherman
SNOW Fredk, of Fredk fisherman
SNOW Eldred, of Fredk fisherman
SNOW Hugh W., of T. laborer
SNOW Thos, of Jas fisherman
SNOW Austin, of Jas fisherman
SHEPPARD Edw, of Solo painter
SPENCER Albert, of R. laborer
SHEEHAN Jas, of John fisherman
SNOW Patk, of Edw seaman
SNOW Wm, of Edw seaman
SHEPPARD Jn, of Solo laborer
SNOW Jas, of Edw fisherman
SCANLAN Patk, of Patk tidewaitr (sic)
STEVENSON Wm, of John farmer
TAYLOR Saml, of Wm fisherman
TAYLOR Jn, of Hy fisherman
TAYLOR Geo, of W. fisherman
THOMEY Margaret, of John  
TRAPNELL Jn, of Jn deputy sheriff
THOMEY Kennedy, of K. farmer
THOMEY Saml J., of K. accountant
THOMEY M.R., of Ken fisherman
THOMPSON W.H. druggist
THOMEY Jn, of H. fishery warden
THOMEY H.W., of Hy fisherman
TITFORD W.R. customs officer
TITFORD W.J., of W.R. accountant
TOBIN Michael carpenter
TRAVERS O.V. draper
TOBIN Thomas fisherman
THOMPSON E.B., of W.H. laborer
TARRENT Jn, of Robt laborer
THOMAS Jn, of Wm laborer
TAPP Jn, of Wm blacksmith
TAPP Arthur, of Jn blacksmith
TAYLOR Hy, of Hy tanner
TRAVERS Wm, of W. farmer
TAYLOR Amb, of R. fisherman
TITFORD Robt, of Jas contractor
TITFORD Jas, of Robt seaman
TARRENT Jn, of Jn carpenter
TARRENT Geo, of Jn carpenter
TUCKER Israel, of Jn fisherman
THOMPSON Robt, of W. tinsmith
TITFORD Geo, of Wm carpenter
TITFORD Saml, of Geo fisherman
VEITS G.R. bank manager
VERGE Eli, of Jos farmer
VERGE Jas, of Wm farmer
VERGE Jos, of Wm painter
VERGE Richd, of W. laborer
WILLIAMS Fred, of Geo farmer
WILLIAMS E.H., of Fred school teacher
WILLIAMS G.B., of Frederick general dealer
WHITEWAY Hy, of Edw shoemakr (sic)
WHITEWAY Jn, of Edw carpenter
WHITEWAY Geo, of Ed fisherman
WHITEWAY Dougald, of G. clerk
WEBBER W.H., of J.C. laborer
WEBBER Edgar, of J.C. laborer
WEBBER Selby, of J.C. laborer
WEBBER Geo, of Davis fish'man (sic)
WEBBER Chas fish'man
WEBBER Chas, of Hy fish'man
WEBBER J.D., of Duncan draper's clerk
WEBBER G.A., of Duncan laborer
WEBBER Arthur, of Dun laborer
WALSH William farmer
WHELAN Geo, of Hy laborer
WHELAN Richd, of Edw farmer
WEBBER Geo, of Chas seaman
WATTS H.C., of Claudius no occupation
WATTS Claudius, of H. gen dealer
WALSH J.H., of Richd machinist
WELLS Chas, of Chas laborer
WALSH Wm, of Wm cooper
WEBBER Hy, of Tobias cabman
WEBBER Chas, of John customs officer
WALSH Walter, of W. cooper
WALSH Jn, of Walter laborer
WALSH W., of Walter carpenter
WELLS Jos, of Wm laborer
WHITMAN JOSEPH A. Tailor. See adv. opp
WALSH Mark,  of Patk farmer
WALSH Albert, of Mark laborer
WILLIAMS Ste, of John laborer
WILLIAMS Wm, of Jn laborer
WALKER Jn, of Jn farmer
WALKERS Geo, of Jas  laborer
WALKERS Wm, of Geo grocer
WARREN Jas, of Wm carriage builder
WARREN Wm, of Wm carpenter
WARREN Arthur, of W. carpenter
WILLIAMS Amb, of Fred laborer
WILLIAMS Albert, of F. fisherman
WHITE Wm, of Fred laborer
WHITE Geo F., of W. laborer
WELLS Matt, of Jos farmer
WISEMAN Hy, of Wm farmer
YETMAN Moses, of W. fisherman
YETMAN Thos, of Joshua laborer

769 Entries Complete
[ McAlpine's 1904 Directory Index ]

The entries have been transcribed as
they appear in the 1904 directory.
Over the years, many of the names have become
colloquialized or spelled differently.

This page transcribed by Dan Breen

Page Revised: January - 2003 (Don Tate)

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