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Hutchinson's Directory Little PlacentiaAdams Thomas, farmer (Come-by-Chance) Brady Michael, trader BURKE ALEXANDER, postmaster Cleary Richard, cooper Connors Thomas, fisherman Cunningham John, farmer (Sound.) Daniel John, fisherman Dermody William, fisherman Evans James, planter Evans Michael, planter Fanning James, trader Finnessy James, planter Finnessy Nicholas, fisherman Finnessy Thomas, fisherman Fitzpatrick Edward, planter Fitzpatrick John, shipscarpenter Fitzpatrick Mary, midwife Freeman Thomas, preventive officer Furlong John, planter Grant Patrick, constable Hill John, shipcarpenter Holihan James, fisherman Holihan William, fisherman Hunt Bernard, planter Hunt John, planter Keats Thomas, trader Lowell James, trader Lowick Felix, fisherman Lowick James, fisherman Lynch Michael, planter McCarthy Jeremiah, fisherman McGrath Michael, tailor and dealer McGrath Richard sen, farmer Murphy Patrick, packet master Murphy Robert, fisherman NOWLAN REV PELEGIUS O'Reilley Thomas, teacher Phoran Patrick, trader Phoran William, trader Purtill Thomas, fisherman Rielley Edward, shipcarpenter Rielley John, trader Rielley Philip, dealer Roche John, fisherman Roche Peter, fisherman Sampson John, planter Sampson Nicholas, planter Sampson William, planter Shean Maurice, fisherman Sparrow George, planter Sparrow Jeremiah, fisherman Sparrow Robert, planter Sparrow Robert sen, fisherman Sullivan Michael, fisherman Wakely Richard, trader Wakely Sophia, druggist Walsh Francis, fisherman Walsh Michael, planter
Transcribed by Michael Cooper, 1998
Revised by Jim Butler, 2003
Page Revised June 2003 (Don Tate)
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