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Fishing Room Grants
(Plantation Book, Volume 13)

List of Communities and Associated Item Numbers
Chapel's Cove#291 - 297
Harbor Main #298 - 343
Gaster's #344 - 350
Turk's Gut #351
Bacon Cove #352 - 353
Salmon Cove #354 - 362
Gasters #364
Cat's Cove #366 - 368
Kitchuses #369 - 376
Upper Bacon Cove #377 - 378
Lower Bacon Cove #379 - 381
Colliers #382 - 397
Turk's Gut #398 - 401


	By: Patrick F. Gushue, LA                       March 26, 1995

        The following data was researched from the Registry of Deeds,
        Companies and Securities records maintained at the Confederation
        Building, St. John's, Newfoundland during October 1970.

        Crown Grant data is broken out by page number, as illustrated
        in Plantation Book Number 13, covering the period 1746 through
        1810. Individual "Room" data is by number, grantee name, method
        of aquisition, Grantee residence, grant location, nature of the
        claim, name and occupier residence, date of entry [approval],
        and to whom the land was sold, or transfered, and a description
        of the granted land. The area of the land grant in acres has
        been added by this writer based on land descriptions given and
        MUST be considered APPROXIMATE ONLY, for historical use only.

        Since 1974 land must be surveyed by a Registered Newfoundland
        Land Surveyor. Survey work conducted in the area was completed
        by this writer prior to 1974 as a licensed professional within
        another jurisdiction.

        During 1918, Mr. John Hearn, Land Surveyor, of Brigus, undertook
        a commission from the Government of Newfoundland, to survey all
        properties within the area. Maps of this survey are on file at
        the Crown Land Office, St. John's, Newfoundland. Measurements
        used at the time were links [0.66 ft], chains [66.0 ft], and
        yards [3.00 ft] of English measurement [not meteric]. In 1970,
        this writer, had the opportunity to confer with Mr. Hearn on
        the technical aspects of his 1918 land survey at length. During
        1970-1974 maps were developed of the area based upon from ariel
        photographs taken by the Government of Canada and overlaid with
        land grant data for most of the areas listed.

        Listed grants cover an area within present day municipalities
        [from east to west along the head of Conception Bay] of Harbour
        Main, Avondale, Conception Harbour, Colliers, and Marysvale
        plus a part Brigus.

        During the period 1746-1810 "Fishing Room" clusters were known
        as sepeate settlements [q.v., villages]. These settlements had
        no organized town, municipal, or provincial government in most
        cases. These village areas were known within the present day
        municipalities as:

                Chappels Cove, Harbour Main, Gasters, and Southern Arm

        o TOWN OF AVONDALE established 1974
                Gasters, Southern Arm, Salmon Cove [Avondale], and
                Northern Arm

        o TOWN OF CONCEPTION HARBOUR established 1974
                Northern Arm, Cats Cove [Conception Harbour], Kit Hughes
                [Kitchuses], Upper Bacon Cove, and Lower Bacon Cove

        o TOWN OF COLLIERS established 1974
                James Cove, Burke's Cove, The Dock, Colliers, and The Gut

        o TOWN OF MARYSVALE established 1974
                Turks Gutt [Marysvale], Georgetown


                [AREA -added by PFG]

        PAGE 45:

        No. 289 William and Thomas Hawko 
                196 yds. from N.E. to S.W. bounded S.W. by Phillip Whealon 
                on the N.E. by Philip Hawco 455 yds. from H.W.M. to the N.W. 
                bounded N.W. by the Commons 1 S. 1 F. 2 H. 2 G. 1 M. " 
                Wm. & Thos. Hawko Bequeathed by their father's will 
                Wm & Thos. Hakow Not sold or leased 1785 No person 
        No. 290 Philip Hawko 
                54 yds. from N.E. to S.W. bounded S.W. by W. and Ths. Hawko 
                on the N.E. by Humphrey Crawley 203 yds. from H.W.M. to the N. 
                bounded on the N. by the woods 1 S. 1 F. 2 H. 1 M. " 
                Philip Hawko Do Ph. Hawko Do 1792 Do 

        No. 291 Humphry Crawley of Chappels Cove - 1800
                Purchase from Thos. [Thomas] Penny for $14 [Pounds]

                55 yds [165 ft] from N.E. [north east] to S.W. [south
                west] bounded on the N.E. [north east] by Phillip Walsh
                on the S.W. [south west] by Phillip Hawko 173 yds [519
                ft] from H.W.M. [high water mark] to the N. [north]
                bounded on the N. [north] by the Commons. 1 S. [stage],
                1 F. [flake], 1 H. [house], 1 G. [garden]. [1.96 acres
                - PFG]

                Humphrey Crawley of Chappels Cove - 1792
                Purchased from Thos. [Thomas] [unreadable] for $40

                Another plot to the N.E. [north east] 571 yds [1,713
                ft] from N.E. [north east] to S.W. [south west] and
                200 yds [600 ft] from the Banks [cliff edge] to the
                N. [north] bounded N. [north] by the woods and Thos.
                [Thomas] Mairs and Edw. [Edward] Cloony. 1 H. [house]
                2 G. [garden], 1 M. [meadow] [23.60 acres - PFG]

        No. 292 Phillip Walsh of Chappels Cove - 1766
                Deed of gift from --briel Bird

                202 yds [606 ft] from N.E. [north east] to S.W. [south
                west], bounded by Humphry Crawley 138 yds [414 ft]
                from H.W.M. [High Water Mark] to the N. [north] bounded
                N. [north] by the Commons. 1 S. [stage], 2 F. [flakes],
                3 H. [house], 3 G. [garden], 1 M. [meadow]. [5.76 acres
                - PFG]

        No. 293 Edward Clooney of Chappels Cove - 1776
                Cleared out of the woods

                101 yds [303 ft] from N.E. [north east] to S.W. [south
                west] 251 yds [753 ft] from S.E. [south east] to N.W.
                [north west] 2 H. [house], 1 G. [garden], 1 Meadow.
                [5.23 acres - PFG]

        No. 294 Richard Fure of Chappels Cove - 1772
                Cleared out of the woods

                38 yds [114 ft] from E. [east] to W. [west] and 162
                yds [486 ft] from S. [south] to N. [north], 3 H. [house]
                2 G. [garden], 2 Meadows. [1.27 acres - PFG]

        No. 295 Michl. [Michael] Corbitt of Chappels Cove - 1801
                By deed of gift from his grandmother

                69 yds [207 ft] from E. [east] to W. [west] 71 yds
                [213 ft] from S. [south] to N. [north], 1 House, 1
                Garden [1.01 acres - PFG]

        No. 296 Thomas Corbitt of Chappels Cove - 1796
                Purchased from Madden for $1.5 [Pounds]

                101 yds [303 ft] from E. [east] to W. [west] 75 yds
                [225 ft] from S. [south] to N. [north], 1 H. [house]
                1 G. [garden], 1 Meadow. [1.57 acres - PFG]

                Note: there is part of this land claimed by Michael

        No. 297 Michl. [Michael] Murphy of Chappels Cove - 1796
                Cut out of the woods

                138 yds [414 ft] from S. [south] to North 98 yds.
                [294 ft] from E. [east] to W. [west], 1 H. [house],
                1 G. [garden], 1 Meadow [2.79 acres - PFG]

        No. 298 Wm. [William] Moores, Jr. [Junior] of Harbour Main
                - 1803
                Purchased from Bridget Kennedy for $10.0 [Pounds]

                123 yds [369 ft] from E. [east] to W. [west] 200 yds
                [600 ft] from H.W.M. [High Water Mark] to the S. [south]
                bounded by the woods. 1 G. [garden], 1 M. [meadow]
                [5.08 acres - PFG]

                Wm. [William] Moores, Jr. [Junior] of Harbour Main
                - 1796
                Cut out of the woods

                Another plot 34 yds [102 ft] from S.W. [south west] to
                N.E. [north east] and 42 yds [126 ft] from S.E. [south
                east] to N.w. [north west] cbounded on all sides by the
                woods, 1 Garden [0.30 acres - PFG]

        No. 299 Edw. [Edward] Fahey of Harbour Main - 1801
                Cut and cleared agreeable to Act Wm. [William], III,
                Chap. [Chapter] -- Sec. [Section] 7

                200 yds [600 ft] from E. [east] to W. [west] 200 yds
                [600 ft] from H.W.M. [High Water Mark] to the S. [south]
                [8.26 acres - PFG]

                Another plot 40 yds [120 ft] square 1 S. [stage] 1 F.
                [flake], 1 H. [house], 2 Gardens] [0.33 acres - PFG]

        PAGE 46:

        No. 300 Thomas Dobbin of Harbour Main - 1801
                Purchased from John Kelly for $2. [Pounds]

                70 yds [210 ft] from E. [east] to W. [west] 101 yds
                [303 ft] from S. [south] to N. [north], 1 G. [garden],
                1 Meadow [1.46 acres - PFG].

        No. 301 Mary Wall of Harbour Main - 1794
                Cut out of the woods

                203 yds [609 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east], 120 yds [360 ft] from the Banks [q.v. cliff edge]
                to the S. [south] bounded S. [south] by the woods. No
                buildings. [5.03 acres - PFG]

        No. 302 John Sullivan and Timothy Sullivan of Harbour Main -
                Cut out of the woods

                70 yds [210 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] 119 yds [357 ft] from the Banks [q.v., cliff edge]
                to the S. [south] bounded by the woods. No buildings.
                [1.72 acres - PFG].

        No. 303 Michael Woodford of Harbour Main - 1801
                Cut and cleared agreeable to Act Wm. [William], III,
                Chap. [Chapter] 25, Sec [Section] 7

                169 yds [507 ft] from E. [east] to W. [west], bounded
                E. [east] by the woods, on the W. [west] by Thos.
                [Thomas] Dobbin 200 yds [600 ft] from H.W.M. [High
                Water Mark] to the Southward bounded on the S. [south]
                by the woods. 1 S [stage], 1 F. [flake], 2 H. [houses],
                3 G. [gardens], 1 Meadow [6.98 acres - PFG]

        No. 304 John Kelly and Thomas Dibbin of Harbour Main - 1803
                By deed of gift from Joseph Kelly

                45 yds [135 ft] from E. [east] to W. [west] bounded on
                the E. [east] by the woods, on the West by Jas. [James]
                Wall 45 yds [135 ft] from the Banks [q.v., cliff edge]
                to the S. [south] bounded on the S. [south] by James
                Wall 1 House, 3 Gardens, 1 Meadow [0.41 acres - PFG]

        No. 305 James Wall of Harbour Main - 1786
                Purchased from Conway Heighington for $15 [Pounds]

                110 yds [330 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded on the N.E. [north east] by John Kelly
                and Thos. [Thomas] Dobbin on the S.W. [south west] by
                the woods 10 yds [30 ft] from the Banks [q.v., a cliff
                edge] to the S. [south] on the N.E. [north east]
                bound s bounded on the S. [south] by John Kelly 200
                yds [600 ft] from the beach to the Southward on the
                S.W. [south west] bounds bounded on the S. [south] by
                the woods. 1 S. [stage], 2 F. [flakes], 3 H. [houses]
                2 G. [garden], 1 Meadow [2.39 acres - PFG]

        No. 306 William Mullowney of Harbour Main - 1806
                In consequence of lying void for upwards of 60 years
                or more [q.v., since before 1746 - PFG]

                107 yds [321 ft] from S. [south] to N. [north] by the
                sea bounded on the S. [south] by Jas. [James] Wall on
                the N. [north] by Thos. [Thomas] Hickey 200 yds [600
                ft] from H.W.M. [High Water Mark] to the S.W. [south
                west] bounded on the S.W. [south west] by the woods,
                no buildings. [4.42 acres - PFG]

        PAGE 47:

        No. 307 Thomas Hickey of Harbour Main - 1783
                Deed of Gift from brothers in law

                183 yds [549 ft] from N.E. [north east] to S.W. [south
                west] bounded N.E. [north east] by Peter Ezekiel on
                the S.W. [south west] by the woods 51 yds [153 ft]
                from H.W.M. [High Water Mark] to the Northward bounded
                N. [north] by Peter Ezekiel. 1 S. [stage], 1 F. [flake]
                1 H. [house], 1 G. [garden], 1 M. [Meadow]. [1.93 arces
                - PFG]

        No. 308 Peter Ezekiel of Harbour Main - 1802
                Purchased from Thos. [Thomas] Eno for $27 [Pounds]

                267 yds [801 ft] from H.W.M. to the S.W. [south west]
                bounded S.W. [south west] by the woods 63 yds [189 ft]
                from S.E. [south east] to N.W. [north west] bounded S.
                E. [south east] by Thomas Hickey on the N.W. by John
                Hicks. 1 S. [stage], 2 F. [flakes], 1 H. [house], 1
                Store, 4 Gardens. [3.48 acres - PFG]

        No. 309 John Hicks of Harbour Main - 1764
                Cut and cleared agreeable to Act Wm. [William], III,
                Chap. [Chapter] 25, Sec. [Section] 7

                159 yds [477 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded S.W. [south west] by Peter Ezekiel and
                the Pond on the N.E. [north east] by Simon Gorman and
                Geo. [Georgge] MCdonald 235 yds [705 ft] from H.W.M.
                [High Water Mark] to the N.W. [north west] bounded N.W.
                [north west] by the woods. 1 S. [stage], 2 F. [flakes],
                4 H. [houses], 3 G. [gardens], 1 M. [meadow]. [7.72
                acres - PFG]

        No. 310 Simon Gorman of Harbour Main - 1783
                Purchased from Thos. [Thomas] Matthews for $100 [Pounds]

                108 yds [324 ft] from N.E. [north east] to S.W. [south
                west] bounded N.E. [north east] by Michael Keating on
                the S.W. [south west] by John Hicks 29 yds [87 ft] from
                H.W.M. [High Water Mark] to the N.W. [north west] on
                the E. [east] bounds and 56 yds [168 ft] from H.W.M.
                [High Water Mark] to the N.W. [north west] on the S.
                [south] bounds bounded N.W. [north west] by Geo.
                [George] McDonald and Michael Keating L [large] S.
                [stage], 1 F. [flake], 4 H. [houses], 1 Garden].
                [0.95 acres - PFG]

        No. 311 Michael Keating, Jr. [Junior] of Harbour Main - 1750
                Purchased from Michl. [Michael] Donovan for $9 [Pounds]

                17 yds [51 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded S.W. [south west] by Simon Gorman N.E.
                [north east] by Geo. [George] McDonall [McDonald] 70
                yds [210 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north east]
                on the N.W. [north west] bounds bounded on both sides
                by Geo. [George] McDonald]. [0.25 acres - PFG] --------
                -----[see Harbour Main trial of September 25, 1755]----

        No. 312 Geo. [George] McDonald, Patrick McDonald, Hugh McDonald
                of Harbour Main - 1762
                By deed of gift from their fathers and the remainder
                purchased from Rd. Marshall for $18 [Pounds]

                105 yds [315 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded S.W. [south west] by Michl. [Michael]
                Keating on the N.E. [north east] by Edw. [Edward] La
                Cour [LeCour] 207 yds [621 ft] from H.W.M. [High Water
                Mark] to the N.W. [north west] bounded N.W. [north west]
                by the woods. 1 S. [stage], 1 F. [flake], 2 H. [houses],
                2 Gardens. [4.49 acres - PFG]

        No. 313 Edward LeCour of Harbour Main - 1796
                Cut out of the woods

                253 yds [759 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded S.W. [south west] by the woods N.E.
                [north east] by Juliana O'Neil 120 yds [360 ft] from
                S.E. [south east] to M.W. [north west] bounded by woods
                1 Meadow. [6.27 acres - PFG]

        PAGE 48:

        No. 314 Edward LeCour of Harbour Main - 1777
                Purchased from Timmy [Timothy] Toole for $140 [Pounds]

                100 yds [300 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded S.W. [south west] by Geo. [George] Mc
                Donald on the N.E. [north east] by John Woodford 217
                yds [651 ft] from H.W.M. [High Water Mark] to the N.W.
                [north west] bounded N.W. [north west] by Wm. [William]
                Woodford. 1 S. [stage], 1 F. [flake], 2 H. [houses],
                1 G. [garden], 1 Meadow. [4.48 acres - PFG]

        No. 315 John Woodford of Harbour Main - 1776
                By his father

                60 yds [180 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N. [north]
                East bounded S.W. [south west] by Edward LaCour on the
                N.E. [north east] by Wm. [William] Woodford 145 yds
                [435 ft] from H.W.M. to the N.W. [north west] bounded
                N.W. [north west] by Wm. [William] Woodford. 1 S.
                [stage], 1 F. [flake], 2 H. [houses], 1 G. [garden],
                1 Meadow [1.80 acres - PFG]

        No. 316 William Woodford of Harbour Main - 1771
                By his father

                101 yds [303 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded S.W. [south west] by Jno. [John] Woodford
                on the N.E. [north east] by Thos. 173omas] Penny 200
                yds [600 ft] from H.W.M. [High Water Mark] to the N.W.
                [north west] bounded on the N.W. [north west] by Edw.
                [Edward] LaCour. 1 S. [stage], 2 F. [flakes], 3 H.
                [house], 1 G. [garden], 1 Meadow [4.17 acres - PFG]

                Note, half of this room is claimed by his brother
                Michael Woodford.

        No. 317 Thomas Penny of Harbour Main - 1766
                Bequested to him by his father's will

                69 yds [207 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded on the S.W. [south west] by Wm. [William]
                Woodford on the N.E. [north east] by John Joy 194 yds
                [582 ft] from H.W.M. [High Water Mark] to the N.W.
                [north west] by Simon Gorman's garden. 1 S. [stage], 1
                F. [flake], 1 H. [house], 1 G. [garden], 1 M. [meadow]
                [2.76 acres - PFG]

        No. 318 John Joy of Harbour Main - 1760
                By deed of gift from his grandfather

                128 yds [384 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded S.W. [south west] by Thos. [Thomas] Penny
                on the N.E. [north east] by John Barret 218 yds [654 ft]
                from H.W.M. [High Water Mark] to the N.W. [north west]
                bounded on the N.W. [north west] by Juliana O'Neal
                [5.77 acres - PFG]

                John Joy of Harbour Main - 1797
                Purchased from Jno. [John] Hessisanan for $14.4 [Pounds]

                2 Plots more: 22 yds [66 ft] from S.W. [south west] to
                N.E. [north east] bounded S.W. [south west] and N.E.
                [north east] by Thos. [Thomas] Penny 24 yds [72 ft] from
                the Banks [cilff edge] to N.W. [north west] bounded by
                Thomas Penny. 1 S. [stage], 2 F. [flakes], 1 H. [house]
                1 G. [garden], 1 M. [meadow]. [0.11 acres - PFG]

                Note: half of this fishing room is claimed by Mary Bryan.

        No. 319 Jno. [John] Barrett of Harbour Main - 1803
                By his father

                90 yds [270 ft] from S. [south] to N. [north] bounded
                S. [south] by Jno. [John] Joy, N.W. [north west] by
                Wm. [William] Moores 110 yds [330 ft] from H.W.M. [High
                Water Mark] to the W. [west] bounded on the W. [west]
                by Jno. [John] Joy's meadow. 1 S. [stage], 1 F. [flake],
                1 G. [garden], 1 M. [meadow], 1 House [2.01 acres - PFG]

        PAGE 49:

        No. 320 Cornelius Donavan of Harbour Main - 1756
                Cut out of the woods

                79 yds [237 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] 84 yds [252 ft] from S.E. [south east] to N.W.
                [north west] 1 H. [house], 1 G. [garden], 1 M. [meadow]
                [1.37 acres - PFG]

        No. 321 Denis [Dennis] Leary of Harbour Main - 1760
                Cut out of the woods

                24 yds [72 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] 25 yds [75 ft] from S.E. [south east] to N.W.
                [north west] bounded on all sides by John Joy. 1
                Garden [0.12 acres - PFG]

        No. 322 Simon Gorman of Harbour Main - 1781
                By deed of gift from his father-in-law

                36 yds [108 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] 19 yds [57 ft] bounded on all sides by John Joy
                1 Garden [0.14 acres - PFG]

        No. 323 William Moores, Sr. [Senior] of Harbour Main - 1746
                Half bequeathed by his father's will, the remainder
                purchased from Jas. [James] Moores for $56. [Pounds]

                101 yds [303 ft] from S. [south] to N. [north] bounded
                on the N.W. [north west] by Juliana O'Neal on the S.
                [south] by the sea, 203 yds [609 ft] from H.W.M. [High
                Water Mark] to the S.W. [south west] bounded on the S.
                W. [south west] by Cornelius Donavan and Jno. [John]
                Barrett. 1 S. [stage], 1 F. [flake], 2 H. [houses],
                1 G. [garden], 1 M. [meadow]. [4.24 acres - PFG]
                Another plot: 34 yds [102 ft] from S.W. [south west]
                to N.E. [north east] 42 yds [126 ft] from S.E. [south
                east] to N.W. [north west] bounded on all sides by
                Julianna O'Neal. 1 Garden [0.29 acres - PFG]

        No. 324 Julianna O'Neal of Harbour Main - 1793
                Purchased from Phillip Eno for $27.16 [Pounds]

                836 yds [2,508 ft] from the beach to the W. [west]
                bounded on the W. [west] by Edw. [Edward] LaCour 122
                yds [366 ft] by the seaside from S. [south] to N.
                [north] bounded S. [south] by Wm. [William] Moores Sr.
                on the N. [north] by the woods. 1 S. stage], 1 F.
                [flake], 3 H. [houses], 4 G. [gardens], 1 Meadow
                [21.07 acres - PFG]

        No. 325 Martin Costelloe of Harbour Main - 1786
                Purchased from Chas. [Charles] ??ile for $15. [Pounds]

                80 yds [240 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded on the S.W. [south west] by Julianna
                O'Neal on the N.E. [north east] by Thos. [Thomas] Fury
                200 yds [600 ft] from H.W.M. [High Water Mark] to the
                N. [north] bounded on the N. [north] by the woods 1 H.
                [house], 1 G. [garden], 1 Meadow [3.31 acres - PFG]

        No. 326 Thomas Fury of Harbour Main - 1805
                By deed of gift from Elias English

                22 yds [66 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded S.W. [south west] by Martin Costelloe
                N.E. [north east] by El. [Elias] English 175 yds [525
                ft] from H.W.M. [High Water Mark] to the N. [north]
                bounded N. [north] by the woods. 1 H. [house], 1 G.
                [garden], 1 Meadow [0.80 acres - PFG]

        No. 327 Elias English of Harbour Main - 1783
                Phurchased from Ph. [Phillip] Eno for $4 [Pounds]

                88 yds [264 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded S.W. [south west] by Thos. [Thomas] Fury
                on the N.E. [north east] by Wm. [William] Fury 200 yds
                [600 ft] from H.W.M. [High Water Mark] to the N. [north]
                bounded on the N. [north] by the woods. 1 S. [stage], 1
                F. [flake], 1 H. [house], 1 G. [garden], 1 M. [meadow]
                [3.64 acres - PFG]

        PAGE 50: 

        No. 328  Wm. Fury of HarborMain, - 1784 
		Bequeathed by his father in laws will
		William Fury 97 yds. from S.W. to N.E. bounded S.W. by a 
		Common on the N.E. by Jno. Penny 176 yds. from H.W.M. to the N. 
		bounded on the N. by the Commons 1 S. 3 F. 1 H. 2 G. 1 M.

        No. 329 Ann Penny of Harbor Main - 1794
		By her grandfather's will
		Ann Penny, 37 yds. from S.W. to N.E. bounded S.W. by Wm. Fury N.E. 
		by Guy Baker 102 yds. from the Banks to the N. bounded on the N. 
		by the woods 1 G. 1 M.

        No. 330  Guy Baker of Harbor Main - 1766 
		Bequeathed by his father-in-law's will

		Guy Baker 25 yds. from S.W. to N.E. bounded on the S.W. by 
		Ann Penny on the N.E. by Jno. Penny 147 yds. from H.W.M. to the 
		Northward bounded N. by John Nowlan, with liberty to land on 
		Ann Penny's Room 1 H. 1 G. 1 M.

        No. 331 John Penny of Harbor Main - 1794 
		Purchased from Peter Ezekiel for £20
		John Penny, 47 yds. from S.W. to N.E. bounded on the S.W. by 
		Guy Baker on the N.E. by Thos. Moores 200 yds. from H.W.M. to 
		the N. bounded N. by Jas. Meaney 1 S. 1 F. 1 H. 1 G. 1 M.

        No. 332 Gro. Mason of Harbor Main - 1806 
		Cut out of the woods
		George Mason 30 yds. from S.W. to N.E. 65 yds. from S. 
		to N. 1 House 1 Garden

        No. 333 James Meany of Harbor Main - 1806 
		Cut out of the woods
		James Meany, 51 yds. from S.W. to N.E. 44 yds. from S. to N. 1 Garden

        No. 334 Mary Drohan of Harbor Main - 1792 
		Cut out of the woods
		Mary Drohan 107 yds. from S.W. to N.E. 61 yds. from S. to 
		North 2 Houses 1 Garden 1 M.

        No. 335 Jno. Nowlan of Harbor Main - 1799
		Cut out of the woods
		John Nowlan 43 yds. from S.W. to N.E. 64 yds. from S. 
		to N. 1 H. 1 Garden 1 Meadow

		No. 335 Jno. of Harbor Main - 1805
		Cut out of the woods
		Another plot 41 yds. from S.W. to N.E. 100 yds. from S. 
		to N. 1 Garden 1 Meadow

        No. 336 Thos Moores of Harbor Main - 1801
		Purchased from John Nowlan for £10
		Thomas Moores 86 yds. from S.W. to N.E. bounded S.W. by Jno. Penny 
		on the N.E. by Wm. Meany 51 yds. from H.W.M. to the N. bounded N. 
		by the Clift 1 S. 1 F. 1 H. 1 G. 1 Meadow

        PAGE 51:

        NO. 337 Wm. [William] Meany, of Harbour Main - 1784
                by deed of gift from his father in law

                64 yds [192 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] by the Terrys on the S.W. [south west] by Thos.
                [Thomas] Moores 175 yds [525 ft] from H.W.M. [High
                Water Mark] to the N. [north] bounded N. [north] by
                the woods 1 S. [stage], 1 F. [flake], 1 H. [house],
                1 G. [garden] [2.31 acres - PFG]

        No. 338 Thos. [Thomas], John, Wm. [William] and Edward Terry of
                Harbour Main - 1774
                Purchased from Ph. [Phillip] Eno for 1 pr [pair] of shoes

                129 yds [387 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded on the S.W. [southwest] by Wm. [William]
                Meany on the N.E. [north east] by Dennis Sullivan 200
                yds [600 ft] from H.W.M. [high water mark] to the N.
                [north] bounded N. [north] by the woods. 1 S. [stage],
                3 F. [flakes], 2 H. [houses], 2 G. [garden], 1 M.
                [meadow]. [5.33 acres - PFG].

        No. 339 Dennis Sullivan of Harbour Main - 1803
                Purchased from Timmy [Timothy] Tool [O'Tool] for $30

                77 yds [231 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded by the Terrys on the N.E. [north east],
                by Jas. [James] and Jno. [John] Kennedy 104 yds [312
                ft], from H.W.M. [High Water Mark] to the N. [north]
                bounded N. [north] by the clift [cliff], 1 S. [stage],
                1 F. [flake], 2 H. [houses], 1 Garden. [1.65 acres -

        No. 340 Jas. [James] & Jno. [John] Kennedy of Harbour Main -
                Bequeath to them by their father's will

                58 yds [174 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded S.W. [south west] by D. [Dennis] Sullivan
                on the N.E. [north east] by Jno. [John] Kennedy 200 yds.
                [600 ft] from H.W.M. [High Water Mark] to the N. [north]
                bounded by the woods. 1 Flake, 1 Garden, 1 Meadow [0.80
                acres - PFG].

                Jas. [James] & Jno. [John] Kennedy of Gasters - 1794
                Bequeath to them by their father's will

                Another plot [parcel of land] 90 yds [270 feet] from E.
                [east] to W. [west] 42 yds [126 ft] from the Banks to the
                S. [south]. Garden [0.78 acres - PFG].

        No. 341 John Kennedy of Harbour Main - 1782
                Bequeath to him by his father's will

                30 yds [90 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N. [north]
                East bounded S. [south] W. [west] by Jas. [James] &
                Jno. [John] Kennedy on the N. [north] E. [east] by
                John Keating and brothers 200 yds [600 ft] from H.W.M.
                [High Water Mark] to the N. [north] bounded N. [north]
                by the woods 1 S. [stage], 3 F. [flakes], 4 H. [houses],
                2 S. [sheds], 1 G. [garden], 1 Meadow [1.24 acres - PFG]

                2 Plots more 55 yds [165 ft] from S.W. [south west] to
                N.E. [north east] to N.W. [north west] bounded on all
                sides by the woods and commons.

        No. 342 William, Patrick, and John Keating of Harbour Main -
                Bequeath to them by their Grandfather's will

                65 yds [195 ft] fromS.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded on the S.W. [south west] by John Kennedy
                on the N. [north] East by the Head 200 yds [600 ft]
                from H.W.M. [high water mark] to the N. [north] bounded
                N. [north] by the commons. No buildings. [2.69 acres
                - PFG]

        PAGE 52:

        No. 343 William, Patrick and John Keating of Harbour Main -
                Purchased from Michl. [Michael] Slatery for $6. [Pounds]

                101 yds [303 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] by the seaside 197 yds [591 ft] from H.W.M [High
                Water Mark] to the N. [north] bounded on all sides by
                the Commons. No buildings [4.11 acres - PFG]

        No. 344 Peter Quinlan of Gasters - 1775
                Cut out of the woods

                192 yds [576 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] 141 yds [423 ft] from the Banks [q.v., cliff edge]
                to the S. [south]. 2 H. [houses], 2 Gardens, 1 Meadow
                [5.59 acres - PFG]

        No. 345 8 Children of John Mason, Sr. [Senior] deceased, of
                Gasters - 1790
                Cut and cleared by their father agreeable to Wm.
                [William], III, Chap [Chapter] 25, Sec. [Section] 7

                238 yds [714 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded by Peter Quinlan on the N.E. [north east]
                by John Courage 176 yds [528 ft] from H.W.M. [High Water
                Mark] to the southward bounded S. [south] by the woods.
                1 S. [stage], 1 F. [flake], 3 H. [houses], 2 G. [garden]
                1 M. [meadow] [8.66 acres - PFG]

        No. 346 John Mason of Gasters - 1780
                Purchased from Jno. [John] Cox for $30. [Pounds]

                105 yds [315 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] 134 yds [402 ft] from H.W.M. [High Water Mark]
                to the S. [south] bounded S. [south] by the woods and
                S.W. [south west] by the Masons. 3 H [houses], 1 G.
                [garden], 1 M. [meadow] [2.91 acres - PFG]

        No. 347 James Mason of Gasters - 1806
                By his father

                52 yds [156 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded S.W. [south west] by Peter Quinlan on
                the N.E. [north east] by John Mason 201 yds [603 ft]
                from H.W.M. [High Water Mark] to the S. [south] bounded
                on the S. [south] by the woods. 1 H. [house], 1 M.
                [meadow] [2.16 acres - PFG]

        No. 348 John Courage of Gasters - 1790
                Cut out of the woods by his father

                175 yds [525 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded S.W. [south west] by the Masons N.E. [north
                east] by Jno. [John] Scivior 149 yds [447 ft] from the
                Banks [q.v., cliff edge] to the S. [south] bounded on the
                S. [south] by the woods. 1 H. [house], 1 M. [meadow]
                [5.39 acres - PFG]

        No. 349 John Scivior of Gasters - 1802
                Bequeath to him by his father's will

                160 yds [480 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded S.W. [south west] by Jno. [John] Courage
                N.E. [north east] by Robert Anthony 200 yds [600 ft]
                from H.W.M. [High Water Mark] to the S. [south] bounded
                S. [south] by the woods 1 S. [stage], 1 F. [flake], 3 H.
                [houses], 4 G. [gardens], 1 M. [meadow]. [6.61 acres -

                Another plot 67 yds [201 ft from S.W. [south west] to N.
                E. [north east] 70 yds [210 ft] from H.W.M [High Water
                Mark] to the S. [south]. 1 Meadow [0.97 acres - PFG]

        PAGE 53:

        No. 350 Robert Anthony of Gasters - 1801
                By deed of gift from Geo. [George] Butler

                106 yds [318 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded S.W. [south west] by John Scivior on the
                N. [north] by Jas. [James] Hedderson 200 yds [600 ft]
                from H.W.M. [High Water Mark] to the S. [south] bounded
                on the S. [south] by the woods. 1 S. [stage], 1 F.
                [flake], 2 H. [houses], 1 G. [garden], 1 Meadow [4.38
                acres - PFG]

                Robert Anthony of Gasters - 1803
                Purchased from Timy [Timothy] Tool [O'Toole] for $10

                Another plot 68 yds [204 ft] from S.W. [south west] to
                N.E. [north east] 71 yds [213 ft] from H.W.M. [High
                Water Mark] to the S. [south] bounded S. [south] by
                the woods. No buildings [1.00 acres - PFG]

        No. 351 James Hedderson of Turks Gut - 1796
                By deed of gift from his Mother-in-Law

                60 yds [180 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded on the S.W. [south west] by Robt. [Robert]
                Anthony on the N.E. [north east] by Jno. [John] Goushon
                [Gushue - PFG] 69 yds [207 ft] from H.W.M. [High Water
                Mark] to the S. [south] bounded on the S. [south] by
                Timothy Lines, 1 Meadow. [0.85 acres - PFG]

        No. 352 Timothy Lines of Bacon Cove - 1796
                By deed of gift from his Mother-in-Law

                31 yds [93 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded on the S.W. [south west] by Jno [John]
                Goushon [Gushue - PFG] 161 yds [483 ft] from S. [south]
                to N. [north] bounded N. [north] by Jas. [James]
                Hedderson and S. [south] by the woods, 1 M. [meadow]
                [1.03 acres - PFG]

        No. 353 John Goushon [Gushue - PFG] of Bacon Cove - 1796
                By deed of gift from his Mother-in-Law

                42 yds [126 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded on the S.W. [south west] Timothy Lines
                on the N.E. [north east] by Jno. [John] Scivior 190
                yds [570 ft] from N. [north] to S. [south] bounded N.
                [north] by Jas. [James] Hedderson and S. [south] by
                the Woods, 1 M. [meadow] [1.6 acres - PFG]

        No. 354 Dennis Sullivan of Salmon Cove/Southern Arm - 1798
                Cut out of the woods

                40 yds [120 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] 50 yds [150 ft] from the Banks [q.v., cliff edge]
                to the S. [south] bounded by the woods. 1 H [house],
                1 G. [garden], 1 M. [meadow]. [0.41 acres - PFG]

        No. 355 John Keating of Salmon Cove/Northern Arm - 1799
                Cut out of the woods

                100 yds [300 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] 50 yds [150 ft] from the Banks [q.v., cliff edge]
                to the N.W. [north west] bounded on all sides by the
                woods. 1 H. [house], 1 Garden [1.03 acres - PFG]

        No. 356 John Flannagen Jr. [Junior] of Salmon Cove/Northern
                Arm - 1797
                Cut out of the woods

                115 yds [345 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] 61 yds [183 ft] from the Banks [q.v., cliff edge]
                to the N. [north] West bounded by woods. 1 H. [house],
                1 Garden [1.45 acres - PFG]

        PAGE 54:

        No. 357 Wm. [William] Kennedy and Jas. [James] Mahany of
                Northern Arm/Salmon Cove - 1798
                Cut and cleared agreeable to Wm. [William], III,
                Chap. [Chapter] 25, Sec. [Section] 7

                126 yds [378 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded on the S.W. [south west] by John Flannagan
                on the N.W. [north west] by Timmy [Timothy] Toole
                [O'Toole] 200 yds [600 ft] from H.W.M. [High Water Mark]
                to the N.W. [north west] to the N.W. [north west]
                bounded on the N.W. [north west] by the woods. 1 S.
                [stage], 1 F. [flake], 3 H. [houses], 2 Gardens [5.21
                acres - PFG]

        No. 358 Timothy Toole of Northern Arm/Salmon Cove - 1804
                Cut and cleared agreeable to Act Wm. [William], III
                Chap. [Chapter] 25, Sec. [Section] 7

                127 yds [381 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded on the S.W. [south west] by Wm. [William]
                Kennedy and Jas. [James] Mahany on the N.E. [north
                east] by Martin Currin and Co. [Company] 191 yds [573
                ft] from H.W.M. [High Water Mark] to the N.W. [north
                west] bounded on the N.W. [north west] by the woods.
                1 S. [stage], 1 F. [flake], 1 H. [house], 1 G. [garden]
                [5.01 acres - PFG]

        No. 359 Martin Currin and John Kelly of Northern Arm/Salmon
                Cove - 1805
                Cut out of the woods

                121 yds [363 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] 184 yds [552 ft] from H.W.M. [High Water Mark]
                to the N.W. [north west] bounded N.W. [north west] by
                the woods No Buildings [4.60 acres - PFG]

        No. 360 John Mahany of Northern Arm/Salmon Cove - 1776
                Cut out of the woods

                201 yds [603 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded S.W. [south west] by Martin Currin and
                John Kelly 193 yds [579 ft] from H.W.M. [High Water
                Mark] to the N.W. [north west] bounded N.W. [north west]
                by the woods. 1 S. [stage], 1 F. [flake], 1 H. [house],
                1 G. [garden] [8.02 acres - PFG]

                John Mahany of Northern Arm/Salmon Cove - 1781
                cut out of the woods

                Another plot 16 yds [48 ft] from S.W. [south west] to
                N. [north] East bounded S.W. [south west] by Thos.
                [Thomas] Mahany on the N.E. [north east] by Edward
                Dalton 174 yds [522 ft] from H.W.M. [High Water Mark]
                to the N.W. [north west] bounded by the woods. 1 Meadow
                [0.58 acres - PFG]

                John Mahany of Northern Arm/Salmon Cove - 1773
                Cut out of the woods

                Another plot 147 yds [441 ft] from S.W. [south west] to
                N. [north] East 20 yds [60 ft] from the Banks [q.v., the
                cliff edge] to the N.W. [north west] bounded on all
                sides by the woods. 2 Meadows. [0.61 acres - PFG]

        No. 361 John Flannagan, Sr. [Senior] of Northern Arm/Salmon
                Cove - 1800
                Cut and cleared agreeable to Act Wm. [William], III,
                Chap. [Chapter] 25, Sec. [Section] 7

                49 yds [147 ft] from S. [south] West to N.E. [north
                east] bounded on the S.W. [south west] by John Mahany
                165 yds [495 ft] from H.W.M. [High Water Mark] to the
                N.W. [north west] bounded N.W. [north west] by the
                woods on the N.E. by Jas. [James] Hayes and Robert
                Connell. 1 Stage, 1 F. [flake], 2 H. [houses], 1
                Garden [1.67 acres - PFG]

        PAGE 55:

        No. 362 James Hays and Robert Connell of Northern Arm/Salmon
                Cove/Gasters [later Cats Cove - PFG] - 1798
                Purchased from Maurice Mahany for $5. [Pounds]

                162 yds [486 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded S.W. [south west] by Jno. [John]
                Flanagan N.E. [north east] by Maurice Wade 200 [600 ft]
                from H.W.M. [High Water Mark] to the N.W. [north west]
                bounded N.W. [north west] by the woods. 1 Stage, 1 flake,
                1 House, 2 Gardens, 1 Meadow [6.69 acres - PFG]

        No. 363 Maurice Wade of Northern Arm/Salmon Cove/Gasters
                [later called Cats Cove - PFG] - 1776
                Cut out of the woods

                50 yds [150 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N. [north]
                East bounded S.W. [south west] by Jas. [James] Hays
                [Hayes] and Rt. [Robert] Connell on the N.E. [north
                east] by Thomas Mahany --- yds [--- ft] from the
                Banks [q.v., cliff edge] to the N.W. [north west]
                bounded N.W. [north west] by the woods. Half Stage,
                1 F. [flake], 1 H. [house], 1 G. [garden].

        No. 364 Thomas Mahany of Northern Arm/Salmon Cove/Gasters
                [later called Cats Cove - PFG] - 1776
                Cut out of the woods

                24 yds [72 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded on the S.W. [south west] by Maurice
                Wade on the N.E. [north east] by John Mahany 200 yds
                [600 ft] from H.W.M. [High Water Mark] to the N.W.
                [north west] bounded on the N.W. [north west] by the
                woods. 1/2 S. [stage], 1 F. [flake], 1 G. [garden],
                1 H. [house], 1 Meadow [0.33 acres - PFG]

        No. 365 Edward Dalton of Northern Arm/Salmon Cove/Gasters
                [later called Cats Cove - PFG] - 1797
                Purchased from Dennis Connor for $4. [Pounds]

                115 yds [345 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded on the S.W. [south west] by John Manahy
                [Mahany] on the N.E. [north east] by Maurice Manahy
                [Mahany] 203 yds [609 ft] from H.W.M. [High Water Mark]
                to the N.W. [north west] bounded N.W. [north west] by
                the woods. 1 H. [house], 2 G. [gardens], 1 Meadow
                [4.82 acres - PFG]

        No. 366 Maurice Mahany of Cats Cove - 1781
                By deed of gift from Rich. [Richard] Hoskins

                178 yds [534 ft] from S.W. [south east] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded on the S.W. [south west] by Edward Dalton
                on the N.E. [north east] by Dennis Connors 137 yds [411
                ft] from H.W.M. [high water Mark] to the N.W. [north
                west] bounded on the N.W. [north west] by the woods
                1 S. [stage], 1 F. [flake], 2 H. [house], 2 G. [garden]
                1 Meadow [5.04 acres - PFG]

        No. 367 Dennis Connor of Cats Cove - 1799
                By deed of gift from Rich. [Richard] Hoskins

                122 yds [366 ft] from S.W [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded S.W. [south west] by Maurice Manahy
                [Mahany] on the N.E. [north east] by Edward Wade 175
                yds [525 ft] from H.W.M. [high water Mark] to the N.W.
                [north west] bounded on the N.W. [north west] by the
                woods. 1 S. [stage], 1 F. [flake], 2 H. [house], 2 G.
                [garden], 1 Meadow [4.41 acres - PFG]

        PAGE 56:

        No. 368 Edward Wade of Cats Cove - 1791
                Purchased from Michael Keating for $28 [Pounds]

                117 yds [351 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded on the S.W. [south west] by Dennis Connor
                on the N.E. [north east] by Wm. [William] Walsh 200 yds
                [600 ft] from H.W.M. [High Water Mark] to the N.W.
                [north west] bounded on the N.W. [north west] by the
                woods. 1 S. [stage], 1 F. [flake], 1 H. [house], 1 G.
                [garden], 1 Meadow. [4.84 acres - PFG].

        No. 369 William Walsh of Kit Hughes [Kitchuses] - 1776
                Bequeath to him by his father's will

                204 yds [612 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded S.W. [south west] by Robert Wade on the
                N.E. [north east] by the woods 137 yds [411 ft] from
                H.W.M. [High Water Mark] to the N.E. [north east]
                bounded on the N.E. [north east] by the woods. 1 S.
                [stage], 1 F. [flake], 2 H. [houses], 2 G. [gardens]
                1 Meadow. [5.77 acres - PFG]

        No. 370 James Hays of Kit Hughes [Kitchuses] - 1799
                By deed of gift from his Father-in-Law

                123 yds [369 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] 20 yds [60 ft] from the Banks [q.v., cliff edge]
                to the N.W. [north west] bounded on all sides by the
                woods. 2 Meadows [0.51 acres - PFG]

        No. 371 Thomas Costelloe of Kit Hughes [Kitchuses] - 1774
                Cut and cleared agreeable to Act Wm. [William], III,
                Chap. [Chapter] 25, Sec. [Section] 7.

                255 yds [765 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded S.W. [south west] by James Hays N.E.
                [north east] by Daniel Costelloe 200 yds [600 ft] from
                H.W.M. [High Water Mark] to the N.W. [north west]
                bounded N.W. [north west] by woods. 1 S. [stage], 3 F.
                [flakes], 3 H. [houses], 1 G. [garden], 1 M. [meadow]
                [10.54 acres - PFG]

        No. 372 Daniel Costelloe of Kit Hughes  [Kitchuses] - 1770
                Cut out of the woods

                270 yds [810 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] 142 yds [426 ft] from the Banks [q.v., cliff edge]
                to the N.W. [north west] bounded N.W. [north west] by
                the woods, 2 G. [garden], 1 Meadow. [7.92 acres - PFG].

        No. 373 Michael Costelloe of Kit Hughes [Kitchuses] - 1774
                Cut and cleared agreeable to Act Wm. [William], III,
                Chap. [Chapter] 25, Sec. [Section] 7.

                563 yds [1,689 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded S.W. [south west] by Danl. [Daniel]
                Costelloe on the N.E. [north east] by David Kenny 149
                yds [447 ft] from H.W.M. [High Water Mark] to the N.W.
                [north west] by the woods, 1 S. [stage], 1 F. [flake],
                3 H. [houses], 5 G. [gardens], 1 Meadow [17.33 acres -

        No. 374 David Kenny of Kit Hughes [Kitchuses]- 1775
                Cut and cleared agreeable to Act Wm. [William], III,
                Chap. [Chapter] 25, Sec. [Section] 7.

                135 yds [405 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded S.W. [south west] bt Michael Costelloe
                on the N.E. [north east] by Andrew Kenny 176 yds [528
                ft] from H.W.M. [High Water Mark] to the N. [north]
                West bounded N.W. [north west] by the woods, 1 S.
                [stage], 2 F. [flakes], 3 H. [houses], 3 G. [gardens]
                1 Meadow [4.91 acres - PFG]

        PAGE 57:

        No. 375 Andrew Kenny of Kit Hughes [Kitchuses] - 1788
                Cut out of the Woods

                Andrew Kenny 205 yds [615 ft] from S.W. [south west]
                to N.E. [north east] 118 yds [354 ft] from the Banks
                [shore line cliff] to the N.W. [north west] 2 H.
                [houses], 2 G. [gardens], 1 Meadow [1.67 acres - PFG]

        No. 376 James Murphy of Kit Hughs [Kitchuses] - 1803
                Cut and cleared agreeable to Act Wm [William] III,
                Chap. [Chapter] 25, Sec [Section] 7

                140 yds [420 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded on the S.W. [south west] by Andrew Kenny
                on the N.E. [north east] by the woods 119 yds [357 ft]
                1 S. [stage], 1 F [flake], 2 H. [houses], 3 G. [garden]
                1 Meadow. [3.44 acres - PFG]

        No. 377 Nichs. [Nicholes] Cole of Upper Bacon Cove - 1793
                By deed of gift from his grandfather

                70 yds [210 ft] from N. [north] to S. [south] by the
                Seaside, bounded on the N. [north] by the woods on the
                S. by Richd [Richard] Griffin and Silvester Leary 175
                yds [510 ft] from H.W.M. [High Water Mark] to the west-
                ward bounded on the west by the woods 2 Gardens, 1
                Meadow. [2.46 acres - PFG]

        No. 378 Richd. [Richard] Griffin and Silvester Leary of Upper
                Bacon Cove - 1806
                Cut and cleared agreeable to Act Wm. [William] III,
                Chap. [Chapter] 25, Sec. [Section] 7

                120 yds [360 ft] from N. [north] to S. [south] by the
                Seaside bounded on the S. [south] by the woods, on the
                N. [north] by Nicholas Cole 195 yds [585 ft] from H.W.M.
                [High Water Mark] to the W. [west] bounded on the W.
                [west] by the woods, 1 S. [stage], 1 F. [flake], 2 H.
                [houses], 1 G. [garden], 1 Meadow [4.83 acres - PFG]

        No. 379 Richard Griffin of Lower Bacon Cove - 1794
                Cut out of the woods

                60 yds [180 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] 10 yds [30 ft] from S. [south] to North, 1 H.
                [house], 1 Garden. [0.12 acres - PFG]

        No. 380 Timothy Lines [Lyons] of Lower Bacon Cove - 1766
                Cut and cleared agreeable to Act Wm. [William], III,
                Chap. [Chapter] 25, Sec. [Section] 7

                198 yds [594 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded on the S.W. [south west] by Richard
                Griffin on the N.E. [north east] by John Goushon
                [Gushue - PFG] 176 yds [528 ft] from H.W.M. [High Water
                Mark] to the N.W. [north west] bounded on the W. [west]
                by the woods 1 S. [stage], 1 F. [flake], 1 H. [house],
                1 G. [garden], 1 M. [meadow]. [6.35 acres - PFG]

        No. 381 John Goushon [Gushue - PFG] of Lower Bacon Cove - 1775
                Cut and cleared agreeable to Act Wm. [William], III,
                Chap. [Chapter] 25, Sec. [Section] 7

                488 yds [1,464 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E.
                [north east] bounded on the S.W. [south west] by
                Timothy Lines on the N.E. [north east] by the woods
                141 yds [423 ft] from H.W.M. [High Water Mark] to the
                N.W. [north west] bounded on the N.W. [north west] by
                the woods, 1 S. [stage], 2 F. [flakes], 4 H. [houses]
                2 G. [gardens], 1 Meadow. [14.22 acres - PFG]

        PAGE 58:

        No. 382 Edward and Mary Merrigan of Colliers Dock - 1780
                Cut out of the woods

                174 yds [522 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] 105 yds [315 ft] from the Banks [cliff edge] to
                theSouthward bounded on the S [south] by the woods. No
                Buildings. [3.77 acres - PFG]

        No. 383 Robert Fling of Colliers - 1802
                Purchased from Daniel Connors and Matthew Kenny for
                $9 [Pounds]

                80 yds [240 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] 200 yds [600 ft] from H.W.M. [High Water Mark]
                to the S. [south] bounded on all sides by the woods.
                1 S. [stage], 1 F. [flake], 2 H. [house], 3 G. [garden]
                1 M. [meadow]. [3.31 acres - PFG]

        No. 384 Daniel Mahany and Theophilus Wells of Colliers - 1796
                Half purchased from Theophilus Wells for $8 [Pounds]
                and the other half rented for $15 [Pounds] per annum.

                75 yds [225 ft] from S.W. [south east] to N.E. [north
                east] 147 yds [441 ft] from the Banks [cliff edge] to
                the S. [south] bounded on all sides by the woods, 2 H.
                [houses], 2 G. [garden], 1 Meadow. [2.28 acres - PFG]

        No. 385 Stephen Bennett of Colliers - 1798
                By deed of gift from John Dyer

                73 yds [219 ft] from S.W. [south east] to N. E. [north
                east] by the Seaside bounded S.W. [south west] by Danl
                [Daniel] Mahany and Theophilus Wells on the N.E. [north
                east] on the N.E. [north east] Samuel Ganey 25 yds [75
                ft] from H.W.M. [High Water Mark] to the S. [south]
                bounded S. [south] by Daniel Mahany and Theophilus
                Wells. No Buildings. [0.38 acres - PFG]

        No. 386 James Cole of Colliers - 1799
                Purchased from Maurice Murphy for $12 [Pounds]

                52 yds [156 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] 30 yds [90 ft] from the Path to the Southward
                bounded on the S. [south] by the woods. 1 G. [garden]
                1 Meadow [0.32 acres - PFG]

        No. 387 Samuel Guaney of Colliers - 1800
                By deed of gift from his father

                141 yds [423 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] by the seaside bounded on the S.W. [south west]
                by Robert Fling's Garden on the N.E. [north east] by
                James Hearn 18 yds [54 ft] from H.W.M. [High Water Mark]
                to the S. [south] bounded on the S. [south] by James
                Hearn's Garden. 1 House, 1 Garden, 1 Meadow. [0.52
                acres - PFG]

        No. 388 James Hearn of Colliers - 1798
                Purchased from Jas. [James] Burke for $20 [Pounds]

                250 yds [750 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] 120 yds [360 ft] from the Banks [cliff edge] to
                the Southward bounded on the S. [south] by the woods.
                2 Houses, 3 Gardens. [6.20 acres - PFG]

        PAGE 59:

        No. 389 James Whealon of Colliers - 1803
                Cut and cleared agreeeable to Act Wm. [William] III,
                Cap. [Chapter] 25, Sec. [Section] 7

                175 yds [525 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bound ed on the S.W. [south west] by James Heam
                on the N.E. [north east] by John Wall 200 yds [600 ft]
                from H.W.M. to the Southward bounded on the S. [south]
                by the Woods, 1 S. [stage], 1 F. [flake], 1 H. [house],
                1 G. [garden]. [7.23 acres - PFG]

        No. 390 John Wall of Colliers - 1801 [12-01-1787]
                By deed of gift from his mother-in-law

                111 yds [333 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded on the S.W. by Jas. [James] Whealon on
                the N.E. [north east] by Thos. [Thomas] & [and] David
                Whealon 187 yds [561 ft] from H.W.M. [high water mark]
                to the S. [south] bounded S. [south] by the woods 1 H.
                [house], 2 G. [gardens]. [4.29 acres - PFG]

                Note: This room is disposed by Bill of sale dated 1
                December 1787 to Thos. [Thomas] & [and] Lawrence Dunn
                for $90.8 [q.v., Pounds]
                Witnessed by Lional Chancy, & Wm. [William] Mullowney

        No. 391 Thomas & David Whealon of Colliers - 1796
                By deed of gift from their Father

                86 yds [258 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded by the S.W. [south west] by John Wall on
                the N.E. [north east] on the N.E. [north east] by the
                Cole's Room 172 yds [516 ft] from H.W.M. [High Water
                Mark] to the S. [south] bounded on the S. [south] by
                the woods. 1 S. [stage], 1 F. [flake], 1 H. [house],
                2 G. [garden], 1 Meadow. [3.06 acres - PFG]

        No. 392 Mary Whealon, during her natural life, Jas. [James]
                Cole, Jno. [John] Cole, Mary Cullin, Mary Cole of
                Colliers - 1778
                By deed of gift from John Cole
                Mary Whealon 44 yds [132 ft] during her natural life,
                James Cole 43 yds [129 ft]  John Cole, Mary Cullin
                and Mary Cole 15 yds [45 ft] each in the whole 132 yds
                [396 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north east]
                bounded on the S.W. [south west] by Thos. [Thomas] &
                David Whealon on the N.E. [north east] by Wm. [William]
                Skehan 174 yds [522 ft] from H.W.M. [High Water Mark]
                to the S. [south] bounded on the S. [south] by the
                woods. 1 S. [stage], 1 F. [flake], 2 H. [houses], 1 G.
                [gardens], 1 Meadow [4.75 acres - PFG]

        No. 393 Wm. [William] Skehan of Colliers - 1793
                By deed of gift from his Father

                150 yds [450 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded on the S.W. [south west] by Mary Whealon
                and on the N. [north] East by the woods 200 yds [600
                ft] from H.W.M. [High Water Mark] to the Southward
                bounded S. [south] by the woods. 1 S. [stage], 2 F.
                [flakes], 1 H. [house], 3 G. [garden], 1 M. [meadow]
                [6.20 acres - PFG]

        No. 394 Ann, Catherine and Williian Narrowcot of Colliers -
                By deed of gift from their Grandfather

                60 yds [120 ft] from - 17 [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded S.W. [south west] by the woods on the
                N.E. [north east] by Catherine Bryan 198 yds [594 ft]
                from H.W.M. [High Water Mark] to the Southward bounded
                on the S. [south] by the woods. 1 S. [stage], 2 F.
                [flakes], 1 H. [house], 3 G. [garden], 1 M. [meadow].
                [1.64 acres - PFG]

        PAGE 60:

        No. 395 Catherine Bryan and Mary Lee of Colliers - 1793
                By deed of gift from her Father-in-Law

                161 yds [483 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N.E. [north
                east] bounded on the S.W. [south west] by the Narrowcots
                on the N.E. [north east] by the woods 188 yds. [564 ft]
                from H.W.M. [High Water Mark] to the N. [north] bounded
                on the N. [north] by the woods 1 S. [stage], 1 F.
                [flake], 2 H. [houses], 3 G. [gardens], 1 Meadow [6.25
                acres - PFG]

                Note: Mrs. Hedderson is to have the grass annually that
                the meadow ground produces during her natural life.

        No. 396 Thomas Raymon [Raymond] of Colliers - 1791
                Purchased from his Mother for $10 [Pounds]

                121 yds [263 ft] from S.E. [south east] to N.E. [north
                east] by the Beach bounded on the S.E. [south east] by
                Catherine Bryan and Mary Lee on the N.W. [north west]
                by the woods 200 yds [600 ft] from H.W.M. [High Water
                Mark] to the N.E. [north east] bounded on the N.E.
                [north east] by Jas. [James] Hedderson's Garden. 1 Wharf,
                2 H. [houses], 4 G. [gardens], 1 Meadow. [3.62 acres -

        No. 397 James Hedderson of Colliers - 1766
                Cut out of the woods

                Plot 1: 32 yds [96 ft] from S.W. [south west] to N. E.
                [north east] 34 yds [102 ft] from S.E. [south east] to
                N.W. [north west] 1 G. [garden] [0.23 acres - PFG]

                Plot 2: 25 yds [75 ft] from N.W. [north west] to S.E.
                [south east] 15 yds [45 ft] from S.W. to N.E. [north
                east] bounded on all sides by the woods. 1 G. [garden]
                [0.08 acres - PFG]

        No. 398 Chas. [Charles] McKue of Turks Gutt - 1805
                Cut out of the woods

                120 yds [360 ft] from E. [east] to W. [west] 50 yds
                [150 ft] from S. [south] to N. [north] bounded on all
                sides by the woods. 1 House, 1 Garden. [1.24 acres -

        No. 399 James Edderson [Hedderson] of Turks Gut - 1796
                Cut and cleared agreeable to Act Wm. [William], III,
                Cap. [Chapter] 25, Sec. [Section] 7.

                370 yds [1,110 ft] from E. [east] to West at the
                South side of the Gutt bounded on the E. [east] by
                John Power and N. [north] by the woods 790 yds [2,370
                ft] from E. [east] to W. [west] on the N. [north] side
                of the Gut bounded S. [south] by the Gut on all sides
                else by the woods. 1 S. [stage], 1 F. [flake], 2 H.
                [houses], 3 G. [garden], 2 M. [meadow]. [60.4 acres -

        No. 400 John Power of Turks Gutt - 1804
                Purchased from Jas. [James] Hedderson for $50 [Pounds]

                40 yds [120 ft] from E. [east] to W. [west] 20 yds
                [60 ft] from S. [south] to N. [north]. 1 House, 1
                Garden. [0.17 acres - PFG]

        No. 401 James and Thomas Rose of Turks Gutt - 1800
                Cut and cleared agreeable to Act Wm. [William], III
                Chape. [Chapter] 25, Sec. [Section] 7

                421 yds [1,263 ft] from E. [east] to S. [south]
                bounded E. [east] by the woods W. [west] by John Syms
                80 yds [240 ft] from the Gutt to the S. [south] by the
                woods. [6.96 acres - PFG]

                Another plot 52 yds [156 ft] from E. [east] to W. [west]
                16 yds [48 ft] from S. [south] to N. [north] 1 S.
                [stage], 2 F. [flakes], 2 H. [houses], 3 G. [gardens],
                1 M. [meadow]. [0.17 acres - PFG]

         Copyright 1995, Gushue & Associates, Ltd.
         a Newfoundland Corporation
         Bacon Cove, NF - Boston, MA - Warwick, RI




Page Contribibuted by Judy Barker
Page Updated by Barbara McGrath (February 17th, 2000)
Page Revised by Craig Peterman (September 2002)

Page Last Modified: Tuesday March 26, 2013 (Don Tate)

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